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2008-10-09, 04:30 PM
Out of Character discussion, thy home is here!

EDIT: By the way, if no one objects, I'd rather not include the Sanity Checks to see if your mind explodes. It seems like an extra distraction, and would slow the game down some. If you want the character development to show a crumbling psyche, by all means... but I won't force it.

2008-10-09, 04:38 PM
AH the OOC...
Let's do this thing.

2008-10-09, 08:23 PM
William, Nis, and Lily, you guys have the spotlight for the moment.

2008-10-09, 08:35 PM
Should we post IC?

2008-10-09, 09:03 PM
Absolutely. Consider the game in full swing.

2008-10-09, 09:19 PM
Hey, OOC thread! Happiness. Let's get going.

EDIT: I don't mind the lack of Sanity Checks. Not a problem.

2008-10-09, 09:27 PM
Grug is unconscious, so don't expect any help from me anytime real soon...

2008-10-09, 09:52 PM
On a totally separate note, my school (Clemson) is about to lose a heartbreaker against Wake Forest.

EDIT: Remus, you're up.

2008-10-10, 11:52 AM
This is something I learned from another play-by-post campaign. Google Docs has an interactive spreadsheet program, which lends itself well to this sort of thing.


If you have a gmail account, you can edit it yourself, whenever you take your turn. Just send me your gmail name. If you'd rather just post where your character moves, and let me update it for you, that's cool too.

2008-10-10, 02:47 PM
Grug is unconscious, so don't expect any help from me anytime real soon...

Look, I've been unconsious my share of times, but how are you already?!:smalleek:

2008-10-10, 03:59 PM
Sorry to bear bad news, but I roll out for my trip in about an hour. I'll be back posting within 48 hours.

As for why Grog's unconscious already... I'm tellin' ya, these guys don't mess around.

2008-10-10, 04:03 PM
... ....


Well crap.

Also, that works out, because I have a very busy weekend coming up.

2008-10-10, 04:27 PM
A cloud of purple gas came in through the crack under my door. There either wasn't a save or I didn't make it.

2008-10-10, 06:01 PM
See, While you people are fighting, or falling asleep, Jonathan is having a nice walk around the countryside, enjoying intelligent conversation with a man of similar scientific bearing. Nah, not really. I'm either there and unconscious, or not there yet. One of those two. Oh, my, Fun. Although admittedly, even if I showed up just in time, I'd not be able to do much more than shout Hey! Hit it there! Oh, fun.

2008-10-12, 03:32 PM
You know, I only just now noticed how diverse our alignments are. We have LG, CG, N, CN, and two NEs. Considered as a whole, though, our group seems likely to trend towards neutrality.

2008-10-12, 03:38 PM
It occured to me that Nis and John would know the layout of this place... though maybe not any changes in the last, say, 15 minutes. Assume that you know the basic layout as shown on the map.

2008-10-12, 05:20 PM
It has not yet allowed me to see the map, keeps saying I don't have access. On a side note, would John know Tyrio? I'll assume for the time that, yes, I've worked with him, and edit if necessary. Also, John's gonna come off pretty rude for a few posts. Please don't worry, it'll fade, but waltzing into a unsecured war-zone, with Unknown enemies bothers him a bit. He'll get over it.

2008-10-12, 05:56 PM
You'd need a gmail account to view and edit the map.

If this is too much of a hassle, how is map-viewing normally handled on these boards?

2008-10-12, 05:59 PM
Oh, It's not, so far as I know, but it's okay, I've worked out that, asked for the approval a few minutes ago.

2008-10-12, 06:01 PM
Alrighty. When you get one, either PM or post your gmail account name, and I'll add you to the "Can Edit" list.

2008-10-13, 09:14 PM
So... it turns out there's a "Let anyone in the world edit this" feature.

You don't have to sign in, or anything to edit the map (http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pY6Vh261I5eUV9Pv1cjsHTg). Just click and go.

2008-10-14, 01:55 PM
Wow, that works out really well, since I've been trying for a while to remeber my account passsword. :smallredface:

What are the small orange dots in some of the squares?

2008-10-14, 03:08 PM
The small orange dots are comments, briefly describing the room. If you hover your pointer over those squares, a short description will appear. I figured it's the easiest way to denote what room is what.

By the way, assume all doors are closed. Haven't found a good way to show closed/open doors, yet.

By the way, Mr. Crowley, it appears you're up, by virtue of a big monstrous man looking at you.

2008-10-14, 05:12 PM
Yes, yes it would. Well, I have more than five minutes in a row today, so lets see what I can do.

2008-10-14, 11:13 PM
Oh gee! Look, there's a barricaded door! THAT might be slightly important, don't you think?

*wants to get in on the action*

2008-10-15, 01:13 PM
Nah, it was barricaded from the outside, chances are high that it was the attackers wanting to keep something in, hence, not something that directly threatens us. Safer by far to check out the lot of things going on out here first.

2008-10-15, 02:52 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a real-life failed "sense motive" check.

On a separate note, does anyone have objections if I make some of your rolls without you knowing? (Spot and Listen, mostly.) It seems silly to wait a day for everyone to post one roll, rather than just doing the rolls.

2008-10-15, 02:56 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a real-life failed "sense motive" check.

Uh oh. :smalleek: >was it me?

Also, sure.

2008-10-15, 03:43 PM
Nah, it was barricaded from the outside, chances are high that it was the attackers wanting to keep something in, hence, not something that directly threatens us. Safer by far to check out the lot of things going on out here first.


Grug is in there! My character! That's what I was hinting at!

I guess I'll just wait unconscious while the rest of you search every other room in the church first.

EDIT: Oh, wait, you checked it anyway. Thanks.

2008-10-15, 03:51 PM
I'm aware that your character was in there, but honestly. Metagaming is bad! Also, Really not a in character thing for Jonathan to do.

2008-10-15, 03:59 PM
Metagaming is bad!

So is splitting up the party!

2008-10-15, 04:01 PM
Wellllll...We were already split up, and....you know, at this point It fails to matter. How would you like to be woken?

2008-10-15, 04:04 PM
wait - I've got an idea. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-15, 04:11 PM
Metagaming is bad!

Aw, come on. That wasn't metagaming. I saw a closed and it was obviously baraccaded by the attackers. What am I supposed to think?

2008-10-15, 04:12 PM
perhaps one of the attackers was IN there, and it was barricaded by one of the few survivors, or one of the slain in his last dying effort.

2008-10-15, 04:15 PM
Ok, fine, I'm not saying it's the only answer, but it's the most likely.

Also, I updated the map to what I thought the locations of everyone was, but of course feel free to move yourself.

2008-10-15, 07:52 PM
What a time for Terraspaz to be offline, huh? :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-15, 10:52 PM
I guarantee that the longer this campaign goes on the better my improvisational Orc poetry will get.

The question is: Can the campaign last enough for "better" to actually become "tolerable"?

2008-10-15, 10:55 PM
It... wasn't.... too..........

