View Full Version : The Continent of Suleth

2008-09-30, 02:32 PM
You stand on the deck of Twisted Tailor as you have done every day for the last four weeks. You've had to go through horrible storms but you've survived. Life on the ship has not been very comfourtable but still - even with the horrible food and all the boredom - it has nearly began feeling like home. And not least due to the ship's captain, Trygon. Having left the life of a pirate behind he has been a skillfull captain and a wonderful storyteller. Now the large man stands at the deck and looks down to the docks as the city's officials and city watch are coming to inspect and tax the wares.

The four of you look at each other. Two elves, a half-elf and a raptoran. You are carrying a small package - perhaps a feet high and wide but ony five inches deep - which is quite heavy for it's size, perhaps a book. It's wrapped in dark cloth and a small note 'To the Innkeeper of the Red Goat' is attached to it. The old man who sent it promised that you would receive 300 gold each when delivering it but not knowing the city, you have no idea where the Red Goat might be.

It's a warm summer evening. The exotic smells from nearby merchant ships mix to the more familiar smell of fish just like the shouts of sailors mix with the screams of sea gulls. The wind is calm and you are ready to walk to the docks and further into the city. The only buildings you can see from the ship are taverns and warehouses. Somewhere far in the distance is a large hill rising high in the middle of the city. While the buildings there seem large, you barely recognize them. The city seems huge.

Innis Cabal
2008-09-30, 02:46 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Edit(missed this part, sorry):Ran Kang certainly was one of the brighter characters on this particular ship, laughing and moving about even in rough storms, almost as if the whole thing had been a huge joke. Almost nothing seems to have been able to destroy the positive attitude he holds, though any direct questions about himself always seemed to meet with a simple smile, and a quick but polite change of topic. As they neared the coast his almost ecstatic attitude grew to new pitchs the more sights presented themselves, usually in an explosion of quick chatter in a slurred elven dialect. Other then the general excited wanders, he was often seen below decks practicing dancing moves, his pair of large paper fans always present.

Almost over huh? Gonna miss the boat though, was fun while it lasted. Guess we’ll meet up at the inn huh?

Certainly has been a good ride ya…on to bigger and better things I guess.

Yawns lightly, stretching and stamping on the deck of the ship

2008-09-30, 02:50 PM
Phineas T. Uptyr, Raptoran

"Finally, dear sweet land."

Phineas looks ready to jump for the dock as the ship draws near, quite visibly agitated - as well he should be, considering his seasickness for the majority of the voyage. He thinks better of it, though, and tries to quiet himself until he can finally step off the wretched thing.

He tries to distract himself, and audibly gasps when he takes in the scale of the city. He rushes to the railing, quickly regretting it as he sees the motion of the ship. A green tinge fills his face.

"That was a mistake." He gags twice, but manages to hold his meal down, this time. "Say, we're going to be here for a while, right? I really don't want to have to do all that again..."

That is a reference to the many days spent locked in his cabin, praying to Tuilviel Glithien alternately for swift passage or swift death. The entire time he was above decks, as right now, he carried in a death grip an auran mask and refused to get within ten feet of the edge of the boat. He seems even more gaunt than normal, an obvious result of losing half his meals. He has been an utter misery for the duration of the voyage, angrily grumbling about everything, especially the air ("Just doesn't smell right, it's like a fish has decided to rot in my nose and shed it's scales all over my face..."). The closer the boat gets to shore, though, the happier he seems, only sparing the crew a few angry glares to keep up appearances.

Innis Cabal
2008-09-30, 04:02 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

"Come now! You won't be sitting in your inn room the whole time your here will you? What fun is that? You sir, missed the most amazing times down there I tell you, like when the boat went like this"

Ran then opens a fan, tilting it almost over on its side, more then likely in reference to the boat

"You should have seen it!"

Gives the Raptoran a hearty slap on the back, continuing to laugh

2008-09-30, 04:04 PM
Maril Starcharmer; Grey Elf

The journey had been a boring one for Maril, being stuck on a boat for 4 weeks was not something he considered fun, and 300 gold was little of an incentive. Nevertheless he attempted to amuse himself on the journey running games for the sailors to pass the time. He had several challenges for them, finding a lock that he could not open, hiding objects so he could not find them, and his personal favorite catching him with a trap. Not once was Maril caught and it earnt him quite the collection of copper pieces, which he cleverly hid in each of the men's rooms while they worked.
These games were only to pass time in between his larger project though, Maril had spent most of the four weeks with the captain, much to his annoyance, attempting to trick Trygon into thinking that one of the female shipmates (probably the only) was stealing his waistcoats. This was probably not so effective though and now Marvil attempts his last effort

"Look I'm telling you," he hisses at the captain "every night after eating she hurries back to her room with something under her dress, I'm sure it's a waistcoat."

