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2008-10-15, 04:54 PM
The party storms through the front doors, back into the yard of the mansion and makes its way to the horses. The hooded figures slowly shift towards you as you run by, moaning as they brandish their scythes and pitchforks. Although you cannot see their faces beneath their shrouds, their eyes glow a fearsome deep purple, adding an eerie and unnatural illumination to the night.

Outmaneuvering your foes, you make it to your mounts, and secure both Flare and the Magistrate before climbing on, yourselves. Thankfully, Titus and Lucian manage to deal with any immediate threats swiftly, and do not have trouble keeping up with the rest of the party. You are able to urge your horses up quickly, and are off before the hordes of undead are upon you.

Riding back towards the forest, you find it hard to navigate. However, stopping to get your bearings does not seem wise, with the large mob not far from your rear. Titus takes the lead with his horse and brings you into the wood, holding forth a strange, blue lantern that makes your immediate surroundings visible.

The forest is dark and cold; a little less merciful than it had been nights before. Worse still, you have no sight of the path you came in on. However, with no longer having to hear the distant wailing of the undead, your mind is somewhat more at peace. Still, you cannot help but feel there is still danger nearby; as you've learned that there are countless predators that stalk uncivilized lands, especially at night.

A cold breeze blows in from the north, sending shivers down your spine. A nice, warm campfire would certainly be welcome, although there's no telling if stopping now would be safe, and in any case, you've rested enough to travel a few hours without sleep.

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-15, 09:27 PM
Len bumps and jostles in the saddle as her horse lopes along. Arms firmly around the bony magistrate to anchor him in the saddle with her, she has taken protective custody of the sorcerer; Shimar's fascination with breaking his fingers is getting worrisome.

Her neck is sore from the steel draped over it. She pushes the hood of her chainmail off her head, ears throbbing when the breeze gnaws icily at them. A mountainous lump of coiled hair balancing atop her head nearly comes apart when she does this, but she jerkily catches it. You might think she'd let it come cascading luxuriously down in four feet of jet black glory, complete with a seductive headshake or two. You also might not know your ass from a warrior like her, who does not need four feet of jet black glory becoming involved in a fight. The bun stays.

...under the hood of the cloak.

Looking back, she realizes just how many ways people have devised to get around death; resurrection, raising, miracles, and the obvious example she just saw, undeath. Like many of natures secrets being revealed by science these days, death seems to have lost its mystery and resounding finality as bodies fail, only to be repaired just as easily. Somehow, it was seeing the ugly side of human revival, that a poorly preserved body could be revived just as easily into a shambling, rotting shell of a person forced to endure some mockery of life, that really made the issue so clear.

Knowledge is an alarmingly powerful thing, and if its pursuit means that people can create nightmarish things like zombies and betray the foundations of the human condition, then Len decides that it is not the key to perfection like some philosophe [sic] might like to think. They say that the modern perspective is like coming out of the cave of ignorance and basking in the wholesome glow of enlightenment, so enthralled by the latest achievement in some library that they ignore how little life has fundamentally changed; people still fight and kill over words, hoarding what belongs to the hungry to squander on nothing, and crowing at the latest group to fall out of public favor.

She wonders what future generations will learn and then inflict on each other.

2008-10-17, 08:31 PM
Drahlo, Len and Shimar all make note of scuttling about in the surrounding woods, although Titus takes no heed to it, never yielding his pace.

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-17, 09:53 PM
Len pulls out her bow and forms up next to Drahlo. "What was that?"

Spot [roll0]

The Great Skenardo
2008-10-18, 12:16 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold Betruger finds himself in a reflective move as well, although his is decidedly a bit more glum than the Lady Len's.

Where had he gone wrong? The handsome minstrel sighs and runs his fingers through his sandy hair. His fingers are calloused from the strings of the instrument which these days seemed anything but instrumental in his life. Maybe it's because things were happening so fast. Harold sniffs. He hadn't gotten a chance to have his clothes cleaned in a while, and the glorious white of his shirt was now smudged with whatever dirt and grime had been on that basement's floor.

Where had he gone wrong? Wasn't his fault that a bunch of maniacs decided to stand up and fight the watch in the tavern. He might have gotten away scot-free on basis of evidence given, if that bloody bandit's mates hadn't slipped bribes to free them all. Now he was living out of someone else's pocket, and it was only a matter of time until the scarred, rough dirty fingers worked their way down to the last shiny copper at the bottom. He hadn't expected this much carnage, honestly. A few carefully chosen words, a wink, a nod, a little grease on the palms and maybe a short scuffle; that's what he'd thought this would amount to. But noooo...Actual shambling dead raised by the Magistrate, and already at least one death. And a nasty black eye on Harold's otherwise quite agreeable face.

His rapier clatters noisily against his hip as he goes along. He hated that weapon. He wasn't much good with it, really. Enough to keep someone worried, perhaps, but the reality was that for keeping himself alive in the face of implacable hostility...he needed allies like these people.
Like some of these people, he amended, mentally. And maybe that was the problem; Previously he'd always considered that if someone had the serious intention of doing him harm, then he was doing it wrong. With some of the hotheads he hung around with now, hostility was the preferred element, and the clash of steel more welcome than the wagging of tongues. Hmm.

As the skittering noise becomes apparent, Harold barely even looks up.
"What? Oh, I don't know. Probably those forest spirits playing silly buggers with us again. Either they'll let us through after toying with us after a while, or we'll simply die. There's no good in getting worked up about it, Lady Len."

