View Full Version : Order of the Stick Dreams

2008-10-12, 04:35 PM
The anticipation for OotS 600 has entered my subconscious. For the past two weeks, I've had three dreams about comic 600. I can never remember many details when I wake up, but the comics are incredible and epic when I'm dreaming about them.

This isn't the first time I've dreamed about OotS. Has anyone else had any Order of the Stick-related dreams?

2008-10-12, 04:40 PM
I had a dream where Eugene was telling me I had to go kill Xykon, and then later I was in an epic battle against him. Everything was in stick figure except for me. It was weird.

2008-10-12, 04:41 PM
I had a dream where I was Elan in strip 400, only rather then ending where it did, what with the zoom out, the point of view zoomed back in to show details.... very weird.

2008-10-12, 04:49 PM
I've recently had some really weird dreams. But luckily no OotS ones. That would be too weird.

2008-10-12, 04:59 PM
yeah i had one where I was V and I was killing everyone and then i woke up just befor in made Hinjo's head explode

2008-10-12, 05:01 PM
I had a couple.

At least one had Thog.

2008-10-12, 05:06 PM
I had one were it turned out Shojo was actually a cleric. And wasn't dead.

Then he blew up every ship in the fleet. Fear him.

2008-10-12, 05:11 PM
I haven't had any order of the stick dreams, but I've had order of the stick forum dreams.

I'm not sure which is weirder.

2008-10-12, 05:44 PM
I haven't had any order of the stick dreams, but I've had order of the stick forum dreams.

I'm not sure which is weirder.

I guess the forum ones are. :smalltongue:

2008-10-12, 06:07 PM
I haven't had any order of the stick dreams, but I've had order of the stick forum dreams.

I'm not sure which is weirder.

I've had both, oddly enough.

One recurring detail of my dreams has been multiple updates. The first one (recently) was around 591, and Rich updated 592-600 in rapid succession over the course of a half hour. Last night I dreamed that he did 600-613 all at once. In the first dream, there was an epic battle involving huge blasts of ice, shades of purple and dark red, outer space, high-level magic, and more. Crystal stabbed Belkar from behind and his eyes popped out of his head, cartoon style. I can't remember the rest any more.

Jorgo Mono
2008-10-12, 06:52 PM
One recurring detail of my dreams has been multiple updates. The first one (recently) was around 591, and Rich updated 592-600 in rapid succession over the course of a half hour. Last night I dreamed that he did 600-613 all at once.

My first (and so far only. What? I'm new. :smalltongue:) dream of oots has been on the topic of multiple updates. Rich updated like a comic a minute. He got to 624 before I woke up. I can't remember the details of the comics, but I remember I was extremly sad when I fould it was a dream and we were still on 598. :smallfrown:

2008-10-12, 09:26 PM
Ah, OOTS dreams, I've had more than a few :smalltongue:.

Back around when I started reading OOTS, V had just gone invisible at the breach, and I was holding my breath for the next time we see V. Up until 478 I was having dreams about all the ways V could reappear in a spectacular way and save the day.

And yeah, I've had a few dreams about OOTS 600 although I can't remember much of what happened in them, only that it seemed awesome in my dream. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-12, 09:45 PM
I haven't had any order of the stick dreams, but I've had order of the stick forum dreams.

I'm not sure which is weirder.

Ha, now I know that Im not the only one!

Then agin, I cant remember what those dreams were like, all ]I know is that I dreamt about the forum, and I think that I was an oots character on one of my dreams, but I was just an extra.

2008-10-12, 09:48 PM
I had a very weird OOTS forum dream

There was a big camping trip that everybody from the forums were going on, and everybody looked like their avitar, and went by their username..... Umm.... I think that ranks in one of my top 5 weirdest dreams.

2008-10-13, 01:51 AM
And I thought my Cyric in a talkshow lamely hitting on the terrified host dream was weird...

As for OotS, I had one where Miko was a werewolf.

RMS Oceanic
2008-10-13, 02:06 AM
I had a dream where the next book was out and it was from #484 to #725. Nothing special happened in 600. The order had to infiltrate a huge Black Mesa-type Research Facility to retrieve a MacGuffin, and then Vaarsuvius turned up, looking considerably better rested, to help Haley, and then a level 15 Necromancer brought Roy back as a blue-skinned level one of himself, then I skipped a bunch of pages, then as Durkon was about to cast Resurrection to revive Roy properly the others were looking for something, then Belkar stuck an arrow in Roy's foot, which hurt, so that meant he was already alive, but still blue skinned and level one. Then they all had a summary of what was going on, including a model of the Battle of Azure City, and then there was a picture of Chibi Miko riding on a tiny black wolf. And then they had a "let's go get Xykon" speech and threw a pose.