'Outlandish' bluff - [roll0]
Always nice to start off with a roll.

2008-09-30, 04:37 PM
While the seasick raptorian gathers some amused looks from the dockworkers the sailors of Twisted Tailor have more than gotten used to that sight already and seem to not pay much attention to that.

Meanwhile the discussion between captain Trygon and Maril goes on, some twenty feet from the two other characters.

While the large man still doesn't seem to trust Maril much, it does seem that he is getting slightly more successful. "I just don't see a reason for it. They wouldn't fit her at all.", he ponders absentmindedly. "Why would she do it?" he asks.

2008-09-30, 04:50 PM
Maril; Grey Elf

Finally, I might actually get him

Maril's face shows shock for second before he composes himself, disguising it as simple contemplation. "I've been wondering that myself, and um, I think she likes you." Maril suggests, thinking that he's probably pushing his luck.

The light cloud cover retreats briefly, lighting up Maril. His simple cloth jacket is thrown open by a slight breeze revealing a simple chain shirt, attached to the middle of it is a simple gem. Some know that this gem glows briefly whenever Maril is struck, Maril often tells them that it is an heirloom that gave his family their name, when one of his ancestors charmed a star from the sky. The party have noticed that the ancestors relation to Maril changes sometimes, lending credence to the suspicion that it is another of Maril's tricks.

2008-09-30, 05:04 PM
The captain looks at Maril and raises an eyebrow. "A shipmate lass who is too shy? Haven't seen many of those." He says, shrugs and turns back to look at the docks.

The deck is beginning to fill with sailors waiting for the first mate to get all the formalities done with the city's officials so that they can get to the docks. The captain himself doesn't seem like he would have any intention to leave the ship any time soon.

2008-09-30, 05:10 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

Kell stepped off the dock, sighing with relief. He wasn't sickened by the rolling waves like Phineas was, but, although he would never admit it to the others, he was genuinly afraid of water. Not all waters, ofcourse. Puddles and ponds were all right, but all that water surrounding you? If you fell in, you'd just keep on falling and falling. He'd kept his distance from the edges like Phineas, but tried not to make as much of a deal about it. Although, that wasn't the main reason he was wound tight as a bowstring. Those boats were so god darn flammable! He accidentally let out one teensy little spark, and his door almost burned down. Hopefully no one had noticed. The closed quarters and lack of clean air below deck didn't help, nor did the stale food. He stands at the edge of the dock, making sure to be out of the way, and takes in all the sights and sounds. Hearing Ran mock Phineas, he turns twards Ran and says;
"Oh, let him be Ran," he says, rolling his eyes.
"I'm sure he's not in a joking mood after that trip, and neither am I. Let's just find this... where were we supposed to deliver the package again?"

Innis Cabal
2008-09-30, 05:24 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Ran frowns

"It was hardly a joke ya...whats life without a little terror? Where's the balance if you never take a risk or two? Red Goat is the inn...I wonder what the sewer system is like...or if they have a sewer system...do you think they do?"

2008-09-30, 05:29 PM
Saeroone, High Elf

Saeroone, like Ran Kang, found the boat ride pleasing enough. Unlike him, she didn't view it as an opportunity for frivolity and games, but a chance to relax and get some fresh air. Every morning, an early riser might look up and find her clinging to the top of the mast, eyes raised to greet the rising sun as she quietly intoned her prayers. During the day, she made herself useful any way she could, helping out with whatever task needed to be accomplished around the ship, and often carrying foul-tasting medicinal concoctions from the ships surgeon down to the stricken Phineas, to settle his stomach.

She didn't speak much with the crew during the voyage, but then, she seldom does. She talks more freely with her fellow party members, but even then, she's normally the quietest of the party. She has a soft, low voice, and thick, sandy coloured hair, which is currently fastened up into a bun with a cheap hair clasp, out of her way. Her eyes are a shade of hazel, and there are as soft and expressionless as the rest of her face. She's solidly built, with lithe muscles and long, powerful legs.

