View Full Version : Evolution

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-08, 08:37 AM
It was a sign of a planet with new life, that their could be such a small bit of area with such a range of plant life and temperatures. The main part of the peninsular was made up of temperate rainforest, but to the west their was a hot jungle and to the east a mixtures of grassland and forests. To the north is a mountain with a lot of caves.

This is the start of life.

Two evolution points. You all live together.

2008-10-08, 08:49 AM
It was a sign of a planet with new life, that their could be such a small bit of area with such a range of plant life and temperatures. The main part of the peninsular was made up of temperate rainforest, but to the west their was a hot jungle and to the east a mixtures of grassland and forests. To the north is a mountain with a lot of caves.

This is the start of life.

Two evolution points. You all live together.

The Arminites begin to become more aware of their surroundings. They begin to fight in their mating rituals with sticks and rocks. (+1 tool use) and they begin to spend significant time periods pondering more than usual for their species. (+1 intelligence)

2008-10-08, 10:23 AM
The Slinkers have began traveling towards colder temperatures as the ground is more pure and hard. This has began to allow them to strengthen there claws to assist them in digger through it easier. (+1 Natural Weapons:Claws/Teeth), in addition they have been able to become more adapt at surviving in the colder enviroment. (+1 Cold Adaptation)

2008-10-08, 02:23 PM
In a flurry of feathers, the large flock of Vespii take off, their natural take them west to the heat, where it would be easier to fly. From below, they apppear as a large, shimmering rainbow of colors. Green, red, blue, and gold being the most promonent. Upon arrival at the jungle, the Vespii find use of the plants. They streach and weave vines of the forest in an enormous 2500 square foot roof over the canopy, on which they can build their nests. (+1 Intellegence) With the variety of plants, they quickly become more sensitive to each different feeling. (+1 Touch)

2008-10-08, 03:01 PM
Slowly, the members of the Blockies awake from their slumber and gaze at the beautiful grassland around them. The sun is shining and all the members of the Blockies run around and play in the fields of grass, building up their strength. They also play running games with each other. (+1 to stamina, +1 to dexterity)

2008-10-08, 03:06 PM
The bacteria that dweleed inside their hosts began to contemplate how to better adapt to new envrions while still mainting their current state (+1 int)
, as well as preparing for the new host with a new barrage of symptomns to garuntee their acceptance into the system. (+1 symptomns)

2008-10-08, 03:28 PM

The Skecsix identified their surroundings, getting to know the inhabitants by their smell and taste. They mostly hunted smaller prey, but with their new groups they contemplated killing larger prey and sharing the spoils. They found success only in large groups at first, they avoided the largest of prey, usually only attacking creatures roughly their same size, but they sometimes came into fights with larger creatures, and occasionally predators, thus demanding increased physical capabilities to provide and defend themselves. (+1 to Dexterity and +1 to Stamina)

2008-10-08, 03:42 PM
The Sanzants began to make their way down the mountain in search of food. Their hands were important in this undertaking. (Graspers +1 Intelligence +1) They found a close enough prey that this trip would become common for the time being and have yet to leave their mountain caves.

2008-10-08, 03:49 PM
Woking busily, the Vespii finish their top curtain of vines. A party of three Vespii, one blue and two green, set out to view their surroundings. After a few miles of flight, they spot the Sceksix hunting game. Inrigued by the beings, they land on a nearby tree, and closely inspect the creatures.

2008-10-08, 04:13 PM

The Skecsix move around a small group of herbivorous jungle-dwellers slightly larger than themselves, they were fat with stumpy little legs, but had some mean looking horns glinting on their heads. They grazed happily on some foliage about their height as the Skecsix maneuvered around them, well outside the range of their sense of smell.

The Skeksix, though blind, had adapted so that their scales, which covered most of their bodies, were a striped emerald color, of a lighter and darker shade, and as such they were hard to spot, especially when they moved through the jungle foliage. Once they were in position, their tongues all flickered out, forked as they were, which let out a light hiss, barely audible, perhaps the only sound they ever made, though they were only aware of it as the movement of their tongue in the air as they tasted the air and smelled it simultaneously.

Scents drifted through the air, imperceptible to less sensitive noses, and meaningless to any but the Skecsix, and they understood. The Skecsix closest to the prey bounded forward, attacking with it's jaws open and bit down on the closest herbivore before disappearing, and the creatures scattered. The wounded animal, now easily identified by the smell of blood coming from it, was easily herded by the other Skecsix towards a thick area of the jungle, where two Skecsix waited. When it stumbled in they set upon it and it was quickly killed.

The Skecsix gathered around and tasted the air, the order of eating was decided, and as their sharp teeth sunk into the creature the smell of blood was in the air, but one Skecsix noticed another smell, it raised it's muzzle, covered in blood, and the nostrils at the end flared, and then it tasted the air, and it's head swiveled in the direction of the Vespii, before it's turn came again and it took another bite.

2008-10-08, 04:21 PM
In a rush of wings the Caragens took to the skies to find food for themselves soaring on thermals to conserve energy occasionally diving down upon an animal small enough to be lifted into the air and flying towards a tree where they would eat it then fly back up to the skies to join the flock(Stamina +1, Dexterity +1)

2008-10-08, 04:23 PM
The small blue Vespie, curious as it was, flew twards the Skecsix and hovereed in front of it's face for a moment, cocked it's head to the side, and flew back to the tree with the others. They decided to return to The Flock for now. These creatures were a tad too brutal for them.
Back at The Nest, they joined with the others, and began scavaging the various fruits in the jungle. They quickly grew fond of a round, blue fruit, and have a large pile, about five feet tall, of them.

2008-10-08, 05:15 PM

The Xanven play in the coastal waters just off shore, occasionally going up on the beach, but not much further. Beyond the stretch of golden sand was the jungle, a dark and forboding place to the Xanven. And so they spent most of their time in the water.

The tides are strong just offshore, and with the currents come many smaller fish for them to feed on. Occassionally a larger predator will come along as well. At these times, the Xanven work together to either drive it off, or kill it is possible, using their sharp teeth and superior intellect. Fighting within the current strengthens them. (+1 str, +1 sta)

2008-10-08, 05:23 PM

As the blue Vespie flew up to it the Skecsix, the Skecsix flicked out it's forked tongue and tasted the bird-like creature before it flew off. It stored it and committed the taste to memory. When they finished eating the creature, they found the closest source of water and drank from it, washing the blood from their faces so as to clear their senses. Afterward the Skecsix that had tasted the creature informed the others about his sighting, and they all flickered their tongues together so they could find it's taste.

They searched through the jungle, their tongues slithering out of their mouths, hissing as they tasted the air, and their nostrils flared as they searched for the taste-scent, their heads held high. Eventually they found the canopy. They could not see the lack of light, but they could smell an odd collection of foliage in the trees and they picked out the scent of the bird creatures on it. They released scent markers so that they could identify the area that this nest was located in.