There's always next time! :smallbiggrin:

Just kidding. I'm no better at improv.

2008-10-15, 11:15 PM
I'm still trying to get a handle on how I want to characterize Grug and his people, but I have a feeling it's all going to inexorably slide towards TNG-onward Klingon no matter where I start out...

I've decided, though, that the most distinctive speech quirk I can give him is to not give him a speech quirk. Orcs always have speech quirks. I was going to do the, "no?"s at the end of sentences as an ongoing thing, but I think it's best to just try to play him as a more or less normal guy apart from the militaristic, primitive, tribal background.

...but he'll still probably end up a green Klingon. :smallfrown: At least I'm trying!

2008-10-15, 11:20 PM
It's Okay.... I don't think Worf ever began a fight by singing at his enemies. I'm not sure, but whatever.

2008-10-16, 12:09 AM
Well dang. Go to visit some friends for a few hours, and you guys post up a storm!

-1 for me.

2008-10-16, 12:27 AM
I'm going to say Grug's investigating Davin's office, not the storeroom.

2008-10-16, 01:07 AM
ditto for davin's.

..and great. we've got worf and riker in the same party. :smallbiggrin:

..except it's bizarro-world EVIL riker. :smalleek:

2008-10-16, 01:26 AM
And you now have me wanting to restructure Jonathan into Evil!Data.
Not Lore, Evil!Data.
No, I couldn't do it. But the idea made me laugh.

2008-10-16, 06:40 AM
By the way, I think that makes Nis Dr. Crusher.

2008-10-16, 09:49 AM
Remus will search the room, for Davin, any sign of struggle, or anyone hiding there.

search: [roll0]

2008-10-16, 10:27 AM
Inspecting the nooks and crannies of the room, you don't discover anything new. Considering the carnage that took place in the main room, you note that this room is free of blemish.

2008-10-16, 11:03 AM
So, is it a small shelf? I'd meant to pick up something I could carry and cast daylight on it. Oh well, whatever works.

2008-10-16, 11:27 AM
Ah, alright then. Easy fix.

2008-10-16, 01:56 PM
By the way, I think that makes Nis Dr. Crusher.

I should probably figure out what you guys are rerferenceing to...

2008-10-16, 02:29 PM
I should probably figure out what you guys are rerferenceing to...

Star Trek: The Next Generation, perhaps? Just a guess. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-16, 08:01 PM
Wait, Shhh!, aren't you a wizard?:smallconfused:

2008-10-16, 08:02 PM
But, I wonder...Who would that make Lily? And William? Oh...One of them would have to be....GASP....The Wesley...Please, don't hurt me.
-edit-Oh no, Archivist. Like wizard, only divine, and with neat little enemy identification bonuses instead of a familiar. I thought about wizard, with a raven that caws nevermore, but it was a tad too cliche for me, I figured I'd save the concept for something a little lighter in tone

2008-10-16, 08:09 PM
So, that means I shouldn't break out the synchronized-swimming-leprechaun encounter? Dang.

<Scribbles to rewrite entire campaign>

2008-10-16, 08:11 PM
No, no, that would be horrifying. The Accents alone, they would drive a man mad...and the gold, oh, for the love of gold!

2008-10-16, 08:19 PM
:smalleek: I'm missing so much!

2008-10-16, 08:45 PM
Aww, man, I hope that's not it for the night. Things were starting to get interesting.

2008-10-16, 09:14 PM
I know, Nis'Amain, seems like a sap now, but as soon as all the 'death of loved ones' stops, she'll probably be back to normal.

2008-10-17, 08:49 AM
But, I wonder...Who would that make Lily? And William? Oh...One of them would have to be....GASP....The Wesley...Please, don't hurt me.

I'm pegging Lily as Geordie la Forge. He's got that visor thing, and no one really knows how it works, much like Lily's magical powers. It works... somehow.

Will's gotta be a Romulan, what with their friggin' patents on cloaking. After all, have you seen him yet?

2008-10-17, 01:29 PM
yes....I have!
speaking of good ol' friend Will, wherever could he be? Did the demons eat him?

2008-10-17, 02:09 PM
I was just wondering about him. Is he still playing?

2008-10-17, 02:28 PM
He'd posted before that he was off on vacation for the week. I figured I wouldn't see him post until after the weekend.

2008-10-17, 02:38 PM
Has he? I totally missed that.:smalltongue:

2008-10-17, 05:22 PM
I'm pegging Lily as Geordie la Forge. He's got that visor thing, and no one really knows how it works, much like Lily's magical powers. It works... somehow.

I know nothing about Star Trek, but better Geordie la Forge than The Wesley. Please, no.:smalleek:

2008-10-17, 08:35 PM
Since I think everyone's thinking it, (though no one's said it,) do I assume you guys go through the door?

2008-10-17, 10:08 PM
yup. O()[]o.

2008-10-17, 11:53 PM
I love to be the one to point out Grug has Sundark Goggles. They may be dorky, they may inhibit his Spot, but they save him from your nasty Daylight.

2008-10-18, 12:46 AM
While then by all means. *Dances*

2008-10-18, 01:43 AM
Whenever our posts follow each other, Shhhh!, I half expect our avatars to get into a duel...

And, more on topic...
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2008-10-18, 05:17 PM
That's what I forgot! A Listen ([roll0]) check! Good thing my bonuses are obscene.

2008-10-19, 09:15 AM
He'd posted before that he was off on vacation for the week. I figured I wouldn't see him post until after the weekend.
Yep. I've been on a lovely vacation with my gf, but unfortunately it was on a remote island in a place with no internet. I'm not home yet, but since I'm spending a few days at my parents' place I should be able to post anyway :) Seems like the campaign is rolling nicely with some interesting RPing too. The alignment differences appear to fuel RP rather than split the party which is great. As for Will's personality, I actually realize (inspired by Ascension's sig, no doubt) that he has quite a bit of Shinji Ikari in him. As for a ST:TNG character, not too sure...

2008-10-19, 03:22 PM
Ouch! A natural one on the Move Silently roll! I know there's technically no such things as critical failures for skills, but feel free to interpret it as such if you think it will move the action along. I want to be noticed, though Will probably does not :smallwink:

2008-10-19, 04:12 PM
I know there's technically no such things as critical failures for skills...

:smallconfused: My friends and I always play with this rule. Well, for most opposed checks, they are treated as if you had rolled a -10. Whatever the Dm deems...

2008-10-19, 10:26 PM
Hooray! We're all back!

Incidentally, turns out I'm not very attentive at play-by-posts on the weekends. I hope that doesn't prove to be a big problem. :smallconfused:

2008-10-19, 10:31 PM
I don't think it will be. Also, this is probably my last post for the day, so see ya!

2008-10-20, 12:21 AM
Oh, look, I had completely forgotten that Will is a halfling.

Grug's traveling with a child, a little man with a high-pitched voice, a bookish snob, a cleric who gets squeamish around bloody massacres, and one, only one Real Man.