2008-10-18, 07:18 PM
Drahlo rides on with regret on his mind. The shiny beads braided into his long, black hair reflects the light of the knight's lamp eerily. Though perhaps not as reflective as some of the others in the group, his mind lingers on the unfortunate souls still trapped in their long-dead bodies.

As he hears the scuttling about them, however, his mind snaps back to the present. He peers into the woods, his orcish heritage allowing him better vision in the dark than the others. He whispers, "The amulet the old woman gave us... who holds it now?"

Spot: (1d20+7=19) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1774139/)

2008-10-18, 08:56 PM
"I do." Lucian answers Drahlo from the rear of the group. He retrieves it from a pocket inside his vest, and holds it before him. "You think it works like she said it would?" He asks, with a little bit of doubt in his voice.

Drahlo sees nothing in the woods but the surrounding trees and undergrowth.

2008-10-19, 08:26 AM

Unlike Len and Harlod, Shimar did not think too much about the connections between recent events, and their effect on the fate of mankind. There was some evil wizard that got beaten up badly. Also, there were some undead. Fun times, heh.

(Assuming Shimar was carrying Flare)

The slightly lifeless body of Flare was a bit disturbing to carry, though. For some reasons, Len wanted to carry the magistrate. Maybe she wants the have the chance to behead him, should he try to cast a spell. She can have the fun, if she wants.

The sounds from the forest did not frighten the barbarian, altough he kept an eye on the woods, just in case something happens.

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-19, 12:42 PM
OOC: Now this is a work of art. (I only wish I could star in something this cool) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiTEHqAeanw&playnext=1) [Warning: some cursing.]

Also, what is with Serenity RPG players and choosing Major Allure, Registered Companion, and then oh-so-classily naming this social elite something like 'Climaxia O'Face'?


"What? Oh, I don't know. Probably those forest spirits playing silly buggers with us again. Either they'll let us through after toying with us after a while, or we'll simply die. There's no good in getting worked up about it, Lady Len."

Len smirks. "Thanks. I feel safer already."

"You think it works like she said it would?" He asks, with a little bit of doubt in his voice.

"You went alone through that whole mansion with it and came out okay, didn't you? Well, mostly okay."

Not much of a shot on horseback, Len shurgs and returns the bow to its place. She instead focuses on not losing the magistrate.

2008-10-19, 03:32 PM
As the amulet is offered to him, Drahlo shakes his head. "Keep it near you and stay close to us for now... The shamans of my homeland would sometimes bless trinkets like that to ward away danger. Maybe something similar there. We should keep it close to us."

2008-10-19, 06:35 PM
Lucian silently accepts Drahlo's answer, and clutches it tightly in his left hand. His right does not stray far from the hilt of the blade that was tucked into his belt.

Although you continue to hear the sounds of the forest, you do not encounter any monsters, faeries or demons. You make your way onward without encountering a single problem.

Not much further into the woods, Titus halts the group. "I think we ought to stop for the night. If I am headed to Valois without you, I will need to catch my bearings and head in the appropriate direction - sunlight would do me well for that. Those of you returning to Porto Giedion would prefer to travel during the day too, I would think; perhaps I will help you find the path in the morning." He looks about, awaiting opinions.

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-19, 07:47 PM
"I dig." Len agrees, already climbing off the horse.

2008-10-20, 02:37 PM

Still not really getting the point of not killing the magistrate as soon as possible, he remains quiet, ocassionally singing some songs in his mother tongue. He aids Len in any work which needs to be done.

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-21, 01:16 AM
Len spends most of her time clearing out a firepit and then chopping wood. Her dormant competitive side gets the better of her when she is baited into a wood-chopping contest with the barbarian. In the end, she quickly admits defeat to the whirldwind of dreadlocks and axe before he can savage yet another innocent tree and offend Drahlo even further.

Minutes later, a stoked fire happily belches smoke in Len's face as she sinks back to her seat with a cough. She scoots back and forth, trying to find a happy medium between singing her eyebrows off actually feeling any warmth.

Making sure that she's safely out of reach of any sparks, Len flings out her bedroll and pulls her cloak over, shuffling and squirming until she produces her chainmail, holding it up momentarily like a successful angler before putting it aside.

She leans up on one elbow. "Well, Titus. I hope we did okay; I know you and Harold had a clash of styles, but he was trying harder than anyone to help in the best way he could.

Like I said, I think your hardest fight is going to be when you get to Valois and have to face the courts. Harold's job was to make sure you win by having an ironclad case to present.

Sir Titus, disrespecting the courts could mean losing your life and everything you've worked for. I know as well as anyone how malicious they can be with distorting all the meaning out of a law to achieve a goal, but please, just work with them. Make sure everything you say against Thaddeus has some basis in the law: right or wrong is irrelevant to them, all they deal with is legal and illegal.

Thaddeus will probably try to discredit you by making you lose your temper and seem like a murderer. Whatever he says, just answer it factually. The best thing you can do against Thaddeus is to lure him into giving the exact spiel he said earlier; he brings the dead to life, and puts them to work. If you can construe that as slavery and graverobbing, and add Jeremy's detention and its suspiscious circumstances, maybe you'll come out okay.

