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Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-15, 02:30 PM
Wela and Keno

Luni's idea may not be a bad one. I suppose the clerics will still be able to cast divine spells?

However Bialikk's right, the mortals can't face off against Loon alone. Perhaps we could seek help from the "spirits" that protect the planet Earth? Maybe the Caswellan gods have some ideas on how to fight the demon?

2008-11-15, 03:18 PM

Bialikk moved his head left to right.
"-I sent a mephit a while ago, already. What he told me was that, basically, nobody had heard of Loon or of witchkings or even undeads. They only reported seeing these things shortly before we launched the second crusade. And I doubt that the little fox has any clue about what Loon really is. Sarathalus, just so you know, Loon is a ascended mortal, a demon even older than us, who try to take over this world...before taking over an other world called Earth. This world coming toward us slowly.

Luni, you went there, didn't you ?"

2008-11-15, 03:39 PM

"I did! And there was some God over there, it was a brief chat, might be worth taking another trip over there, what do you say?" Replied Luni.

2008-11-15, 05:18 PM

An ascended mortal? He's that much of a threat that all of the Gods combined couldn't take him down?...That is....disturbing. Incidentally, has anyone seen Cale recently?

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-15, 05:22 PM
Wela and Keno

"Loon seems to have found a way to cheat death...several times. We must find the source of his power. It is possibly tied to the portals."

OOC: Shouldn't we talk to the Caswellan gods? After all, Armin has said that Merlin was helping them and that they seemed to do well against demons.

2008-11-15, 07:22 PM

Jackie had decided. If Cale did not act soon, he WOULD. He would bring all the remaining elves to his lands, Bialikk and his murderous people be damned. He was a god of crime, not mass murder, he was a god of war, not slaughter. While he would be the first to admit he was anything but a good god, neither was he heartless, and it seemed that Bialikk was becoming less so to all but his own followers. Jackie would not let the other gods arrogance destroy a people so unique as the elves. Jackie would relocate the Elves if he could, give them lands of their own, and if he had to he would see Bialikks invaders to their island crushed, and sent either back to their homes or to drown in the seas, as is the fate of all defeated invaders. He contacted Cale:

Cale, old friend, I know you have plans for the Elven people, but I fear for their people and culture in the unkind hands of the followers of Bialikk and Varin. If you do not act, I'm sorry, but I will have to. Bialikk's wishes be damned, I will not let those people become slaves and go extinct because of the arrogance of the air-god.


To the Welan and Varinian delegations the same basic question was asked. What can you do that would make us break ties with your competators? Why should we not merely ally both of you and avoid this conflict between your peoples? We know our Lord might involve himself, but he would not put his nation at risk unless he thought it necessary for some reason. We would ask, what can you offer us to make us side with one over the other?

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-15, 10:45 PM
Kelawen Republic

The representative replied to the vampire:

"We also believe that the best way to go is to have a balance of power. We have no desire to eradicate the Varins. However, we are interested in a defensive alliance with the Empire. It is not our business if you decide to also ally with the Varins. What we wish is a lasting friendship with the imperials. If we are ever attacked by the Varins, your help would be greatly apperciated. The Republic will certainly not strike againt the Varins, unless it is self-defense. We assure you that if the Empire is threatened, we will do all that is in our power to help you."

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-16, 12:30 AM
The lead Councilman nodded.

"I see your concern, Lord. We of the Tribeland Council simply seek an open and honest agreement. We will support you as long as you support us; the basis of a fair alliance. And what is mercenarism but alliances forged on paper? The two parties lean on each other, each one vital, both providing something for the other.

The Welans are a very cultural, very idealist people. Which, well not being a bad thing in and of itself, tends to lead to dissapointment for more realist cultures. They will abandon you at the slightest sign of any moral imperfection that they think they see. They did it to us; they will do it to you.

The Varin culture is not a kind one, it is harsh, it is mean. You may call us blood-thirsty, or ignoble, or amoral, or whatever you wish, but there is one thing you must acknowladge; we write our signatures in blood. When we promise something, we go through with it. When a contract is signed, we keep our end of the deal, even if it leads to our death. When an alliance is made, we will bear our burden onto the end of our people.

Whatever the Welans promise you, whether you ally with them or with us, or with both, we will give you one thing they never will: Our undying bond to ally with you through thick and thin, rain and pour, sand and ocean. We will keep our hand in as long as you do. We can offer this. They can, but won't."

2008-11-16, 02:28 PM

Since it has been reunited with the rest of the Air people, the Marlan Republic had grown quickly. Each year, thousands of men among the poorest clans of the Confederacy settled in this new land, bringing with them more Antomatons and Autodevices which helped to work the soil and exploit the forests. The border was still a No Man's Land watched by the dragons but among the Council, many thought already of the day the big reptiles would vanish. And this day, the Marlans would be ready.

Unlike the rest of the Free Republics which had heavily invested in fishing and craft, Marla was a agricultural republic, with small clans taking care of fields where the Antomatons worked days and nights, stopping only for eventual repair and maintenance. The control that the priests had on the weather allowed for exceptional crops. Being further south than the Free Tribes homeland, the island was the perfect ground for new cultures that, so far, were only done by the Welans.

It has been already ten years now that the last of the Varian ship had left but many among the warriors had settled on Marla as military advisors, payed by the Republic to train their militia. The Antomaton doing the manual labor, most of the able bodied men had spare time to learn the way of the sword or of the arcane. In honor of their saviors, a bronze statue had been commissioned a long time ago but it was only now that the high priest and his assistants were ready to build it.

On this morning, the citizens of Marla could see a group of priests at work. Earth priests who called forth the stone to reshape into a solid base, erecting columns on which the feet of the giant would be set. Air priests who controlled the winds so to guide the many components. Craft priests, finally, whose skill was needed to animate said components so that they could move in place on their own. At the end of a week long magical work, it was the turn of the common craftsmen to begin. Stone was cut was cut following precise instructions and marks, slowly taking shape, while the bronze statue itself was worked of an huge warrior, clothed as a Varian. In his right hand, a sword, looking like those magic items stolen to the elven. In his left hand, the severed head of an elf. His face had been twisted, his ears were exaggeratively pointy while, even in dead, he arbored a blood-thirsty grin. Smaller, frailer statues made of stone and wood were built at the feet of the giant : women, elders and children, all starving, their pose suggesting fear but also relief. Their cloths showing their origin : Air people. One of the statue, a fair young girl, was kneeling on the left shoulder of the Varian, eyes closed in a revering manner.

Inside the legs and torso, traps and ladders were carved so that it was possible to climb at the top of the 50m tall colossus. Powerful charms were used on the statue so that it would always stand, even if storms or earthquake would level the whole city. For all the warrior-in-training who saw hit at dawn, the Varian Saviour was a beacon of hope and a remembrance of why they were learning to fight.

The Varian Savior : a 50m-tall bronze statue, with dozen of smaller, human-sized ones made of wood and stone. It is situated at the entrance of Marla's port and is both a symbol of the Marlan's gratitude toward the Varians and a inspired wonder to every citizen.
+1 in craft for Bialikk because of the complexity of such a statue (IRL, the Colossus of Rhodes crashed several times, while this one will endure the years.)
All the militiamen from Marla are counted as good warriors. Not elite but good, as they are trained well and carry the grudge of their ancestor and their will to stand on their own in face of the danger.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-16, 07:26 PM
At the Magi Towers
Tedon had been working for several years on infusing magic into items. He was almost an Archmage, over a hundred years of magical influence in the Magi Towers left him quite powerful and intelligent. He was an Artificer, a newly created position, dedicated to studying and learning of magically infused items, mostly the items left behind by the elves.

The Varin Magery had already learned how to infuse weapons, because of their familiarity with weapons and war-spells. But infusing ordinary items with magical powers was an entirely different beast. They had tried bringing in Biallik's air priests, but that was an entirely different type of magic.

But, finally, on this day, Tedon Markon had revealed the secrets, had become the first true Artificer. He had imbued an item, an ordinary decanter, with the ability to produce endless amounts of water. He held the decanter tightly and licked his lips. "Trickle." A small amount of water began to pour out of the decanter. "Good, good. Now, Pour." A much larger amount of water began to pour out of the decanter into a bucket. Tedon nodded a second time. "Alright." he said, looking at the iron covered walls of the experiment chamber. "Flood." A massive amount of water streamed out of the decanter, Tedon struggled to keep the decanter from moving, then finally stepped out of the way and let go.

The decanter shot back, cracking against the wall. "OFF!" Tedon shouted. The water stopped flowing. Tedon sloshed through the ankle-high water to the decanter, worrying that his prize experiment had broken. Instead, he found the decanter prefectly fine, and a rather large dent and several small cracks in the iron. He stared at the decanter in amazement. He then smiled and began to chuckle, and then began to flat out laugh. He had achieved it. He was truly an Artificer.

In the Varin Tribelands
For the first decade of magical item creation, it was a slow and expensive process, requiring much effort and time on the part of the mages. Some mages began to specialize in Artifice, so the work became faster and faster and cost less and less. Soon, the Magi Towers were mass producing the magically infused items by the thousands. Every Varin city quickly began to be infused with the magical items.

Thousands more people became Craft-mages. They weren't on the level of Artificers, but they could produce low-key items, such as everlasting torches or streaming water decanters, easily and quickly. It was the beginning of a golden age for the Varin Tribelands.

Above the Varin Tribelands
Varin stood, smiling. Whatever the strange power had done, it was unnoticable. But, Varin was smiling for different reasons. His people had made great, great strides in the advancement of technology and knowledge with the advent of Artificery. Varin looked down and saw that his people, while producing many of the items, still could not truly mass produce them, as Jackie did with the massive factories.

Varin smiled. Factories... hmm. He quickly traveled north, to Varintar. He worked quickly, creating a large factory-esque building, with thousands of rooms, most of them underground, each one able to be dedicated to a different item to be produced. He pushed his energy into it, speeding up the creation and empowering the artifacts made in the factory. He also made a large portal to the Great Library through which the items could be transported.

Varin stood back and admired his handywork. He smiled as he thought of his people, growing in power. He simply smiled.

Varin create first Wondrous Items, gain two new classes: Artificer and Craft-mage. They begin to mass produce. Varin helps out with Artifice Factory. Gain artifice domain. It speeds creation and empowers items.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-16, 07:41 PM
Kelawen Republic

Meanwhile, the Republic uses the strange energies from the portal to grant spells and to power magitech. Kensogan, for instance, is full of everburning lanterns and the like. More and more wards are installed in the Twin Cities, as well as some frontier cities. The Welans also seek how to use the pyramids as weapons.

2008-11-16, 10:47 PM

A new place, finally! They had traveled in the mountains for what seemed like weeks, and had come upon a new settlement.

He came up to the gate with his rangers, and rapped upon the gate with his sword hilt. Shara had called this place the "Free Tribes." He waited to see who would come out.


The attack came after nightfall. The hunters had seen Kitseri before in the capitol when Tyrn Khalenseri had come to the King, but those had been shining-furred and strong of heart. These ghouls were filthy, starving and had threadbare and ragged fur. They screamed and lashed out with broken claws, ripping with filthy fangs at the armor of the hunters.

The hunters were better-armed and had armor, and were able to kill scores of the savages. But they never stopped coming, and soon the hunters lay dying. Llwyn himself lay against a tree, guts spilling out of his ripped-open chest. He looked up through blurred eyes as fire came through the trees.

"Good, good. We will take the lands that should be ours." The voice was wrong, reverbrating and echoing unnaturally, scraping against the soul and ripping it apart.

The dancing fire came closer, and claws caressed his throat, pushing his head up to look into scarred, ruined features - hardly recognizable as those of a Kitseri, much less anything natural. The fire lept upon the figure before him, across its eyes and along its claws, burning Llwyn's throat.

"Yessss... look upon me as you breathe your last and go unto my masters. Look upon your nation's doom and look upon the one who will devour your soul. Look. upon. me. Die."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-16, 11:28 PM
Wela and Keno

The meeting with the other gods was long over. No decision had been taken. Wela wished to talk with the Caswellan gods and eventually the beings from planet Earth about this situation. In the meantime, she was dying to see Sainbec again. So she came to his lands and called for him.

2008-11-17, 09:42 AM

His swords had been passed down from the days of the Old Empire from father to son in the Satharos. They were beautiful in their craftsmanship, and were without a doubt the finest blades in Rebirth. But now what were they? What was he? After seeing Varin Warlord, Etharn couldn't rest. The Satharos were the finest warriors in the land, of any of the Kitseri, and they were proud of it. But how could the proud, honorable brothers of the Satharos be serving Bloody Varin?

His blades had served him well against those tribes that would dare to attack the Satharos, and they had saved his life again and again. But they had also shed blood to defend his blood-brothers, and he had enjoyed the contest of battle - like Varin. How could he go into battle, knowing that he would slaughter and kill for Varin's glory?

A light touch upon his shoulder; Etharn jumped and his grip on his blades tightened, but he looked into Sainbec's grin and relaxed. "Are you all right, Etharn? Anything you want to talk about?" Sainbec sat next to Etharn, looking out to sea.

"It's just that... all these years, when I fought alongside my brothers, I fought for Varin. Varin was empowered by what I loved to do - the contest, the battle, blade against blade. I can't serve such a master, I want to serve you, but battle is what I live for, what I eat and breathe. What can I do, to keep my soul from being torn apart?"
"Varin is a lord of slaughter and butchery. He loves to see nations ripped apart by war and to see destruction and death. I have said before that there are two sides to every battle. He might say they are winner and loser, but I know what they are. Good and Evil. Don't battle just to spill blood and win, fight for what you know is right. I fought in the War of Song, and I fought for what I knew was right - even though things happened in that war that are better left forgotten. Just pray and hope that you know what is right."
"Still, what if I'm wrong? What if I choose wrong, or allow my brothers in arms to fall upon the battlefield because of my weakness? How can I always know what is right?"
There was a moment of silence as Sainbec thought.
"If I remember correctly, the Satharos swear oaths before being allowed to touch a weapon, oaths to use it well and honorably." Etharn nodded. "What if the best warriors in the Satharos swore more oaths, oaths to use their weapons to protect and save, not for destruction's sake. Oaths to help the weak and the innocent from those who would hurt them - like I did upon the Elves' Isle. Oaths that they would fight to protect each other, and never leave a brother behind. Oaths to fight with honor and to fight with purity in their hearts."
Etharn's imagination raced. As in the days of old, when the God-Emperors had elite guards, there could be an elite band of warriors, excellent in both arm and soul. His blades could protect and save instead of killing. He turned to Sainbec. "Th-thank you, my liege. I will think about that and talk about it to my warriors. Will you stay with me for a while?" Sainbec shook his head.
"The lady Wela expects my presence, and I can tarry here no longer. I'm on your side, Etharn, and all you need to do is but ask."
Sainbec stood up and went from that place.


Sainbec came to Wela in a rush of wind. "Good morn, milady. Would you care to come down to Rebirth with me? I believe there is food waiting us, and the city is exceptionally beautiful today." He winked at her.

Another MA spent for Sainbec's Gambit.

Oh, and Sainbec's got a hot date!

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-17, 09:46 AM
Wela and Keno

Wela smiled at Sainbec and nodded.

"Of course. That's why I am here. I couldn't refuse such an invitation. Lead the way...

You should also come to Kensogan one day, when you have the time."

2008-11-17, 10:03 AM

Sainbec led Wela down through the city. There were some soaring structures of marble and wood, but most buildings were temporary tents. Sainbec explained that the Kitseri prefered to move about and sleep in many different places even in their own city. Kitseri moving through the city bowed to the two gods. Many Kitseri wore tattoos or jewelery showing them to belong to one clan or another.

Sainbec led her to a tent larger than most, with a design of emeralds decorating the tent flaps. Inside, a meal was laid out upon a woven mat, with two smaller mats alongside it. Sainbec held the tent flap open and said, "After you?"

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-17, 11:42 AM
Wela and Keno

"Well thank you."

Wela entered inside and sat on one of the mats, making herself comfortable. Everything was so different than what she was used to in Kensogan. Maybe she ought to travel more...

2008-11-17, 03:12 PM

The food was varied, but mostly fruits from the trees that grew in the streets and along the rivers of Rebirth - dates, figs, pomegranates and grapes - or meat from animals that had been hunted by Fethir clansmen. These meats were dipped in hot spicy sauces. The wine was fresh and smooth and the water was icy cold and soothing. It was without a doubt one of the finest meals made by the Kitseri, and there was enough for even a god to eat one's fill.

Sainbec was greatly enjoying Wela's company as they feasted upon the food of the Kitseri. After the meal, Sainbec decided that now was as good as ever.

"Ah... Wela? There's something I need to talk to you about - a gamble that I'm taking with which I need your help. I can't do it alone, and it's more about your territory anyway. Can you help me?"

If you want any more details about Sainbec's Gambit, Omnik, don't hesitate to ask.

I'm no Brian Jacques when it comes to food description, but I hope this suffices.

2008-11-17, 06:01 PM

Churnel could feel the tug and pull of the mages below. They wished to tap into the mystical powers of lightning, to wield and summon. But such tasks felt draining upon the giant caterpillar. And as the Elrians advanced in skill, their pull became stronger.

Finally, Churnel resolved to end this endless draining and created a vast plane from which arcane casters could draw and conjure from. And the great plane of lightning was formed.

It was not long before elementals of lightning called this plane home. It would be these creatures that would be called upon by the mortals below.

Churnel saw this and realized great potential in this magic.
Thrall and Elosta

Thrall readied the civilians and marines needed for the expidition. This would be the first true test of the Kingdom's navy.

Two months ago Thrall received a message from Churnel.

Across the waters to the south-east there is a land. Discover its mysteries.

Thrall found the message to be quite cryptic, but did not wish to question his goddess. After all, these lands had become quite populated. It was perhaps time to find new lands to spread into.

Unfortunately, the council was very relunctant to send civilians. The Elrian coast had much to offer and this was the land of their history. But Thrall knew that pride without progress could not survive in the ever changing world.

The expedition would take four war ships and ten sleek ships, a total of two thousand Elrians. These ships had been developed in Dro Porta by using the knowledge gained in the naval academy. There, marines where trained in the necessary skills to row and steer these ships. The sleek ships carried far fewer occupants but had much greater speed. The war ships could carry more, but required many more marines to keep it moving. In all, 1600 marines, 200 archers, 50 disciples and priests, 25 arcane casters, 2 high priests, 1 ArchMage, 14 ship captians, 1 naval commander, 56 civilians (craftsmen, scholars, scribes, etc.), 50 dragoons, 1 dragoon general to lead the expedition; Thrall's firstborn: Chara.