Grug may end up making Remus an honorary orc before all is said and done, if only to further distance him from the rest of this bunch of weenies. :smallbiggrin:

Kidding, kidding...

2008-10-20, 12:50 AM
lol, Remus is in about the saaaame boat. 'Course the tribe he grew up in had a few Orcs and Half Orcs, so wrastling with them as a child obviously had a positive effect on him. :smallbiggrin:

oh and btw, that's a threatened crit I just rolled, so here's another attack roll.


2008-10-20, 12:51 AM
MAN, I hate being sick, I keep forgetting stuff, like rolling for damage...

damage: [roll0]

2008-10-20, 05:53 AM
:smallconfused: My friends and I always play with this rule. Well, for most opposed checks, they are treated as if you had rolled a -10. Whatever the Dm deems...
Ii is of course ultimately up to the DM. I was just pointing out that RAW critical skill failures do not exist anymore. Personally, I'm in this for the drama, especially in PBP games, so I'm all for playing these things out. Anyway, it's my natural one, and I doubt anyone will object that I deem it to be a blatant failure to be silent :smallsmile:

Oh, look, I had completely forgotten that Will is a halfling.

Grug's traveling with a child, a little man with a high-pitched voice, a bookish snob, a cleric who gets squeamish around bloody massacres, and one, only one Real Man.
Will is pretty emo, so I guess your analysis is correct :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-20, 08:34 AM
Seriously, you want us to disarm in exchange for one life when you've already killed everyone in the temple? Better to avenge the dead in the temple plus one than to let all of them die meaninglessly.

Oh, and I forgot to roll for initiative there... so I'll do it here.


2008-10-20, 08:56 AM
I don't want you to disarm. How heroic would that be? However, this is the situation you face. How you all deal with it is up to you.

Just for convenince sake, can we do all the rolling in the IC thread, with spoiler tags? It's easier than going in between threads to trace rolls.

2008-10-20, 10:31 AM
MAN, what a waste of a probable crit and nearly max damage... I guess I missed the link to the map, I didn't know there was a doorway to another room there, otherwise I'd have just headed through it.

2008-10-20, 10:48 AM
I missed mentioned an important detail. The map link will never change. We can all directly edit the map. So, you could bookmark it, or whatever, and that link will always be to the map at that time.

For convenience, that link is http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pY6Vh261I5eUV9Pv1cjsHTg

2008-10-20, 12:37 PM
I think I already mentioned it in a PM, Terraspaz, but just to reiterate: I personally have no problems with you rolling my (and everybody else's) Initiative rolls (or any rolls for that matter, really), if it speeds up gameplay. Also, the map thing is a great way to keep us all up to date (I've moved Will to reflect his new position, BTW). Thumbs up :smallsmile:

2008-10-20, 01:54 PM
Grug's latest song is particularly inspiring. I wish I knew orcish so I could comment on it IC.

2008-10-20, 02:28 PM
Grug's latest song is particularly inspiring. I wish I knew orcish so I could comment on it IC.

:smallbiggrin: As I said, the orc tunes are a work in progress. Just be glad we're not at a table where you could hear me.

And you're not the only one with darkvision, sister!

Err... brother?

Teh intarwebz iz complicated.

2008-10-20, 02:36 PM
Awww... Why's it always 'kill, kill, kill' with you guys? :smallsmile:

2008-10-20, 02:42 PM
Awww... Why's it always 'kill, kill, kill' with you guys? :smallsmile:

Are you being racist?

You're discriminating against orcish culture! You are! It's not our fault that the elven god is a prick and he stabbed out our god's eye and poor Gruumsh got picked on in god school because he was the only one in Greyhawk with one eye and his feelings of inadequacy and rage led to his creation of a brutish warrior race in order to get vengeance on all the elven jerks out there who love to pick on guys like Gruumsh! It's all the elves' fault! Blame them! But no, no one ever does, because they're pretty and they have pretty pointy ears and their skin's not green! Well you know who else has pointy ears? The DEVIL, that's who, and his skin sure ain't green, neither!

EDIT: It has now been more than 24 hours since I last slept. Is it showing?

2008-10-20, 02:47 PM
Are you implying that the elves are devils in disguise? I have some advice for you. Change into something comfy, lay down in your bed, and close your eyes. Trust me, it'll help.

2008-10-20, 03:09 PM
Are you implying that the elves are devils in disguise? I have some advice for you. Change into something comfy, lay down in your bed, and close your eyes. Trust me, it'll help.

Can't. Man on a mission. Sleep later. Attempt to work while procrastinating an entire day away now.

2008-10-20, 03:15 PM
Ah, procrastination! A sacred act! Good luck then!

2008-10-20, 04:06 PM
Awww... Why's it always 'kill, kill, kill' with you guys? :smallsmile:

Because "Discuss discuss discuss" doesn't have the same ring to it?

2008-10-20, 04:07 PM
Can't. Man on a mission. Sleep later. Attempt to work while procrastinating an entire day away now.

I sympathize. Procrastinate to your heart's content.

2008-10-20, 04:08 PM
BtW, Terra, (*Remembers Teen Titan episodes that he wishes they kept making*) have you realised how fitting your sig. is for this adventure?

2008-10-20, 04:50 PM
No no, totally unrelated. Coincidentally, my favorite class in D&D has always been the bard.

2008-10-20, 07:43 PM
Hey everybody! My computer has died, so I'm on borrowed time, internet-wise. I'll post whenever I can, however, This computer, for some reason, or another, will not allow me to view spoiler tags... I'll do the best I can, though, and sorry for the inconvienience.

2008-10-20, 07:48 PM
Alright then. For everyone else, keep posting rolls and such in spoiler tags, but leave anything cool out of them, for the benefit of our friend-out-of-luck.

Post In-Game forthcoming, but Heroes is coming on soon. You guys know where my priorities lie. :smallwink:

2008-10-20, 07:49 PM
I HIGHLY advise an iPhone. Great backup.

2008-10-20, 09:52 PM
If anyone tries to do something battle-related, we'll jump straight into Initiative, meaning Will will go first. (Unless the bad guys beat a twenty-five... :smalleek:)

Also, note that "Robe" in the back is in Low-Light.

Edit: Also, now's probably a good time to bring up one of my peeves. If you'll note, trying to influence a hostile NPC down to unfriendly in one round takes a 30 (20 if you take a minute.) Starting at next level-up, the DC goes up equal to the Hit Dice of the being you're trying to talk down. It bothered me that a super-dragon could be persuaded to not kill a high level diplomacy guy so easily.

If this seems too harsh, PM me and we'll work something out.

Now back to your regularly scheduled progamming.

2008-10-21, 10:57 PM
Ladies and gents, suit up. It's battlin' time.

Initiative Order:
William (RebelRogue)
Grug (Ascencion)
Remus (Knewsom)
Nis (Gentoo)
Johnathon (Sshhhhh)
Lily (TheBlackDog)

2008-10-21, 11:01 PM
Have you considered The Giant's diplomacy variant?