2008-10-08, 05:26 PM
Some of the bacteria left the hosts that were currently inactive to find new creatures with which to co exist with, and they eventually came upon the area in which they had sensed the most livwe (Ie. The Jungle DUH!), and began the process of entering the minds of all sentient thinking creatures that their small colony could manage in these harsh conditions.

2008-10-08, 05:29 PM
From the high quilt of vines on top the canopy, the Vespii watched as the large Skecsix walked into their territory. They narrowed their eyes, and flew down, landing in a ring on braches, around the Skecsix, watching them closely.

2008-10-08, 05:46 PM
As the creatures flew around them they will notice a message being broad cast into their minds.
"Accept us into you, and embrace the glory that is your birht right."
As this message is broadcast a temporary boost of intellegence entrer there mind (Ie./ Some of the bacteria suicide to allow the temporary symbiosis while not allowing the creatures to fully symboize.)

2008-10-08, 05:47 PM
As the creatures flew around them they will notice a message being broad cast into their minds.
"Accept us into you, and embrace the glory that is your birht right."
As this message is broadcast a temporary boost of intellegence entrer there mind (Ie./ Some of the bacteria suicide to allow the temporary symbiosis while not allowing the creatures to fully symboize.)

(1. Who are you talking too? 2. What?)

2008-10-08, 05:52 PM
((Seconded. WTF?))

2008-10-08, 05:54 PM
(1. Who are you talking too? 2. What?)
((1. I;m talkign to the bird peoples. 2. I'm trying to communicate from inside the mind.... if this is wrong (as pointed out by TPAM.) I apologise for being super smart.))

2008-10-08, 05:59 PM

The Skecsix note the creatures flying around them, and they walk around the clearing, tasting the air, one of them climbs one of the trees, and begins smelling the canopy, marking the scent of nest area. It climbs back down and they all stand together flicking their tongues together sharing the taste-scent. They walked around the clearing, identifying themselves with all the plants in the area and the smells of the place.

2008-10-08, 05:59 PM
As the bacterium broke into the mids of the Vespii, hundreds of curious minds call back.

"What is this?"
"How did you get in my mind?"
"Birth right?"
"Who are you?"
"Get out of my mind!"

Not all of them seem mad, but the one's that aren't seem just curious.
Three small Vespii fly up to the Skecsix that climbed the tree, and begin flapping air into his face. Although it doesn't seem thretening, this is the Vespii's 'warning'.

2008-10-08, 06:06 PM
"Do not fear. We are merely here to help you, and at the same time help ourselves. We are the collective, and merely wish to aid another one of the less fortuante races."
their vocie is soothing in the minds of the birds, like a mother singing to her child.

2008-10-08, 06:07 PM

Before climbing down the Skecsix snapped at the birds, obviously not trying to hit them, and it emits a pungent but quickly fading burst of odor, to emit annoyance.

2008-10-08, 06:12 PM
The Vespii stand stock still, thrying to deal with both things at once. Their conciousness sceam out as one.

The Vespii then decend apon the climbing Sceksix, biting and clawing at his eyes and face. The Vespii that could not attch themselves to the Sceksix quickly form a flying ring around him, to stop others from joining the fight. The attacking Vespii Begin to carry the Sceksix upwards.

2008-10-08, 06:14 PM
The Vespii will find themselves granted extra intellegence during the encounter allowing them ot work better together. (not much, but at least a +1.)

2008-10-08, 06:21 PM

The Skecxis bites and slashes around itself, whipping its long dexterous tail out to smash Vespii from the sky as it climbs quickly downward, other Skecsix climb up and begin assailing the other Vespii, batting them out of the way using their increased size. A few Skecsix begin climbing other trees and moving over the canopy to come from above, biting and clawing at the Vespii, mostly trying to drive them away as they pushed downwards.

2008-10-08, 06:27 PM
The Vespii quickly fly up past the canopy, and high in the air. Although a few of them are damaged, only two have died. The Skecsix they clawed remains on the ground, bleeding. The Vespii call out to the mysterious bacteria.

2008-10-08, 06:30 PM

Moving quickly, the Skecsix help drag the wounded Skecsix away, heading toward the beach, as they leave they all secrete a powerful and repugnant odor, that mingles together into a warding scent that any with the sense would stay well away from.

2008-10-08, 06:32 PM
"we shall do our best."
A few of the remaining bacteria voyage out to the closest of the attackers.
"You must leave. This is not your territory, and there are many more of these beings coming. Larger, and stronger they are as big as the largest of your kind, and some many times bigger."
((Bluff, bluff, bluuf the creature with no intellegence.*-)

2008-10-08, 06:34 PM
The Vespii flurry about the nest, trying to repair all the damage done by the Skecsix. They fly down to retrieve the two bodies, carry them to the ocean, and drop them from high above, as is their custom.

2008-10-08, 06:35 PM
"we shall do our best."
A few of the remaining bacteria voyage out to the closest of the attackers.
"You must leave. This is not your territory, and there are many more of these beings coming. Larger, and stronger they are as big as the largest of your kind, and some many times bigger."
((Bluff, bluff, bluuf the creature with no intellegence.*-)

((that's not nice, or correct, the Skecsix have 3 intelligence, they're pretty smart))

2008-10-08, 06:37 PM
((that's not nice, or correct, the Skecsix have 3 intelligence, they're pretty smart))
((Actually I was just making a elan the Bard joke, and I will apolgise for that.))

2008-10-08, 06:49 PM
the Bacteria will leave the minds of the creatures before returning to the Vespii.
"we have done the best we can, and have warned them against intruding against your flock again."

2008-10-08, 06:52 PM

2008-10-08, 06:53 PM
"Please freind we only did what was "right". we only wish to befreind as many of the races as to promote peace bewteen us all."

2008-10-08, 06:56 PM

Taking the wounded one to heal, some of the Skecsix go searching for plants with healing properties, using their superior sense of smell and taste combined to locate some minor herbs, and feeding them to him. They bring the Skecsix to the closest body of water, the sea and the beach, knowing water is good for healing wounds.

2008-10-08, 06:56 PM
After sometime playing in the fields the Blockies grew hungry. They tried the berries on the bushes nearby. They tasted good and the blockies began collecting them. Some berries were bigger than others and some of the Blockies began trading lots of small ones for bigger ones. Life for the Blockies was very peaceful and they were enjoying themselves on the open grassland.

2008-10-08, 06:58 PM

The Vespii conciousness begins to disperse back into original thoughts. One of the larger Vespii takes it's talon and carves two small 'X's' in a tree at the top of The Nest.

((@^ We havn't gained new evo points yet.))
((@v "We have found a mentally active one at lasst" I resent that!

