View Full Version : W40K: Orks vs. Tyranids

2008-09-28, 05:03 PM
I was thinking about this scenario: suppose some Ork Warboss succeeds in organizing the majority of the Orks in the galaxy into a single WAAGH (temporally, of course) and decides to bash the Tyranids. Who will prevail? (Assuming that other factions won`t interfere.)

Since I`m not an expert in the W40K fluff, I`d like to hear from the experts...

2008-09-28, 05:07 PM
I'd have to say the Orks.

The only thing stopping them from dominating the entire galaxy is the fact that they're warring tribes. If they were unified...

Plus, you have to remember. They reproduce asexually. Almost like fungus. If there's that many of them, how many worlds will fall? Thousands. Thousands of planets, each infected by Ork spores. There'd be as close to an infinite number of them as can be imagined, and when a hive fleet was defeated even MORE would be ready to fight the next one.

Having said that, the 'Nids might somehow evolve a bioweapon, so... yeah. If that happened, the Orks would die. Badly.

warty goblin
2008-09-28, 05:11 PM
Orks is never beaten in battle.

Seriously though, the power of all the orks united is more or less incalcuable. Sure the entire Tyrannid fleet might stand a chance if it ever showed up, but the smaller ones that have appeared so far would simply be obliterated.

Innis Cabal
2008-09-28, 05:34 PM
Remember, the fleets that have shown up are the precursor fleets. Not even close to the major armies of the Hive.

Saying that. If it was a scout arm. Orks, if not.....Necrons.

2008-09-28, 05:34 PM
well, normally the Tyranids are the best race for fighting Da Orkz, because they eat all biological matter on a planet so the Ork spores can't spawn more boyz.

However, All Da Orkz in the galaxy combined would mean the Tyranids wouldn't have a chance. Also, I think that the nature of the WAAAUGGHHH is such that each individual ork gets more dangerous when there are more Orkz around.

Also, the warboss who united them would be very very Big indeed. And though it's not possible to have enuf dakka, this WAAAUGHHHH could get pretty close.

2008-09-28, 05:44 PM
I thought it wasn't possible to get close to infinity...?

Anyway, if the Tyranids have already eaten the battleground clean, they'll probably win. (Assuming this is the real Hive Fleet that ate the galaxy it came from and all). It'd be prolonged, (And have lots of stompas!) but the ork spores wouldn't be able to grown, whereas the nids would eat the dead on both sides.
If not, the Orks would win. There'd be so damn many that by the time the nids kill them all, the ones who died have already spored and reproduced and there's MORE of them...

Edit: And I agree with BRC, the warbo warlor wargod who united them all would find some bio-titans and duke it out with them. Not for actually fighting, of course. Just to warm up...

2008-09-28, 05:49 PM
This boils down to whether there are there more Orks, or more Tyranids.

Nobody has any idea, so you'll get equally conclusive results from flipping a coin, and a whole lot less pointless arguing. :smallwink:

2008-09-28, 06:04 PM
Isn't this already happening in the fluff? Part of the one fleet is in Ork space. You know what's happening? More ors are thriving and more, and more dangerous, Tyranid breeds have begun to be seen but so far it's been a stale-mate.

2008-09-28, 06:19 PM
Agreeing with Callos. I know its happened before, but I can't remember the specifics. Other races become worried as the two races that get stronger as they fight are battling each other (Ork growth and 'Nid directed mutations). So if that is not stopped, the winner will be much more powerful than ever before.

But... as far as even fights go, I would say Orks would normally win on a planetary scale. However, over several the planets the Tyranids would likely win as each time they eat a world it is a much more permanent victory.

2008-09-28, 06:31 PM
Well, first, whichever Eldar responsible for all this congratulates himself heartily on it and will continue to do so right up until he gets outfoxed by Tzeentch and/or The Deceiver right before he's eaten by Slaneesh.

Anyway, I'm going to go with Da Boys. The sheer numbers involved in a WAAAAAAGH!ageddon will let them run right through your average Hive fleet, which should only increase their numbers before the Main Tyrannid Fleet shows up.

More importantly though, the notion that they're following an Ork big and bad enough to get this many Orks together might just convince each individual Ork that they're invincible so long as they follow him. While it wouldn't actually make them invincible (well, probably), they ought to get a pretty big boost out of the simple fact that there are so many Orks together all at once.

2008-09-28, 06:43 PM
Wow... in a WAAAGH! that big, think of what the Weird Boyz might do...

I can just see some giant mental spike completely messing up the hive mind or exploding and entire ships worth of heads.

Sounds like something the Orks could do. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-28, 07:15 PM
I recall in one of the Horus Hersey artbooks IRRC, that their was a Ork warboss who was powerful enough to fight the Emperor hand to hand to the point that he needed Horus to back him up.....

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-28, 08:43 PM
Holy...an ork that strong? My concept of Warhammer power levels just plummeted. I had been leaning towards the nids and their world eating powers...now though...

What kind of space strength do orks have?

2008-09-28, 10:23 PM
Speaking of Warpiness and Orks, what would happen if, say, somebody like Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka gets up and makes a speech about Gork and Mork in front of untold billions of Orks and says something along the lines of "If dey wuz here right now"?

Could that many Orks together thinking about Gork and Mork at the same time drag them into the Materium?

2008-09-28, 10:28 PM
Speaking of Warpiness and Orks, what would happen if, say, somebody like Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka gets up and makes a speech about Gork and Mork in front of untold billions of Orks and says something along the lines of "If dey wuz here right now"?

Could that many Orks together thinking about Gork and Mork at the same time drag them into the Materium?
Perhaps not, but it could definetally create them as Warp Entities which would immedietally begin fighting, destroying all four Chaos gods by accident, stepping on the GEoMK, and loading the Necron gods into their weapons for ammo.

2008-09-28, 10:31 PM
Speaking of Warpiness and Orks, what would happen if, say, somebody like Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka gets up and makes a speech about Gork and Mork in front of untold billions of Orks and says something along the lines of "If dey wuz here right now"?

Could that many Orks together thinking about Gork and Mork at the same time drag them into the Materium?

I'm thinking you would at least need trillions of Orks, given their are cases of needing to consume billions of lifes for certain deamon lords to manifest into theMaterium

warty goblin
2008-09-28, 10:34 PM
Perhaps not, but it could definetally create them as Warp Entities which would immedietally begin fighting, destroying all four Chaos gods by accident, stepping on the GEoMK, and loading the Necron gods into their weapons for ammo.

Which would be the closest any Ork has ever come to enuff dakka. It's not enuff dakka, but it's da next best thing.

I mean, if nothing else, you can always make it fire faster. I'm thinking gatling C'Tan guns- over six thousand star eating shots per minute.

2008-09-28, 10:36 PM
Which would be the closest any Ork has ever come to enuff dakka. It's not enuff dakka, but it's da next best thing.

I mean, if nothing else, you can always make it fire faster. I'm thinking gatling C'Tan guns- over six thousand star eating shots per minute.

At the same time, that Warboss who is leading this WAUUGHH is using a gun that fires heavy bolters, which themselves fire in-flight.

2008-09-28, 10:55 PM
At the same time, that Warboss who is leading this WAUUGHH is using a gun that fires heavy bolters, which themselves fire in-flight.


He has FOUR. Two in each hand.

2008-09-28, 10:58 PM
Which would be the closest any Ork has ever come to enuff dakka. It's not enuff dakka, but it's da next best thing.

I mean, if nothing else, you can always make it fire faster. I'm thinking gatling C'Tan guns- over six thousand star eating shots per second.

Fixed that for you. But i think that the power that orcs have by being organized would defeat the tyranids if they ALL managed to work together.

2008-09-29, 12:36 AM
At the same time, that Warboss who is leading this WAUUGHH is using a gun that fires heavy bolters, which themselves fire in-flight.

While riding around on a Mega-Gargant armed with five Stompa Lobbas, a Supa-Stompa Kannon, and fifty Boyz Sluggas, no doubt.

2008-09-29, 02:32 AM
^ Of course, even that is still not enough DAKKA!!

OT, I would have to hand this to the Orks. While they both have large numbers and are good fighthers, the Orks literally live to fight. If a powerful enough Warlord were to gather a large enough WAAAGH!! to take on a Hive Fleet I really have a hard time seeing the Orks lose.

Avilan the Grey
2008-09-29, 02:49 AM
I have never played, only read the fluff, because I enjoy it. Yes I am weird. (I might break down and buy the WAR MMORPG, I like the fluff from Warhammer too)

But yes, I would go with the Orks. Not only because I actually think so but also because "unstoppable buglike (well kinda) waves of aliens" has been done to death by now. Okay, the Tyranids are more intelligent than some of the others, but anyway.

Oh and I *have* played the Warhammer 40K computer games, and maybe our favourite Ork Boss will manage to unite even more of the Boyz under him...''


2008-09-29, 02:50 AM
How would it work out on tabletop?

2008-09-29, 02:57 AM
How would it work out on tabletop?

Games Workshop would make ennough money out of the model sales to buy Belgium.

And the paint companies' shares will skyrocket by 60%

Avilan the Grey
2008-09-29, 03:45 AM
How would it work out on tabletop?

A more accurate description than what Solka says above:

It would take ten thousand men ten thousand years to make but the first move of this battle.

...Besides, by the fourth move, W40K will have happened IRL, right? :smalltongue:

2008-09-29, 03:52 AM
IRL they would play it out in the epic version. It would make things go faster, but it would still take a lot of time, and A LOT of money.

2008-09-29, 03:56 AM
IRL they would play it out in the epic version. It would make things go faster, but it would still take a lot of time, and A LOT of money.

Or it would take a big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big computer to simulate it all...

2008-09-29, 07:01 AM
Good grief, I thought Orks were strong before, but now you're saying that the combined might of the Orks could take down an entire Hive Fleet? :smalleek:

2008-09-29, 07:17 AM
The thing, their strenght is expodentially linked to their number..

The more Orks ya got, the bigger WAAAGH!!! they have. The bigger WAAAGH!!! they have, the stronger they are. The stronger they are, the larger amount of Orks ya can get.

There is only one solution. Nuke from orbit. Many times. With extreme prejudice. Many prejudice!

2008-09-29, 07:41 AM
Good grief, I thought Orks were strong before, but now you're saying that the combined might of the Orks could take down an entire Hive Fleet? :smalleek:No. THE hive fleet. The one that all of the other hive fleets are thought to be merely fragments of; the one expected to reach the galaxy within a century. In short, the tyranid race as a whole.

Saithis Bladewing
2008-09-29, 07:53 AM
Orkz iz the biggest and the strongest, no ork is bigger or stronger den da Ork leadin' this WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!




But yeah, I give this one to the Orkz. If any Warboss could unite the majority of the Ork race into one big WAAGH!!! then I think the entire galaxy would be screwed, and I include the C'Tan and Chaos Gods in that.

2008-09-29, 07:59 AM
The strange thing about Wh40K, is that all races(except the Tau, wich are the closest thing to the good guys there is) have the potential to conquer the entire universe, but whenever one of the sides starts winning, it ends ganked by the others.

But well, in the ocurrence that we have a duel between orks and Tyrannids, both sides win.

Why? Both races are able to evolve extremely fast and are extremely adaptable. The tyranids will assimilate the ork genes and become half-orcs, and the original orks will find them cute and take them as pets. Then the rest of the universe will tremble.

I say the necrons will be the final winners because:
1-They're the only ones don't feeding the chaos gods and the warp.
2-They can't be assimilated by the Tyrannids.
3-They have the tools to kill ork spores, stoping their biggest advanatage.
4-They can't be trickered by the eldar, since they don't think at all.
5-They actually use humans as a resource.
6-They already destroyed the life of the entire universe once. Time to clean it again:smalltongue:

2008-09-29, 08:27 AM
The thing, their strenght is expodentially linked to their number.

Don't you mean quadraticaly?

Saithis Bladewing
2008-09-29, 08:29 AM
Don't you mean quadraticaly? [sic]

Pedant alert!!!

2008-09-29, 08:30 AM
None at all. Their power is defined by C^X, where C is a constant higher than 1, and X is their number.

2008-09-29, 09:14 AM
I say the necrons will be the final winners because:
1-They're the only ones don't feeding the chaos gods and the warp.
2-They can't be assimilated by the Tyrannids.
3-They have the tools to kill ork spores, stoping their biggest advanatage.
4-They can't be trickered by the eldar, since they don't think at all.
5-They actually use humans as a resource.
6-They already destroyed the life of the entire universe once. Time to clean it again:smalltongue:

Not to mention hive fleets take the long route circling around than get close to tomb worlds.

2008-09-29, 09:34 AM
None at all. Their power is defined by C^X, where C is a constant higher than 1, and X is their number.

You're forgeting that the bigger the number of orcs you gather in a place togheter, the bigger the chance that one of them will decide to blow up something big in the middle of them.

Rogue 7
2008-09-29, 10:18 AM
No. THE hive fleet. The one that all of the other hive fleets are thought to be merely fragments of; the one expected to reach the galaxy within a century. In short, the tyranid race as a whole.