It's over in Gaming, over in that bar at the side of the screen.

2008-10-21, 11:13 PM
...That seems much more thought out than my revision. Very well then! I'll work around with that, and use that idea.

Good catch, Ascencion. +1 point!

2008-10-22, 12:55 AM
aaaand I'll need to roll for threatened crit once more... to confirm, [roll0] (crosses fingers)

2008-10-22, 12:57 AM
....wow, triple crit maybe???? [roll0]

ok, it's official. I've NEVER had this good of luck with the board roller! woohoo!

Remus is going to have to save up and buy himself a vorpal greatsword. that'd just be... epic.

2008-10-22, 06:13 AM
Remus is going to have to save up and buy himself a vorpal greatsword.
Heads are gonna roll, baby! :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-22, 01:11 PM
HELLS yea.

Ascension, best Orc song yet!

2008-10-22, 01:35 PM
It's like "Old MacDonald," but cool!

2008-10-22, 02:11 PM
I hope no one minds, but I colored the rooms that we haven't yet explored blue so that we can remember where we've been, and where we'vn't.

@V Ah! Right you are! I got confuzzled.

2008-10-22, 02:45 PM
Works for me. Also, you're up. (Assume that Remus hasn't charged yet, since he follows you in initiative.)

2008-10-22, 03:37 PM
Nitpicking note: Gentoo, you can only choose one of those effects (or alternatively, one you make up yourself, but those are the power guidelines) when casting Bestow Curse.

2008-10-22, 03:41 PM
*Rereads spell*

Ah, I suppose your correct. Awww... I was wondering why that spell was so awesome. Hmmmm.... I think I'll go for the -6 Constitution, if it succeeds.

2008-10-22, 04:24 PM
If you define success as "Make him mad enough to Lightning Attack you, then yes! You succeed! :smallfrown:

Also, John's up.

2008-10-22, 04:30 PM
w00t! Winner!

But don't I take 1/2 damage from that?

Also: There goes my attack spell. My 1 attack spell. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-22, 04:31 PM
Don't make Grug angry, Mr. McGee. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

Clarification: By the rules, Inspire Courage is a bard song that does not require concentration. Also by the rules, raging barbarians can't use any abilities that require "patience or concentration," which we've established Insp. Courage doesn't. Bardic music also does not technically require actual use of the perform skill except for the Perform checks to countersing or fascinate.

Previously: Our original DM ruled that, based on the above argument, Grug could inspire courage while raging. Would you agree to that?

My ultimate goal with this build is to Inspire Recklessness and Courage at the same time while raging. :smallbiggrin:


2008-10-22, 04:35 PM
lol! nice, I love attacking squishy spellcasters... :smallcool:

I love the barbarian bard build... you going to multiclass to a warrior skald eventually?

2008-10-22, 04:38 PM
You guys and your killing...

Also, who wants some bull's strength?:smallsmile:

2008-10-22, 04:39 PM
I'm aiming for the War Chanter prestige class. Among other things, you get the nice power attack variant from Shock Trooper as a bard song. :smallbiggrin: The only reason I have Weapon Focus (Greataxe) and Combat Expertise instead of Power Attack and Extra Rage is because of War Chanter's prereqs. I highly doubt I'll get any use at all out of Combat Expertise, and Power Attack would be preferable to Weapon Focus.

2008-10-22, 04:50 PM
@Gentoo: wow, if I had Bull's Strength while raging, Remus' strength would be 28! :smallbiggrin:

@Asc: Nice, that's a good choice. I've had to tailor my feat tree a bit based on where I want to go as well, but I have to say, I LIKE weapon focus, it opens up some nice possibilities, ESPECIALLY when you combine it with Power Attack.

2008-10-22, 04:59 PM

The way I read it, Duskblades (PHBII) have to hit with their weapon for the spell to go off. Might be wrong... this is my first time using one. (Spoilers: He's a duskblade)


Makes sense to me. Besides, Death Metal musicians do it all the time. :smallwink:


For the record, you did somewhere around twice his HP in damage. I was still calculating HP when you posted that.

...I stopped calculating his HP.

2008-10-22, 05:05 PM
Ah, he's a duskblade! I just thought he had cast lightning bolt.

2008-10-22, 05:06 PM
Clarification: By the rules, Inspire Courage is a bard song that does not require concentration. Also by the rules, raging barbarians can't use any abilities that require "patience or concentration," which we've established Insp. Courage doesn't. Bardic music also does not technically require actual use of the perform skill except for the Perform checks to countersing or fascinate.
Having personally played a Bardbarian myself before, this is a question that we've pondered in a real gaming session as well. We ended up agreeing, that though technically you do not need to roll Perform checks [Cha-based and therefore not allowed while Raging] to do the Bardic Music, it's still a prereq and as such it must be assumed the skill is used somehow. In short, we didn't allow it (if Terra thinks otherwise, I'm obviously not going to object). Remember though, that Inspire Courage lasts for 5 rounds after you stop Performing. Thus, it is perfectly possible to Inspire Courage and then Rage!

Edit: A Duskblade? Oooh... yummy arcane energy is still on the menu :smallwink:

2008-10-22, 06:30 PM
For the record, you did somewhere around twice his HP in damage. I was still calculating HP when you posted that.

...I stopped calculating his HP.

Ahhh yes, silly squishy spellcasters... I always try to take them out in the first round if ever I can; the others will be much easier to deal with now.

I LIKE this character build so far... been a long time since I've played a character like this!

2008-10-22, 06:56 PM
Ahhh yes, silly squishy spellcasters... I always try to take them out in the first round if ever I can; the others will be much easier to deal with now.

I LIKE this character build so far... been a long time since I've played a character like this!
Since I actually forgot what classes/levels Remus had, I just took a look at the sheet. I fell a bit like a partypooper here, but you seem to have forgotten the prereq for Improved Critical is BAB +8, and the prereq for Weapon Specialisation is Ftr4 :smallfrown:

2008-10-22, 07:02 PM
aha, that's because when I had added weapon specialization I WAS a 4th level fighter, but opted to take an extra level as a barbarian instead for the extra HP (make that uncanny dodge), and neglected to remember the req for weapon spec.

As for improved crit, I guess I just never noticed the requirement in the first place! crap! I'll have to change that, dunno what to take instead now. :smallannoyed:

dammit, I can't believe I didn't catch that.

2008-10-22, 07:06 PM
Oooh! You should take leadership, if only to piss off Terraspaz!

Jk! Jk! (Please don't smite me!) :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-22, 07:10 PM
Can't take that till level 6, I'm afraid. ...and yes, it's the world's most annoying feat for DM's! :smallsmile:

2008-10-22, 07:16 PM
and dangit, now I need TWO feats, because fgtr lvl 4 includes a bonus feat, and I have to replace imrpoved critical.

2008-10-22, 07:18 PM
Right. I thought we were lvl 6 for some reason.

On an off note, does anyone see the use for the 'brawler' trait?!