2008-10-08, 06:59 PM
@^ I was refering to his race, and finnaly finding one compatible. :P
((I think EDK is suppsoed to assign Evo points blockie, and I was refering to you as your only action had been to spend your evo points.)

The bacteria continued to multiply, but at a very controlled rate, and whever thigns would begin to get crowded they would expel someto explore the world.(Blockies creatures)
"We have found a mentally active one at lasst. We are the collective, and we are hereto help you embrace the glory that is your birth right."
(Gentoos creature.)
"then it will be our hnor to accompany you. A thousand thanks, and a blessing upon your elders freinds."

2008-10-08, 07:00 PM
(Were you refering to me FFfanboy? I posted before, just this topic seemed to move faster than I had anticipated. And because it's been a while since my last post I'm going to go ahead and gain more Evo points.)

After sometime playing in the fields the Blockies grew hungry. They tried the berries on the bushes nearby. They tasted good and the blockies began collecting them. (+1 Foraging) Some berries were bigger than others and some of the Blockies began trading lots of small ones for bigger ones. (+1 Intelligence) Life for the Blockies was very peaceful and they were enjoying themselves on the open grassland.

(I don't think we get new Evo points, it's just been going fast because some of our races have been interacting, so not a whole bunch happened in the grand scheme, it's been maybe couple of hours over in game over the time we posted over all)

2008-10-08, 07:02 PM
A small pack of Sanzants make their way down the mountain to scout out a nearby forest area. They stick out like a sore thumb due to their white leathery skin, and being blind doesn't help them much either. Moving about with tail-ears flicking around they search for food, quietly trilling to each other to inform their positions..

2008-10-08, 07:16 PM
The baterium will continue to multiply, and be prosperous while boosting the mental faculties of the Flock.

2008-10-08, 07:48 PM
Blood Weeds

Sensing the blood from the Skecsix, several flowers in the particularly watery bits of jungle began to bloom. They were yellow in color and gave off an intoxicating smell. They smoothly slithered up trees, rocks, and across the ground before submerging their roots.

Soon, smaller, less intelligent animals began to come. The plants became faster to cope with those quicker of foot (agility +1). They also became larger to subdue the stronger prey (strength +1)

The bacteria came, but they were unable to speak to the plants.

2008-10-08, 07:49 PM
With the aid of the Mind Intruders, the Vespii Begin to form a coherent language, which is scrived on various trees throughout the jungle, and transmitted through the minds of the Flock with the help of the mind Intruders.

FOR FF Fanboy's eyes only!
A- Se
B- Rk
C- Io
D- Bo
E- Qe
F- Ja
G- Yt
H- Dd
I- Ly
J- Uhu
K- Ga
L- Fe
M- Iy
N- Il
O- Iu
P- Sc
Q- Bd
R- Az
S- Rt
T- Ks
U- Fy
V- Na
W- Ji
X- Di
Y- Ti
Z- Ki

Rtqeilksqeilioqert Seazqe Ksazseilrtfeseksqebo Bdfylyksqe felyksksqeazsefefeti! :smallbiggrin:
(Sentences are translated quite litterally)

2008-10-08, 07:52 PM
With the aid of the Mind Intruders, the Vespii Begin to form a coherent language, which is scrived on various trees throughout the jungle, and transmitted through the minds of the Flock with the help of the mind Intruders.

FOR FF Fanboy's eyes only!
A- Se
B- Rk
C- Io
D- Bo
E- Qe
F- Ja
G- Yt
H- Dd
I- Ly
J- Uhu
K- Ga
L- Fe
M- Iy
N- Il
O- Iu
P- Sc
Q- Bd
R- Az
S- Rt
T- Ks
U- Fy
V- Na
W- Ji
X- Di
Y- Ti
Z- Ki

Rtqeilksqeilioqert Seazqe Ksazseilrtfeseksqebo Bdfylyksqe felyksksqeazsefefeti! :smallbiggrin:
(Sentences are translated quite litterally)
((WOW, you win Gentoo.:smalleek:)

2008-10-08, 07:53 PM
(Ok, my bad. I got rid of all that stuff and the Blockies aren't that smart :smalltongue:)

The Blockies heard a strange noise. It came from inside their heads. Somehow they were able to understand it. Being peaceful creatures they accepted the noise with open arms to share the wonderful landscape and experience of the Blockies. As soon as they accepted the noise, their became aware of things more clearly and even began to think differently than normal.

However some of the Blockies refused the noise and went about their business by themselves.

2008-10-08, 07:53 PM
((Wouldn't language cost points to make?))

2008-10-08, 07:55 PM
(Ok, my bad. I got rid of all that stuff and the Blockies aren't that smart :smalltongue:)

The Blockies heard a strange noise. It came from inside their heads. Somehow they were able to understand it. Being peaceful creatures they accepted the noise with open arms to share the wonderful landscape and experience of the Blockies. As soon as they accepted the noise, their became aware of things more clearly and even began to think differently than normal.

However some of the Blockies refused the noise and went about their business by themselves.

@^ My entire point is to bring up the creatures I infect.... I'm an erffective speices booster.
"We are your brethern, and are one, and the same with you. Embrace us, and now see the world in all its terrible beauty."

2008-10-08, 07:56 PM
((Gentoo you do realize that FF's germs are going to destroy your peoples minds and dominate their bodies in a couple years right?))

2008-10-08, 07:59 PM
((WOW, you win Gentoo.:smalleek:)

((I won't use it most of the time, but to translate, just take the first two letters of the word, and look em up.
@^ also, Maybe yes, or maybe no, but as of now, he's only helped me, so it's all cool.))

2008-10-08, 08:00 PM
((Gentoo you do realize that FF's germs are going to destroy your peoples minds and dominate their bodies in a couple years right?))
((Ret conn'd..... I only do that by choice, and for nowmy people lie in wait, and even then only for a maxium for ONE hour, and that kills most fo the infection.)

2008-10-08, 08:24 PM

One of the Xanven happened to see the strange creatures walk onto their beach. He returned to the sea, and soon came back with several others (one for each Skecsix). They stay just offshore, bobbing with the waves, watching them, trying to determine their intentions. When the bodies of the two dead birds are dropped into the ocean, they are quickly set upon and devoured.

2008-10-08, 08:32 PM
(Wow I am on the other side of the Island from everyone huh?)

2008-10-08, 08:33 PM
From their large canopy, the Vespii watch as the Life-Givers (Felyjaqe Ytlynaqeaz) are eaten. From their minds, whith a somber sound they ask the Mind Intruder, "Why? Why do they eat our Life-Givers?"

2008-10-08, 08:38 PM

The wounded Skecsix is dragged over the water and put in the shallow end, while Skecsix stand guard and some look for fish, while a small pack returned to the jungle to hunt a beast to feed the group.

(is the water fresh or salt water?)

