View Full Version : Left for dead. The zombie Apocalypse

2008-10-10, 10:36 PM
The rag tag, and rather motley group of passengers around each of you jostles, and jockeys to attain a postion in the cars ahead of you. Today is a very speical holy day, and the celebration of the end of the third great war of A.D 1200-1560, and many people are going to the different edges of the country to visit freinds, family, and other various loved ones across the counrty. Eventually the group managed to get their seats, and find places to ste their luggage. Thus began Chapter One of The Day Of Reckoning.

The train jostled slightly as the it hit the occasional rock, or bullet left on the tracks the countryside zooming past, as the train zoomed towards its' destination. The other passengers made small talk, and paid the occasional visit to the dining car, if one were to look outside they would see that it was a bueatiful sunny day outside, the grass was green, and the flowers in bloom, this is how the day went on for the net couple of hours, with the occasional message from the enginerer about how low the prices of the ood were, and how they should go, and buy some right now. At that point anyone who had a window seat would notice the sky was rapidly filling with unnaturaly dark clouds, and that the storm system was advancing far faster, then anything possible. That was for about al of 2 seconds though becuase ten you a powerful tremor shook the car right as they entered a tunnel, and the last thing you remembered before you wake up is the extreme pain of your head colliding with the ceiling. As you get up you hear the various moans, and groans of the other 12 passengers, but what you see is far more horrible than that illuminated by the fires, that had obviously been caused by the crash, were the mutilated bodies of all the other passengers, the car literally covered in blood, the smell of rotting flesh already becoming apparent, as you feel the warmth of blood trickle down the side of your face.

2008-10-11, 01:47 AM
owie. mommy, daddy come on get up. the little girl shook her parents, trying to get them responsive.

2008-10-11, 02:14 AM

Pain blossoms within the pale man as blood mats his golden hair to his face and scalp. His vision is blurry when he finally drags his lids open to peer through the dark with otherwise keen eyes. He slowly pats at his sides to ensure nothing is broken and ensure that his revolver is still in its holster. He manages to croak out a few words, "O-oh god. Ugh... Cat snot."

2008-10-11, 03:45 AM

The young man sits up quickly, and immediately grabs his head as it explodes with pain. Looking down, he sees his leather trench coat covered in blood, and notices that more of it continues to drip down onto it from his face. Looking in the window beside him, he sees that a deep gash in his forehead is bleeding down his grey face into his orange goatee. "That's going to leave a scar" he says as he wipes the blood off his face with his hand. He pats himself, ensuring that all his valuables are still on him, and grabs hold of his backpack as he looks around at the other survivors.

2008-10-11, 08:24 AM

What appears to be a young boy groans in pain as he wakes up with a dead unreconoziable body over him. First thing he does is check that his baseball cap is still on his head, and then he proceeds to look around, only then noticing the destruction and death around him.

Owww, just what I needed... Stupid global warming...

He then proceeds to crawl from under the dead body, puting himself up and checking himself to make everything is in place. Concluding he hasn't got any major wounds, he proceeds to look around and scream


Those who look at Leo will quickly notice most of his body is covered in large clothes of some kind(now half covered in blood and ashes), gloves in his hands, and even his face seems to be covered by long hair and the cap.

2008-10-11, 04:06 PM
Jim Wilston
Jim slowly realizes that he is in pain, and begins moving individual limbs, in an attempt to prove that he was not, say, paralyzed. Finding that he was suffering, if miraculously, merely a few cuts and gashes, maybe a concussion, he precedes to stand, checking his equipment. Muttering to himself, he adjusts his backpack
You know, if I'd known that was going to happen, it may have been fun. Maybe some other time
Now registering the sounds of the dead, and dying around him, he hears a voice cut through the cabin, and responds to it as quickly as he may
I'm fine, thanks for asking...Are you?
As a side note, Jim has a very strong Irish accent. To save me having to type it, and you having to decipher it, Lets all just assume it's there

