View Full Version : What would you do...?

2008-10-05, 01:14 PM
Hey, all.

As anyone who recognises my username probably knows, I'm struggling to create my first ever campaign. I was wondering if, once again, you could give me a hand.

This is a Doctor Who campaign, and the player characters will be Time Agents of various races sent out on missions to keep the time-space continuum in order.

I've started writing my team's first mission, which involves them (as Time Agents) being told that the Graske are kidnapped and replaced by duplicates for unknown reasons. They have been told to go back three days to just before the Martian Mardi Gras, at which Géorge Tane, the Empire Champion zero-g kickboxer, was taken, and find out what's going on (without stopping it, so as to preserve the timeline).

So the arrive at the Martian City (named in a Word document not on this computer), are given a bit of information about the city by an undercover agent. That it's full of prostitutes, drugs and gunrunning, and that Tane ("being a religious man") is deep into that scene. They're given a bar where they might pick up some gossip and let loose upon the campaign.

So have have all this planned out, but then I stop. I'm having trouble predicting what they're going to do next. What eventualities I should plan for. So, back to the title of the thread: what would you do? Where do you see the session following that introduction going? How would you GM it?

The thing is, I have plans for a long-term plot, but it's the planning on a session-to-session basis that's stumping me a bit. Any thoughts would be appreciated.