2008-10-22, 07:32 PM
and dangit, now I need TWO feats, because fgtr lvl 4 includes a bonus feat, and I have to replace imrpoved critical.
Power Critical might do the trick for one of them. It's not as powerful as the
Improved Crit, but it's the type of Feat Remus would have, I guess.

Edit: If you wanted the second Barbarian level for Uncanny Dodge but switched back to Fighter, Blind-fighting might be a good choice for yur second Feat, as it negates losing Dex to AC in half of the cases UD does (specifically being attacked by invisible foes). Personally, I rarely play Fighters wihtout this Feat!

2008-10-22, 07:58 PM
ok, I THINK I'm taking Dodge and Mobility, but I want to check on a couple things when I get home, so I'll confirm later tonight.

2008-10-22, 08:27 PM
Oooh! You should take leadership, if only to piss off Terraspaz!

Jk! Jk! (Please don't smite me!) :smallbiggrin:

Darn, would you look at that? My copy of the PHB has "Leadership Feat" scribbled out, and has "Bucket of Negative Levels" in its place. What a kooky coincidence.

2008-10-22, 08:43 PM
I was surprised to learn upon getting the books (a good while after becoming familiar with 3.5) that 2E basically had leadership built into all melee classes. It was quite a surprise.

I kind of like the whole army-of-followers thing, having people who look up to you makes you feel more like an epic hero instead of just some random incredibly-skilled-but-lonely dude. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-22, 11:08 PM
Ok, upon greater consideration, I've decided to go with two completely different feats - power critical (+4 to confirm threatened crits with greatsword), and extra rage, giving me 2 more rages per day.

2008-10-23, 12:57 PM
SSShhhhh... you're up.

2008-10-24, 01:57 PM
I'll do my best! Can't read spoilers though...

2008-10-25, 07:17 AM
I don't get much love from the dice roller, lol! Another natural 1. Let's just assume I do not know that spell... With a little luck that AC 16 flatfooted is enough, though...

2008-10-26, 04:13 PM
Nooooooo!!!!! Don't die!!!!

2008-10-26, 11:55 PM
Nooooooo!!!!! Don't die!!!!

2nded. PLEASE. (who's turn is it?)

2008-10-27, 12:09 AM
S-H, I believe. Then Grug goes ragey-smashy-smashy in what will probably prove to be horrible overkill, but I'm flanked, so I justify it with that.

2008-10-27, 07:16 AM
I'm headed home for lunch today, so I'll post S-H's turn from there. I can't remember what he's got, top-of-the-head, so I need to look at his stuff.

2008-10-27, 11:36 AM
Whew, we're back to the top. Round two, begin!

Edit: To simplify things, S-H stands for "hexblade" Also, raise your hand if you've got dangerously low HP. (P.S, one of you should be raising your hand right now...)

2008-10-27, 12:27 PM
Pardon me while I cry.

I rolled a NATURAL 1!!!


And I'd be at 9 HP too if it weren't for RAGE POWAAAA!

2008-10-27, 12:33 PM
nooooo! Well, hopefully Remus can take out the guy flanking you and help out a bit.

2008-10-27, 06:44 PM
Losing an attack with bonuses that high still stings, but I'm glad for the healing.

It occurs to me now that I could have five-foot-stepped to a place where I wouldn't be flanked anymore, but I didn't think of it and Grug probably wouldn't either, so...

By the way, the shadow companion can't actually attack, so you're good there. It just flanks and depresses everyone around it, IIRC.

2008-10-27, 08:41 PM
Well that's good. Anyway, I'm really not much of an attacker, and it wouldn't really be in character anyway. How's everyone doing on HP? Cause if need be, I can for sure heal 32 points in one round.

2008-10-27, 08:53 PM
I'm full up, don't worry about Remus.

2008-10-27, 09:16 PM
So, small snafuu. Remus charged our good friend the cleric-poser. However, this wasn't reflected on the map. Him charging puts him in the spot you wanted to stop on, Nis. I moved you to another square with the same net effect: Heal Grug, and provokes the same AoO's.

Hope it's cool.

2008-10-27, 09:58 PM
John, I believe you're up. Since I forgot you couldn't read spoiler tags, both Remus and Grug just took about 18 damage each from that cleric guy stabbing them, and Remus got an additional 17 from the duskblade.

Edit: Nis also ate 6 damage from her AoO's.

On the plus side, the rogue guy is pretty close to biting it.

2008-10-27, 10:07 PM
I hate to point this out, but what about the AOOs on Nis?

2008-10-28, 09:49 AM
...speaking of AOO's... shouldn't Remus get one on the rogue guy since he's leaving my threatened area..?

2008-10-28, 10:05 AM
He 5' Stepped. As I remember, those don't provoke.

2008-10-28, 10:20 AM
ah, indeed, you are correct.

2008-10-28, 02:30 PM
Heh, my bad ascension. I forgot about augment healing. You should have gotten a further +6 HP.

2008-10-28, 02:51 PM
Isn't it +4? Augment healing is 2*(spell level), and Cure Moderate Wounds is a level 2 spell.

By the way, Augment healing is a great feat, and you should be praised and adorned by those around you for taking it.

2008-10-28, 03:26 PM
Ah, right. Sorry. +4 then.

2008-10-28, 04:07 PM
btw, I'm kinda slammed at work right now, so Remus' next action will be to rage, then take a 5' step towards the bastard who sneak-attacked him, and attack.

If that dude is already dead or somehow Remus cannot do so, he'll attack the duskblade who attacked him with the sword and lightning.

...lost more than half my HP in one round, definitely time for Rage.

power attack of 4 this time [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2008-10-29, 03:10 PM
If nothing else than to avoid stagnation, and since SShhh is probably still going through some internet difficulties, I was planning on taking a guess at what his combat action would be. His summonning would finish, and then I assume he'd cast something else, all while staying a distance from the baddies.

If we haven't heard word by tomorrow, let's go with that.

2008-10-29, 03:16 PM
Sounds reasonable.

2008-10-30, 06:33 PM
Hooray, we're moving again! Lily, you're up.

2008-10-30, 07:06 PM
awesome. I guess Remus will turn and take on the duskblade then.

2008-10-31, 12:22 PM
Uhm, did I make my attack, or no..?

2008-11-02, 04:49 PM
A natural one followed by a natural four?!?

This is highly frustrating.

2008-11-02, 05:19 PM
Uhm, did I make my attack, or no..?

Your last attack was a charge against the "Cleric." It just hadn't gotten to your initiative yet. (You go right after Grug.) The duskblade strike happens now.

2008-11-02, 05:29 PM
So... am I up then?

2008-11-02, 05:33 PM
Yeah, just let me finish this post resolving Will, Grug, and Remus's attacks.

(Hope you don't mind, Knewsom, but I rolled for you. I don't suspect it'll change much...) Edit: Whoops, forgot you already rolled. That will drop him.

2008-11-10, 06:38 AM
Sorry about the late posting. I've had a busy weekend...