She stands on the gangplank, fishing around in her backpack, her face serene and expressionless, as usual. She checks that she still has the package wrapped up securely in her winter blanket, and then nods, satisfied that it's safe. She replaces it underneath several other items, fastens her backpack up securely, and then swings it onto her shoulders as she wanders down past Maril and the increasingly bemused captain.

She wanders over towards Phineas and Ran, stopping to talk to one of the sailors who doesn't look too busy.

"Daygreet, sailor. Please forgive my intrusion. I would ask, could you tell me of the most direct route to the Red Goat Inn? Or would you know anyone that could?"

2008-09-30, 05:33 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

"I just mean that w-he must have a perfectly good reason for not liking the water. Ah well." He's trown off a little by the second part of Ran's comment. "Is sewer system really the first thing that comes to your mind?"

Innis Cabal
2008-09-30, 05:38 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf
Ran blinks several times

"No...of course not....it was a general question. Do you want a list ya?"

2008-09-30, 05:43 PM
Maril, Grey Elf

Maril trots over to Kell, Ran, and Phineas. "Well I guess I owe a sailor a pretty penny or two," he says, glancing around at the shipmates. "but I don't see him around, maybe we'll leave before then, don't wan't to waste anything I don't need to." This subtle reference is the first anyone has heard of Maril's spells for the journey, unless you count hearing people say things via ventriloquy. In fact spells are one of the things Maril tends to avoid using, or mentioning.

"But sewers, they're always interesting. Never enough call to check the sewers nowadays, used to be cultists in every nook of them."

Innis Cabal
2008-09-30, 10:18 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Ran nods

"That and the rich life that grows in most of it! Sure...its not the greatest smelling place but the nature within it....just amazing! Really! Do you still want that list Kell ya?"

2008-10-01, 12:44 AM
As the officials have gotten through the paperwork with the first mate, sailors begin moving down to the docks.

The captain looks at Saeroone and thinks a moment.


"The Red Goat? It's in the southeast Midtown. Just south from the temple district. So walk to the bottom of that large hill but instead of going up, turn right and follow the street. You might want to ask someone around there again but it shouldn't be that difficult to find it...", Trygon says and spits. "Too many wizards in one building if you ask me."

2008-10-01, 10:30 AM
Saeroone bows her head slightly.

"Thank you for your kind assistance, captain."

She turns to go, and then abruptly turns back.

"Wizards? Ah, you mean the inn is a popular stop for wizards? Why would that be?"

2008-10-01, 02:01 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

Kell is taken by surprise, and responds to Ran;
"What? No. I thought you were being sarcastic."
Thoroughly confused, he turns twards Saeroone and says, "Who knows? "Maybe magic is in abundance here."

Innis Cabal
2008-10-01, 03:34 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Ran laughs

"And I thought you were being serious!"

Ran then turns to the other "guest"

"Someone who knows how to have a little fun, or at least dosn't sit and throw up in a little rough water! Perhaps this is a magic city! How interesting ya? We might get to see some real magic."

"real magic other then the norm at the very least ya"

2008-10-01, 06:57 PM
"Alright, well, let's just get this package delivered before anything else. I wonder what's in it, anyway?" Kell lifts the package to his ear and gives it a small shake, and checks to see if it has any magical properties.

[roll0] and magical insight

2008-10-01, 07:10 PM
Saeroone stiffens as Kell retrieves the package from her pack, but lets him fish it out.

"Please, keep that out of sight." she murmurs, softly. "I would guess that it is most likely a spellbook of some value, and that there are many unscrupulous mages who would wish to take it from us."

2008-10-01, 07:18 PM
"YOu really think this is that important? Well, I suppose being catious couldn't do any harm."
After inspecting the passage, Kell slips it discreatly back into Saeroone's pack.

Slight of hand, if it's really neccessary to keep people from seeing it; [roll0]

Innis Cabal
2008-10-01, 07:22 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

"We're getting a sack of gold for it, if it's a spell book...its probably just for starters. Maybe its a cook book! Those things go for alot, and we are going to an inn with it. Why not open it and see?"

2008-10-01, 07:31 PM
"I don't want to tamper with it, maybe it's very personal."

