View Full Version : [Spoilers] When the group reunites...

2008-09-30, 03:10 PM
I've been thinking about this a while.

Assuming the group does in fact reunite, they're going to rez Roy pretty fast.

Belkar's MoJ will probably be taken care of as well - at least one of the Sapphire Guard should be able to reverse the effects. However, they should be recognised as an MoJ, so whether they would or not is debateable.

Roy, at that point, is almost definitely going to get rid of Belkar.

Or try to.

Let's see here:
-Only evidence is Roy's word and the fact that Belkars MoJ was activated. Beyond that, nothing.
-Belkar, fully healed, IS the SSGoW. Roy will be several levels behind. If it comes to a fight, I think that Belkar would probably win until the paladins intervened.
-Even when the paladins DO intervene (assuming they're present) there's one... complication. We know from various things that the paladins seem to believe simply being evil is a crime (or at least, some do) and may thus believe Belkar killing the Oracle (who may well be evil, worshipping a typically evil diety) was in fact an act of good, killing a powerful evil force who was CLEARLY raising an army.

Meanwhile, Haley may well be reluctant to blame Belkar or punish him due to lack of evidence. Same with Celia, Elan, possibly V, Durkon etc. I can see the arguement now.
"You have one man's word - who, might I add, was dead at the time - and the fact that a MoJ was activated against Belkar. He may be about as nice as a pile of Tarrasque droppings, but how can you punish him for something that he and the people he was with do not recall, especially if what you're trying to punish him for is killing a powerful evil entity?"

Any thoughts on what will happen when Belkar and Roy meet next, then?

2008-09-30, 03:12 PM
My guess? Nothing. I'm not at all sure that Roy will get to keep any of his memories from when he was dead once he is revived.

2008-09-30, 03:15 PM
-Roy will be ressurected.

-Roy will cure Belkar's Mark of Justice.

-Belkar will kill Celia.

-V will kill Elan and Haley.

-Roy will kill Miko (again).

-Durkon will become a paladin, and then a blackguard.

-Redcloak will kill Xykon.

-The Snarl will dance the Peppermint Twist.

-Goku will turn Super Saiyan.

-Elan will come back from the dead and rejoin the group.

-Belkar will make Haley's head into a hat.

-Haley will come back from the dead in another person's body.

-Celia will come back from the dead, and marry Roy.

-Roy and Celie will have a child, who will quickly grow to adulthood and inherit Roy's sword.

-Roy will die again.

-Roy's new son, Wesley, will become the new hero.

basilisk 89
2008-09-30, 03:20 PM
-Roy's new son, Wesley, will become the new hero.

Sure, but only if Elan and Haley have a daughter named Buttercup.

2008-09-30, 03:23 PM
Wrong Wesley.


2008-09-30, 08:50 PM
Wrong Wesley.


Is that... The Next Generation? It's hard to tell, it's been awhile.