View Full Version : Looking For Some Kind of Space/Flight Sim

2008-10-09, 10:58 AM
Straight to the point. Do you guys have any recommendation for this kind of space/flight sim?

Basically, a fun, light dogfighting game where we could set up some things, then blast away for a few minutes.

I used to play Star Wars Battlefront 2 for the space battle. I could just set some thing and dogfight for a couple of minutes when I'm bored, setting another song as the bgm if I want to pretend that I'm a Valkyrie pilot or something. For some reason I can't play that game anymore (involving disintegrated disk).

So... any idea? Space battle would be great, but I'll consider anything.

Archonic Energy
2008-10-09, 11:01 AM
X3 : The Reunion

that is all...

2008-10-09, 11:18 AM
Good as X3: Reunion is, I don't think it really matches what he was asking for--sounds more like he wants some sort of multiplayer blast-em-up. Could be wrong, though.

2008-10-09, 11:34 AM
Yeah, X3 sounds interesting, and definitely in my to-buy-list, but that's not what I'm looking for. Yeah, I'm looking for something more like Counter Strike: The Space Dogfighting Edition or something like that.

Archonic Energy
2008-10-09, 11:35 AM
Good as X3: Reunion is, I don't think it really matches what he was asking for--sounds more like he wants some sort of multiplayer blast-em-up. Could be wrong, though.

but... X3 :smallfrown:
it's the reason i baught a saitek X52...

it's cool...

although it doesn't meat the OP's requirements of being quick or simple.

play it

this message was braught to you by, Egosoft.

2008-10-09, 11:51 AM
Freespace 2.

2008-10-09, 07:40 PM
Freespace 2.

A hearty second.

Freespace 1 is also great.

Mando Knight
2008-10-09, 09:14 PM
Star Fox. You'll be in their debt, and be honored to have them as a part of the Cornerian...

Get either 64 (on the VC! :smallbiggrin:), or the original SNES. Assault and Command are also decent choices (although Command is... different, and Assault suffers from too many land fights...).

Or... Star Wars: Rogue Squadron/Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader. Not Rebel Strike, unless you plan on playing multiplayer (which only Rebel Strike has, but the two-player version of Rogue Leader is the best feature on it...)

...also, DO A BARREL ROLL!

2008-10-09, 10:21 PM
If you have an Xbox, I heartily recommend Crimson Skies.

It's a weird tech-western flight combat game in single-player mode, but in multiplayer it's a jaw-busting eye-watering blast as you blow your friends out of the sky with rockets, machine guns, super-plane-mounted-shotguns, and cluster missiles.

I don't think I ever had more fun on my xbox than when I was playing that game with 2 friends.

2008-10-10, 12:19 AM
Thanks for the recommendations. Sadly I don't have an X Box. currently I only got a semi decent PC.

I've been looking for the PC version of Crimson Skies for AGES. nobody got that anymore around here.

And I just can't buy things online for some reasons.

Anybody can explain to me about Freespace 2 Source Code Project?

2008-10-10, 01:42 AM
Anybody can explain to me about Freespace 2 Source Code Project?

It's exactly that--the programming source code for Freespace 2. It does NOT include the art, models, or sound effects from the actual game, so it's still not legal to just go and download a copy of the game, if that's what you were thinking.

2008-10-10, 07:36 AM
Freespace is a good space sim but I feel that the Wing Commander games are the best space sims there are.

2008-10-10, 08:11 AM
You need to go here...


.. sign up for the beta.

It is basically a flight sim + an MMO. It is joystick flight, not the mouse click like EVE online, so you can use that saitek to its fullest. How well you can actually fly your ship matters more than arbitrary statistics.

I find this rather exciting since it is an MMO but not fantasy based or based on statistics and time spent playing. A crap pilot that has a higher level ship can still get whooped by a newb that knows his stuff.

2008-10-10, 08:18 AM
If you want something Star Warsy, try X-Wing Alliance. Dozens of different ships to pilot, plenty of to-scale Star Destroyers to blow up. It's about as old as Freespace 2, so it may be difficult finding it.

2008-10-10, 08:21 AM
Once www.gog.com (good old games) gets out of beta you will be able to buy many of the older titles like freespace for download that work on newer computers.

2008-10-10, 08:54 AM
I used to play Star Wars Battlefront 2 for the space battle. I could just set some thing and dogfight for a couple of minutes when I'm bored, setting another song as the bgm if I want to pretend that I'm a Valkyrie pilot or something.

You want Freespace 1 then for there's the GTF Valkyrie (which happens to be the best ship imo). Too bad it's obsolete by FS2...

