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2008-10-05, 06:09 AM
So i'm playing a campaign where i'm a halfling rouge cleric, and i've got impress Olidamara, and I tought what's more impressive than pull a prank on the whole city.

After some short brainstorming i came up with this:
I'm gonna Alter Self into the lord of the city and pass a new law, wich commands inhabitants to wear funny hat's.( or some thing like that).

But i'm sure that you guy's(and girls) can help me and come up with something far more cooler.
The only preq is that these pranks are "harmless", the inhabitants may be freaked out and things like that but te most important is that they can laugh about it.

so brainstorm away and please share your ideas.

Thanks in advance.

2008-10-05, 07:22 AM
Earthbound Prestidigitation Traps.

2008-10-05, 07:25 AM
Prestidigitation all the Gold Pieces into Copper Pieces.

...What? It wears off...

2008-10-05, 07:29 AM
Create an Illusion of a fountain spewing Gold Pieces everywhere.

Totally Guy
2008-10-05, 09:19 AM
Tell the Lord of the City that you have made a suit of clothes that only people that are fit for their jobs can see...

2008-10-05, 09:21 AM
inspired by saint patricks day in certain US cities:...

turn the river green for a day.


2008-10-05, 09:23 AM
make the well water/fountain etc pull up water that looks like liquid fire.

2008-10-05, 09:28 AM
Move all ladies' underpants to the left by two feet. This might require a Miracle.

Also, having known certain ladies wider than two feet, perhaps the prank should be changed to "storm of dust that dissolves clothes and nothing else."

2008-10-05, 09:41 AM
Move all ladies' underpants to the left by two feet. This might require a Miracle.

Also, having known certain ladies wider than two feet, perhaps the prank should be changed to "storm of dust that dissolves clothes and nothing else."

In these parts we just use flash bombs.

2008-10-05, 10:54 AM
I like the OP's original idea.

2008-10-05, 08:57 PM
I say make a vaudeville act involving goblins or gnomes just to be a troll to those uptight and more sensitive religious folks and a parody of those really elitists ones at the same time. Whatever you go, nothing speaks of religious prank like poking fun at religion at it and generating outrage.

Or organize a massive and convoluted "assassination attempt", that ends with the would be assassin giving the king a bouquet of flowers and a kiss on the cheek.

Dr Bwaa
2008-10-05, 09:24 PM
Tell the Lord of the City that you have made a suit of clothes that only people that are fit for their jobs can see...

Stole my suggestion. Original, ain't it?

you could take a leaf out of one or two of my players' books, here. They seem to exist to do nothing else. Have fun with things like:

plant rumors of an invading army, let it spread around; give anonymous tips to guards about infiltrators and spies, let the concern work its way up to the top, and (before anyone gets jailed or anything, naturally) reveal your mighty horde as a family of badgers with a flag sovereign glued to one's back, and illusion spells (ventriloquism comes to mind) that allow "them" to "declare war on the city." Then, when all the guards get to their posts, they see the invading army and the noble cleric (you) goes out to negotiate. The episode ends in badger hugs (and a bit of universal solvent, hopefully).

Import a Coin Dragon.

I like the fountain idea, and the OP idea.

Throw a rave (through copious use of illusion and evocation magic, naturally). Bonus points for enchanting anyone within the radius to be extraordinarily happy and not wanting to leave, unless maybe to go get their friends (lesser geas). More bonus points for actually holding the rave inside a prismatic sphere :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-05, 09:50 PM
Buy a WHOLLLLLLLLEEEEEE bunch of Elixer's of Love...pour all into the city's water supply. Don't drink water there ever again and watch ensuing hilarity...and most likely chaos.

2008-10-05, 10:08 PM
Earthbound Prestidigitation Traps.

Even better, make it a cursed item that you give to the king. Randomly performs an act of prestidigitation to each person who enters the king's proximity.

Make sure he wears it to a city-wide festival. If there isn't one, you DO have access to magic.

2008-10-05, 10:44 PM
My best prank to date was to cast Nightmare on our paladin every night for a month. The nightmare was always devils TPKing the group while he was helpless. After the month, I broke out the illusory devil ambush. The whole prank was done to test and prove my character's hypothesis that paladins could crap their pants. He was right.

Ah gnomes.

2008-10-05, 11:42 PM
A bunch of ideas involving illusions. Some more feasible than others; some require large amounts of magic.

-Illusory doors. Everywhere. Have illusory people walk out of them and into others regularly.
-Every once in a while, surf a large illusory wave through the main streets.
-Light a second sun in the sky during what would otherwise be considered night hours (illusion).
-Illusory invading Orcish hordes.
-Make the ground look like the sky.
-Make illusions about the weather: on a normal day, make it look like it's raining or snowing (actually changing the weather would have adverse consequences), or raining strange objects.
-Illusory armageddon.

