View Full Version : Thanks.

2008-10-13, 03:31 PM
This is a thread directed at the Giant, like so many others, and even though he says he doesn't come by here much, I'd just like him to know how excited I am that it's strip 600 already. Some of us Playgrounders (myself included), haven't been here since the start, some have. But the important thing is that this is a great comic, and even if it is a bunch of stick figures in a geeky game, for alot of us, the characters are someone to care about, and before you all say I'm taking a stick figure comic to seriously, I ask you this:

Who among you had never laughed at one of Rich's excellently done and witty jokes?

Who didn't gasp when Elan got stabbed?

Who didn't feel so sad that their eyes misted over when Miko said "I can live with that." who? When Roy hit the ground? When Elan lamented his leader's death?

This thread has three purposes:

To thank Rich for everything he does for us. (Especially printing the new book on recycled paper.)

To remember the best parts of the comic so far.

And to talk about what will happen in 600.

2008-10-13, 04:01 PM
I think for 600, V and Qarr will have an epic battle.

2008-10-13, 09:27 PM
A moment that really got me (helped because I'd just seen an equally touching Futurama episode) is "Wanna play blocks with me?"

Amazing what sort of emotions Rich can bring on all us. :smallsmile:

Mariel Dragon
2008-10-14, 10:13 AM
A moment that really got me (helped because I'd just seen an equally touching Futurama episode) is "Wanna play blocks with me?"

Amazing what sort of emotions Rich can bring on all us. :smallsmile:

indeed, although I do not know this episode.

2008-10-14, 10:39 AM
I wholeheartedly agree. Rich, you're amazing. OotS is officially my favorite comic ever. The emotions, the jokes, the drawings... it's all so real, and I love every aspect of it. Thank you!:smallsmile:

2008-10-14, 10:50 AM
OotS is like... an integral part of my everyday life. This comic grows with me, it's like a favourite fairy tale from childhood. Every comic is like a new beginning for me (okay, that was a bit exaggerated...).
Thank you, Giant. Thank you for the wonder OotS is. I know that someday the Order's adventures will come to an end. But I'm sure there will be some kind of sequel to it, because it's just too popular to just end. But until it continues - let's enjoy it!

David Argall
2008-10-14, 12:09 PM
Yes, we thank you.

2008-10-14, 01:24 PM
*bows before the Giant*

Thank you, Giant

Since a friend of mine found OotS in a comic store and another noticed that it's in fact a webcomic, you made many days better for me. Moments like Roy meeting his brother, Therkla's death and Elan's speech, or simply Belkar's actions and speeches show us what matters... and the fact that this are stick figures makes it even better, you aren't distracted by details but we can get the details you give us, to make a good comic

*bows again* Thank you