Punning aside, you really DO want Freespace. Both of them. When you're up against a couple of SF Dragons on higher difficulties, you'll get all the dogfighting you've ever desired and then some. Plus there's the collosal capships, especially awesome in 2.

2008-10-10, 09:17 AM
freespace 2.

2008-10-11, 03:21 PM
Thanks a lot guys!

Anyway, I'll try Freespace ATM. I've always want to try it but can't find it around here and generally I don't do online shopping. But gog is going to be so awesome anyway that I'll disregard my personal rule about online shopping.

2008-10-11, 03:59 PM
I recommend Wing Commander 2. It is a lot of fun, and the graphics while primitive, are colourful. Getting it to run with sound is best accomplished with DOSBox in my opinion, though VDMSound may also work.
Red Baron, is a lot of fun, if you want a nice world war 1 sim. And it is official abandonware. It uses 3D graphics for the planes, which wile not as detailed as Wing Commanders sprite based, do the job. It can be download from Abandonia (http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/309/Red+Baron.html), one of the more reputable abandonware sites.

2008-10-11, 04:36 PM
There's one I used to play a while ago called Allegiance (http://freeallegiance.org/).

Basic premise is that if you're a pilot, it's a dog-fighting thing. If you're commander, it's an RTS except the units you use to attack can be kinda bitchy.

Commander makes use of credits (gained from miners mining He3 asteroids) to purchase builders, miners, or special ships for pilots. Three primary tech paths (there is one more, but it doesn't come into play often) for development are Expansion, Supremacy and Tactical (last one is capital ships, which [if allowed] turns the game into who can get a capital ship first and get everyone in its turrets).

Pretty fun, especially once you get out of the newb zone and start participating in matches with some of the more experienced people. There's a Cadet program that they do monthly (lasts two months) to help people that sign up learn about the game in general and how best to pilot certain ships.

2008-10-12, 05:31 AM
I'm playing Wing Commander 1 from Abandonia now. Man, it's kinda fun, and make me nostalgic.

I used to play dos games using dos box back then when I only got a crappy laptop and no money.

I think I'll download the privateer remake next. Then I'll try to find a copy of Freespace.

2008-10-12, 06:02 AM
Freelancer is very fun, and from the right station, you can be less than a minute from a furball.

If you want jump in and play action thought, X-Com: Interceptor is awesome. Other people don't like it for it's differences, but it has a Combat Simulator, that'll give you a number of different missions and several difficulties. Tons of fun.

2008-10-12, 09:12 AM
Thanks for the recommendations. Sadly I don't have an X Box. currently I only got a semi decent PC.

Then you need'nt look further than the PC version.

2008-10-12, 04:31 PM

If you can find a copy of it, the multiplayer mode will have areas of space where you can do what you are looking for.

2008-10-12, 11:42 PM
X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter are all great games but they are hard to find and may not be compatable with newer operating systems.

The space game in Star Wars Galaxies isn't that bad although you'll have to buy better equipment for your ship in order to advance.

*Note that these use Star Wars Physics and not actual Physics. In Star Wars Physics there is no inertia in space and sound can travel through a vacuum :smalltongue:

2008-10-13, 01:10 PM
Nobody remembers Tachyon: The Fringe? My only complaint about it was that it was too short.

Also: The Windows 95 remake of TIE Fighter is still available through Amazon for about $10. Probably the best dogfighting game of its era, and should still hold up well today. Graphics aren't as good as they used to be, but TIE Defenders *rock*, whether you're flying them .. or flying against them.


Brian P.

2008-10-15, 06:49 PM
I agree with the above recommendations, especially WC2...tie fighter is nice.

But I have the same question regarding current space combat sims or online space combat sims. I recently found out about Vendetta Online and I'm thinking of trying that one. Has anyone tried that yet? Is it good? I'm willing to sacrifice some eye candy for playability and its supposedly based off WC. The screenshots appear to at least have a similar radar display. Any other similar recommendations, mmo or not, are cool also. I saw homeworld but it seems to be more strategically based and eve doesn't allow me to control the action.

2008-10-15, 07:40 PM
X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter are all great games but they are hard to find and may not be compatable with newer operating systems.

The space game in Star Wars Galaxies isn't that bad although you'll have to buy better equipment for your ship in order to advance.

*Note that these use Star Wars Physics and not actual Physics. In Star Wars Physics there is no inertia in space and sound can travel through a vacuum :smalltongue:

yeah, the X-wing and Tie fighter games are some of the best pc games out there. I'm willing to bet you can find a patch for them nowadays.

oh and don't forget X-wing vs Tie fighter, if your looking for multi-player