View Full Version : Your CRPG Dream team

2008-10-02, 04:50 AM
So I was thinking, while playing through mass effect again, who would my ideal party members for an adventure through time and space be?

Basically here's mine: and why.
HK47: His dry wit, quirky humour and sarcastic voice make him in my opinion, the coolest droid ever.
Wrex: Grim, fierce and proud, this Krogan has some of the best lines in mass effect.
Amon Jerro: Such a tragic character, another personal favorite.
Jaheira: Another favorite character, for so many reasons.

So, anyone else?

Texas Jedi
2008-10-02, 10:10 AM
I would have

HK-47 (KOTOR), just hearimg him say meatbag is priceless.

Valygar (BG2), I just wish they would have delved further into his past and his story.

Celes (FFVI), I loved her character and her depth in.

Samas Aran (Metroid), She kicks ass and woudl be a valued addition to my team.

Sheena (Tales of Symphonia), I like everything about her.

2008-10-02, 02:38 PM
Minsc: If you don't know why, play Baldur's Gate. He's goddamn Minsc. He's a hundred feet of awesome in a six foot tall man (and a four-inch tall hamster).
Barret, from FFVII. He is intensely badass, his ranged combat abilities complement Minsc's up-close-and-personal style, and he has a touching but angstless backstory. Also, he has a magical machine gun for an arm.
Deekin, from Neverwinter Nights. The most adorable, and brave, Kobold ever.
Sam Fisher, from the Splinter Cell series. He is an excellent rogue, has a good if dark sense of humor, and is unlikely to betray the party.
Fall-From-Grace, from Planescape: Torment. She's a Lawful Neutral, sensitive and caring succubus.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-10-02, 02:43 PM
Sam Fisher, from the Splinter Cell series. He is an excellent rogue, has a good if dark sense of humor, and is unlikely to betray the party.

Annnnd thats half of my team, right there.

The other half is Altair from Assassian's Creed. An agile, stealthy Assassian who blends in well to many-a social situation.

2008-10-02, 02:46 PM
Master Chief - He's extremely useful in a space environment.
Cecil Harvey(FFIV)- He's from the freaking moon and I think he's one of the coolest characters in an RPG ever. Plus he can heal fairly well.
The pilot of the ship from Asteroids- he'd be useful if we ran into any of those ateroid belts with freakishly close asteroids.
The person defending against the Space Invaders-He kills aliens good, real good.
Mickey Mouse(the version from KH2)- Badass, and he has experience in space travel.

I'll think of more soon.

EDIT: And Gordon Freeman, they might need a janitor.:smallwink: Plus he can open boxes.

2008-10-02, 03:15 PM
He said CRPG and all his selections are from that genre... I think he was referring to picking characters from CRPGs...

2008-10-02, 03:18 PM
that's what I thought but people started listing random characters so I thought I'd go all out with it.

Texas Jedi
2008-10-02, 03:28 PM
He said CRPG and all his selections are from that genre... I think he was referring to picking characters from CRPGs...

What is a CRPG?

2008-10-02, 03:58 PM
My dream would be...
Link explorer, and can use a lot of stuff.
Samus Aran navigator in space, and good with her blaster.
Mega man (original) Good with a blaster and can copy enemy attacks.
Sonic Gets there fast, good at bashing robots to bits.

2008-10-02, 04:03 PM
Texas, CRPGs are Computer RPGs. Basically, RPG videogames. Since Tabletop and Videogame RPGs are so different, many people want to call for a distinction.

About the whole procedence thing... ah, whatever. I'll make both. I can't choose, so I'll be a bit random anyway :smalltongue:.

RPG-only team

Lead: Terra Branford, FFVI. Because I need a strong (as in powerful) lead, and Terra has been one of the very few lead characters I've liked in a JRPG (usually, I love the secondaries, but end up wanting to strangle the main). Plus she has green hair, which means I get to screw the rules.

Bruiser #1: Boo, Baldur's Gate. Comes with Minsc attached, of course. Funny antics, and great muscle. Also, since he's already a miniature space hamster, would not be disoriented by the whole space travel thing.

Bruiser #2: Frog, Chrono Trigger. He may not be the most optimal character from his game, but Glenn will forever remain a shining example of what a true hero is. Plus he got a wicked sword.

