View Full Version : Favourite Minigames

2008-09-27, 04:51 PM
I want to know what peoples favourite minigames are, afterall these are featured in a lot of games.

My personal favourites are
Submarine & Biking in Final Fantasy VII(although pretty much all the minigames are fun)
Monster Fighting in Dragonquest VIII
Card Battling from Chocobo Tales and the game where you have to identify the job.
Cecil's Goblin Gauntlet thingy from Final Fantasy IV
Gummi Ship thingy in Kingdom Hearts 2

I'll probably thing of more as time go.

By the way, Minigame compilation games such as the aforementioned Chocobo Tales or the Warioware games(I think they're the ones anyway) are valid.

2008-09-27, 04:57 PM
The various archery minigames in the Legend of Zelda series.

2008-09-27, 05:03 PM
I'll go with warmachine/hordes and warhammer fantasy.

oh wait you mini-games. not mini games.

sorry can't be of much further use

2008-09-27, 05:13 PM
That's why I wrote it as one word.

Stealing on Link's Awakening was fun, but I don't know if it classes as a minigame.

2008-09-27, 05:17 PM
Cell, Creature, Tribal and Civilization phases in Spore.

2008-09-27, 05:22 PM
Are you sure they count as minigames, they're the entire game are they not? Although I see how it could work like that.

2008-09-27, 05:25 PM
They're not minigames. The editors are more like minigames, because they take place not in the actual game, but I wouldn't say they are.

2008-09-27, 05:50 PM
In a world where puzzle minigames are so shamelessly knocked off, I'm sorry that I've never seen a revision of my favorite: the "Beacon" game from Hodj 'n' Podj. Man, I've got to find my CD-ROM of that just so I can play it again. *whimper*

Also, just about everything from Pandora's Box was awesome.

2008-09-27, 08:50 PM
Mario Party?

2008-09-27, 10:12 PM
I second the FF 7 submarine hunting, and the card game from FF 8

2008-09-28, 10:10 AM
Fishing in Breath of Fire 3 - That could have been a game in it's own right. Trying to catch a Whale or Barandy was awesome and about as epic as that game ever got. Used to play it for hours.

Triple Triad on FF8 - I liked this so much I have the set of real life cards they released when it came out.

2008-09-29, 10:35 PM
The duels in Pirates III (especially the one in taverns where the barwench scones the opponent with a tankard).

But I think a much more interesting topic is which are the WORST minigames, and for that I have two clear winners:

1. Opening locked objects in Mass Effect; and

2. Flying the Magnificent Dragonfly in Jade Empire.

I'm sure it's no conincidence that both are Bioware games...

2008-09-29, 10:38 PM
I liked playing Blitzball in FF-whatever.