View Full Version : Alagonder

2008-10-02, 05:26 PM
You are gathered at the south gate of Ishibad. At midmorning the prince arrives on a light warhorse, closey followed by cloaked figure, bring a little over a half dozen light horses with him (or her, you can't tell).
Mounting one, he rides over to the party."More than I expected, do you have enough Gold to pay them all?"

"Yes, of course." States the prince, rather annoyed. "You all ready?

2008-10-02, 05:28 PM
I am so long as they are Jack says seting up from the ground, Standing at his full height of 7ft. He looks around and chuckles witch sound more of a growl, thinking 'This will be intresting.'

His red eye stay on the undead a second longer then the rest of the group. He spits on the ground and walks over to his horse, removes a tiger necklace from below his shirt kiss it and try to get on the horse.

2008-10-02, 05:57 PM

Since Icewind Dale is a frosty place, I assume Ankine casted Endure Elements before she went out.

The woman clad in a long, blue coat watches her companions with a curious expression, secretly raising an eyebrow here and there. As the prince and his companion comes near, she crosses her arms and smiles.

"Certainly I am. With that reward, how could you expect something else?"

For a moment, she ponders to propose using magical travel to get the prince to his destination, but dismisses is quickly. He wouldn't trust her, and she may need her only copy of that spell for studies. Pointing to the horses, she adds:

"As long as we're not going to ride without resting, I would prefer my own manners of travel"

(Description of appearance)
The woman is of average height and normal figure, wearing a long blue coat over a black set of chain shirt which is cut to show off her alluring features. However, anybody who takes a glimpse at her cleavage also has to notice a strange, shrunken hand hanging on a leather cord. Besides the finely crafted and undisputably magical vestments she wears casual clothing including a sleeved shirt, a short skirt and boots. A thin cord sporting a small gem holds her raven black hair out of her face, but the rest of her nearly hip-long mane hangs loose and bounces when she walks. Aware onlookers may also find odd that she wears only one glove, on her right hand. A small yet fitting rucksack dangles from her shoulder.
Although no weapon is visible on her person, no one could argue that she looks helpless, since her toxic green eyes just ooze with inner confidence, aided by a nearly permanent, saucy smile of her red-painted lips, sometimes altering to a pensive, distracted expression.

2008-10-02, 06:00 PM

The vicious looking elf replies, "I'm ready when I get the spells you promised." Throntha points toward Malthar's chest.

I am in this game, right? Throntha was in the recruiting thread list, but not on the OOC thread list at top.
Throntha (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/view.php?id=84306)
In case you missed the link.

The Glyphstone
2008-10-02, 06:19 PM
"Why must the living always be so impatient? I'll repeat myself again - I can apply my gifts once all of you are close enough together to make the linking effect function properly."

If one corner of his mouth didn't twitch every so often, it would be almost impossible to tell that Malthar was not one of the undead he commanded so skillfully. He is almost skeletally thin and pale, wrapped in the death shroud-like robes of Velsharoon over his dull black breastplate emblazoned with his god's skull symbol. One hand grasps the long staff he is currently leaning on, carved of black wood and topped with another small skull, and a bone-edged shield hovers silently at his back, its center again prominently displaying Velsharoon's Grinning Skull.

If that wasn't enough, the silent automatons flanking him on three sides would be more than adequate evidence of his necromantic tendencies. At each shoulder stands a humanoid, but clearly inhuman, skeletal figure; slightly taller than a man, but with exaggeratedly long legs and four arms, each of them holding two oversized longbows and wearing unadorned metal breastplates. Behind Malthar looms a third skeleton, this one clearly the remains of a giant, its bones charred black where visible through the plate armor layered on its torso and limbs. Unlike the other two, it clutches a battered greatsword bigger than its master's body.

2008-10-02, 08:22 PM
The prince, after taking one look at the undead, states "What are those...those...those...things?!" He reaches for his hilt (he has longsword on his hip), getting ready to draw it, eyeing the big one.

2008-10-02, 08:38 PM
As they are not eating us maybe his pets? Jack says and spits again.

2008-10-02, 08:47 PM
Densharr Flying Eagle

It was mere fate that his blade missed the giant when first he met Malthar and his guards, and it had taken several heated moments to keep him from enacting a glorious crusade against just one man. Now he stands hissing and spitting under his breath in a strange language, "Feline<If not for this temporary alliance in service of the next king of the legendary city of Neverwinter I would tear his skull from his body with my own hands.>" When the prince moves to draw his blade he does not move to stop him but he switches to the common tongue, "They are clam, for now, Prince. If they or their master steps out of line I will end them myself."

