View Full Version : Login

2005-05-25, 11:11 AM
When I log in I noticed that even if I unclick the button to remember password that after I close the browser then come back to the page im still loged on. Any idea what might cause this to happen. And I didnt use windows to remember my password.

2005-05-25, 11:23 AM
What browser?

2005-05-25, 04:15 PM
Well it does say "Stay logged in for" such and such a time, and that's how long you stay on on my after you just close the screen, if you want you can set the time to a lower number

2005-05-25, 06:02 PM
Its my computer at work the browser is Internet Explorer.

2005-05-26, 09:11 PM
Well it does say "Stay logged in for" such and such a time, and that's how long you stay on on my after you just close the screen, if you want you can set the time to a lower number

Or you can just unclick that button so it logs off when you exit IE. Personally I always log off when I leave the computer.

2005-05-26, 11:23 PM
Thats the thing Chase I do unclick the button but it keeps me loged on no mater what until I click the logout button.