Support #1: Flonne, Disgaea. Because every team needs a love freak, period.

Support #2: Princess Alicia of Dipan, Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria. Sympathetic protagonist with useful abilities, and she comes with an extra Uber-Valkyrie included in the package, to boot!

All-Star team

Lead: Suika Ibuki, Project Touhou. Because giving the leading spot to a drunkard Oni who's able to bench-press mountains, turn into mist, and is great fun at parties (being the happy owner of what is basically a Tankard of Infinite Booze) can't result in a non-awesome game.

Bruiser #1: Arcueid Brunestud, Tsukihime. Yay monstruously-powerful-yet-lovable good vampires!

Bruiser #2: Samus Aran, Metroid. Firepower? Oh, we got that.

Support #1: Quote, Cave Story. One-man-army super combat robot who has access to a weapon that shoots rubber duckies? Sold! :smallwink:. Now seriously, Quote makes for great ranged support, what with his BFGs, and his gun that goes through walls, and etcetera, and his game is great, so he gets the place.

Support #2: Flonne, Disgaea. Because every team needs a love freak, period :smallbiggrin:.

2008-10-02, 04:04 PM
I'll just take Annah (http://www.planescape-torment.de/images/sketch_annah.jpg").

And be in my bunk.

First Speaker
2008-10-02, 04:08 PM
Just one:

Sankis the Beardless;
OH MY GOD. Sankis is on a bloody rampage! He mauled a baby and a cow, and now, at this very instant, he's beating the Elite Marksdwarf Kadol Lokumad into paste!


We shall be unstoppable!

Crispy Dave
2008-10-02, 04:15 PM
Chuck Norris

check and mate

2008-10-02, 04:32 PM
If you're gonna have RPG...
Geno Magic user. 'nuff said
Micaiah (Fire Emblem 10) Also Magic user but uses Light Magic and can heal.
Ike (Fire Emblem 9-10) Hero, fights for his friends, and everybody likes Ike!
Also^ Whaaat? CHUCK NORRIS??crap an ARMY was needed to take him down. even Batman couldn't do it! stupid internet myths...

2008-10-02, 04:55 PM
Just one:

Sankis the Beardless;

We shall be unstoppable!

Ah, Boatmurdered. The least happy fortress in all of dwarfdom.

2008-10-02, 04:56 PM
Mine would be;

and Slippy just because hes fun to let die.

2008-10-02, 06:15 PM
Minsc IS Chuck norris.

2008-10-02, 06:15 PM
I had too many characters on my list, even when I used only the RPG ones, to create even a large party from... so I decided to take a different approach!

Hero: Ibis from SRW OGs
Lancer: Yuffie from FF7
Big (ahem) Gal: Celes from FF6
Smart Gal: Latooni from SRW OGs
Chick: Flonne from Disgaea
Sixth Ranger: Yukimaru from Disgaea 2
If it's possible to shove more characters into the party: Lyn and Florina from Fire Emblem 7.

Don't judge me.

2008-10-03, 01:29 AM

- Sarah from Lost Odyssey. Immortal magic user and sexy librarian? Sold!
- Sand from NWN2. Got to love that barbed wit.
- Minsc. Of course.
- Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII. Yes, another spellcaster, but at least she can cast white magic too.
- Bastila Shan from KOTOR. Because, you know, Jedi.

Archonic Energy
2008-10-03, 04:39 AM
I'll just take Annah (http://www.planescape-torment.de/images/sketch_annah.jpg").

And be in my bunk.

heh. :smallamused:

i'd take
The Nameless one (someone who can't die HAS to be useful)
Deekin (comic releif)
Kelgar Ironfist
and of course me!

that's my 6 person party!

2008-10-03, 08:22 AM
Six (wo)man party? Let's see:

Leader: Revan...you need a tactical genius as the head of the group. There can be no other.
Tank: Korgan Bloodaxe...a raging dwarf with a "kill 'em all" attitude? Yes, please!
Offensive Spellcaster: Magus. No explanation needed.
Healer: Viconia. Great character, great depth, excellent cleric.
Skillmonkey/Comic Relief: Atton Rand. Some people hate him, but his wit is almost as good as HK's at times.
Utility/Damage Kain the Dragoon. Every group needs someone who can Jump.

