View Full Version : Cave Story coming to WiiWare!

2008-10-12, 12:07 AM
You heard me. Last week in a Nintendo press release, Doukutsu Monogatari, AKA Cave Story, AKA the best effin' freeware game of all time, after 4 years of relative obscurity on the internet, was announced for release on WiiWare this holiday season. (source (http://press.nintendo.com/articles.jsp?id=16456))

My initial reaction: YESYESYESYESYESYES YES!!!

Apparently it's being developed by a group called Nicalis, working in close collaboration with Studio Pixel. Of course, it's not going to be a straight port; there'll be updated graphics, music, and "new, exclusive content and features created only for the WiiWare version". There's also going to be an option to switch between the updated version and the original, which is awesome. Here's the official website for the new Wii version: http://www.cavestorywii.com/

Personally, I think this game had this coming for a long time. Pixel spent five years making this game absolutely perfect, and he deserves every bit of money he'll earn from this. I know a lot of fans are going to buy it not only to see all of the new features, or to be able to play it on the Wii, but to support Pixel monetarily for his awesome creation. Myself included.

For those of you who have never played, or even heard of Cave Story, I pity you download it NAO!! (http://www.cavestory.org/downloads_1.php) I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

(First post, finally! Woot!)

Return of Lanky
2008-10-12, 12:47 AM
The most exciting part about this is, for me, the fact that Pixel's gonna be getting a crapton of money. I've beaten Cave Story three times, so my own spending of money on the game is going to be as a means of showing support. I might play through with the updated graphics, but the simple nature of the game was part of it's charm.

2008-10-12, 01:21 AM


This is such a fantastic game...loved it. Beaten it twice, managed to perfect Hell so I could beat it consistently...

Good times. Looking forwards to an updated version.

2008-10-12, 04:28 AM
I thought these news would be already known around here, or I'd made a thread myself.

But yes, Cave Story is awesome, in that visceral, perfect way that comes from a complete game. I am now trying to know what amount of the price of the download goes to Pixel, because if it's an acceptable amount, I'll buy it just to show support.

And to know what they've "updated", of course. It was mentioned that they'd add a couple little secret details on Pixel's behalf (he apparently was okay with them, so I'm not worried), and I'm curious.

The Duskblade
2008-10-12, 04:53 AM
I've only had time to play a very small ammount. But its a fun little game made all the more awesome considering it was made by one guy. Even if it was a straight port I think I would be forced to pick it up. (And the point where my VC and Wiiware games outnumber my actual Wii games rapidly approaches.)

2008-10-12, 08:38 AM
I'd buy it in an instant just to net Pixel some cash. That is, if I had a wii. Still, I'll try to get people with wiis to buy it.