Also, the whole thing was weirdly drawn, and I realised that because the online copies were still at #599, it would take me nearly a year to find out what happens next.

Then I woke up.

2008-10-13, 09:07 AM
Well I've never had an OOTS dream . . . until I read this thread! I read it last night, then I had a dream about OOTS updating really fast. Except I just figured it was a mistake and would be fixed soon, which it was, then I woke up.

So get OUT OF MY HEAD!! You are subtly influencing my subconscious! Or. . . not-so-subtly . . .

2008-10-13, 09:15 AM
I've had pleanty of Redcloak-related dreams.

Now, the question... In your dreams, are they stick figures or actual people? Depends for me.

Oh, I have also had dreams about the comic, as a comic. like, reader the newest update, or a new prequel being announed, stuff like that. But my dreams usually take place inside rather than outside.

2008-10-13, 09:26 AM
GITP Community Dream: After an all-nighter with fellow GiTP StarCrafters, I went to sleep at 4 AM, slept for about an hour and dreamt about being a Murska Zealot. I woke up at 5 AM, turned the computer on again and played StarCraft again.

I wasn't even tired!

2008-10-13, 09:48 AM
In the recent days I've had two dreams about strip 600:

Dream One: The first page of the strip was in a different style that was drawn with coal, had no text, and was very confusing. The next page was back to the normal style and had V on the astral plane casting a spell and I realized he was casting Genesis and creating his own demiplane. The strip was altogether four pages long, and had no text at all.

Dream Two: This version was only one page long. The top had some small panels, after which was a big panel in which V declared his undying love to Belkar and his frustration of not having been able to find him. V looked very crazy and distressed and there were pink hearts floating around him. The page ended with V turning himself into a lich. His phylactery was a small, round, pink jewel hanging on a chain under his robe. For some reason, the act made V's magical aura change into same dark gray color as Xykon's. I was confused. Hadn't V been a lich for several strips already? Apparently not.

I'm sure strip 600 will feature V...

Mauve Shirt
2008-10-13, 10:07 AM
I've had several dreams about GITP and posting, not many about OOTS specifically. Recently I had a dream that 600 involved Miko coming back and pretty much everyone here was angry about it.

2008-10-13, 10:19 AM
Mine was this morning. I dreamt that I checked the site and found that strip #600 still hadn't been posted. No, really -- my fever dreams all tend to be like that. (Nothing is less restful than spending your night dreaming of trying to get to sleep.)

There was a big camping trip that everybody from the forums were going on, and everybody looked like their avitar...

I'm a red x? :smallconfused:

2008-10-13, 07:35 PM
I had another OOTS Dream. I woke up, and went over to my computer, and found that 600 had been released, and it involved V dying, and i thought "Oh no! Vaarusuvius is my favorite character!... maybe I'll see what heaven (s)he goes too..."

Also, in my camping trip dream, only people I offhand was able to remember (Chronos, LordSylvanus, Ricky S, Colin153 (or whatever), Grimace, and the such) were there.

Raging Gene Ray
2008-10-13, 07:36 PM
I dreamt that I checked the website and it was already at the final comic (#876: My Only Friend). I tried to open up the archives, so I didn't accidentally spoil the ending, but I ended up opening the most recent one.

I saw the final panel. A spread of The Order (including a reformed Belkar), Miko, Azure City, Some reformed Goblinoids, and Rich's avatar all joining together in peace and harmony in Celestia to kick the ever-loving crap out of Eugene, Shojo, and David Argall's avatar for the rest of eternity.

It turned out that the entire comic was actually an intricate condemnation of the elderly and the entire nation was split over the sudden pro-eugenics tone the comic had taken.

People were seizing copies of the OotS books and throwing them in the air in protest. I personally had no problem with it, but only becasue they were somehow staying in the atmosphere and helping fight global warming.

Rich appeared on TV to issue a statement. He was a huge Muscleflab Mountain of a Man with a gigantic red topiary for a beard...you know, like the theoretical offspring of Hagrid and the Juggernaut with an overactive pituitary gland.

The statment was just Rich sitting at a desk and then jumping out of a plate glass window behind him and landing on a Teeny Tiny motorcycle (like in the end-credits to Pee-Wee's Playhaus).

