View Full Version : Age group of players

Ricky S
2008-10-04, 10:08 PM
Hi I was just interested in what sort of age group you guys are in. My group is all 17 yr olds.

Jack Squat
2008-10-04, 10:10 PM
of what game?

Most people range from 18 to 20 with me...although we play munchkin and Apples to Apples more than D&D.

2008-10-04, 10:11 PM
hehe. munchkin is fun. I'm 18 fyi.

2008-10-04, 10:17 PM
When we played, we were 18-19. We're 21-22 now. The only reason we don't play, is because we all live in different areas and have very hectic lives. Boo.


2008-10-04, 10:18 PM
Tabletop ?: Generally my age group as well... although we had a 23 year old and a 14 year old join. so not just 16-18.

PBP: any... idc really about age group.. I just don't have a teacher who's like "Lets play dnd for class today =D "

if only if only...

2008-10-04, 10:20 PM
When we played, we were 18-19. We're 21-22 now. The only reason we don't play, is because we all live in different areas and have very hectic lives. Boo.


This is our major problem as well. We have 17-20 (possibly 21) year olds in our group. We used to meet almost weekly back when we were younger 15/16ish. But since we grew up, it has been harder and harder to meet. So now, we just do it over AIM. It is easier for us all and more convient, but lacks the fun like the old days. :smallsigh:

Ricky S
2008-10-04, 10:23 PM
cool. I hope though when my group goes to uni we will still be able to have session of table top although chances are we probably won't meet anymore...

2008-10-04, 10:45 PM
cool. I hope though when my group goes to uni we will still be able to have session of table top although chances are we probably won't meet anymore...

My DnD/exalted group is in the 16-19 range. Because most of us are in the 18-19 range (college) we don't meet as much either until it hits winter break. We pretty much meet as much as possible during this time to make up for the loss during school time. We also meet usually during spring break.

Tabletop ?: Generally my age group as well... although we had a 23 year old and a 14 year old join. so not just 16-18.

PBP: any... idc really about age group.. I just don't have a teacher who's like "Lets play dnd for class today =D "

if only if only...

Funny story, I had a teacher who did something like this. Basically we had a student-teacher (who later became a teacher at my school) teaching our french class something. He then manages to relate it to full metal alchemist. A couple of us later on asked him about whether he gamed or not and apparently he does. Events later, we ended up with a gaming club. We actually played DnD at school with the teacher. It was quite awesome.

2008-10-05, 01:04 AM
On the band of 19-28 years of age, I think.

2008-10-05, 04:29 AM
I'm 18 fyi. Nice games

2008-10-05, 04:32 AM
45, 45, 11, 15.

Yay for family games?

Or 15, 18, if we're talking about computer games. :smalltongue:

2008-10-05, 06:40 AM
Most of our D&D group is either 17 or 18, though we have two 15 year olds, and sometimes my friends sister joins, and she only about 13. We have a big group come to think of it.

2008-10-05, 07:49 AM
I don't play DnD, I like the idea but I never really do anything DnD related. 'Cept for this site, where I still am not connected with any gaming. I should play though, it might be fun. I'm 12 by the way. :smallbiggrin: I'm a little kid here, teehee

2008-10-05, 08:57 AM
When I played the most, my group was like...between 10 and 35. Ha. With varying degrees of roleplaying accuracy... :smallwink:

2008-10-05, 09:30 AM
Started playing at 12 or 13. Still playing at 25.

Capt'n Ironbrow
2008-10-05, 10:09 AM
currently age group 23-25... my twin brother and me are the oldest members of an WHFRPG group made up of chaps in their early 20's. I'm the eldest by just 20 minutes ;)
and then there's an age gap of something like a year or so because my brother and I both did two (seperate) grades twice (one in elementary school, one in high school).

2008-10-05, 10:15 AM
Our youngest player is 12 (my brother), I'm 16, and there is one other 16 year old, and two 17 year olds. I started...I want to say 3 years ago?

2008-10-05, 10:47 AM
Hmm... Middle and High Schoolers.

2008-10-05, 10:51 AM
My gaming group at the university's roughly 18-25, the group I still see regularly back home is 19 to 40s and beyond, mostly 30-40.

2008-10-05, 12:03 PM
I was the oldest person at my group, which makes me feel sad.:smallfrown:

2008-10-05, 12:33 PM
My group is 19-21, but in one group, my DM is 25.

2008-10-05, 03:32 PM

21, 22, a few in the mid to late 20's, one in the mid 30's, and 2 in 40+ range.

The latter 3 I'm not entirely certain on specifics.

It's a bit more diverse then usual.

