View Full Version : Any iPhone or Touch users in the 'Ground?

2008-10-08, 02:48 PM
So, how many other iPhone or iPod Touch user are there in this community?

I'm mostly curious what sort of apps are your favorite so far.

Me, I'm loving the games Aurora Feint, Dizzy Bee and Word Warp.

As far as non-games, I have incorporated Jott, WritingPad, and Pandora into my daily life. Always on the look out for the new and useful though, wading through the absolute crap that floods the App Store.

2008-10-08, 03:12 PM
I have an iphone. I don't really have many apps because all I use it for is internet service, an ipod, and well, a phone. Although I have to say that Tap Tap is a really fun game.

2008-10-08, 03:16 PM
Yes! Have Aurora Feint and DizzyBee. GalCiv is great, and i loves me my Flashcards.

2008-10-08, 03:38 PM
I loves my iPhone. Aurora Fenit is good stuff. What are those other two apps like?

PixelPipe is a free app that let's you upload your photos directly to flickr/facebook/any other social networking site that takes photos. I don't do a lot of photography, and I hate booting out of linux just to get the photos off the camera, so this app is great for me. It's the difference between being too lazy to take photos and actually using the camera feature.

AirShare runs a DAP server on your iPhone so you can copy whatever the hell you want to it. I put my D&D pdfs and a subway map on the iPhone so I don't have to download them whenever I need a quick reference.

Evernote is a note taking app that I've become quite fond of. You can use it for text, photo, and voice notes. The notes sync with your online evernote account, so you can check them from the computer later.

Finally, NuevaSync is my favorite so far. It's not even really an app. NuevaSync takes your google calendar and puts it online as an exchange calendar so that your iPhone can sync with it over the air. I use my gCal alot and having it in my pocket without syncing with iTunes is just amazing for me.

So, in case you can't tell I really like applications that sync to your computer without connecting the iPhone to iTunes. I also have one for syncing with your foxmarks (firefox bookmarks online storage that let's you sync bookmarks over several computers) bookmarks, but I don't use it as much and can't remember the name.

2008-10-08, 09:39 PM
Web access is cool. Heck, I'm on my iPhone right now, but the apps are awesome.

I keep my daily todo list on Jott and it syncs with my PC. It does voice transcription too.

Dizzybee is a fun little 2d puzzle/maze game. You have to twist the phone around to roll the little bee guy around the myriad of complex mazes collecting fruit buddies. There's a free version you can try out.

Word warp requires you to find as many words as you can from 6 letters before time runs out.

Vay is another game that was worth the money but I've gotten stuck near the end. If anyone finishes it, let me know. It's a redo of a Japanese RPG style game. I hope many more like it are to follow.

I haven't had a need for the file share type apps but I'm looking into something like Evernote. I also use midomi for music identification and have a plethora of other games I'm trying out.

2008-10-08, 09:43 PM
Everyone should get the Pandora app. If you have an iPhone there is no excuse not to have it.

2008-10-08, 10:13 PM
Have you had any luck with Midomi? I'm not surprised that it couldn't identify anything obscure or anything that I sang (my pitch is terrible), but it couldn't identify basic pop stuff.

Regarding Pandora, how different is it from the last.fm app? I went with last.fm just because I've had an account there forever so it knows my taste. I could load both I suppose.

2008-10-08, 10:19 PM
Everyone should get the Pandora app. If you have an iPhone there is no excuse not to have it.


Have you had any luck with Midomi? I'm not surprised that it couldn't identify anything obscure or anything that I sang (my pitch is terrible), but it couldn't identify basic pop stuff.

Regarding Pandora, how different is it from the last.fm app? I went with last.fm just because I've had an account there forever so it knows my taste. I could load both I suppose.

Pandora is much better.

My favorite app is Quordy, but I think that's just because I love Boggle so much.

2008-10-08, 10:58 PM
Have you had any luck with Midomi? I'm not surprised that it couldn't identify anything obscure or anything that I sang (my pitch is terrible), but it couldn't identify basic pop stuff.

Regarding Pandora, how different is it from the last.fm app? I went with last.fm just because I've had an account there forever so it knows my taste. I could load both I suppose.