2008-10-11, 04:30 PM
owie. mommy, daddy come on get up. the little girl shook her parents, trying to get them responsive.
The parents beside the young girl were unresponsive, and upon further investigation she will find that her Father, and her mother have lost the lower halves of their bodies, and their intestines dangle freely as the car sways underneaath them as a unseen force holds them aloft giving them the apperance of grim puppets held aloft by the strings of some grotesque puppeter cackling madly above them as he commanded the macbre dance of the swaying dead.
Everyone inside the car
shining outside of the car Illuminating a scene far force then that in any horror movie even the older members of the survivours have ever seen.
Outside the window is a scene to terrible for words, it makes the inside of the car seem like heaven on earth, outside they're are the truely mangled bodies, people still gasping for air, and they try to reatach them selves to their intestines, the screams of a child as she dies before your very eyes as you realise just how helpless your situation is as she dies bleeding out her hand reaching out towardsthe grup tears streaming from her desperate eyes before she goes limp a final spasm of anguish passing over her before her eyes glaze over.

2008-10-11, 06:45 PM

I'm Leo, thanks god someone else is alive. We need to get out of here before this train comes crumbling down over us.

Leo then looks at the window at gasps at the expectacle outside

Oh god...What have they done to deserve this?

Yet the boy's expression remains serious, and not a single tear is shed. However, Leo proceeds to search for someone who may still show signs of life. If he finds him, he will grab a small chain with a cross out of his pocket and presses it towards the wounded, channeling some of his life energy towards the dying one.


I'll seek for someone who still isn't dead and spontaneously cast cure minor wounds on him/her. It should be enough to stop fatal bleedings. If not, well, I'll be warned.

2008-10-11, 07:29 PM
Unfourtantely you, and the other surviviours here are the only ones that survived the crash, and despite your noble efforts those screaming outside the carriage you are all in are in their final throes as death embraces them in cold sleep.

2008-10-11, 08:02 PM

Seeing the girl shaking the remains of her parents, Kenet moves across the row to her and gently takes hold of her hand.

Honey, they're gone. I'm sorry, but they're not coming back.

He speaks softly, trying not to upset the child any more than necessary. He gently tries to turn the girl away from the sight or the bodies, while at the same time examining the strange effect that keeps them aloft.

Spellcraft Check to determine presence/type of magical effect in place.

OOC: Kenet speaks with an American accent

2008-10-11, 08:03 PM

Seeing the girl shaking the remains of her parents, Kenet moves across the row to her and gently takes hold of her hand.

Honey, they're gone. I'm sorry, but they're not coming back.

He speaks softly, trying not to upset the child any more than necessary. He gently tries to turn the girl away from the sight or the bodies, while at the same time examining the strange effect that keeps them aloft.

Spellcraft Check to determine presence/type of magical effect in place.

OOC: Kenet speaks with an American accent
As Kentih looks around hew sees a strong necromantic death effect EVERYWHERE, and to be honest it is strong enough to make you wonder why you aren't all dying horribly.

2008-10-11, 08:06 PM

finding her parents have passed on to heaven the little girl imediate find thier luggage all three of them and begins opening them. first she pulls out her own small back pack from her bag and packs a few of her clothes in it discarding some outfits as if she was choosing what to keep and what to leave behind. next she turns to a larger females suitcase and grabs a couple of towels some soap tooth paste hairbrush toothbrush and other bath necessities. third she roots through a mans suitcase looking for something and give a satisfied AHA when she puts a small poketsized notebook into one of the packs pouches. finaly she finds the lower half of her parents bodies from which she grabs her mothers purse and her fathers wallet. which she packs away. shouldering the pack she looks at the pictures on the wall , specifically the ones with arrows pointing one way or the other.

ok going to need food too momma said so.......that way to the food place on the train

she confidently follows the direction the arrow pointed.

as she passes in the filtered light and out of the shadows you finally get to see her. red hair at shoulder length with sparkling blue eyes dressed in a nice blue dress, now marred by blood some of it her own, and she appears to be no more than 5.

2008-10-11, 08:13 PM
The little girlo having responded incredibly well to the death of her parents in such a grotesue, and ohhirble amnner manages to find the things she was looking for, but as she moves to go to the food carriage the entire place is illuminated by two immense red eyes, and a pearly white fanged smile. The smile spoke of madness. The smile spoke of death, and it only got worse as the crimson glow brightened exposing the rest of the creatures horrible black form. It was a huge veast with crimsion snake like pupiuls that glowed with powerful necromantic energy, and it was currently stopped over the body of a still screaming woman as it ripped her limbs off, and shoved them down its toothy maw, and with each limb it devoured the heat in the car became stronger, abnd the smell of rotting flesh, and death increased to the point that some of you throw up.

make Dc 15 fortitude saves or become sickened for 1d10 rounds.