2008-10-03, 08:37 AM
I may have to add Sand to my dreamteam, he was quite awesome. Didn't like Qara much.

An Anti dream idea of mine would actually be Ashley(Mass Effect) Carth(KOTOR) Qara(NWN2) Anomen(Baldurs Gate 2) and that one female NPC from BG2 who'se battlecry was For the needy, you know... from the fighters guild stronghold.

Worth noting is that this ant-dream team could quite easily rise to power by starting an emo band... Cept for Ashley.

2008-10-03, 10:18 AM
Flonne from Disgaea.
Power of Love!!

Mario, with complete flower and beaver pack from various Mario games.
Stuff mushroom in, watch rampage.

Cloud from Final Fantasy 7.

Edwin from Baldur's Gate.
The great Edwin shall now blast away.

Snowman from from Romancing Saga 3.
In case of fire abyss on the way..

2008-10-03, 10:23 AM
Edwin!.... Or Edwina?
A Bitter... Bitter woman.

2008-10-03, 12:17 PM
I'm inclined to follow the way Drascin stated his preferences.

RPG-only Team:

Leader/Controller: Celes Chere, Final Fantasy VI. There's just something about an actually competent female lead that amuses me so, and especially one who is not only strong, but who is also in control of her emotions (Sorry there Terra :P) which gets me.

Defender/Secondary Leader: Hector, Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword. Axes! Axes! A Lord General in 2-inch plate that leap around chopping giant swords at people! And throwing axes! That shake the earth! With an awesome hairdo!

Striker: Hk-47, Knights of the Old Republic. Every team needs someone who can kill without hesitation, and sometimes without motive and/or thought. There's also something that I love about spreading my love with Aratech sniper rifles with tri-light scopes to other peoples' kneecaps

Defender: Myrhh, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. Likewise, there's also something about a little girl who turns into a freakin' giant dragon that roasts people alive and then crunches them and shakes them to pieces in her maw and then steps on them after spitting them out that gets me. Granted, she's a total emotional wreck, but having a strong sister figure ought to get her squishin' mobs like the rest of them in no time.

Defender: CAPTAIN GORDON, DEFENDER OF THE EARTH, Disgaea. Just to see how HK-47 reacts.

Dream Team:

Leader/Artillery/Rogue Marisa Kirisame Touhou Project. This was originally going to be filled by Edgar, Pimp King of Figaro, but then I quickly realized that Marisa in fact fulfilled Edgar's role much better than him, on account of being just as Pimp and having the ability to shoot lasers. Non-Directional Lasers! A Wall of Lasers! A GIANT FREAKIN' LASER THAT SO STRONG IT BLOWS HER HAT OFF AND VAPORIZES EVERYTHING UPON CONTACT. Not to mention, she can steal too, adding a valuable dimension to the team.

Recon/Assassination/Toolbox: Quote, Cave Story. Where robotics and win collide, Quote, the one-robot-army, takes on the enemy armed with his trusty Booster Jetpack, Blade, Charging LASER GUN and yes, his duck-gun. All quake at the sight of his spotless metal boots and eleven barrels of hell.

Healing/Support: Derek Stiles Trauma Center. Armed with only his trusty scalpel, Derek seems only capable of Hanyuuing around. BUT WAIT! He can STOP TIME! Not to mention perform field surgery, and cut people a number with his defrillibrator and SURGICAL LASER. Even though he has the brain function of a retarded anteater, Derek definitely brings something valuable to the team.

Fail/Comic Relief: Hanyuu Furude, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (Daybreak). This team may not have a Love Freak, but it does have something worse: Hanyuu. A character so frail and timid, that basically noone can see her except her one (and only) priestess. This is a "god" (and I use the term loosely) that fails so hard, you can effectively quantify failure by using her as an SI Unit. ... Except when she's SHOOTING HUGE BLUE LASERS FROM HER STAFF (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsR3h0yMm6g&feature=related). Now, put her in the same team as Marisa, pimp queen of Gensokyo. Hilarity ensues.

All right, my grammar's gone through the page, but well, it was worth it. Felt *good* to get that out.

2008-10-03, 01:29 PM
I may have to add Sand to my dreamteam, he was quite awesome. Didn't like Qara much.

