View Full Version : And here I thought Brian Herbert would let his father rest

2008-09-30, 06:07 PM
The new (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_of_Dune) Dune book alternates between the time just before Dune and that between the first 2 books. Is it weird that the thought makes me cringe a bit? :smallfrown:

2008-09-30, 06:12 PM
The new (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_of_Dune) Dune book alternates between the time just before Dune and that between the first 2 books. Is it weird that the thought makes me cringe a bit? :smallfrown:

Not at all.

Language warning:
Tycho's Opinion (http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2003/10/15/)

2008-09-30, 06:12 PM
If it's weird, at least you're not alone. I saw that on the shelves and thought, "No...he wouldn't--would he?" :smalleek:

Yes, that's right folks! All the stuff a much better author deemed not worth putting into a story, now brought to you by his son's golden shovel! *sighs* I wish MY dad created something I could milk shamelessly.

2008-10-02, 02:01 PM
Given the numberr of times a phrase is used "I sentence you to live" which first appeared (roughly) in a Kevin J Anderson book, I find myself wondering how much of flaws in new dune books is due to Kevin J Andersons writing style.

I find the new dune books page-turners, at least, but the moments I wince at do make me think of bad KJA boks like Darksaber.

2008-10-02, 02:19 PM
Hey, I think I saw it in a book store recently.

It had a very pretty cover.

2008-10-02, 02:26 PM
Read it, found it interesting but, like many such books, the best concepts seemed to be disposed of rather perfunctorily. Just as Hecate was one of the thinks I liked in Machine crusade, that got killed off by run-in with a Sorceress, so, the other Kwisatz Haderach also met a rather disappointing end.

The phrase "We once bred a kwisatz haderach of our own" by Scytale in Dune Messiah, I think, could have been given better treatment than this.

2008-10-03, 03:45 AM
What new "Dune" books? (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/DisContinuity/Literature) Tycho had the right of it. :smallamused:

2008-10-03, 06:36 AM
I never got the chance to read any of the Brian Herbert books straight through, but what I saw of House Atreides looked way the hell better than any of Frank Herbert's own sequels.