Chara was a powerful commanding officer and soldier, and a very respected dragoon. And though she had an exquisite beauty, she had a cold and non-reactive personality. To her, duty was higher than all things. And to this end, Thrall made sure that he sent those with a diplomatic understanding.


Within the halls of the magic academy, the teachers and scholars had spent the many years after Ghehard's discovery of metamagic, trying to perfect it. Such perfection was reached when the sorcerers discovered they could attach their spells to items. At first, application of such a discovery was awkward. But once they started imbuing projectiles with their spells, the Elrian military would never be the same.

Within months of the discovery, high ranking sorcerers were learning to become accustomed to the bow. Before long, all sorcerers were required to learn and master the bow as well as study their arcane skills.

And thus was created one of the most powerful units within the Elrian military, the Spellshots.

1 Ceremony - Lightning Plane created
1 Major Act - Lightning Elementals created
1 Major Act - Gained Conjuration domain
1 Major Act - Lightning Domain +1

Fluff - Sent explorers to unexplored land (Bottom Right of "Top" Map)

More Fluff - created prestige class Spellshot. For those of you who have read my status, you finally know the real reason why Sorcerers have a different designation in the Elrian military. And yes, I had this planned since Olric was king :smallwink:

Krrrth, if you want to include your people helping my people cross the ocean, please feel free. But I only want to do one post where the explorers are on the ocean before reaching the new land. Then your people can help me explore :smallbiggrin:!

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-17, 07:30 PM
Wela and Keno

"The feast was delicious Sainbec. As for your gambit, I will gladly help. I trust you. I know everything you do, you do for the greater good of your people."

2008-11-17, 07:54 PM

The Confederacy grew more powerful each day, thanks to the more flexible social structure but mainly to the Weasel Clan's contribution. The International Weasel Mail had now outposts in every town of more than a thousand citizens. From there, anybody could keep in touch with the rest of the world, sending goods, mails or even travelling directly. Off course, delays between two Airgliders could be weeks but it was still faster, cheaper and far less dangerous than by road or sea. Especially with the gargoyles.

The forgotten children of Bialikk had grown in numbers, preying on the fauna for long but now, their number was too high and their evil nature pushed them to attack other sentient beings. The more one travelled from the major cities, the more likely he was to be attacked by those monsters. And so, the International Weasel Mail was the natural answer to the problem : if you can't fight it, avoid it.

On an other note, the Republic of Marla had become a powerfull city-state, one of the wealthiest among the Confederacy, though Luthresse and the Rocky Nest were still far beyond. But it was for his militaristic nature and the quantity of tropical food that it was now famous. With the Antomatons, manpower was kept to a minimum and the production costed nearly nothing. Massive convoys were sold to the Varin Tribelands but the most part replaced slowly the imports from the Kelawan Republic.

At the Rocky Nest, the Autodesign produced huge quantity of good quality textile, which were then made in cloths by weaver clans. The Air people were still few but they had achieve what their god wanted for them : continual progress, individual accompishement and freedom from any material bounds. A huge ceremony was held by Bialikk's clergy. A delegation of priests and civils from each Republic came to the main temple to present on Bialikk's altar the best thing their city had to offer. Each high priest told the history of the Republic he represented, describing its building, its bad days, its achievements, its daily trades as well as the perpetuel changes of clans and trades. In the end of the seven days long ceremony, all priests burned the gifts on the altar and let the smoke carrying a message to Bialikk : a message who made the Father Bird aware of its own power.

1 Ceremony and 1 Major Act : +1 DvR
I think Bialikk earned it after so long.

Namurio's expedition

"-A new land !! A new hope !!"

The Swallow's Pride was a true marvel, with its 200 meter wingspawn for a small wooden cabin, it was the perfect Airglider for a fast and light travel. Who needed big and cumbersome vessel while you could teleport your daily supply on the spot ? That was Namurio's idea at least and, driving his clan's new acquisition, he was prouder than he had ever been. The expedition would help the little clan to rise among the Confederacy, by founding its own city, maybe even several...but only if they founded a free land.

"-The last fool who said that started a war with the elven, you know ?"
"-Yeah, but I'm no fool. I brought gift for the locals...if there is any."
"-I hope they'll be dumb enough to understand that you'll stop giving them these rubbish as soon as our outpost will be built."
"-Well, the Varians encountered nobody and they've been exploring the area since what ? fifteen ? twenty years ?"
"-Who knows ? Those pirates can sure sail but I doubt they bottered to report as soon as they made their discovery. It can have been twenty years as well as fifty, in fact."
"-Yeah, so my point stands : no locals in the Far North."
"-And that's why we go there ? Beyond Varian colonies ?"
"-They can't colonize the mountains as easily as we can with our Airgliders and Bialikk's blessings."
"-And the teleporters ?"
"-And the teleporters, of course."
"-Your father would roll over in his grave if he heard how much you paid for these things."
"-It's still cheaper than a whole Airglider fleet and its crew."
"-...True. Sometime, I wonder what our people is becoming, you know."
"-What do you mean ?"
"-We always talk about gold, silver... Money is all. But what about culture ?"
"-Don't speak like a Kelawen, uncle !! We got music !!"
"-Bah !! All those bards are just rip-off from the Nightingale Clan !!"
"-Who ?"
"-You're too young, boy... The Great Aqueduct opening... THAT was something !!"
"-...You weren't even born, uncle."
"-...Shut up and drive that Airglider."

One Airglider travel to the Far North, following the Varian fleet first, then sailing above the lands until he arrive above the mountains. Then he searchs for a landing ground and install a teleportation device and a orb. The next day, dozen of colons are there with their tools, backpacks and Antomatons.
A new Republic will soon appear among the mountains of the Far North. It can't import big equipement but that won't be a problem : they can still teleport small Antomatons, goats, bag of rice and tools, can't they ? :smallwink:

2008-11-17, 10:23 PM

"Thank you! I'm pleased that you enjoyed the food of my people. And yes, I'm doing this not to spite Varin. Just so you know."

His heart is racing, but his face is set in an irreverent grin as he looks up at Wela and shrugs. "Y'know, Varin said something very strange when we faced each other down. He called you "my lover". He was probably just being mentally unstable as always." He looks Wela in the eyes, his own gleaming, and then shrugs. "It is certainly in his personality to demean you so. I mean, what god would be in love with an ascended mortal - and a thief and scoundrel at that?"

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-17, 10:47 PM
Derek Larutkin had served Varin faithfully for hundreds of years, magically extending his life-span, learning thousands of spells, becoming the highest-tier priest in the land, even forging a personal bond with Varin himself. Derek had channeled some of the power of the portals into himself, waiting for the right moment. He was going to give himself a gift, at the appropriate time, of course. It seemed appropriate now.

He had worked for weeks in his lab, creating and drawing hundreds of sigils and arcane symbols on the walls. He had logged and journeled every step of his on the way, on the path. On the thirtieth day, he activated the sigils. He channeled the power into himself, drawing on the sigils to control and stabilize the power. He began to see white, a pure, bright white without corruption, without death. He reached out and called a name, a long lost loved one. He blanked out just as he saw her face...

He woke up, three days later, in the bottom-most vaults of the Great Library. The sigils had imprinted themselves on his skin, glowing bright blue. He began to laugh, feeling the power underneath his skin, crawling through his body. "Having fun? Congrats, kid. Welcome to godhood." Derek turned to see Varin standing behind him, arms folded, smiling. Derek smiled back, and walked out the door, planning to enjoy his newfound power.

Ritual to make Derek DvR 0 god

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-17, 11:15 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela slighty lowered her eyes.
"Oh. Hum... So Varin tried to destabilize you...that's so like him... But you shouldn't talk like that. Mortals can surprise you...you know? Look how Madille and Vex sacrificed themselves for people they loved and broke the spell of Luni? Oh, right, you weren't there at that time. Sorry."

Wela looked at Sainbec.

"Mortals aren't born complete, they must discover their own identity. They face so much trials in their brief lives... Some are plain lazy. Others simply wish to settle down with their family. But a few actually take their destiny into their hands, even when facing overwhelming odds. It takes a lot of courage to fight oppression, injustice...and Fate. I should know. I'm the Goddess of Destiny. And even a thief can be a remarkable being. A soul as free as the wind...that lives life to the fullest. I would like to know how that feels, someday."

Her eyes were a lot more intense now.

2008-11-18, 06:47 PM
Thrall and Elosta

The dragoons soon learned that they had the great ability to inflict damage from upon high, while taking little in return. Brave Vision's gift of wings allowed no such damage to be imparted upon the dragoon. And it was not long until Thrall realized something.

"Your majesty this is insanity!"

You're just jealous because you're not a Dragoon.

All the dragoons in the audience chuckled at the statement.

In all seriousness, with both the Elrian Crystal and Brave Vision, there is near no chance that I could die.

But just in case, there are plenty nearby who will make sure I leave from this stunt alive. Thrall said as he nodded to some nearby high priests.

"Can't you find another willing individual to try this?"

In doing so I would need to hand the crystal and the helm to that individual. You and I both can see such a scenario to be less than wise. This is the best option; hopefully it will also resolve some burning questions...

"Like if those things can still fly!"

Well, thanks to the understanding and knowledge of the Varian mages, all the pilots have had rings of feather fall crafted.

"I'm not nearly as worried about them as I am you!"

Thrall turned and smiled to the old man and smiled. Then as he approached the glider, he glanced over at his hopeful target: a large rock the size of two homes.


The land and air around the southeast of Gorn was pleasant. The plains provided the space needed to get the glider off the ground. The piloting crew had practiced for many days on the procedure to replace runes to keep the vehicle in the air.

Thrall looked out over the vast land. So this is what it is like to fly.

"Sir, we are about to pass over the target."

Thrall lowered the visor of Brave Vision and looked down. He was amazed to see that he could see the rock clearly as if he was right in front of it. His entire view of the ground showed even minute details one would normally miss even walking upon the ground.

This is truly marvelous...

Ok, wish me luck! And try not to crash the glider when you land it! Thrall shouted out as he leapt from the Seabird.

Opening his wings, he was now gliding of his own free will, able to turn and adjust his direction. Though, he did not have runes to keep him in the air. Finally, he was in position. Opening his wings fully, he started to descend quickly. Thrall was amazed that he still had the ability to alter the path of his descent. His eyes stayed fixed upon the rock.


The phalanx had put up their shields and the casters used what skills they had to protect themselves and the other witnesses of the great event as debris from the rock scattered in all directions. As soon as the rain of pebbles ended, mages cast spells to settle the dust and priests hurried to the epicenter of the impact crater. But before they could reach it, another cloud of dust billowed from where the rock once stood. This time, as the dust settled, a figure clad in scales and wings of Heaven Metal stood looking out upon the crowd. With a javelin in his right hand and his left on his waist, he smiled. And the crowd cheered for their Dragoon king.

Chara and the Expedition

The seas had been kind. And many thanks were owed to the People, who helped guide the small fleet to uncharted waters and, hopefully, land. Though they faced a few storms, the priests channeled most of the fury away from the ships.

It had been close to three months before they saw land once again. For all, three months was the longest any had stayed off dry land. For most, it was three months too long.

Armin: What do these lands look like? And will there be people already there?

Also: We don't drop bombs here in the Kingdom of Elosta. We drop Dragoons.

2008-11-18, 08:39 PM
The People


*The people had helped guide the expedition to where they needed to go. Along the way, they had gathered some forces to aid the expedition. As they watched the forces reach the island, they prepared to emerge.

Once the ceremonies were complete, they started to leave the water....it was a glorious sight.

First came the SeaGuard, 300 strong. Wearing Shark skin armor reinforced with coral, bearing Shield, Spear, and net, they took their place on the beach.

Next came the Riders. 100 Warsnake mounted troops, sun shining off of the coral breastplates, lances and swords held high.

They were quickly followed by an even stranger sight, one not seen before on the surface: 50 Dire Crabs, each with claws capable of picking up a large man....and cutting him in two. Upon these were mounted Sirens, encased in a glass "cockpit".

Finally, almost lost in the size of the others, was a final addition. A mixed bag of 50 People, on foot. This last group consisted on Shapers, Sirens, Clerics, Magi, Engineers, and leaders. This included Swims-the-Sky, leader of the expedition.*

Greetings my friends. Grandfather taught us to help our allies and friends as we can, so here we are. I hope we can be of use to you in this new land. What would you have us do?

2008-11-18, 09:58 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela slighty lowered her eyes.
"Oh. Hum... So Varin tried to destabilize you...that's so like him... But you shouldn't talk like that. Mortals can surprise you...you know? Look how Madille and Vex sacrificed themselves for people they loved and broke the spell of Luni? Oh, right, you weren't there at that time. Sorry."

Wela looked at Sainbec.

"Mortals aren't born complete, they must discover their own identity. They face so much trials in their brief lives... Some are plain lazy. Others simply wish to settle down with their family. But a few actually take their destiny into their hands, even when facing overwhelming odds. It takes a lot of courage to fight oppression, injustice...and Fate. I should know. I'm the Goddess of Destiny. And even a thief can be a remarkable being. A soul as free as the wind...that lives life to the fullest. I would like to know how that feels, someday."

Her eyes were a lot more intense now.

"How does it feel? Like dancing on top of a sandstorm every moment of your life, like rolling the dice of life's game every moment and never being able to see the dice; it takes more courage to live every moment than to face down a god of war.

You are the goddess of destiny. It suddenly seems fitting for an ascended mortal to become the god of luck, for what is luck but defying destiny, as mortals do every day of their lives?

I will never know what it's like to have been a god all my life, to never have had the deep sorrows and great joys of a mortal. I do know what it's like to take life as it comes, to always have another plan and to hope that your luck holds out so that you don't get killed - experiences that are serving me well when it comes to outwitting Varin.

Oppression? I've fought that, paid dearly for it. Injustice? I've fought that and paid an even worse price. Fate? Oh, I'm still fighting that, and I haven't paid yet.

...But enough of that. I have greatly enjoyed feasting with you, milady. I believe you asked if I could visit Kensogan? I have little to do at the moment, milady, other than finishing my gambit. That can wait for a day, if you would give me a date on which I can visit. That is, if you want a scruffy unwashed nomad visiting your beautiful city." This last sentance is said with a wink and a grin.

2008-11-19, 10:41 AM

Zanwar watched the others leave. After nodding politely to Bialikk and Keno, he returned to the Roost. His children prospered now. The teleportation of the Confederacy would hurt, but not terribly so. And his children's near-alliance with the Sea People had brought them even more goods. Jukat led them all well, at least he had ever since he got that mortal out of his head.

All of the colonies were doing well, and the people prospered. Most of the small islands around Siskith had been colonized, those that were worth it anyways. Zanwar frowned as he thought about Saradinus; it troubled him that the wyrm had just vanished, along with his people. A few of his children still patrolled the border he had created; perhaps he should try to befriend those elves...

The knowledge of crafting magical items was slowly spreading through the Theocracy; while it was slow going adapting it to sorcery, the mages of the Tower of Mastery were confident and soon began showing successes.

Zanwar thought to himself that he had been absent for quite some time. While his people would continue on just fine without him, it was always good to remind them why they worshipped him. The others had mentioned departing for a time, and this Zanwar understood. But his people would need a lasting sign of his protection. And so Zanwar gathered together a large number of the dragons still residing in the Roost and gave them their orders.

Soon these same dragons could be seen flying along the borders of Theocracy, apparently carrying...something. Soon walls were seen rising up along all the borders. Massive constructions of stone 100 feet high, the ramparts had grotesque dragonoid shapes standing all along them, facing out. The walls themselves were fashioned to look like the scaled hide of some great beast. After they were done, Zanwar flew over each one, blessing both the walls and the statues.

So yeah, I built a Great Wall...well, several of them actually. Each wall has a fortified gate were a road of any size passes through. Towers are stretched along the wall, most of them with ballistae on the top of them. The statues are, as you guessed it, animated. What? That Rod wasn't just collecting dust all this time.

1 Wonder for the Wall of Scales
1 Major used to enchant the walls and statues, making them resistant to ALL magics and physical attacks.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-19, 10:18 PM
Varin called out to Zanwar. Zanwar, the other gods have made modifications to your dragons. I would like to base a creature off your dragons. Would you have any problems with that?

2008-11-19, 10:35 PM

Zanwar replies in kind. "That would depend on just what you had in mind Varin."

2008-11-20, 03:04 PM

"-I think it's time..."
"-Yes, my Lord. You've been waiting to long for this. Waiting more would be meaningless."
"-Yeah !! Just get rid of it !!"

On a hill which overhanged Cailekweadarnarin, the capital city of the former Federation of Xiloscient, Bialikk and his two mephits watched the Caleists as they went to their daily work. This city had been the pride of the Pantheon in its time...before Cale left its inhabitants sitting on their own glory.

While the followers of Wela and Bialikk had improved in every way they could, the Caleists had done nothing but building temples, training paladins and praying to Cale, the First God, thanking him for his daily blessing but hoping for his return among them. They were good people, of course. They knew better than anybody the meaning of justice and faith but they lacked guidance. Cale had made them in such a way that, without him to lead their king and the clergy, neither of them could improve the kingdom. And stagnation was slowly becoming decline.

"-Do you think Wela will be mad at me ?"
"-I would be more worried about Cale's reaction, if I were you, my Lord. But non, I don't think your sister would mind it."
"-Anyway, there is only one way to find out !!"

Bialikk looked down at Agon. The impulsive and sarcastic Dust Mephit, back from the lands of Sainbec's followers, hadn't changed. But Bialikk tolerated it. The little outsider would teach him many things about the Kitseri people.

"-So be it..."
The Father Bird took of, extending his hands and wings as he gathered his might. Though he had again disapeared, Cale's influence was still powerful on this land. But nothing was eternal. He closed his eyes, sending a message to his priests inside the city.
"-It's time..."

As he said this, he let his power flow so that the clouds would mask the sun, a chilly wind blowing on the lands while rain felt in the streets. On the hills which surrounded the city, gigantic stone pilons rose from the ground, each twice as high as the walls of the city themselves. And at the top of each of them stood statues of Bialikk. A thick mist felt upon the city as the rain began to shower it.

