View Full Version : The Lost Baron

2008-10-09, 06:16 AM
Martin hands the party a map. On it is marked the town of Belmont and the castle. A rough estimate shows the castle to be a 2-3 day journey from the town. A large forest covers much of the land between the town and the castle. The castle itself is on the coast at the center of an inlet.

The coastline looks like this:

\................. /

Drawing not to scale. (Ignore the periods. They are only there for formatting.)

"You won’t be able to go in the front door. Fishermen that have worked in that area report that the front door has long been blocked by a rock slide. But there is a series of caves under the castle that lead into the cellars. They were originally built to be the escape route in case of attack, but eventually became an easy way to get supplies into the castle. You can see the road to the caves on the map. I can't promise the road is still there and useable, as no one has tried it in many years.”

2008-10-09, 09:35 AM
Kali Meliamne

The Wild Elf carefully examined the map. Caves. The earth surrounding you. Covering you. An automatic tomb. A creature of the forests, she shuddered inwardly - Kali didn't even really like being indoors. She spoke in her accented common.

"And what about windows? Balconies? Is there a courtyard in the castle? We could climb the walls..."

2008-10-09, 10:23 AM

Orison ponders the map, "An aerial entry might be better... of course we have no idea what sort of defenses there might be against such an approach. Not to mention, the fact that I do not possess a fly spell of any sort. I could teleport to a visible balcony though, and lower a rope."

2008-10-09, 10:49 AM
Cainel Larestane

Cainel shrugs slightly at the suggestions of entry from above. "I'm sure I can climb up there, no trouble at all. Although I don't have a problem with the caves, either. Why complicate things if we don't have to?"

(one-time description. Get 'em before they run out!

Cainel keeps her dark brown hair quite short-- just a few inches in length. It's less of a hassle for her that way. Her eyes are almost the same color as her hair. Unless she's running around in her guise of Rhea, a traveling circus performer, she dresses in drab colors and durable fabrics. She has a brand on her right shoulder that the party members will have seen, but rarely. She also has a tattoo (of gnollish design) on her left fore arm that she tends to leave bare most of the time (except when in her Rhea persona). She's short, about elf height, and she's got an athletic and flexible frame. And she has 16 daggers secreted about her person in addition to the more obvious longbow.)

2008-10-09, 10:59 AM

Thorn peers up at the map in her friend's hands. "Let me have a look? Thanks."

The diminutive warmage looks thoughtful as she studies the lay of the coastline. "Given what we've heard of the rumors surrounding the castle, a surreptitious entry might be preferable. Howls in the grounds... black shadows around the towers..." She shudders slightly at the mention of shadows, then composes herself and shrugs. "Of course, whatever's haunting the place might have the cellars guarded as well. I will note though, I'm not much of a climber, as some of you might remember."

She looks up at Orison. "How long does it take you to transfer a scroll into that tome of yours, Orison? It would've been nice to have a way to fly, on more than a few missions I've been on."

Thorn is a tiny halfling woman, well under three feet in height, with shoulder-length black hair and dark eyes. She prefers dark blues, greens and greys in her clothing, and wears simple traveller's garb, along with a gleaming mithral shirt and buckler for protection.

2008-10-09, 11:06 AM

Orison peers down, smiling, at his long-time but short-statured companion, "It would take a full twenty-four hours to copy it, Thorn... assuming I had the scroll. Which I don't."

2008-10-09, 11:17 AM

Thorn nods. "Well, perhaps we can find a scroll shop before haring off along the Coast, eh? If their problems have been years brewing, another day or two shouldn't cause too much harm." She pauses, then sighs. "And if you've managed to spend all your gold making that fancy headband you're wearing these days, I can lend you some funds. Even if you don't learn the spells, a few scrolls for emergencies never hurt anyone - I'd have some myself, but book-magic was never my forte."

2008-10-09, 11:25 AM

Orison chuckles, "Well, if you want to fund me for adding some scrolls to my book, I would be pleased to be able to cast them on you... assuming that the spell so allows. Just remember, it's a full day for every scroll." He adjusts his headband, smiling, "Now now... no ridiculing of the headband... I'll have you know I designed it personally.'

2008-10-09, 11:35 AM

"Aye, I can tell." Thorn winks at Orison. She knows the loremaster won't take her teasing to heart.

2008-10-09, 11:40 AM
Kali cocked her head to the side slightly, Hazel eyes still looking at the map held in the diminuitive Thorn's hands. She subconsciously took a black dreadlock that had drifted in front of her face and tucked it behind one of her pointed ears. Kali was tall for an elf, even for a Wild Elf, at 5'7"; if it weren't for her high cheekbones and pointed ears, most people would think her human. Wearing only her bracers, an amulet, slender boots, and a deerskin loincloth which hangs down to her knees in the middle, it's plain to see her lean and acrobatic physique, and her rich brown skin is etched with tribal flame tattoos, reflecting her worship of Kossuth.

"If we can't find the scrolls, Cainel and I can probably climb up and lower a rope. Thorn, I could always carry you up myself if needs be, you're not heavy."

2008-10-09, 12:12 PM
Kali Meliamne

"And what about windows? Balconies? Is there a courtyard in the castle? We could climb the walls..."

Martin stops to think for a moment. "I don't know how well that would work. I call it a castle, but it's really just a single tower that sits on the edge of the cliff. The 'courtyard,' as you called it, is just the open area between the edge of the cliff and the blocked front door. There is a path up from the beach, but I have no idea what condition it is in. To my knowledge, it hasn't been used in years. As for balconies, the Moyartas didn't go for flashy things that much. There was one, on the opposite side of the tower from the cliff. Let me show you."

He flips the map over and draws on the back.

Layout of the cliff and tower. Not to scale. The tower is round.


______________________ <- Cliff edge





CF = Cliff Face

"What I call a cave is more like a large cellar. As I recall, it's not as large around as the tower and was formed from the bedrock. The tower sits on top of it."


"Given what we've heard of the rumors surrounding the castle, a surreptitious entry might be preferable. Howls in the grounds... black shadows around the towers..."

"If you want to make a secret entrance, going in by sea and up the tower might not be your best bet. There are windows around the tower," he smiles at the Kali, "and some overlook the bay. Not much fog this time of year, either, to hide your approach."

2008-10-09, 12:47 PM

Orison raises a brow, "Someone built a tower by the sea... and put the only balcony facing away from the ocean view? Odd people..."

2008-10-09, 12:50 PM
Kali's eyes examined the new drawings.

"So, windows look out to sea, balcony looks to the hills? I think going by boat is not a good idea. We should go by land through the woods - stay hidden until night, then see what we can see. Maybe we go through the town on the way too, see what we can learn, even if no-one is there."

2008-10-09, 08:44 PM

Terrin looks up through the folds of his cloak towards the old man.

Well, flying up to the window could save time, but quite a waste of power. We shouldn't make this so complicated. I'd say we should come up through the cellar as suggested. That way we can stay together instead of making multiple flying trips. For all of our safety, sorry to opine.

Terrin then pushes his hand deep into his cloak to stroke his chin without exposing his face.

2008-10-10, 12:47 AM
Kali shrugged.