2008-10-08, 08:41 PM
As the Vespii see the Skecsix reenter the jungle, they urgently decide what to do, for fear of another attack. They urgently carve a plan upon a small scrap of bark...

2008-10-08, 08:47 PM

The hunters in the jungle avoid the Vespii nest, heading away from it while keeping track on some prey in the jungle, a small creature, smaller than the horned one, but still viable for a group to feed on.

2008-10-08, 09:04 PM
A few of the Caragens seeing strange white creatures heading down the mountain slopes swoop down to investigate the beasts from the safety of the trees and listen to their noises.

2008-10-08, 09:20 PM
And thus, the construction of Ksddqe Boiuiyqe (Kus-duh-kway Boy-we-kway) began. In a flurry of activity, the Vespii begin amassing an enormous stock of vines and other dry building materials. They make sure to keep clear of the Skecsix lands.

2008-10-08, 09:38 PM
From their large canopy, the Vespii watch as the Life-Givers (Felyjaqe Ytlynaqeaz) are eaten. From their minds, whith a somber sound they ask the Mind Intruder, "Why? Why do they eat our Life-Givers?"

" I do not know freind. we are but a piece in this grand scheme that has been created, and by our working together we have ensured each others survival. I do believe we should define a way to protect the life givers.... else we lose them to the low landers."

2008-10-08, 09:46 PM
Many Vespii look out at sea while some others fly overhead. "But...but how can their souls ever be free, if they can't drift across the ocean? Don't those creature know how important it is?"

2008-10-08, 09:54 PM
Many Vespii look out at sea while some others fly overhead. "But...but how can their souls ever be free, if they can't drift across the ocean? Don't those creature know how important it is?"
"There are many things the low landers do not understand my brethern. I to see the importance of the burial at sea, but I dont think the low landers share our clairty, and insight into these matters."

2008-10-08, 10:01 PM

OOC: Its salt water. Least, that's what I had in mind...

The Xanven watching look at each other, to the Skecsix, and back. Finally they begin tentatively moving closer towards them, apparently curious more than aggressive.

2008-10-08, 10:09 PM
"Perhaps not... They will wat no more of our brothers and sisters like common chicken! The Ksddqe Boiuiyqe will see to that.

2008-10-08, 10:11 PM

The lizard-mammals watched, or rather, tasted and smelled, the Xanven cautiously, they moved between them and their injured comrade, but made no threatening moves towards them, flicking out their tongues on occasion. They gave off a faint, strange but not unpleasant smell that denoted curiosity.

The hunters returned, dragging a carcass with them. The injured one was given first rights, and the others rotated turns eating and guarding their wounded friend. Those who went fishing also returned with dead prey, and they were given to the protectors. Finally, some of each was left, and they were offered to the strange creatures of the sea.

2008-10-08, 10:13 PM
"Perhaps not... They will wat no more of our brothers and sisters like common chicken! The Ksddqe Boiuiyqe will see to that.

"Indeed the low landers have no right to harm another living being. espiecally when it is the kin of another."

2008-10-08, 10:16 PM

The Xanven tilt their heads to the side curiously. They approached cautiously. The biggest among them went forward towards the proffered food. He tentatively reached forward and snagged a bit of meat before quickly retreating, gobbling it down quickly.

2008-10-08, 10:23 PM

They noted that the newcomers ate meat, they could respect that. They were still a tad suspicious since the last incident, but they exuded a light subtle scent, not unlike a sea breeze, that denoted openness and reception, though it had a light undertone of a heady aroma that was caution.

2008-10-08, 10:34 PM

The Xanven quickly took the meat, always retreating back to a safe distance before eating it. The big one nodded its head and slapped its tail, apparently in some sort of communication. A couple of the smaller ones retreated. Shortly they returned, each bearing a fish the size of a salmon. These they dropped where the meat had been and retreated. The big one nodded towards the Skecsix.

2008-10-08, 10:39 PM

The Sanzants, now in the nearby forest, began searching for more herds which they could hunt. Their tails flicked listening for any possible movement. They ate, or tried to, anything they bumped into, emitting high pitched shrieks when ever they did. Almost everything they found was inedible, they would remember the smell and sound such things made so not to ever make the same mistake twice.

2008-10-08, 10:42 PM

The Skecsix could not see the creatures, or interpret their actions with such knowledge, but by the intact-ness of the prey and their distance from the fish, they viewed it as a returning of the favor, one of them moved forward and took the fish, the injured ate it first, then the largest, and so on until it was gone. The Skecsix exuded a pleasant and refreshing smell to indicate happiness and thanks.

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-09, 10:26 AM

2008-10-09, 04:14 PM
With the Blockies species growing, berry supplies were beginning to run short and so some of the members of the Blockies (with the aid of the 'noise') went in search of more food. They happened upon a clearing with several small furry creatures. They slowly approached the creatures, which looked up at the Blockies. One Blocky even reached out and touched one of the furry creatures. The creatures then brushed up against the Blockies, considering them friends. After a few seconds of love, the Blockies grabbed the furry creatures and killed them (barbaric I know, but it's survival, just be thankful I didn't go into detail). Dragging the furry creatures back to the species home, they shared out the creatures remains while observing the night sky.

2008-10-09, 05:20 PM
(Anyone know when the next progression will happen? We already have a few problems. Language costs points, at 1 point it is limited to verbs and such too. So does tool use however that should be specified ie Technology:Woodwork, Stonecraft, Fire etc. Anyway there's that.)

The Sanzants growing tired of their search for food killed the smallest of their pack of three. After filling their bellies they drug what was left back up the mountain to bring to the others.

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-10, 10:16 AM
The creatures live without many problems though they could certainly improve. The creatures get more births than their are deaths. +2 population.

One thing the animals do notice is that its getting hotter.

2 evolution points.

(One day turns or two day turns?)

2008-10-10, 11:51 AM
(1 Day turns seems better more so because EP doesn't have to be used that turn)

The Sanzants begin to see things though poorly, as their eyesight develops so does their understanding of the world around them. The Sanzants begin to use the rocks in their cave in the only way they know how, as thrown missiles. (+1 Eyesight, +1 Technology:Stoneworking)

2008-10-10, 12:25 PM
The Blockies begin to notice when food tastes better and gives them more energy (+1 Taste) and start to season their meat with certain types of berries and herbs (+1 Intelligence).