2008-10-06, 12:42 PM
Thanks for all the feedback.
I really love the Earthbound Prestidigitation Traps, but since we don't have an arcane caster in the party , and i don't have the funds to pull that off i think i'm going with the funny hat day plan.

If you come up with more ideas, please post them maybe i can use them later.
Also I'll let you guys know how it turned out.

Thanks alot.

2008-10-06, 12:46 PM
Break into folks houses in the dead of night, and leave them a sock full of toys and sweets, I'd advise escaping thru the chimney.

2008-10-06, 02:02 PM
Have a pinata Dragon attack the city. People will fear it until it breaks open and everyone gets candy!

2008-10-06, 02:16 PM
Or organize a massive and convoluted "assassination attempt", that ends with the would be assassin giving the king a bouquet of flowers and a kiss on the cheek.

I like this one. Also, Envisiron, are you suggesting the same Dragon Pinata from the Monsters and Mazes episode of Dexter's Lab? Because that's a great reference.

Magnor Criol
2008-10-06, 02:43 PM
-Illusory doors. Everywhere. Have illusory people walk out of them and into others regularly.

I initially read this as a suggestion for illusory doors walking into people regularly. The mental image it gave me is quite funny. :D

2008-10-06, 02:47 PM
What level are ya Hobbes? I could give you more concrete suggestions if I knew that.

2008-10-06, 07:27 PM
Sneak into every temple in the city and swap all the priests' holy symbols, either with each other's or with symbols of Olidamara, your choice. Bonus points for each sacred relic you swap without starting a holy war.

Dr Bwaa
2008-10-06, 08:32 PM
My best prank to date was to cast Nightmare on our paladin every night for a month. The nightmare was always devils TPKing the group while he was helpless. After the month, I broke out the illusory devil ambush. The whole prank was done to test and prove my character's hypothesis that paladins could crap their pants. He was right.

Ah gnomes.

That is fantastic.

Bonus points for each sacred relic you swap without starting a holy war.

This, too.

I agree though: what resources do you have access to, so we can give more concrete suggestions?

2008-10-06, 09:11 PM
In the center of a city, set up a button. A big red button. In giant letters, pen a sign that says "DO NOT PRESS." This is of course a hoax. The button does, however, activate a series of scrolls hidden in the apparatus. Mainly, a giant amount of illusory meteor swarms, just enlarged so that it looks as though it's still in the atmosphere, but is giant. Anyway, go to the mayor of the city and say that you can save the city from the illusions. You will then rent a room and watch the illusion dissipate the second it "hits" the ground. Offer to pay for the raise deads of all the old people who had heart attacks.

2008-10-06, 11:16 PM
I agree with "do not touch", but have it, instead, give really bad (but not mind scarring) vague fake memories.

It'd be great.

2008-10-07, 12:21 AM
One of my favorite old ones.

Buy three pigs. Paint the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on them. Release them into the palace.

2008-10-07, 01:15 AM
Are pranks really Olidamara's territory? That sounds more like Garl's. Well, on with the pranks...

Setup a magical trap that makes everyone's pants become invisible while inside the town hall/town square. Trigger it to go off while the mayor is making a speech.

Enchant a necklace to create a Hypnotic Pattern, but only while it is worn. Give it to the king, then giggle has he starts yelling about everyone just staring blankly at him.

Animate Object on a pinata.

The 3 pigs sounds like a great one. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-07, 02:09 AM
Change the way all the doors open in the palace. If the door opens into a room, make it open out. If it opens to the left, make it open to the right. Alter yourself to look like the King's head advisor and tell him its always been like that. Watch the King go mad as he can no longer do something as simple as open a door without trouble. Then for added fun, put in the palace a really annoying person with a geas on him to follow the king until sunset. The King won't be able to get away from him.

2008-10-07, 07:59 AM
You need a magical version of this:

2008-10-07, 08:48 AM
Man, these are really good!!!

I think that i'll need to start with some of these in the campain i'm in.

Lord Herman
2008-10-07, 08:58 AM
One of my favorite old ones.

Buy three pigs. Paint the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on them. Release them into the palace.

Brilliant :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-07, 05:13 PM
Right now I'm a level 5(2 rouge 3 cleric(Dm oked the divine trickster, and the party needed more healing)) Halfling with an Ego the size of a mountain.
And where playing the Cauldron campaign(no spoilers!!!!!!!) so i don't have much gold, and we don't have an arcane caster, so i'll need to seek help from a caster to make me look like the Mayor.
The party consist of: 1 half elf rouge(how's really unlucky), Half orc fighter, dwarf barbarian and human druid, and me.(these are all first timers, and where having a blast.

So first I'll have to save Cauldron(I know, again) and then pull the pranks :)

Once more thanks for everything, you guy's rock and i'll post wich mischief i pulled.

Greetz Hobbes56