2008-10-01, 07:36 PM
"Quite. And the recipient may know if it has been unwrapped." Saeroone whispers, as she waits for the captain to respond.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-01, 07:41 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Ran simply shrugs

"We could always just tell him we wanted to see what was inside it. Who would send us on a boat with a possibly dangerous book? But...mabye your right, we can always ask at the inn ya?"

2008-10-02, 06:18 AM
"The Red Goat is a favorite among mages of the Crimson Coil. Their unofficial base of operations, one could say... They don't really want that to be too public but I couldn't care less.",
the captain says and laughs heartily before becoming more serious.

"Warmages in the cadres of Seventh Regiment are powerful enough and the wizards who belong to the Sages' guild are nothing to frown at either. But those of Crimson Coil are far too obsessed with knowledge that nobody should posess.",
he continues and shakes his head.

[OOC: Results of Kell's listen check and magical insight will be PMed]

2008-10-02, 07:48 AM
Maril; Grey Elf

Maril stands and listens to the captain and the others, seemingly uninterested in the package but listening carefully to the captain's talk of mages.

2008-10-02, 02:30 PM
Kell Striga: Human

"I think you're right on, Saeroone. It's definitly magical, though I'm not sure if it's a book. In any case, lets head over to the Goat, then have a look around town." Kell steps back, ready to follow the rest of the group.

2008-10-02, 02:39 PM
Saeroone bows to the captain, and then turns, nodding.

"As you wish, Kell."

She falls into step just behind him.

"These warmages of the Crimson Coil sound dangerous. Perhaps should deliver the package with all haste, and then find a different inn to stay in before we attempt to sign on a ship bound for home."

Innis Cabal
2008-10-02, 02:48 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Ran bounds into the front of the group, gawking at the city as they disembark

"What should we do first...after the job that is...we can't forget that..."

2008-10-02, 06:06 PM
"I'm in no rush to go back, If I go back at all. I'd like to have a look around at least. Finding a nice place to stay would be good."

Innis Cabal
2008-10-02, 06:33 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

"We're going to an inn, that should probably fit all that....maybe we can go look for places to eat! I wonder what they sell here. Or maybe, we can see some of their art! That would be amazing!"

2008-10-02, 06:41 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

Kell's stomach rumbles at the mention of food, and he realizes it's been a while since they've all had a decent meal.
"A place to eat sounds good. I've had about enough of stale bread and sour milk. I wonder what they serve here, though? I'm guessing it's unlike what we've had at home."

2008-10-03, 12:07 AM
Saeroone is surprised. For a second there, she even emotes, unconciously raising her eyebrows and looking over at her companions, but she quickly recovers, and says:

"I... had not considered the possibility of extending our stay here. Girondor may have it's flaws, but... it is home, and it is what I am familiar with. I was anticipating our quick return."

She looks about her at the buildings of Seahaven.

"Travel is said to be good for the mind. And perhaps this new land offers untold opportunities for us. Be that as it may, I shall stick with the group, for as long as you require my services." she says, carefully.

2008-10-03, 01:04 AM
You make your way towards the Red Goat following Captain Trygon's instructions. You take the largest and widest street that leads from the docks to the center hill of the city.

Some of the largest buildings that catch your attention are the Sailors' Guildhouse and a combat academy.

Three story high Sailors' Guildhouse is made of red bricks and has the same symbol you noticed many people (and buildings) from dockworkers to sailors bearing on the ship and docks. The combat academy is four stories high and built from large chunks of black stone. It's wall has the symbols of the Seventh Regiment (Four, Two and One), St. Cuthbert and some god most of you've propably not seen before.

After the combat academy, you find yourselves on a large market square with many stalls selling their wares. Mostly ordinary stuff such as foods (or food indegredients), tools, ropes, clothes...

Mostly the culture and the city seems very similar to that of the mainland Empire. What you notice to be quite different from the mainland however is the influence of guilds - few people beared symbols of guilds there but here it seems very common. In addition you determine a few of the people you've seen with their bodyguards to be minor nobles. Again that is something that didn't really happen in the mainland Empire where the Emperor's power was absolute and then there were just officials.

2008-10-03, 02:08 AM
Saeroone glances up at the wall of the academy as she passes.

"St Cuthbert, He of the Iron Law, and... I do not recognise the other symbol, or which deity it might signify. Phineas, you are perhaps the most learned of us on matters ecclesiastical. Might you enlighten me?"