That's the biggest thing that bugs me about the new 40K, from what I've picked up. The 'nids are strong enough as is, and this is implying that we've only seen a fraction of their power. Since the Orks are the only possible force that can stop them if they unify (itself incredibly unlikely), everyone else in the universe is completely screwed, and not even the God-Emperor waking up will be able to do anything about it. A little too hopeless for my taste.

2008-09-29, 10:32 AM
That's the biggest thing that bugs me about the new 40K, from what I've picked up. The 'nids are strong enough as is, and this is implying that we've only seen a fraction of their power. Since the Orks are the only possible force that can stop them if they unify (itself incredibly unlikely), everyone else in the universe is completely screwed, and not even the God-Emperor waking up will be able to do anything about it. A little too hopeless for my taste.

That's sort of the entire point behind the Tyranids. It's also why I like them so much.

Rogue 7
2008-09-29, 10:38 AM
Ehhh, they're fine as planet-scouring abominations that are the greatest threat the galaxy has ever seen- like they were in 4th Ed. But the way they're portrayed now, there's literally no chance of any faction other than the Orks being anything more than a minorly inconvenient speed bump. Which is irritating for fans of every single other race- that they've been reduced to nothing more than tyranid chow.

2008-09-29, 10:45 AM
Ehhh, they're fine as planet-scouring abominations that are the greatest threat the galaxy has ever seen- like they were in 4th Ed. But the way they're portrayed now, there's literally no chance of any faction other than the Orks being anything more than a minorly inconvenient speed bump. Which is irritating for fans of every single other race- that they've been reduced to nothing more than tyranid chow.

Necron living metal can't be digested by the tyranids, and they can repair themselves again and again.

Also, their weapon disinitrigate matter, so the tyranids can't even eat their own fallen.

So, the necrons will eventually crush the tyranids in a war of atrition, disinitrigating a few hundred genestealers at a time, killing them by hunger:smalltongue:

Like said above, the tyranid fleets do prefer to stay as away as possible from the completely dead tomb worlds where the necrons lie:smallbiggrin:

Saithis Bladewing
2008-09-29, 11:00 AM
So what you're saying is...flee to tomb worlds for safety?

It's so stupidly ingenius, it could just work!

...Or we could do that 'Summon Gork and Mork' plan. I'm pretty sure the warp entity spawned from countless quadrillions of orks thinking about their two favourite head-crackers would be a sight to see, for sure. Tzeentch would probably even enjoy the complete turning of the tables shortly before he gets used as a living weapon by Mork as soon as Gork turns his back (thus spawning an argument amonst the quadrillions of orks whether it was Mork or Gork who turned their back).

2008-09-29, 11:10 AM
I still advocate sending CIAPHAS CAIN, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM in.

He could smite don all the enemies of mankind.

2008-09-29, 11:12 AM
Necron living metal can't be digested by the tyranids, and they can repair themselves again and again.

From what I remember their programming can be corrupted or the body destroyed in ways that can't be repaired. I'd still say it's probable for Necron's could fall to Tyranids though many many 'gaunts would likely fall in the process.

2008-09-29, 11:20 AM
The W40k universe is like a hobo with a terminal disease tied to some railroad tracks in the middle of a warzone.

2008-09-29, 11:25 AM
The W40k universe is like a hobo with a terminal disease tied to some railroad tracks in the middle of a warzone.

And that's not awesome how?

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-29, 11:27 AM
Maybe someone will come up with a Tyranid eating mircobot in the future so that it's not the end of the galaxy as we know it. Or maybe this is just the developers' way of saying that the written universe is coming to an end soon? Unless they've got something planned for it. Huh. Irony of ironies, the orks may become saviours of the galaxy.

2008-09-29, 11:33 AM
Wasn't it Eldrad Ulthran who claimed that his visions said that the Nids would eat everything except the Necrons, then leave and the Necrons would rule the Galaxy?

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-29, 12:02 PM
Ingame support for the theory that Warhammer is nearing its completion?

2008-09-29, 12:14 PM
First up, sorry for my earlier post. This looks to be a fun vs. thread! How curious :smallbiggrin:

Maybe someone will come up with a Tyranid eating mircobot in the future so that it's not the end of the galaxy as we know it. Or maybe this is just the developers' way of saying that the written universe is coming to an end soon? Unless they've got something planned for it. Huh. Irony of ironies, the orks may become saviours of the galaxy.

Though GW have emphasised that this is the 'time of ending' in the new edition, with everyone and their dog getting ready to topple the Imperium, the Golden Throne failing, the Tyranids looming, the Orks waagh!ing, the heretics blaspheming, the Tau technologying, the Eldar... uh, the Dark Eldar slaving, etc. etc. etc., there is no way that they will end 40k. Not when it's dragging in lots of money for them (people were handing over whole bags of banknotes at the Forge World stand at Games Day this year), not when the universe has plenty of life left in it, not when models are still coming out, and holy Emperor I like writing lists today. In short, not.

The whole apocalyptic thing is to help drive the hopelessness and bleakness of the grim darkness over 9000 (on a scale out of four), not because they actually intend to end the universe any time soon.

The Tyranids aren't nearly so scary when they're not about to eat everyone, so they are about to eat everyone. Imperial Armour IV wouldn't be nearly so good if the Guard won, would it? The Tyranids are there for horror, and if they're not threatening (chuck a few Guard regiments at it, they'll soon go away) then they aren't so terrifying. It is important to evoke the right feel with the Nids, for which every victory must be a pyrrhic one, and people must die. An awful lot of people must die.

Nobody actually knows how many Tyranids are lurking out between the galaxies, so for all we know, the current hive fleets could be the worst it gets. Personally, I enjoy a universe where everyone is doomed, and it is all we can do to stave off the inevitable destruction that awaits beyond the stars. But other people who find the GRIMDARK levels to be ridiculous might not agree, and for them, the Tyranids could have done their worst already. That's pretty unlikely, though.

As for the eventual 'victor' of 40k, I expect it will be the Necrons, simply because the Tyranids can't eat them. This thread, however, makes an extremely good case for the Orks, assuming they unite, which they may well not.

It won't be the Tau, though. Yeah! Take that you silly cow-creatures! Ha! *Hugs his Uplifting Primer* :smalltongue:

2008-09-29, 12:34 PM
First up, sorry for my earlier post. This looks to be a fun vs. thread! How curious :smallbiggrin:

Though GW have emphasised that this is the 'time of ending' in the new edition, with everyone and their dog getting ready to topple the Imperium, the Golden Throne failing, the Tyranids looming, the Orks waagh!ing, the heretics blaspheming, the Tau technologying, the Eldar... uh, the Dark Eldar slaving, etc. etc. etc., there is no way that they will end 40k. Not when it's dragging in lots of money for them (people were handing over whole bags of banknotes at the Forge World stand at Games Day this year), not when the universe has plenty of life left in it, not when models are still coming out, and holy Emperor I like writing lists today. In short, not.

The whole apocalyptic thing is to help drive the hopelessness and bleakness of the grim darkness over 9000 (on a scale out of four), not because they actually intend to end the universe any time soon.

The Tyranids aren't nearly so scary when they're not about to eat everyone, so they are about to eat everyone. Imperial Armour IV wouldn't be nearly so good if the Guard won, would it? The Tyranids are there for horror, and if they're not threatening (chuck a few Guard regiments at it, they'll soon go away) then they aren't so terrifying. It is important to evoke the right feel with the Nids, for which every victory must be a pyrrhic one, and people must die. An awful lot of people must die.

Nobody actually knows how many Tyranids are lurking out between the galaxies, so for all we know, the current hive fleets could be the worst it gets. Personally, I enjoy a universe where everyone is doomed, and it is all we can do to stave off the inevitable destruction that awaits beyond the stars. But other people who find the GRIMDARK levels to be ridiculous might not agree, and for them, the Tyranids could have done their worst already. That's pretty unlikely, though.

As for the eventual 'victor' of 40k, I expect it will be the Necrons, simply because the Tyranids can't eat them. This thread, however, makes an extremely good case for the Orks, assuming they unite, which they may well not.

It won't be the Tau, though. Yeah! Take that you silly cow-creatures! Ha! *Hugs his Uplifting Primer* :smalltongue:

A guardsman doubting the Emperor's eventual victory over all that threatens mankind?

Sounds like we need another "Morale Booster".

2008-09-29, 01:29 PM
Fixed that for you. But i think that the power that orcs have by being organized would defeat the tyranids if they ALL managed to work together.The problem is that "all the orks" and "work together" are a contradiction in terms. Orks do "working together" about as well as they do needlepoint.

But well, in the ocurrence that we have a duel between orks and Tyrannids, both sides win.

Why? Both races are able to evolve extremely fast and are extremely adaptable. The tyranids will assimilate the ork genes and become half-orcs, and the original orks will find them cute and take them as pets. Then the rest of the universe will tremble.I don't think the orks evolve noticeably. They don't get stronger by learning new tricks. They get stronger because fighting draws in more orks.

Don't you mean quadraticaly?I think it's logarithmic.

If the power of individual orks was proportionate to the number of orks, the battle of Armageddon would have been completely unwinnable, because with millions of orks present, each individual ork would be as strong as a million isolated individual Boyz. They'd be picking their teeth with Terminator squads at that point.

I believe that the power of a WAAAGH!!! is proportional to Nlog(N) where N is the number of orks present. If you double the number of orks, the strength of individual orks increases by one unit. To get another unit, you have to double the number again.

This explains how anything less than an armored regiment could possibly stop individual orks on Armageddon.

Ehhh, they're fine as planet-scouring abominations that are the greatest threat the galaxy has ever seen- like they were in 4th Ed. But the way they're portrayed now, there's literally no chance of any faction other than the Orks being anything more than a minorly inconvenient speed bump. Which is irritating for fans of every single other race- that they've been reduced to nothing more than tyranid chow.From what I've heard, the Imperium has at least a remote chance of holding off the Tyranid main hive fleet, though the strain of mobilization would be large enough that it might permanently break their economy. Of course, doing so would probably end the Imperium because of all the other enemies who would not go away while the Tyranids were hammering on the front door.

Or whatever is chasing the Tyranids might catch up with their main hive fleet and destroy it. Of course, if they then keep going into the Milky Way it's likely that everyone is screwed.

2008-09-29, 01:36 PM
I don't think the orks evolve noticeably. They don't get stronger by learning new tricks. They get stronger because fighting draws in more orks.

Actually, according to fluff, Orks grow and become bigger as fighting starts and add much more muscle as conflict continues.

2008-09-29, 02:35 PM
I don't think the orks evolve noticeably. They don't get stronger by learning new tricks. They get stronger because fighting draws in more orks.

Orks have been developing new and blastier technology for the last millenias. Flash Gitz in particular fuel this economy, and Ork warbosses enjoy new toys to blow up their enemies and are willing to pay massive amounts of teeths for them.

Stuff like tellyportas hasn't always existed for example.

Also, as noted above, they do grow during life, and combined with mechanical implants, a single ork may indeed become much stronger after several fights.

2008-09-29, 03:02 PM
I'm in favor that the Old Ones engerinnered the Orks as kind of like the galxey's immune system. Whenever fraction gets too powerful, they start to unite under WAAGGHH! and crush them untill their is a balenece, and they start to fight agmost each other untill the next fraction rises up again.

2008-09-29, 03:05 PM
From what I've heard, the Imperium has at least a remote chance of holding off the Tyranid main hive fleet, though the strain of mobilization would be large enough that it might permanently break their economy. Of course, doing so would probably end the Imperium because of all the other enemies who would not go away while the Tyranids were hammering on the front door.

Or whatever is chasing the Tyranids might catch up with their main hive fleet and destroy it. Of course, if they then keep going into the Milky Way it's likely that everyone is screwed.

Of course, if things get really bad, the Emperor can just burp another warp storm, the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath is hunderds of light years wide.

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-29, 03:17 PM

Heh. Nothing like good old money to make sure galaxy spanning wars go on and on and on!

The whole feeling of doom is part of what I like about Warhammer myself, but the other part is when things are at their darkest with no hope in sight...then a miracle occurs and doom is staved off for a day or so. Which is probably why the nids kind of bug me. They ARE the doom.

Give it a thousand years, the Tau will replace the Imperium yet assuming the galaxy is still in one piece.

2008-09-29, 03:19 PM
The setting will end with the last human, space marine, tyranid, necron, eldar, dark eldar, tau, orc, chaos slave and catgirl* tearing each other apart in the ashes of the last habitable planet while the last sun flickers and dies above them, even as the warp becomes a sterile, empty void.

And that's the happy ending. You don't want to know about the bad ending.

* New Codex. Sales were low.

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-29, 03:47 PM
The setting will end with the last human, space marine, tyranid, necron, eldar, dark eldar, tau, orc, chaos slave and catgirl* tearing each other apart in the ashes of the last habitable planet while the last sun flickers and dies above them, even as the warp becomes a sterile, empty void.

And that's the happy ending. You don't want to know about the bad ending.

* New Codex. Sales were low.

What happens in the bad ending? Do they all make peace?

Innis Cabal
2008-09-29, 03:53 PM
Worse. Its an Andrew Lloyd Webber play.

2008-09-29, 03:53 PM
Exactly. Because when there's peace, no more models can be sold.

This way, the spirits of old the dead can go into the warp and continue battling there. The Eldar god of Death, Gork and Mork, the Tau who suddenly discovered that they are psychic anyway, the God Emperor, and so on.