Maneuvers Readied for the Day:
1. Ancient Mountain Hammer
2. Rallying Strike
3. Divine Strike
4. Bone Splitting Strike
5. White Raven Tactics
6. Battle Leader's Charge

Numbers for later use in the random nature of the Maneuvers Granted mechanic.

2008-10-02, 09:17 PM
A small man covered in gears, tools and about everything else you could imagine looks over the oversized hunan type folks. "Nothing that I'd care to touch." He was ready however to support the group in any way necessary. He figured perhaps a bit of bardic music could help best.

2008-10-02, 09:38 PM
The prince releases his weapon, and looks down on the odd looking man says:"I don't think we have a mount your size."

2008-10-02, 09:46 PM
Unfolding his carept of flying. "Not an issue."
Repeating the command word, the carpet rises in the air with the gnome on it.

The Glyphstone
2008-10-02, 10:58 PM
"Relax, prince. They answer only to me and me alone, and I answer only to you. Be assured, the revenant dead do not lie easy, and should I command them to, they will stand down an army in your defense.

That is what they are. As for what they were - that was once a fire giant, who took my presence on his mountain...personally. the other two were arrow demons, fiends of the Abyss that I lured forth to slaughter and reanimate as my slaves."

Seeing the various other members of the group arranged to his liking, he pulls a short string of prayer beads from one pocket and rubs the largest of them between two fingers before stowing it away again. From another pocket he draws a fistful of thin black rods, each some two feet long but only an inch or so in diameter, and etched with eldritch symbols. With the rods in one hand, he begins chanting spells in his dry, whispery tone, gesturing every so often to send a beam of dull light from the staff head that strikes himself or one of his skeletons, then bounces rapidly between those assembled. Weapons and armor all around glow with an aura of powerful magic, while the living members of the group feel themselves invigorated and supernally agile.

Replacing the black sticks in his robes, he grumbles, "Now, might we proceed? I may command eternity, but I do not yet benefit from it."

(As mentioned, 12 +4 armor boosts and 12 +4 weapon boosts to hand out, along with +10 Dexterity and +4 Constitution, all for 24 hours. Claim what you want in your post, but try not to take more than 2 of the weapon boosts each until everyone has their share.)

2008-10-02, 11:12 PM

The swordsman named Yarv stands waiting the spells, he has displayed only hostility at this point but looks reliable. The heavy dark blue enamaled plate and the shield that floats at his side mark him as a warrior. A black bladed greatsword hangs at his back. The only other remarkable decorations he wears are the tarnished silver skull that hangs from a small chain on his belt and a string of fingerbones that hang around his neck. Long brown hair flutters in the wind.

He nods to Malthar and the prince in turn. He mounts up and waits for the others.

2008-10-03, 12:45 AM
The prince looked at the assembled group, but it was the cloaked figure who spoke "We're waiting for the last member of the escort, here he comes now" A knight on a warhorse rode through the empty streets of Ishibad toward the assembled party.

"This is Sir Geoffrey Fucis, a loyal knight of my deceased father, he is the strongest warrior in Icewind Dale" He carried a lance, a large metal shield, and had a look of power about him. After Sir Fucis nodding to everyone in turn, the prince spoke "Everyone mount your horses, and move out!"

2008-10-03, 01:14 AM

When the feline politely refuses the horse a glint of blood shines from between his lips from one of his teeth that seems slightly out of place. The light blue strip across his eyes gleams in the light as the magical power rolls over him, enhancing the power of his armor, shield, sheathed longsword, and the large blade across his back. A crimson crystal hangs at the end of his blade while a clear crystal on a silver plate adorns his shield and a bright green gem extends from the front of his cuirass at the chest of the phoenix emblazoned upon it. Hidden under the plates of his armor are a pair of green and mithral sandals that match his bracers and the vest hidden within his armor.

His circlet glitters as he speaks, "I can make better time on my feet than riding upon a horse, given the weight of my gear. My race is naturally swift and I am even moreso than most. Furthermore I have an enhancement to my speed that will help me keep pace, if not speed along even faster than most." His cloak flutters in the wind as he turned to head out, without the horse.