Saeroone mostly keeps her eyes trained lower, alert for the possibility of anyone who might try to capture their package, or any event on the streets that could impede their progress.

((OOC: And Dethcom is likely still AFK : / booo.))

2008-10-03, 08:25 AM
[OOC: As Phineas might still be AFK, I'll just briefly play his answer to that based on a failed knowledge check]

Phineas, Raptoran

Phineas shakes his head at the question.

"No. I think I've seen that somewhere on Girondor but can't recall where... Propably some minor deity.",

he says.

2008-10-03, 10:59 AM
Phineas, Raptoran

Now that he is off the boat, Phineas's color returns to normal and he fidgets with his armor, realizing that it is too small. He repeatedly stretches his wings as he walks, trying to uncramp them.

"Or perhaps a local god of combat." Phineas seems enthralled by the sights of the city, staring hard at every guild sigil and noble symbol, trying to memorize it all.

"This seems a place of good opportunity, and you could sooner gut me and fry me and eat me as a fish than have me set foot onto a boat again." Though a sewer doesn't exactly fire me with excitement. How long until I can properly stretch my wings again? Bah, good enough to be out of narrow corridors and that infernal rocking.

As the group passes through the temple district he keeps an eye out for a shrine to Tuilviel Glithien or any of the gods from back home.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-03, 01:11 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Aww but the boat was fun. You turned all sorts of colors. That was at the very least worth the trip ya?

Ran then goes silent as he begins to stare around, his mouth hanging half open the rest of the trip.

2008-10-03, 02:45 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

Kell stifles a quick laugh, then mutters under his breath, as if humored by the idea; "Pssh, Gods..."
He notices Phineas try to streach out his wings and says, "I know how you feel Phineas. I've held in my fire so long, it feels like I'm about to explode."

2008-10-03, 05:12 PM
From the Southmarket you continue your trip north.

You happen to walk past a squad of what seems to be elite soldiers. Their faces are scarred, their red uniforms fit them well and their equipment seems to be higher in both quality and quantity than the rank soldiers could dream of. On their shields you can see two symbols. First there are the numbers of four, two and one. Below that is painted a red rune.

You continue your way and as you reach the temple district you turn right as told by the captain. You need to ask one citizen for direction but some time over half an hour after you left the docks - you do realize that the walk would propably have been quicker if you had been more familiar with the area - you stand infront of the Red Goat.

The inn is two story high with masonry walls and a common wooden door. Above the door is a wooden sign with image of a goat painted in red. What differiates the building from the ones around it (in addition to being larger that is) might be that some of the windows on second floor are made of glass instead of just having the wooden window shutters like most.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-03, 05:20 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Ran has been in a slack jawed, glazed eye stupor the whole way. Its a wonder he hasnt run into anyone in the state, maybe it was just luck..

Upon seeing the inn he gives a small sigh, though the ever present smile remains

"This is nothing like I was hoping...this simply...they said mages hung out here! Where are the flames! The sparks! The cute little cuddely familiars! This just looks like a normal inn!"

2008-10-03, 06:37 PM
Phineas, Raptoran

"... The complete and utter devastation for miles around. Be happy, Ran. The fact that this building hasn't burned down already means we're dealing with the more sensible, discrete type of magi - the ones who remember to pay. Shall we proceed?"

Phineas motions the others ahead of him, wanting to soak in as much sunlight and fresh air as possible before heading back indoors.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-03, 10:25 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Ran frowns

"Even that would be more interesting then this! Whats a life without a little destruction, it makes life and creation so much prettier!"

With that, Ran starts humming to himself, walking into the inn

2008-10-03, 10:55 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

Kell gazes up at the large building in interest, then notices Ran's response. "Careful what you say around here. This doesn't seem like the most peaceful part of town. I don't think arcane weavers of magic want to have their companions described as 'cuddly' and I'm sure there's more than one person here that would want 'show you some evocation'. Then in an undertone, he adds, "But I agree, I would love to see some illusion displays.
Kell grabs the door as Ran enters, holds it open for Sareoone, and follows behind.

2008-10-04, 10:22 AM
Maril; Grey Elf

"Hang on, you wanted to see an illusion display but didn't ask me in the 4 weeks we had on the ship?" Maril says with a hint of jealousy in his voice, "Well I'd be offended if they were one of my specialties, oh wait..." Maril proceeds to give Kell an offended look and then looks away, distracting himself with some buckles on his backpack.