Hmm. They could rename it into Warphammer 40k and let armies of souls battle it out.


2008-09-29, 04:05 PM
Exactly. Because when there's peace, no more models can be sold.

This way, the spirits of old the dead can go into the warp and continue battling there. The Eldar god of Death, Gork and Mork, the Tau who suddenly discovered that they are psychic anyway, the God Emperor, and so on.

Hmm. They could rename it into Warphammer 40k and let armies of souls battle it out.



The Emperor, CIAPHAS CAIN, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM, Gork AND Mork all in one fight?

That would be... epic.

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-29, 04:06 PM
Oh jeez...I just had a mental image. Warhammer: the Musical

2008-09-29, 04:08 PM
The Ork Chorus:

Dakka Dakka Dakka Dakka...


Dakka Dakka Dakka Dakka

2008-09-29, 04:35 PM
Or whatever is chasing the Tyranids might catch up with their main hive fleet and destroy it. Of course, if they then keep going into the Milky Way it's likely that everyone is screwed.

Tyranids are chased by humans who discovered the tvtropes.org archive, thus becoming the most terrible power in the W40K universe...

2008-09-29, 04:37 PM
I'm pretty sure there's nothing chasing the Tyranids, unless a galaxy devoid of edible life counts... :smallconfused:

Innis Cabal
2008-09-29, 04:37 PM
Oh jeez...I just had a mental image. Warhammer: the Musical

Your welcome. Think of the Sisters of Battle in it. They've already got the tanks

2008-09-29, 04:52 PM
I'm pretty sure there's nothing chasing the Tyranids, unless a galaxy devoid of edible life counts... :smallconfused:

Huge bugspray, perhaps?

2008-09-29, 05:29 PM
the point with the Tau is the time they have been around. Nids took ages to get trough their first galaxy. The orks aren’t that old themselves, but they were made by the OLD ones. Thus they are kind of the end product of something ancient. Humans I don’t even have to talk about, thinking of the name of the game. Eldar are often called an ancient race. So they are older then humans probably. Necrons are even older then that I think? Deamons are even older but they don’t really get stronger with time. the Tau on the other hand haven’t been around one thousandth of the others and already can seriously but some head. They are also the only race that actually allies itself. Thus integrating hole sources instead of having to re-build them (or the nid equivalent of that, eat it) thus, assuming the balance we hold for now the Tau will grow stronger and stronger. Start to understand the Warp trough the Niscar, one of their current allies who are powerful enough psykers to move spaceships at high speed.
In the end the will probably defeat the Nid terror and thus win the last remaining Imperials over to their side, uniting the galaxy in peace for the greater good.
See, it does not need to be grim.

Big spanner in the works here is farsight, proving that not all Tau are loyal by heart. But he only rebelled when the ethereal on their mission died, thus so long as they are around the Tau are one.

On the bug spray, the first hover tank was a model made from a aftershave bottle, so who knows. I wonder if, when and especially what the next species will be.

2008-09-29, 06:15 PM
From what I've heard, the Imperium has at least a remote chance of holding off the Tyranid main hive fleet, though the strain of mobilization would be large enough that it might permanently break their economy. Of course, doing so would probably end the Imperium because of all the other enemies who would not go away while the Tyranids were hammering on the front door.

Or whatever is chasing the Tyranids might catch up with their main hive fleet and destroy it. Of course, if they then keep going into the Milky Way it's likely that everyone is screwed.

The Imperium does not have a remote chance, that'd imply that there was at least close to favorable odds. It'd have an Abyssmal (Capital A) chance of victory with 500% increase in mobilization, the equivilant of slapping a gun in the hand of every man, woman, child, old person, and maybe a couple of pets and sending them off into the battle. A phyrric victory of that sort would be horrible to contemplate. ( I forget if the Tyranid expert was talking about the current Hive Fleet threatening all life or the total fleet.)

The version I'm thinking of in my head though has more explosions.

warty goblin
2008-09-29, 06:41 PM
The Imperium does not have a remote chance, that'd imply that there was at least close to favorable odds. It'd have an Abyssmal (Capital A) chance of victory with 500% increase in mobilization, the equivilant of slapping a gun in the hand of every man, woman, child, old person, and maybe a couple of pets and sending them off into the battle. A phyrric victory of that sort would be horrible to contemplate. ( I forget if the Tyranid expert was talking about the current Hive Fleet threatening all life or the total fleet.)

The version I'm thinking of in my head though has more explosions.

Of course, being the Imperium, you'd still see Spot the beagle out there with a lasgun strapped to his head, doing his duty for the God Emperor of Man(and Dog)kind.

Also, being the Imperium, they'd have Adeptus Caninus, the Space Marine Dogs. Clad in power armor, and armed with power jaws, they would tear a crimson path of retribution through the heretics and mutants. At least until they got sight of the Adeptus Felinus, that is...

2008-09-29, 06:46 PM
Of course, being the Imperium, you'd still see Spot the beagle out there with a lasgun strapped to his head, doing his duty for the God Emperor of Man(and Dog)kind.

Also, being the Imperium, they'd have Adeptus Caninus, the Space Marine Dogs. Clad in power armor, and armed with power jaws, they would tear a crimson path of retribution through the heretics and mutants. At least until they got sight of the Adeptus Felinus, that is...
And of course, Don't forget the legendary Cadian 32nd Hamster Regiment, a massive wave of Power-weapon and Chainsaw equipped hamster balls rolling towrds the emperors foes like a tide of glorious destruction.

Also, the Artanian 15th, AkA "The Emperors Lemmings", a group of trained lemmings who heft lasguns and run off cliffs that the enemies of the emperor happen to be standing under

Sorry, Iv'e just been informed that was in error, the Artanian 15th consists entierly of human soliders, and there trademark tactic has seen wide use throughout the segmentium. I apologize for the mistake.

Innis Cabal
2008-09-29, 06:47 PM
the point with the Tau is the time they have been around. Nids took ages to get trough their first galaxy. The orks aren’t that old themselves, but they were made by the OLD ones. Thus they are kind of the end product of something ancient. Humans I don’t even have to talk about, thinking of the name of the game. Eldar are often called an ancient race. So they are older then humans probably. Necrons are even older then that I think? Deamons are even older but they don’t really get stronger with time. the Tau on the other hand haven’t been around one thousandth of the others and already can seriously but some head. They are also the only race that actually allies itself. Thus integrating hole sources instead of having to re-build them (or the nid equivalent of that, eat it) thus, assuming the balance we hold for now the Tau will grow stronger and stronger. Start to understand the Warp trough the Niscar, one of their current allies who are powerful enough psykers to move spaceships at high speed.
In the end the will probably defeat the Nid terror and thus win the last remaining Imperials over to their side, uniting the galaxy in peace for the greater good.

Alright. In a statement. Your history and time is wrong. And the tau....well get to em in a second.

The Necrons and the Old ones are the "oldest" minus the warp. Orks and Eldar were made to -fight- the Necrons. Orks are far far older then you think.

Humans. We arn't really sure. The old ones might have made them? Maybe? Eldar and Orks are way older in any event.

Now for the Tua. Yes they are young. But they don't make friends. You follow the Greater Good, or your an enemy. No allies there. And they are the "nice" race.

Now for the Nids. They are huge. We have not seen the worst they can throw, we know this because we are all still alive. They have creatures from another galaxy in their ranks. Gods only know what horrors they spawned with the genetic material from that.

warty goblin
2008-09-29, 07:49 PM
And of course, Don't forget the legendary Cadian 32nd Hamster Regiment, a massive wave of Power-weapon and Chainsaw equipped hamster balls rolling towrds the emperors foes like a tide of glorious destruction.

I'd pay a few years off of my life to see that, and rather think I might have damaged something laughing. Congratulations, you just totally made my day.

Also, the Artanian 15th, AkA "The Emperors Lemmings", a group of trained lemmings who heft lasguns and run off cliffs that the enemies of the emperor happen to be standing under

Sorry, Iv'e just been informed that was in error, the Artanian 15th consists entierly of human soliders, and there trademark tactic has seen wide use throughout the segmentium. I apologize for the mistake.

Amazingly, when adopted, this strategy led to a record 15% reduction in overall Guard casualties, as well as an astronomical 3% increase in overall combat efficiency, although preference was expressed by the survivor...er survivors of the Second Battle of Cliffs with Really Sharp Rocks under them, that next time they send the Armored Company first. Disturbingly this persisted even after he, er they, were reminded that although a powerful vehicle, it is recommended that the Leman Russ always land on a protective cushion of Guardsmen when going over drops in excess of three feet in order to preserve the Emperor's Most Glorious Suspension Systems. Needless to say he was immediately executed for heresy.

And don't forget the Death Ducks of Quack, a fearsome unit of waterfowl in gas masks, whose motto is "If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck, but this duck has a heavy bolter". After Action Reports indicate finding entire regiments of the enemy fallen in formation without a shot, lying face down in a puddle of their own drool and clutching their sides, which seems to have been split. Investigators concluded that they were overcome with fear at the sight of the 'Death Waddle", and expired before the Death Ducks even reached engagement range.

2008-09-29, 07:57 PM
And of course, Don't forget the legendary Cadian 32nd Hamster Regiment, a massive wave of Power-weapon and Chainsaw equipped hamster balls rolling towrds the emperors foes like a tide of glorious destruction.

"They shall be my favouwite liddle cutesy wutsies, and They Shall Know No Fear."

- The Emperor of Mankind

2008-09-29, 08:08 PM
"They shall be my favouwite liddle cutesy wutsies, and They Shall Know No Fear."

- The Emperor of Mankind

That line is..... SO AWESOME!

2008-09-29, 08:45 PM
Quick question: if humans are "de humies", what does that make the Tyranids? Would a Warboss make a speech about how "We's gonna WAAAGH dese trannies inna nex week!"?

2008-09-29, 11:09 PM
The Imperium does not have a remote chance, that'd imply that there was at least close to favorable odds. It'd have an Abyssmal (Capital A) chance of victory with 500% increase in mobilization, the equivilant of slapping a gun in the hand of every man, woman, child, old person, and maybe a couple of pets and sending them off into the battle. A phyrric victory of that sort would be horrible to contemplate. ( I forget if the Tyranid expert was talking about the current Hive Fleet threatening all life or the total fleet.)

The version I'm thinking of in my head though has more explosions.What I heard was that the increase in mobilization would be "equivalent to calling up every able-bodied citizen in [three sectors I assume are the heavily populated core of the Imperium]."

I don't seriously expect that the Tyranids would lose against the Imperium alone, though I'm really not ruling it out. The psychotic Byzantine structure of the Imperium is partly the result of the fact that they don't face an existential threat and haven't faced one in millenia. Crazy-stupid and GRIMDARK as their government is, I can't shake the feeling that efficiency would improve if the Imperium was really in danger of being overrun by a powerful alien enemy.

On the other hand, the Tyranids aren't fighting the Imperium alone. Nobody wants the galaxy overrun by 'Nids. The 'Nids are the best fight anyone can find in this era- orks will be swarming towards the areas the Tyranids attack. The Eldar are going to be scrambling to find a way to play off the big bruisers of the Milky Way against the new threat. The Necrons are starting to wake up- who do you think their number one targets will be?

So I don't think the Tyranids have that good a chance of overrunning the galaxy. It's possible, but by no means certain.

Now for the Tau. Yes they are young. But they don't make friends. You follow the Greater Good, or your an enemy. No allies there. And they are the "nice" race.I think they're prepared to work with entities that (for now) aren't willing to obey them. They have to know it's a big galaxy, and that they can't make everyone submit to them on the Tau's terms.

Now for the Nids. They are huge. We have not seen the worst they can throw, we know this because we are all still alive. They have creatures from another galaxy in their ranks. Gods only know what horrors they spawned with the genetic material from that.I think we've already seen them. I mean, the leading hive fleets all come from this other galaxy too, right?

2008-09-29, 11:40 PM
You know what'd be a hoot?

The galaxy the Tyranids are fleeing being really upbeat and morally upstanding.

2008-09-30, 01:10 AM
The Imperium does not have a remote chance, that'd imply that there was at least close to favorable odds. It'd have an Abyssmal (Capital A) chance of victory with 500% increase in mobilization, the equivilant of slapping a gun in the hand of every man, woman, child, old person, and maybe a couple of pets and sending them off into the battle. A phyrric victory of that sort would be horrible to contemplate. ( I forget if the Tyranid expert was talking about the current Hive Fleet threatening all life or the total fleet.)

The version I'm thinking of in my head though has more explosions.

Like the guardsmen say,

"We've faced worse."

Those guys can take down titans whitout need of armor suport! Don't understimate them.

Horus heresy, necron awakening, armagedon, pissed off eldars, they always find a way to get out victoriuous.

After all, everything they need to do is to tell the inquisition to stay down for some weeks, and presto, mankind will be the one swarming the tyranids:smallbiggrin:

2008-09-30, 01:13 AM
At the bad ending, the Carebear managed to conquer or convert the whole galaxy to the Power of Love.

2008-09-30, 02:51 AM
At the bad ending, the Carebear managed to conquer or convert the whole galaxy to the Power of Love.Filthy Demons of Slanessh!!