2008-10-03, 03:58 AM

Ankine accepts the benevolent energies the cleric conjured, but her gear remains unaffected.

With some gestures and a few words of power, she taps into her own surplus of magic. Her feet leave the ground, and she is hanging mid-air now. Floating closer to the steed of the prince, she tells him with a soft voice:

"Icewind Dale is a harsh land, Alagonder, but be easy. I and the gnome will be watching from above. If there is trouble ahead, watch for the owls scream"

She then soars up higher than the common trees in the Dale, nearly invisible due to the blue mantle.

casting Overland Flight, which lasts for 12 hours

2008-10-03, 08:37 AM

Throntha smirked at the comment of "strongest warrior." He squints at the horse and grumbles something and mounts the horse quickly.

This assumes they are heavy warhorse and not light. He's go 50' move.

Alrighty then, he takes the horse.

2008-10-03, 05:17 PM
They are light light horses, as they move 8 more miles per day than a heavy warhorse when carrying a light load, or 4 more when carrying a medium or heavy load (PHB, page 165)

2008-10-03, 05:21 PM
So I forgot how long are we traveling for and what dangers lie ahead of us? Jack ask's glancing at his horse every other word scared to be thrown off.

2008-10-03, 05:29 PM

The frosty wind of Icewind Dale only teases Ankines legs because of her protective magic as she floats high above the group, oblivious of the conversation happening below. While not as fast as the horses, she hasn't to avoid trees and other obstacles, easily keeping pace with the others. To avoid being bored, she focuses to recall all the facts she knows about prince Alagonder and the city of Neverwinter.

Knowledge: Nobility/Royalty: [roll0]
Knowledge: Local (Neverwinter): [roll1]
Have fun writing some stuff :smallsmile:
Ankine will be watchful and make spot checks from time to time. Tell me if I should roll them.

2008-10-03, 06:20 PM
Knowledge: Nobility/Royalty: [roll0]
Knowledge: Local (Neverwinter): [roll1]
Have fun writing some stuff :smallsmile:
Ankine will be watchful and make spot checks from time to time. Tell me if I should roll them.

In the future please remember the bell curve variant
You recall that the city of Neverwinter is about 400 miles to the south, a little over a week by horse. You also remember that Nasher Alagonder ruled Neverwinter until he died three weeks ago. Darvis Alagondar is next in line, and his father (Nasher's brother, also dead) ruled Icewind Dale, and employed quite a few knights to protect the capitol, Ishibad.

everyone make 6 spot checks

2008-10-03, 06:48 PM
Whoops, sorry


2008-10-03, 07:00 PM

(BTW, I forgot to mention earlier, I don't want the weapon boost......if I'm actually using weapons, we're in trouble. I will, however, take the others)

The Glyphstone
2008-10-03, 07:18 PM

3d6+7 → [4,5,6,7] = (22)
3d6+7 → [1,5,2,7] = (15)
3d6+7 → [3,3,6,7] = (19)
3d6+7 → [6,5,2,7] = (20)
3d6+7 → [2,1,2,7] = (12)
3d6+7 → [4,4,6,7] = (21)

2008-10-03, 07:50 PM

2008-10-03, 08:41 PM

He strides on in his heavy armor, making better time than some of the horses, laden down with riders. It feels good to stretch his legs and fly across stones every so often despite his gleaming platemail.


2008-10-03, 10:54 PM
Ankine, you notice that Sir Fucis has a golden eyes, and you try to remember were you saw that before(make checks for knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (local)). After loading up the unoccupied horses with suplies, the cloaked figure says "We have a good 8 hours of riding, even so we're going to need to move as quickly as possible, is everyone carrying a light load?"

2008-10-03, 11:11 PM
Ya so can we go now? Jack asks looking around a lot getin nervese.

2008-10-03, 11:57 PM

Ankine starts to be annoyed that the others take so much time to get ready to travel, as her eyes, trained from being in a ship's crow nest, notice a golden reflection in the eyes of the knight whose name she didn't care to memorize.
Browsing her memories, she tries to find clues to this interesting feature.