This was all what the priests needed to begin the numerous processions across Cailekweadarnarin. Escorted by local Air people, they each began to walk slowly toward the Pantheon's main temple, chanting the glory of the Bialikk while throwing golden coins and breads at the crowd. They spoke of freedom and of change, of less law and more progress. They spoke of a new golden age for Xiloscient, like at its founding, when the gods were ALL watching over the mortals...Led by Cale-the-Missing-God.

Some of the most fanatical Caleists were shocked and called paladins, ready to testify of the blasphemy. But if paladins were ready to act, the priests of the First God weren't : to attack or even to threaten a adept of Bialikk inside the Holy City wouldn't be wise, as the Pantheon still existed and was supposed to be led in harmony by Cale's wisdom and might. So they retreated to the main temple, to which the processions walked unopposed.

There, in the main hall, where statues of all the Pantheon's gods stood, Bialikk's priests stopped and looked at the First God's statue. Bigger than any and covered of a gold leafs, it was impressive. Suddenly, the stone melted into mud. And so did any statue representing Cale or his servants across the city. Inside the main temple, a message appreared in the mud :

"Cale is gone...and it's for good, this time."
And as the priests left the temple, so did the rain, the chilly wind and the mist...but not the clouds. They would remain for a whole year.

The Sun God is (again) gone and we can't let his people sitting there, waiting for him. They are supposed to be the more enlightened of us but are doing nothing but chanting Cale's glory... Bialikk find it sad.

1 Major Act and 1 Ceremony to Hallow (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/hallow.htm) the whole city to Bialikk for 1 year. It's more a way to make people doubt about Cale, as a true god, and the First God even more, wouldn't let anyone make fun of him at the very center of his cult. I hope that people will continue to pray the pantheon but that Cale's cult will slowly vanish.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-21, 09:16 AM

As the clerics of Bialikk made their way to the Temple of the Pantheon, a group of welan priestesses, who were still very present in the city of Cale, approached them. Their leader, High Sister Melia, stepped forward.

"What is the meaning of this? How come WE haven't been consulted?"


Wela and Keno

Wela smiled at Sainbec.

"You can come visit today, if you wish."


Kelawen Republic

The Lord of Kensogan, Desai, sat on his throne in Ghost Kensogan. The smell of burning incense lingered in the room, one hour after the ceremony. Once again, he was alone. Earlier, Desai had convoked holy men, priestesses, druids and deitomancers from all parts of the country to participate in a ritual. Thanks to the energy he had absorbed from the portal and the spells cast by his brethren, the Radiant Master was able to transcend mortality and gain considerable power. One of Desai's advisors had warned him that such a ritual was extremely draining, and that some of the participants risked loosing their spellcasting ability forever. Desai had sent him away without a word. He couldn't care less. What were a few lives...when he was really serving a greater good?

Desai got up and walked to the balcony. He gazed upon Bright Kensogan through the portal in the sky. He saw Rakamian,the Spirit of the Land, flying in the vicinity. But that wasn't the being he was looking for. Rakamian wasn't even deserving of his attention. He waited some more. The noble, winged lion flew away. Desai tapped the tattoo on his forehead (the symbol of the Third Eye) and he knew. He sensed it approaching. Moments later, it was here.

The Chimera.

The citizens of Kensogan were frightened by the beast. Fortunately or them, it stayed away from the island, hovering overhead at a safe distance. Desai walked on air as if it was solid ground and got to the Chimera, on the other side of the portal. He looked into its eyes and was mesmerized. All this time, the monk had waited for a sign. There it was. Now, he was worthy. Now, he would fulfill his destiny. Kelawen needed leadership. Protection. And Wela was already doing all she could to fight the Gods of Evil. He was the answer.

Desai got closer and touched the hide of the creature. They became One.

Ritual: Desai becomes a quasi-deity.
Ceremony: Desai fuses with the life force of the Chimera, fully ascending to godhood in the process!
If any more acts are necessary, Armin, please tell me. I have already used two major acts just to create the Chimera.

Meet Desai, the demigod of Light, Retribution and Zeal. He appears as his former self, only a bit more feral in appearance. He also sports a lion's mane and a single horn. He has the ability to morph into the form of the Chimera.

2008-11-21, 10:48 AM

"Hmm. Would later this evening be acceptable? I have a ceremony to attend to this evening, but after that I'm free. I would love to come see your city, and would like to give you some time to prepare and make sure that your servants don't faint at the sight of me." He winks and grins. "Thank you for taking the time to come visit me, Wela. I will return the favor tonight. I promise." He takes her hand and kisses it lightly.

Sainbec, later that night

There were a surprising number waiting for him, and none alike. Grizzled scarred veterans stood before him, standing side-by-side with eager yet serious-faced young whelps. Before them all stood Etharn, the scimitars upon his back glittering in the torchlight.

Etharn kneeled as Sainbec entered the tent, and every Kitseri there followed. Most were Satharos, some Khalenseri and a few were from the other tribes. Spears and swords pointed downwards as they knelt for their god, for their lord. Etharn alone spoke, after a moment of silence.

"My commander, all before you have sworn the oaths. We are the ones who will protect all Kitseri, no matter their tribe. We are the ones who will never fail our brothers in battle, we are the ones who will not fight for battle's sake or for carven gold. We are the ones who fight for the defenseless, we are the ones who help the helpless, we are the ones who will not obey our desires but our code above all.

We are the ones who will bend the knee to no one, whether god or man, and we are the ones who will serve everyone, no matter their plight. We are the ones who are not butchers or craven murderers, but the ones who kill only those who raise blade against us in fair contest.

We are the brothers who will fight for our brothers. We are the chosen who have chosen to serve.

We will not slaughter. We will not allow rage or pride to rule us. We will not fall into ambition. We will not ever leave someone in danger. We will not ever refuse to help the innocent.

We swear that we will always leave the darkness for the light. We swear by all that's holy, we will not give up the fight. We will drink down death like water, before we ever break our oaths.

Bless our vows, commander. Bless our vows and name us."

Sainbec stood in silence, before speaking in a solemn tone, the wind whispering his words. "I bless your vows, in my name and in the name of the Elder Gods. I bless them and swear that while these vows are kept, not one of your brotherhood shall ever fall from my blessing.

I name you now: Knights of the Pure Wind shall your brotherhood be called, and all assembled before me are Windknights. Like the wind shall you be, a comfort to the weak and a tempest to those who would hurt them. Your weapons shall strike against the cruel with the speed and power of the desert wind, and it will speed your feet to your duties. Fortune itself shall fall upon your shoulders, for you do what is right and what is true.

Go now from this place, for your trials have begun. The road you walk shall be hard and long, and only your brothers will walk it with you. But know this: the wind shall be at your back, and fortune will favor you always."

The Windknights rise, the veterans proud, the young giddy with their new honor. Etharn bows once more and leads them out.

For those with eyes to see, godhood is obvious. To use a metaphor, godhood has the appearance of a fire - some big, some small, some pure, some tainted.

Etharn burns.


Far away, Varin has a strange feeling. The feeling is akin to a rich man realizing he is missing a trinket that he has never used but owned forever - a chilling feeling of something wrong, something missing that was never missed before.

Right. 2 MAs and a Ceremony was the price to make a DvR6 Demigod, correct? :smallamused:

Meet Etharn, true demigod of Knighthood and Honor. There's two sides to every war - Etharn's the side that fights because they have to, that fights to protect.

Isn't it funny how a nomadic nation was the birthplace of the god of knighthood? I may have to redefine that term a bit, but now I think some of Cale's followers - paladins especially - have a new god to serve.

Oh, did I mention that the Knights of the Pure Wind can use spells from the Wind domain and the Luck domain such as Haste, Bless and Greater Blur? This orginazation should be useful...

2008-11-21, 11:35 AM
Chara and the Expedition

Beaching procedure was something the marines had practiced, but it had not been attempted with an entire fleet.

First, the ten sleek ships sped up to ramming speed and beached themselves upon the beach. Next the marines would exit the sleek ships and prepare to beach the war ships. The war ships were to large and slow to beach on a single push. So the four war ships beached as far as they could of their own power then threw ropes to the many marines upon the beach head. With the power of the pulling and rowing combined, the four war ships were soon upon the beach.

Provisions and people were moved quickly from the ships and a camp was quickly being set up. As Swims-the-Sky approached, the Elostian delegation bowed. The delegation consisted of Chara, the naval commander, the archmage, and the two high priests. Oddly, it was one of the high priests that began to speak.

Hello, my name is Jarika and I am a high priestess of Churnel. We are very thankful that you have helped us here and continue now to offer us aid. At the moment, we are currently setting up camp. As there are many of us and the day is short, most of our soldiers are busy in this task. Unfortunately, that means most of our people will be unable to check the surrounding area for any immediate dangers. If it is not too much to ask, could you help Chara and the dragoons do a perimeter search?

Jarika was a tall blonde with deep blue eyes. She wore a thin, light-purple robe. Her smile was pleasant and warm.

The dragoons stood behind their general, Chara. All of the dragoons carried with them a javelin and a helm. Beyond this, they carried and wore nothing else. They were the only soldiers that did not carry shields or wear armor.

Krrrth, Swims-the-Sky might think it is weird that the Elostians are sending a bunch of unarmored men and women to do a first search, since I don't think he would know about the dragoons. Or is Swims-the-Sky a female?

2008-11-21, 01:04 PM
Swims-the Sky

Of course we don't mind Jarika.

*He gestures at the troops. Quickly, 50 Riders began making a search.*

Our heavy mounts are also cross trained in construction. Let their trainers know if they can help.

*Looks around and notices the Dragoons*

I assume those are elite troops?

Swims is male. The *vast* majority of troops, explorers, and "leaders" of expeditions are male. They need to prove themselves as potential mates. The females tend to stay behind and actually run the cities and trade, along with the married males. The civilians...Shapers, Clerics and the like are somewhat mixed.

2008-11-21, 02:57 PM

One of Bialikk's priest advanced to speak. It was young and brash man, with the arrogance of somebody who knows his strength and influence.
"-Well, why would we consult you ? We're merely telling the truth, here. A truth that most of these people seemed to ignore.

Oh, yes, the Sun God is still alive and his priests still receive his daily blessing...but they're wasting it. Cale tought them justice and unity but he didn't teach them how to enjoy freedom or even how to think by themselves. With him, they were a glorious people, working together as one single well-oiled machine. But now ? They are like individual sheeps, incapable of taking decisions. They take pride in their past but don't build their future. And THIS will go on until they lose all faith in Cale, the Missing God."

He waved at the sky.
"-As for the somewhat impressive display, just see it as the confirmation that Bialikk supports our cause. He seldom takes direct actions, you know ? So today's show must count as something. Do not mistake, my dear : The Father Bird want the Pantheon to go on. And so do we."

Namurio's expedition

The teleportation helping, a true community was now settled in the Far North. The community has no name, as it was barrely more than a town. But the perspective to explore new lands attracted more and more people from the smaller clans, in the same way Marla had done.

A impressive stone fort, created by the Earth priests, stood on the flank of a mountain. The Dove Airglider was for now the only way to get down into the valley but Namurio had already planned to add a mecanical system of rope cars, powered by a Autodevice. The only problem would be to carry such a device to the colony, as the teleportation circles were too small for it.

Antomatons were tunneling the mountain while the Earth priests were searching for mineral deposits worth the mining process. Emissaries had also be sent to the Varians tribes in the South of the continent, so that treaties could be set with them.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-21, 03:29 PM

The head priestess frowned.

"- You think Bialikk's guidance will be enough to guide those...sheeps, as you call them? Without Wela's guidance, those people will be lost. I am not blind. I see what you are trying to do. Listen well. We ask that this city be the possession of both the Confederacy and the Republic. We want a ruling council composed of clerics of Wela and Bialikk. Or only priestesses of Wela, if you don't feel like it."

2008-11-21, 03:40 PM

Clapping his hands, the young priest laughed.
"-As if we asked to own this city !! We merely want its people to learn to act by themselves. And for this, the fall of the Sun clergy is necessary. We won't use force like our brothers did on Marla. This was a tragic incident and we don't want to repeat it. We will only preach for Bialikk's way of life as we've always done."

He then went serious again.
"-So, yes, the priestress of Wela can control the city if they want to, as long as any cult of the Pantheon is still free to be carried on.

The spell we casted on it will mask the sun for the rest of the year but it will slowly wear off. In fact, we could even dispel it if we see that Cale's cult is no more and that people are trying to build their own path."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-21, 05:24 PM

The priestess smiled politely.

"Very well. But you know what we say...the Light always shines on the sons and daughters of the First Spirit."

She turned her back to the cleric of Bialikk and walked toward Wela's shrine. At that moment, several beams of light pierced the clouds and illuminated the temple.

The sunlight is Wela's doing. Now, she doesn't mind Bialikk's action. In fact, she even agreed with the principle. However, she doesn't see any harm in showing her own power to the people of Cailek...

2008-11-21, 05:29 PM
The gods sense something strange.... Ludar and Jukat no longer can be sensed.

2008-11-21, 07:12 PM

As the destiny of Xiloscient was sealed, the Father Bird relaxed. Or at least, he would have liked to. But a unknow trouble was born in his mind. Like if something was...missing ?
"-Not something... Somebody."

The sudden disapearance of the elemental power was heavily felt by Bialikk, himself a elemental god. It justified an investigation. And so, when his planned schedule was to visit the other gods of the Pantheon, he instead flew over the world, searching for any remaining evidance of Ludar's existance in this world.


The priest smirked
"-Not exactly the shining sun of Cale but it's a pure and innocent light. I guess it fit to the general idea people have of Wela.
So, is it agreed ? Our clergies will take care of these souls together, each of us in our own way. My brothers will show them the way of self-achievement while your sisters will take care of those who can't fly on their own yet."

2008-11-21, 07:28 PM

Zanwar lifted his head suddenly. Something was...off. After concentrating for a few moments, he realized what it was: Jukat was missing. Frowning, Zanwar stood up and began casting the strongest divinations he knew to try and locate his faithful general.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-21, 07:59 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela eagerly awaited Sainbec's visit. However, her enthousiasm didn't last. The goddess felt a disturbance in the universe... She was troubled by the disappearance of two divine entities.

"I must look into the future to find hints at their whereabouts."

Desai appeared in his full glory beside the First Spirit.

"Do what is needed of you, Mother. I will watch over the people of Kensogan as I did in my mortal years."

Wela nodded and entered a trance. She used her power over Destiny to learn what has happened to the two.



The priestess suddenly stopped. She didn't even turn to face the speaker.

"-It is agreed."

2008-11-21, 11:31 PM
Zanwar uncovers a vision of Jukat and Ludar, imprisoned in a vast underrealm. The mad cackling of Loon can be heard in the distance.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-22, 12:23 AM
In the Great Library
Varin felt something... odd. A small sensation in the bottom of his heart, as if... something was missing. He searched his thoughts to find out if something could be the matter. He could not, so he soon dimissed the thought, and sent a message back to Zanwar.

Ah. I understand your concern. With all of these new dangers popping up, I simply wish to make a better defense for my homeland. They would be based off the dragons, with their general form, their breath weapons, but I would make them loyal to the Varin Tribelands, not to me, and they would have extra abilities from the different creatures around our lands.
Plus, they may gain some, rather, uh, artificial qualities. Wai... did you feel that? Where did Jukat and Ludar go?

The Artifice Factory
Tedon had been playing with magically enhancing armor for a while, but he had gotten bored with that. He had something better. Far better, in Derek's eyes, anyway.

Tedon had on a Powersuit, a full plate suit, magically form-fitting and imbuing the wearer with enhanced strength, agility, and power. A normal man could work all day without breaking a sweat, run for miles, and leap deftly among trees. It was even better on the Varins.

Derek whistled as Tedon cracked a steel bar, three inches thick, in half with little exertion. "Well, my friend, it seems that the money we gave you was of good use. How do you plan to use it? And when can we start production. How many can we produce? This is the greatest boon you have ever offered us, Tedon. Ever!"

Tedon smiled. "Well, my friend, besides its obvious military uses, it can be used for farming, for mail running, for wood-cutting, anything that needs an enhanced physique really. It could enable the crippled and diseased to walk again, it could allow... I can't think of anything else it could allow! By the feathers of Biallik, think of the possibilites!"

Derek nodded. "Yes. I can think of them. Quite a few involve the Kelawans, or worse, those damned Kitseri, getting their hands on even a few! Can we put security devices on them?"

Tedon nodded. "Yes, it's quite simple. A simple Sigil of Allowance banning any non-Varin, or other specified wearer, from donning the things. Quite simple."

Derek laughed. "That's good. I was never very good with Sigils. I remember I drew one once. Thought it was a Sigil of Transference, I wanted to automatically write the last part of a theorem from thought. I messed it up and turned it into a Sigil of Burning. Lost thirty pages that day..."

They both laughed, and then Tedon sighed. "Yeah... Being an apprentice... I sure had some good times. But, we could have it set up for production in less than a month, and could probably churn out a hundred a day. It'll be expensive though. We'll need a large amount of artificers to keep up production. And regardless of that, even this one required a large amount of my energy"

Derek nodded. "Well, I have an idea. We ritualize it. Call in priests for Varin's blessing. And, we could produce a lot less and have the artificers produce other things. " Tedon nodded. "Yeah. Twenty per day?" Derek nodded. "Sounds better."

At the Xiloscient Federation
A council member approached the King of Xiloscient. "Lord, we of the Varin Tribelands were wondering if we could possibly purchase some of the land on the southern half of your land? We have many things to trade, valuable artifacts, food, weapons, whatever you need. Our population is expanding rapidly, and we need as much land as we can get."

On Varintar
Three Varin hunters spotted the diplomatic party. They were all veteran warriors, and had no fear of the party, whom they boldly walked up to. The leader, a woman by the name of Ferin Harij, stepped forward and bowed. As she came back up, she was smiling. "Hello, fair people of Biallik. What brings you to this area?"

Ritual: The creation of powersuits. Incredibly expensive to make, they nonetheless grant the wearer increased strength, speed, and agility. They quadruple endurance, and can allow crippled or diseased people to walk. It also functions as magical armor, upping AC as +3 Full Plate, no max Dex, no arcane spell failure, no check penalty.