"No special power needed to climb. Anyhow,I think it best to look the place over with our eyes instead of our ears, before deciding anything."

She turned back to Martin.

"So we are clear, you're hiring us to find out what happened? What's the compensation? What's become of the other townspeople?"

2008-10-10, 06:26 AM

Orison raises a brow, "Someone built a tower by the sea... and put the only balcony facing away from the ocean view? Odd people..."

Laura chuckled. "It does sound silly, but there is a reason. The balcony allowed the Baron and Baroness to come out and adress those who lived on their lands. My grandmother told me when she was a little girl, the then-Baron would have huge parties, and would hang ropes embedded with magiced stones from the balcony railing. The stones would light the party, removing the need for torches. It was said to be beautiful."

"So we are clear, you're hiring us to find out what happened? What's the compensation? What's become of the other townspeople?"

"Most of the townpeople have just left. Not much future in the town, esp with all the uncertainty, so no reason to stay." He hands Kali a pouch that clinks. "I know your fees. The town took up a collection to pay you. Of course, you can keep any items you find along the way. We can't use them!"
He laughs nervously.

There's enough gold in the purse to buy some basic supplies as well as scrolls, potions, etc. 1st to third level spells only, and as usual I reserve the right to declare items not available.

2008-10-10, 10:28 AM

Orison nods, "I'm sure whatever you raised will be sufficient... I only need enough to purchase some basic supplies for my divine spells, and whatever other spells people wish me to add to my repetoire. I am curious though, if the worst is true and we find the Baron's line is no longer living... are your people prepared for that?"

2008-10-10, 10:39 AM

Cainel leaves the debate and discussion up to the cleric and elf. She toys idly with a knife in one hand, spinning it about, while waiting for everyone to be ready to go.

2008-10-10, 07:21 PM
OrisonI am curious though, if the worst is true and we find the Baron's line is no longer living... are your people prepared for that?"

Laura sighs. "I know we," she points to her husband, "fear the worst, and do not believe you will find Lord Aaron alive. As for others in the town, I do not know how they will react." She shakes her head. "No one really talks about the possibility."

2008-10-10, 07:46 PM

"Well, we'll see. As Kali said, more reconnaissance is clearly in order. Do you know how complicated the cave system is, that connects to the cellars? How far from the castle is the entry to the caves? Can you describe Lord Aaron and his guardians?"

Thorn grins up at Kali. "And if any climbing is required, yes, your help would be much appreciated." Her smile turns rueful as she remembers the last time she attempted to scale a wall: not for the first time, she envies the flight-magic other arcanists can command.

2008-10-11, 12:58 AM

Orison looks at Laura, "Do you have anything of Lord Aaron's? Part of him would be better, a lock of his hair or some such... or a personal possession, or perhaps a portraiture?"

2008-10-11, 10:09 AM

In apparent boredom, Cainel starts juggling a trio of knives from where she sits in the corner of the room. Those in the party, who know her well, know that she's paying close attention; she just has nothing to add to the current conversation. Her mind is considering options, however.

2008-10-11, 06:57 PM
Martin frowns in concentration. "The cave used to be pretty basic. A large center area with several passages leading off of it. But that was years ago, and maybe changes have been made. The entrance is under the tower, and there are stairs that lead from the cellar to the first floor of the tower. No one has seen Lord Aaron in years, so I have no idea what he would look like. I know he has his father's black hair and his mother's green eyes. Beyond that, I have no idea. Both of his parents were warriors, so I would assume he would be a large-built young man, but I can't promise that is the case."

Laura picks up the tale. "As for the guardians, neither of us knew them very well. They mostly stayed at the castle. I think the steward served with Lord and Lady Moyarta in the army, but I am not sure about that." She paused to think. "And the maid was..."

"Wasn't she a lifelong frind of the Baroness?" Martin said, snapping his fingers and smiling.

"Yes, you are right. When Aaron was born, she volunteered to come and help."

"A personal item? Not with us. But there is a portrait of the late Lord and Lady Moyarta and Aaron hanging in the tavern in town. If you would be willing to go with us to Belmont, you could look at it. It's rather large to take with you, though. And it is many years old."

2008-10-11, 10:13 PM

Yes, that should be good enough. If you give us a few hours to prepare i'm sure we could leave later today, tomorrow morning at the latest.

Terrin leans back into his chair and peers deep into the Laura's eyes,

Don't worry, i'm sure everything will be okay.
It's all in the hands of the gods now.

2008-10-11, 10:20 PM

Orison nods, "We'll find out what happened... and if the Baron is still alive."

2008-10-11, 10:36 PM
Kali nodded.

"Yes, and I am ready to leave any time... I don't need much."

2008-10-11, 11:26 PM

Thorn nods briskly. "It sounds like heading to Belmont would be a good first step. So. Are there any supplies the rest of you want to stock up on, ere we leave? I might see if I can find a scroll of a flight spell for Orison, just in case, but otherwise I think I have what I need."

2008-10-12, 01:49 AM

Orison frowns, "Unfortunately, due to that accident on our last mission I lost my silver mirror for scrying (ooc: read I forgot to put the money aside for it). They cost about 1000 gold, so I don't suppose there's enough in the party fund for me to borrow and purchase a new one is there, or shall we run without it on this trip? Otherwise I just need to pick up some incense, holy water, and such."

2008-10-12, 03:42 AM

"I have a fair amount of cash on hand at present, Orison. I can lend you the money, so long as you pay it back - and so long as I don't have to help carry the mirror. Those things are huge."

Thorn looks up at Terrin. "Speaking of party funds, do you need a new healing wand?"

2008-10-12, 11:22 AM

"Wouldn't it be wiser to have this discussion in private?" Cainel asks with a meaningful glance at those hiring them.

2008-10-12, 12:10 PM

Orison nods, "Details of our needs are best left to a more private discussion, good point Caniel."

2008-10-12, 05:22 PM

Thorn nods. "Do the rest of you have any other questions for Martin and Laura? I can't think of anything at present, and if we'll be travelling together to Belmont, there'll be time for more questions if we think of them."

She looks around the room. "Shall we plan to leave, say, tomorrow morning, after buying supplies? Or maybe tomorrow afternoon, or the morning after, if we need a little more time. Are you staying at this inn, Martin, Laura? If not, shall we just meet here when we're ready to leave?"

2008-10-12, 06:14 PM
Are you staying at this inn, Martin, Laura? If not, shall we just meet here when we're ready to leave?"

Laura nods. "Yes, we are staying here. Room 6."

2008-10-12, 09:31 PM

"That's convenient. Is there anything else you need to do in these parts, or are you ready to leave when we are?"

2008-10-12, 10:56 PM

"That's convenient. Is there anything else you need to do in these parts, or are you ready to leave when we are?"

"We have a few errands to run, but they can be done today. We will be ready to travel by tomorrow morning."

2008-10-12, 11:45 PM

"I'm ready now. I suppose I can wait for the rest of you," she says with a tight grin.

2008-10-13, 01:54 AM

Orison smiles and winks, "Ah yes... Caniel... you're always ready to go."