Knowledge: Arcana: [roll0]
Knowledge: Local: [roll1]

So I'm the only one with maxed spot here... which aren't high

2008-10-04, 02:24 AM
All spot checks are +19

2008-10-04, 05:30 AM

The feline warrior's ear's twitch slightly and at the mention of moving with haste he chimes in, "I can carry at least two hundred pounds of supplies and have an enchanted pack that can carry one hundred more. I would usually be fatigued carrying so much but I have acquired a magical item from a heretic that allows movement at full speed without worry of weight, assuming I can still move. Beyond that, I still say I could outlast many of the horses in an overland race."

2008-10-04, 05:39 AM

Yeah, yeah, who cares. Can we get on with it? The human warrior says nastily. Lunchmeat here, he pats the horse is getting antsy.

2008-10-04, 08:18 AM

Throntha keeps an eye on the areas surrounding their path for signs of predators or enemies.


Spot is an additional +6 with regards to humans, +2 for fey and animals.

2008-10-04, 10:21 AM
Ankine: You reconize the knight for an aasamir. Not only that, but you also remember that there was a big battle here about a decade ago, and it had something to do with aasamir.

After a long uneventful day of riding, you find a clearing right off the main road. In it is a caravan of halflngs. They haven't noticed you yet. "Should we ask for lodging?" Says the prince.

2008-10-04, 10:54 AM

Ankine discovers the caravan quickly from her point of view, and descends to the others just in time to take part in the conversation. Still hovering about three feet over the ground to face her companions on horseback, she snorts:

"Halflings, well, they tend to be friendly, so I don't see any merit in ignoring them"

As if she didn't care about the other's opinions, she faces the Aasamir knight, talking only loud enough to let him hear

"Excuse me, strongest warrior of Icewind Dale (not meant as compliment, she just doesn't remember the name), I noticed your rare... heritage and remember that there was a battle involving your kin. Could you perhaps share some of that lore with me when we rest?"

She gives him another one of her trademark smiles.

The Glyphstone
2008-10-04, 11:10 AM
"I do believe it would be advantageous for me to remain here if we are to shelter with the halflings - such creatures rarely appreciate the gifts of the Vaunted."

He is travelling not on a horse - none of the prince's beasts would take him on its back near his skeletal servants - but on a special platform attached to his giant's armor.

2008-10-04, 01:00 PM

So long as we get off these damn horses I dont care... He dosent even wait for a reply as he hops off and strech's a bit.

2008-10-04, 01:29 PM
They knight, taken by surprise said "A little over a decade ago, a powerful guild led by the tiefling Darrion started hunting and killing aasamir. Nasher knew of this, but he couldn't capture such a powerful figure as Darrion without proof. The Sword coast only had about 2,000 aasamir, within 6 months the population was reduced to less than 400 hundred. They decided to gather outside Neverwinter for mutual protection. The town of Haven as they called it lasted only 2 weeks before Darrion knew their precise location."

The knight sighed "I was lucky, I was in the blacksmiths, examining our first broadsword. When the massacre happenned I was able to defend my self. After two hours, Nasher and 4,000 men entered the town and saved about 3 dozen of the lucky ones. He can tell you the rest." Gesturing toward the cloaked figure.

2008-10-04, 04:19 PM

The wizard's eyes sparkle as usual when she can learn something new. She moves closer to the cloaked rider, and adresses both of Alagondar's bodyguards:

"What reason did your kin give this Darrion to hunt you down? It would have taken a lot of resources to maintain a guild capable of killing all those people. And most importantly, did Nasher get him in the end?"

No compassion can be heard in Ankine's voice, she talks about it like others would talk about food.

2008-10-04, 10:19 PM
"It wasn't clear. It could've been that his ancestrol loathing of celestial creatures, or he could've been working for a greater force. They guild was made up of about 150 bountyhunters and 60 informants, a potient combination. I believe that bountyhunters didn't know about targeting aasamir, as they were given each case seprately.

Nasher marched his army into Haven because one member of the guild discovered what was happening and told Nasher that they were going to Haven with 3 regiments of 60 mercenaries each. In the end Darrions guild was destroyed, and a charred body of a tiefling was found where Darrion was fireballed"

2008-10-04, 11:15 PM

On swift feet the feline stalks forwards towards the halflings and at first almost seems ready to spring on them. Instead, however, he slows his approach and calls out to them, "Hail, friends! We are travelers on our way to the legendary city of Neverwinter. Will you allow us to camp with you for the night? I am sure we can swap stories in the night. I must warn you, however, we bring with us a wrangler of rogue dead who puts those who have returned to life unjustly to work for greater purposes than slaughter. We are well skilled in combat and with the deathless standing watch your camp would be well guarded this night."