2008-10-11, 08:18 PM

Fortitude Save: [roll0]

Kenet, never having experienced such grotesque images or scents before, is finally overcome by the appearance of the monster and starts to shake slightly, feeling sick all over.

OOC: Do you mind if we RP our own reactions on saves like this?

2008-10-11, 08:19 PM

God protect us...-says Leo as he starts to tremble from the vision of gore.

Fortitude save[roll0]

2008-10-11, 08:20 PM

(actually she isnt holding up that well....shes clinging to her emergency procedures....as soon as she tries to make contact with the base and finds out she isnt allowed to go back she will break down)

2008-10-11, 08:23 PM
As the smell wafts over the car all of the survivours except for one (The ones who haven't posted... just advancing story here.))
began to become nauseous, and one of the bigger american ones heaves unto a rotting corpse that was unfortante enough to be present in his vincity.
then as suddenly as the beast, and the glow came... It canished yet the smell, and the heat reamined a grim remainder that this was all not a dream.

2008-10-11, 08:26 PM
Jim Wilston
Well....That's....That's pretty nasty, there

2008-10-12, 12:45 AM
For now the room is silent except for the last graons of the already dead, and grotseque swaying of the parents of the girl....
Thus begins Chapter 1: Survivial

2008-10-12, 12:52 AM
in a whisper that sounds strangely loud the girl says "maybe we should leave".

2008-10-12, 01:43 AM

Post forthcoming. Sorry about not being around today.

2008-10-12, 01:51 AM

Post forthcoming. Sorry about not being around today.

Also your fine as I have nearly all day access to a computer... If this game ends up dying it certainly wont be my fault.

2008-10-12, 02:03 AM

Though the stench of death and new decay fills his nostrils and the gruesome sight assaults his mind he is able to hold his disgust in check. The sight of the beast causes him to draw his revolver. He glances around quickly, but to no avail as the creature already seems to be gone, "The hell was that?!?"

((>.> ...isn't a 20 higher than 15? <.<))

2008-10-12, 02:09 AM

Though the stench of death and new decay fills his nostrils and the gruesome sight assaults his mind he is able to hold his disgust in check. The sight of the beast causes him to draw his revolver. He glances around quickly, but to no avail as the creature already seems to be gone, "The hell was that?!?"

((>.> ...isn't a 20 higher than 15? <.<))
((OSwwy was reading another thread at the time of reading your post, and thus with new forum sogftware it was roll 0 for me. >.>

2008-10-12, 05:16 AM

As soon as he manages to overcome the sickness, Leo turns to the other and says:

I don't know what that was, and I really don't want to discover. I say we get away from this forsaken place before our luck runs out and we end up like all those poor bastards. Screw supplies, surely there must be some village in less than one day's walk from here.

FF fanboy, if you don't want to TPK the party so soon, I sugest don't going around throwing area save or die so soon. The forum's roller has the tendency of rolling horribly low willy nilly.

2008-10-12, 10:44 AM

well lets go then

shes shaking slightly as if trying to hold back something.

2008-10-12, 02:39 PM
Jim laughs off the effects of the beast's appearance, straightening up from his crouched position
What if you're wrong, though? I'm not sure I want to be the one to starve on a walk about the countryside...Although sitting here waiting for another of those Beasties to pop up hardly seems clever. We can't be too far from the first-class section, they'll have food, and good stuff too! Why not stop by there real quick and grab something before we go running off? It'd be fast, easy, even, and save us hunger pangs on our little trip.
Jim, Having spoken, takes his revolver from it's holster across his chest, and checks the cylinder, to insure the presence of ammunition, and strides towards the front of the car.
If all else fails, at least two of us are armed! That ought to save us a bit of trouble!

2008-10-12, 03:05 PM

Kenet moves to the back of the car and looks out the window towards the freight cars. He speaks towards the others.

If I can get my bike out, then I could scout around very quickly. It shouldn't be more than one or two cars back.

He tries the handle on the back door but does not open it.