2008-09-30, 02:54 AM
Worse. Its an Andrew Lloyd Webber play.

What's funnier is that I've watched Spamalot- the musical live-theatre London West-end version of Monthy Python and the Holy Grail- and now, thanks to you, the entire cast is populated by space marines and dancing Adeptus Sororitus.

Thank you very bloody much.

Avilan the Grey
2008-09-30, 03:40 AM
What I heard was that the increase in mobilization would be "equivalent to calling up every able-bodied citizen in [three sectors I assume are the heavily populated core of the Imperium]."

I don't seriously expect that the Tyranids would lose against the Imperium alone, though I'm really not ruling it out. The psychotic Byzantine structure of the Imperium is partly the result of the fact that they don't face an existential threat and haven't faced one in millenia. Crazy-stupid and GRIMDARK as their government is, I can't shake the feeling that efficiency would improve if the Imperium was really in danger of being overrun by a powerful alien enemy.

On the other hand, the Tyranids aren't fighting the Imperium alone. Nobody wants the galaxy overrun by 'Nids. The 'Nids are the best fight anyone can find in this era- orks will be swarming towards the areas the Tyranids attack. The Eldar are going to be scrambling to find a way to play off the big bruisers of the Milky Way against the new threat. The Necrons are starting to wake up- who do you think their number one targets will be?

So I don't think the Tyranids have that good a chance of overrunning the galaxy. It's possible, but by no means certain.

I think they're prepared to work with entities that (for now) aren't willing to obey them. They have to know it's a big galaxy, and that they can't make everyone submit to them on the Tau's terms.

I think we've already seen them. I mean, the leading hive fleets all come from this other galaxy too, right?


The little I know of this setting tells me that:

A) The Orks will move towards any infested world. As is the case, AFAIR, that at least one of the scout hive fleets actually is constantly bogged down in Ork territory, both races throwing themselves in and apparently in a stalemate (Orks spawning, and tyranids eating as much ork spores as they can?). It is worth noting though that the fact that a hive fleet is in their main territory of the galaxy has NOT caused any kind of general response from the Orks, apparently the orks are capable of containing the invasion with only a fraction of their forces. (I think there is even an In-Game warning from the intelligence service of the Empire that states that whichever of the two races that wins that battle will have become genetically modified to the degree of being unstoppable (basically saying that it was a big mistake to shift the attention of the 'Nids towards the Orks instead of fighting them ourselves)).

B) I believe, as someone pointed out above, that the orks seem to act like the (overzealous) anti-bodies of the galaxy; they will almost automatically bound together in a Waaagh! when needed to...

C) The Empire would probably very very quickly become a much more dangerous opponent if a threat strong enough to force all factions together would arise, as stated above.

D) I have not read the new fluff yet, but it seems to me that the awakening of the Necrons is oddly well timed with the arrival of the main fleet of the Tyranids...

I agree that it seems the 'Nids have taken on the wrong galaxy this time... :smallcool::smallbiggrin:

2008-09-30, 04:06 AM
Say, is there any record of nids or necrons fighting themselves? All others do it, and GW says they try to make any vs any plausible, even infighting. But right now I cant find a reason for them to fight themselves.
Remember that the forces of the Imperium were divided into many factions for a reason. This was to prevent a second Horus fall scenario.

2008-09-30, 04:19 AM
Well.. does the Nids use some sort of Warp to travel?

Also, how can there be Necron Vs Necron, or Nids vs Nids, for that matter?

Lord Mancow
2008-09-30, 05:04 AM
Well.. does the Nids use some sort of Warp to travel?

Also, how can there be Necron Vs Necron, or Nids vs Nids, for that matter?

Well I don't know about the necrons but in the nid codex it says somewhere that hive fleet tendrils have actually fought each other. It also says that the imperium celebrated until it realised that the nids would lose nothing but would actually gain strength by combining the gene pool and sharing any useful DNA strands.:smalleek:

Edit: I don't know about the nids using the Warp but i'm pretty sure they would have some equivalent otherwise they shouldn't be able to move between solar systems as quickly as the do. Perhaps the hive mind simply dominates the warp area where psychic powers don't function and allows the nids to move through the area unhindered?

Avilan the Grey
2008-09-30, 06:24 AM
Well I don't know about the necrons but in the nid codex it says somewhere that hive fleet tendrils have actually fought each other. It also says that the imperium celebrated until it realised that the nids would lose nothing but would actually gain strength by combining the gene pool and sharing any useful DNA strands.:smalleek:

Edit: I don't know about the nids using the Warp but i'm pretty sure they would have some equivalent otherwise they shouldn't be able to move between solar systems as quickly as the do. Perhaps the hive mind simply dominates the warp area where psychic powers don't function and allows the nids to move through the area unhindered?

A theory, not based on Fluff:

The 'Nids, could, if they do act as ant-like as they seem at times (although very much sentient) have cause for infighting, mainly if food runs out (this is the case of many ant species, like the common forest ant (exist in both Europe and north America I think, it's the one that builds hills out of pine needles): A large enough Hill spawn new Hills that lives quite close by and in harmony, but in a food crisis they go to organized warfare against eachother*. For the 'Nids this means that the winning side not only gets enough food, but it makes it stronger, as pointed out above). :smallamused:

I am sure that the 'Nids have a way of crossing wast distances quickly, AFAIR only humans and Orks are unfortunate enough to have to use the Warp for travel, the other known races seem to be more lucky / have more skill / whatever. I DO know that Eldar do not have to use the Warp, and Tau is more or less "immune" to it AFAIK.

*Ants are one of the few species that do organized warfare; not that their armies move in formation or anything, but they do conduct war. And takes slaves.

2008-09-30, 06:36 AM
Imperial scientists believe that hive ships and
their attendant drone ships have a deep
connection to the Hive Mind – the over-arching
gestalt consciousness of the Tyrannic race. This
pervasive psychic contact permeates the area
around the hive fleet to such an extent that
Warp space is distorted for light years around
the fleet’s position. Travel through the Warp
becomes increasingly uncertain near the
Tyrannic fleets and astrotelepathy exceptionally
unreliable or completely useless. Many
Astropaths have lost their minds in battle with
the Tyranids, and entire squadrons have been
crippled by dangerous Warp eddies.

from the free BFG nid rules. Thus it would seem that nids kind of warp time/space trough the warp and decrease the distance, like some other sci-fi does?

2008-09-30, 06:51 AM
The Necrons and the Old ones are the "oldest" minus the warp. Orks and Eldar were made to -fight- the Necrons. Orks are far far older then you think.

No. Orks are an incomplete recent product They were a rushed last ditch effort at fighting the necrons and warp spawning demons that the eldar had awakened, but the old ones were destroyed before they could end them. The result was, mmhhh, interesting. They know they have to fight. They just don't know what they have to fight. Or when should they stop.

B) I believe, as someone pointed out above, that the orks seem to act like the (overzealous) anti-bodies of the galaxy; they will almost automatically bound together in a Waaagh! when needed to...

Like said above, the Orks were an incomplete product. They were programed to multiply and attack anything that looked threatening, able to build their own weapons and space ships from memory. But they have no idea who they should attack, or when should they stop.

After all,there was an Ork warboss who broke trough Cadia just to get to the Eye of Terror, in search of the ultimate challenge, fighting chaos planet after chaos planet whitout worrying about his losses, untill he himself was slaughtered by a demon prince.

2008-09-30, 07:10 AM
If Orks were designed to fight the Necrons, they may have some special abilities against them?

But I wonder... with orks fighting so much... won`t they be affected by Khorne?

Unless, since they enjoy fighting, Slaanesh is negating it...

2008-09-30, 07:35 AM
If Orks were designed to fight the Necrons, they may have some special abilities against them?

But I wonder... with orks fighting so much... won`t they be affected by Khorne?

Unless, since they enjoy fighting, Slaanesh is negating it...
Khorne no doubt tried to organize the orcs, but gave up after his five-thousanths attempt to shout over the 'dakka'.

2008-09-30, 07:46 AM
Now, I'm imaginating Khorne trying to refrain a bunch of Orks from just punching each other mindlessly... Hehe...

Avilan the Grey
2008-09-30, 08:27 AM
If Orks were designed to fight the Necrons, they may have some special abilities against them?

But I wonder... with orks fighting so much... won`t they be affected by Khorne?

Unless, since they enjoy fighting, Slaanesh is negating it...

Oh we all know that Khorne is nothing compared to Gork and Mork.
(I have a feeling that the orks simply dismiss Khorne as not badass enough. He certainly lacks Enough Dakka.)

2008-09-30, 08:28 AM
Oh we all know that Khorne is nothing compared to Gork and Mork.

totally, Khorne was like "At last, a race that can provide the carnage I desire!" and Gork (or Mork) was like "Eh, 'andz off my boyz a runt!" andd Khorne was like "Okay...pleasedon'tusemeasammunition*"

*Khorne was used as ammunition anyway.

warty goblin
2008-09-30, 08:30 AM
Now, I'm imaginating Khorne trying to refrain a bunch of Orks from just punching each other mindlessly... Hehe...

I always just figured Ork brains were too primitive to really interface with the Warp that much. Sorta like trying to stream video over dial-up. Using DOS.

Avilan the Grey
2008-09-30, 08:37 AM
totally, Khorne was like "At last, a race that can provide the carnage I desire!" and Gork (or Mork) was like "Eh, 'andz off my boyz a runt!" andd Khorne was like "Okay...pleasedon'tusemeasammunition*"

*Khorne was used as ammunition anyway.

Exactly, see my added comment in the post you quoted :smallsmile:

I always just figured Ork brains were too primitive to really interface with the Warp that much. Sorta like trying to stream video over dial-up. Using DOS.

I thought the point was that they have an extraordinary brain capacity, they might even rival the 'Nides. (See Red Things etc) The problem is that they don't have a clue.

2008-09-30, 08:46 AM
It would most likely be the closest thing to an eternal battle. Orks spawning by the billions every second, getting larger and larger. And the same for the tyranids. Soon you would get orks large enough to take down a Carnifex by themselves. Unfortunately, the same would happen to the tyranids. It would be awesome to watch(from a safe distance of course). My gueass is theat it would last until a guard/Inquisitor ship showed up and used Exterminatis on the planet. It would only stall the fight for a few minutes though.

Avilan the Grey
2008-09-30, 08:49 AM
About Necron infighting: I just found this one on TV tropes (boring day):

"Since they're getting new fluff, we don't know... but based on the 5th edition rulebook, all Necrons have souls, and every time they 'die' the repair chip eats away a small part of their souls until only the basic program is left. Lords, who don't die as much and have better repair systems, are just driven insane form the the millions of year in stasis: some think they're gods, some customized their armies to be different etc. (Yes, that's right, Games Workshop has managed to take a race of omnicidal zombie robots and make it more GRIMDARK. This troper's impressed.) "

...May this lead to infighting eventually if the armies start becoming more and ore different from eachother?

Avilan the Grey
2008-09-30, 08:50 AM
It would most likely be the closest thing to an eternal battle. Orks spawning by the billions every second, getting larger and larger. And the same for the tyranids. Soon you would get orks large enough to take down a Carnifex by themselves. Unfortunately, the same would happen to the tyranids. It would be awesome to watch(from a safe distance of course). My gueass is theat it would last until a guard/Inquisitor ship showed up and used Exterminatis on the planet. It would only stall the fight for a few minutes though.

Exactly, and this is part of the fluff for 4th ed already; remember? There is a hive fleet bogged down in constant war with the orks, and everybody's winning, it seems.

2008-09-30, 08:51 AM
Exactly, and this is part of the fluff for 4th ed already; remember? There is a hive fleet bogged down in constant war with the orks, and everybody's winning, it seems.

Except for us of course. And it would still be AWESOME to watch.

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-30, 08:58 AM
I wonder, if the Tyranids and Orks destroyed the galaxy in an eternal war between each other would that be "exactly as planned" for Tzeentch and the Deceiver?

2008-09-30, 09:38 AM
I wonder, if the Tyranids and Orks destroyed the galaxy in an eternal war between each other would that be "exactly as planned" for Tzeentch and the Deceiver?

Wouldn`t any possible event be "exactly as planned" for Tzeentch?

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-30, 10:11 AM
Wouldn`t any possible event be "exactly as planned" for Tzeentch?

Theoretically, though him losing all his worshippers in an end to everything seems like a crappy thing to plan towards.

2008-09-30, 10:17 AM
Wouldn`t any possible event be "exactly as planned" for Tzeentch?

As I understand it, anything that does happen necessarily is something Tzeentch planned.

However, this obviously does not mean that anything that could happen is part of Tzeentch's plans.

In principle, you can therefore look at a situation like the entire galaxy being reduced to Orks, Necrons, and Tyranids and say, "this is clearly not something Tzeentch would want or plan towards, and therefore we can be assured that it will not happen".

The difficulty in using this rule as an oracle is that you don't really know what Tzeentch might want, and he might be employing a double-bluff of some sort; and of course, you can't be assured that you will survive his plans in any way.

2008-09-30, 12:13 PM
Wouldn`t any possible event be "exactly as planned" for Tzeentch?

Right up until the point he's used as ammo by Gork. Or possibly Mork.

Or the point he runs into gunner Fenrik Jurgens.