2008-10-13, 12:01 PM
"That makes two of us." Kali remarked smugly (well, as far as you can tell, she was being smug, the Wild Elf was often difficult to read)

2008-10-15, 03:06 PM

Orison departs with Terrin, they both stop at the silversmith to arrange the mirror and upon leaving, meet up with Thorn who gives him the scroll. They return to the inn to prepare for the next day's departure. Once Orison is ready, he gets a couple of hours of rest and then wakes shortly before midnight, spending the next eight hours copying down a portion of the fly spell into his spellbook. The next day he leaves, settling his bill with the innkeeper and meets with everyone out in front of the inn.

2008-10-15, 03:17 PM

Cainel sleeps for a couple of short hours, and spends the rest of the night prowling the corridors of the inn, keeping watch over her companions. She's ready at first light to move out, and joins everyone else outside at the appointed time.

2008-10-15, 03:31 PM
Laura and Martin pay their bill and are waiting for the party in the common room of the inn. They are clearly relieved that the group has agreed to help them.

2008-10-15, 10:25 PM
Thorn enjoys a restful eight hours of sleep in a warm and comfortable bed, after an afternoon spent shopping and visiting friends, and meets the rest of the party and Laura and Martin in the common room the next morning.

2008-10-16, 01:24 AM
Kali, as usual, spent the night meditating peacefully outdoors, draped in her fur cloak during the coldest parts of the night.

Now, she appears rested and keen as ever to be off.

2008-10-16, 10:41 AM

After going to the silversmith with Orison, Terrin sits on the floor in a medatative position and closes his eyes and appears to be sleeping. He Meditates and prays to the gods all night and feels fully revitalised in the morning. He meets the rest of the party downstairs in the morning.

2008-10-18, 11:25 AM
The trip to Belmont passes uneventfully. Martin and Laura are more than willing to answer any questions that you think of as you travel. (OOC: If I missed any questions, please let me know and I will go back and take care of them.)

The inn in Belmont has seen better days. However, it does have a roof, beds, and food. The promised portrait of the late Baron and Baronness and young Aaron is hanging over the fireplace. It is done pen-and-ink style, so there is no color. Martin assures the party, however, that the portrait is accurate concerning the appearance of the family.

2008-10-18, 03:56 PM

Orison scans the portrait carefully, particularly the face of the young boy. "All right... let's see what we can find out remotely." He places his haversack on the table and pulls out a silver mirror. He pulls out some other objects, a small mortar and pestle, a jar of round objects, another sealed container of some viscous liquid. "This will take about an hour..." He clears the area, and begins a long chanting, with many strange gestures. He pulls an eye from the jar and tosses it into the mortar, pours some of the liquid in it and mashes it up in the slightly frothing mixture using the pestle as he adds some filings of copper and a pinch of powdered zinc. His voice gets rises and falls as he chants, but seems to grow louder as he approaches the end of the spell. He tosses the contents of the mortar at the mirror with a hissing splash crying out the name of Aaron.

Cast: Scrying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/scrying.htm) - As far as I can tell he gets a save vs. 21 +1(Enhanced Awareness Diviner) +1 (Scry Bonus - Divine Oracle) -5 (I've only heard of him) +2 (I have his portrait) = 20 [So he needs to roll a will save of at least 20 (plus his own natural bonuses to avoid the scrying effect)]. If he fails I will be able to observe Aaron and his surroundings for 12 minutes.

The mirror remains dark and Orison frowns, "Well... either he doesn't exist in this universe anymore... or... he resisted the power of the spell."

2008-10-19, 02:04 PM

"Ah well, Orison, you tried. Let's hope for the boy's sake that it's the latter. I guess that means we try more mundane means of finding information."

Over the next few hours, if time allows, Thorn will chat to any people in the common room and to the owners of the inn, trying to find out if any of them have been near the castle and can give more details on the strange events, or if any of them had a particularly close tie to Aaron's family. If none of them know anything relevant, she'll see if they can point her to people who might have more information.

If relevant, Gather Information [roll0]. EDIT: Heh. I guess Thorn tried the "impatient drill sergeant" approach to extracting information from people and it didn't work too well - either that or they just don't want to talk :smallsmile:

2008-10-19, 04:53 PM

Over the next few hours, if time allows, Thorn will chat to any people in the common room and to the owners of the inn, trying to find out if any of them have been near the castle and can give more details on the strange events, or if any of them had a particularly close tie to Aaron's family. If none of them know anything relevant, she'll see if they can point her to people who might have more information.

Thorn can find a few people who worked as servants at the tower. The regents took total control after the Baron and Baroness's deaths. Over time, they hired other servants and let the previous ones go with generous "severance packages." Eventually, all the ones who had worked for the Baron and Baroness were gone, which is when word from the tower stopped.

The only people who have been near the tower are the fishermen who have sailed past it, and there is little they know. If you have specific questions, they will answer as best as possible. There are no real "woodsmen" in Belmont, so no one has had the courage to go too far into the woods. (Fear of wild animals as much as anything.) They can tell you that the roads through the woods has become overgrown, though the remains can still be seen (less growth, no trees, that kind of thing).

The townspeople are anxious for answers, so are willing to talk. They just don't know much.

2008-10-19, 06:40 PM

"How long ago was this painting done?" Cainel asks. After getting an answer, she performs a trio of simple juggling routines for the crowd.

2008-10-19, 06:46 PM
"The painting is about 18 years old," the innkeer replies. "Lady Moyarta was talking about having another one done, showing an older Aaron, but she died before anything was really done about it."

After watching the juggling, the innkeeper makes a mental note to ask Cainel if she would be willing to stop by occasionally on her travels, as her act would be sure to bring in customers.

2008-10-20, 01:03 AM
While the others inquire at the inn, Kali will survey the general area of the town, looking at the conditions people live in, the way they make their livings, keeping an eye out for any sort of signs of local superstitions, and inquiring about anything else awry in town, whether or not it relates to the obvious mystery of the vanishing baron.

search [roll0]
spot [roll1]
gather info [roll2]

2008-10-20, 01:18 AM

Orison looks thoughtful, "If we get within a mile of the tower, I can send some prying eyes to check the place out. Normal vision only, but we might get an idea of any opposition in the actual tower itself."

2008-10-21, 03:43 PM
The townspeople wish the party luck in their search.

Did I already say Martin gave you a map of the area? If not, he does. The road to the tower splits off the main road about a day's journey from Belmont. Once in the woods, it leads directly to the tower.

2008-10-23, 09:24 AM
The map Martin gave you is clear enough to lead you to the road into the forest. As the sun nears the horizon, you find the fork leading into the trees.

2008-10-23, 10:32 AM

Orison rides along on his phantom steed, he stays near the middle of the party and when ready for camping he will cast a secure shelter again. Stopping for the night he will cast a ring of prying eyes around the shelter to stay evenly dispersed at a 500 yard radius and an eye should come back if it percieves anything Orison would consider interesting or harmful. He'll rest for two hours and be up the rest of the night.

2008-10-24, 12:01 PM
I assume the party is going to settle in, eat dinner, etc.

Setting up camp passes uneventfully, as does dinner. Before anyone can turn in, however, there is a knock on the door.