The Great Skenardo
2008-10-21, 08:12 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold raises himself up on his elbows, a shocked expression on his face. He'd been lying against a stump relic of the Great Woodsman's War earlier that evening.
"Lady Len! I'm...impressed. Warrior and a diplomat...Were I wearing a hat, I would take it off to you." The minstrel offers a lazy salute instead, then continues,
"You'd do well to heed her counsel, Sir Tidus; It's just as she says. I do feel I owe you an apology for that bite you took in the castle. It's my nature to give people the benefit of a doubt, and to seek peaceful resolution to any conflict. It's more...elegant."

2008-10-21, 02:47 PM
Titus seems to heed the words of both Len and Harold carefully, as he sits not far from the open flame. "Thank you. Despite our differences, I am glad to have had your aid." He sighs. "But, don't worry about what I will have to do in Valois; rest assured, things will end well." He looks to Jeremy, who looks a bit out-of-place among the rest of the party. The thief had not dared travel away from the group, as he seemed to distrust the forest. "So, what now? You want me to come with you?" Titus nods. "Yeah, maybe I owe you that much. Hey, lady," He glances to Len. "If I'm helpin' this fella' in court, then I'm not gonna be able to hide what I came 'ere to do. Probably give me a light sentence, since I'd be turning myself in, and helpin' bringin' that bastard to justice." He looks to the magistrate, currently tied to a nearby tree. "I wanted to bring some gold back to my auntie, like I said before. She's sick at home, and the medicine is expensive. I won't be able to bring it to her - so I was hopin', maybe...you would." he then turns back to Titus. "With your lordship's permission, 'course."

He nods slowly.

Jeremy pulls a few gold coins from his vest, and holds them before her in his hand. "She lives in Balanli. It's south, along the Lete River - you know, the one that cuts through the forest further east? Can't be more than eight miles from the road. It's an easy-enough path to take..."

Zardulox whispers, "'Medicine', eh? What a crock! I bet it's for black lotus. Don't do it."

As Jeremy pleads with Len, Titus claims a sack from his horse, and tosses it to Shimar. "That's half of the pay for you, Drahlo and Lucian. I don't have anything else on me - you'll have to see my friend Claudius for that. Just explain to him that this will free our debts completely."

Drahlo, Shimar:
There's 150 platinum, 50 for each (equals 500gp) Drahlo, Shimar and Lucian. Just because he's not a PC anymore doesn't mean he doesn't want his pay! Although, I suppose you could always steal his portion...

2008-10-21, 04:40 PM
Drahlo nods to Titus. "Was never about the money, knight." He says that, but seems to have no qualms with accepting the reward. "I doubt the presence of one like me could help you in court... I wish you luck, but I think it best I remain out here. The ways of you northerners still puzzle me. If you need help cleansing that place when this is all done, I will aid you gladly."

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-22, 01:32 PM
Len accepts the gold, deciding that whether it buys medicine or feeds an addiction is really none of her business. Furthermore, Titus has really let them off easy about their court attendance and undisclosed yet burdensome history; she isn't about to endanger that forbearance by being a hardass right in front of him.

"I'm too big of a softie for that..." Len tells the shuriken as she rolls over to sleep. One last thought crosses her mind.

"Zardulox...how old are you?"

2008-10-22, 03:29 PM
"Fi-...no, wait...more like s-...no, that's not right..." He hesitates a moment. "I can't remember. Why do ya ask, anyway?"

By this time, Titus has put away his things and lies in the comfort of his bedroll. Lucian, however, seems wide-awake. He volunteers to watch over the party until sunrise - which will likely only be one shift, anyway. He begins to pass time whittling a branch, humming a slow tune only Harold would recognize (well, maybe Len too).

Alas, my love, you do me wrong, to cast me off discourteously...

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-22, 05:57 PM
"Because I can't tell whether to picture you as a grumpy old man or a cynical young man." Len whispers, trying to lull herself to sleep.

"And if you never were a man at all, then you'll have to tell me where you got your title of lordhood sometime. G'night, big guy."

The Great Skenardo
2008-10-22, 06:04 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold listens for a while as Lucian sings. He smiles.
"Not bad. But let me have a turn at that, and see if I can't send our comrades to slumber."
Harold carefully and almost reverentially takes out his mandolin and tunes it, clearing his throat. Then, accompanying his own voice with the mandolin, Harold begins his own rendition of the ballad.

2008-10-23, 03:21 PM
The night passes without incident.

In the morning, you rise to find Titus already prepared to leave, with the magistrate - still unconscious - on his horse. You notice a fresh bruise on his forehead.

"Good, you're finally up," he says as the first of you begin to climb out of your bedrolls. "I recommend heading out soon. I'll ride with you a while - but after a short distance, we'll have to walk different paths. You'll only need to follow this road east," he looks down at the thin stretch of the path (or, more like line-of-dirt) as it extends deeper into the woods. "I hadn't recognized it in the evening, but this is indeed the way we came. Just continue to follow it east, after we part."

When ready, you collect your things and make your way back. In less than an hour, Titus finds his separate path, and takes with him both Jeremy and the magistrate. Your party becomes five once more - or six if you include the still-paralyzed Flare. His eyes are closed but he continues to breathe. Whatever happened to him, it would have taken high magic to put him in such a state, and for so long.

After a full day of travel, you find yourselves back at the bridge, that had rested on the cliffs far above the river. The sun is setting once again, and the cool evening air begins to chill you as it had the night before.

On the opposite side of the bridge lays the corpse of one of two ogres previously slain - having rotted and been scavenged upon by the creatures of the forest.

Jeremy has said his village was south, along the river. If you had wished to do as he asked, This would be the point at which to turn.

