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View Full Version : Swashbuckler Prestige

2008-10-11, 05:12 AM
Lo everyone, I'm making a swashbuckler for an upcoming campaign in 3.5, however I'm looking for prestige classes that match the flavour of the character. He's a courtier/diplomat/agent, as in he liaisons between empires, does a little espionage, that sorta thing. The dread pirate would be good if he fell out of the good graces of the king or whoever, as would the *something* of the Crimson Road, however they don't quite fit. Suggestions?

2008-10-11, 05:13 AM
Take a few levels of rogue, and go with daring outlaw feat from complete scoundrel. Why bother with PrCs :P

2008-10-11, 06:59 AM
Spymaster from Complete Adventurer or Mountebank from Complete Scoundrel, maybe?

2008-10-12, 01:36 AM
Go deulist. That can be very fun as a swashbuckler. Also, there is a prestige or two in Oriental Adventures that fits the exact thing you are ooking for... but it might need a bit of westernization.

2008-10-12, 04:02 AM
One of the easier ways to be a 'good' swashbuckler: 3 levels in rogue to qualify for Daring Outlaw (as previously mentioned), 4 levels in Fighter to qualify for Daring Warrior. So, from then on, Swashbuckle your way up the ranks. You'll be swashbuckling with your bits there, as well as getting sneak attack, and all those fighter feats! Winwinwin, eh?

2008-10-12, 05:37 AM
I agree with the Daring Outlaw/Daring Warrior suggestions. I think it would be much cooler to gain Sneak Attack and bonus feats than going with prestige classes.

However, if you really want a prestige class that has the "secret agent" fluff, I'd suggest the Dark Lantern from Eberron (Five Nations). If your DM's willing, he'd probably let you refluff it to fit the setting you're playing in.

It grants Sneak Attack progression, grants bonuses to the espionage-related skills (Diplomacy, Gather Info, Bluff, Sense Motive, etc). Not particularly powerful, but its requirements are pretty low.

Duelist is good too, though IMO it doesn't get really strong until you get Elaborate Parry.

2008-10-12, 06:03 AM
With Daring Warrior you only get to qualify for fighter feats, you don't get any bonus feats, so it's really not worth it. Daring Outlaw on the other hand is awsome.

2008-10-12, 01:11 PM
If Warblade's out, Daring Outlaw is probably your best bet.

If Warblade is an option, Diamond Mind, Iron Heart and White Raven Maneuvers are all appropriate for Swashbuckler-types. Diamond Mind's Concentration check-based fighting on top of the built-in Intelligence synergy makes for a fittingly "skilled"--rather than "strong"--fighting style.

If you go for the Daring Outlaw route, Two-Weapon Fighting is a good bet. It lets you get the most applications of Sneak Attack damage per round. Staggering Strike from Complete Adventurer is priceless--it restricts sneak attack victims to one action per round; definitely a winner if you don't want monsters full attacking you in the face. If your DM allows you to advance the Swashbuckler's PHB2 alternate class feature with Daring Outlaw instead of Dodge, it's a winner for Two-Weapon Fighters.

If you're boosting Charisma and Charisma skills, the Combat Panache tactical feat from the PHB2 gives some nice benefits.

As far as Prestige Classes are concerned, the Scarlet Corsair from Stormwrack is the first to come to mind. It can be nice if you're into stacking fear effects. Its main downside is its weak sneak attack progression,

Don't go Duelist, no matter how fitting it may seem. That class is a joke: yes you have an incredible AC, but there's nothing you can do with it--you're not a threat to enemies (you have no damage source) and you still have crummy saving throws.

2008-10-12, 01:22 PM
Ifyou don't mind homebrew stuff, this (http://www.liquidmateria.info/wiki/Ultimate_Skirmisher) could be close to what you want.

2008-10-12, 06:58 PM
What's your race, level, and stats? What books are allowed?