Innis Cabal
2008-09-30, 02:16 PM
No. Orks are an incomplete recent product They were a rushed last ditch effort at fighting the necrons and warp spawning demons that the eldar had awakened, but the old ones were destroyed before they could end them. The result was, mmhhh, interesting. They know they have to fight. They just don't know what they have to fight. Or when should they stop.

Sorry, but not exactly. They are older then you think. Wiki is a great cult knowledge base isnt it. Cut and paste of pretty much the later editions creation story below.

The current story is that Brain Boyz were supervisors of the Old Ones, and the Orks are the descendants of the green-skinned Krork, created as a survivor race by the Old Ones in their wars against the Necrontyr. However, when the war was over it didn't take long for the krork to rebel. To ensure their masters' creations would not be wiped out they encoded the various techno genes into them and thus as a short time went by they regressed into snotlings and their legacy as well as the old ones was wiped from history.

2008-09-30, 03:01 PM
No one likes my galxey's immune system idea?:smallfrown:

warty goblin
2008-09-30, 03:03 PM
No one likes my galxey's immune system idea?:smallfrown:

It is interesting, and certainly GRIMDARK enough. I mean that basically implies that the galaxy in its current state is 'healthy,' which is rather disturbing, to say the least.

2008-09-30, 03:04 PM
It might not be intentional, but I do agree its not a bad way of thinking of it. the green tide has kind of turned into a defence system of the balance, Irony in way that I think suits war hammer well. So, yes I do quite like the idea.

EDIT @ Goblin, Hadn’t even thought of it that way, sounds even better now.

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-30, 03:26 PM
I like it. Orks as the heroes...

warty goblin
2008-09-30, 03:30 PM
I like it. Orks as the heroes...

Well, heroes might be an overstatement. I mean given the number of non-problem elements they go WAAAUUGHH! on, the galaxy's got a serious auto-immune disorder.

Warhammer 40,000- The universe's largest known case of lupis.

2008-09-30, 03:40 PM
Warhammer 40K; galaxy with lupis.
Staring Orks as the immune system and tyranids as the germs.
Also staring; humans as…. Etz.

warty goblin
2008-09-30, 03:48 PM
Warhammer 40K; galaxy with lupis.
Staring Orks as the immune system and tyranids as the germs.
Also staring; humans as…. Etz.

Complete Cast List:

Orks: Immune System
Imperium of Man: The drugs you take for the orks
Chaos: Those other, non-prescription drugs left over in the bloodstream from last week's party. Really good time, but the headache next morning felt like a chainaxe to the skull...
Eldar: Trace amounts of minerals in bloodstream. Very few of them, but they set a lot of processes in motion.
Dark Eldar: Trace amounts of stuff in bloodstream left over from eating paste as a child.
Tau: Experimental new medication, under fierce debate by fans, er doctors. Some say it is good, some say it has the same side effects as Imperium of Man (zenophobia, speciesism, mass violence), but covers them up better.
Necrons: Death.

Saithis Bladewing
2008-09-30, 03:52 PM
Don't be silly, it's not lupus; it's never lupus.

2008-09-30, 03:53 PM
No one likes my galxey's immune system idea?:smallfrown:

It's inventive...it's bleak...it makes orks even funnier. I like it.

2008-09-30, 04:18 PM
No one likes my galxey's immune system idea?:smallfrown:I think it's quite plausible, but that it's an accidental consquence of events and not some kind of deliberate engineering.

Innis Cabal
2008-09-30, 04:22 PM
Whats to say the old ones didn't make the Nids. Maybe they are the long long long discarded first attempt of a new galactic godlike alian race.

Saithis Bladewing
2008-09-30, 04:25 PM
Whats to say the old ones didn't make the Nids. Maybe they are the long long long discarded first attempt of a new galactic godlike alian race.

*Waits for a Starcraft fanboy to scream plagiarism.*

2008-09-30, 04:25 PM
Just a question...
Do we actually know what the old one's looked like? Does anyone know? Or where they went? I haven't read much fluff where they were involved.

Hmm. Maybe the Shadow in the Warp is a failed attempt to transfer the warp back to the calm state it was in ancient times?

2008-09-30, 04:28 PM
I think it's quite plausible, but that it's an accidental consquence of events and not some kind of deliberate engineering.
And thus only fits the orks even more.

Innis Cabal
2008-09-30, 04:35 PM
Just a question...
Do we actually know what the old one's looked like? Does anyone know? Or where they went? I haven't read much fluff where they were involved.

Hmm. Maybe the Shadow in the Warp is a failed attempt to transfer the warp back to the calm state it was in ancient times?

Umm.....according to the very first Lizardman book...surian. They are referenced as Cold Blooded.

The Lizardman worshiped them, so...they might be feathered serpents....and...Gork and Mork...might...have been Old Ones?

2008-09-30, 04:39 PM
Tough both fantasy and 40K have old ones linked to the warp they don’t need to look the same, but they might.
First of, I think that GW is keeping the Old Ones a mystery because they should be (face it, they should be form and faceless)
Going past that point. I think that the older slan were created in the likings of the old ones themselves. Thus they would look like lean frog-men. (not fat like the new ones, mind you)

Lord Mancow
2008-09-30, 06:39 PM
Just a question...
Do we actually know what the old one's looked like? Does anyone know? Or where they went? I haven't read much fluff where they were involved.

Well in the necron codex it says that the Old Ones were scattered across the galaxy by an Enslaver plague. The enslavers used transmuted psykers as a way to cross into the material plane and they then proceed to, guess what.... enslave the 'young races'. The Enslavers were also the reason the C'tan and necrons went into stasis as the C'tan believe in sustainability. The enslavers were going to wipe life from the galaxy and the C'tan would starve so they just decided to go to sleep.

Quoted from Avilan the Grey.

About Necron infighting: I just found this one on TV tropes (boring day):

"Since they're getting new fluff, we don't know... but based on the 5th edition rulebook, all Necrons have souls, and every time they 'die' the repair chip eats away a small part of their souls until only the basic program is left. Lords, who don't die as much and have better repair systems, are just driven insane form the the millions of year in stasis: some think they're gods, some customized their armies to be different etc. (Yes, that's right, Games Workshop has managed to take a race of omnicidal zombie robots and make it more GRIMDARK. This troper's impressed.) "

...May this lead to infighting eventually if the armies start becoming more and ore different from eachother?

I personally hope that this new fluff will result in not only new units for the 'crons but also in some customizable units upgrades like possibly power weapon upgrades for flayed ones and wraiths. I'm sick and tired of the only upgrade for just about every unit being disruption fields. About the only thing their good for is charging scarabs into tanks:smallfurious:. The 'crons need more long range weapons too.

2008-09-30, 08:46 PM
What if all the gods(even the emperor) are the old ones, but they split up into factions? My reasoning for the Emperor is that not that much is known about him before he suddenly appeared. Maybe He was an Old One given a physical body or possibly an Avatar for one. The Space Marines and Primarchs were practically an attempt to try to find the perfect warrior. Orks were the products of ones driven by war (Mork and Gork). The C'tan were likely ones that were driven mad by the Eons to destroy all life. The Chaos Gods are likely ones that split themselves off early on based on beliefs. Khaine could be the one that stayed to the pure ideals. The Tyranids were made by one who thought that a purged Universe would be best. The Tau? I have no clue.

How does it sound? (I know, crazy:smallbiggrin:)

2008-09-30, 09:00 PM
What if all the gods(even the emperor) are the old ones, but they split up into factions? My reasoning for the Emperor is that not that much is known about him before he suddenly appeared. Maybe He was an Old One given a physical body or possibly an Avatar for one. The Space Marines and Primarchs were practically an attempt to try to find the perfect warrior. Orks were the products of ones driven by war (Mork and Gork). The C'tan were likely ones that were driven mad by the Eons to destroy all life. The Chaos Gods are likely ones that split themselves off early on based on beliefs. Khaine could be the one that stayed to the pure ideals. The Tyranids were made by one who thought that a purged Universe would be best. The Tau? I have no clue.

How does it sound? (I know, crazy:smallbiggrin:)

Well, its completely contrary to the established history, both in how things came about and in the timeframe during which things happened. I mean, Slannesh came about much later than the old ones. The C'tan were around before the Old ones, and destroyed them. The Emperor's backstory is known, and it involves the sacrifice/merging of many human psykers at once.

2008-09-30, 09:11 PM
I think the Tau Empire in it's current state from tribes to spaceships is a Eldar plot, i mean they advanced pretty quickly.

2008-09-30, 09:11 PM
Never said it was a good theory:smallfrown:. And as Games workshop seems to change things around little by little who knows. And by the Emperor's appearance I meant when he first appeared on earth, but, you could be talking about the same thing. I just don't have enough time to read the entire histories.

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-30, 10:33 PM
Does Warhammer have any Cthulhu type monstrosities? The kind that people go mad just before their brains explode upon looking at them? If so...THEY win when the tyranids invade.

Innis Cabal
2008-09-30, 10:34 PM
They do. But even the Warp scares them

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-30, 10:39 PM
Wait, afraid of the Warp itself or the Chaos gods in the Warp?

Innis Cabal
2008-09-30, 10:40 PM

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-30, 10:45 PM
...Okay, so wikipedia calls it 'the realm of the dead', Chaos' territory, and a very dangerous way for people to travel through the galaxy. I'm not getting why dark elders would fear it in of itself.

Innis Cabal
2008-09-30, 10:51 PM
Because the Chaos gods live there, and one of them really really likes them. And wants their souls. All of them

Mr. Scaly
2008-09-30, 10:56 PM
Ah, so it's a fear of the Chaos gods then, not of the Warp itself. That makes more sense.

Innis Cabal
2008-09-30, 11:12 PM
Big S more then the others. Ya. As they were the cause of its birth. In a manner of speaking.

Avilan the Grey
2008-10-01, 04:10 AM
Is it me, or is it that the more fluff we get, the Chaos becomes less and less scary?
I mean they are what they are, but compared to the 'Nids, the Necrons and the Ork boyz... I don't know. I am actually expecting one of those three (probably Orks) to invade the eye and actually WIN one of these days.

Orks as the heroes... I know I am not the only one that has them as favorites in the setting.
Also, it does seem that the galaxy might not be "healthy" but it is actually "in balance".

...As for the 'Nids:
Is it clear that Chaos exists in other galaxies (I mean "duh, I am sure the Warp does but...)? What I mean is I get this suspicion that the Milky Way might be the center of Cosmos, with the Eye, and the Chaos Gods... And I truly believe that the 'Nids are messing with the wrong galaxy this time. To tie in to paragraph about the orks above: It might be so that this is intended. The reason for this insane fighting, this constant war is to prime the galaxy to become the ultimate force to use against the 'Nids...?

Mr. Scaly
2008-10-01, 08:28 AM
Is it me, or is it that the more fluff we get, the Chaos becomes less and less scary?

If they can make Cthulhu run away in panic...

But I'm guessing that Chaos was one of the earlier enemies in the Warhammer series so the locals at least have a better idea of what they're facing than when they fight the necron or tyranids.

...As for the 'Nids:
Is it clear that Chaos exists in other galaxies (I mean "duh, I am sure the Warp does but...)? What I mean is I get this suspicion that the Milky Way might be the center of Cosmos, with the Eye, and the Chaos Gods... And I truly believe that the 'Nids are messing with the wrong galaxy this time. To tie in to paragraph about the orks above: It might be so that this is intended. The reason for this insane fighting, this constant war is to prime the galaxy tobecome the ultimate force to use against the 'Nids...?

Who'd have prepared the galaxy for their coming then?

2008-10-01, 10:23 AM
Who'd have prepared the galaxy for their coming then?

The emperor obviously. He isn't really crippled, just pretending. While the doors of the inner chambers of the golden palace are closed he takes tea and makes snotty discussions with the adeptus custodes. Much easier than needing to take care of all the paper work and stress that comes with ruling an empire.

Now and then he gives advice to someone to keep things on the tracks. Like he did with the first adeptus sonoritas.

The emperor knows. The emperor is watching.

2008-10-01, 11:28 AM
The emperor obviously. He isn't really crippled, just pretending. While the doors of the inner chambers of the golden palace are closed he takes tea and makes snotty discussions with the adeptus custodes. Much easier than needing to take care of all the paper work and stress that comes with ruling an empire.

Now and then he gives advice to someone to keep things on the tracks. Like he did with the first adeptus sonoritas.

The emperor knows. The emperor is watching.

Of Course!

Jeeves is the Emperor! That explains everything!

Avilan the Grey
2008-10-01, 12:43 PM
If they can make Cthulhu run away in panic...

But I'm guessing that Chaos was one of the earlier enemies in the Warhammer series so the locals at least have a better idea of what they're facing than when they fight the necron or tyranids.


Who'd have prepared the galaxy for their coming then?

...Probably. It must be Soldier Training 101 to learn how to resist (and spank) chaos.
I also think that it was one of the enemies that carried over from Warhammer, and then they escalated the threat levels after that...

...As for who... No idea. But it's an interesting thought :smallsmile:

2008-10-01, 01:12 PM
Now and then he gives advice to someone to keep things on the tracks. Like he did with the first adeptus sonoritas.The Adeptus Sonoritas- the Imperium's answer to Noise Marines!