2008-10-06, 11:54 AM
Ummm...Started playing tabletop at my 7th birthday (1e D&D), plan to have a tabletop game going day after my 27th birthday in a week (VtR). I've played with people in their 30's regularly and 40's-50's occasionally. Regularly play with group aged 20-31

2008-10-06, 12:22 PM
We have had several various aged groups, spanning from upper 40's (possibly 50s, but I am not sure) all the way down to 13 year olds (kids of others already playing). Right now, the only group we're running is 32, 24, 20, 19.

Mando Knight
2008-10-06, 12:41 PM
Most people range from 18 to 20 with me...although we play munchkin and Apples to Apples more than D&D.

Munchkin and Apples to Apples! YAY!

...people at my college prefer the wacky combinations/"Trump Cards" in the comparison...

For example, one of my suitemates (the dorm's set up with suites of two rooms with two occupants each) will always give the round to whoever plays a Star Trek card... unless it's a derogatory comparison.

2008-10-06, 12:42 PM
Let's see, my first RP group consisted of me (17 at the time), my then gf and 2 of her friends (16-17 at the time), one of those friend's younger brother and one of his friends (14-15 at the time I think), and my gf's dad, the friend's mom and dad, and another of their friends (whatever ages that works out to, probably mid-to-late 40's if not a bit older for all of them). Wacky Call of Cthulhu goodness for all ages. :smallsmile:

Then I went to college and the group wound up being a range from my age to up to 3 years older and stayed that way up to the present. During college there were several weekly games (at one point I think I was in 5 weekly games simultaneously with occasional one-shot adventures here and there, that only happened for a semester before the schedule backed off a bit). Having a group of about 10 people to mix-and-match for games made for a variety of options for us. It was a lot of fun. Most of the guys still play, but the group fractured due to geography. I don't get to play in any regular games at this point. :smallfrown: Of course, there's the annual GenCon reunion with obligatory games played with the whole gang. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-06, 03:25 PM
Funny story, I had a teacher who did something like this. Basically we had a student-teacher (who later became a teacher at my school) teaching our french class something. He then manages to relate it to full metal alchemist. A couple of us later on asked him about whether he gamed or not and apparently he does. Events later, we ended up with a gaming club. We actually played DnD at school with the teacher. It was quite awesome.

niiiice. I got enough people at my school that would do a gaming club.. but we're all to busy with theater and band...and most if not all I'm already in games with. tis sad, I have no life now-a-days playing in plays and 4 games T_T.
oh well. I change my Info. I play with an age group consisting of 2d6+6 re-roll ones. Not too bad... and average is about 15-18.. more toward the ladder area with being my age.

2008-10-06, 10:32 PM
My old group here at home was around 15-20 when we first started, and now we've lost some older folks and are around 18-21.

My college groups varied a little, but most of the time the spread was something like 18-26, with an occasional 30 or 40-year old thrown in.

My new group I'm putting together here at home since the other has fallen apart is going to be 18-21, with me being the oldest. I'm hoping it'll stay together, since I haven't gotten to play D&D outside PbP in like 6 months.

2008-10-07, 11:19 AM
We currently game from 38 to 28? years of age with our D & D group.

I was running an Exalted game that spread from 42 to 14... and once played a game with three generations of female gamers in the group!!!

2008-10-07, 01:26 PM
Nice. My squad has most of us clustered between 29 and 31, with couple whippersnappers at 27 and 28 years. Every once in a while my friend's brother is in town and brings the low range down to 24.

2008-10-07, 07:28 PM
My current group ranges from 23-29. I fit kind of in the middle at 27, my ex is the oldest, and my roommate is the youngest.

My old group, I think I was the youngest. One of the guys might've been around my age, but I didn't know any of them that well cause I just walked into a gas station after the bar one night and the clerk was reading a D&D book, and I got all excited and gave him my phone number and told him I wanted to play. I doubt a drunk chick walking into his place of work was exactly how he expected to pick up players. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-08, 01:48 AM
I'm 21, the oldest in my current group is 23 and the youngest is 19 I think. Though when I was back at college, I had a friend in his mid-twenties who played with us.

2008-10-08, 04:06 AM
I never played tabletop DND, but my ex did... his age group was like 23-29. He tried to get me to start but I just couldn't get into it. :smallfrown:

2008-10-08, 08:14 AM
With 25 I'm the second-youngest amongst all the people I play roleplaying games with, who are in the range of 25-27 - some being friends from school, some from university.

To all those who have problems with playing because the members of their group have moved to different locations: While playing via Skype (or any other Internet voicechat programs) admittedly does not have the same atmosphere as meeting in person, it's still a satisfactory substitute, once one gets used to it. :smallwink:

2008-10-08, 04:10 PM
My friends at school aren't into DnD so I play that with my brother and his friends, I'm 15 and they're all about 19. so yeah, I'm the youngest in our group, but with Uni and stuff we don't meet up much.