2008-10-24, 12:24 PM

Orison looks up just before the knock, "Lone woman, leading a horse." Just then the knock sounds.

2008-10-24, 01:10 PM

Cainel looks up at Orison's comment. "Want me to handle it?"

2008-10-24, 01:35 PM

Orison nods, "Sure... don't invite her in though... let's see if the threshold gives her trouble." He waves his hand to unseal the Arcane Lock on the door.

2008-10-24, 03:44 PM

Cainel casually opens the door, one knife in hand-- kept hidden behind the open door. "Yes?" she asks.

2008-10-24, 04:10 PM
Kali stood behind Cainel but out of sight, ready for anything.

2008-10-24, 04:15 PM

Thorn remains seated on one of the stools next to the trestle table. She watches the door calmly, although her fingers twitch slightly.

2008-10-24, 06:55 PM
When the door opens, you see a human woman on the other side. May I come in and warm up by your fire? It's growing dark, and I did not make as good a time as I had hoped. I had almost resigned myself to a campfire when I saw your building here.

Cainel, make a Will save.

2008-10-24, 07:45 PM

"Certainly," Cainel says to the woman, pulling the door open more widely and secreting the knife somewhere about her body. "Far be it from us to deny you shelter. You're welcome to warm yourself by the fire. We could also fix you some stew, if you'd like." Orison's recommendation appears to have completely slipped her mind.

2008-10-24, 08:47 PM

The wizard is immediately on guard, hearing Caniel disregard his advice... something that is not generally normal behavior for her.

2008-10-24, 08:52 PM
As Cainel moved to open the door, Kali quickly barred it with her foot.

"Cainel, shut the door a moment, so we can talk about this. It's not so cold that it'll bother her to wait a few minutes."

2008-10-24, 11:05 PM
Oh come now. I'm just a traveler passing though. She smiles at Kali. I can even play for my supper. She holds us a well-made but clearly well-used lute.

Kali, make a Will save. :smallsmile:

2008-10-24, 11:18 PM

Cainel looks as if she agrees with the stranger. "She doesn't look all that dangerous, and we outnumber her if she is. Where's the harm?"

2008-10-25, 10:47 AM

Orison stands, still in the corner by the writing desk, near the fire, he speaks with a firm and clear voice. "I remind everyone that this house is specifically my creation and I did not give anyone authority to invite anyone else in... in fact, Caniel, I particularly forbade you to do so." He keeps his eyes averted from the stranger at the door as he proclaims this.

2008-10-25, 11:01 AM

Cainel looks momentarily uncomfortable at Orison's rebuke before rationalizing it away. "Come on, Orison. The last thing we want to do is look out of place. The building alone is a bit suspicious. We'd look even more so if we refused a traveler a bit of shelter. It's obvious she's harmless. We're supposed to blend in."

2008-10-25, 11:08 AM

Orison frowns, "If she can step across that threshold... without my invitation, then I will be happy to apologize and feed her some stew. If she can't, then she isn't human..."

2008-10-25, 11:13 AM

"Kali isn't human either," Cainel points out. "Neither is Thorn. And you let them in. When did you start to become racist, Orison?"

2008-10-25, 11:42 AM
The woman smiles at Cainel. Thank you. It's nice to know some people, she glares at Orison, still follow road curtesy. She steps into the hut and drops her pack by the door, but holds onto her lute.

2008-10-25, 11:58 AM

Orison nods to the stranger, "I follow road courtesy, but I also follow common sense. Since you can enter without my invitation, you must be a legitimate traveller." Orison glares at Caniel, "You know exactly what I meant by human... and what my caution was since you explicitly ignored my precautions. So please keep your imagined slurs to yourself, I don't idly speculate about your personality out loud... I would hope you would extend that courtesy to me since we've been together this long."

2008-10-25, 12:10 PM
Kali took a step back from the door as the stranger walked in. A slightly confused smile crossed her face.

"Where are you from? What's your destination?"

2008-10-25, 01:34 PM
I make my living on the road, the stranger replies, again holding up her lute. I am a minstral and teller of tales - both true and not-so-true. She grins. I go where the road takes me, though at the moment, I am bound for Waterdeep. However, I am in no rush, and will get there when I get there. She strums a cord on her lute. Please give me a moment to warm myself up and I will be happy to 'sing for my supper,' so to speak. Though to be honest, I have my own food. So maybe the term should be 'play for my keep.'" She shakes her head and grins sheepishly. And forgive my rudeness. My name is Barbie.

2008-10-25, 02:43 PM

Thorn looks appraisingly at Barbie. "Have you had any trouble on the road? We heard these woods were quite dangerous. Which direction have you come from?" She gestures to one of the stools. "If you would hold off on the music-making for a moment and have a seat, I'd be interested to hear what you know about the surrounding lands, first."

Her eyes stray back to Cainiel. Kali, perhaps, but this sort of trust is rather... uncharacteristic... for Cainiel.

Active Sense Motive check [roll0]. I'm trying to discern whether my party members are under some sort of magical control, and also whether Barbie is lying through her teeth, although I may need a second check for the latter.

2008-10-26, 12:53 AM

Cainel shrugs at Orison and offers a curt apology. To the newcomer, Barbie, she says, "You may call me Rhea. I've some skill in performing myself, although I expect you'll put my playing to shame." She reverts to the pseudonym she uses when doing stage shows or chatting people up in a more friendly fashion than her usual suspicious nature. "My skills lie more in acrobatics than music."

2008-10-26, 01:26 AM

Orison sits back at the writing table, but keeps an eye on this stranger who seems to be winning uncharacteristic sympathy from his team mates.

Caniel tends to be overly suspicious... and Kali at first wanted her outside, then accepted her entry. I'm quite familiar with charm spells... and I use them when I must, though meddling with others minds is always a last resort with me. There are other practitioners who see it as the easiest way to get whatever they want. A bard perhaps... wanting to play for all of us, and put what spell into it I wonder.

2008-10-26, 06:29 AM
The woman sits down beside the fire, but makes no further move towards her lute.

Cainel, Kali, you no longer feel the mental desire to let her in.


Thorn looks appraisingly at Barbie. "Have you had any trouble on the road? We heard these woods were quite dangerous. Which direction have you come from?" She gestures to one of the stools. "If you would hold off on the music-making for a moment and have a seat, I'd be interested to hear what you know about the surrounding lands, first."

She chuckles. Most woods are "dangerous" to me, as I admit to having little woodscraft. Like you, I have heard stories of the woods, but from what I have heard, those who know the forests, she nods at Kali and tosses her a grin, should have little to no problem. She goes on to say she is traveling from the south, which is the opposite direction from Belmont.


Cainel shrugs at Orison and offers a curt apology. To the newcomer, Barbie, she says, "You may call me Rhea. I've some skill in performing myself, although I expect you'll put my playing to shame." She reverts to the pseudonym she uses when doing stage shows or chatting people up in a more friendly fashion than her usual suspicious nature. "My skills lie more in acrobatics than music."

Very pleased to meet you, Rhea. It takes all kinds of performers, and I have seen some amateurs who would put professionals to shame. I've always been amazed by acrobats; the positions you can get into!" She shakes her head and grins again.