Innis Cabal
2008-10-01, 01:24 PM
The emperor obviously. He isn't really crippled, just pretending. While the doors of the inner chambers of the golden palace are closed he takes tea and makes snotty discussions with the adeptus custodes. Much easier than needing to take care of all the paper work and stress that comes with ruling an empire.

Now and then he gives advice to someone to keep things on the tracks. Like he did with the first adeptus sonoritas.

The emperor knows. The emperor is watching.

If the above was meant for humor....eh

For a serious answer as to what this was all in preperation for? Old ones. Old Ones and they are comming home after leaving the galaxy to get away from the Necrontyr.

The most likely thing is, the Nids were some alien race the Old ones encountered(As it is suggested they are the first race to gain intellgence) and ran away, or left them alone, and came back to here.

There is no clear evidence they orignated from the galaxy the game is set in from the start. There could be alot more then we really know about and they are just now getting here.

2008-10-01, 01:24 PM
Hmm. They would fit right in between the Ork chorus and Khorne's grand Finale "No one understands me!".

2008-10-01, 01:37 PM
There is no clear evidence they orignated from the galaxy the game is set in from the start. There could be alot more then we really know about and they are just now getting here.

Mysterious are the designs of the Emperor. We as simple mortals can't grasp His magnificent plan.

(I tought the humor was evident when I said he spent his time drinking tea and making snotty discussions:smalltongue:)

Ghal Marak
2008-10-01, 02:38 PM
I always thought that the Tyranid had no 'Fast' travel (Like Warp travel, or the Necron's FTL), that they had already consumed their original galaxy and had started heading to this one a long long time ago at their normal speed. That would mean that they were already on the way before the Fall of the Old Ones, and just took a long time to get there.

2008-10-01, 02:56 PM
That doesn't seem likely to me... given their nature, they would probably have starved, even in a kind of hibernation.

2008-10-01, 02:57 PM
in a fansite, Tyranid Power, the old ones fled the Chaos problems (written a long time before Codex Necrons, interestingly) tried to create a Chaos-killing alien race, and got eated by their creation.

I think the site was taken offline because they used Starcraft intellectual property: as in, pics from game.

5th ed 40K rulebook asserts the hive fleets have already eaten "a dozen galaxies" bare of life.

On the other hand, Ork books, all the way back, suggest that Imperium's probe sent further than any other item, is still reporting back "ork presence" so for widespreadness, I am not sure who wins.

Tyranid codex suggests that both races are thriving on conflict between them, when Hive Fleet Leviaathan invaded Ork empire.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-01, 03:41 PM
It was evident...just not funny :smallamused:

As for the Nids, they do hibernate, and its an alien lifefrom gods only knows how long it has to go without eating. Or how much a hiveship stores to keep them going. After all, Ripper Swarms are put back in biopits, why not bigger ones on the ships? Stands to reason its possible. No one has ever lived to tell what one looks like inside as far as I know.

Mr. Scaly
2008-10-01, 03:50 PM
The orks will win that fight sooner or later.

Speaking of orks (and Dark Eldar I guess) if they have a biological need to fight how the heck haven't they driven themselves extinct by now, burning each other up with flame throwers and such?

Saithis Bladewing
2008-10-01, 03:59 PM
The orks will win that fight sooner or later.

Speaking of orks (and Dark Eldar I guess) if they have a biological need to fight how the heck haven't they driven themselves extinct by now, burning each other up with flame throwers and such?

I assume that reproduction rates combined with preferring to fight someone not an Ork (you get bored of the same opponents after all) are key here.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-01, 04:03 PM
The orks will win that fight sooner or later.

Speaking of orks (and Dark Eldar I guess) if they have a biological need to fight how the heck haven't they driven themselves extinct by now, burning each other up with flame throwers and such?

Dark Eldar don't need to fight. They just like to hurt each other. Sado-masochism is awsome....I guess...

As for the Orks....fuzzy logic

2008-10-01, 04:24 PM
The orks will win that fight sooner or later.

Speaking of orks (and Dark Eldar I guess) if they have a biological need to fight how the heck haven't they driven themselves extinct by now, burning each other up with flame throwers and such?

I think it's the whole spoores thing. Most Orks killed just lead to more Orks. The ones who get flamethrowered to death are a minority.

2008-10-01, 04:25 PM
Also, if I’m not mistaken an ork “blooms” when he dies, his body doing al it can to create extra spores.
Now if I am correct there, would that mean that two orks fighting to the death are mating? :smalleek:

EDIT: bloody ninja's these days.

2008-10-01, 04:38 PM
Now if I am correct there, would that mean that two orks fighting to the death are mating? :smalleek:.

40k just got even more Freudian.

warty goblin
2008-10-01, 05:02 PM
40k just got even more Freudian.

Of course, orks are all the same gender as well...which takes us to some interesting locations.

"The sun was setting on the planet Aarn 3 amid the clouds, which drifted like smoke from a thousand burning tanks. Coincidentally on the horizon a thousand tanks burned. They stood next to each other on the beach, the sand stained bloodred by the gallons of blood spilled there that afternoon. Gurtz looked at Maz and noticed he had a big choppa and a nearly sufficient amount of dakka."

That's right folks, we're talking Ork romance novels. Probably with titles like Roses of the WAAAUUGH!!!, in which the passion of two orks from rival WAAUUGHS!!! unites them in a desperate, passionate struggle to live their lives together in relative peace and passion, despite the senseless opposition of their warlords! Go on, think about the cover illustration, I dare you.

I apologise in advance for any visuals this may have inflicted upon you.

2008-10-01, 05:12 PM
For some reason my mind freezes on a Romeo and Julia balcony scene with orks in the classical costumes and décor. I’m glad it wont go farther then that right now.

I still like the older ork fluff where orks would, after some amount of fighting wander of from the frontline in the direction of the spawning grounds, “looking for something” as they put it, growing sexual features on the way. I always imagined some dramatic shot of huge waves of orks flooding towards the front line, only to have the camera zoom in on some newly feminine orks who are trying to go the other way. Probably swinging the ork version of hand bags and high heels as weapons.

Ghal Marak
2008-10-01, 05:12 PM
Of course, orks are all the same gender as well...which takes us to some interesting locations.

"The sun was setting on the planet Aarn 3 amid the clouds, which drifted like smoke from a thousand burning tanks. Coincidentally on the horizon a thousand tanks burned. They stood next to each other on the beach, the sand stained bloodred by the gallons of blood spilled there that afternoon. Gurtz looked at Maz and noticed he had a big choppa and a nearly sufficient amount of dakka."

That's right folks, we're talking Ork romance novels. Probably with titles like Roses of the WAAAUUGH!!!, in which the passion of two orks from rival WAAUUGHS!!! unites them in a desperate, passionate struggle to live their lives together in relative peace and passion, despite the senseless opposition of their warlords! Go on, think about the cover illustration, I dare you.

I apologise in advance for any visuals this may have inflicted upon you.

Take it even further. An Ork killing a man is basicaly rape.

EDIt- You know, this was hilarious in my head, but after posting it I find it to be in bad taste. :smallsigh: Sorry guys.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-01, 05:28 PM
Lets not forget the number one hit movie new to screens for all you green Cougers out there.

Nights in Rodanthwaaaaaaaagh!

warty goblin
2008-10-01, 05:29 PM
For some reason my mind freezes on a Romeo and Julia balcony scene with orks in the classical costumes and décor. I’m glad it wont go farther then that right now.

I still like the older ork fluff where orks would, after some amount of fighting wander of from the frontline in the direction of the spawning grounds, “looking for something” as they put it, growing sexual features on the way. I always imagined some dramatic shot of huge waves of orks flooding towards the front line, only to have the camera zoom in on some newly feminine orks who are trying to go the other way. Probably swinging the ork version of hand bags and high heels as weapons.

Yes, that image does rather stick in one's mind. Explosives might be required to dislodge it. This really tempts me to write a WH40K Romeo and Juliet- "Oy Romeo, Romeo, 'erefor art da Romeo, eh?" Plus, in the end, when they kill themselves, it'd be like all happy because then the two houses could take the spores and raise them as their own, which is to say beat the crap out of them at every possible opportunity.

Orks in lowcut dresses, the mind reels...

2008-10-01, 05:33 PM
Yes, that image does rather stick in one's mind. Explosives might be required to dislodge it. This really tempts me to write a WH40K Romeo and Juliet- "Oy Romeo, Romeo, 'erefor art da Romeo, eh?" Plus, in the end, when they kill themselves, it'd be like all happy because then the two houses could take the spores and raise them as their own, which is to say beat the crap out of them at every possible opportunity.

Orks in lowcut dresses, the mind reels...
Why stop at Romeo and Juliet, Alot of classic literature and shakespeare especially could use a little Orking up.

"The Mad Doc doth protest too much"

"But Brutus said 'e was ambitious, an Brutus da biggest ork around now"
"A Kart, A Kart, my kingdom for a Kart. Dat Kart won't do, I need a red one, whoz da boss around 'ere ya runt, dats right, I AM"


"When your an Ork, ur an Ork all da way
From ur first little brawl to dat big sploady day"

"Narka! Narka! Narka! Headbash
If da size of ur dakka you want to increase
he'll make sure that you wake up without any teef
In a Ork Hole provided by..." Original Lyrics (http://www.lyricsondemand.com/soundtracks/g/guysanddollslyrics/theoldestestablishedlyrics.html)

"I am da boss of dis 'ere WAAAAAUUUGGHHH"
"And a mighty good warboos too" Original Lyrics (http://members.tripod.com/GOPcapitalist/song2.html)

"DA HILLS ARE ALIVE, wid da sound of Dakka"

2008-10-01, 05:54 PM
Guys, I love you... You just made my friggin' WEEK ^^

2008-10-01, 06:12 PM
I'm afraid the Ork songwriting here has reminded me of my favorite. (Well, next to "Be Prepared" from the Lion King, as sung by Grazghull Thraka)
Grimdark Songwriting (http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Grimdark_Songwriting#Iron_Maiden:_Aces_High) on Aces High (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MkubJduGQA)

There goes da sirun dat warns o' da air raid
Den comz da sound o' da shootaz: DakDakkaDak
Owt fer da scramble we've godda git airborne
Godda git up fer da comin' attak.

Jump in da cockpit an start up da enginz
Lode up da grotz derz no time to muck about
Gavverin' speed as weeb 'ed down da runway
Godda git airborne an smoke dose gitz out

Scurryin', scramblin', flyin'
Rollin', turnin', divin', goin' in again
Scurryin', scramblin', flyin'
Rollin', turnin', divin'
Scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, du or die
Won't ya scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, Deffskwad 'igh.

Move in ter fire at da mainstream o' bombaz
Giv em some dakka an den turn away
Roll ober, spin round ter cumz in behind 'em
Move ter their blindsidz an firin' again

Runtie ships oe'r da Horizon, muv in behin' us
Down on da ground dere's jes deadboys and lootaz
'Eading up an turnin' our flash ter mug dem
'Eading straight fer dim meeb per-ss down on mi shootaz.

Rollin', turnin', divin'
Rollin', turnin', divin' ('ere we go agin!)
Rollin', turnin', divin'
Rollin', turnin', divin'
Scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, du or die
Won't ya scurry, liv ter fly, fly ter liv, Deffskwad 'igh
Courtesy of 1d4chan (NOT, I say, NOT 4chan. There's a difference.)

Also, whoever found the necron fluff changes on TvTropes, could you show me where? I can't find it.

warty goblin
2008-10-01, 06:17 PM
Da Boyz does da klassics.

Da Orkyad (the Illiad)

WAAUUUGH! Roar, boyz of dat Big Nob Akilles and 'is big angry dat got so many boyz shot up. See, he an' da Warboss Agamemon 'ad a fight 'bout who 'ad da most dakka...

Da Orkyssy (The Odyssey)
See, it took dis one Boy a long time to get back to 'is WAAUUGHH, an' when he got back he found dat des oder Boyz were tryin' to take 'his dakka. So he Stomped 'em all an' got 'is dakka back.

Orky D ick (Moby D ick, spaced funny due to forum censor)
Dis one warboss 'unts down da big white squid det ate 'is leg.

2008-10-01, 06:22 PM
This opens up a whole new genre of literature to be explored!

warty goblin
2008-10-01, 06:23 PM
This opens up a whole new genre of literature to be explored!

and then looted.

2008-10-01, 06:25 PM
Da Boyz does da klassics.

Da Orkyad (the Illiad)

WAAUUUGH! Roar, boyz of dat Big Nob Akilles and 'is big angry dat got so many boyz shot up. See, he an' da Warboss Agamemon 'ad a fight 'bout who 'ad da most dakka...

Da Orkyssy (The Odyssey)
See, it took dis one Boy a long time to get back to 'is WAAUUGHH, an' when he got back he found dat des oder Boyz were tryin' to take 'his dakka. So he Stomped 'em all an' got 'is dakka back.

Orky D ick (Moby D ick, spaced funny due to forum censor)
Dis one warboss 'unts down da big white squid det ate 'is leg.

You know, Orkish regeneration makes the last one even funnier.

Lord Mancow
2008-10-01, 06:34 PM
You know, Orkish regeneration makes the last one even funnier.

