View Full Version : Transferring Data Question?

2008-09-27, 06:12 PM
Whenever I load this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83321&page=18) page of the 4th edition RAW thread, my infobar at the bottom tells me it's transferring data from "www.gorbashkazdar.com".

But, when I go thru the page and look for anything Kazdar-related, I can find nothing.

I'm curious why this is.

2008-09-27, 06:16 PM
You don't see it because it doesn't exist. It's trying to download a non-existent image. (Namely, in Frosty's signature.)

2008-09-28, 02:52 AM
Well, that makes perfect sense.

I was just curious.

Curiosity satisfied :smallsmile: