View Full Version : Playground Against Malaria

2008-10-11, 01:42 AM
Hey all, Madness Against Malaria (www.madnessagainstmalaria.com) is running again - who thinks we should put in a playground team?

2008-10-11, 05:44 AM
Already done! (See my sig). Of course, it's not specifically playground, but we could definitely put in a reference to this site in the blurb if we get enough support here. I've actually been meaning to message you about this.

Also, there's a good new video about this, for anyone that's interested, which you'll find here: http://www.madnessagainstmalaria.com/en/videos.aspx
and there are lots of other ways to raise money for those who don't like this format at www.againstmalaria.com.

2008-10-11, 09:46 AM
A banner is definitely needed. Something that would be suitable to go in a message board signature, or be placed on someone's blog. You mentioned this in the original thread, didn't you paddyfool? I should probably go back to that one...

2008-10-12, 07:29 AM
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize.

Roland St. Jude
2008-10-12, 10:18 PM
Duplicate thread locked.