2008-10-04, 01:13 PM
You open the door to the Red Goat and step inside. At first glance it doesn't look very special. Large room filled with square wooden tables, stairway leading to the upper floor and a bar next to a door to kitchen. However it doesn't take long to realize that a few things are slightly off.

The first thing to notice might be the edges of the room. They aren't dark and you can see the walls clearly. However you can't tell what is right next to them, at the edges of the room. Perhaps some more tables, perhaps not, perhaps they have patrons sitting in them or then not... It is as if you couldn't focus your gaze there no matter how many times you try.

The second thing that you notice is the interesting decoration of the place. The walls have paintings - some painted directly to the wall - of what are likely historical events of the continent, landscapes and terrains unfamiliar to you and numerous runes, some of which are no doubt magical. The dimly lighted and calm atmosphere doesn't seem like that of a regular inn.

The last thing to notice are the patrons themselves. It is not so much what they are than what they aren't. The inn isn't full of drunkards, sailors, caravan guards and the like but rather people sitting alone, in pairs or small groups and conversing with each other quietly. Mostly human but you do notice some elves, dwarves and gnomes too. It is hard to say what a few cloaked figures are.

Before you have time to examine the surroundings too much you notice the bartender leaning over the bar and looking at you with a questioning look.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-04, 01:20 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Ran marvels at the walls, the patrons, at...everything really, his eyes almost glittering in the soft light of the inn. Upon noticing the barkeep he does a small hop and shimmy to the counter, trying to avoid the patrons as best as possible

My good sir! My friends and I have heard of your expansive establishment! Perhaps a menu could be...procured? Or perhaps what ever the house has to sell in the way of drinks?


2008-10-04, 04:07 PM
Maril; Grey Elf

Maril looks around the room as he walks in, finding himself unable to focus on the walls properly he quickly racks his brains for possible magical causes of that, and the same for the various runes around the room. After that he notices the patrons, and their normality. Normality or abnormality I wonder, what a strangely normal tavern

Just after Ran approaches the barkeep and speaks to him, Maril steps into the conversation, "That is, assuming you are the proprietor of this ... establishment, I'd rather we didn't waste our time on the subordinates."

Arcana for the strange effect[roll0]
Arcana for the runes [roll1]

Yeah, Maril didn't take diplomacy, and with a charisma of 8 you know he's gonna end up offending someone sooner or later.

2008-10-04, 05:49 PM
Phineas, Raptoran

Phineas, when he finally enters, stands mesmerized by the sides of the room. Paying no attention to the mostly normal patrons and conversation at the bar, he tries to establish why he can't see anything adjacent to the wall. He moves up to a wall to see if he disappears too.

"Hey, Saeloone, Kell! Can you see me?" He tries speaks in a hushed whisper, wary of offending any of the wizards here, but his typically grating voice sounds out regardless.

2008-10-04, 08:34 PM
Saeroone looks about her, sizing up the other groups. She looks over their equipment, weapons, and armor, trying to assess how experienced (or at least, how wealthy) the bulk of the other adventurers are: whether her group is small fry by comparison, or whether they are evenly matched with most of the strangers.

She looks for any unusual races, and anyone openly baring a religious symbol: how many symbols, and to what kind of deities. She also looks to see if they are being watched, if anyone present appears to be taking a special interest in her or her party, and she tries to filter out the idle chatter to see if anyone is talking about them. Ever alert, and ever paranoid.

((OOC: Should spot or listen checks be necessary for any of the above, feel free to roll on my behalf.))

She wanders over to the bar, and is about to ask after the Innkeeper when Phineas calls over to her.

An intelligent question, she thinks. I should like to know the answer myself.

She turns and carefully scrutinises Phineas as he steps towards the edge, seeing if she can keep watching him throughout.

2008-10-05, 04:11 AM
The tall, bald bartender smiles friendly at Rang Kang and nods.

"Most certainly.",

he says and begins drawing menu from somewhere under the bar. The mans stops as he hears Maril speak and turns towards the grey elf. He sets his hands (which are covered in tattoos written in simplistic elven alphabet) on the bar and leans forwards.

"And what might your so important and urgent issue be to the propietor?"

he asks with a forced smile and wry voice.

Meanwhile you might notice as Phineas disappears near the walls for a short moment and suddenly comes visible when he takes a few quick steps back and nearly falls down as if he had been pushed back with force.

