View Full Version : Fable 2

2008-10-04, 04:07 PM
17 days left!

Anyone else excited about it?

I really laughed hard when I read about the fall of the hero's guild in the 'tales of albion' segment. It wasn't funny except for one part. (The ending made me really sad...) But when the hero went to Oakvale and he said that the people hated heroes because one burned down the tavern a couple of years ago, I thought it was hilarious because all of my frinds were evil. 'Oh no, there aren't any repercussions for my actions! What are you talking about?'


2008-10-04, 04:10 PM
I'm looking forward to it, but I'll either have to get my 360 fixed pronto or buy a new one.
Too bad about the collector's edition though.:smallfrown: I wanted a Hobbe figurine.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-10-04, 04:17 PM
The advent of firearms had better not nerf ranged cobat too much.
Admittidly, longbows were way overpowered...
But now, going in rifle blazing should NOT be a huge disadvantage like to the first where going in spells blazing just wasn't worth it...
Unless you were addicted to mana Will potions.

On a similar note - I throughly hope magic doesn't suck this time around.

I'll play it, regardless.
I'm excited regardless.

Sniper-Man, Sniper-Man, does whatever a Sniper can...

2008-10-04, 04:26 PM
I thought magic did it's job perfectly. You made a big fighter and then cast magic to make yourself stronger. Oh wait-- you wanted to be a wizard? Oh... er... uh.... oh.

Good luck!

2008-10-04, 04:28 PM
So I'm not the only one who cursed the skies when trying to play a mage in Fable? Good to know.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-10-04, 05:52 PM
Yes, I cursed every last moment of it. I tried to make a pure mage, saw how hopelessly hopeless that was and thought "Why not a little bow-work to back it up"

"A little bow-work" turned into "Ah! Crap! Shoot it! Shoot it until it dies!" around my first troll.

Eventually I ended the game as an Archer with LEVEL 2 Lightning and Fireball and a Level 3 heal spell instead of just level one lightning and a level 2 heal.

2008-10-04, 05:54 PM
I found magic useful. Not as powerful as sword + force shield, but effective all the same.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-10-04, 06:00 PM
My first fable character was a warrior.

Who ended up using a bow against elite or elusive targets (Read: Trolls - Scorpian Queen - those stupid, stupid pixies and most other like creatures)

It wasn't until my final level p before Jack of Blades that I found I had Will XP for some reason (Presumably, eating fish), and decided to spring for a Heal spell.

It... didn't see much any use.

2008-10-04, 06:14 PM
You guys don't use the spell that slows time?
I played the original Fable 2-3 years ago, and I remember it was extremely useful.

2008-10-04, 06:44 PM
So I'm not the only one who cursed the skies when trying to play a mage in Fable? Good to know.

I tried it once. I got to the Hobbe contest with Whisper and said, "Well screw this." It was so early in the game that I couldn't afford to chug Mana Will Potions and all my spells did piddly damage. I even saved up for a level 1 Alignment Death Vortex to see if that would help, which it didn't, since it consumed my entire Mana Will bar and only left the little bastards weakened.

2008-10-04, 07:06 PM
obviously you have never learned the wonders of force push. I won with that spell. Other than trolls. Trolls I had lots of trouble with.

The Lost Chapters... I ruled the world! Every building out of bowerstone! And I was the mayor of Bowerstone, so I don't have to own it!

2008-10-04, 08:42 PM
1. Enflame allowed you to kill anything while being invincible (without the annoying buzzing sound of Physical Shield).

2. Less than halfway through the game you could basically have infinite will, health, and revive potions without much cost.

3. The best way to level to max was to go to the... cliffs of the dead?... area right before the jail where you find your mother. The undead spawn forever so just spam enflame. Infinite exp.

4. Bows. Hold the button down for about a minute. Shoot a rock golem. Instant 64X multiplier.

5. Anyone know if they announced how dying works in Fable 2 since they decided to scrap the scarring system?

2008-10-04, 11:26 PM
My original fable character was a true magic/melee combo. Really messed up too.

I used a greatsword, stop time, berserk, force push, and that double attack one (which I got to quadruple attack). Essentially, even though I'm slow, I was able to just instantly push enemies to the floor/ slow down time, and Berserk + quad strike for OMGWTFBBQ damage. Seriously, do you know how much that hurts? Alot.

2008-10-05, 04:54 AM
Apparently, I can't remember where I read this, when you die on Fable 2 you'll lose EXP, which I think it's a good idea although it could get really mean.

Thanatos 51-50
2008-10-05, 05:05 AM
I bought Push on ym first playthough. Wasn't much impressed and kept hurting my allies - which was the reason I bought it in the first place - to try and keep those buggers alive.

2008-10-05, 06:27 AM
I've learned Push preety early as well, and it's a good spell. But it doesn't help the fact that in order to off three bandits I have to burn through my whole mana schorching them with either fireballs or lightning.

2008-10-05, 01:23 PM
lightning was so awesome... lv 4... spamming it against frozen undead in the necropolis...