An Anti dream idea of mine would actually be Ashley(Mass Effect) Carth(KOTOR) Qara(NWN2) Anomen(Baldurs Gate 2) and that one female NPC from BG2 who'se battlecry was For the needy, you know... from the fighters guild stronghold.

Worth noting is that this ant-dream team could quite easily rise to power by starting an emo band... Cept for Ashley.

That'd be Nalia. I liked her at first, but by the time I'd finished cleaning out her castle I just wanted Minsc to mistake her for his sword.

2008-10-03, 02:44 PM
Dream Team:

Leader/Artillery/Rogue Marisa Kirisame Touhou Project. This was originally going to be filled by Edgar, Pimp King of Figaro, but then I quickly realized that Marisa in fact fulfilled Edgar's role much better than him, on account of being just as Pimp and having the ability to shoot lasers. Non-Directional Lasers! A Wall of Lasers! A GIANT FREAKIN' LASER THAT SO STRONG IT BLOWS HER HAT OFF AND VAPORIZES EVERYTHING UPON CONTACT. Not to mention, she can steal too, adding a valuable dimension to the team.

In fact, Marisa is much better as a pimp queen, by virtue of actually having a chance with some of the people she's "pimp" of :smalltongue: (sorry Ed, but your lines really need some work). I did think of her, but in the end I went with Suika because, hey, density hax are cool (black hole to the face!), mini-Suikas are great scouting, and she makes a very non-traditional lead, what with being completely careless and a total drunkard :smallbiggrin:

Though I should have put Yuka in some Bruiser slot solely for the personality clash with the rest of the team :smalltongue:. That or Flan, for an extra helping of insanity and blowing **** up. But I guess having Flan in the team in a game not bound by the danmaku rules would be too much hax. The ability to destroy anything she can see fully should not be underestimated - "Crap, that's not a moon, it's a space station!" "We might be far enough to avoid the tractors, activate the hyperdrives, get us out of...!" "I think it's ugly" BOOM "...or that works too, yeah". It's not Yukari, but still a breaker.

Actually, you could make some pretty good full teams only with Touhou characters, and be nicely rounded up.

2008-10-04, 09:47 AM
Dream Team

Cloud-Big swords. Nuff said.

Loyd(?) Irving from ToS 2 swords that hit Just as hard as the Huge ax And just go EVERYWHERE. Also Half Angel.

Bach from FF 12 when you first meet him he beets on things with his FISTS.

Mydia/Judge of wings from FF12:RW-Awesome up close brawler And a great summoner.

And The Cake from portal- The Cake is a Lie... but its right there...*goes insane*

2008-10-04, 07:01 PM
This was a tough decision...

Hero Team

T.G. Cid (Final Fantasy Tactics) - He brings the killin'.
Crono (Chrono Trigger) - Killin' with a side of LUMINAIRE! You can't say no to 70% critical hit rate and 80% counter attack rate.
FuSoYa (Final Fantasy 4) - He brings the magic, and he's from the frick'n Moon! Awesome!
Terra Branford (Final Fantasy 6) - She brings the pretty. Also, Genji Glove + Offering + Magic + Esper = Epic Win.

Villain Team

The Dark Prince Magus (Chrono Trigger) - He brings the magic. And vengeance with attitude!
Magic Emperor Ghaleon (Lunar: Silver Star Story) - He brings the evil, and also more magic. But mainly I wanna see how he'd get along with Magus.
Kefka (Final Fantasy 6) - He brings the crazy with a side of MORE magic! I mean, the guy made himself into the God-King of the world, afterall.
Zeromus (Final Fantasy 4) - He's the undying physical manifestation of Total Hatred. You just don't get much more evil than that.

I dunno, I probably could have done better, but my brain has encountered an unexpected error and needs to shut down.

2008-10-04, 09:37 PM
Loyd(?) Irving from ToS 2 swords that hit Just as hard as the Huge ax And just go EVERYWHERE. Also Half Angel.

...Half Angel? Didnt his exsphere just go all crazy through the power of love?:smallconfused:

Gotta say though, dream RPG team has gotta be:
Healer: Raine, from ToS.
Striker: Anyone who made it through every mission in a X-com playthrough.
Leader: Mario, from SMRPG.
Tank: Garret, from Golden Sun.