Compounded with the Varins' improved stats, that's a hefty bonus. Oh, and don't worry about the Varin's having large armies of suit wearing guys; to equip even 5,000 guys, it would take 250 days to make enough suits. For everyone in the nation? Over 1,300 years. Assuming population doesn't expand.

2008-11-22, 04:42 AM
Namurio's expedition

The emissary bowed slightly before answering.
"-Greetings, proud Ferin. My name is Berch, of the Green Swallow clan. We've come to inform you and your warriors that the Air people's clans have settled in the mountains. Nothing more than a mining town and a few hunting outposts but we are planning to explore and colonize more lands. We could have done so without telling you but it would have been rude and...you know how that attitude fared for Marla.

Our peoples have been friends for long now and this continent is still wild and ressourceful. I hope we can live in harmony, sharing these lands ? If you think it impossible, we would only concider ourselves as your guests, helping you to map the continent, to harvest its wealth...in exchange for a fair share of said wealth, of course"


"-The actual need for them has never been that high. And the price we've been offered for it... We have to find a way to increase its power or we won't be able to keep our people's status !!"
The 1st Wielder had already heard that again and again. He didn't even listen to the young adept anymore. As far as he had read in the diaries of his predecessors, it had always been a issue. But unlike before, the need was real here : The Confederacy needed more Antomatons, Autodevices and other animated servants.

The population was still low in regard of the other nations.Too low to make good use of its lands. The Republic of Marla, with a little over 50.000 citizens, had a territory nearly two time the size of the Homeland. And the Green Swallow clan, led by this Namurio would undoubtly bring even more savage lands under the Republic's flag. Other nations would eventually become jealous and ask why the Republic had a need for so much lands if she couldn't take care of them.

To increase the production of Antomatons was not a problem. But to animate them, the Staff of Animation was needed and it had limits. To lift them would probably need a direct divine intervention, as its creation alone had needed the collaboration of the Air people and the Lizardfolk.

"-I understand your plea, brother. But right now, we can't do anything about it. But me and the two other Wielders will ask his help to Bialikk. If he listen to us, the Father Bird will send a messenger.
The answer didn't satisfy the young man but he didn't show it, bowing instead as a way to thank the 1st Wielder to have listened to him.

2008-11-22, 10:29 AM

Zanwar frowned as he sent a reply back to Varin. "I am not sso ssure I like the ssuggestionss you have made. You would force their loyalty? And you are being entirely too vague for my tastess. No, I am afraid ssuch an idea would not be in my children'ss best interest. After a few moments he sends a message to all the gods.

"Loon hass sstruck again. He hass somehow kidnapped Ludar and Jukat. He hass them in ssome underground realm. We must free them at once!"

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-22, 10:43 AM
Wela and Keno...and Desai?!

Wela joined Zanwar as fast as she could. Desai followed. As he appeared to the Dragon God, Desai had a single horn coming out of his forehead, a lion's mane, fangs, claws, and two large leathery wings. The God of Zeal was dressed in a grey monk outfit. Desai studied Zanwar.

"My friend. Is it true? Loon has the two of them? All the gods must gather here at once. I am sure that if we act together, we will be strong enough to defeat him."

2008-11-22, 11:03 AM

The Father Bird came as soon as he could. The sight of Desai, this mere mortal, made Bialikk feel uneased for a few seconds but he didn't ask Wela about it. He looked directly at Zanwar instead.

"-So that's what happened ? I guess our dear friend broke free of my spell. Wela speaks true : Together, this mad idiot can't defeat us. To kidnap gods ? What was he thinking ? Anyway, where is this underground realm, Zanwar ?"

2008-11-22, 11:06 AM

Zanwar shakes his head. "I am not completely ssure. The sspell I used to find them wass not complete. I assume ssomething was hindering it. But perhapss together, nothing that fool mortal-turned-god can do will sstop uss."

2008-11-22, 11:20 AM

"-Better to be prepared, though.
We should call the Celtic gods for help. As well as Sainbec and Varin. These two might finally make peace if they have a common enemy. As for Jackie and the other gods, I'll talk to them."

2008-11-22, 01:09 PM

Thunder echoed throughout the sky as Churnel descended down from the celestial plane to the assembled gods.

The great caterpiller bowed before the congregation before speaking. I think that the portals that were recently found may be clues as to the nature of Jukat's and Ludar's imprisonment. There is definitely an odd power emminating from them.

And I also believe that we gods may not have the power to stop Loon. It may take the power of the mortals to do so.

2008-11-22, 01:45 PM

"-It has been a while, Churnel. I guess you're speaking of the portals that the Varians and the Welans have found ? Those wich were used to... ascend some mortals ?"

He looked down at Desai.
"-Congratulation, young horned one. You're the first mortal to reach godhood by himself, without any godly help. Though you're just a child, I suppose you'll grow into a powerful being in a few centuries.
What is your name and what do you plan to do ?"

Lot's of posts today, sorry. Nothing better to do, I guess. :smalltongue:

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-22, 01:51 PM

Desai bowed to the other gods. He did not speak, as usual. He communicated telepathically.

It is an honor to meet the gods of the Pantheon. I am known as Desai the Radiant, demigod of Zeal, Light and Retribution. I intend to lead the people of the Kelawen Republic to enlightenment, while punishing dark souls who try to corrupt them and change their noble ways.

It appears the clergy of Bialikk told the truth. Cale is not here, sadly. I would have liked to meet the First God.

2008-11-23, 09:33 AM

A strong gust of wind was Sainbec's herald. "What's wrong? What's happening here?"

Mathony and Shara

"It looks like a blasted wasteland..." Mathony and Shara looked down upon Jackie's land. "Yes, but I talked to Sainbec last night. This is the land of a god he likes, and one that we could learn a lot from. Let's head down, and see what we can find."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-23, 02:10 PM
Wela and Keno

"Oh Sainbec. I'm sorry, I think we'll have to postpone your visit of Kensogan. We've just learned of Jukat's and Ludar's kidnapping by Loon. We have decided to act together against the foul demon."

2008-11-24, 04:11 PM

The past few decades had been amazing to the Kitseri. Petyr had used the Spell of Rebirth to begin to heal the land beyond Rebirth. Two new cities had been settled to the east of Rebirth: Unity and Hunter's Abode. The latter had been founded by the Fethir, and was often an abode for Windknights.

Mormir was the greatest boon - a city in the mountains of old, found again by audacious Fethir hunters exploring the northern mountains. Ah, the knowledge that had been found there! Mormir stood next to the sea, so it was easy to sail to it once it had been discovered. Settlers had gone, knowledge and discovery had returned. Ancient texts completed and in prime condition, hidden knowledge of the blacksmith's art and the carpenter's and the architect's. But greatest of all was finding the Hall of Silence.

The Hall of Silence had been the guildhall of the ancient Nightdancers, skilled in both the scoundrel's talents and the mage's art. They had been a great power in the Old Empire, and had fallen with it. All who knew the art perished, and their skills and secrets had been forgotten. Until now. Javar Lunaris became the first Nightdancer in a century, and had begun to teach young whelps wishing to learn the ancient arts. Nightdancers were trained to use their very words as a weapon, tricking and decieving their enemies; their speed and skill were honed so they could overcome any challenge; they were taught how to use the ancient magic of night. The Nightdancers and the Knights of the Pure Wind - the Kitseri were becoming dangerous now, ready to defend themselves against any attack, ready to avenge any wrong.

But the Kitseri couldn't live on ancient knowledge and expansion alone. Rebirth was becoming a paradise of fruit trees and bushes growing along the streets, carefully tended by any who camped next to them for a time. Unity and Hunter's Abode had the same fruits keeping them fed, as well as hunting the beasts of the desert and mountains. However, in Rebirth there were instead many fishermen, sailing out upon the water and returning wherever they pleased with a load of fish that they bartered and traded for their goods. They were led by the Marjada tribe, especially the legendary Makar Marjada. Rumor had it that the ocean was his mother, and that he had simply swam out of it as a babe. With his father lost at sea, only Makar himself knew the truth of it.

Still they expanded, every Kitseri dreaming of exploration and discovery. Emissaries had been sent to the Elves, requesting an alliance and a uniting of cultures. The Kitseri would not invade, like Bialikk's people had, but would come bearing gifts to trade with the Elves and make a small camp upon the shore. Furthermore, the same courtesies would be extended to the elves upon Kitseri land. Petyr eagerly awaited a reply.


When a new culture was found and Kitseri were sent to discover its beauties and details, Tyrn Khalenseri was always master and commander of the group. It was his element, as was finding the right Kitseri for the right job. And there was no one better to help him lead the expedition to the People of Sarathalus than Makar Marjada.

They had sailed for two days out to sea, where the People would meet them. Makar had dropped anchor and had pulled out his fiddle to pass the time until the People came to meet them. Another sailor had pulled out some drums and one had pulled out a mandolin. Makar's tune was lively and powerful, and irresistable to boot. You couldn't help tapping along, and Tyrn along with most others decided to dance to it.

Any of the People who came upon the ship would be amazed at what they heard - a new sort of music, fast and powerful and contagious. This was truly the music of the Kitseri.

2008-11-24, 04:46 PM

The Father Bird was surprised to see Sainbec on such a short notice. But he was also pleased, as he knew the "young fox" was more than able to help in battle. Hadn't he held his ground against Varin himself ? Bialikk doubted he would have been able to do so himself. Of course, he would never say that to the "new kid".
"-Here you are !! Just in time to join the braves !! We'll still have to gather more of our kin, though.
Zanwar, my friend, I let you explain this affair to Sainbec. I'll go ask the Celtic gods if they agree to join us. I'll join you at the Crypt. Wela will lead the way. Try to pick up Jackie and Varin on your way there."

He then took of, sending a telepathic message through the wind.
"-Oh !! Sainbec... don't get killed. My sister would be impossible to consolate.
With a wink to the young fox, Bialikk flew away.

Yes, he would go to the Celts. But first, he had something to do.
His last encounter with Loon had tought him that even gods could disapear. And even if his people had curiosity, inventiveness and a gift for craft in their very blood, they were still relying heavily on him, thinking of Bialikk as a undying force who would always guide them. That was far from true and the "undying force" wanted to gift his followers with more reliable sources of power.

The Stone Feater, which generated its own magic, was one of those sources.
The Staff of Motion was another but it wasn't powerful enough. Bialikk wanted to give more to his people.

Animating objects was an easy task for the god of Craft. He gathered a shard of his divine energy and infused the Staff with it. The sudden surge of magic made the whole Rocky Nest shake but it hold firm on its mountain. And when the earthquake was over, the Staff of Motion shined with a new found power... But the faith of his followers was still needed to make this blessing last. So, he let Fisbak behind to explain the needed ceremony to the Wielders. As the daily animation session was near, one would arrive soon enough...

1 Major Act and 1 Ceremony to boost the Staff of Motion.
It is now capable of casting his spells (animation of objects and permanency) 5 times a day, instead of only once a day as before.

2008-11-24, 05:27 PM

Makar Marjada

*Speaks had been swimming around, just enjoying himself, when he heard music coming from above. Shyly, he poked his head out of the water. What he saw surprised him. A bunch (or was that School? Flock? Herd? Pack? He never could get the upworlders terms correct) of Kitseri were playing music. It was music unlike what he was used to, but it was music nonetheless. He quickly sent out a call for the others, the began to sing a song of the Sea himself.*

I don't know how sensitive the Kitseri hearing is. Normal Humans wouldn't be able to hear it. As for the song being sung...imagine whale song, and add in a "undercurrent" of water flowing

2008-11-24, 05:36 PM

Tyrn's ear caught something, barely at the edge of hearing, as he stepped back from the wild dance to get a goblet of water. It might be The People! He quickly walked over to the side of the ship, and looked out upon the waters, trying to hear the melody again.


"Yes, Zanwar, if you would explain this situation to me? Once you explain, I'll go summon Etharn and get Jackie."

2008-11-24, 05:45 PM

*Speaks watched as as a figure looked over the side of the ship. Quickly, he shifted to humanoid form and waved."

Greetings, dry ones! I see you have learned one of the Gifts Grandfather gave everyone!

2008-11-24, 05:56 PM
Makar Marjada

Ah! The ocean-dwellers had finally come! Makar finished the song with a brilliant flourish and then rushed to the side with his fiddle in his hand. Tyrn was saying hello, but everybody was just crowding behind him to see the sea. Ha! Not that for Makar Marjada!

Makar vaulted over the side, briefly submerging before coming up in a spray of water, shaking his head so his spikey black fur had the water shaken out of it.

"Hello! I'm Makar Marjada, fisherman and lover of the ocean! This here is Tyrn Khalenseri, master of this expedition! What might your name be?"

2008-11-24, 06:12 PM

My name translates to Speaks-with-Fish, but you may call me Speaks.

2008-11-24, 06:21 PM
Makar Marjada

"It's very nice to meet you, Speaks! I can hold my breath for quite a while, but I'm not sure any of my companions here could! Is there any way that you could help them breathe underwater?"

2008-11-24, 06:31 PM

Me? No, I'm afraid I don't have that power. Our capitol has that feature, and some of our priests can do that. One should be here soon.

2008-11-24, 06:48 PM

Churnel nodded as Bialikk hurried away. She then turned to Wela and Keno and Desai.

I hope that one of you can gather what information you can about the portals that the Kensogans discovered. It may be a clue as to Loons ability to extend his power beyond his cell. Perhaps Varin, too, can discern something of importatance.

I will go to the Elrians that have begun to explore the uncharted land. If I find any such clues there I will be sure to inform you all.

With that, Churnel left in a roar of lightning.

I want to post more, but I need to know if they found anything on that island.

2008-11-24, 09:22 PM

Zanwar listened to the others impassively. After Bialikk asked him to, Zanwar turns towards Sainbec and tells the overgrown cat what he knows about Loon, the gates, and the kidnapping. At the end, he shrugs. "There iss more that occurred in the Cryptss, but I wass not present. You will have to ask Bialikk or Wela about that. Now I must go; I am going to try and attempt to pinpoint where he iss."

2008-11-24, 10:48 PM

Sainbec nodded, then sent two messages through the wind.
Etharn, I need you now. A chance for the Windknight to prove his worth.

Jackie! We need your help - we're going to fight Loon, who kidnapped Jukat and Ludar! Please come to us.


When he heard Sainbec's message in the wind, Etharn used all of the windmagic at his disposal to get to where his lord stood. It took him several minutes, however, and winded him by the time he got there.
"Etharn... Satharos, ready to assist you, milord. May I ask what in blazes is happening here? Ah! I'm sorry, milady, I didn't see you there."

Makar Marjada

"Alright! I'm ready to see your great city, Speaks! I'll let you lead the way, Speaks!"

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-24, 10:54 PM
Varin appeared near the remaining gods. "So, we've got some kidnapped gods. Anyone check to make sure Loon is in his cage still?" Varin had taken on a white robe with a golden sword stiched on the front.

"I've done some scrying, but something's blocking it. I checked the annals of the Great Library, but nobody's recorded anything like this, as far as I know. I think the portals we found may have something to do with it." He turned to Wela.

"Have you checked out the portal in your people's lands yet?"

2008-11-24, 10:55 PM

You want to go to the city? How much food do you have? It's a little bit away...although, we do have a Gate there if you want to use that instead...

the capitol city is on the other side of the map, near Zanwar's island. I'm not even sure of the distance from where we're at, since by near Zanwars island, I mean about a 1000 miles south east........as stated, there is a gate present. The quickest way would be to travel to the nearest gate and go through it. There is a people city relatively nearby, and it does have quarters for air breathers, but no means of breathing water.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-24, 11:19 PM
Wela and Keno

"No need to apologize, Etharn. I am happy to see you. I welcome you among the gods of the world."

Wela approached Varin, but Desai remained behind, not even addressing the god of the mercenaries.

"Well, I didn't actually went through the portal. But something tells me it must be similar to the one used by the Witch Kings long ago. They seem to lead to a plane of infinite possibilities. In any case, if Loon is drawing power from one of those gateways, we just have to find a way to sever his link to the portals."

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-24, 11:24 PM
Varin nodded. "First we have to find out if he is drawing from the portals. So, do you want to go through one of those portals first or shall I?"

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-24, 11:46 PM
"Why don't we go together? Why should you have all the fun?"

Wela smiled playfully.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-25, 12:10 AM
Varin nodded. "...Alright. Which one shall we take?" Varin smiled back as he said this. She's acting quite odd. I doubt she's forgiven me, I can only wonder what's wrong...

2008-11-25, 05:34 AM

A azur mist invaded the King's hall as the Father Bird appeared in front of him.
"-Good morning, King Talgreth. How are the mortals doing here ? I'm Bialikk, god of the Air, Earth and patron of the Craftmen."

He then waved a hand and showed the assembled gods of the Pantheon.
"-The whole divine court is in turmoil. Two lesser deities have disapeared. We would like you to help us, as we helped you once. And when I say "you", I mean all of the Celtic gods."

2008-11-25, 08:44 AM
Sainbec & Etharn

"Well, if you're going to go into one of these portals, it might be a prudent idea to bring someone with enough luck and speed to avoid any nasty traps Loon may have sent. Besides, somebody needs to keep an eye on Varin. Count me in."
Etharn stepped forward. "Count me in as well, great lords."


Tyrn sighed. "We've never actually pinpointed the location of your city. If it's that far away, we'd appreciate any magic you have that could get us there faster."

2008-11-25, 09:29 AM

I don't think any of your people have ever been there. The Theocracy visits a lot, and we have some Elves living there, but not too many others....what to do, what to...I know! Let's go to our city nearby. Once there, we can pass a message along to the capitol. One of the people there should be able to move a few people to the city. I'm afraid that most of your ship will have to sail there, although we can definatly speed up the ships travel. We can have your ship there in about two months.

2008-11-25, 02:51 PM

A azur mist invaded the King's hall as the Father Bird appeared in front of him.
"-Good morning, King Talgreth. How are the mortals doing here ? I'm Bialikk, god of the Air, Earth and patron of the Craftmen."

He then waved a hand and showed the assembled gods of the Pantheon.
"-The whole divine court is in turmoil. Two lesser deities have disapeared. We would like you to help us, as we helped you once. And when I say "you", I mean all of the Celtic gods."