2008-11-10, 08:54 AM
Don't sweat it. That's the whole point of pbp, right?

2008-11-13, 02:43 AM
Now we're at it: I'll be away most of the weekend, so don't expect me to post saturday or sunday.

2008-11-13, 09:54 AM
Guess we should try and move in a direction before then, eh?


2008-11-13, 03:32 PM
Hey, what's everyone at for HP? Also, I suggest we move to where those guys came from, but as Nis is pretty much just following everyone, it wouldn't really be IC for me to suggest a place.

2008-11-13, 03:40 PM
I'm at 26/60. Remus is just reluctant to complain.

2008-11-14, 05:29 AM
I'm unharmed. And I'm a follower, just like Nis...

2008-11-19, 07:25 PM
Ooh, nice move! I like how you found a way to write Johnathan out of the party but keep him in the game.

2008-11-19, 07:55 PM
Ooh, nice move! I like how you found a way to write Johnathan out of the party but keep him in the game.
Has Shhhh! quit for good?

2008-11-19, 08:24 PM
Has Shhhh! quit for good?

No, he hasn't, but NPCing him slows down the party's movement and is just plain awkward. But given the way Terraspaz removed him from the party he can be written back in at any time whenever he shows up again.

2008-11-20, 08:21 AM
I haven't been able to get in contact with him, so I'm basically putting his character in a tupperware container, and putting it in the fridge, so it'll be fresh and ready if/whenever Ssshhh returns.

So about moving out of that room...

2008-11-24, 10:37 PM
Oh... sorry. I started posting a half-hour ago, and wanted to get the wording right. I assumed you guys were waiting on me to leave the temple, and the city.

I'd intended on running a fast-ish leveling system, but don't expect a level after every encounter. (like this one.) It just seemed appropriate.

If there's anything you guys want to resolve with one another, feel free to do that. Assume you guys walk for a couple days before anything other than "walking for a couple days" happens. I'll have it up by tomorrow.

2008-11-24, 11:41 PM
Grug enters War Chanter.

I can't remember if we're rolling for HP or taking a set number. If we're rolling, then: [roll0]

I'm taking Power Attack as my feat.

Aaand War Chanter won't really become worthwhile for a while, so... yeah.

I'll become cool someday!

2008-11-25, 12:15 AM
I'm cool with average HP, if you want to take that. If you roll, however, you're stuck with it!

Also, what book is War Chanter in? Memory has a case of the dumbsies today.

2008-11-25, 01:01 AM
Complete Warrior, where all war related things with war in their name are found. Except Warmages. And Warforged. And Warblades. And... well, hmph. I guess not all warful things are from Complete Warrior. But War Chanter is.

I eagerly await Combine Songs, for it will enable awesomeness.

2008-11-25, 10:57 PM
It's not what I'm eventually going for, but I need at least another level before Disciple of Dispater, so I'm taking a level in Barbarian. HP Roll [roll0] edit: :smallfurious:

What was the cloak that Remus took off of the dead spellcaster?

Sorry I've been absent lately, I do really enjoy this game, and definitely wish to continue, it's just been madness preparing for Thanksgiving... like the WHOLE of my inlaws are coming over.

2008-11-25, 11:14 PM
It's cool. It's gonna be a madhouse around here come tomorrow, too.

On the plus side, I've got the rest of the week off work, so postings on my end should be prompt.

2008-11-25, 11:18 PM

So uh.... about that cloak.... :smallredface:

2008-11-26, 12:15 AM
I just want to say that I love the thought of an entire mountain glowing. Though this was, of course, originally planned as an Elder Evils game, I wasn't sure if it was still an EE game until now. Portents and wonders indeed...

2008-11-26, 12:17 AM
Ah, right! Cloak! Sorry...

Your Garden-variety Cloak de resistance +1

2008-11-26, 03:09 PM
I just want to say that I love the thought of an entire mountain glowing.
Epic and disturbing at the same time :smalleek:

As for the level, I'm going for another level of Spellthief (mostly because my original reason for making the character was to see how the class played). Is the average hp rounded up or down?

2008-11-26, 03:22 PM
Average is low for even levels, high for odd.

D6 would be: 6, 3, 4, 3, 4, etc.

I think I'll take another level of cleric. More BAB, saves, and spells.

[roll0] EDIT: bah, ah well.

2008-11-26, 03:28 PM
Average is low for even levels, high for odd.

D6 would be: 6, 3, 4, 3, 4, etc.
I think I'll just go for average, then...

2008-11-26, 03:38 PM
Just a friendly reminder: Please make any changes from levelling up on your character sheet on Myth-Weavers. I've got everyone's sheet bookmarked, and I don't want to have to go link-hunting.

Thanks - Mgt.

2008-11-26, 06:11 PM
Just a friendly reminder: Please make any changes from levelling up on your character sheet on Myth-Weavers.
Done. I hope you're ok with me taking the Darkstalker Feat. It felt appropriate for Will somehow...

2008-11-26, 09:31 PM
I'm okay with it.

2008-11-27, 10:06 AM
almost done with mine, I just need to take extra turning.

2008-11-28, 01:50 AM
Two hours late, by my time zone, but happy Thanksgiving, folks.

2008-12-01, 11:06 AM
So, anyone care to guess what Ben Coulomb's favorite attack is?


I'm a sucker for puns, and that one hit me at work. Sorry.

2008-12-01, 11:13 AM
If he's the law around here, things could get repulsive!

(Or attractive)

2008-12-01, 01:15 PM
Natural ones on Diplomacy: Why you should always, always, always take ten whenever you feel you can justify it.


2008-12-01, 10:36 PM
At least you chose it with a Friendly guy. No loss, really.

At least you can eat the fruit of Gather Information.

2008-12-04, 09:32 PM
Am I the only player here anymore? :smalltongue: What have you all been doing during this conversation? Content to let the surprisingly convincing orc do all your talking for you?

2008-12-04, 09:42 PM
To be fair, it's not that abnormal for conversations to go with primarily one person...

...But he's got a point, folks. Y'all are still around, right? I know exams are coming up (for you folks still in school,) so this is probably low on the priority as far as time committment, but just a small message to say you're alive would be greatly appreciated.

2008-12-04, 09:48 PM
Yup, definetly still here. I just finished a big spanish project, but I'll post... probably by the time you read this.

2008-12-04, 10:14 PM
Thing is, Grug isn't all that willing to go out of his way to help people. If he were, he'd be good-aligned. I was counting on the rest of the party to help persuade him not to simply dismiss the incidents here as tragedies unrelated to the party's goal and continue moving north. When they didn't chime in I had to come up with a way to link investigating these events with pursuing the temple's attackers in order to justify his interest.

2008-12-05, 12:32 PM
Man... I could so go for a Brownie Sandwich right now...

2008-12-05, 12:56 PM
Remus just hasn't really had much to say, I'm afraid... There's really only one reason he's tagging along, and it's not one he cares to discuss. :smallwink:

2008-12-08, 12:00 AM
Hey everybody! I'm back now, sorry for the massive leave of absence...I'll go through the backlogs, and should be up to date within a day or two.