I figure the diplomacy would be considered an equal trade though they might consider themselves slightly at risk. Probably a DC 20+lvl+wis Diplomacy DC.

2008-10-05, 12:49 AM
The leader of the caravan introduces himself as Garrett Redpint, and says that it is fine for them to stay the night. The prince thanks him and joins the party.

Throntha, you notice that the cloaked figure's hood gets pushed back by the wind, revealing red eyes and two small horns. He pills the hood back over his head quickly.

2008-10-05, 01:08 AM

Yarv dismounts unceremoniously, scowling at the innocent horse. He shoulders his pack and wanders in to the halfling clearing. He scowls his way through to the other side and drops his pack in an open area. Drawing the huge black sword that is almost as tall as he is, Yarv begins to practive sword forms.

2008-10-05, 05:02 AM

The wizard nods to the cloaked man, slightly disappointed with it's conclusion.

"If you excuse me then, I need to take a nap. While flying for eight hours is not exhausting, it's certainly mind-numbing if nothing happens"

She walks to the halfling caravan after canceling her flight spell, and greets the leader.

"I am assured your group keeps their fingers where they belong. No offense meant, but I like my things too much too lose them, and I can get pretty angry"

With a smile, she lays down and cuddles herself to the soft snow near the caravan, still protected from the cold. After roughly two hours, she jerks up again, dries her clothes with a snip of the fingers and checks her possessions. She then joins the halflings and the feline warrior, pulling out a small, leather-bound book and browses through it's pages, letting the arcane symbols manifest in her mind, looking up from time to time to make a short question or answer one. Within a hour, she's done.

Until the others will be ready again, she will wander around the camp and keep watch then.

Resting for 2 hours, then preparing spells.
Swapping Disguise Self for Silent Ghost Sound (Pun intended :smalltongue:)
Swapping all Rays of Frost for Acid Splashes
Swapping 1 Disintegrate for Chain Lightning

2008-10-05, 06:37 AM

For the remainder of the evening the valiant warrior sits with the halflings, hearing tales of their adventures and regaling them with some of his own. At times he slips into the harsh syllables of draconic power or the lyric phrases of the fey but does not speak a word of his race's tongue beyond his own name, introducing himself first and foremost once he secures the camp. He apologizes for some of the behavior of his hired comrades. When the time comes he will remove the gem from the breastplate of his armor and replace it with another from a pouch on his belt. Even so he will sleep but two hours to get all the rest that is needed.

Gather Information: [roll0]
Not looking for anything in particular, just swapping stories and poking for rumors.
Will take second set of two hours of sleep, even though the undead are our vigilant sentries.

2008-10-05, 07:40 AM

Yarv seeing that Denshar has fallen asleep takes a more active watch. When Denshar awakes, Yarv says to him Time for my couple of hours.

The big human leans against a wagon wheel swapping his own crystals and laying his sword across his lap, sleeping sitting up, hands on the weapon.

2008-10-05, 08:46 AM

Throntha squints at the cloaked figure. Saints and demons, what a clever party this is. Shrugging, Throntha dismounts and promptly ignores the horse.

"I'll scout the perimeter." Throntha grunts and disappears deftly into the wilderness surrounding the camp. Throntha also tries to pick up some game for the party to eat.

Returning to camp with meat and wild vegetables, he tries to discuss night watches with the caravan's leader or whomever looks like they are in charge of security.


2008-10-05, 10:33 AM
Jack sets in the back sleeping on and off only talking when asked.

Making a histroy and local check for anying about how the prince runs things. how good a man he is.

The Glyphstone
2008-10-05, 12:16 PM
With a few whispered commands, Malthar sets his arrow demons to patrolling the boundaries of the camp, after bluntly warning those present that he is not responsible for the safety of anyone who leaves that perimeter then tries to return past the mindless creatures. Thus settled, he finds a comfortable place away from the bulk of the group and sleeps soundly, watched over by the skeletal giant. At midnight, he awakens and begins to pray softly for an hour, honoring his dark god and refreshing his magical arsenal, after which he returns to his slumber.

2008-10-08, 09:54 AM

Throntha peers into the darkness trying to see the ninjas.

[roll0] +6 if human ninjas! (+2 if animal or fey ninjas)