2008-10-10, 02:55 PM
The Vespii of the jungle excitedly hop about. Today was the day Ksddqe Boiuiyqe began. By dragging a long stick along the ground as they flew, they made an enormous circle, surrounding a part of the very center of the jungle. They moved their stores of the blue fruit up to the cananpy, along with their building materials. They reach the extent of the circle carrying vines to build, and begin weaving what appears to be a wall. (+1 Language, jumped the gun on this one, +1 Technology: Building)

(@V Good Idea)

2008-10-10, 02:58 PM
(It should be also noted that Technology cannot exceed your level of brain or intelligence. We can also teach Technology to other races for free, or trade)

2008-10-10, 03:19 PM
Death Moss what I can't think of a name

the moss spreads very rapidaly across the area it started in, covering tree's, rocks and ground. It's graspers grow stronger to pull larger creatures in. any small creature entering the area is eaten, and if something is too large to it, and staying still(sleeping for example) it starts growing on them. It's fairly easy to rip off if it's only been growing for a few hours, but after a few day, roots start forcing their way into the body, treating it as ground(1 quick reproduction, 1 strength.)

2008-10-10, 04:06 PM
The Sanzants look up at the flying creatures which they had previously been unable to see even though they lived in the same area. This idea of creatures above them scares them half to death and they all retreat back to their cave for the time being.

2008-10-10, 04:11 PM

The Skecsix learn to interpret the actions of the strange fish fold better, though they can only detect them through the vibrations in the water, and the sources of their unique taste and scent (+1 intelligence) they needed better protection against the likes of the Vespii, and other creatures of the jungle. Though they were already fearsome predators, they needed to become more so (+1 strength)

2008-10-10, 04:12 PM

The Skecsix learn to interpret the actions of the strange fish fold better, though they can only detect them through the vibrations in the water, and the sources of their unique taste and scent (+1 intelligence) they needed better protection against the likes of the Vespii, and other creatures of the jungle. Though they were already fearsome predators, they needed to become more so (+1 strength)

did we gt a second two EP?

2008-10-10, 04:15 PM
The creatures live without many problems though they could certainly improve. The creatures get more births than their are deaths. +2 population.

One thing the animals do notice is that its getting hotter.

2 evolution points.

(One day turns or two day turns?)

((... stupid post change thing thing....

this yes we did Edit, no that was my first post since the extra points.))

2008-10-10, 04:21 PM
did we gt a second two EP?

((Yes we did, official rules also state EP stacks.))

2008-10-10, 04:47 PM
((Yes we did, official rules also state EP stacks.))

anyway, just say if you want symbiosis, since int 1...

how do you measure population with moss exactly? and what about increased reproduction?


The moss continues growing, taking over larger pieces of the rain forest. their tentacles continued growing stronger, and they developed a more powerful poison to bring down larger prey(poison +1 and strength +1)

2008-10-10, 04:49 PM
((Stack as in it builds up you don't miss out on it if you don't use it))

2008-10-11, 11:35 AM
The Arminite people developed a language... Slowly but surely. They spent long periods of time trying to develop better ways of speech. Eventually they managed a very crude language. (+2 EP for language)

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-11, 11:39 AM
It continues to get hotter.

+3 population.

2 EP.

2008-10-11, 12:34 PM
The sun beats down heavily upon the Blockies. Exercising becomes more straining each day, but the Blockies determination improves their stamina greatly. (+2 Stamina)

2008-10-11, 01:29 PM
The Sanzants try to develop a common language between them and those who fly above. (Language: San +1) Now that their poor eye sight is fully developed they are not nearly as afraid as they once were. Still though they may be aggressive by nature they can see how helpful these beings could be. (+1 Intelligence)

2008-10-12, 12:50 AM
Blood Weeds

The plants respond to the heat. Their growth cycle is invigorated. They become more resistant to the heat and grow larger a they utilize the sun's rays.

((It seems I have four points with which to enhance my plants))

(Strength +1, toughness+1, Photosynthesis +2)
The plants begin to grow in areas inhabited by skecsix. The sunlight is disrupting the Blood Weed's ability to discern heat from possible prey and they are getting sufficient nutrients from the sunlight, so no overwhelming scents are being produced at the moment.

2008-10-12, 07:21 PM

The Xanven begin spending more time near the beach as they interact with the Skecsix. Their rear fins get stronger as they are used to help push them along the ground. They also develop a language consisting of clicks, whistles, and various other noises that carry very well underwater. Spending so much time out of the water, their eyesight begins to improve as well, as does their strength.

+1 Strength
+1 appendage
+1 Language
+1 Sight

2008-10-12, 07:39 PM

The Skecsix notice the heat as well, and their hide grows tougher to compensate. As their numbers increased so too did their need for organization, and their language grew more complex and reaching to compensate. They interacted with the Xanven quite often, and avoided the Vespii nest, but the scent wards were beginning to fade...

(+1 Stamina, +1 Scent/taste language)

2008-10-12, 09:00 PM
the Creeping North can no longer gain the moisture needed from dew and rain alone, so it begins to dig it's small roots deeper into the things it covers, covering the area's with a layer of moss a few inches deep. It drags the moisture from the untapped reserves underground, and fills some of the area's with stomachs to digest food more efficiently. It begins spreading into the area inhabited by the blockies. (+2 stamina.)

2008-10-12, 09:44 PM
The Sanzants near their home, jump up and down grunting very basic words at the flying creatures. They were not sure if this would work or not, however they were stubborn. They were coming up with new words now and then but it took a while for new words to catch on. Their favorites roughly translated to, "kill", "eat", and "run". They made some progress, however the fact that every other word was a vulgarity didn't help.

Meanwhile two hunting parties were sent out due to their growing numbers. It wouldn't be long before they would have to find a new home, or make their cave larger. One hunting party was sent to get food from their normal prey. The other needed to find new sources of food, they went deeper into the forest than normal in their search.

2008-10-12, 10:39 PM
The Caragens hearing the land creatures making noises at them try to imitate the noises (+1 language: San). They also strengthen their flying ability (flight +1)

2008-10-12, 10:40 PM
The mind inturders continue to be symbotic, and spread to as many races as possible. this includes Pl0ants, and anything with something resembling a brain.

I'm saving my evo points for a huge event in the near future.:smallamused:

2008-10-12, 10:43 PM
((Arayl in case you don't check your pm. I went back over the thread you still have 2 more EP to spend. Also you need to tag your language as the one I made or your own person one. Good to see the only one near me still playing :P))

2008-10-12, 11:13 PM
The mind intruders find the Blood Weeds incredibly stupid and hard to communicate with. The ones that are affected can only think of rudimentary thoughts such as "Eat" "move" "blood this way" and "I'm hungry".

2008-10-12, 11:24 PM
The mind intruders find the Blood Weeds incredibly stupid and hard to communicate with. The ones that are affected can only think of rudimentary thoughts such as "Eat" "move" "blood this way" and "I'm hungry".
Rsemebling a brain Smiley....
the Mind intruders will work to develop the intellect of the blood weeds that they are able to comunicate with, and attempt to elveate the ones they could not communicate with to communicubl status. (Niot sure if thats a word.)

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-13, 10:53 AM
It gets hotter still. Some would say too hot.

+1 pop.
+2 EP.