Celtic Gods

King Talgreth listened to what Bialikk had to say and observed the image he had been shown. Talgreth pondered for a moment, then rose from his simple throne. "You helped us in our time of need and welcomed us to your lands, we would be glad to help, but... all of us Celtic Gods? A co-ordinated effort between all of us at the same time has never been done before, but I shall try to rally them to your cause. I shall contact you when I have information of further use." Talgreth bowed and turned to his priests. "I am terribly sorry for the summoning rituals I am about to ask you to perform...." He said, sadness in his voice. The priests nodded and went away to assemble the required items needed for the ritual as well as more priests. Although the ritual did not require human sacrifice, it did consume most if not all of the priest's energies, leaving them weak, tired and in pain.

2008-11-25, 03:38 PM
Chara and the Expedition

Chara nodded at Swims-the-Sky.

Indeed they are.

Donning her helm, she started to move forward.

Let's move out!

The dragoons behind her began to move forward. There didn't seem to be any discernable formation, but they seemed to move in equal footing with their general.

I wanted to post this earlier, but work kept me busy. I think we can RP the look of the island continent as we start to explore it. I want to assume that we don't see the city right away. At least until tomorrow morning IRL time.

2008-11-25, 05:49 PM

"-Thank you very much. As to coordinate the action, I'll just arrange the travel, don't worry."

He summoned a dozen Air elementals from the Misty Marches.
"-Here you go !! One for each of your vassals. As soon as your priests will have contacted them, I'll send my servants to bring them here. Then, we shall travel to the meeting point with the Pantheon."

2008-11-25, 09:42 PM

A message found it's way back to Sainbeic I have been... busy. I will help if I can. What is it you need of me?

2008-11-25, 09:51 PM

Simply your support, Jackie. We have no idea how powerful Loon is, and your talents may be invaluable.
Barring that - anything you can do to help will contribute to Loon's downfall. I understand that you may be busy, but if you can help us, please do so.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-25, 11:29 PM
Sainbec & Etharn

"Well, if you're going to go into one of these portals, it might be a prudent idea to bring someone with enough luck and speed to avoid any nasty traps Loon may have sent. Besides, somebody needs to keep an eye on Varin. Count me in."
Etharn stepped forward. "Count me in as well, great lords."

Varin laughed. "Yes, I'm the one we need to keep an eye on." Still smiling, Varin looked towards Etharn. "Glad to have ya on the team. Hope we won't have to compete."

2008-11-26, 01:17 PM
Chara and the Expedition

The forest was dense near the beach head. Chara lead the group around the perimeter of the encampment. She did little to take in the strange trees and fauna that surrounded her. She was not much for admiring nature or beauty. She kept her eyes open for any possible threats. Large carnivorous creatures and sentient beings topped this list. But she would avoid outright hostility if at all possible. As it were, there were only about 3000 available soldiers.


A voice from one of the dragoons behind her and to the right spoke out. There was no surprise or urgency in his voice. If there had been, all would have assumed battle ready stances. Instead, Chara slowly turned her head to the right. And as she did so, she caught a glimps of something, unnatural, through the thick foliage. She walked toward the odd site until she reached a small opening.

Before her was a sight she had not expected to see; a city of grand size.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-26, 04:22 PM
Wela and Keno

"Then it's agreed. Sainbec, Etharn, Varin and I are going through the portal. Bialikk, take the others and go to Loon's cell. Don't act against him, unless he becomes dangerous. Try to learn where he put Jukat and Ludar. Watch him carefully...he may act differently if he detects something on the other side of the portal. One last thing. Don't get yourself killed, Bialikk.

Well...let's go. There's no time to waste!"

Desai nodded and flew off to join Bialikk.

((OOC: Let's go through Varin's portal. Armin, what's on the other side?))

2008-11-26, 04:30 PM

As soon as the celtic gods answered, Bialikk sent a Air elemental to carry those who agreed to rally the raid. Hearing the message of Wela, he nodded for himself before taking of, the King on his back.

On his way to the crypt, he stopped by Jackie.
"-So...it seems we'll have to work together once again. And this time, the mortals won't fight for us. We will fight for them."

2008-11-26, 05:24 PM

Zanwar snorts at the sentimentality of the others before following Bialikk north. He stops behind him as he talks to Jackie, nodding in greeting to his old acquaintance, but saying nothing.

2008-11-26, 07:10 PM
Celtic Gods

It had taken a while, but King Talgreth had managed to persuade each and every Celtic God to accompany them with the Western Gods. He had been quite grateful at the honour to ride upon the back of the Western God Bialikk.

It was quite a sight: several dozen flying celtic gods and a giant bird, with a King on it's back. It would of made any onlookers drop their jaw in awe at the spectacle. The celtic gods themselves were also in quite a shock, seeing the ground from very high up and noticing the faces of friends and rivals heading towards the same goal. Some had doubted the mission, but they had sworn an oath to the King and they would uphold that. Among the celtic gods were Gruum and Saal, who had been picked up as well. The group talked with each other as they were transported through the air, there wasn't much else to do.

2008-11-26, 07:31 PM

"Tell me where the portal is and me and Etharn will be there in a moment, ready to go through."

Ominous Blazing Figure

He knelt in the circle he had drawn. He couldn't sleep - he never slept now, they would keep him awake, the visions and the others. Sometimes, like now, he regretted it. It seemed a foolish act, giving one's spirit for almighty power.

"M-my almighty lord of fire, this miserable wretch wishes to be granted the honor of speaking to thy majesty."
He sighed. "Speak, vermin."
"The heathen gods of the Celts, my almighty lord, have fled their land! They were seen flying west by our scouts, my almighty lord!"
His nostrils flared, and he was up in a moment, rekindling the fire without him - the fire within was always an inferno. He swept out of the tent, causing his followers to avert their eyes, lest they insult his power. He channeled the fire within to his voice, causing it to boom throught the camp of his now well-fed followers.
"To arms! We attack this very night, at the heart of their decaying land! We shall rule them, and the land our forefathers promised to conquer SHALL BE OURS! Their pitiful gods CANNOT STOP US! We shall have POWER! UNLIMITED POWER!

2008-11-26, 07:35 PM
Chara and the Expedition

Chara rarely displayed any emotion. And if any one around had been watching her face, they would see surprise. But none would see this glimpse of emotion from the general, as everyone else was staring wide-eyed at the metallic city.

"Is this a gift from the goddess?" One dragoon asked.

At his words, Chara regained her senses. We have not finished our perimeter search. She pointed at five higher ranked dragoons. One could tell by the helm they wore. You five shall stare near here. I want you to stay out of sight and out of trouble. At the first sign of trouble, head back to the camp.


The five dragoons gave a quick, seemingly rehearsed, nod to Chara and dispersed into the woods to keep watch.

The rest, follow me.

Deep down, Chara wondered how anyone could create such a city, let alone how so much metal could be worked with such craftsmanship. But these were questions for the preists and scholars to ask; not a general.

2008-11-26, 09:50 PM

*Quickly, the troops spread out and start scouting. Otters speed up any river or stream that can be found, and Riders cover most of the rest. Swims watches to make sure there isn't any trouble, then turns to Chara*So, a large city? Looks interesting...I didn't know you dry-landers had anything so big.

2008-11-26, 09:56 PM
Chara and the Expedition

We don't. Her words lacked the tactile emotion that would be evident in most explorers that had found something never before seen.

It is, in many ways, grander than anything I have ever seen. And though we follow Churnel, the goddess of metal, I doubt that what he have stumbled upon here today is of her making.

2008-11-26, 10:09 PM
Interesting. This is much larger than our main city....that one holds around 1 million, at last count. It could hold more, we've just never seen the need. We like our space too much. This...almost seems a waste.

2008-11-26, 10:34 PM
Chara and the Expedition

Perhaps, but we do not know who lives in the city. Or how many there are. But if the size of a city is any indication of how many live there, then there may be little chance of creating a town here for ourselves.

Chara paused; as if taking in Swims-the-Sky's words suddenly.

I imagine your people have uncontested land holdings in the sea. I doubt space is an issue for you.

The slightest bit of comical overtones could be heard in her voice, but you had to listen very closely to hear it.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-27, 12:48 AM
Varin looked at Sainbec. "It's in Varintar, the northern continent. I'm sure you'll be able to find it from there, but, if not..." Varin pulled a small stone from one of the many pockets on the robe. He tossed it to Sainbec, and then took another one and handed it to Wela. "Crush 'em. They'll teleport you there." At this, Varin teleported away.

Varin appeared near the gate, and surveyed the situation. Several squards of Varin soldiers had been busy setting up a new weapon, powerful magical beams, called 'mana batteries' all along a four hundred yard perimeter around the gate. They were huge magical cannons that shot pure magical energy, burning, if not outright destroying, anything in the blast. Several hundred men in powersuits, the finest Varin soldiers, had gathered and were working on placing fortifications on facing both toward the gate and away from it.

Derek was also there, along with Tedon and the Colossus. Varin stared at the three for a minute. As Derek stepped up to speak, a large spell circle ignited in front of him. Derek stared up at Varin, a look of surprise and fear on his face. The circle ignited, and a blinding white light engulfed the three great Varin heroes.

The Varin soldiers looked back, rubbing their eyes, and saw something... different. A huge being, bronze in color, wearing the white robes of an archmage and sigils and artifacts were embedded in its body. It stared at itself, then down at Varin. "Varin, wha... what is this?"

Varin smiled. "How ya doin'? Who am I speaking to?" The being looked around in confusion.

"Well, Derek, of course. Who else would..." Derek looked around for Tedon. "Varin, you, you, killed..."

Varin shook his head. "No. He is a part of you. You share memories, souls, and all the like."

Derek nodded dumbly. "Why did you do this?"

Varin laughed. "To make you a god. Now, come down here." Derek shrunk down to size matching Varin's, only ten feet tall. Varin shook Derek's hand. "Congrats, man. Congrats."

Derek shook his head. "So... what now?"

Varin looked around. "Well, you'll be accompanying us on our journey. You, Wela, Sainbec, and one of Sainbec's cronies named Etharn is coming. Watch them. I don't like the idea of being around them alone, so, that's a lot of the reason I transformed you." Derek simply nodded. Varin looked around at the squads of soldiers, then turned back to Derek. "Let's help these guys set up."

Ceremony to combine Tedon, Derek and the Colossus of Death into a single, DvR 6 god.

2008-11-27, 08:59 AM

He handed the stone to Etharn. "I will follow." When Etharn's soul reappeared, he simply followed it.

Something was wrong in Varin's land, however. He was preparing for... war. Did Varin truly believe that Sainbec would punish Varin's people when Varin struck against Sainbec?

He was at the portal a moment after, but his heart was heavy. He needed to talk to Varin.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-27, 09:50 AM
Wela and Keno/Desai the Radiant

Desai felt the awakening of the new god. The Colossus was part of this new being, like the Chimera was part of him. He was happy that Wela sent him at the Witchtower instead...things could have gone really badly with the two of them there.

Wela joined the others in Varintar.

"Interesting machines you got there, Varin. I hope your people don't intend to use those in a war, back on the mainland. Anyway, let's go, we don't have much time."

2008-11-27, 01:29 PM
I'm going to wait for Lord_Asmo's answer for 24 hours. Past this, Bialikk'll just fly to the Crypt and confront Loon with the help of Zanwar and the Celtic gods.


"-So, it works on any material ?"
"-Not any, no. Only unliving substance like wood, stone, metal and the like. Dead flesh can also beneficiate from it but I guess you don't..."
"-No...no, of course."
The merchants were discussing about the new discovery of the Toad Clan. Being one of the few clan to interest itself with arcane magic, this clan was viewed as odd by the others. But, while most mages around the world were nothing but wartools, the Toad clan's wizards were looking for practical aspects of magic. And they had just found one.

"-When coated with this oil, the objects will not suffer from the passing of the time. One year will be less than a day for them. A century-long neglected table will only show the effects of 3 months under the same conditions. When we discovered it, we first tested it for two years but as rumors of decaying Antomatons went by..."
"-How much ?"
"-100 gold coins a litter."
"-Dealt... How much can you produce a month ?"
The wizard waved at the large copper stills all around the room, as well as to the many Autodesigns which worked tirelessly to pump the various liquids.
"-With proper supply and finance ? I'll say as much as you can pay for. It's only a matter of components and time to dystillate it."

The Air people can now produce unguent of timelessness (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#unguentofTimelessness)in large quantities. Most of the production is used on animated objects but other important furnitures and monuments will probably receive some.

Concider that, by tomorrow morning, there will be 626 750 animated objects around the world, most of them being owned by Air people clans. I concider that the eldest Antomatons are now too old and damaged to be used so I start the count from the beginning. The new models won't age, though.

2008-11-27, 01:40 PM
Makar Marjada

The seamen had taken them to their city - Makar and three Marjada sailors, Tyrn and two of his nobles. As the ship sailed off, being guided to the city by the oceanfolk, Makar and Tyrn waited in the city of the oceanfolk.


"Seconded, Wela, on both counts." Sainbec stepped forward to the portal, pulling out his sword. Etharn flipped out his twin scimitars, ready to face anything on the other side.

2008-11-27, 07:01 PM

No, space isn't really an issue. As you know, we've got more "land" available under water than all the dry-landers do above water. Since no one else challenges us for it, we are free to expand as we see fit. We've actually started growth on another 3 cities.

Makar Marjada

Here you can move around as you see fit. The spell that allows visitors to survive extends about a mile from the city walls. You'll know if you get close. So...what can I show you? Do you want quarters in the dry or wet portions of the city? Can we get you something to eat?....

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-27, 08:21 PM
Varin laughed at Sainbec and Wela's concerns. "No, the mana batteries are merely defensive things, if we get attacked. And most of these are placed towards the portal, if you did not notice. I don't want anything we don't approve of coming out of this area alive. And those mana batteries do a good job to. They'll fry the scales off a dragon."

Varin morphed into his full combat form, spiked bony plates and grey-green plate armor. He materialized all three swords, and extended his claws and boneswords. He stepped close to the portal, then turned towards Wela and Sainbec. "Do the big tough men go jumping in, or is it ladies first?"

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-27, 08:31 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela rolled her eyes and stared right into the portal. She took a deep breath and stepped inside.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-27, 08:41 PM
Varin nodded at Derek, who smiled and stepped up to the portal. They both stepped at the same time, dissapearing into the portal.

2008-11-27, 08:41 PM

Sainbec rolled his eyes at Varin's jab - as juvenile as always. It took only a moment to reconfirm the mental link with his hidden ace, then he walked through the portal after Wela. He was ready to survey his surroundings immediately after coming through the other side. Behind him, Etharn bowed to Varin and the colossus. "I am simply a humble soldier, but I can take rearguard. After you..."

The Oceanfolk's City

Makar said "Wet!" at the same time Tyrn said "Dry." Tyrn sighed. "We'd hoped to stay the night here before continuing to your great city, so yes, something to eat would be fine. Ah... do you have any taboos against eating fish? They are delicious to our tongues."

Ah, took me a bit too long to write my IC post. I intended for Sainbec to go before Varin and Derek, then Etharn after them. No objections, Halna?

2008-11-27, 09:18 PM
Makar Marjada

A problem with eating fish? What you think we eat? We're not related to fish...we are in fact as warm-blooded as you. Now, as for quarters....our priests have a spell that will let you breath water for 1 day. Since we will leave for the main city in the morning, that will not be a problem. If you would rather stay here in the dry quarters, feel free.

2008-11-28, 11:32 AM


2008-11-28, 11:35 AM
The portals open in Varin and Welan lands.... Apparently mysterious creatures that defy all laws of the world are congregating around the portals..... Demonic men and creatures pour into the lands of Wela and Varin like a plague. Fortunately, it seems Alodar has been preparing for this in thousands of years.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-28, 12:54 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela turned around and looked through the portal, horrified.

"It can't be! We have to go back!"

The goddess contacted her high priestess telepathically and informed her to stop harvesting energy from the portal in the colony.


Kelawen Republic
The demons who happened to land to the north of Kensogan and on the southern cost were held at bay by the sohei, priestesses and warriors serving in the three great forts. The high-ranking officers of the forts warned the leaders of Kensogan of the invasion using the Eternal Flame. The senators immediately called the city dwellers to arms and sent the pheonixes to bring a message to all the landlords, even the most remote of them. Masai the Shrine Maiden took the command of Kensogan's armies. She was soon joined by the legions of valkyries. Meanwhile, the druids and the Sidhe joined forces to protect the woodlands and the plainsmen everywhere organized into a militia. The simple folk fought ferociously for the sake of their children and to safeguard the lands of their ancestors.

The demons soon found out that the Welans were a force to reckon with. The Spirit of the Land, the winged lion Rakamian, decimated large groups of fiends. The invaders also encountered the mystical pyramids as they went inland. The structures themselves didn't hold much power, but the globes on top of them did. Each of these spheres held a powerful spirit. As soon as the demons approached, the guardian spirit activated the defensive wards around the perimeter (about 1 mile across). Those fiends that weren't disabled by the abjurations were suddenly attacked by invisible spiritual and ethereal constructs that came from all directions.

The weapons of the pyramids were powering up all this time...

Nobody messes with the Kelawens!

2008-11-28, 01:12 PM

*Sarathalus had just been enjoying the ocean, when a disturbance got his attention. His friends the Kelawen Republic were being attacked by the coast! By demons, at that. This just would not do! Quickly, he communicated to the leaders of the People.*

My people, Demons are attacking the Kelawens...I nee you to help them stop these attacks.

*Quickly word went out. Within days, the The troops of the People arrived on the eastern shores to help*

2008-11-28, 02:26 PM


The demons and demon men slam into the Welan Republic's holy sanctified nation and start disolving as soon as they enter. They are more than a match for the average Kelawen, however. This doesn't matter, as the light of spiritual power practically seethes with energy in Welan's holy lands.

That much power from the attacking army couldn't go on ignored however. The demons suffer tremendous casualties and just keep coming. A rest is done by both sides for a short while.

Welan, minor casualties
Demons, somewhat high

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-28, 02:37 PM
Wela and Keno

The Welans welcomed the help of their allies, the People of the Sea and the bold Kitseri.

Meanwhile, Wela sought to cross the portal to go back to her land and kick some fiendish ass.

2008-11-28, 03:27 PM

The first demon to charge out of the portal was decapitated by Etharn's scimitars. They lashed out as he fell into the Ravang style. Demon after demon charged through the portal, only to be met by the warrior of their nightmares. Nevertheless, they charged through again and again and they began to slip through.