2008-10-12, 03:07 PM
Looking out the back of the Carriage Kenet will see that the back of the tunnel is enitrely caved in, and the air is almost choked with clouds of a black dust that seems to be coating the very ground.

2008-10-12, 03:18 PM

Looking at Jim, the boy answers:
Well, then go ahead and I'll be right behind you. I can't stop you from risking your life, but I'll do my best to watch your back.

2008-10-12, 07:19 PM

oooops itwas quiet more to her self but there was something she wasnt saying, though her trembling did stop.

we all need to get out now before we drown.

shes panting slightly as if she just released a tremendous amount of energy she was trying not to.

2008-10-12, 08:24 PM
Jim Wilston
Um, honey? You know, there isn't really anything nearby that could drown us? Freaky thought, though.
And to Leo,
You know, I can't force it, and if you really want to throw out the risk, lets go. But think about it.
Jim smiles, a rather goofy grin, waiting for an answer

2008-10-12, 09:56 PM
(I'm sorry, but there isn't an underground river ANYWHERE near by. I have several escape routes avialble to you guys, but thats not one of them, but I'm not the kind of GM who would let a layer practicly butcher their char by exhausting them this way, so.)

everyone will feel a slight shake a water begins to pour through a crack in the tracks. while it isn't a flood the dead bodies have risebn, and there are now some eltrical crrents running through the water from the tracks.
(I stated that this was a electro magnet monorail before hand, and with all the damage= BZZZRT!)

2008-10-13, 04:22 AM

Just waht we needed...Well, guess there's no other choice.

Leo cowers for a moment, and for everybody's suprise a pair of black leathery furry batlike wings comes out of his back, from special hidden holes. He then looks at the rest of the group and says:

Calm down everybody, I'm not a monster, I was human once, just got a little bit unlucky with a magic experiment. I don't eat little children or anything like that. Now if you excuse me I'll try to search for a way out of here.

Leo then flaps his wings and takes flight inside the train, going in the oposite direction of the colapsed section, and doing his best to avoid touching the water or anything made of metal.

I'll take flight and start exploring the train in search of an exit. I'll go on the oposite direction of the colapsed tunnel. I'll also keep an eye for:

I will not land on top of anything that's wet, water or metal stuff.


Also, party, stop giving the DM ideas. Is his job to make things scary and hopeless, ours is to survive.

2008-10-16, 05:59 AM

we should be moving. as she follows more slowly than the winged scout she tries to get the 6 or 7 other survivors that havent spoken up moving along if she can.(ie the others npc survivors that groaned when we all woke up)

i sowwy for giving dm ideas but i had to play it logically and what 5 year old faced with that horror just after her parents are found dead can maintain control over their inner powers.

2008-10-16, 07:14 AM
What kind of 5 year old has fear of being drowned inside a broken train when there isn't a big body of water in a several kilometer radius? I guess your character must have a quite interesting backstory.

Also, waiting for the DM to reply to if my hcharacter can fin anything or not.

2008-10-16, 02:43 PM
As you are flying around you hear a VERY loud static coming from the Engineers car.
It appears as if the radio is reciving a signal.

I agree with Oselcamo...

2008-10-16, 05:32 PM

HEY EVERYBODY! It seems there's a working radio in the train! I'll try to get there to see if I can call for some help!

Leo then flaps his wings energetically in direction of the static sound and see if he can hear the news.


2008-10-16, 06:51 PM
While the beating of your wings makes it difficult to make out the shouting on the other end makes it easy to hear.
"Ksssh. THANK GOD! This is the first time we've been able to broadcast in seven days!" The voice is obviously female, and it sounds frantic.
"Calm, down. Your a broadcaster for christs sake!"
"Your right.. we have a message to deleiver. KSSSH."
You cna hear the shuffling of papers, and some screams from the other side.
"**** their coming. Listen we haven't got much time, and we will exapliain as much as we can. 7 days ago as you all well know a great darkness envleoped the continent, all aircraft were knocked out of the sky by this black smog. Within seconds a HUGE tremor shook the earth *static*, and now the cities are in a general chaos, and MUST be avoided at all costs. Remember stay away from the *kssssssssshhhhhh*"

2008-10-16, 07:59 PM
Jim Wilston
Jim perks up at the sound of the word Radio, and begins winding his way in the direction Leo went, doing his best to avoid any spots of ungrounded metal, or water.
Hey! Lets radio in the crash, maybe get some rescue teams in here!