2008-10-04, 11:49 PM
Try these ones on for size. They're not strictly limited to CRPGs (or computer games in general) but they might make for an interesting party in one.

Group 1.
The Hero: Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
The Lancer: Fall-From Grace from Planescape: Torment
The Bug Guy: Benny from Looking For Group
The Smart Guy: I'm drawing a blank here. Any ideas?
The Chick: Flonne from Disagea

Group 2.
The Hero: Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who and Torchwood
The Lancer: Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII
The Bug Guy: Connor MacLeod from the first Highlander film
The Smart Guy: Morte from Planescape: Torment
The Chick: Also drawing a blank here.

Does this look like a good start or am I just crazy? And what sort names should I give to these groups?

2008-10-06, 01:30 AM
Let's see this depends on if it's ME as the main character, or I getta pick one.

HeroVillain Protagonist (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VillainProtagonist): Sophia, my main Kalach-Cha, from NeverwinterNights 2, while normally I wouldn't count a fully customizable PC, she managed to get some character growth and development, if just in my own mind. While Lawful Evil she was able to see the importance of the main plot and how it would be inconvenient to let the world end and what have you (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilVersusEvil), more importantly she came to recognize some of her companions as friends and more then just tools, and actually cared about them (even if that wasn't an option in one of the final dialogues, unless you count the "we kill you now" one), yet she was still clearly evil, only looking out for herself (and her friends), even at the expense of others.
--Love interest: Neeshka...(same game), technically, Bishop is semi-canon from how things worked out in the game, but Neeshka has to do more with how I played Sophia, which was due to Lawful Evil being the "Dominater" according to the in game description, and a dialogue option in early game where that was fresh in my mind "now I own you." to which she didn't really say no. Ironically by the end of the game, Sophia would have done anything for her. Nothing was ever really on-screen, I blame censorship (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HideYourLesbians).

Sneaky person: Neeshka, if we allow non-c RPGs and it's me as the hero then it probably would be Sheena (Tos)

Arcanist: Shophia, if it's me I'd like the role, but if I still can't cast spells, I'll take Aerie (BG II)

Healer: If Aerie isn't my Aranist I'll take her here, assuming she is and I can use non C RPG people it's Flonne (DG 1, but I'd like the mode after the endgame)

Tank: Minsc, and boo. No matter what circumstances.

Team pet: Flonne, if she didn't make the healer spot and Prinnies (disgaea) if she did, both are assuming we're using non-Crpgs.

Team Lawyer: Sand (NWN2), or, if his game is an option, Phoenix Wright (sure Phoenix only fights for innocent people, but like I'm going to trial if I'm guilty)

Of course, this would be the most dysfunctional team ever...

Neeshka: We should steal that guy's stuff.
Flonne: W-w-what? Why?
Sophia: [bluff] He stole it, from orphans, hamster orphans...
Aerie: Umm... Uhh...
Phoenix: Uhh, well, I don't see any Pysche-locks, she seems to be telling the truth.
Shopia: [whisper] You stole his Magatama right?
Neeshka: [whisper] Oh yeah.

2008-10-06, 01:45 PM
Okay, I'll try to do this a little more seriously.

Tank: Chris Lightfellow from Suikoden III. Nothing gets through her armor, she will kill you with amazing pokey death, and when everybody else in the party is dead while she is only mildly bruised, she'll resurrect them all with her True Water Rune. She also comes with her own attendant, Louis, and a horse. She will also provide a steady temperament, practicality, and excellent leadership skills.

Rogue: Still Annah from Torment. Silly comments aside, I have never seen a better thief in an RPG. She IS like a shadow, she is the one who teaches a nearly immortal demipower how to relearn his thieving abilities, and can backstab major demons to death. That's right, cutter, if I were ye, I'd be prepared to pick up yer teeth. Her attitude will make her the dark horse of the team, but the others are generally supportive enough that she'll not have much to complain about.

Healer: Kaelyn from NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer. Chris will still out-tank her, but not by that much, seeing as she's a D&D 3.5 Cleric.... with Celestial defenses and wings. She has a soothing voice and a mission, and many, many epic level Clerical spells. With her always-ever-so-soft-way of speaking, she may drive the tiefling to homicide, but hopefully Chris will be able to keep them apart to let Annah cool down.