Spells replenished, HP recovered, 100 XP gained for successfully capturing the Magistrate and keeping Titus alive.

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-23, 06:36 PM
Len peers down the narrow, craggy trailhead and dismounts, gently tugging thre pony's reins.

"I'll...catch up with you guys?" Len offers.

2008-10-23, 10:56 PM
"You mean to go alone?" Lucian seems a bit confused. "Hasn't this wilderness proven to be more than dangerous? Personally, I don't have much desire to do what that man asked - but..." he glances to the other party members, hoping they'll say something, fast.

2008-10-24, 08:38 AM

First, what are we doing with this guy? - Shimar points to Flare, still carried by him.

The Great Skenardo
2008-10-24, 11:08 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold thinks about that.
"Well," he says, "He'll be useful if we need to cross any ditches or large mud puddles." He turns to Len and puts an arm across her shoulder, speaking very quietly.
"Look, I feel for you on wanting to do the medicine errand, but you and I at least are suffering from a terminal illness called 'not enough money to pay back the mob.' I don't want it to reach the late stages, especially since our haul from this journey was...lackluster in comparison with the debt at hand. We don't have a lot of people to work with, here, and not very much time. We can't do pro bono jobs."

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-24, 06:46 PM
Len sighs, hating the idea of going back on her word even temporarily. However, Harold is absolutely right; she adds up the days and realizes that Taeger gave them two weeks as a best-case scenario. If they haven't been found out already, the next four days will have to be very productive.

"Maybe we can hire a messanger." Len says, climbing back on the horse and steering it toward the main road.

OOC: Okay, I feel less guilty about going back to PG now.

2008-10-24, 07:55 PM
So, it's still sunset. Is Len getting back on her horse and "Steering it toward the main road" because you're all going to keep riding? I don't wanna progress until I can be absolutely certain about exactly what you're doing.

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-24, 08:24 PM
Sure, why not. If Jeremy's aunt is so sick that she can't wait four days when he have this ironed out or are TPK'ed, I think he wouldn't be so docile about his impending run-in with the law.

If no one objects, let's make like trees. I remember the bridge being about a days ride from PG gates, so we'll be on Day 11 before we even see Cauldius/Wyatt/Taeger/collection agents to begin with.

You know, I just realized that if we hadn't found Flare, Claudius would have gotten out of paying his share. As is, were looking at badly needed 810 gp (140*double pay*3 = 810) in stead of 540.

Plus, the magician being parylized will make it a lot easier to convince him to shut up and pay Wyatt already without getting all righteous about it.

2008-10-25, 11:30 PM
Does, uh, anyone have a problem with riding for two whole days with only a few minor rest breaks? I mean, I'm not gonna MAKE you camp, but...

2008-10-26, 02:07 AM
Drahlo raises an eyebrow at the private conversation between Len and Harold. "What keeps you from this task? A woman's life is in danger, and we can save her--or at least ease her pain." He gazes first at Harold, then to Len. "Why not go to deliver this medicine directly, right now?"

It's times like these where I really wish druids had sense motive as a class skill.

2008-10-26, 08:35 AM

Do we have to? I don't believe that it should be our task. - grunts the barbarian upon hearing Drahlo's idea.

The Great Skenardo
2008-10-26, 08:55 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold taps his finger on his sleeve for a moment, gazing at the strange druid.
"It's complex. Suffice it to say that the Lady Len and I are on a mission in which that stakes are higher than an alleged auntie whom I've never met before; At least six lives ride on us, and the time is slipping away faster than a greased eel."

2008-10-26, 10:27 AM
At Shimar's words, Drahlo simply shrugs. "Is there a reason it should not?"

At Harold's reply, he almost double-takes. "Then why have you been silent about such a task all this time? If you've need of aid... Well, with Titus's task done, I have no other obligations. I came here to learn of you northerner's ways, but I can take as long as I like with that--if I can be of aid now, then I will."

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-26, 08:27 PM
Len exchanges a fist-pound (http://ben.casnocha.com/images/dudegreetings_shake_variation_1.gif) with Drahlo. "We'd love the help, D. Odd jobs like this are kind of our 'thing'" (air quotes) "and I think you'll learn more than you wanted to know by the time we're done hanging with us."

A thought occurs to her. She pulls out a shiny, slip of silvered paper which is a slightly rumpled admission ticket to a fine opera house (http://www.iaac.us/AH_concert/images/Carnegiehall.jpg). "And here's some advance pay. You wanted to learn about culture, right?"

2008-10-27, 04:25 PM
Alright, I'm assuming that you guys continued moving. You got 7 gold, by the way. I hope you prefer that to the easy 1,500 XP that was waiting for you...

After another day of long and tiresome travel, you arrive back at the gates of the magnificent Porto Giedion. It is late afternoon, and the warm and pleasant sun beams down against the houses, reflecting the glorious shades of gold, brown and red that fill the city. In the distance, you can see the tallest spire of the great cathedral of Faharam, rising just above the roofs of nearby buildings. And, while you can't quite see the harbor, you certainly feel it send a breeze to greet you - keeping you comfortably cool. The clear skies and wonderful scenery make today a beautiful day.

You are greeted by the guards with indifference, who do little more than offer a nod as you enter into the streets of the city. They do not seem unpleasant, but merely bored from duty.