As Saeroone examines the other groups she finds it a little difficult to tell the wealthiness of other groups. Only two groups have armored figures while the rest do have items that might be magical or not (cloaks, rings...). However with majority of the groups nothing specifically implies that they would be wealthier than your group.

As for races there, there seems to be nothing unusual.

[OOC: As always, anything requiring spot check/anything noticed by only one characer/Any languages that not everyone understands, etc. are PMed]

2008-10-05, 05:25 AM
Phineas, Raptoran

Phineas stumbles out of the area and immediately straightens, visibly annoyed that his image had been besmirched so. He looks for a moment like he's going to walk back in. On second thought, that fellow could probably rip me in half. He takes two smart steps backwards, turns, and walks back to the bar, trying to regain his composure.

"It's invite only," he mutters quietly to the group. His main interest now unavailable to him, Phineas scans the room, trying to decipher what the magical runes are for. A lot of them probably have something to do with the invisibility spell, maybe a few for protection or nullification...

2008-10-05, 02:35 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

Kell walkes over to the bar and realizes that things aren't going to well with the bartender. With a wave of his hand and a small laugh, Kell says;
"All my friend means is that we have something for the innkeeper. Could you be so kind as to tell us where he is?" He flashes Maril a rather frustrated look.

Dlipomacy, don't fail me! [roll0] Dangit!:smallannoyed:

2008-10-05, 02:41 PM
Maril; Grey Elf

"Yes of course, no offense meant, it's obvious to me that your either the innkeeper or in a position of power" Maril emphasizes the word power and glances at the man's tatoos "Perhaps you would know what this" Maril gestures at the walls "is hiding. Kell here wanted to see an illusion display."

2008-10-05, 03:23 PM
"It is just to ensure the privacy of those customers who have the need for it.",

The bartender says to Maril. He then looks at Kell and says

"He is occupied at the moment."

However just as he gets that said you hear another man's voice from behind you.

"Don't worry about it, Tareg. Acacia was just about to leave anyways."

As you turn around you see a table with two people, a divinely beautiful woman in her twenties and a man - not too bad looking himself - in his thirties.

More detailed description/image:

I could just try to describe their outlooks but I'd propably base those very significantly on this image anyways so I'll just give you the image directly. Though the man is a bit older than that but not much.


(For anyone interested, the image has been drawn by Vaulderie @ DeviantArt, not by me. A great person, a great artist.)

The woman looks at you and tilts her head to side in predatory fashion with a small smile curling on her lips. She whispers something to the man's ear, stands up and begins to walk toward the door with very feminine sway of her hips.

The man looks at your group and continues

"I'm the owner of this inn. What matters bring the five of you here?"

he asks and makes a small gesture towards his table.

2008-10-05, 04:07 PM
Maril; Grey Elf

Intrigued, Maril offers the man his hand once Acacia has left the building. Taking a seat at the table he waits for the others to introduce themselves.

2008-10-05, 04:17 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

Kell stares transfixed at Acacia for a moment, before regaining his composure and sits down at the wave of the man's hand.
"Hello sir, I am Kell Stirga, and these are my companions, Saeroone, Phineas Uptyr, Ran Kang, and Maril Starcharmer." He signals twards each of them in turn, "We are here to deliver your package."

2008-10-05, 04:48 PM
"Nice to meet all of you. My name is Raguel but many refer to me just as the innkeeper."

The innkeeper raises an eyebrow.

"A package? What pack...?"

he begins asking and then his face brightens up to a wide grin.

"The book of visions.",

he says with dreamy tone.

"Give it to me. I believe you were promised some reward by the sender? I'll just make sure that the item is what I'm expecting.",

he continues and casts a spell. His eyes begin to glow with a blue hue.

[OOC: None of you have heard of the book earlier or recognize the spell. Lacking proper knowledge/spellcraft or failed checks.]

2008-10-05, 10:25 PM
"We were. The package is here."

Saeroone removes it from her pack, showing it to the man.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-06, 01:54 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

At his name, Ran gives a flourishing bow, grinning from ear, rattling off some words in elven, pointing to the bar tenders hands

"Yare yare, we should compare marks sir! Bit of a collector myself ya!"

2008-10-06, 02:40 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

Kell remains focused on the man in front of him. "If I may ask, what is it about this package that is so important?"