2008-10-26, 03:03 PM

Cainel laughs lightly, slipping into her role of Rhea, although her eyes narrow slightly as she walks behind the visitor, before pulling up a chair. "Have you done much traveling? Musicians can sometimes find steady work, but I find an acrobat's act gets old after a while. Have to move on more often than not."

2008-10-26, 06:13 PM

Cainel laughs lightly, slipping into her role of Rhea, although her eyes narrow slightly as she walks behind the visitor, before pulling up a chair. "Have you done much traveling? Musicians can sometimes find steady work, but I find an acrobat's act gets old after a while. Have to move on more often than not."

I have a system that has worked well for several years. I travel when the weather is warm. As winter approaches, I start looking for an inn who will accept my services in exchange for room, board, and a little of the take. I find many innkeepers are more than willing to accept an entertainer for a few months. I bring in the customers, and it doesn't cost them much.

2008-10-28, 12:21 PM

"Seems like a good way to do it. I've often traveled with circuses. Pay's decent, and there's always a roof over your head at night. What put your feet on the path to Waterdeep?"

2008-10-28, 12:40 PM

"Seems like a good way to do it. I've often traveled with circuses. Pay's decent, and there's always a roof over your head at night. What put your feet on the path to Waterdeep?"

Barbie shrugs. It's been several years since I was there and I want to see what has changed. Besides, Waterdeep has a lot of nice inns, so finding a place to winter shouldn't be too difficult.

2008-10-28, 12:44 PM

"Are you going to play us a tune then?" she asks. "I recall some mention of that."

2008-10-28, 12:58 PM
Of course! I love having people to play for. Let's see now... She picks up the lute with a thoughtful look on her face. Ah, yes, a funny song. She breaks into a tune about a stormy night, a nobleman, his wife, and her lute.

Bet you thought I was going to tell you to roll Will saves. Nope. :smalltongue:

2008-10-28, 04:01 PM

Thorn listens thoughtfully to the music. When the song ends, she says, "Have you travelled through this area before? Do you know anything of the Moyarta family?"

2008-10-29, 10:45 AM
It's been several years since I was last through here. I know of the Moyarta family, and that the Baron and Baroness died in a boating accident. A drunk patron in a bar told me that he thought there was something fishy about the deaths. She rolled her eyes. But he was a paraniod drunk, so I have no idea how valid his thoughts were.

2008-10-29, 11:14 AM

Orison seems to be listening to the conversation, but isn't contributing anything at the moment.

2008-10-29, 11:50 AM

"Fishy how?" Cainel asks. "If nothing else, it'll make for a good story to tell-- with the proper embellishments."

2008-10-29, 12:01 PM
"Where did you meet this man? Do you remember his name?" Asked Kali, leaning forward with curiosity.

2008-10-29, 01:53 PM

"Fishy how?" Cainel asks. "If nothing else, it'll make for a good story to tell-- with the proper embellishments."

Barbie laughs at Cainel's comment about embellishments. They died as a result of a freak storm, but no real investigation was done. The Baron and Baroness were buried, and the Regents took over. According to the drunk, a lot of people wondered why the matter was just dropped.

"Where did you meet this man? Do you remember his name?" Asked Kali, leaning forward with curiosity.

I meet a lot of men, and names seldom stay with me. I believe it was in... A thoughtful look crosses her face. No, sorry, I don't remember. I guess it had to be in this area, but it's been so many years.

2008-10-29, 02:19 PM
Kali looked Barbie up and down, an eyebrow slightly raised.

"Yes... of course you do. Did you by chance meet him in Belmont?"

2008-10-31, 09:55 AM
Kali looked Barbie up and down, an eyebrow slightly raised.

"Yes... of course you do. Did you by chance meet him in Belmont?"

Barbie frowns in thought. Belmont... Belmont... No... That doesn't sound familiar. I don't think it was there.

2008-10-31, 01:38 PM

The diviner raises a brow, looking at the woman curiously and speaking for the first time since her entry. "So... where did you say you were travelling to when you stopped here?"

2008-10-31, 01:57 PM
As I said before, I am headed towards Waterdeep. There are several inns there where I could spend the winter.

2008-10-31, 03:13 PM

Orison nods, "But you've never come this way before. I mean, you've never heard of Belmont... the town that is currently closest to us? You know, the town ruled by the local baron who's parents death you have heard of."

2008-10-31, 06:11 PM

Orison nods, "But you've never come this way before. I mean, you've never heard of Belmont... the town that is currently closest to us? You know, the town ruled by the local baron who's parents death you have heard of."

She sighs. It's been years since I've been through here. I remember the story of the Baron and Baroness's deaths because they were interesting. A good story. She raises an eyebrow. Do you know the name of every town and village you have ever come close to?

2008-11-01, 09:59 AM

Orison smiles, "Probably not..."

2008-11-02, 10:42 AM
Barbie yawns. While the conversation is stimulating, it's been a long day. I have bedding, so won't need any of those. She points to the beds created in the shelter. Good night.

2008-11-02, 11:06 AM
"Rest well."

Kali sat on her fur cloak by the fire to trance for the night, but did not, as of course is normal for her kind, sleep.

2008-11-05, 01:31 PM

"Usual watch order, I presume?" Thorn asks. She moves one of the stools over near one of the windows, wraps her cloak around herself, and settles down to watch.

2008-11-05, 01:37 PM

As is typical, Orison has someone else watch while he gets a couple of hours of rest, and then he is up for the rest of the night obliviating the need for regular watches. With his prying eyes and the alarms on the door and grate, everyone gets a good night rest. Thorn takes her turn this time, and then Orison takes over. After he settles in, he takes a piece of new wood out of his pack and begins carving on it.

Carving Barbie's face. Crafting Roll: [roll0]
Partway through the night he pauses, looking up from his carving at the door. Waits a couple of minutes, then nods to himself and goes back to carving... looking at Barbie carefully to get the details right.

2008-11-05, 01:49 PM

Cainel is also up again after Ifni's watch. She opts to prowl around outside the structure for the remainder of the night, leaving Orison to his devices.

2008-11-06, 04:52 PM
Suddenly, there is a scuffing sound.

2008-11-06, 04:58 PM
Immediately, Kali was on her feet, looking towards the scuffling sound.

2008-11-06, 05:18 PM
You hear a muttered female voice, then the voice begins to sing. The song is in a language none of you know, but it is full of discords and sounds vile.

I don't think anyone speaks Infernal. If so, you do recognize the language.

Everyone make a Will save, DC 32.

2008-11-06, 05:45 PM

Orison stands, looking to see if he can find where the sound is coming from.

Will Saving Throw: [roll0] I'm the mage and I only had a 1 in 10 chance of saving against this - so I'm guessing we're not supposed to... so I guess it's fortunate I didn't?

2008-11-06, 07:00 PM

The Bard continues singing, but now her words are in Common and directed at Orison. A pleasing companion/You would have been./We would have had fun/If you'd given in./But I won't take no/For an answer, you see./Give up your life now/You are coming with me!

Not the best poetry, but I guess it could be worse. :smallsmile:

Roll for Initiative (spelling corrected)

Edit: Barbie goes on a 4.