2008-10-05, 09:46 PM
I'm quite excited about Fable 2 coming out, I remember that Fable one was really good for quite a long time and Fable 2 looks really cool from the little I've seen of it, but as usual I'll probably have to wait three months longer than the rest of the world for it to get released, and by then I won't have any money left:smallannoyed:

Oh, well, looks good. Can't wait! :smallsmile:

2008-10-06, 01:34 AM
I'm quite excited about Fable 2 coming out, I remember that Fable one was really good for quite a long time and Fable 2 looks really cool from the little I've seen of it, but as usual I'll probably have to wait three months longer than the rest of the world for it to get released, and by then I won't have any money left:smallannoyed:

Oh, well, looks good. Can't wait! :smallsmile:

Australia is getting it on the 23rd, are New Zealand release dates normally that far behind us?

2008-10-06, 02:05 AM
I saw a trailer for this a while back. Some creepy kid/prophet just being creepy, and a gun shooting off. If it’s anything like Fable1, I’m sure Ill love it, especially if they add some variation to your character such as an ACTUAL character creation tool of some sort, or hell, if anything, just let me pick a gender.

I just hope that if i want to be evil, they won’t stick horns on my head. Red aura, crunchy chicks, shoot even a pointy tail, but the horns thing kinda turns the evilness into sillyness.

BTW, is it going to be offered to the PC like Fable1 was?

*at work, can't access website due to web blocking*

2008-10-06, 04:41 AM
if anything, just let me pick a gender.

Female heroes are confirmed for Fable 2.

2008-10-06, 05:12 AM
Magic was weak in the first one? What? :smallconfused:

My pure wizard ended up being one of the most powerful characters I've played. Max out Lightning, Enflame, and Push and nothing can stop you. NOTHING.

2008-10-06, 09:34 AM
Its worth being wary about this. Mr. Molyneux hasn't ever made a game that wasn't going to be "the best game ever". He likes to hype his works to hell and back when they're still in development, and I don't think he's ever released one that hasn't been a massive dissapointment compared to the things he'd promised. That is not to say the results aren't still enjoyable.

Fable in particular was a let down to me, despite still being fun. I followed the development from when it was first announced, and anyone who did this will know just how utterly the game failed to resemble just about ANYTHING that was promised.

However, I did see a few hours of demos done by Peter himself on Youtube. These were a few weeks old, so I'd assume probably more or less with the game in a release state. I was actually pretty impressed with what I saw. It looked a LOT like the original Fable, except he took it and added to it a great deal of the things he'd promised in the original. I do have some high expectations, the game does look good, but I'm still only cautiously optimistic.

2008-10-06, 10:27 AM
I'm looking forward to it, and so far I believe I have defeated the effects of over-hyping by ignoring everything Mr. Molyneux has said. Or by not reading it in the first place. This happened with the original fable as well. As long as you ignored the hype, it was an awesome game.

2008-10-07, 03:45 AM
Australia is getting it on the 23rd, are New Zealand release dates normally that far behind us?

Nah, they're usually only a few days at most after Australia

2008-10-07, 05:16 PM
[QUOTE=TurkeyTGNom;5054154]I just hope that if i want to be evil, they won’t stick horns on my head. Red aura, crunchy chicks, shoot even a pointy tail, but the horns thing kinda turns the evilness into sillyness.[QUOTE]

I didn't mind the horns. It was the baldness and the aura of flies that annoyed me to no end. The baldness was just lame and the flies just made me think my character was smelly.

2008-10-07, 06:03 PM
or if you were overly good, you get a little glowing ring over your head and have to start swatting butterflies.

Well regardless, i was a fan of Fable lost chapters, so i can see myself getting this on the release dates. dont know too much about the hype as all game developers think that their project is going to be the 9th symphony. to me, its all pre-advertising.

2008-10-07, 07:25 PM
2 weeks left!w00t!

2008-10-07, 11:27 PM
I just hope that if i want to be evil, they won’t stick horns on my head. Red aura, crunchy chicks, shoot even a pointy tail, but the horns thing kinda turns the evilness into sillyness.

I didn't mind the horns. It was the baldness and the aura of flies that annoyed me to no end. The baldness was just lame and the flies just made me think my character was smelly.

Heh, I just rolled with this and went far enough to just make my character ugly to the extreme. First, I cut my hair so that it was long and messy, but I still had a giant hunk missing from the top of my head. Then, well I didn't actually do this on purpose, but I had a crap load of scars on my face. Lastly I put one of those huge tattoos right on my face, overlapping the scars.

Pretty funny how I could put on that mage gear and don my pimp hat and I'd have the ladies (and dudes?) swooning all over me.

2008-10-09, 11:25 AM
:furious: What the hell Lionhead!!!??? Why the hell does England get Fable 2 last? it's made in England by English people, this is riculious!!! Can we not get anything first!!??:furious:

Sorry everyone, but I had to get that out, it really irks me.

2008-10-09, 03:44 PM
Oregano: I completely understand what you mean. I thought it was stupid myself, even though I live in Maine (its a state in the US). My opinion is that it should be a universal release date. It would be nicer that way so that there wont be people saying that they are disappointed about NZ's release date when US is getting it first.

11 days left! The countdown has begun...