He sent a message through the wind to the Windknight leaders, telling them of a demonic invasion in Varin's lands. The reply said that other Windknights had already gone to the Kelewans to help protect them from the same invasion.

Jarr and Rajj

The Varins were fighting demons in their city by the time the Windknights arrived. The brothers flipped out the short blades carried at their thighs, and began to fight the demons together, blades moving faster than could be possible. Behind them, other Windknights unsheathed their blades and charged into battle alongside the Varins.


The grey-furred Windknight was first in the fray when the Windknights came to Kelewan. Belladon pulled his long-handled axe out and charged forward, leading a wave of swordmasters and warriors the likes of which had never faced against the demons. Belladon was a master of the Raibia technique, and led both Wela's people and the Windknights to victory against the unnatural tide.

2008-11-28, 03:46 PM

"-Bloody selfish Crime Lord... He didn't even answer... All I can do is to hope he'll not just sit in a corner if things get..."
The Father Bird stopped in mid air as he neared the Crypt. Somewhere, far into the North, a small blinding light was visible. Several of them, actually. He turned to the South and...felt something. Like if huge amounts of magic was gathered by somebody.

"-Wela and Varin... I hope they know what they are doing. Ok, forward, men !! We have gods to rescue !!"

Rocky Nest

"-When did it happen ?"
"-Only an hour or so from now, your Grace. The early reports speak of thousands of creatures creeping around Kesogan. The Kelawen are fighting back and we got description of... They are far more skilled in magic than we had though. Maybe is it the Theocracy's doing but I don't think so."
"-We must act and quick !! Ready our Doves and pay whatever the Seabird clan will ask to lend us his personal fleet.

Thanks to the International Weasel Mail, the Clergy of Bialikk had been informed very quickly when the demonic invasion began. though they weren't a warlike people, the followers of the Father Birds could contribute to the war in some way.

Airgliders took of, bringing teleportation circles wherever it was needed. Using the network as a way to dispatch troops and supply quickly from all around the world.

The Air people worked fast and well but they couldn't provide much themselves. Most of the clans saw only little interest and weren't ready to sink their wealth into the war effort. But they agreed to let the refugee teleport for free to the Rocky Nest, from where they could then teleport to nearly anywhere in the world.

As defenders of good and freedom, many djinns took upon themselves to help the Kelawen's people, using their magic to create food and wine for the refugees while those of the air genius who could grant wishes did so to hinder the advance of the Demons.

Feel free to use the teleportation circle of the Air people to justify fast movement of troops around the world.
The refugee can also be easily evacutated to the Rocky Nest, which is, remember, a gigantic forteress built by a god at the top of a mountain, without ground access.
The djinns will perform miracles but they are not more than a hundred or so. Don't expect too much from them.

2008-11-28, 03:52 PM
Alodar/Kelawen/and the others.

The combined might of the allied forces deliver dangerous casulties to the demons.


The demons fight with mighty ferocity. However, they hardly make a dent in their victim's ranks.

2008-11-28, 04:06 PM
*He knew that his people would need help in this. In order to do this, he needs to make a force capable of going almost anywhere..looking around, he sees the perfect creature. He draws upon his divine power to change it...it becomes much bigger and faster, as well as smarter. It gains the ability to live out of water for a day or so at a time*

The People

*Only a few days had passed, but already The People were on the move. The first the invading demons knew of this was when over ten thousand Riders came charging out of the surf, poison spitting and lances glinting. The were quickly followed by a very strange sight...thousands of troops mounted on flying creatures.*

Major act to create Mounts out of Flying Fish. These look somewhat serpentine, with two sets of fins that look like wings. They have a top speed of 60 mph, but need to rest in water once every day or so. The troops mounted on them are armed with javelins, and bows for above water operations. Side arms vary by rider.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-28, 05:36 PM
The Battle for Kelawen continues

After some time had passed, heroes who fell in battle awoke on the battlefield as risen martyrs, stronger than ever and not afraid of death. Meanwhile, some valkyries traveled to the Necropolis of Tau, to seek the brave souls who had willingly sealed themselves in until the time they were needed. Those spiritual warriors joined the fight with the martyr.


Wela and Keno/Desai

Desai knew he was no match for a demon as old as Loon. He turned back and flew to Kensogan where he blasted the fiendish hordes with blasts of pure, holy light.

Wela traveled to Loon's location. She appeared to him as a frail teenage girl sitting on the back of an old tortoise. She got up and lept on the ground, transforming instantly in her valkyrie form. The angry goddess pointed her ivory scepter at the enemy.

"You should never have messed with the Pantheon, you SOB!"

Then, the woman and the turtle spoke as One.

"Now, Demon, you get a taste of your own medicine.
The ultimate spell: spiritual annihilation!"

The two beings whispered words of power and a tear in the fabric of reality opened right at Loon's feet. A hundred ghostly arms suddenly emerged of the black hole and grabbed the fiend: legs, arms and torso. They sought to drag him in the vortex. If it happened, the tear would be sealed and the soul of the trapped creature would be ripped to shreds.

1 Major act on the spell
Desai is the God of Light, Retribution and Zeal, so his attacks should be really effective against the demons. If you decide that as a DvR 6 deity, he has at least one major act available, he will use it with his spells.

2008-11-28, 05:50 PM
Loon is incinerated.... but still remains in the Underealm. No dead... He nonetheless now has no power over the mortal realm for 100 years.(A turn)

2008-11-28, 06:08 PM

Zanwar followers after Bialikk, assuming the shape of a lizardfolk in order to navigate the corridors and hallways of the Crypt.

Near Kensogan

The defenses around the portal were under siege. A seemingly endless horde of demons were attempting to overrun those lizardfolk, kobolds, and dragons that lived and work around the Kelawen Gate. The Guardian was preparing to send another plea for help through the Gate when suddenly, it opened. Immediately an entire battalion of lizardfolk mounted on basilisks came running through the Gate. They went straight to the walls, preparing to sally forth against the enemy outside.

Following them came a legion of lizardfolk warriors, followed by a battalion of of sorcerers. These two went immediately to reinforce the walls. And then they came: it seemed every adult dragon living in the Roost came through the Gate. In the end, several hundred dragons flew into the air and began dealing with these infernal creatures that had dared challenge the Theocracy and its allies.

Following the dragons came something never seen before: a huge beast on four legs, with multiple heads resembling a dragon's. Each was ridden by a single lizardfolk, who seemed to be giving it orders. Several dozen of the creatures crashed into the demons first as the wall's gate was opened. Cutting a bloody swathe through their ranks, they were quickly followed by the basilisks and their riders. Meanwhile, archers and sorcerers on the walls wreaked havoc on the bunched up horde of demons below.

One major act to create hydras. Another act to boost their population. And if anyone wants to send aid, either to the Varins or to Kelawen, the Theocracy will allow it through the Gates.

2008-11-28, 06:16 PM
The People
Kelawen Gate
*Although the vast majority of the troops had been sent to the coastline, some forces did indeed come through the gate. Packs of giant crabs, each the size of an adult German Shepherd, came scuttling through followed by their trainers. These packs each worked like one being, almost like a pack of wolves would have. Following the crabs came Riders and Shapers, Priests and Sirens. Medical aid was quickly available, and civilian populations were invited to evacuate to the underwater city*

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-28, 06:27 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela sought to find the new location of Loon. Her hair became entirely white and her eyes ablaze with a silver flame. She was empowered by the brave souls of the Welans who fougth the darkness with all their heart.

"I will never give up! I will destroy you even if it takes me a million years!"

Ceremony to increase DvR

2008-11-28, 09:25 PM
Bialikk, Zanwar and the Celtic gods

Bialikk assumed the form of a human with the head of a hawk, his wings disappearing while a large priest robe appeared. He then shooted instructions for the rescue party.
"-Zanwar, take a quarter of the gods with you. I'll take another quarter. We will search the crypt for Ludar and Jukat while Talgreth and the rest of the gods will surround the outside of the Crypt. Nobody leaves without us knowing.
If someone encounter Loon, try to delay him but don't try to kill him : it's useless. Just delay him until we find Jukat and Ludar. Then we shall deal with him... Go go go !!"

They then began to search the tunnels for Jukat and Ludar.

Bialikk and Zanware are at the crypt and are searching for the prisoners. They each have around 25% of the Celtic gods as bodyguards while 50% of the Celtic gods surround the crypt to prevent any escape.

2008-11-28, 09:30 PM
They hear mysterious, and chilling rhymes... "The blood drips drips drips on the floor while you enter the door." The words echo as you search the Underealm.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-28, 09:34 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela joined Bialikk underground.

"I have had enough with this fiend. We bind him for good, we travel to Earth and learn how to defeat him."

2008-11-28, 09:59 PM

The Father Bird stared at Wela.
"-Sis ?!!...What are you doing here ? Where are Varin and Sainbec ? And what about the Portals ? I saw big flashes of light while flying over the lands. What did you do ?!!"

He then thought about her words.
"-It had always been planned to bind him, yeah. That was why you were suppose to find out more about the portals. To discover where it leads and if this false god taps into it to empower himself. So what happened ? We have two missing gods, here, and I don't want to lose time so follow me..."

2008-11-28, 10:06 PM
Sainbec and Etharn

After assisting the defeat of the demons in Varin's land, Sainbec and Etharn eventually followed Wela. "My lady, we are ready to help you against Loon the lunatic." "Trust me, we have several things planned..."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-28, 10:26 PM
Wela and Keno

"We went there, but the demons took the opportunity to attack while we were gone. We found nothing interesting. Anyway, I don't think we would be able to cut him off from his power source so easily. Only Merlin came close to defeat Loon. We must seek answers on Earth."

Halna LeGavilk
2008-11-29, 12:57 PM
In the Varin Tribelands
The demons soon found out that the Varins were no slouch. They were expert warriors and spellcasters, fighting with tactics perfected centuries ago, and improved and improvised even today. Hundreds of thousands of Dog-riders teleported in, fought for only a few seconds, and then teleported back out, randomly changing places and number of forces every time they hit. Mages fired spells randomly into the demons, flew or teleported away, and fired again, always just remaining out of the demons grasp.

All Varin forces dissapeared just as the demons reached the edge of the Fighting Forest. And then, the demons found out how the forest fought. Hundreds of massive creatures, tigers, bears, moose, charged out of the forest into the lines of demons, followed by their lesser cousins. As the demons eventually killed the animals and advanced into the forest, the Strangler Vines caught many of them, killing them and hurling their bodies back into the lines of the demons.

The demons soon hit a wall of deeply entrenched Varin resistance. The Varins had fast built a huge perimeter with magic, trenches, and fresh fortifications. As many mana batteries as could be fitted on the fortifications were mounted on them, and hundreds of sigils adorned the areas next to the forts. Lumberjack traps were also used to great effect, giant logs crashing down through the trees to destroy demons.

Varin stood in the sky above the action. He narrowed his eyes, pointed a finger at the battlefield, and simply stated, "Wrong." He began to change the Varins, make them better, make them different, make them... not quite human. They grew taller, better, faster, stronger, more beautiful. And so did their dogs. All of the Varins had an increased magical aptitude, naturally casting spells, and their dogs gained abilities that mimicked spells in their nature. The Kitseri Windknights were a welcome addition to the battle, and the Varin leaders quickly filled them in on the situation.

And with this, the Varins began to fight back. Waves of Varin soldiers crashed into the lines of demons, bolstered by reinforcements arriving by the thousands, men and women, totalling well over three million people, with a like number of dogs. Wave after wave of Varin soldiers crashed into the demons, killing, being killed, and mercilessly destroying everything in their path. Hundreds of thousands of Varins fired their newfound spells into the demons, and the dogs had only become more vicious and terrifying, growing far larger then they were before. Varin smiled, and descended from the sky. He smiled as he joined the fight alongside his people, killing demons as fast as he could.

In the Underrealm
Derek quickly joined the rest of the gods. He surveyed the situation. "Are we all going after Loon?"

Major Act: Varins gain +4 HD, and increase to Large Size.

Major Act: Varins temporarily gain bonuses to all ability scores, lasting until the end of the Portal Battle

Major Act:Varins naturally cast spells as a 1st level Sorceror. They gain the Magical Creature type.

Major Act: Dogs have +4 HD, and go from Medium to Large to Large to Huge. INT raised to six.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-11-30, 09:10 AM
(OOC: To Armin
To get this over with...do we find Jukat or Ludar in the Underrealm? If not, do we find Loon? If so, Bialikk will try to bind him.
When this is done, some of us will travel to Earth. Wela will go, I don't know for the others.)

2008-11-30, 09:13 AM

Etharn grinned at Derek. "Indeed we are. They say he's a demon of terrible power. I say that we have swords and know how to use them, and that makes all the difference..."

2008-11-30, 10:01 AM
Sorry about being away for the past few days, the Celtic Gods are following Bialikk's plan and doing as they are asked for now

2008-11-30, 11:33 PM
The People

The People, and more importantly the Shapers, had been searching the vast variety of life for useful creatures. One in particular caught their eye. Fish that were able to create an electric shock, and direct it through the water. This fish was caught in numbers and brought back to the Breeding Pens for adaption, both for peaceful purposes and violent ones. Perhaps the species was incredibly easy to adapt....maybe the Shapers in charge were uncommonly good. Some even said it was divine intervention. Regardless of the reason, within a year, the experiments met with success.

Electric Eels and Electric Rays brought to the Pits for breeding and Shaping. 1 major act to speed up "production and experimentation in the pits"

2008-12-02, 01:05 PM
Confederacy (CFR)

As the sea provided their main food, the Air people were bound to contact the "People" soon or later. This finally occured as the war was still raging in Kensogan, when life was arsh and trade difficult.

The once huge coastal fleet of the merchant clans was far smaller, now that the Airgliders and the teleportation technology had achieved wide spread use. But the fishermen clans were still important and, by roaming endlessly the sea to locate fish schools, they more than once stumble across patrols of fish-like people, riding giant fishes and snakes.

Since the piracy had begun on Luthresse-Elosta searoad, fishermen were always cautious and so, for years, they hesistated to approach these strange beings. But finally, as no attack had ever been reported from the "Ocean spirits", some tried to make contact, going as far as to throw nets full of gifts for the mysterious creatures, thinking this would appease the Ocean spirits and grant luck for the fishing.

The first true contact was establish that cold winter morning, as the demonic invasion seemed to weaken and victory was thought to be near. It was when a new type of net was used for fishing : larger, stronger, made of copper but coated in magical oil as to avoid rust, these nets were fixed at small Antomatons which would run on the seabed. The first three months were bountiful, as no fish could now escape. But the fish weren't the only living creature which swam in the sea.

"-What's this...thing ?"
"-I don't know, dad, but it seems angry. We better release it before it tore our net appart."

Beginning the bottom trawling (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottom_trawling)technique of fishing, Air people fishermen have "captured" a living specimen of "fishman" and his mount. They are unsure of what to do about it.

Issues :
-Relation between the Air people and the People.
-Fishing technique
-Sea territory

2008-12-02, 01:11 PM

Slayer of Foes

Slayer was annoyed. He had hoped to be assigned to one of the squads off fighting demons, but one little mistake in judgement and here he was, running patrols. How was he supposed to know that was his CO's sister....and disappearing sealife? Wasn't that a call for the Shapers, not him? At least his mount still liked him...

about that point, he was caught in a giant net.

He was not happy

2008-12-02, 01:12 PM
Confederacy (CFR)

As the sea provided their main food, the Air people were bound to contact the "People" soon or later. This finally occured as the war was still raging in Kensogan, when life was arsh and trade difficult.

The once huge coastal fleet of the merchant clans was far smaller, now that the Airgliders and the teleportation technology had achieved wide spread use. But the fishermen clans were still important and, by roaming endlessly the sea to locate fish schools, they more than once stumble across patrols of fish-like people, riding giant fishes and snakes.

Since the piracy had begun on Luthresse-Elosta searoad, fishermen were always cautious and so, for years, they hesistated to approach these strange beings. But finally, as no attack had ever been reported from the "Ocean spirits", some tried to make contact, going as far as to throw nets full of gifts for the mysterious creatures, thinking this would appease the Ocean spirits and grant luck for the fishing.

The first true contact was establish that cold winter morning, as the demonic invasion seemed to weaken and victory was thought to be near. It was when a new type of net was used for fishing : larger, stronger, made of copper but coated in magical oil as to avoid rust, these nets were fixed at small Antomatons which would run on the seabed. The first three months were bountiful, as no fish could now escape. But the fish weren't the only living creature which swam in the sea.

"-What's this...thing ?"
"-I don't know, dad, but it seems angry. We better release it before it tore our net appart."

Beginning the bottom trawling (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottom_trawling)technique of fishing, Air people fishermen have "captured" a living specimen of "fishman" and his mount. They are unsure of what to do about it.

Issues :
-Relation between the Air people and the People.
-Fishing technique
-Sea territory

The demonic incursion vanishes as the demons scramble back into the portal. Some escape into the world.

2008-12-02, 01:13 PM
Chara and the Expedition

Upon returning to the camp, Chara informed the council of the days findings. Worry could be felt from all those assembled, but none would act as such. Many patrols were set up for the night watch and small outposts were placed in certain distances from the camp. If anyone was to approach the camp, they would not do so unseen.

The next morning brought great anticipation, though the night had been quiet. Chara quickly got ready setting up the diplomatic envoy and left the naval commander to make necessary preparations for a hasty exit should they meet with a large hostile force.

Details were worked out with the People should such action be taken.

Jarika, Chara, and the ArchMage lead the envoy with 25 dragoons, and about 50 marines. A few merchants, craftsmen, and scribes joined the envoy to see the city of metal.

Jarika turned to speak with Swims-the-Sky. We are going to enter the city now. You are more than welcome to join us.

Our goal today is to set up peaceful relations with whomever lives within the city.


The envoy trudged through the path that the perimeter had made the day before. And it was not long until they reached the five dragoons that had waited near the opening. They informed the envoy that there had been no sign of movement through the night. Chara told them to head back to camp as the rest of the envoy headed toward the city.

It wasn't until they were nearly upon the city did they notice the tell-tale signs of inhabitants: fresh tracks, smoke. All in the envoy marveled at the site of the grand city. The craftsmen were spellbound by the work and the scribes where busy noting the discovery for future generations. And as the envoy reached a large road, they finally saw the first inhabitant of the great city of metal.

Cue GM!

