View Full Version : Giant in the Playground Warhammer Online Destruction Guild

2008-09-29, 04:49 PM
This is, obviously, like the Order Guild Thread, but for Destruction instead. I think it would be nice if we set up a destruction guild, as I generally like the Destruction side and the races they offer.

However, unlike the Order Guild thread, we still need to establish what server we want to make it on, AND the name.

For Server I suggest Mordheim, for guild name I suggest Metal 'Eads, but just because it sounds cool :smalltongue:

Shades of Gray
2008-09-29, 05:01 PM
I suggest that we create a massive army of squig herders. There will be one black orc leader (me) who will command his 30 man army of squig herders to herd squigs at people. Those people, my friends, will be YOU.

But seriously, a lot of people are already on Tower of Doom, I think. Although if we all start at once on Mordheim, we won't have to worry about not enough people for a PQ.

If we end up on ToD, then my character is:
Darkgrayve: Rank 8 Chosen

2008-09-29, 05:02 PM
Don't you need a Gobbo shaman at your side (me)?

Shades of Gray
2008-09-29, 05:06 PM

2008-09-29, 05:12 PM

Well you're getting one whether you like or not :smallmad::smallwink:

Shades of Gray
2008-09-29, 06:49 PM
What's your shaman's name?

2008-09-29, 06:53 PM
Oh I don't have one yet, I'd make one though :smalltongue:

I do have a Black Orc on Middenheim though... but I'd like to try a Shammy...

2008-09-29, 09:04 PM
Heh. If it matters, I have a Marauder and a Black Orc on Azazel.

2008-09-29, 11:24 PM
Well since our server concencise so far has none, I'll throw in my choice as well.

Thorgrim. I've already got distruction there, right now a 16 BO, and 9 sorceress. Nothing real high, but a start at least. Of course both of my brothers are also there so its not like moving is much of an option for me. We haven't got a guild yet but my brother was wanting to start one.

Shades of Gray
2008-09-30, 10:33 AM
How about we all start new on one server. Maybe even same race so we can play together.

I'm thinking...
Skavenblight (unless it's RP or Oceanic, I'm getting the name off the top of my head)

EDIT: Skavenblight is roleplay, how about Red Eye Mountain?

2008-09-30, 01:04 PM
That sounds good. I agree for Red Eye Mountain, all in favor say aye... or some other affirmative grunting noise that tells me you like the idea

2008-09-30, 01:43 PM
Well I would vote for Thorgrim.
I mean, we may as well let someone not have to move.

It is a medium/medium population server (most of the time) and while order is a bit outnumbered they seem to be putting up a decent fight and seem to be organizing a bit in the open RvR areas.
Most of the players I've ran into so far seem good, I haven't noticed any major problems.

The biggest reason is because I'm not going to run two destruction servers, and I would be willing to move but I know my brothers will not move.

I've got characters to run any new people that want to join.

Shades of Gray
2008-09-30, 01:47 PM
Every one of us would be giving up characters on other servers.

I made a disciple of Khaine today, it was fun.

2008-09-30, 02:19 PM
Yea I mean the whole point of moving to a new server entirely is if we start on a server that some people already have characters on but others don't, it's sort of unfair, if everyone has to move it's equally unfair to everyone.

Shades of Gray
2008-09-30, 03:16 PM
Also, I suggest the name "Giants in the WARground"

or Playground, giants are on the destro side too!

2008-09-30, 04:42 PM
I can see the point of moving to someplace where everyone is even, but I also don't see a problem with letting someone have a higher character to start. Its not like we are all going to stay the same level for very long anyway since we'll be playing at completely different rates.

I really have no problem with moving, my only problem is that I want to play with my brothers and I know they don't want to move. I could start a 3rd server but I'm probably not going to put enough time to a secondary server already.

What I would prefer to base our choice on is server community, but at this point it is way too early to know anything. I would prefer a mid sized server where people prefer to do open RvR, at least at the higher levels. Of course the PvE vs RvR vs Scenario breakdown is something that won't be seen for a while to come.

Of course some people are already asking for server transfers and Mythic has said they aren't against the idea but it didn't seem like it was going to be any time soon either. I think what they said is that if a particular server ends up focusing on one aspect of the game more and you would rather focus on another they might start allowing character transfers for things like that. Of course that might be a week off and that might be months off, its hard to say. They've already added the ability to queue up scenarios for all 3 frontiers from a tier from any zone in that tier, so some player demanded changes are happening rather quickly.

I was thinking Gits in the Playground might be funny. Gits of course seems like an insult to some extent, but I think its a very light hearted one. World Wide Waaagh might be funny but I don't know if the humor would last.

2008-09-30, 05:06 PM
We'll let the people decide:

Red Eye Mountain, or Thorgrim as our Destruction server?

Zeb The Troll
2008-10-01, 03:58 AM
Since I didn't see this thread until just now....


A post I made in one of the seven other WAR threads.

Zeb The Troll
2008-10-09, 02:51 AM
So, was anything settled on?

Shades of Gray, you're on Tower of Doom, right? Are you still playing there? Are you looking for a guild there?

2008-10-09, 12:02 PM
Well it seems it died before it ever got started. Since so many people seemed to make destruction their primary side and started before we had anything set it seems most people have already settled on whatever server they started on.

As for Thorgrim, my brother started a guild last week and we got to guild rank 4 the other day. It is Nordic Waagh if anyone else ends up on that server and is looking for a guild look for us.