View Full Version : Ogame ITP

2008-10-04, 11:43 AM
Ogame is a real time Massive multiplayer strategy browser game where you build a galactic empire. You create mines, research technologies, and even destroy planets.

Ogame's interface consists of four main options: Buildings, research, shipyard, and defense. Buildings allow you to build everything from mines to missile silos, shipyard is where you build your fleet; everything from the espionage probe to the mighty destroyer. Rearch allows you to build more units, buildings, and grants access to more research, along with augmenting the strength of your existing units. Defense is what it sounds like; everything from missile launchers to planetary shields.

I've played Ogame for a combined two months, and I really enjoy it. Just hoping to spread the fun.

The wikipedia page on Ogame is here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogame), and the actual game is here (ogame.org).

Join up on universe 40 and I'll send you a little welcome present of some extra resources. Just post your location.

Location can be found in the upper left corner of the screen. For example, here's mine:


Now for a little guide.

First, you want mines. Lots of them. Get metal and crystal mines up to level seven before building anything else. At that time, build a robotics facility level 2, and then build a shipyard and research station along with a deut. plant.

Research, build up your mines, and build some minor defenses (10 light lasers, no rocket lauchers) until your mines are at level 15. This is when the game starts. By then, you should have the right research to begin colonizing other planet, so do so.

I advise not wasting resources on researching or building shipyards on other planets until the mid-advanced game. Use them as farms. Other people can raid them as much as they want, but as long as you have a steady flow of transports bringing resources to your homeworld, you'll be fine.

As additional cash flow, prey on other people's farms, but only those lower ranked than yours. Also, use recyclers to harvest fields of resources.

Good luck, and join up! Remember, universe 40, or I can't be friends with you, send res, or even see you.

P.S. Gifts will consist of a few K of crystal and metal. Expect them to arrive within two days.