2008-12-08, 12:07 AM

Excellent. I'll zip you a PM about what happened to you while you were away.

2008-12-08, 07:46 AM
I'm certainly still in (although I didn't really have much time this weekend, that's for sure), but Will is a quiet, shy guy too, so...

2008-12-09, 12:32 AM
The rider is a new PC?

2008-12-09, 01:00 AM
The rider is a new PC?

What? You didn't see that he was bathed in a "PC Glow?" Ya' musta' failed your spot check. :smallbiggrin:

2008-12-09, 01:10 AM
Welcome aboard, then :smallsmile:

2008-12-09, 01:11 AM
Actually, right now it appears that I am the only one "aboard" anything. And small as your character might be, Ihsan and I don't care for "stowaways."

EDIT: But thanks! :smallsmile:

RebelRogue: Re Sense Motive - Beyond what you can deduce logically, unknown, though his actions do not appear to hide any ill intent.

2008-12-09, 09:05 AM
The rider is a new PC?

I thought about letting you guys know ahead of time, but this seemed much cooler.

2008-12-09, 05:03 PM
Ihsan, huh? Are you into black metal?

2008-12-10, 12:48 AM
Ihsan, huh? Are you into black metal?

Nope. As you can see, not an ounce of metal armor on me! :smallbiggrin:

Actually, I have never heard of a group (I am guessing you meant music?) named Ihsan. It is a common Arab-Berber name, and it is the Berbers who are well known for their care and riding of Barbs, a top of light horse - often warhorse - for which my character's Ihsan is patterned.

As for the character himself, despite the obvious fantasy-nature motifs, he is based on the idea of a noble Bornu horseman of Africa.

2008-12-10, 07:30 AM
Ok. I was referring to Ihsahn, the guitarist/singer from the norwegian black metal band Emperor.

Edit: also, appearently this world has Eberronish halflings, woohoo :smallbiggrin:

2008-12-10, 08:42 AM
Yes, it seems Kioi is from Ebberon! Is he Plane-hopping?

2008-12-10, 08:50 AM
To be fair, I've never given this campaign setting a name... maybe it's "Ebbyron"

2008-12-10, 02:36 PM
Actually, I have never played Ebbtide-Romulan, though I did just make a character for a generic module that is being set in Eberron in a different campaign. But, yeah, I laughed when I heard the concept of halflings on dinosaurs . . . it reminds me of the wild (Athasian) halflings of the Dark Sun setting (yuck!) back in 2e.

Nope, I just made a character based on the concept of a mounted "Nature's Champion" mixed with a real-world culture for the base archetype.

2008-12-10, 02:45 PM
Speaking of which, we've gotta figure out which Star Trek character Kioi most closely resembles. I think we got everyone else. ...Might be too early to tell, though.

2008-12-10, 02:54 PM
Speaking of which, we've gotta figure out which Star Trek character Kioi most closely resembles. I think we got everyone else. ...Might be too early to tell, though.

Hmmm, well, though a competent warrior, I think his goggles and his knowledge would mean Grug is Jordi, while I would be more like Worf.

2008-12-10, 03:41 PM
Hey, sorry for the long absence, but I'm back. Welcome Lostsole!:smallsmile:

2008-12-10, 03:46 PM
Thanks, gentoo!

2008-12-10, 05:45 PM
... Ok, I'm thoroughly confused. What race are you?! :smallconfused:

Also, sorry, but you can't make any kind of knowledge check untrained. However, what you said seems like common knowledge enough to know.

2008-12-10, 05:49 PM
He looks human in all ways save his thick skin (which you detect more through tactile than looks, his incredibly thick and sharp claws, and a dichotomy between intellect and knowledge and a very bestial undertone). In short, he is some manner of augmented human.

Anyone with Knowledge (nature) or a bardic knowledge check can roll a DC 15 can roll it to figure it out ...

And you can make a Knowledge check untrained (basically an INT check) only if the DC of the subject matter is 10 or less. The standard PHB pantheon - names and basic portfolios, but little else - should definitely be common enough to do that.

2008-12-11, 12:29 AM
Aberrant feats or a funky prestige class, I would guess. And since you'd only have one level of a prestige class and that level's probably a level of Cavalier I'll bet aberrant feats. Though with the claws combined with dark skin you'd probably appear to be a nonhuman to the general peasantry, perhaps even demonic/devilish.

2008-12-12, 02:23 AM
Yes, fear my faulty road atlas!
It was so far off I missed town entirely, and ended up here. As an afternote, having read carefully over the last few pages in IC, I've decided "Rubes" is my favorite word.

2008-12-13, 05:05 PM
Aberrant feats ...

What? I, a champion of nature, an aberration or associated with such creaturs that have even less place in nature than the undead? Bite your tongue! But not so badly that you would screw up your dulcet voice! :smalltongue:

or a funky prestige class, I would guess. And since you'd only have one level of a prestige class and that level's probably a level of Cavalier I'll bet aberrant feats.

Nothing prestigious about my character, save my background and story. I am all core classes . . . with non-core components.

Though with the claws combined with dark skin you'd probably appear to be a nonhuman to the general peasantry, perhaps even demonic/devilish.

Now that is very possible. I once ran a campaign wherein the PCs were "knocked" into a different world. They ended up in a place that hadn't heard of elves or half-elves, so the half-elf in the party was pegged as a "demon!":smallfurious:

All: Hey, did TheBlackDog (Lily) drop out? She hasn't posted for three weeks. It will be challenging without any type of arcane caster. (Jonathon Crowley is an archivist, n'est-pas?)

2008-12-13, 06:12 PM
What? I, a champion of nature, an aberration or associated with such creaturs that have even less place in nature than the undead? Bite your tongue! But not so badly that you would screw up your dulcet voice! :smalltongue
Fine... Heritage feats. Or Shifter. Or something else entirely.

2008-12-14, 03:09 AM
Nothing prestigious about my character, save my background and story. I am all core classes . . . with non-core components.

Now that... I'm surprised by. I expected Paladin levels, but I figured you would have gone into Cavalier or a similar mount-focused PrC by now.

Now that is very possible. I once ran a campaign wherein the PCs were "knocked" into a different world. They ended up in a place that hadn't heard of elves or half-elves, so the half-elf in the party was pegged as a "demon!":smallfurious:

Reminds me of Spock and McCoy...

All: Hey, did TheBlackDog (Lily) drop out? She hasn't posted for three weeks.

Quite possibly. Shame. I liked having a little girl warlock in the party.

It will be challenging without any type of arcane caster.

I'll have you know Grug can cast seven whole spells a day! And only three of those are cantrips! :smallamused:

2008-12-14, 07:43 AM
Now that... I'm surprised by. I expected Paladin levels, but I figured you would have gone into Cavalier or a similar mount-focused PrC by now.