As you approach the Merchant's Square - the nexus and easiest highway of the city - you spot a rather large gathering of people. They seem to be circled around something, and from their mannerisms in speech and movement, you judge it is not something pleasant. Some seem even rather alarmed.

A small group of guards walk by, and move closer to the scene. They tell the cityfolk to disperse.

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-28, 12:34 PM
Len spends the trip home discussing discussing money-making strategies with Harold. Acres of farmland and pasture creep by, ideas shoot back forth, there's plenty of smirking and waving off, but little actual argument.

As they pass under Porto Gideon's stately, arched gate, Len absently dismounts and leads her pony by hand, going over her errands for today. The preoccupied warrior weaves through one crowd after another, not even recognizing the riotous crowd in the center of Merchant's Square as such.

However, the guards do get her attention. Len disperses.

"Hey, how about we go see Claudius and get ourselves paid?" Len asks.

Okay, I have a busy week, so here's Len's actions. Don't wait for my input to continue.

*Collect pay from Claudius (don't forget to ask for the lowdown as stipulated last time they met)

*Meet Wyatt. Return longsword, practice with flail. Discuss feasibility of high value armorsmithing.

*If Wyatt thinks its a good idea, ask Harold for bardly insight on high level caster or exotic material vendors. If Harold flubs...

*Find high-level caster for hire Gather Information [roll0], Knowledge: Local [roll1] Search [roll2]

Find vendor of exotic metals, Gather Information [roll3], Knowledge: Local [roll4], Search [roll5]

In that order, spending no more than four hours on either pursuit.

*Find courier service and send 7 GP to Mrs. Jeremy's Aunt, That One Town, PO Box ????.

2008-10-28, 01:25 PM

Shimar kept himself occupied by carrying the rather stiff Flare along the way.

In the city, he is of course interested in the turmoil, and dismounting from his horse, he moves closer to take a look.

2008-10-28, 02:49 PM
As Shimar moves closer to the scene, he sees the spatter of blood against the wall of a nearby building. It seems to be smeared across the door, the windows and...it even stretches over to the next shop. And a bit to the next. There are bloody bits of animal parts all-over.

You can hear cityfolk asking one another questions:

"Who would do such a thing?"
"Did anyone see who did it?"
"How did nobody notice this until now?"

An old, bearded man with a bottle in his hand and a wild look in his eyes steps onto the scene, madly yelling to those who stop to investigate the matter. "The end is near! This is a sign! This is a sign!" He is quickly grabbed by one of the guardsmen, who pushes him off. "We said, clear the area!" Another guardsman turns towards Shimar. "Nothing to see here. Go about your business."

2008-10-28, 03:15 PM

Nothing to see here? Kiddin' me, don't you? Someone ate a wolf here or the other way round, one could guess. Quite a mess, I tell you. I've recently disposed of an ogre, it wasn't even half the mess.- he is clearly not familiar with this investigation stuff. In his home, everybody would gather, discuss the murder, then kill the one most likely committed the crime. - Besides, I've no business around here right now. - He leans towards his massive weapon, looking around. Finally he had someone to brag about his ogre.

(Assuming that Whisper and Flare is at the horse, it's difficult to keep track of them :) )

The Great Skenardo
2008-10-28, 06:10 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold tilts his head to one side, examining the scene.
"Must be one of those cases of spontaneous combustion. Funny, they usually happen more in the summer."

2008-10-28, 08:02 PM
Drahlo seems mildly confused at Len's fist pound. He spends the travel time mostly observing the surrounding environments, occasionally having a whispered conversation with Guha.

Once in town, Drahlo is not far behind Shimar as he moves to investigate, his curiosity getting the better of him. He completely fails to heed the guards, and moves to get a closer look at the animal parts, trying to identify them. He ignores the guards unless one of them touches him.

2008-10-29, 03:06 PM
Drahlo sees various entrails and limbs of what appears to be a variety of livestock animals - there may be at least one whole cow in the mess. Perhaps a sheep, too. And...maybe a goat?

"Alright, alright, move it along folks." Drahlo gets a gentle shove from one of the guardsmen. Shimar, too, is urged aside. The guards begin to lay small posts down to keep others from entering the area.

2008-10-30, 08:07 PM
The party continues to move along, and make its way towards the noble's quarter. Your large, motley band does seem to draw a few stares as you progress into the wealthier areas of the city, but really, no more than usual.

With less than a quarter-mile between you and the next district, Harold is halted by a curious-looking fellow; a lanky young man with messy blonde hair, dressed in worn and fading garb. He is hunched a bit forward, with an awkward smile displaying an arrangement of less-than-pleasant teeth.

"Oy, fella'. You's is Harold, right?" he doesn't wait for an answer. "My buddy Wyatt wants'ta speak wit' you. 'e said it's urgent - tho' 'e said you'd be pleased."

He waits for the bard to speak.

The Great Skenardo
2008-10-30, 08:19 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold smiles an easy smile.
"Ah, I thought he might be looking for me. Does he need me now, or can it wait half an hour?"
Harold doesn't honestly expect trouble from this man; if Wyatt were telling the truth about his predicament, then he'd be guarding the remaining freemen like the apple of his eye.

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-31, 05:34 PM
Len begins to notice a familiar, ill feeling. Not sharps pangs or anything like her earlier attacks, but that vague malaise she struggled with months ago.

She hopes that whatever Wyatt's good news is, it involves some R&R on Len's part, because she suspects that she has overdone things during the past week.

"Is everyone okay, then? We'll be right there." Len assures the gangly guy. "Unless the news is only good for Harold, or something."