2008-11-06, 07:03 PM

"Now that's not very nice," Thorn remarks from her perch near the window, as she reaches for her spell component pouch.


2008-11-06, 07:06 PM

Yes. You responded before I fixed my typo. :smallredface:

2008-11-06, 07:31 PM

The lithe monk charged towards Barbie, her bare sienna flesh a blur in the low light!

flurry of blows, stunning fist attack on the first. minuses taken into account. [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
damage [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] If the first attack is a hit, need fort save DC 17 or be stunned for 1 round. from the SRD: A stunned creature drops everything held, can’t take actions, takes a -2 penalty to AC, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC.

2008-11-06, 07:55 PM
The shelter is 20'X20'


Where is everyone else? Kali is obviously in melee range, but which spot?


2008-11-08, 07:12 PM

I'm at the desk next to the fire, Initiative: [roll0], Cast Deep Slumber on Barbie

Orison chants and gestures at Barbie.

2008-11-08, 08:06 PM
Barbie weaves around and avoids Kali's attacks. As the black rubbery tentacles grow out of the ground, she jumps out of the way and avoids the approaching rope.

Kali didn't miss by much. I rolled very well on Barbie's opposed grapple. :smalleek:

I will have him! Barbie snarls, driving her rapier towards Kali.

10 points of damage

Do you think to stop me? she cries as Orison casts.

I highly recommend against Will save spells as Barbie's is very high. Go for Fort, as that is her low.

2008-11-09, 12:46 AM

Cainel will attempt to slip inside the shelter once she hears the noise of battle from within. If she can remain unnoticed she will creep up behind the woman, a black-bladed dagger in her hand. If she's seen, she instead throws another of the many daggers she carries at the bard.

(I assume she's flanking with Kali regardless of her action, as she'll be within 30' of the woman.

Hide/Move Silently: _: 1D20+3 = [13]+3 = 16
1D20+3 = [6]+3 = 9

If she's not detected, attacking with Dagger of Venom:
Attack/Damage: _: 1D20+7 = [17]+7 = 24
1D4+3D6+1 = [1]+[5, 2, 2]+1 = 11
(http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=6510) (She'll use the poison effect (as the spell, DC 14) on the dagger if she successfully hits)

If she is detected, attacking with masterwork dagger, thrown:
_: 1D20+10 = [6]+10 = 16
1D4+3D6 = [4]+[4, 1, 1] = 10

(+2 to both attacks if she gets flanking. If she doesn't flank or sneak, she loses the 3d6 damage).

Whew-- sorry for the complicated post.)

2008-11-09, 11:34 AM
Kali ignores the wound caused by Barbie's rapier, her fists flying in a blur once more!

"What are you talking about!? Have who!?"

flurry of blows again, stunning fist attempt on first attack, fort DC 17.

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

dmg [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

2008-11-10, 06:46 PM
Barbie again manages to dodge Kali's fists. Him! The man in the corner. He would be perfect for my collection.

Barbie is too obsessed with Orison to notice Cainel creeping in. Needless to say, she is rather shocked when a dagger appears in her back! Her shock is so great that she doesn't even realize when one of the black rubber tentacles wraps around her. She struggles to escape, but can do nothing.

2008-11-10, 08:10 PM

Orison frowns, "You collect wizards do you?" He watches to see how the tentacles fare before adding more chaos to the battle, hoping that it might be finished.

2008-11-10, 08:28 PM
Not wanting the suggestive bard to open her mouth again and ensorcel the group with her magic, Kali moved quickly to knock the bard out cold.

"Question her later!"

same as before, stunning fist on first attack [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] dmg [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] doing subdual damage.

2008-11-10, 08:30 PM
and to confirm the threatened critical..... [roll0]

2008-11-11, 01:07 AM
Cainel drives the knife into the woman again and again, still attacking from the rear.

(Two attacks: First attack and damage _: 1D20+9 = [19]+9 = 28
1D4+3D6+1 = [4]+[4, 2, 5]+1 = 16
2nd attack and damage: _: 1D20+4 = [2]+4 = 6
1D4+3D6+1 = [4]+[1, 4, 3]+1 = 13

2008-11-11, 01:55 AM
The woman glares at Orison. I collect MEN! With a sigh at the holes in her body, she says some words and disappears.

DC 22 Spellcraft to recognize the spell she cast.

2008-11-11, 02:01 AM

Orison ponders the lady's remarks... and magic.

Spellcraft Roll: [roll0]

2008-11-15, 11:52 AM

Cainel looks irritated at the sudden disappearance. "Where did she go?"

2008-11-15, 12:04 PM

The diviner frowns, "Greater Teleport... not a bardic ability. But an at will ability for certain... entities. Succubi in particular, since they are known to collect men... until they drain them anyway. She used a spell in the night to make me think I heard scratching at the door, I didn't fall for it, I'm not sure how opening the door would have put me in her control though."

2008-11-15, 01:59 PM

"So she's not just outside, then?"

2008-11-17, 09:54 PM
The Next Morning

The sun rises the next morning and all is quiet around the shelter. There is no sign of Barbie. The path into the forest lies before you.

2008-11-18, 12:15 AM

Orison shrugs, "I'll keep my eyes out for the night... if she is an extraplanar creature, her ability to teleport might be at will. We may have a hard time shaking her... but don't worry. She won't be escaping so easily if she shows her face again." The night passes and in the morning everyone packs up and begins moving again.

2008-11-18, 05:51 PM
"Next time we have a visitor, I vote we keep the door closed."

She looked up the road.

"Well, I guess we should keep moving... but if we're now dealing with demons, the worst is sure to be ahead."

2008-11-18, 07:00 PM

Orison nods, "Exactly... if we are dealing with demons, that might be a clue as to what happened to the Baron and his people."

2008-11-18, 07:40 PM

"While I'm open to the possibility, let's not get so focused on it that we're blind to any other option. It's also possibly unrelated-- or indirectly related. We may not encounter any demons in the keep at all. We just don't have enough information to go on."

2008-11-18, 08:03 PM

Orison nods as everyone continues walking, "Wisely put."

2008-11-18, 10:44 PM
The path through the woods is 10' wide and progresses (with some minor twists and turns) in the general direction of the tower. The weather is beautiful, with sunlight breaking through the trees at random intervals. (The path itself is clear, other than overhang from nearby trees.)

What is the walking order?

BTW, Infi sent me a PM saying her posting would be intermittent due to RL issues and for me to NPC Thorn when needed.)

2008-11-25, 10:35 PM
Kali nodded to the others.

"I will take point."

some spot checks, JIC. [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

and also some survival checks to see what sort of traffic (if any) the road sees. [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]

2008-11-25, 11:38 PM

Orison nods, "I'll hang to the middle if you don't mind... I'd rather not get collected!"

2008-11-25, 11:51 PM

"I'll play rearguard and lag behind a little."

2008-12-02, 10:22 PM

Thorn rides beside Orison on her dog, leading her donkey. She looks around cautiously, but finds her gaze catching on the beauty of the woods. Such peace has been unusual for her over the past decade, and it is seductive... but she also feels twitchy, uncomfortable, as if surely the calm loveliness of the day must mask something foul.