As he landed onto the motorcycle, he started reaching into his pockets and pulling out tangles of hair, which grew and began rolling around like tumbleweeds and acting like Katamaris...they momentarily reminded me of the Snarl. Rich would swallow them whole after they had gathered enough stuff.

The local college's Science Fiction and Fantasy Club had somehow managed to book Rich as a guest speaker at their own convention and was now considering cancelling in light of his sudden descent into bat-guano craziness. They decided to let him appear. I went there out of curiousity.

Rich just sat there behind the desk, still perched on his Teeny-Tiny Motorcycle (he hadn't left it since his "statement"). He would answer questions, sign autographs...but would occasionally throw a Katamari at someone's head. They were never big enough to capture the person, they just rolled out of the convention room.

Finally, I decided to ask Rich a question:
"Did you base the Snarl on yourself?" He responded to this by swallowing me whole along with most of the convention. At the center of Rich's maw...I saw only blackness...then a fleck of light...it turned out to be a space baby, tearing it's own head open and ripping out chunks of its own brains. Sometimes it would throw them away, sometimes it would rearrange them in its head, occasionally it would eat them.
I took a step backwards and saw that the entire scene was contained within a browser. This was not only The TRUE final comic, but the final anything.

That's not only my dream. It's my speculation on what the Final Comic will be.

2008-10-13, 08:01 PM
I had a dream the other night about comic 600. It was also Epic, but I remember very little of it. It was long, and I remember lots of blue in a few panels.

2008-10-14, 12:05 AM
Raging Gene Ray, I love you. If it was 5x shorter I would sig it. That is amazing. I think the strip should end like that.

An Enemy Spy
2008-10-14, 12:20 AM
I had one that started like Oots but then one of them turned into a demonic dragon that ate some cute talking animals and flew around the evil immortal queen of hell's giant underground lair. It was all to the sound of very scary music. I was sufficiently creeped out

2008-10-14, 01:37 AM
I actually had my first OOTS dream a week or two ago, a few strips back. The website had a slight change and it then had a preview next to the updated comic link with a big dramatic image (not unlike the chain split screens in Disgaea, if you know what those are) of whatever character the comic was focusing on. In my dream's case, it was Durkon.

Seriously, he needs more spotlight...

2008-11-08, 10:19 AM
(Does this count as thread necromancy? o.o; Rules say month and a half, and this one isn't a month yet. Ah well)

I had quite an odd one involving the True Resurrection of Miko Miyazaki, who was fully ready to redeem herself and her honor. However... she was resurrected in the wrong universe, for she was drawn in a highly detailed, cartoonish style. She noted this immediately, and then there was a cutaway-

Showing the Goblins from the Goblins webcomic.

And Miko went on to replace Minmax as Complain's sworn enemy, for some reason. And then Complains got polymorphed into a dog.

2008-11-08, 10:32 AM
I had one 16 days ago (I write them all down) where the Order was down a dungeon, where Elan was meditating in some kind of circle, and his hair had grown. V came up wanting a turn in the circle, and Elan said 'Sure!' and got up. Because his hair had grown, V had a mental image of the rest of the male members of the Order as girls and ran away. Meanwhile Durkon cooked and ate a fish, which was apparently Very Bad because everything had a 'copy', and the copy of the dwarf lord had eaten the copy of the fish in that very chamber years ago...
then, for some reason, I was in a toy store watching a parade of Ninjas, then I woke up.
Yes, I know, I am weird.
- VT

2008-11-08, 12:24 PM
I actually had a dream a few days ago about OotS...

Because we didn't have an OotS in a week, I was starting to get really eager to see the next one. So before I went to bed I checked to see if any new comic was up on the rss feed. Unfortunately, there was none, so I went to sleep.

My dream was just that I woke up, went to see the rss feed on my computer and found out 5 new comics were up! I was very happy, and went to see them. Though I don't remember any detail, as these would have been futile anyway. Then I woke up for real and realized it was just a dream, and I was kind of sad...

So I went and looked at the rss feed for real this time, and comic 605 was uploaded by Rich during the night! Yay! This made my day.

2008-11-09, 06:09 AM
No OOTS dreams. However I have had dreams where I am in Star Wars or a wizard and I have woken up to thoughts of "must destroy the Rebellion" or something like that. I have also tried to turn off my alarm clock with the Force/magic multiple times after those dreams.