2008-10-31, 05:39 PM
"I dunno, friend - 'e told me to let you's know to seem 'im as soon as I saw ya's. I'll let 'im know, though, that you're on yer ways." With that, he departs.

The party finally makes its way to the noble's quarter, and soon after it arrives before Claudius' home. You are admitted by his staff into the entry hall, where you are told to wait.

Thankfully, it's not long before Claudius arrives from down the length of the hall, sporting an arming coat and holding a mask under his arm. Beside him is a swarthy, mustachio'd man in identical attire, about the elf's height. They each also hold a bated sword in their off-hands, gripping them from the middle of the blade. "Ah, back so soon!" cries Claudius, who seems a fairly pleased. "Allow me to introduce you to a good friend of mine." He gestures to his companion. "This is Javier Rodrigo Del Santa Pelirojo-Cruz." he seems to run a mental checklist to make sure he has the name in its entirety. Javier confirms the correctness of it with a solemn nod. "We were just sparring, a bit. I've been so behind in my bladework, that my form has deteriorated to that of a pure novice!" he grins widely, and then turns back to Javier. "If you'll excuse me, I need to tend to these guests. My servants will take care of you."

Claudius smiles warmly as he glances between Len and Harold, although he seems a bit put off by the presence of the others. "So, I hope that sir Titus wasn't too troublesome to watch over! Did he get fed up and leave you?"

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-10-31, 06:19 PM
I have yet to score a hit in fencing. Like, even during drills when nobody is defending. Its the worst.

I heard it through the grapevine (as in, the fencing thread) that you get all bendy and weird when you fence. What's that all about?

"Nah, Titus was a good guy; he was more tolerant of our working styles than I expected, even when it got him bitten by a zombie. Oh, did I mention the stories turned out to be true?"

Having hopefully piqued his interest (and willingness to add some bonus cash), Len allows Harold to put his bardly spin on the outcome of the escapade; its possible that Claudius might turn them in just to distance his name from the events they took part in.

2008-10-31, 06:26 PM
Claudius stares at Len blankly. "Huh?"

The Great Skenardo
2008-10-31, 07:50 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold blows a curl of blonde hair out of his eyes.
"Lady Len," he says, "Shouldn't we leave Sir Tidus to tell his own stories of victory or evil? We have a small matter of business to resolves, M'lord, and then I regret that I must take my leave from you."

2008-10-31, 10:11 PM
"Wait a moment." Claudius seems concerned. "What happened?"

The Great Skenardo
2008-10-31, 10:29 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold sucks a breath through his teeth, thoughtfully.
"I'm sure I couldn't comment on such matters of politics, m'lord, but suffice it to say that Sir Tidus has succeeded in his quest, almost exactly as he intended it. I'm sure more details will be available to you presently."

2008-11-01, 11:35 AM

The barbarian seems to be uncomfortable in the palace of Claudius, and he lets Harold to talk to him. Altough he really liked Javier Rodrigo Del Santa Pelirojo-Cruz. A man with so many names must be coming from a really ancient and noble family.

Beaten the hell out of that evil necromancer, we did! - he answers Claudius' quiestion a little more straightforward than Harold did.

2008-11-01, 02:28 PM
Drahlo raises an eyebrow at Harold's response. "We brought an evildoer low and set in motion events that will eventually free the souls he enslaved for his earthly work. This is something to state with pride! Why be so indirect about it?" His tone is curious and surprised.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-01, 03:33 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold sighs. How did he get stuck babysitting the fumble brothers? When it came to unbridled violence, there wasn't anyone better, but here? Indoors? Liability. Maybe there was some hope of hammering political consciousness into their thick skulls?
"I was hoping to avoid taxing his Lordship with this particular bit of news, but since my companions have blurted the punchline, you may as well know the rest of the joke, m'lord." He scrapes a short bow.
"In essence, I believe there is shortly to be a rather big stir around your friend Sir Titus. He has indeed placed the magistrate under arrest, and is even now dragging him (not literally, I hope) to court."
He holds up his hands to forestall any initial reaction
"Now, it may not be so bleak as that. Between the more tactful members of our group, we managed find him a key witness, and a casual inquest will deduce that the magistrate in question was indeed raising corpses from the dead, with the help of his unaccounted-for two sons. I wasn't counting on that, to be honest; I was expecting a field trip in which no solid evidence is found." He shrugs in a 'what can you do?' sort of way.
"What else... yes, I'm afraid there was at least one casualty, although our dear friend Flare is now catatonic due to the Magistrate as well. So there you have it."

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-11-01, 05:27 PM
Len stares at the floor. Shouldn't have said anything.

2008-11-02, 09:43 PM
"Oh." Claudius seems a bit surprised. He stands quietly, looking up, down, and around, rubbing his chin as his eyes seem to try to piece together everything to have happened.



"Well, if Titus is alive and the magistrate was indeed guilty, I must assume you acted responsibly." He clears his throat. "Truth be told, I truly did not expect anything of the sort. I should apologize that you should have had to endure any such trial." He turns away, and calls upon a servant. As the servant nears, Claudius commands him to fetch your pay from the coffers. Within moments, he returns, and hands over a few small bags that jingle with coins.

"You'll find twenty-eight platinum in each; double your previous fee - that was the deal, yes?" He hands a bag to Harold, another to Len, and then remembering Flare's state, provides Harold with the motionless magician's pay.