2008-10-13, 10:53 AM
the Moss's brain is spread out all over the colony, which can spread several dozen meters. so yeah, and it's thought process is "hurts, kill or dig. food kill and eat"

2008-10-13, 11:01 AM

The Xanven now have 4 true limbs and a tail. They spend most of their time in the water, as it is getting far too hot for them to live comfortably out of it for longer than a few minutes. They have begun to swim deeper to find cooler waters. Their hearing has improved as they use their language to communicate over large distances. (+1 Hearing). They have also become tougher due to the stronger currents and the increased pressures lower down. (+1 stamina)

2008-10-13, 11:04 AM
the Creeping north continues expanding into Blockie territory, it's poison grows stronger and is deadly to small animals even if they escape. (+1 poison, saving the other one)

2008-10-13, 12:27 PM
The Blockies notice the strange moss growing into their lands. They notice small animals dieing near it and realise the moss is poisonous. (+1 Intelligence) They decide to stay away from the moss and move further away from it with each passing day. The rising levels in heat cause the Blockies to gain an extra level of stamina, as daily activities become more difficult. (+1 Stamina)

2008-10-13, 12:43 PM

The rising heat and humidity makes the Skecsix begin to smell and taste more of the world, enlightening them. They have begun to spend much more time by the coast, and have established a nesting ground in the jungle near the ocean

(+1 Smell +1 Taste)

2008-10-13, 01:19 PM
The Sanzants begin carrying things instead of dragging them around. (+1 Dexterity) They develop their language further naming individual Sanzants, and familiar objects. (+1 Language: San)

2008-10-13, 01:59 PM
The Vespii maintain their constant work, having almost finished a small section connecting the canapy to the forest floor of tightly knit vines. As they build, they dicover using their language can help them, and speed up the process.
After a time, the blue fruit the Vespii have been hungrily eating begins to feel strange in their stomachs. With quiet sputterings, some of the Vespii emit a large cloud of deathly cold air. They quickly learn to contol and master this gift.

+1 Language
+1 Building
+2 Breath Weapon (Frost). Betchya didn't think Vespii would have these! :smallamused:

2008-10-13, 02:06 PM
With my 6 Evo points in tow, I will spawn my master plan!
Having infected as many as they could of the past years the Mind intruders had a sudden bout of total mutation inside the brain after their leader was exposed to a new form of raditation that eminated from the cold breath weaponing Vespii, and now they were a far more durable, and infectious race, albiet with the same peace loving tendencies.

+2 stamina
+2 infection
+1 symboite
+1 intellegence.
Oh, yes and you thought i was gonna go berserk, and infect you all with the T virus.:smallamused:

2008-10-13, 02:10 PM
The Blockies notice the strange moss growing into their lands. They notice small animals dieing near it and realise the moss is poisonous. (+1 Intelligence) They decide to stay away from the moss and move further away from it with each passing day. The rising levels in heat cause the Blockies to gain an extra level of stamina, as daily activities become more difficult. (+1 Stamina)

this works mostly, however, eventually a patch of moss manages to dig into a blocky, the blocky feels constant pain for a few days as the Creeping north begins to adapt to theblocky body (if you don't want a symbiotic relationship, just say so.)

2008-10-13, 02:16 PM
this works mostly, however, eventually a patch of moss manages to dig into a blocky, the blocky feels constant pain for a few days as the Creeping north begins to adapt to theblocky body (if you don't want a symbiotic relationship, just say so.)

The Arminites begin to constantly duel over mates. They become more and more active, and eventually constant excersize throughout time toughens them up. (+1 strength, +1 vitality)

2008-10-13, 02:23 PM
Discussion about Creeping North moss in OOC

The Blocky screams in pain. The other Blockies can do nothing but watch for several days.

2008-10-13, 02:25 PM
The Arminites begin to constantly duel over mates. They become more and more active, and eventually constant excersize throughout time toughens them up. (+1 strength, +1 vitality)

why did you quote me?

2008-10-13, 02:27 PM
this works mostly, however, eventually a patch of moss manages to dig into a blocky, the blocky feels constant pain for a few days as the Creeping north begins to adapt to theblocky body (if you don't want a symbiotic relationship, just say so.)
The mind intruders all ready being there (and more infectious mind you due to recent upgrades... They now have quite a few nasty symptomns that I will describe OOC.)
Anyway if the Creeping north is organic it SHOULD begin to rot.

2008-10-13, 02:49 PM
after a few days, the Creeping north adapts to the Blocky body, growing around veins and servings as a protective layer on the bodies skin, dropping bits on the ground as it moved so they could grow, and killing anything that cam near it, eating anything the blocky didn't (1 EP symbiosis(blocky))

2008-10-13, 02:59 PM
With their newfound power, a group of five Vespii, one blue, two green, a red, and a yellow one, fly high through the air, serching for some lone Skecsix.

It was time to repay their debt.

2008-10-13, 03:00 PM
The mind intruders all ready being there (and more infectious mind you due to recent upgrades... They now have quite a few nasty symptomns that I will describe OOC.)
Anyway if the Creeping north is organic it SHOULD begin to rot.
Blood Weeds

As it becomes incredibly hot, the body temperature of the blood weeds rockets upwards. They sit in the direct sunlight, making their photosynthesis more effective. They are no longer confused by the heat and begin actively hunting again. (Heat adaptation +2)

These changes do not bode well for the Skecsix or the Mind Intruders. The skecsix have thier first encounter with a hungry blood weed. The things are large, strong and fast. The sweet luring fumes do not help either.

The mind intruders that had the misfortune to infect the blood weeds have to deal with the seemingly infernal heat. Even with their stamina, without heat resistance, the temperature is too much, for them to handle.

2008-10-13, 04:16 PM

The Skecsix began to avoid the places where the Blood Weeds grew, their superior sense of taste and smell allowing them to discern the threat they posed and avoid them. As for the Vespii, they found no such Skecsix, as they always traveled in groups of at least three, and any that were alone were with the Xanven.

2008-10-13, 04:23 PM
The patrol of Vespii Fly overhead of the weakest looking group they can find. With no warning, they dive down and attach themselves to one. They rake their claws across the Skecsix's face and try to push as many of their cold energy into him as possible. Before the Skecsix has time to respond, a Vespis is able to freeze most of his throat, and another flies in and shatters the frozen skin, killing the Skecsix immeadiatly.

2008-10-13, 04:25 PM

The first attack failed, as the Skecsix beside it swept its tail around, swiping the Vespii of its friend, while the other attacked viciously with it's claws and fangs, the assailed Skecsix threw its head around, attempting to dislodge the creature on its neck, as all three of them exhude strong pheremones which will draw the attention of all the Skecsix in a mile in moments.

2008-10-13, 04:30 PM
Seeing the mass of Skecsix running, the band of Vespii quickly wing over, back to their nest, pleased with their success.