2008-10-06, 04:25 PM
The man looks at the package and opens the cloth a bit to look inside.

"Just what I was expecting! Thank you for your troubles.",

he says and continues absent-mindedly while examining the item.

"A book once created by a powerful priest. Stories vary on his deity, everything from Boccob to Olidammara... It is said to bestow it's user the ability to see visons... But all that doesn't matter to you.",

he then says with a smile and raises his still glowing eyes to you. He raises an eyebrow and asks

"You five were with this whole five weeks? It seems that it left lingering aura to you... But it should vanish over time."

2008-10-06, 04:29 PM
Phineas, Raptoran

Phineas watches the woman pass interestedly. If only she had a few feathers on her neck, rather than that ugly smooth mass. Hmm... she looks a bit like Suilitai, from the nest. I wonder how she's doing right now...

When Phineas hears his name in the list, he absent-mindedly adds, "Cleric of Tuilviel Glithien..." before his mind wanders off again. He is clearly disinterested in the man, perking up when he speaks of gods and auras, but spending most of his concentration trying to get the bartender's attention and order some ale.

2008-10-06, 04:54 PM
The bartender brings Phineas a good tankard of ale and charges him a silver piece. He seems reluctant to start conversing much with Ran Kang when the group is conversing with the innkeeper. He does give him a brief answer however.

"If you want though there is little to say about these. A respected monk I had the honor to meet before she left the city gave me these to look at when I begin feeling too weak."

he says with a shrug.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-06, 04:59 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Ran hums to himself as the bar tender speaks, nodding. Upon the word “aura” his attention snaps to the inn keeper

“Aura’s? That must have been a powerful book! Maybe we can read some of it sometime hmm? I know they all were wondering what was inside. It sure would be nice to know what we were transporting in detail ya!


2008-10-06, 05:04 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

"Indeed, I would love to see what something that powerful contains... Although I understand if you would like to keep it to yourself."

{Assisted Diplomacy: [roll0]}

2008-10-07, 04:53 PM
Raguel lets out a hearty laugh and then shakes his head with a smile.

"I'm affraid that I won't allow that. It has taken me years to get this thing into my hands and when I've finally achieved that I won't begin by letting this circle around some adventurers who just wish to give it a try.",

he continues and wraps the cloth more tightly around the item on the table.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-07, 05:31 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Ran pouts slightly.

"Darn...oh well, on to better things ya? I'm sure the other's would like to be paid, how much did you say the price was again?"

2008-10-07, 05:37 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

"I believe it was to be three hundred gold to each of us, fifteen hundred in all."

Kell involuntarily stiffens.

This is where any transaction would go wrong, and the Innkeeper doesn't seem like a person to cross.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-07, 08:50 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Ran makes a strange noise between a whine and confusion

"I thought it was to be one hundred, we couldn't ask that much from this man for such a wonderful trip and easy job!"

2008-10-08, 05:25 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

"I'm sorry, but we spent four weeks on a smelly old ship to deliver this obviously powerfully magical book. It seems very important, and I think three hundred sounds fair."
Kell smiles and kicks Ran's ankle from under the table.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-08, 06:06 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

Ran gives a small yelp as he is kicked, glaring at Kell, though the smile on his face remains unchanged.

"Hey hey hey! Thats my livelyhood there ya! Be careful when you swing your feet. I thought maybe we could get more money from him if we you know...were humble a little ya. Erm...."

Ran then looks down at the floor.

2008-10-08, 06:48 PM
Maril; Grey Elf

Maril sits at the table, listening idly but toying wit the buckles on his robes. He glances up at the mention of only a 100 gold fee but then continues sitting idly.

2008-10-09, 01:54 AM
Phineas, Raptoran

Phineas looks at Ran in shock. "Wonderful trip?! I can't get the smell of vomit out of my nose!" He turns to Raguel, embarassed. "Excuse us for a moment, sir. We just need to argue over whether or not you'll give us more money if we ask for less. As far as I recall, though, we were promised at least three hundred gold."

Innis Cabal
2008-10-09, 01:22 PM
Ran Kang: Half Elf

"Yare yare! Its not like I asked to murder someone ya!"

Continues to look at the ground blushing profusely.

2008-10-13, 04:41 PM
Kell Stirga: Human

"Mmm" Kell nodds in agreement with Phineas, and hopes desperatly that Ran's remarks won't effect their pay.