He then turns his attention to the three that had earlier arrived with Titus, his brow a bit furrowed. "Curious; is there any specific reason why you are here, now, and not currently with sir Titus, that I ought to know about?"

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-11-02, 11:20 PM
Len grins broadly, adding her own money to Harold's custody as well. She whispers, making sure to put a good portion of hand between her and the keen eared Drahlo. "Excellent. Hey, speaking of Flare, would you be opposed to going through his pockets and getting what he held out on us last time? You'll be alone with him for a few minutes out there..."

She politely waits for Claudius to conclude his business with Shimar and D before picking up her past inquisition.

"Lord Claudius," she says politely. "Would it be appropriate to discuss the whereabouts of Ziye's first son with you now? I mentioned last time; I have business with him, but he seems to be in hiding. "

Concisely, she explains the nature of her problem and need to find Aereas.

2008-11-03, 03:02 PM

Titus was to bring the magician somewhere, and he said he'd like to go alone to Valois, and our services are needed no longer. Wiyh nothing better to do, we helped the guys carrying the enspelled man. - answers Shimar.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-03, 03:32 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold sighs in an aggrieved fashion. He shouldn't denigrate these people; lord knows he was as useless in a fight as they were in careful conversation. It was hard, though. Devilishly hard.
"Lady Len," he replies, "We can discuss how to best aid Flare a little later. For now we should resolve our business with His Lordship." The minstrel bows more deeply this time to Claudius.
"Thank you for your generosity, m'lord. If you're interesting in commissioning any other work with us, you have my card. If there was nothing else...?"

2008-11-03, 06:11 PM
Claudius seems relieved by Shimar's answer, although he becomes a bit frustrated again, after Lucian begins to speak. "Actually, sir Titus paid us only half of what he promised. He told us you would give us the rest, and that he'd consider all debts paid between you two." A rather flustered Claudius had obviously not predicted that Titus would put this upon him, and promises only ten platinum to each of the trio. "I can't just give away that much money to people I didn't even hire." he says, and continues to explain that they never had any direct dealing, whatsoever - and that they should be satisfied with that much alone.

He then returns his attention back to Harold, seeming to remember something. "You may go when you like; although Len and I have some matters to discuss privately - and I do, in fact, have further work for you, like I promised I would have." He looks to Shimar, and then to Drahlo. "I might have use for you, as well. But of course," He turns back to Harold. "You said you had business to take care of, so you may be on your way - unless you'd like to wait for the lady, that is. If you'd like to hear more about what I have to offer, you may always return in the evening or early tomorrow morning. In the meantime, be well."

He takes Len into his private study upstairs, and Lucian turns to leave. "Take care in your travels, friends. I may not see you for some while; the road beckons me elsewhere." He hands Drahlo the beaded necklace he received days earlier. "Hopefully, this will protect you along your way."

Anyone who remains in the entry hall is greeted by one of Claudius' servants, who waits to fulfill any requests that might be made of the lord's guests.

Harold departs for the Harpy's Head.


Although pausing for a moment to offer tea, Claudius jumps right to business. "I've heard of the doctor, and his first son...ran off, goes by some alias now; Silverweave, I think? His family didn't seem to want to talk very much about it, so understand that there was little I could learn from them...although I think you said that was your experience, as well. I hired some small-time investigators to track him down, and although they found very little, there seemed to be a link between him and several crimes committed within the city walls some time ago - mostly theft. The authorities have yet to find him, so I think he may have fled; perhaps he might be hiding in the wilderness." He sighs. "Other than that, I'm afraid I know nothing." He remains silent, awaiting your reaction.

Harold (I'm assuming you'd prefer I go straight to Wyatt)

You swiftly arrive back at the inn, and go straight to Wyatt's room. After a couple of knocks at his door, it opens; and you are greeted by the man you earlier encountered on the street. He invites you in without delay, and you find Wyatt's room to be no less disorganized than you did the first time. However, Wyatt is nowhere to be seen. Instead, you find a complete stranger sitting at his desk, a rather tall and menacing thug to both his left and right.

The seated stranger is a man possibly younger than yourself, wearing a leather coat and holding a knife; picking at the dirt in his nails. At the sound of the door closing behind you, he places the knife on the desk and looks up at you with an odd grin. An unnatural grin. A grotesque expression that combined a great pleasure with an unnerving hatred.

"Mister Betruger, I presume?"

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-03, 06:21 PM
Harold Betruger

Harold freezes for a moment as he realizes what must have happened here. But with the door behind him...panicking would ruin any chance he had of getting out of here with his pretty face intact.
With a smile that's only a little obviously forced, Harold replies.
"Yes, that's me. But you're not Wyatt. I assume things have changed a bit in my absence."

2008-11-03, 06:42 PM

"No, I'm not Wyatt." He maintains his grin as he speaks. "Things have indeed changed a bit. One thing among them being that I'm now the one you'll be answering to. Your friend Wyatt is...well...up to his neck in other matters, you see." One of his thugs let out a slight chuckle, and the seated man glances at him with his smile somewhat relaxed. When he looks back to you, he keeps the smile, but now hides his teeth. "Relax, Harold. You look like you've seen a ghost. Sit." He gestures to a nearby chair. "We're only here to talk with you."

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-03, 06:45 PM
Harold Betruger

Harold nods. Wasn't like he had much choice in the matter, and he preferred to deal with people while they were at least pretending to be friendly.
He takes a seat, and the action gives him a curious kind of freedom. There wasn't anything left for him to do, but to listen carefully and weigh the options. No hope of fighting, begging, or help. Just whatever the thug had to say, and then Harold would set to work.