Like that... succubus, Orison said? A fair face may mask foul deeds anywhere, but surely here more than most places. She finds her mouth quirking in amusement as she glances up at Orison. I never saw our loremaster as the answer to a demon's dreams, though... at least she seemed easy enough to chase away.

At Orison's words, she reaches over to pat his arm. She grins and says lightly, "Don't fear, Orison. We won't let any seductresses steal our loremaster."

2008-12-03, 12:40 AM

Orison smiles, "Well, no alien outsiders anyway. A nice mortal seductress... now that I wouldn't need saving from."

2008-12-04, 08:58 AM
Sorry everyone. It seems I missed where everyone answered me.

The forest is quiet, but not unnaturally so. The 10' wide path is a little overgrown, but still visible. Trees line the edges with occasional clearings, but no major side paths.

The path does get some occasional traffic. Mostly normal forest creatures, but there do seem to be a few boot tracks.

As you go around a bend in the path, you see a humanoid creature crouching on a tree limb a few feet farther on. Much of the creature is hidden in the still-attached leaves, so you can't see much more than that.

2008-12-05, 02:53 PM
Kali's left fist went up over her shoulder in a silent "hold" sign. Behind her head, she held up a single finger to indicate a single opponent, and then pointed the finger ahead of her.

2008-12-06, 01:33 AM

The diviner nods and casts a spell, holding up his own hand while he concentrates. You've all see this before, he's sending forward an Arcane Eye to scout ahead.

Cast Arcane Eye (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/arcaneEye.htm) to scan ahead and examine this lurker in the trees...

2008-12-06, 10:02 AM
Orison:The creature in the tree is human, wearing a chain shirt, and is armed with 2 swords.

As Orison casts, a rustling sound can be heard from the about 10' off the path. Two humans jump up and pull back on their bows.

Roll for Init.

Edit: The Bandits go on 4.

2008-12-06, 12:07 PM

As far back as she is, Cainel opts to stay out of range for now and attack with her longbow.

(She takes a 5' step forward before firing.

Initiative: _: 1D20+3 = [14]+3 = 17
Attacks: _: 1D20+9 = [8]+9 = 17
1D20+4 = [5]+4 = 9
Damages: _: 1D8 = [4] = 4
1D8 = [8] = 8
I believe she catches them flat-footed (so no dex to AC) as she beat their initiative, but she is too far away (outside 30') to use sneak attack. If she is able to, that's an extra 3d6 damage on each attack. At this point, she'd be 25' behind Orison and Thorn.)

2008-12-06, 04:32 PM

Thorn guides her dog away from the bandits, back toward Cainiel. She pulls a piece of dried tentacle from her belt pouch and hurls it into the air, chanting a spell as she does so, and writhing black tentacles spring up from the earth around the two archers.

Initiative: [roll0]

Moving back on dog to Cainiel's position, leading donkey. I automatically make the DC 5 Ride check to guide with knees. Casting Evard's Black Tentacles on the two archers that I can see - I'll sculpt it if that's necessary to get both of them. Either way, I'll try to position it so one of them is on the edge (so Kali can engage them if need be).

Grapple check vs first archer: [roll1]
Grapple check vs second archer: [roll2]

Damage vs first archer if grappled (including +2 Warmage Edge): [roll3]
Damage vs second archer if grappled (including +2 Warmage Edge): [roll4].

2008-12-06, 04:40 PM

Orison immediately stops concentrating on the eye spell. He waves his hands in the air and chants a mystic spell.

Initiative: [roll0]; Cast Haste (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/haste.htm) on myself and my nearby comrades.

2008-12-06, 04:52 PM
Kali headed straight for the person in the tree, her lithe form moving like a blur!

init [roll0]

running jump: [roll1]

tumble to avoid AOO's [roll2]

attack (charging, stunning fist) [roll3]

damage [roll4]

2008-12-06, 09:07 PM
Cainel's first arrow at first looks like it will hit one of the archers, but the archer managed to move out of the way at the last second. Her second flies well wide.

I believe she catches them flat-footed (so no dex to AC)
You would, but both of these archers have Rogue levels, so have Uncanny Dodge.

Both archers glare at Thorn as they are caught in the tentacles.

Kali's fist flies into the face of the first Bandit. His head jerks back from the impact. However, he manages to stay on his feet.

The archer Kali hit manages to escape the grapple, but the other remains in the hold of the spell. The one that escaped takes a 5' step away.

The Bandit from the tree drops onto the path and draws his weapons. Another one (armed with a longbow) appears on the other side of the path from the original archers. He fires two arrows at Thorn and one at Cainel.

12 points damage to Thorn. 5 to Cainel.

Finally, a lightening bolt drops out of the sky on top of Orison.

12 points of damage. Reflex DC 15 for half



2008-12-07, 12:34 AM
Orison (Round 1 of 10 on haste)

With a yawn, Orison abruptly steps to the side, and the lightening bolt falls where he was standing only moments before. "Someone here likes to throw lightening, but has never targeted an oracle before..." He chants another spell and gestures at each of the visible targets.

Since his reflex save is +14, I won't bother to roll it... even if I roll a 1 I get the DC 15, and since I have Prescient Sense, any reflex roll for half I make, avoids damage completely.

Cast Slow (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/slow.htm) on the 3 archers and the bandit from the tree... I wasn't too sure about distances on the map, but since the archers were 10' off the path, none of them can be more than 30' from any other one.

2008-12-07, 07:41 PM
Kali dove out of the tree after the armed bandit, fists and feet flying in a blur!

ok, extra attack from last round: [roll0] damage [roll1]

attacks from this round:
[roll2] damage [roll3] (also expending a stunning fist attack to do extra fire damage) [roll4]
[roll5] damage [roll6]
[roll7] damage [roll8]
extra attack from haste: [roll9] damage [roll10]

2008-12-07, 09:54 PM
OOC: With Kali's retroactive attack, the archer that escaped from the tentacles is actually dead.

2008-12-07, 10:03 PM
ooc: Kali was attacking the guy in the tree, with the swords, remember? Not the archer.

2008-12-07, 10:07 PM
ooc: Kali was attacking the guy in the tree, with the swords, remember? Not the archer.

Ah, read your previous post wrong. I thought you charged through the trees at the archers.

Enemy HP readjusted. (Since Kali goes last of the PC's, I'll post the adjusted results once everyone else has posted.)

2008-12-11, 11:51 AM

Cainel lets loose a volley of arrows at the archer to her right, the one not stuck in tentacles, waiting for now to see in what direction the battle will move before committing herself to melee.

(Hasted attack/damage from last round:
_: 1D20+9 = [4]+9 = 13
1D8 = [5] = 5

3 attacks/damage for this round:
_: 1D20+9 = [17]+9 = 26
1D8 = [4] = 4
_: 1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23
1D8 = [5] = 5
_: 1D20+9 = [6]+9 = 15
1D8 = [6] = 6

(Sorry about the delay.)

2008-12-14, 01:38 AM

Thorn yelps as the arrows strike home, but relaxes slightly as Orison's spell seems to take effect and slow the assailants, although her dark eyes still burn with anger. "Orison, where did that lightning come from?" She invokes more tentacles to wrap around those who remain standing, and glares at the bandits, waiting to strike at any who escape: green smoke hisses from her fingertips.