2008-12-02, 01:17 PM
Swims-The Sky

We would be more than hsppy to accompany you.

*Quickly, order were given. Swim, along with several of the Sirens, Clerics, and some of the Guard moved towards the city*

2008-12-02, 04:19 PM

"-So...It can talk or..."
"-If HE cannot, at least he will understand the written language. That's a gift from this old forgotten god who disappeared. What was his name already ?"
"-Hey, that's my brother who's the priest, not me !!"
"-Right. My bad, son. So...

The captain of the ship, as well as all his crew, were standing at the far end of the fishboat while, just freed from the net, Slayer of Foes was standing on the deck, dying fishes and crabs crawling around him as the net had caught them in its way up.

The captain advanced cautiously with a harpoon in one hand and a parchment in the other. He handled it respectuously to the "Ocean Spirit", as many sailors named the beings like Slayer of Foes.

"-We friends. This...accident. You not angry ? Maybe hungry ? hungry, hé ? Take all the fishes, that's for you !! Gift, that's it !!

Too happy that the "Spirit" hadn't killed him yet, the old sailor was now smiling with yellow teeth.

2008-12-02, 07:05 PM

"-We friends. This...accident. You not angry ? Maybe hungry ? hungry, hé ? Take all the fishes, that's for you !! Gift, that's it !!

Gift! Why in Grandfather's name would I take fish as Aa gift?!?

About this time, his Warsnake surfaces, making sure it's master was not in danger. Upon seeing him apparently unharmed, it simply watched

Down boy.
*Turns back to the sailors*
So THIS is what's been killing all the fish. Are you people nuts?...and put that harpoon down before fluffy decides to eat you.

2008-12-02, 07:16 PM
Slayer and the fishermen

"-Dear Bialikk...What the f*** is this...thing ?!!"
"-I got the harpoon ready, dad !!"
The punch found the chin of the boy, who felt face on the deck while his father turned to Slayer.

"-What ? Of course we've been killing fish. That's our job !! That's how I'm feeding my family, ya know ?!! And what are you, exactly ? 'name is Rulio. What's yours ?!"

2008-12-02, 07:24 PM

*Looks pointedly at the nets*

Fishing is just fine...what you're doing isn't fishing. You catching ALL the fish, leaving none to breed. Keep this up, and there will not be any left to catch.
I'm called "Slayer-of-Foes", and that *indicates the Warsnake*

is my mount, "Fluffy".

2008-12-02, 07:30 PM
Rulio looked up, still amazed while the crew was cowering in a corner.
"-Hi, Fluffy.

So, what shall we do, hey ? We got more and more mouths to feed, back in the homeland. The Sea, it's like...ya know, with the Welans at war, we can't rely on their rice and stuff so, we have to catch more fish."

2008-12-02, 07:36 PM

*fluffy licks Rulio in the face*

Stop That! Now, um....Food? Is that all you need? We've got plenty. What do you have to trade?

Meanwhile, back with the Shapers

New "products" were coming from the Breeding Pens. One of the more mundane, but still valuable was the "Glow Orbs". Each orb was a glass container with an open top. It was filled with Bioluminescent algae. As long as water was kept in the Orb, and organic much was dropped in every few days...it would give off the same light as a torch.
Next came a valuable new product...the "Pain Block". This new device, when placed at the site of pain, would remove that pain for a few hours without any damage...it was often used with "Bone-mend". Bone-mend was a white paste, that when applied directly to the broken bone, caused them to heal 50% faster..and with no loss of strength.
The really valuable product was commissioned by the military....

2008-12-02, 09:18 PM
Loon Expedition

Loon has been found.... Apparently this is the human, child version of Loon, he is making rhymes with other, ethereal children.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-12-02, 11:17 PM
Derek approaches the children. He smiles widely at them. "Hey, how ya guys doin?" He calls out in a quiet, friendly voice.

2008-12-03, 12:46 AM
"Oh we're fine. We're waiting for Father." They say.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-12-03, 11:37 PM
Derek continues smiling. "Who is your father? I sure would like to meet him. And what's that wonderful song you're singing?" Derek secretly begins to set up wards and the like, in case of some kind of attack.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-04, 11:06 AM
Wela and Keno

Wela looked at the children, then at her companions.

"What in the name of the Overgod is that? Are they ghosts or figments?"

2008-12-04, 01:16 PM

Bialikk joined Wela and

"-You're the Spirit Goddess, Wela, not me. But in doubt, I propose we ask them for Jukat and Ludar, then just seal THIS specific child away."
The Father Bird pointed at Loon's chibby version.
"-Doesn't he look familiar to anyone ?"

The hands of the Father Bird began to twitch as he gathered balls of screaming winds around it. Soon, sand appeared around them.
"-If we can't seal them, of course, one single blow should grant them a relatively painless death."

Slayer and Rulio

"-...Y'mean you'll trade with us food ?! No, wait a minute...what are the ocean spirits eating, by the way ? I ain't eat my fellow sailors. But I guess trade is always good."

He waved his arm at the crew, as to introduce all of them to Slayers
"-We be the Crab Clan. We hail from the republic of Ganthia, one of the cities of the Confederacy of the Free Republics. My clan are mere fishermen and shipbuilders but our people are gifted craftmen as well as imaginative inventors. We got marvels to sell. What about these ?"

He glanced at the five spider-like puppets which were running on the deck, taking care of the net. They were made out of wood but didn't seem affected by water, despite the numerous diving sessions.
"-Expansive, they are. Antomaton's their name. Loyal objects, animated thanks to Bialikk and Zanwar magic. The Confederacy has built her wealth on them and now, with that new oil on the market, they gonna last, you bet !! So, wanna take one as sample. I can't give it for free for I'm only a poor fisherman, ya see ? But we can work out a fair price. Food, ya said ?"

2008-12-04, 01:42 PM
Derek continues smiling. "Who is your father? I sure would like to meet him. And what's that wonderful song you're singing?" Derek secretly begins to set up wards and the like, in case of some kind of attack.

The scene morphs into that of a house, and suddenly the group finds themselves in a manor. "I"m Carlisle MCKannon." The man says. "What are you doing here, invited by my son?"

2008-12-04, 02:18 PM

"...Ah, I actually have no idea. I don't trust anything in this shifting plane - if you're an evil monster spinning an illusion so you can devour us, please have the good manners to announce it now.
Carlise McKannon? What kind of a name is that, anyway?"

Sainbec leans on one of the mansion walls, ready to activate his ace if things get hairy.

2008-12-04, 02:19 PM
"An evil monster? Interesting... Weird sense of humor I suppose. I was wondering what you were doing with my son earlier today?"

2008-12-04, 02:54 PM

"-Oh, you know...killing time. And if it's your son, wanna tell us his name ? I'm just curious."

Wind and sand were still turning around the hands of the Father Bird.

2008-12-04, 02:58 PM

"-Oh, you know...killing time. And if it's your son, wanna tell us his name ? I'm just curious."

Wind and sand were still turning around the hands of the Father Bird.

"The boy's not in trouble is he? Patrick's been as stubborn as a mule since he's learned how to walk."

2008-12-04, 04:52 PM
Slayer and Rulio

I imagine we eat the same kind of things you do...fish, seaweed, crab[s, lobster, oysters, and so forth.

*looks at the puppets*

Those are...interesting...but I fear my people don't really have a use for them. Things like that wouldn't last in our cities. Sea life loves wood. A lot. Besides, if we really need something like that, we'll grow 'em like we did with ol' Fluffy here. What else did you have?

2008-12-04, 08:34 PM
Slayer and Rulio

"-Ha...We can make them out of stone. I mean, bigger models, that's it. And I don't think you realise the potential. Antomatons don't need to feed, to rest, to sleep or to breath. They don't question your orders and have no fear of being destroyed or broken. And as I said, unless you intentionally try to break them, they'll last for centuries. Basically, they are perfect for any crude manual labor."

Seeing that Slayer was not interested, Rulio picked up the runestone he kept on him. A runestone to control the winds, always usefull in case of storms.

"-We also can supply these. Magic for everyone. You want it, you get it. With this, even the humble men like me can control winds and stone.
That's it, if ya looking for more conventionnal trade, we are natural craftmen. It's like gift each of us got at birth. The true craftmen among us are probably the best in the world when it comes to wood and stone. So, if you need any kind of skillful work down there, just call... I know guys...Wait, why don't you come with us ? Ya confortable like that, out of water ? If ya are, then we'll show you our cities and our craft, first hand !!"


"-Patrick, hey ? So that's how the fearsome Loon was called before he became a god and went mad ?"
He looked down at "Patrick" then stared at his father.
"-Mortal, I'm older and wiser than you will ever been. But I can't exactly figure out what's happening here. So, I guess it's a sort of timeshift or something. Unless we're trapped in an illusion.
Anyway, I'll give you a warning : this kid, unless you check on him more closely, will cause real trouble one day. And I'm not talking about petty tyranny or mass-murder here. No, I'm talking of genocide on a scale like it had never been seen before. So, you want to be more strict with him."

2008-12-04, 08:51 PM
Slayer and Rulio

Being out of water doesn't really bother us too much. Grandfather gave us the gift of walking on land, and we enjoy it. As for going with you...We can do that. I just need to make sure the others know where we are going, so they can bring a sample of goods there. After all, I'm just a Rider. The Shapers, those are the ones you'd need to talk to.

2008-12-04, 09:12 PM
"-Me and my clan would be honored to meet them. But remember : I can only speak for my clan and, to a limited extend, for Ganthia. Not for the whole Confederacy. We will follow you."

2008-12-04, 09:19 PM
Slayer and Rulio

*Slayer opened his mouth and yelled*

Yo, Guys...heads up! Trade delegation, follow the boat!

*At that, several dolphins jumped from the water and chittered before disappearing into the depths*

Alright, my brothers are relaying the information to the nearest colony, and a Shaper will join us wherever you pull into port.....I should warn you. There is one, absolutely non-negotiable point. Dolphins of any kind are off limits, as are otters.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-12-04, 11:04 PM
Derek crossed his arms and turned towards McKannon. "I would like to ask a few questions, if it's not to much bother. Firstly, what day is it? Year, too, please. Secondly, where are we? Country and planet, if possible."

2008-12-04, 11:19 PM
Derek crossed his arms and turned towards McKannon. "I would like to ask a few questions, if it's not to much bother. Firstly, what day is it? Year, too, please. Secondly, where are we? Country and planet, if possible."

McKannon looked puzzled. "This is Terra Firma.... If you will, the World."
"Have you all gone mad? This is the year 500 Anno Dominae, in the kingdom of Caerlorean in the island of Ireland."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-05, 01:47 PM
Wela and Keno

"Let's just say...hmm...that there are some strange things going on. Just remember to keep the little one out of trouble.

By the way...you wouldn't know something about a man named Merlin, by any chance?"

2008-12-05, 04:06 PM
"Thats the Archmage of the East, in Britain. He's been fighting a wicked spirit named Loon for a while now."

2008-12-05, 06:02 PM

The Father Bird's eyebrows did something funny when he heard what McKannon had just said. The magic around his wrists dissipated.
"-Now, I'm lost. If this child isn't Loon, where is that bloody demon ? Mortal, you said something about Bree-teun. Can you tell us more so we can find Merlin and help him ? I don't exactly understand what's going on but I'm still convinced there is a link between...hum, Patrick, is that ? Between Patrick and Loon."
He turned toward Wela, Sainbec and Derek (and Zanwar, if he is there).
"-What do you think ? Do we kill the child now or do we first pay a visit to our dear friend Loon ?"

Slayer and Rulio

"-What d'ya mean, off limits ? Ya don't eat them ?"
"-Yeah, they sure look tasty. The previous net were too weak to catch them but with the new ones, I guess we..."
"-For the love of Bialikk, son, just SHUT UP !!"

2008-12-05, 06:06 PM
The McKannon looked incredulous.
"Do you mean to say Loon seeks to possess Patrick...?"
He also looked alarmed at the 'Kill" word. "Listen, sirs... we have our druids here that could take you out if you think you can waltz in here and magick your way into terrorizing the village.

2008-12-05, 06:06 PM

"Kill a child, and you're no better than Loon. I say we find this "Merlin" chap and go stamp on Loon a little bit. And by "stamp on Loon", I mean repeatedly stab him. In the back."

2008-12-05, 06:08 PM
Slayer and Rulio

No, we do not eat them. Nor will you. We will find and destroy anyone that hunts us or our lesser kin. Of course, if you realy want to get permission, you can talk to Grandfather. He might give you permission.

2008-12-05, 06:48 PM

Zanwar frowned as he watched this all from behind a veil of invisibility. He refused to assume a form more 'acceptable' to the men and children before him. He spoke up at mention of Merlin. "I ssay we go and ssee thiss Merlin. Doubtlesss thiss iss just a memory of ssome ssort of Loon'ss that we have been pulled into. I ssuggest we find out asss much asss possible about our foe asss possible while we are here."

2008-12-05, 06:50 PM
Suddenly the seen changes to a tower, high above a large city, of about 60,000 people. A stereo typical old man in blue robes (without the hat) stands before you."What are you inquiring here about my pupil Patrick?"

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-05, 10:47 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela bowed to the man.

"We believe Patrick may have come in contact with some form of dark energy...or anything that could have brought him to the Demon's attention. Do you have any book on black magic stored in there?"

2008-12-05, 11:18 PM
"Its a book stored in the Tower... but its hidden behind an infinite space and time field.... He could not have found the book unless an enemy of mine has told him of it. The boy is loyal."
"I am Merlin, and I know who you are, Wela... Zanwar... and Varin."
"Patrick is a wizard from Ireland.... He has been absorbed into Loon's spirit, and is fighting a battle which is changing time. The Earth, will in centuries to come, become wise enough to threaten the Fairies, your kind, in the Other World. It was Loon who deprived Chromagnon's and others of their civilizations and eventually wiped out their entire ancestry. Only the residual energy of positive energy recreated them. Loon knew that the Other World contained energy superior to the Earth. He did not know that Earth would one day have a people which could threaten him. Therefore he is attempting to enslave all of mankind. "

"You must help Patrick to fight Loon.... Or Patrick will be literally eaten alive."

Halna LeGavilk
2008-12-05, 11:43 PM
Derek nodded at Merlin. "How are we to help him fight? Magic, or some sort of metaphysical deal?" Derek smiled. "Or just a good old fashioned beat down? And where is the book? I'd like to see it."

2008-12-05, 11:45 PM
I"m not on Earth.... or in the Tower of Sarum. "I am in another plane of existence. You need to talk to Patrick and tell him that he hasn't done anything wrong. This may help him to focus his will on Loon."

Elrians discover 10,000 people living in the ruins.. Apparently they inhabit areas that were once parks.

2008-12-06, 10:12 AM
...I guess you forgot Bialikk when writting :smalltongue:


"-So...wait... Patrick and Loon are two different persons, right ? But Loon is controlling Patrick right now. Am I right ? That's nice but that doesn't explain why we couldn't kill Loon in the first place. And how did Patrick got possessed in the first place ?"

Slayer and Rulio's crew

"-Lead the way, we follow you."

2008-12-06, 12:54 PM
Slayer and Rulio

Actually, we're following you. I have no idea where you want us to go...and your ships don't have enough food to get to our cities. Just head for whatever port you want, and they will meet us there.

2008-12-06, 02:06 PM
...I guess you forgot Bialikk when writting :smalltongue:


"-So...wait... Patrick and Loon are two different persons, right ? But Loon is controlling Patrick right now. Am I right ? That's nice but that doesn't explain why we couldn't kill Loon in the first place. And how did Patrick got possessed in the first place ?"

Slayer and Rulio's crew

"-Lead the way, we follow you."

"Patrick is Loon's manifested portion of the spirit which has existed before he became corrupted. He was born to a woman and Loon. After the woman died Loon became insane with rage and murdered the doctor who treated her. That was the start of darkness. Patrick was born, and Carlisle found the baby inside his home. The house was Loon's when he was my apprentice. McKannon raised the boy as if he was his own son... until one day, I knew that I could not let the boy live unmanaged by a wizard for long. Old habits resurfaced, and he began the way of the druid."

"This was a major clue that I had to teach Loon once more, as Patrick. You cannot kill Loon unless the innocent boy Patrick dies with him. However, should you manage to save Patrick with my time reversal, you can gain Loon as an ally."

2008-12-06, 03:20 PM

"...or if we can't save him, we can still kill him. That will kill Loon as well, I guess. And what do you mean when you say we must save the little mortal ?"

2008-12-06, 03:28 PM

"...or if we can't save him, we can still kill him. That will kill Loon as well, I guess. And what do you mean when you say we must save the little mortal ?"

"You realize that you can have an ally for you, should you help Patrick, yes?"

2008-12-06, 04:27 PM

"-I realise that I can also get rid of an enemy. In our world, Loon has oppressed mortals for centuries. He has imprisonned two of us and was planning to use our followers to conquer Earth. Why should we risk this to happen again ? What if, by helping him, we make him stronger and ultimately fail to save him ? Loon will become a threat for the very creation.

But I'll not kill the boy. Not yet, at least. Wela's hearth is bigger than mine and if she can save him, so be it. But you didn't answer my question, old man. How do we save him ?"

2008-12-06, 04:42 PM
"You need to tell Patrick his crimes are not Loons. Patrick might be Loon's son but he does not control what Loon does."

2008-12-06, 05:23 PM

"-You mean we just have to tell this boy that he's not his father ? Or do we have to go back to our time and convince OUR Loon that he is Patrick and not the original Loon ? With you messing the timeline, I'm confused."

The Father Bird turned to Wela.
"-If it's all about this boy, I let you take care of it. I might not have the needed patience.
If it's to OUR Loon that we must speak, let me and Zanwar do it."

2008-12-06, 05:26 PM
Merlin simply nodded. "Yes."

2008-12-06, 07:00 PM

"-...is that an answer ? "Yes, go back in the future and talk to Loon" ? Or "Yes, talk to Patrick in the past and convince him" ? If you always answer like that to your students, I understand how the boy got all crazy about his father and all !!"

2008-12-06, 07:01 PM
"There are four of you aren't there? Or at least three, do both if you want."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-06, 10:54 PM
Wela and Keno

"Very well, bring me to the Patrick in the past. Sainbec and Etharn may come with me. Zanwar, Derek and Bialikk will meet with Loon in the present.