I thought that it was just that their limbs were incredibly hardy due to the plant DNA in them and that even the head could survive for minutes when decapitated.

2008-10-01, 06:51 PM
OHHHH, wese off to see da Warboss.
Da wunnaful Warboss of Waaaaaaghhhs.
We 'ear e's a hoss of a 'Boss.
If'n eva a 'Boss dere was.
If eva, if eva a 'Boss dere waasss...
The Warboss of Waaaaghhhs is de one 'cause...
'Cause, 'cause, 'cause, 'cause, 'cauuuuuussee...
'Cause of all the humies and panzees he offs!
Wese off to see da Warboss.
Da wunnaful Warboss of Waaaaaghhh!

2008-10-01, 07:02 PM
I thought that it was just that their limbs were incredibly hardy due to the plant DNA in them and that even the head could survive for minutes when decapitated.

Yeah, but orks also recover very quickly from gashes, bashes, and whatnot too. It's up to the Mad Docs to reattach the bits that come off (or replace them with mechanical parts).

It speaks to their hardiness when you remember that Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka survived having half his head blown off.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-01, 07:18 PM
It was just a flesh wound.

Mr. Scaly
2008-10-01, 09:07 PM
And then there's Ork classic rock!

Shot thruu da 'eart! An yooz ter blame!
Ya giv love a bad name!

warty goblin
2008-10-01, 09:27 PM
And then there's Ork classic rock!

Shot thruu da 'eart! An yooz ter blame!
Ya giv love a bad name!

"I dakkad da sheriff, but I didn't stomp da deputy."

Comin' up on WAUGH 40.000 Klassic Hits:
Lucy in da sky with dakka

An' now for a toon that'll bring back memories for the older nobz out der: Shootin' in the wind: (to tune of Blowin' in the wind)

How many hummies must a boy stomp on
Before we callz 'im a boss?
How many roks must a boy ride down
Before he 'as enuf lootz?
Ya, an' how many times must de dakka be to little
Before he getz bigga shootas?
Da anser my boyz, is shootin' in da wind.
Da anser is shootin' in da wind.

How many times must da boyz look up?
Before they getz to da stars?
How many 'eads must one boy loot?
Before he has enuf skulls?
Ya, an' how many boyz must one boy stomp
Before he makes 'is own WAAUGHS?
Da anser my boyz, is shootin' in da wind.
Da anser is shootin' in da wind.

How many planets can one WAAUUGH loot
Before da boss gets shot?
Ya, an' how many gretchin must a boy beat up
Before he getz 'is own grot?
Ya, an' how many Squigs can one boy herd
Before he gets 'imself et?
Da anser my boyz, is shootin' in da wind.
Da anser is shootin' in da wind.

2008-10-02, 12:15 AM
That one was NICE. Nice. Real good re-write.
I know I didn't write this one, but it's good enough that I couldn't resist spreading the good word. (Wauugh?) Same source as my last one.

The Lion King: Be Prepared



But ‘ere getting shot op!


Yeah! Be prepared! Wez gon be prepared! ...Fer wot?
Why? Did da boss say so?
Great ideah! Who ned a boss! No Boss! No Boss!
But youz sed...
Yay! Awwwwwwroight! 'ail to da Boss!

(Oooh Waagh, Waagh, Waagh!)
(We’ll haf Waagh!)
(En’less Waagh!)
(‘Ere we go!)
(Fo’ da Waagh!)

Avilan the Grey
2008-10-02, 04:02 AM
You guys made my day!

Again for the original question: I do think it seems like the Orks gains strength quicker than the tyranids mutates. As I said I have never played the game(s), but I recall phrases like "ordered mutations" etc regarding the tyranids evolution. This would indicate that the Orks, just growing larger, stronger and more numerous would have an advantage.

(This might also explain why the Orks in gereral does not seem to mind the hive fleet (the one present in their "sectors"), they seem to be able to contain it with just a fraction of spontaneous Waaagh!s. (or is it Whaaghs!"?))

And then we would be back to the golden days of Orkdom, with Warbosses capable of single-handidly fight Daemon princes, lesser gods and even the Emperor man to man (well back when he was up and running about).

2008-10-02, 05:45 AM
More Dakka or Even More Dakka?
Da Iz Da Question!

Avilan the Grey
2008-10-02, 06:17 AM
More Dakka or Even More Dakka?
Da Iz Da Question!

If you can choose between More Dakka and Even More Dakka, there is no choice, only Dakka!

2008-10-02, 06:31 AM
You are right, I had it all wrong. sorry...

Dakka or More Dakka?
Da iz Da Question!

2008-10-02, 12:23 PM
More Dakka or Even More Dakka?
Da Iz Da Question!

Then you have more Dakka still.

Mr. Scaly
2008-10-02, 12:44 PM
"Whevva t'iz nobla in body an mind ter suffa da slin's an arrows o' ova da top fortune, or ter take arms against a sea o' troublz an by opposin' crump dim!"

2008-10-02, 12:57 PM
We could also write the phantasy classics.

The lord of Shootaz.

3 Shootaz for the Dark Eldar Archonz above the starz!
7 for the Chaoz boyz in their deep pitz!
9 for the warbosses hungry for WWWAAAGHHH!!!!
One to the humie boss in his golden throne, where peace lies.

One shoota to boss them all, one shoota to find them all and in peace bind them.

In the golden throne where the WWAAGHHH!!! doesn't reach.

But The Shoota got in the hold of a gretchkin, who managed to resist it's peacefull aura. It's now up to two ork warbosses, five gretchkins, one chaoz boy, one weirdboyz and one dark eldar to take The shoota to the golden throne and blow it up, before the golden humie can make his peace spread trough the entire universe!

2008-10-02, 05:29 PM
Zog, dey gots Yorork! I knewed 'im, Horatiork:
an ork of infinit kunnin' an' a decent mek: he 'az
given me more dakka a tousend timez;
an' now, 'es all dead an' stuff! let's eat 'im.
Here woz dat great big gun wif dem kannons dat I nicked.
Where be yer choppa now? yer uvva choppa?
yer waaagh!? yer 'umie jumpin' fing dat you did,
dat made all da boyz laff? Mebbes I should do it to yer corpse?
Dat 'ud be funny.
Now go up to da nobz, and tell 'em, paint youz blue so youz lucky
dey gotta do dat! De'll all remembe' da stompin'!
Eh, you!
Wot's dat boss!?
Do youz fink dat Ghazgull looked like dis'?
'E'z still alive boss.
Based on Hamlet, Act 5 Scene 1

2008-10-02, 06:20 PM
As long as we're having fun with shakespeare...

Original Version:

But know, thou noble youth, that the serpent that did sting thy father's life now wears his crown.

Orkish Improvement:

Lissen good, you stinkin' grot: dat snakey dat crushed yooz's fadda's head now'z got 'is pointy 'ead stick!

Mr. Scaly
2008-10-02, 10:58 PM
This butts into the budding culture of ork literature but lack of sleep just hit me with two thoughts.

1) Orks = Jaegermonsters in space. Or vice versa. Either way that's a cool coincidence.

2) If tyranids have been eating people and absorbing their DNA, what are the odds of them coming up with a copy of humans or space marines one day and destroying the Imperium from within?

Sleep now...

Innis Cabal
2008-10-02, 10:59 PM
Scaly. When you wake up. Genestealer Cults.

Learn em, love em, get infected. Join em

2008-10-02, 11:01 PM
Scaly. When you wake up. Genestealer Cults.

Learn em, love em, get infected. Join em


2008-10-02, 11:13 PM
His hunches arn't really that uncannily accurate. They are more along the lines of "Something is going to go badly and try to kill us", which considering this IS the warhammer 40k universe, is a pretty safe bet in any situation.

2008-10-02, 11:22 PM
His hunches arn't really that uncannily accurate. They are more along the lines of "Something is going to go badly and try to kill us", which considering this IS the warhammer 40k universe, is a pretty safe bet in any situation.

They were fairly good when he shot the genestealers in the head, though.

2008-10-02, 11:44 PM
Yep. I was particularly fond of that "What the hell, hero?" moment...

Genestealer cult?

*Revs chainsword*
Purgin' time!

2008-10-03, 01:42 AM
Shoota to da left of da boyz
Shoota to da right of da boyz,
Shoota behind da boyz
Dakking n' ezploding,
Waaagh! by dakkas anz big shootas
With squiggoths and warboss iz urta
After da boyz dakka wit proppa
N' dakka trough da ummie'z slag
Bak from painz' claw
Many boyz da were,
Not so many boyz now

Mr. Scaly
2008-10-03, 02:00 PM
Scaly. When you wake up. Genestealer Cults.

Learn em, love em, get infected. Join em

*wikis genesteales* ...That's even more subtle, insidious andjust plain cool that I was expecting!

Innis Cabal
2008-10-03, 02:03 PM
They used to be cooler. They used to have limo's as troop transports.

2008-10-03, 02:08 PM
They used to be cooler. They used to have limo's as troop transports.

Grimdark Limos?

Innis Cabal
2008-10-03, 02:09 PM
Grimdark Limo's that transported infected tyranid/human hybrids from place to place.

Mr. Scaly
2008-10-03, 02:10 PM
Limos? Are genestealers the rock stars of Warhammer?

Innis Cabal
2008-10-03, 02:14 PM
You tell me.

Bah, link didn't work.

Saithis Bladewing
2008-10-03, 02:29 PM
I miss the limousines.

And they were cult leaders, civilians, so not far off rock stars I guess. ;)

Mr. Scaly
2008-10-03, 09:23 PM
Any clue as to how many of these genestealer families there are galaxy wide? Wikipedia says when they get large enough they can actually take over planets.

2008-10-04, 12:13 AM
All this is very interesting, but you guys miss the main point:

What about choppa?

2008-10-04, 12:52 AM
All this is very interesting, but you guys miss the main point:

What about choppa?


It's good, don't get me wrong, but compared to dakka...

2008-10-04, 12:53 AM
All this is very interesting, but you guys miss the main point:

What about choppa?

You need more of it. No exceptions.

What else can be said?

2008-10-04, 01:10 AM
Gotta love any species that's tech works because they THINK it should.

2008-10-04, 01:13 AM
Gotta love any species that's tech works because they THINK it should.

That factor about Ork technology is massively overstated, in Death or Glory, Cain's Hero's managed to use to Ork vehicles and guns with only a little trouble.

2008-10-04, 01:19 AM
Having not read it, weren't there still Orks on planet? That whole Ork groupthink thing can be fairly pervasive.

2008-10-04, 01:21 AM
That factor about Ork technology is massively overstated, in Death or Glory, Cain's Hero's managed to use to Ork vehicles and guns with only a little trouble.

Well, yeah.

CIAPHAS CAIN, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM was there, of course it worked.

The Emperor's hand on worlds other than Terra enables those he aids to accomplish any task.

2008-10-04, 01:28 AM
Oh ya, Imperium has sent extra-galactic space probes before, the signals they receiving from that probe are all Ork signals. Which means that Da Ooniverze is Green!

2008-10-04, 01:30 AM
An' Green iz best!

Innis Cabal
2008-10-04, 10:10 AM
Any clue as to how many of these genestealer families there are galaxy wide? Wikipedia says when they get large enough they can actually take over planets.

The Imperium of Man loses thousands with accounting errors all the time. Simply said...probably alot more then we want to admit.

There is also an Ordos Xenos to take into account, they are like the other Ordos, but alot scarier. I would expect them to be an upcomming army.

2008-10-04, 10:15 AM
That factor about Ork technology is massively overstated, in Death or Glory, Cain's Hero's managed to use to Ork vehicles and guns with only a little trouble.
I don't think its so much that their stuff only works because they think it should, it's that it dosn't break because they think it should.

You couldn't paint a box red, put some wheels on it, tell an ork it's a car, and then have the Ork Drive it around. Orkish tech still has all the stuff it needs to work, it's just that it's so shoddily put together and orkish maintenance practices consist of hitting it with a choppa until it works, that it SHOULD fall apart rapidly. Instead, the Orkish Groupthink creates a sort of Anti-Murphy's law, despite everything that should go wrong, nothing does.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-04, 10:18 AM
If I remember correctly, there is an entrity in BFG about Ork ships tactics boiling down to "Push the Big Red Button". In a later entry, the Big Red Button was mentioned as being connected to every vital part of the ship, including the engine.

2008-10-04, 10:19 AM
If I remember correctly, there is an entrity in BFG about Ork ships tactics boiling down to "Push the Big Red Button". In a later entry, the Big Red Button was mentioned as being connected to every vital part of the ship, including the engine.
Yes, but "RAM THEM WHILE SHOOTING EVERYTHING!" is a perfectly valid ork strategy.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-04, 10:20 AM
And one of the few afforded to them when against...some of the more insane fleets. Like the necron.

Saithis Bladewing
2008-10-04, 10:30 AM
I don't think its so much that their stuff only works because they think it should, it's that it dosn't break because they think it should.

You couldn't paint a box red, put some wheels on it, tell an ork it's a car, and then have the Ork Drive it around. Orkish tech still has all the stuff it needs to work, it's just that it's so shoddily put together and orkish maintenance practices consist of hitting it with a choppa until it works, that it SHOULD fall apart rapidly. Instead, the Orkish Groupthink creates a sort of Anti-Murphy's law, despite everything that should go wrong, nothing does.