Dumping Sculpted Evard's Black Tentacles (four 10ft cubes) on the bad guys. Grapple checks:
If any are NOT grappled, they can have a Quickened Lesser Orb of Acid to the face, ranged touch [roll4] for [roll5] acid damage. If they're all grappled I'll just let Kali beat them up :smallsmile:

EDIT: Ouch! I hope they are all grappled so I don't waste a quickened spell to a nat 1 :smalltongue:

2008-12-14, 03:44 AM

Orison shakes his head, "Not sure... could be someone hiding... could be a druid in the form of a tree."

2008-12-14, 05:48 AM
Two of Cainel's arrows pierce the archer, but he remains on his feet. However, he is looking rather battered.

The bandit attacked by Kali falls dead in a pile of goo.

The Archer that escaped the tentacles before wasn't that lucky this time. He's caught again. The archer on the other side of the path is also caught by Thorn's spell.

Finally, another bolt of lightening streaks from the sky at Thorn.
12 damage, DC 15 Reflex for half

A Druid in tree form? That would be a 12th level Druid, on top of the rest of the bandits. I am be heartless at times, but I am not that heartless. :smallbiggrin:

BTW, Ifni, you need to roll damage for the tentacles.

2008-12-14, 06:04 PM
Damage for tentacles: [roll0]
Reflex save: [roll1]
Also, subtract 2 from the grapple checks of that last set of tentacles: I was half asleep and mixed Thorn up with my L12 sorcerer in another game. The modifier should be +18 not +20, it's CL+8.
This time I sculpted the spell to four 10ft cubes (using a L5 slot), I'm aiming to catch all four (visible) bad guys if possible.

2008-12-14, 09:39 PM

Orison doesn't speak as he gestures and mutters the words of a new spell.

Cast See Invisibility (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/seeInvisibility.htm) on self.

2008-12-15, 07:15 AM
The spell does not cause any invisible creatures/people/etc to appear.

Make a Spot check.

2008-12-15, 09:50 AM

The wizard looks around as though his spell might somehow let him see the lightening caster better.

Spot: [roll0]

2008-12-15, 11:21 AM
You see a creature creeping slowly through the undergrowth, approaching the path. If it follows the line it is on, it will appear on the path behind the party.

2008-12-15, 11:59 AM

The wizard pauses in his slow scan, his eyes seeming to focus on something moving through the undergrowth toward the back of the party, he looks like he is getting ready to prepare another spell.

ooc: but can't yet, obviously because he's acted this round... ;)

2008-12-15, 10:13 PM
(Can I get an updated map?)

2008-12-15, 10:25 PM


The creature Orison saw creeping along is tracking from the solitary archer to behind Cainel. It is in underbrush.

2008-12-20, 12:36 AM

OOC: Okay, if we're ready for the next round...
Orison tracks his target, "So, trying to creep through the grass like a helpless little animal? Why not be one!" He chants and gestures at the grass.

Cast Baleful Polymorph (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/balefulPolymorph.htm): Turn it into a squirrel. Fortitude negates, DC:22.

2008-12-20, 12:28 PM

Cainel continues to concentrate her fire on the archer to her right.

(1st Attack/Damage: _: 1D20+9 = [3]+9 = 12
1D8 = [3] = 3
2nd Attack/Damage: _: 1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23
1D8 = [8] = 8
Hasted Attack/Damage: _: 1D20+9 = [4]+9 = 13
1D8 = [3] = 3

2008-12-20, 01:31 PM

Cainel continues to concentrate her fire on the archer to her right.

The archer falls dead.

2008-12-21, 01:23 PM
The remaining archers struggle to escape the tentacles, but fail. The remaining Rogue archer is looking really bad.

The Druid-wolf stops to listen to Kali's words, then looks around. He gives a motion that on a humanoid could be considered a shrug. Then he turns and lopes away.

The Druid is slowed, so is moving about as fast has he can away from the party.

Wiz, do you still want to try to baleful polyporph the Druid?


The one on the left is the one that is almost dead.

2008-12-21, 03:21 PM

Orison stops mid-spell.

Hmmmm... its fleeing, and its not as if Baleful Polymorph would have a lasting effect on a shape shifter...

2008-12-26, 11:47 AM

Cainel holds off on her attack for the moment, looking to the rest of the group. "Kill them now? Or interrogate them and kill them later?" she asks. Her bow is ready and she will fire if either archer attempts to continue combat.

2008-12-26, 11:04 PM
Kali shook her head.

"I think they are just simple guardians of the wood... Perhaps we should ask one of them if they know what's happened here though."

2008-12-30, 05:00 PM
The near-dead archer manages to cry out one word, "Valk," before falling over dead. The other archer manages to escape the grapple, but cannot do any more.

2008-12-30, 10:22 PM

Figuring it's worth a try Cainel calls out to the last archer. "Drop your weapons. We may let you live." Her bow is trained on the man.

2008-12-31, 05:45 AM

Orison intones, "I see two possible futures stretching forward from this moment... one in which you explain your attack upon us, we come to an understanding and you live... one in which an arrow... ooooh..." he winces. "I don't think you want that one."

Listen: 17 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5569169&posted=1#post5569169)

2009-01-03, 02:27 PM
The archer laughs and maintains hold on his bow. I think not...

Orison, Kali:
You hear the sounds of footsteps coming from farther along the path. As in, beyond where Kali knocked the bandit out of the tree.

2009-01-03, 02:38 PM

"Have it your way, then," Cainel says, loosing another round of arrows into the archer.

(Attack/Damage 1: _: 1D20+9 = [8]+9 = 17
1D8 = [1] = 1
Attack/Damage 2: _: 1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23
1D8 = [5] = 5
Attack/Damage 3 (hasted): _: 1D20+9 = [8]+9 = 17
1D8 = [4] = 4

2009-01-03, 02:47 PM

"I'm not sure that letting the druid go was the best choice... we have more visitors coming." He gestures down the path and begins intoning a spell.

Cast Evard's Black Tentacles down the path in the direction that the footsteps are coming.

2009-01-08, 06:47 PM
The footsteps pause, then sounds of people pushing through the underbrush can be heard.

One of Cainel's arrows hit the archer.

The archer looses 3 arrows, 1 of which pierces Thorn. He's clearly quite annoyed with being grappled before! 5 points of damage

OOC, the druid had nothing to do with this. He really did run off and isn't coming back!

2009-01-08, 06:56 PM
Kali growled.

"Whoever you are, you must be in a hurry to die."

how far away are these new attackers? How many? Can Kali see them? spot check: [roll0]

2009-01-08, 09:28 PM
You see 2 figures - they look human - moving though the trees on the same side as the path that the rogue archers were on.


H = New humanoids

2009-01-08, 09:44 PM
Kali's eye caught something moving through the brush, and she took off like a shot, moving with precision and speed; years of discipline and training have honed her lithe elven form into a deadly weapon, and she moved all the easier, unabated by clunky armor or constricting clothing.


charge attack on the human to the front.

atk [roll0] dmg [roll1] ac until next round = 25