(dude, what success, unless you can flash freeze his throat completely in less than like, 1 second the others would have reacted before you could kill him)

2008-10-13, 04:31 PM
The patrol of Vespii Fly overhead of the weakest looking group they can find. With no warning, they dive down and attach themselves to one. They rake their claws across the Skecsix's face and try to push as many of their cold energy into him as possible. Before the Skecsix has time to respond, a Vespis is able to freeze most of his throat, and another flies in and shatters the frozen skin, killing the Skecsix immeadiatly. They quickly fly away and begin to turn back after about 20 feet away.

The commotion draws unwanted attention. A single blood weed bursts from the growth and slithers quickly across the ground. It stopped at the dead Skecsix and snarffed it up with little hesitation.

((The confusion this thing started would be much more easily dealt with if the Blood weed didn't do anything much besides a bit of scavenging.))

2008-10-13, 05:21 PM
After the initial pain, the Blockies accept the strange moss, which sometimes provides them with food, into their society.

2008-10-13, 05:34 PM
The Creeping north continues to grow over the blocky, avoiding any orifices and airways. it drops bits of itself that grow, and land on other blockies occasionally. other Creepign north colonies don't attack blcokies with colonies on them.

2008-10-13, 05:55 PM
(dude, what success, unless you can flash freeze his throat completely in less than like, 1 second the others would have reacted before you could kill him)

Really? Cause it's pretty much just; run, rip, freeze, rip, run, while your back is turned. I don't want them to seem all-powerful, but it's like, 5 on 1 and they have a 'surprise round'. Our races are supposed to be (Relativly) equal, and if you did that to me, I know a Vespis would be dead before I could do much...

Again, if we ever have a straight-up fight, that'll probably not happen again.

2008-10-13, 05:58 PM
That's not the point, the point is that by the time they froze his throat enough to be brittle enough that one of the small Vespii could shatter it, all three of the Skecsix would have reacted, violently. They can smell and taste blood very quickly, and any distress of one of their kind is broadcasted by pheremones in their skin, plus they know how you're guys smell, and they still have some of the "bad stuff here" stink on them. I'm not saying my guy won't die, but you aren't going to be able to escape without getting hit

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-14, 10:27 AM
It gets even hotter but it shouldn't get much more hotter.

Population: -2 but +1/2 for each point in stamina, +1/2 for anything you have that helps cool you down +1 for anything whose main purpouse it to protect from the heat.

+3 EP.

2008-10-14, 11:15 AM
The Sanzants get a little larger however they become thinner as well, their skin darkens to muddy brown. Their skin begins changing so that it can be shed during cold times when they bulk up again. They begin breaking their rocks against harder ones to make them jagged. They are still too weak, in more ways than one, to actually harm something when they throw them, but soon they will find some other purposes.

Weather Adaptation +2, Technology: Stonework +1

When I said they get larger I do not mean they went up a size catagory if we are using them.

2008-10-14, 11:31 AM
Blood Weeds

The blood weeds, due to their recent developments, do not seem to be deterred by the heat. However, prey is not as common as it once was. To compensate, the blood weeds develop new methods to capture the creatures they find. Apart from developing stronger, more excitind scents, they develop the ability to spray the contents of their digestive system in a thick, noxious, sticky mist.

(functional Scent + 1, Vomit Spray + 2)

The plants begin to climb trees in order to take advantage of the sunlight and eat airborne animals that were unlucky enough to come too close.

2008-10-14, 02:32 PM
As the Vespii thrive, they begin to notice the extreame heat. The fruit they have been eating begins to help cool their bodies. Although their work on the Dome is not nearly complete, it now forms somewhat of a shield facing north.

+2 Heat resistance, 1 point reserve.

2008-10-14, 04:19 PM
The heat becomes unbearable for some Blockies and they die of heat exhaustion. However, the amazing stamina of the Blockies prevails and the tribe actually gains population, rather than losing some. Due to the increased levels of heat, the Blockies start to rapidly grow black hair out of their heads. This hair forms a circular kind of sun-hat. Not only does this absorb and protect the Blockies from the heat, but the heat absorbed is released when the Blockies become cold.

Population +1 (-2 Heat deaths, +3 from my 6 or 7 Stamina value), +2 Heat Resistance, +1 Cold Resistance

2008-10-14, 07:51 PM

The Xanven, thanks to their watery environment, manage to survive the increased heat. They learn where the coldest waters are and where the fish travel the most, and begin living wherever the closest concentration of the two are. Their skin has also begun to be able to shift colors to match their backgrounds, enabling them to hunt more effectively. They have also begun to sweat, allowing them to keep cooler and thus stay out of the water longer.

+1 intelligence
+1 Camouflage
+1 Temperature Control

2008-10-14, 08:14 PM
the Creeping north is stopped for a while when some of the colonies dry out. However, the stamina of the moss prevents any from dieing off completely. the Moss becomes more intelligent from its symbiosis with the blockies, discerning between different creatures besides "stuff it can eat" and "stuff it can't eat".
It's symbiosis improves, handing off food to the blockies and growing around the neck to avoid some of the heat. IT also develops a bit of temperature control, with certain process changing the temperature of water in it to cool down or heat up the moss. (no people lost or gained, +1 symbiosis, +1 intelligence, +1 temp control.)

2008-10-15, 04:47 PM
The Sanzants go deeper and deeper into their near by forests. They have yet to find anything which could match their strength and brutality. They are becoming restless desiring a challenge worthy of their time.

2008-10-15, 05:45 PM

The Skecsix altered their scales, making them cooler and more resistant to heat. They began to secrete scents that countered the scents of the Blood Weeds, and even calmed the weeds, allowing them to draw close to them without worry. They began living closer to the Blood Weeds as well as the Xanven, and they moved faster, so as to outmaneuver their prey better, and to hunt down threats to their group.

((+1 heat resistance, +1 Scent/Taste Language, +1 dexterity))

2008-10-15, 07:39 PM

The Skecsix altered their scales, making them cooler and more resistant to heat. They began to secrete scents that countered the scents of the Blood Weeds, and even calmed the weeds, allowing them to draw close to them without worry. They began living closer to the Blood Weeds as well as the Xanven, and they moved faster, so as to outmaneuver their prey better, and to hunt down threats to their group.

Blood Weeds

The new chemicals that the skecsix release confuse the blood weeds. They still detected the heat, but mistook them as other blood weeds (albeit oddly shaped blood weeds). The plants begin spreading out again, some in Skecsix territory. They gave off an unusual warmth, but it was nothing that the skecsix's new heat resistance could not handle.

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-16, 10:34 AM
Great waves and floods were caused by the heat. Destruction reigns.

Population: -3 + 1/3 Stamina and 1/2 anything that would protect you.

2008-10-16, 12:34 PM
OOC: :smallmad: you're determined to kill us all aren't you?!