Hmm, yeah, midomi doesn't catch everything, but it seems better than Shazam which I also have for comparison. (Hey, they're free!) I tend to just use it for stuff on the radio which is typically mainstream and it does pretty good. Pandora really rocks though. I wish I had 3G for better streaming. It tends to cut in and out as I drive. But sitting in one spot, it is awesome. Now I just need a car stereo adapter and I can leave my cd collection at home.

Yes! Have Aurora Feint and DizzyBee. GalCiv is great, and i loves me my Flashcards.
What is GalCiv? I'm trying to find it.

EDIT: Oh, did you mean Galcon? Found that. Trying the free version.

Archonic Energy
2008-10-09, 03:33 AM
i have a shiney new touch...
... and i'm trying to figure out how to use it.
DAMN YOU APPLE WHY NO (printed/offline) MANUAL! :smallmad:

i prefered my Zen, at least i didn't have to put up with iTunes.
and it was intuative. GRRRR
well in a couple of months i'll probably be saying the touch is good.

2008-10-09, 08:53 AM
I downloaded Pandora, but haven't tried it yet because reception at work is terrible, even on 3g. Something about working in a hospital near MRI machines.

Any recommendations for an RSS client? Ideally I'd like something that can check my google reader feeds and downloads links ahead of time so I can read when there's no reception.

2008-10-09, 10:04 AM
My iPhone apps are pretty limited... I have kiddy games, and that's it! :smalltongue:
Such as AIM, iPhunny, myLite, Magic8Ball, SB2 Lite, Whitenoise, and Facebook. A friend tried to make me get bubbles, but I refused. :smallwink:
My favorite game is probably Labyrinth...
And airsharing is amazing.

2008-10-09, 11:03 AM
i have a shiney new touch...
... and i'm trying to figure out how to use it.
DAMN YOU APPLE WHY NO (printed/offline) MANUAL! :smallmad:

i prefered my Zen, at least i didn't have to put up with iTunes.
and it was intuative. GRRRR
well in a couple of months i'll probably be saying the touch is good.

Relax, we're here to help you. :smallsmile: There are some guides off of Apple's site. After that I scavenged the Apple user forums for some tips that weren't obvious. Like, in text entry, keeping your finger on the screen after touching the num-shift button and gliding it to the character or number you need, (commas and apostrophes for me usually). Once you raise your finger off the comma, the keyboard goes back to alpha characters. Saves you a button press if all you need is one punctuation mark.

Also, it took me probably longer than it should have to realize that you see the cover art for albums you've downloaded by flipping the phone horizontal. Duh. Always check what flipping the phone does. I've found games do different stuff with the accelerometer. I played Aurora Feint for a few days in only vertical mode. Then I accidentally shifted it and I was like "duuuuuude!" Everyone should get that game for starters. It's free, and one of the best puzzle games around.

I had Bubbles for a while. :smallbiggrin: I got it for my 2 year old to play with, but he got bored. The Lightsaber one is worth the space. They changed the name though. I don't use it much, but everyone in the office loved it the first time I showed them. It's a novelty and it's free. It's not much good on the Touch tho, without speakers.

Can't comment on RSS, haven't tried anything for that, but I'm suuure there's something out there. Heck, there are dozens of different "flashlight" apps.

Archonic Energy
2008-10-09, 11:30 AM
It's not much good on the Touch tho, without speakers.

my touch has speakers...

Crispy Dave
2008-10-09, 12:12 PM
My friend wend App happy and found a bunch of cool ones I dont know the names but I know he has one that will roll and kind of dice(yes any amount of sides you can imagine) and another that would listen to music and tell you what its called.

2008-10-09, 02:52 PM
my touch has speakers...

Really? Is that a new Touch you have there? My friend has an old one and I'm pretty sure he needs headphones for audio.

2008-10-09, 03:56 PM
I like the Monkey Ball game.:smile:

Edit: Okay, why on Earth did I put a question mark on the above sentence?

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2008-10-09, 06:46 PM
Can one of you Iphone owners please actually justify to me what on earth possesed you to buy a $600 cell phone. I mean seriously, there's a lot better things I can think of to purchase with that money than a phone.