I am gearing for hospitaler, actually ... but taking a non-traditional route for the sake of story/RP.

I'll have you know Grug can cast seven whole spells a day! And only three of those are cantrips! :smallamused:

Doh! I am so sorry I overlooked the War Bard in the party. Please forgive me.:smalleek:

2008-12-14, 02:12 PM
Hey, did TheBlackDog (Lily) drop out? She hasn't posted for three weeks. It will be challenging without any type of arcane caster. (Jonathon Crowley is an archivist, n'est-pas?)

Yeah, I've PM'd him/her, and haven't gotten a response back. I'll be handling that in the not too distant future.

2008-12-14, 10:09 PM
Only one thing to do!
Roll! For! Knowledge! clapclapclap
Let's start with a healthy dose of magical overnight-
I assume arcana, and so [roll0]
And I'll throw out a religion to see if there's any connection between rites of passage, and sudden powers, or rather, if there are any sects that hold a belief in this kind of thing [roll1]
A history for any occurrences similar to the glowing mountain
And, vague a description as it may be, the furry monsters, though I'm uncertain as to which I'd roll, so I'll leave the modifier off.
And that concludes today's game of...
Roll! For! Knowledge!
We would like to thank our sponsor Wizards of the seaside, for providing this skill system.

2008-12-14, 10:27 PM
There are several religions who have rituals where the participant strives to emerge with drastically increased potential, usually in the form of magic. The most well-known example occurs with priestesses of Lolth. Participants will endure some form of painful trial, often to the point nearing death, before becoming infused with a sort of inner strength. However, in this case, as in most others, these rituals take place in a secluded room of a temple, somewhere controlled... not out in the open.

While you have heard several stories of supernatural lights on the material plane, they are typically from connections between your world and another... most commonly the Ethereal Plane, or the Celestial Plane. However, they are short-lived, and only interacted with by the wisest and most courageous adventurers... not by children.

The description of the creatures sounds vague, but most notably, bland. You don't think they were very exotic creatures... perhaps even local animals.

2008-12-14, 10:36 PM
Caves, possibly, or, a temple in the mountain? Or simply something else.
Nothing of note comes to mind on the glowing, although a portal to another plane would be troublesome on many, many levels.
Bears. Please, let it be simple, unadorned bears.
These are my theories. They may be wrong, but they're mine, and I love them.

2008-12-14, 10:39 PM
While you haven't seen it yet, it did sound like there was an entrance somewhere on the mountain. Sorta hard to spend a night inside the mountain without one, right?

Also, this may be the first time someone has hoped for bears.

...Back to the IC thread.

2008-12-14, 10:51 PM
Not just bears, mind you.
Simple, unadorned bears.
None of this half fiendish fiendish paragon giant spell-scarred grave-touched ghoul Dire-bear foolishness.
but, simple bears.

2008-12-15, 12:56 AM
Not just bears, mind you.
Simple, unadorned bears.
None of this half fiendish fiendish paragon giant spell-scarred grave-touched ghoul Dire-bear foolishness.
but, simple bears.


As far as Kioi's IC post, feel free to say that you take several minutes to bring Kioi up to speed, unless'n there's something you don't want to tell him. I have read the posts, and what I didn't remember is fine since Kioi doesn't have eidetic memory, either.

2008-12-15, 09:42 AM
Does Kioi notice any singular bird flying in a pattern that does not seem right? [roll0]

Also, now that he sees the mountain and has heard more of the story, is there any information Kioi might provide?
K (Nature): [roll1]
K (The Planes): [roll2]

Also, is he familiar with the concept of negative energy and the Plane of Negative Energy?
K (The Planes): [roll3]

2008-12-15, 04:41 PM
You notice the bird, but it does not seem out of place. Birds have wings for a reason, after all.

Mountains have been known to have a crimson glow to them, but only as the light reflects from them at sunrise or sunset... it is not natural for such to occur in the middle of the night.

Kioi understands the nature and implications of negative energy.

2008-12-15, 06:55 PM
It will be challenging without any type of arcane caster.
Technically, I'm an arcane caster too... :smallwink:

2008-12-15, 06:57 PM
In thick Austrian accent: "I eat green berets Arcane Casters for breakfast!" :smalltongue:

2008-12-15, 07:06 PM
Technically, I'm an arcane caster too... :smallwink:

Doh! :smallredface: Well, I, er, I - umm, meant that the party doesn't have an arcane caster I can see? Uhh, yeah, that's what I meant. I mean, how can I count you if I can't see you? ::scratches head, knowing how pathetic that backpedal was::

2008-12-16, 12:28 PM
Alright, boys and girls! Some notes about this particular combat:

Initiative order is:

Brown Bears
Black Bears

So, Remus, since you're far away with the movement penalty, you won't be able to charge at anything this turn. May want to alter that when your turn rolls around.

Special Factors!
This hillside is a steep slope, which bears a couple things with it.
--Moving Uphill - Moving up will cost two squares of movement every time you change colors. (Light gray/ Dark Gray)
--Moving downhill - Running or charging downhill runs the risk of falling, just be aware.
--Melee attacks - If you're above your foe, you get a +1 bonus to melee attacks.

Again, the map is located at http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pY6Vh261I5eUV9Pv1cjsHTg&hl=en

The borders of the map aren't edges... so if we need to expand it, we can.

Happy hunting!

2008-12-16, 03:43 PM
so it should cost about 100' of movement to get to the bears? Dang, so much for my charge. I guess he'll just try and close some of the distance this round.

2008-12-16, 04:10 PM
I've placed Grug on the map, as you can see.

2008-12-16, 04:39 PM
Unfortunately, since Kioi is "flat-footed" he can't say anything to get you to drop back. Otherwise he would try to use animal empathy. :smallsigh:

Do the animals appear to be different (actions or appearance) from normal animals of their type?
Knowledge: Nature [roll0]

Just let me know when I can act, Terraspaz ... I am in limbo until then.

2008-12-18, 10:40 PM
Hey guys! Sory for my long absence. :smallfrown:

New Hampshire's been knocked out of power for the past week, but I'm back again! I'll post as soon as I can, but I've got lots of backlog to read up on. (4 pbp's of it. *Gulp*)

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know I hadn't dropped out. :smallsmile:

2008-12-18, 10:59 PM
Ayup! Fer enuf. I lived in Newmarket for a year-and-a-half when my last ship was drydocked in Kittery ME, so I understand. Today was actually a snow day for me, too.

2008-12-18, 11:22 PM
'Salright, things happen. I'd sorta figured thing's slow down here for a week or two, what with Christmas and New Year's (also my birthday!) coming up. I'll try not to start really bugging people until 2009.

2008-12-19, 12:02 AM
What? What?! Noooooo ..... (says the lonely, single sailor on a snow day)

Okay, okay. I guess I understand. Too bad that all these days I get off have to be spent on low-activity here at the playground. :smallsigh:

Btw, my birthday is on Monday ... so I feel your pain/joy. Happy birthday, spaz!