Patrick never met his mother, right? Perhaps all this child needs is love. If I can save him, I will do so. Let's go!"

2008-12-07, 06:12 AM

The Father Bird nodded.
"-See you soon"
He then turned to Merlin
"-Ok, send us back, mortal."

2008-12-07, 07:44 AM

Zanwar frowns as he waits. "I sstill ssay we eat the child and Loon, just to be ssafe..."

2008-12-07, 10:34 AM
Chara and the Expedition

The Elrian delegation approached the inhabitants of the city. Then Jakira stepped forward and spoke.

My name is Jakira, we come from across the ocean. Could anyone take us to those in charge?

2008-12-07, 04:53 PM
"Charge...The elders take charge here... Uh... Go to the center of town." ONce there, they see what would expect to see in a nursery. The people there are actually appearing to be infants.

Halna LeGavilk
2008-12-07, 05:47 PM
Derek smiled at Zanwar's comment. "Never knew you had a taste for human flesh, Zanwar."

2008-12-07, 08:19 PM

Zanwar snorts. "I do not. You all have a foul taste. But if it will end all thiss ssooner, then I will bear the discomfort."

Halna LeGavilk
2008-12-07, 09:41 PM
"I'm just teasing, Zanwar. You don't have to get so snappy."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-07, 09:44 PM
Wela and Keno

Before leaving, Wela turned to Derek, a gentle smile on her lips.

"You'll get used to it."

Halna LeGavilk
2008-12-07, 09:54 PM
Derek chuckled. "I should hope so."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-07, 09:57 PM
Wela and Keno

"Now, let's go save the world!"

(Armin, waiting for you to teleport Wela, Sainbec and Etharn to Patrick)

2008-12-07, 09:58 PM
Suddenly, an odd sound is heard as you are a transported to Patrick's location, as he battles Loon in the Middle Ages.....

2008-12-07, 10:02 PM

Zanwar glances at Wela before looking at Derek. "And who are you again? Oh, that'sss right, you're the sson of that warmonger Varin. Didn't he ever teach you to respect your elderss? All of thiss iss taking away from my preciouss time. I have much better thingss I could be doing."

2008-12-07, 10:08 PM
::Meanwhile, Patrick is being attacked by Loon... Patrick appears to be holding his own with a staff of pure white...::

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-07, 10:38 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela looked at the battlefield, speechless. She never thought that she would have to talk to Patrick in the middle of a fight! Was she even allowed to help the boy? What would be the consequences? No...striking at Loon wasn't an option. It wasn't the right way to convince him.

The goddess got closer to Patrick, shielding herself with a magical barrier of her own...an invisible barrier, mind you. She shouted to Patrick.

"Patrick! Listen. I don't have much time. I have been sent here by your old teacher, Merlin. In fact, he has summoned me from the future. I am one of those...fairies. I think that's what you call us. Listen closely. If I have come here, it's not to kill you. It's not even to kill...Him. (pointing at Loon) If I did, he would simply return at a later time. I am here to help you...in a different way.

The light in your heart is strong...I can feel it as a being of good. As a mother of many. This staff is pure as you are, right? I know this IS you. The demon is trying to manipulate your feelings. His mere presence will cloud your thoughts. But I see through this mist. Whatever...He tells you. Whatever he makes you do. Do not believe him. It is not your fault. You are not responsible for the actions of your father. You are nothing like him!"

Wela walked closer. She looked directly into his eyes.

"I know what guilt means, trust me. I let anger and sorrow overwhelm me, once. It wasn't pretty. Since then, I have realized that only love can save the people we care about. Patrick, there must be some people you care about here. Merlin, perhaps? Do you have any friends? A lover? I think...that you never met your mother. Well, let me tell you one thing. Whatever you do, I will always be there for you. I will be there to forgive you and to comfort you. I will bring out the light in your heart. But for me to do this, you must promise me never to give up your humanity. Never stop fighting. Know that this feeling...of pure good, will always be there. You are a good man, Patrick. I see that. You must always remember."

At that moment, Wela was standing next to Patrick. She put her hand on the staff, holding one of his hands at the same time. Patrick could feel the motherly love...the love of his unknown mother, the love and kindness of the Spirit Mother...

Major act!

2008-12-07, 10:52 PM
Patrick stood there.. and for a moment he looked confused. Light from his eyes blinded Loon, and he retreated to Ireland...
In the country side of Wales... Patrick wept. He still felt the corruption stinging him.... He knew he would one day forget it all.
(Patrick is now wondering what is going on. Zanwar can convince and/or fight Loon or whatever now if they want in the future.)

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-07, 11:05 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela sat next to Patrick stroking his hair. The wizard was suprised to find an old land turtle eating grass just a few feet away.

"Do not worry. I promise you that the evil of Loon will be stopped. Now, at least, you know that there are people looking after you. Not that you can't take care of yourself...you are one powerful mage! I'm sure your birth mother would be proud of you.

Hmm...let me give you a small gift."

Wela found what she was looking for in one her pockets. It was a beautiful water lily flower. The goddess took Patrick's right hand and put the flower in his palm. As it came into contact with his skin, it became cold and turned into a brooch.

"This flower will never die. It will bring you good luck. Be sure not to loose it, as one day it may save your life."

2008-12-08, 07:43 AM

Zanwar looked on in disgust at the creature before him. Since their first meeting so long ago, he had not gotten any better looking. Sighing to himself, Zanwar called out to him. "Oh Patrick! Patrick, my dear boy, we need to talk. You've been carrying on with thisss Loon businesss long enough. It'ss getting tiresome. Just because Loon wass your father and wass an evil menace doesn't mean you have to be one too. You are an independent person, free to make your own decisionss.

I saw you when you were a child. You were a good boy then. And remember your adopted father? He loved you. What would he think of you now, hmm? Killing innocentss and all that? Tsk-tsk. You are not your father, and hiss actionss do not reflect on you unlesss you let them."

2008-12-08, 08:28 AM

Sainbec dropped to the grass next to Patrick, giving him a grin. "Patrick, listen. Your father's a cold-hearted demonic son of a worm, but you're not. Trust me, boy - the path you will take in life is chosen by you and you alone. You can do anything, be anything, and Loon can't change that. With the wind at your back and resolve in your breast, you can defy the rules others try to place upon you and choose your own path.

The sands of time are running down, and Loon has a path for you that leads to genocide, death and disgrace. Defy it! You must trust your feet and your head, for those are the only things that will keep you on your path.

Allow me to give you a gift as well." Sainbec pulls - seemingly out of nowhere - a fang-shaped dagger that is battered and worn. "This belonged to a young thief who decided to defy the path others had planned for him - he ended up a king, then greater. Hang on to it - it may help you find your own path like it helped the thief."

2008-12-08, 01:03 PM
(Hum... Bialikk is with Zanwar and Derek. But yes, I'm confused too. Are we still in the past or did Merlin already teleport us back to the present ?)

2008-12-08, 01:09 PM
(Hum... Bialikk is with Zanwar and Derek. But yes, I'm confused too. Are we still in the past or did Merlin already teleport us back to the present ?)

(I misunderstood too. I'll just delete the message.)

2008-12-08, 05:49 PM
Chara and the Expedition

Children?.. Chara began to speak, but was quickly cut off by Jakira.

My name is Jakira. I speak on behalf of the Elrians. We come from a land across the ocean. We were told that we could find the elders here.

Jakira paused. She didn't want to offend any of the people, even the children. So she made sure not to make any assumptions.

2008-12-08, 05:59 PM
Chara and the Expedition

Children?.. Chara began to speak, but was quickly cut off by Jakira.

My name is Jakira. I speak on behalf of the Elrians. We come from a land across the ocean. We were told that we could find the elders here.

Jakira paused. She didn't want to offend any of the people, even the children. So she made sure not to make any assumptions.

'We are the elders." They said "What do you wish to do with us?"

ALl the people in the Underealm return to the present. Loon is waiting somewhere to be challenged in the Underealm.

2008-12-08, 06:06 PM
Chara and the Expedition

To say that surprise fell across Jakira's face would be an understatement. But she quickly gathered her thoughts and spoke.

We are here to explore this land and discover its mysteries. If it would be possible we have much we wish to learn from your people.
Jakira bowed slightly as she responded.

You can't honestly believe-, Chara started to say to Jakira, but Jakira turned and looked coldly at Chara.

If they say they are elders, then I will not question their authority.

Chara stared for a moment at Jakira, then nodded. Thrall had indeed chosen the most diplomatic of individuals for this expedition.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-08, 06:15 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela looked at Loon a bit worried...worried for Patrick, that is.

"Do you remember me now? Look for the brooch...I'm sure you still have it."

She then looked at Zanwar and Bialikk, wondering what they were going to do.

2008-12-08, 06:21 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela looked at Loon a bit worried...worried for Patrick, that is.

"Do you remember me now? Look for the brooch...I'm sure you still have it."

She then looked at Zanwar and Bialikk, wondering what they were going to do.

"Actually, Wela, I don't remember you. Who are you? Are you from Earth?"

2008-12-08, 06:35 PM
You said for me to go deal with Loon, so I assumed we'd been sent back. That whole big speech of mine was to Loon, not Patrick. So, um, yeah.

2008-12-08, 07:36 PM
The Expedition

Greetings, Honored Elders. I am Swims-the-Sky, representing the People of the Sea.


We are most pleased to meet you.

2008-12-08, 07:38 PM
"You mean to say you are not invaders?" They ask. The babies wonder what is going on."What exactly are you? People have come across the waters demanding tribute once a century since time began.... When the Silver City was first discovered in the sky, and we came here."

2008-12-08, 07:59 PM
The Expedition

My companions will have to tell you about themselves, but we are the Children and Grandchildren and Sarathalus. We have never, and do not foresee ever, demanding tribute from anyone.


Can you tell more about this city, and those who demand tribute from you? We are new to this land, coming from over...or in my case, under...the sea.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-08, 08:04 PM
Wela and Keno

"I'm not from Earth but I went there once. I met you. No, not you, demon. The man in you. The kind and sweet Patrick. I gave him...I gave you that lovely brooch. Now you must snap out of it. We need you. The good you."

Halna LeGavilk
2008-12-08, 08:37 PM
Derek looked harshly at Loon after Zanwar's speech. "He's right you know. You are disgracing both yourself and your father, a man who was loyal to the forces of good, a man who loved, who took care of you, a man who took you in when nobody else would. And this is how you repay him? Hmm? By cavorting with some big demonic prissy-pants? Disgusting." Derek spits at the ground near Loon's feet. "Of course, if maybe you told us your version of the story, we might be a bit more sympathetic."

2008-12-08, 08:55 PM
Derek looked harshly at Loon after Zanwar's speech. "He's right you know. You are disgracing both yourself and your father, a man who was loyal to the forces of good, a man who loved, who took care of you, a man who took you in when nobody else would. And this is how you repay him? Hmm? By cavorting with some big demonic prissy-pants? Disgusting." Derek spits at the ground near Loon's feet. "Of course, if maybe you told us your version of the story, we might be a bit more sympathetic."

"I am Loon. I ate... Patrick. Thats all I remember.... Perhaps you can persuade me not to destroy you while you are still talking?"

2008-12-08, 08:59 PM
The Expedition

My companions will have to tell you about themselves, but we are the Children and Grandchildren and Sarathalus. We have never, and do not foresee ever, demanding tribute from anyone.


Can you tell more about this city, and those who demand tribute from you? We are new to this land, coming from over...or in my case, under...the sea.

"I remember one of the raiders describing themselves as Irish... or from Caerlorn. Something like that. After we made it to this absolutely bizarre planet... We spirits were bound here on this dead city... Something about it is very advanced. There are machines here that allow us to eat as much as we want.. However whenever we manifest on this plane we are in this body as babies. Lately, we have been forced to manifest as babies here on this planet by an unseen force... while these people kidnap us... Unless we are taken from the island by force, we cannot leave.. Mere humans have never been able to threaten us before..."

2008-12-08, 09:01 PM
The Expedition

So you cannot leave the city at all? Or you need to stay so you can eat?

What happens to those that get taken from this place?

2008-12-08, 09:16 PM

Zanwar snorts in disgust. "You are merely a thin layer of Loon on top of a Patrick. I know Patrick is in there, and right now he probably wants out pretty badly. I wonder if a battle is what you want right now, seeing as how it's probably taking all your concentration just to stay in control."

2008-12-08, 10:09 PM
The Expedition

So you cannot leave the city at all? Or you need to stay so you can eat?

What happens to those that get taken from this place?

"We cannot leave this city at all.. correct.."

Loon looked strangely... "You will need to do more than just kill me to get Patrick out of me... He is my slave forever.... to do my will to corrupt others. Unless the boy has a way to get rid of my enslavement over him, he will be mine forever."

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-08, 10:26 PM
Wela and Keno

"Nothing is eternal, Loon. Certainly not you. You can try and break his spirit. You use fear to keep him down. But nothing can corrupt a pure soul. You have only weakened it. Trust me on this, Loon. You will pay for your crimes. Patrick will make you pay! We only have to wake him up. To give him love once again. I am sure he hasn't forgotten what love is."

Wela turned to her companions.

"I will try something. Hold him for me!"

2008-12-08, 11:16 PM

Zanwar glances over at Wela, and then suddenly pounced on top of Loon. Holding him down with his front claws on his shoulders, he looked down at the figure below him. He smiled coldly. "Thiss sseemss familiar, doesn't it Loon? Hope I do not ssneeze."

2008-12-09, 03:57 AM

The Father Bird began to cast a spell and, as Zanwar held Loon, rocks began to encase the hankles and hands of the Demon, then his knee and elbows, then finally his whole legs and arms.

"-This should slow him down. Oh and..."

The scales of Zanwar began to change, becoming stone as the Great Wyrm was breathing in Loon's face.

Protection spell on Zanwar.
Something like entangle on Loon.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-09, 08:35 AM
Wela and Keno

"Thank you."

As Wela walked towards Loon, she said for herself:

"I hope this works and I don't get burned or something..."

The goddess then closed her eyes and touched Loon on his forehead.

"I forgive you. No one will hurt you. Come, follow the light. Pierce this darkness and return to us...Patrick!"

2008-12-09, 10:25 AM
Loon... Then dissolves.....
(success) but Patrick is nowhere to be found. A presence is felt on the island with the baby elders.

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-09, 10:51 AM
Wela and Keno

Wela stood there for a moment.


She turned to Zanwar and Bialikk.

"It worked, after all. Now, what happened to Patrick?"

2008-12-09, 11:37 AM

As Churnel made her way to the island that she had instructed the Elrians to explore, she felt the strange power coming from it. She then hurried to see what her people had found.

Chara and the Expedition

So, you do not know the history of this city? You do not know those who built it or where they are now?

And you say you are spirits forced to be infants living in this city. But you do not know for what purpose?

I'm sorry, but this information is hard to comprehend. Is there anything more you can tell us?

2008-12-09, 12:10 PM

As Churnel made her way to the island that she had instructed the Elrians to explore, she felt the strange power coming from it. She then hurried to see what her people had found.

Chara and the Expedition

So, you do not know the history of this city? You do not know those who built it or where they are now?

And you say you are spirits forced to be infants living in this city. But you do not know for what purpose?

I'm sorry, but this information is hard to comprehend. Is there anything more you can tell us?

"All else we can tell you is that the city is older than the world... It seems, from what we have seen of the city, it must have at one time been mobile enough to move across the stars."

2008-12-09, 12:42 PM

Jakira looked up into the sky. Between the stars...?

I guess I just do not understand what you are saying.

That is alright Jakira.

A warm and inviting voice spoke out from behind the visitors. As the entire delegation turned to look, they saw a woman of great beauty with hair flowing in the still air and small, thin wings upon her back. Every Elrian instantly knew who was before them, as they felt a great kinship with her.


Churnel smiled and nodded as she walked toward the elders.

Hello great spirits. My name is Churnel.

Sorry for my abrupt entrance, but have any of you felt a strange power just now? It is of the utmost importance as it may hold the answer to your imprisonment here in this city as well as the fate of this very world.

2008-12-09, 12:43 PM

Jakira looked up into the sky. Between the stars...?

I guess I just do not understand what you are saying.

That is alright Jakira.

A warm and inviting voice spoke out from behind the visitors. As the entire delegation turned to look, they saw a woman of great beauty with hair flowing in the still air and small, thin wings upon her back. Every Elrian instantly knew who was before them, as they felt a great kinship with her.


Churnel smiled and nodded as she walked toward the elders.

Hello great spirits. My name is Churnel.

Sorry for my abrupt entrance, but have any of you felt a strange power just now? It is of the utmost importance as it may hold the answer to your imprisonment here in this city as well as the fate of this very world.

::Patrick's presence can be felt here. Churnel doesn't know.... but none of the spirits really knows what is happening either.::

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-09, 12:54 PM
Wela and Keno

Wela felt a surge of power in her divine body. She was now dressed in a long, pearl white dress scintillating with an inner light. Her followers had been busy in the last few centuries, and the defeat of the demons had given them new confidence. Now she felt every one of their spirits. They were all connected...

Suddenly, a ghostly bird landed on Wela's shoulder. It was about the size of a parrot.

"There is a strange energy wave coming from one of the eastern islands. Churnel is there, apparently."

Wela took Sainbec's hand, smiling and traveled in the direction of the mysterious city.

CE: +1 DvR, +1 Community

Halna LeGavilk
2008-12-10, 08:52 PM
Derek smiled and traveled alongside Wela and Sainbec. After a while, he turned back toward the two"So, when's the ceremony?"

Kaiser Omnik
2008-12-11, 11:39 AM
(OOC: Let's make things go a bit faster. And create a new IC thread. :smalltongue:)

Wela and Keno

Wela ignored Derek's comment. The group finally reached the island and Churnel.

"Hello Churnel. We believe Loon has been defeated and Patrick, his host, is here somewhere. In one form or another."

2008-12-11, 01:16 PM

2008-12-11, 01:17 PM

Churnel had been spending time with the elder spirits, learning as much as she could. Occasionally she would spend time looking around, but never found anything of import. She let the Elrians do most of the exploring. As Wela and the others approached Churnel, they took note that she was surrounded by infants.

Hello Wela. I figured you had all done something when I noticed an odd power appear on the island. I haven't been able to find the source, but if Loon is on this island as a spirit, he may very well be trapped as the rest of these spirits.

She resplies as she gestures to the infants.