2008-10-09, 06:52 PM
Can one of you Iphone owners please actually justify to me what on earth possesed you to buy a $600 cell phone. I mean seriously, there's a lot better things I can think of to purchase with that money than a phone.

I don't thing it costs that much anymore...

2008-10-09, 07:36 PM
Can one of you Iphone owners please actually justify to me what on earth possesed you to buy a $600 cell phone. I mean seriously, there's a lot better things I can think of to purchase with that money than a phone.

It cost me $200. My old phone was 3 years old. I have the money. All the cool kids were doing it (not really but shhh)

2008-10-09, 09:33 PM
Can one of you Iphone owners please actually justify to me what on earth possesed you to buy a $600 cell phone. I mean seriously, there's a lot better things I can think of to purchase with that money than a phone.

Mine was $300. My old phone was dying (as in the antenna fell out a couple times) and after five years it seemed like time for an upgrade. $300 is a lot for a phone but I also use it as an iPod (which is a similar price) and I can use it at work if a server dies and I'm not near a computer. It's really nice to be able to restart dead http servers while on the bus.

2008-10-10, 10:49 AM
Mine was $300 too. I was looking for a PDA device that I could use for scheduling, email and contacts as well as a phone. It does all that PLUS I can download videos for the kids to be entertained on family trips. So, it takes the place of a DVD player or similar device. I use it as an iPod, which I never had before. I play lots of games on it when I'm bored, so it makes me happy, very, very, happy. Unfortunately I got the 1G one before the GPS came or I would also say that it saves me buying a GPS which is on the horizon for me. But even without that, it has Google maps which has helped on trips.

So, for me, with a very poor memory and even worse organizational skills, it has been a world of help. Sure, I thought, I might have been able to get close to these functions with a $99 Blackjack or Blackberry Pearl, but trying those, the interface did not seem as nice and I justified the iPhone by saying how much FUN it was to use that I would use it more for what I need and I do. And yes, now you can get them for $200, so that's right there with Treos and Crackberries or whatever, which consume real estate with those dedicated keyboards.

EDIT: Forgot to mention the pros of buying into a system where they can change the way the whole thing works with a software upgrade. And the awesomeness of changing how the keyboard works, based on the program you are in. So, in web page or email entry mode, you have instant access to a ".com", "@" and a "/" button on you alpha keyboard, but those go away on normal keyboard for notes and stuff. Blackberry can't do that. You are stuck with the function keys the way they were built. I'm really happy with how Apple identifies my typing mistakes and fixes them on the fly. Bottom line there is that there may be some things that it doesn't do that great, but they may fix that in a future release.

Oh, and the real web browsing vs. mobile web on other phones is just the bomb. I can read Giant in the Playground Forums from anywhere. Do you want one yet?

2008-10-10, 01:47 PM
You guys were right, Word Warp is amazing. It's the first game I'm seriously considering buying for the iPhone.

Archonic Energy
2008-10-13, 09:14 AM
Really? Is that a new Touch you have there? My friend has an old one and I'm pretty sure he needs headphones for audio.

erm... it was new when i baught it. :smallwink:
i wonder if it has a microphone in it too...

2008-10-13, 11:40 AM
I'm liking some new games I've discovered.

Space Monkey, Stone of Destiney, ToyBot (Lite) and Gaia (also Lite).

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2008-10-13, 09:06 PM
Mine was $300. My old phone was dying (as in the antenna fell out a couple times) and after five years it seemed like time for an upgrade. $300 is a lot for a phone but I also use it as an iPod (which is a similar price) and I can use it at work if a server dies and I'm not near a computer. It's really nice to be able to restart dead http servers while on the bus.

You must have one of those new iphone 3G ones. When the original came out summer '07, the price was $599

2008-10-13, 09:38 PM
You must have one of those new iphone 3G ones. When the original came out summer '07, the price was $599

Yes I do. $599 is too much for a phone. $299 is too much for a phone too, but just barely.

Don Julio Anejo
2008-10-13, 10:13 PM
I have an black market iPhone... I still use my raZr though.... For one, I don't need my phone for anything other than a phone. That and I'll end up breaking it in a week... And it can't fit in my back pants' pocket.