Mage: Jeane from Suikoden (all of them). It's a little odd I'm only pulling from D&D and Suikoden series, but ah well. A lot of people are distracted by her good looks (she'll make Annah look modestly attired), but all the worse for them when she's zotted them with her massive kick-awesome lightning skills. She's also technically ageless and possibly immortal. As the most skilled Rune Master from her world, she'll also be able to help Chris should True Water give her any problems, and do some amazing combination magic with her.

Ranged Support and Gap-Filler: Imoen from Baldur's Gate. Her cheerfulness will counteract Kaelyn's calm and Annah's 'tude, without further irritating them, and her witty sort of charisma will help where Chris's serious diplomacy fails. Being a dexterous lass trained in both the rogue's arts as well as wizardry via the masters of Candlekeep, she'll provide top notch ranged support with bow or magic, as the situation requires. If Annah needs backup for scouting, she can Stealth right along with her (and buff Annah up if they encounter trouble while separated from the party). Born in the greatest library known to the Planes, she has a lot of book knowledge as well as practical knowledge--she is far less innocent than she appears. Oh, and she's the daughter of a god. That might help.

I imagine the first thing they'll do is topple the Wall of the Faithless, and move on to overtaking the planes with charm, good looks, fast moving pointy objects, and lots and lots of explosive magic.

2008-10-06, 03:15 PM
Party Leader: Tir McDohl, Suikoden
The first Tenkai Star I got to know, and he carries the Soul Eater. It's sort of a cursed rune that eats the souls of the people Tir knows best, but I love this guy for the silent hero that he is. Powerful both in physical combat and with his rune, and this guy is also born to lead. Natural choice for me.

Fighter: Viktor, Suikoden
Reckless, funny, great fighter and a generally badass character, I feel this guy has to take this spot. Throughout both Suikoden 1 and Suikoden 2 he was part of my group as often as he could be. Sure, he's probably not the BEST fighter around, but he's a given for me due to his other traits and pure awesomeness.

Rogue: Tough one, seeing as I'm generally not a rogue-ish type of guy. I think I'll have to go with Jan Jansen from Baldur's Gate 2 here. Witty dialogue and he's thief/illusionist, which makes him more useful to me than any other rogue type character I can think of.

Healer: Fall From Grace, Planescape Torment
Superb healer, and she can kill people by kissing them. What's not to like about those opposites? Not to mention she runs the coolest brothel ever.

Wizard: Irenicus, Baldur's Gate 2.
Sure, he's not a good aligned character, but his wizardry is teh r0x. You can't argue with that. Maybe I could devise some sort of collar that made him obey the party leader or something, I dunno... I just want him in the group.

2008-10-06, 04:09 PM
Leader: Yuri Lowell - Tales of Vesperia
Bruiser: Hector - Fire Emblem
Rogue: Locke Cole - FFVI
Lancer: Basch fon Ronsenburg - FFXII
Monk: Sabin Rene Figaro - FFVI
Frog: Frog - Chrono Trigger
Support1: Balthier Bunansa - FFXII
Support2: Robo - Chrono Trigger
Nuker: Magus - Chrono Trigger
Mascot: Mog - FFVI

2008-10-06, 04:22 PM
Hmm, I guess I'd have to say

Mario (SMRPG)
The Jedi Outcast (KOTOR2)
er... actually. I could add more, but who could beat Mario and a Jedi (other than Jedi Mario)?

obvious pun
2008-10-06, 07:37 PM
Leader: Issac (Golden Sun)
Rogue: Edge (FF IV)
Tank: Bowser (SMRPG)
Black Mage/Nuker: Genis (Tales of Symphonia)
White Mage/Healer: Aerith (FF VII)
Spoony Bard (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpoonyBard) Edward (FF IV)

Neon Knight
2008-10-06, 07:52 PM
Dream Team (not Limited to RPGs, but really, who cares?):

The Tank: Heavy Weapons Guy from TF2.


The Thief: The Prince of Persia from The Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.

Comic Relief: Lord Fontlebottom the Magnificent Bastard from Jade Empire.

Those three should do it.