The floods caused by the heat engulf the Blockies tribe. Although their amazing stamina prevents most from dying, the eldest Blocky drowns.

No EP points this time? -1 Population (6 Stamina)

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-16, 12:37 PM
(thanks for reminding me.)

3 EP

2008-10-16, 01:08 PM
The Sanzants are more prepared for the weather this time, still the lose another member of their pack. They begin making stone weapons though still rather poor ones, soon they would be wielding obsidian daggers. They also discover wood, though they have little uses for it yet. As their knowledge of the world expands so does their mind.

-1 Pop, +1 Technology: Woodwork, +1 Technology: Stonework, +1 Brain

2008-10-16, 02:08 PM
The heat one again takes a toll on the Vespii, killing one of the Dome workers. However, the newly advancing heat also helps the Vespii. They find it easier to fly now, and they begin to reason through their actions more.

+1 Flight, +1 Intellegence, +2 total reserve.

2008-10-16, 04:40 PM
The Blockies realise that in order to survive they must get tougher. The tribe organises a series of exercises that aims to teach the Blockies to climb, swim and jump higher.

+1 Climbing, +1 Swimming, +1 Dexterity

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-18, 04:18 AM
The world calms down.

Pop: 2+ 1/4 stamina

2 EP

2008-10-18, 01:33 PM

The Sanzants begin running from place to place rather than just in when they are after prey. In the end they become much more efficient, but need to eat a bit more than usual. Aside from that they didn't really do much else, though they didn't like it, times were peaceful.

+1 Stamina, +1 Dexterity

2008-10-18, 01:37 PM

The Xanven had managed to survive the worst of the tempests, although they had lost some members because of them. Those that had survived were hardier, stronger, faster, and more intelligent. They had also become even better swimmers.

+1 to str, sta, dex, int, and swim

2008-10-18, 01:44 PM
The Blockies are determined to increase their toughness and continue to work their muscles and physical limits.

+3 Population (2 from evolution, 1 from 6 stamina (can't have half a Blocky can we?)) +2 stamina

2008-10-18, 02:07 PM
Blood Weeds

The blood weeds lose one of their number from the floods, but they replenish their numbers after the waters receed.

They became more adapt to climbing trees in order to get closer to the sunlight and to better capture tree dwelling prey. Thorns grew on their appendages, allowing them to develop a sturdier grasp on objects.

Graspers +1, strength +2, Agility +1, Endurance +1

The Vespii note the ability of the plants to move through the trees. They are getting closer to areas inhabited by the avians.

2008-10-19, 02:40 PM
Some Sanzants run along the coast looking for clams to pry open with their jagged rocks.

2008-10-19, 02:54 PM
The abrupt cooling of the planet leaves the Vespii with a lot of cold energy inherently stored in their bodies. This energy grants hem better proficiencies with their chilly breath. Although they don't react, the Vespii notice the trange plants growing in their territory.

+4 Frost Breath. Be scared. Very Scared...

2008-10-19, 03:18 PM

The Xanven notice these strange creatures running along their beach, carrying rocks. They watch from the safety of the water, visible as they bob along on the surface.

2008-10-19, 03:19 PM
(I'm sorry, I have to stop playing this game. I"m too many gaems. :()

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-20, 01:02 PM
Peceace again.

2 EP.

4 + 1/3 Stamina pop.

2008-10-20, 02:15 PM
The Vespii will continue their construction of the Ksddqe Boiuiyqe. This time they work faster, and more coordinated then ever before.

Just a +2 Tech: Building.

2008-10-20, 02:26 PM
The Blockies begin to enter a frenzy of physical workouts which increases their stamina to a point where they find it difficult to become out of breath and tired.

4 + 2 Population (8 stamina), +2 Stamina, making a grand total of 10 stamina, it there anything special that happens now?

2008-10-20, 03:21 PM
The Vespii will continue their construction of the Ksddqe Boiuiyqe. This time they work faster, and more coordinated then ever before.

Just a +2 Tech: Building.

Seeing their primary hosts building, and advancing they decided that it was time to give them abit more help.

+1 symbotite, +2 intellegence, and +1 pop (for a total of 18)

2008-10-20, 03:24 PM
(Mechanically, what does this actually do?)
(Edit: Nice!)

2008-10-20, 03:32 PM
(Mechanically, what does this actually do?)
(i divide my Symotie by 2 for your int boost so before when it was 5, it is now 6, and thus you get a +3 to int, but I also have to have a int score two higher than the boost I'm granting you.)

2008-10-20, 03:48 PM
[/b]Blood Weeds[/b]

The blood weeds note the dropping temperatures when above the jungle canopy. They retreat to where it is warmer, but the Vespii can still hear them scuttle about on the branches below their nests.

To compensate for the drop in temperature, they begin to give off even more heat. Their bodies also become thicker, allowing for increased metabolism and stamina.

Stamina +1, Heat Body +1

2008-10-20, 04:38 PM

The Xanven begin digging into the sea floor to create safe places to lay their eggs. Soon these develop into permanent fixtures.

+2 Technology: Burrowing

Not sure if that's a tech, or a trait...

2008-10-20, 04:46 PM

The Skecsix notice the newcomers as well, and take preparations, watching them in packs but not moving aggressively or against them. They begin interacting with the Xanven and Blood Weeds more often than before, and now work in concert more often than before. Their language is becoming more and more complex, allowing for better understandings of the world around them, and they begin making out the scents and tastes of things from greater distances, and more easily amid the varied noises and tastes of the world.

+2 Scent +2 Taste +1 Scent/Taste language +2 intelligence

2008-10-20, 05:22 PM
The sanzants who were gathering clams began hopping up and down and screaming obscenities at water creatures. They saw their acts as fearful and weak, however they got bored after a while. They gathered up some clams and then began their journey home. Taking note of some of the new words they came up with and would have to remember.

+Intelligence, +1 Language: San

2008-10-20, 05:25 PM
The Vespii watch the two creatures near the water yell, even though they can here nothing. The length of their shield expands.

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-22, 12:42 PM
A large animal comes into the settlements.

2 EP.

4 + 1/3 Stamina pop.

2008-10-22, 03:08 PM
The Blockies look at the strange animal that has entered their encampment. It appears to be grey, sports two large tusks and has a really long nose. One Blocky pulls on the nose and the large grey animal rears up and makes a trumpeting sound, but doesn't cause the Blockies any harm. Looking at one another, the Blockies decide to befriend the large creature.

Population +4 (+3 from 10 stamina), +2 elephant friendship

2008-10-25, 03:48 PM
The sanzants approach the large intruder, they try to convince it to leave knowing they couldn't kill it. After many angered shouts and pushes and prods the large beast finally left. They cheered all the while cussing at the poor creature. As they work on their stone weapons again they become more dexterous as well.

+1 Dexterity +1 Weapon: Dagger