Ah, but if you convinced twenty billion orks that the red box they were all sitting in could go, WOULD IT?!

That's the real question. :smallwink:

2008-10-04, 11:17 AM
And one of the few afforded to them when against...some of the more insane fleets. Like the necron.

More insane than the Orks?

I doubt that.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-04, 11:18 AM
The necron fleet and the tyranid fleet are pretty nuts. Haven't played agaisnt to many others.

2008-10-04, 11:26 AM
I don't think its so much that their stuff only works because they think it should, it's that it dosn't break because they think it should.

You couldn't paint a box red, put some wheels on it, tell an ork it's a car, and then have the Ork Drive it around. Orkish tech still has all the stuff it needs to work, it's just that it's so shoddily put together and orkish maintenance practices consist of hitting it with a choppa until it works, that it SHOULD fall apart rapidly. Instead, the Orkish Groupthink creates a sort of Anti-Murphy's law, despite everything that should go wrong, nothing does.

Actually, if I remember correctly, the description that they give of the Ork Fighta Bomba it has most of the compnonents it needs, the engine is in front, the gas tank is in back...but the tube to move gas just goes to the cockpit....and ends, it doesn't actually connect to anything else. The Fighta Bomba only works because they think it will.


2008-10-04, 11:21 PM
An' Green iz best!Red iz good too, though.

Actually, if I remember correctly, the description that they give of the Ork Fighta Bomba it has most of the compnonents it needs, the engine is in front, the gas tank is in back...but the tube to move gas just goes to the cockpit....and ends, it doesn't actually connect to anything else. The Fighta Bomba only works because they think it will.

-SuzuroYes, but the amount of groupthink required to make it work is less than it would be if they'd just taken a log, hollowed it out, stuck a couple of planks on for the wings, and stuck as much dakka as possible on board.

An ork doesn't need much WAAAGH!-induced groupthink to get a choppa working, because a choppa should work. It's a big honking axe; what can go wrong?

[don't answer that]

Of course, orkish groupthink can make the choppa more effective, allowing it to chop its way through stuff it should not normally cut so well or so easily. Like Space Marine power armor, which really ought to be damn near immune to something like a choppa.

So it seems to me that the closer an orkish machine is to a normal working machine designed by a sane species (such as the Eldar or Tau), the less groupthink it needs to work. Obviously, if the groupthink levels required to make a machine work are too high, the machine won't work on most orkish planets and they'll give up trying to use it. Which is why fighta bombas need fuel and have engines, even if they don't have a mechanism to get the fuel to the engine.

2008-10-04, 11:25 PM
That factor about Ork technology is massively overstated, in Death or Glory, Cain's Hero's managed to use to Ork vehicles and guns with only a little trouble.

Possible Explanations:
1 The orks were STILL ON THE PLanet, and as such it worked.

2 THey are perminantly psychically embued to work, like some eldar tech is.

Avilan the Grey
2008-10-06, 07:17 AM
(...)the Orkish Groupthink creates a sort of Anti-Murphy's law, despite everything that should go wrong, nothing does.

I think this is it, really. They seem to have the basic knowledge to build more-or-less working stuff.

Red iz good too, though.(...rest snipped, but agreed with).

Ok, I stand corrected...
Yes, this seems to be how it works.

Mr. Scaly
2008-10-06, 11:24 AM
Oh, those wacky orks.

2008-10-06, 11:46 AM
Oh, those wacky orks.

Orks. Perhaps the only species in the galaxy where the terms "genocidal mania" and "wacky" can peacefully coincide.

Mr. Scaly
2008-10-06, 11:57 AM
Orks. Perhaps the only species in the galaxy where the terms "genocidal mania" and "wacky" can peacefully coincide.

Comedy in a crapsack universe consists of maniacs chopping things with axes while yelling in a really silly British accent.

2008-10-22, 05:49 PM
In my eyes, the tyranids will win many battles, especially when only tiny portions of the fleets have arrived. If the main ones come, who knows? There might be more stronger strains of tyranids and even more. Wait...WAY more. Sure the orks can reproduce asexually, which will keep their race alive-but I kinda find that hard when the tyranids 'eat' planets and basically turn it into a rocky wasteland with no plant material. In the warhammer 40k game, tyranids are slightly better than orks in ballistic skill but orks do have a whole bunch of attacks. Still, orks can win some battles, especially if they're united under one uber huge waaagh, but against tyranids who can shoot, trample and cut up their enemies and take HUGE losses and still keep going, that's pretty hard for a waaagh to win.

2008-10-22, 06:52 PM
Keep in mind that "shoot, trample and cut up their enemies and take HUGE losses and still keep going" is a pretty good description of the modus operandi for the average WAAAGH!

2008-10-23, 02:03 PM
Nids are common, but not "whole universe except 40K galaxy" common. 5th ed rulebook said they'd eaten about a dozen galaxies.

how spread are orks? apparently furthest-sent Imperium probe is still reporting Ork transmissions, but are orcs likely to have spread as far across universe as the Nids supposedly have?

2008-10-25, 01:38 PM
that's a question that no one other than GW knows...Because they make the fluffXD

2008-10-25, 04:59 PM
Dear God-Emperor, what if, in the next pull-back of scale, our galaxy is an anomaly and it's all orcs and tyranids, fighting it out forever, in every other galaxy in existance?

warty goblin
2008-10-25, 05:26 PM
Dear God-Emperor, what if, in the next pull-back of scale, our galaxy is an anomaly and it's all orcs and tyranids, fighting it out forever, in every other galaxy in existance?

Well it would answer a very important question. Turns out the purpose of the universe is more dakka after all.

2008-10-25, 05:43 PM
Well it would answer a very important question. Turns out the purpose of the universe is more dakka after all.

I got itm "how much Dakka is enuf Dakka"
The answer, 42. 42 of what, we arn't sure, if you have 42 of some measurement of Dakka, your measurement is too small.
The equation is as follows
E= 42 D
Where E is Enough Dakka, and D is some measurement of Dakka. Find D.

2008-10-25, 05:51 PM
I got itm "how much Dakka is enuf Dakka"
The answer, 42. 42 of what, we arn't sure, if you have 42 of some measurement of Dakka, your measurement is too small.
The equation is as follows
E= 42 D
Where E is Enough Dakka, and D is some measurement of Dakka. Find D.

So, the purpose of the Emperor, Terra, and the whole Imperium is to find how much dakka is enough?

warty goblin
2008-10-25, 06:17 PM
So, the purpose of the Emperor, Terra, and the whole Imperium is to find how much dakka is enough?

There is only one way to get enuf dakka. Convert the entire universe into a shoota, except for an ork and a grot. The ork fires da shoota at da grot. Then, on that day, that ork has enuf dakka, the cycle is complete, and the universe can be reborn with a new purpose.

More choppa.

2008-10-25, 07:52 PM
Wow... that is such a weird idea...AND I LIKE IT XD

2008-10-25, 07:53 PM
Of course you do. Likeing anything else is HERESY

2008-10-25, 11:50 PM
There is only one way to get enuf dakka. Convert the entire universe into a shoota, except for an ork and a grot. The ork fires da shoota at da grot. Then, on that day, that ork has enuf dakka, the cycle is complete, and the universe can be reborn with a new purpose.

More choppa.If you made da whole universe into da shoota, what does da shoota use for ammo? There's nuthin left.

2008-10-25, 11:55 PM
If you made da whole universe into da shoota, what does da shoota use for ammo? There's nuthin left.

Okay, the Necrons can stick around until then for ammo purposes.

2008-10-26, 01:23 AM
Okay, the Necrons can stick around until then for ammo purposes.

*hands internat to Chiasaur11*


2008-10-26, 01:19 PM
*hands internat to Chiasaur11*


Wow, thanks!

I'll treasure it always.

2008-10-27, 10:19 PM
I'd have to agree with Lorn, if the Orks all Banded together, they'd completly pwn the Tyrannids, and not just them, but every single Frickin' race in the Dawn of War Universe!

2008-10-28, 07:32 AM
I'd have to agree with Lorn, if the Orks all Banded together, they'd completly pwn the Tyrannids, and not just them, but every single Frickin' race in the Dawn of War Universe!

You mean, the Warhammer 40k universe?

2008-10-28, 07:38 AM
I'd have to agree with Lorn, if the Orks all Banded together, they'd completly pwn the Tyrannids, and not just them, but every single Frickin' race in the Dawn of War Universe!

but every single Frickin' race in the Dawn of War Universe!

the Dawn of War Universe!

Dawn of War

Nah. Nice try. :smalltongue:

2008-10-30, 10:29 AM
It says in the fluff that tyranids suck the crap outa planets but after they make everything grow faster, especially plantlife. So when the tyranids attack a ork planet, it will have fungus all over it. The fungus is the way that orks can reproduce-so when the tyranids make the plantlife grow faster, all the ork fungi will grow faster, so the orks will become orks almost instantly. The tyranids will then have to fend off all orks but by that time, they wil have sucked the planet lifeless. The orks may reproduce faster bu the tyranids will have sucked the planet clean of life. And if a waaaagh can kill a hive fleet, can all the orks in 40k universe beat all the huge and epic hive fleets of the tyranids, asuming that the tyranids have become slightly more advanced and even stronger in numbers. The tyranids are known for just tossing their troop at their enemies, so they could care less about their troops. The orks may reproduce millions of times, but they have to wait at least some time. The tyranids could be already attacking their planets by then.

2008-10-30, 06:49 PM
Ah, but if you convinced twenty billion orks that the red box they were all sitting in could go, WOULD IT?!

That's the real question. :smallwink:

I was reading through the last page, and I realized....

If you convinced 40 billion orks that they could walk, say, east, and would get to the next WAAAAAUGH!-able planet, would it work?

2008-10-30, 07:21 PM
I was reading through the last page, and I realized....

If you convinced 40 billion orks that they could walk, say, east, and would get to the next WAAAAAUGH!-able planet, would it work?

Only if you somehow paint your voice red.

2008-10-31, 01:10 PM
I dont think so, worlds are still round...

2008-10-31, 01:16 PM
I was reading through the last page, and I realized....

If you convinced 40 billion orks that they could walk, say, east, and would get to the next WAAAAAUGH!-able planet, would it work?Of course not, that's less than a percent of the ork population. You'd need a simple majority, at minimum. Of course, if you in your not orky self just told the orks from a safe distance that orks couldn't do that, their devotion to proving the claim wrong would spread through all things orky quicker than a meme plague.

2010-01-19, 03:45 AM

I would like to point out first of all the Imperium's satellite that has been traveling straight onward through the universe, UNIVERSE not galaxy, and hasn't sent back anything but Ork signals for thousands upon thousands of years. What does this mean? It implies that there are an unfathomable amount of Orks beyond our galaxy.

Second. If all the Orks banded together... It is common knowledge that the more Orks you got, the tougher they think they are. They would see themselves as just about invincible. Also, the more Orks there are, the bigger the Warboss leading them will be. He'll be enormous. Also, the more Orks there, the more technologically advanced they seem to become. Also, again, the more Orks there are, the more powerful their psychic abilities are. Last one... the more Orks, the bigger stompas. Theres guna be some big stompas. BIG big stompas.

Third. Every Ork victory would eventually bring in more Orks. Because the remains of all of the fallen Orks would grow into even more Orks than there originally were.

Fourth. With that many Orks... We're talking quadrillions here, if not much more.(I am aware that the Nids may be able to match those numbers) So just think. If Gork and Mork are known to often step into (and many times quite literally onto) the affairs of single Orks and change the tides of battle. Then imagine all those Orks. Too many to fit on an Earth size planet. If they all charged into battle united, the whole of the Ork race. How could Gork and Mork not step in (or on the enemies)? I believe that they wouldn't just lend a hand, but i believe that they would fully materialize. If you are not familiar with Gork and Mork. They are the gods that the Orks worship, stompas are built in homage to their image, they are powerful beyond comprehension, and they are invincible. period. Gork and Mork have been known to kill gods of Chaos. On accident. When they "mess around", Gork and Mork are more than capable of slaying gods of the Necrontyr. Or the gods of any other race for that matter. They are quite possibly THE most dangerous entities in the 40k universe. And they are both on the side of the Orks.


The Orks could easily have it all. Everything. They never will though. Because... fitin' wiv de' udder boyz be tooo mush fun!!!

Brother Oni
2010-01-20, 11:40 AM
Going back to ork versions of Shakespeare, you could probably boil down the whole Saint Crispen's Day speech from Henry V down to "'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go!"

2013-02-22, 08:29 PM
"a billion times a billion Tyranids stand at the rim of the galaxy yet each one is no more than a single cell in the living body of the hive mind, the devourer of worlds."
(2nd edition Tyranid Codex, p. 4)

this makes 1 quintillion tyranids, or 10 to 18, or 1000 quadrillion or a million trillion Tyranids. Quite an impressive number. Could Orks be more. `f course we iz! We be moar than them bugz fings! `nd we gotz moar dakka tha`dam bugzies.
:smallbiggrin: :redcloak:
This galaxshi gotz o`er trilium shtars and we papulate halfs dem shtar shistems. :smallbiggrin: We iz moar!