2008-10-17, 05:04 AM

Seven days...SEVEN DAYS???? How much time had they been out after the train incident?

Guys, it seems like we were uncoscious for a whole week since the train wrecked. The radio was saying something about cities being in total chaos and neing now very dangerous places to be avoided at all costs, and then it went out. I can only hope it's some kind of prank, otherwise it seems like World War III has started...

The winged boy then proceeds to try to use the radio to see if he gets any other signal.

Anybody there? We sufered a train wreck and we need assistance! Anybody there?

2008-10-20, 06:34 AM
He finds that the radio is dead now apprently it isn't strong enough to break the rubble, but the signal from before was just so.... barely.

2008-10-20, 09:38 AM

We're really out of luck guys. Radio seems to have died. I'll try to see if I can scavenge anything else.

(keep looking for usefull stuff and/or an exit of the train, avoiding the pools of electrified water)



2008-10-20, 02:17 PM
The results of your search are bare, but boutniful considering that most food has rotted due to 5 days exposed to the stilfing heat that premates the entire collapsed tunnels.
In a car futher up you find [roll0] packets of junk food, [roll1] re heatable frozen meals (they are a tad melted now though, and you will have to find a way to cook them.)

2008-10-20, 05:08 PM

Kenet arrives at the scene from the back of the train, mulling over something as he fiddles with a unique-looking chrome-plated lighter in his hand.

"Ah, food. That's good. At least we won't starve."

His wry smile mostly hid his discomfort at being thrown into such an unexpected scenario with no time to prepare or consider the situation.

Have we really been unconscious for a week? That is strange. Not that we didn't wake up, but that we weren't killed he thinks.

"Does anyone have a plan for after we get out of here?"

2008-10-29, 03:38 PM

I plan on going home....I hope.

2008-10-29, 03:44 PM
((this is Rp time people... I'm letting you guys explore the train tunnel, and hopefully find a way out soon.)
with a sound that sound like a wet slurping you notice that they water levels have begun to receede, and now you are NOt going to be zapped to death by the bloody electro water 9000.

2008-11-03, 11:29 PM
((shameless bump plus a hopeful start of rp))


well lets see we should probably find out who we all are...just in case. My name is cindy.

cindy gets out of the wrecked sleeper car and looks around

spot check:[roll0]

2008-11-04, 04:29 AM
Before you is the same scene of horror earlier described, but with a few minor changes.
First you notice that ALL the bodies are gone except forthose in the train.
Second you notice that the heat is CRAZY outside the train in fact roll a DC 12 fort save for everyone outisde the car.
Lastly you notice that there is a drip of water hitting you in the head from above. (Plot devices are immune to yar powers!)

2008-11-04, 05:51 PM
(curse you plot device ill find a way to use you yet Pbbbbbbbt)


whoa its hot out here...very hot.....

cindy will of course look up to find the source of said drip of water

fort save vrs heat:[roll0]

2008-11-04, 06:35 PM
Cindy is able to cope with the heat, but she can feel it getting hotter.... She can also smell amongst the smell of rot sulfur LOTS of sulfur.
The Drip is coming from a crack in the subway tunnel above you, and Cindy remebers that Subways were supposed to be the SAFEST place during a earthquake like this.... If the tunnel was this bad.... Imagine the main land.

2008-11-06, 11:55 PM
(le sigh...it appears we lost the other players)


cindy moves on going back towards where the train came into the tunnel from.....hopefully

2008-11-07, 07:29 AM
As cindy moves to the back of the tnel she comes across a giant wall of rubble, and dead bodies.
Your trapped!:smalleek:

2008-11-07, 11:03 AM
(Noting that I am still here)


As Kenet sees Cindy disappear outside, he follows. He is surprised by the heat outside.


Barely able to stand the head, he moves back to where Cindy is.

"I don't think we should stay here. That roof doesn't look too stable. We should get out into the open"

2008-11-16, 12:45 PM
(sigh i gave the others the opportunity to respond)


int check [roll0]

if int check sucessfull

not good i heard those scientists say something about sulfur in the water and high heat being a volcano and that was a bad thing

if int check unsucessfull

not good.........what did those scientists say about sulfur?