2008-11-03, 07:00 PM
The man is obviously pleased with your compliance. He rises from his own chair, circles around, at sits halfway on the front-edge of the desk. "Wyatt says you've been working hard. Real hard. 'Cause you intend on giving us our money. That is your plan, right? To pay us back?" He doesn't really wait for an answer. "Don't answer that. Of course it is. You don't want to end up dead. The Guild doesn't want you dead, either - they won't be able to get much use out of you, that way. So, we actually want you stay healthy, my friend." He leans forward. "You're going to keep doing what you're doing. You're not going to say anything to anyone. We'll give you the time you need, but you better keep working. If you stop working, you stop breathing. It's that simple." He stands, circles back around the desk, and reclaims his knife. He looks down at his fingernails, starts picking at them again. "Any questions?"

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-03, 07:06 PM
Harold Betruger

Harold nods again, relieved. This wasn't any different, really. The proverbial middle man had just been...cut out. If all they wanted was money, Harold was more than happy to give it to them.
Easy come, easy go. And it's fair price for getting me out of jail.
Oh Damn, I've got to make sure...
He coughs.
"Sorry, but one question; I just wanted to double-check the amount of money owed. How much are you expecting, please?"

2008-11-03, 07:16 PM

The man suddenly halts, a grim expression on his face. He puts away his knife as a droplet of blood falls from his hand, and to the dusty, wooden floor beneath him. He slowly steps nearer, with eyes that seem engulfed in rage.

He stands silently a moment, simply glaring at you.

"Five." He finally says. "You owe us five. Don't come looking for us when you have it - we'll find you." He plunges his knife into the desk, and then signals to his men. They all leave single file.

2008-11-03, 07:52 PM
As Lucian passes him the necklace, Drahlo smiles (a scary orc smile) and grasps his shoulder. "My thanks, friend. Wind at your back on your travels."

Drahlo remains in the mansion, taking some time to browse the various items of interest he might find there--paintings, sculptures, shiny objects, and so on. When he notices the servant waiting for him, he turns and says, "The man--Claudis--is your master, yes? Would you tell him that I wish to speak with him about something when he gets free? I wish to ask him a few things about Len and Harold."

Regarding any shopping I might do. I've got 500 from Titus and 100 from Claudius. How much did we get from the raid on the mansion? My next purchase is a wand of minor vigor, but I'm short for it right now... It might be a good idea to pool some funds for that when we get a chance.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-03, 08:03 PM
Harold Betruger

Harold nods, his expression neutral.
"Of course, sir."
he waits for some indication that he may leave.

2008-11-03, 08:38 PM
Drahlo finds a few of the paintings have actually been changed since the last time he was here - while he might recall a painting of a unicorn on one wall, it has been replaced by a depiction of some battle. There are lords with heraldic banners fighting one-another, one's army portrayed fighting under a sun-lit sky with few clouds (with a banner of what may be a Hawk) - the other under dark and stormy weather (with a banner of what seems to be a dragon).

The servant Drahlo questions answers with a nod. "Certainly, sir. I shall inform him of your request for an audience when it is fitting for me to do so." He remains standing in place. "In the meantime, can I fetch you a drink?"

Harold (OOC)
They've all left. You're free to go anytime.

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-11-03, 08:50 PM
Although pausing for a moment to offer tea, Claudius jumps right to business. "I've heard of the doctor, and his first son...ran off, goes by some alias now; Silverweave, I think? His family didn't seem to want to talk very much about it, so understand that there was little I could learn from them...although I think you said that was your experience, as well. I hired some small-time investigators to track him down, and although they found very little, there seemed to be a link between him and several crimes committed within the city walls some time ago - mostly theft. The authorities have yet to find him, so I think he may have fled; perhaps he might be hiding in the wilderness." He sighs. "Other than that, I'm afraid I know nothing." He remains silent, awaiting your reaction.

"...I see." Len breathes, studying the floor for a while. There goes her last lead.

"You even hired people to find this out? I don't know what to say. Thanks."

She knots her hands under her chin, crestfallen...until an idea hits her. "You know, having seen what men like Thaddeus can do with magic...I wonder if this disease is just that. After all, it didn't spread like any plague I'd ever heard of.

I don't know how sorcery works; do you think maybe I can forget about Aereas entirely if I just find someone really powerful, like some high priest or something?"

(After this exchange, Len excuses herself to make room for Drahlo)

2008-11-03, 10:10 PM

Claudius frowns. "I'm no magician either - so I'm afraid I wouldn't know. However, if high magic is needed to cure you, I would expect it to come at a high price. Porto Giedion is a city that runs purely on coin, after all." He sighs. "As I said, I've always a need for hired-hands - perhaps if you continue to work for me, I can spare more funds in helping you through this."

With that, he lets you return to the others.

Len returns to the hall, and the servant goes off to inform Claudius of Drahlo's request. Claudius returns with the servant shortly afterward, looking a bit impatient. "How may I help you?" he asks, obviously not terribly interested.

2008-11-03, 11:57 PM
Drahlo looks awkwardly towards Len--the tactless shaman is uncertain how to keep this conversation private. In the end, he settles for moving close to Claudius (possibly invading his personal space in an uncomfortable way) and whispering to him.

"During our travels together, Len and Harold spoke of some mission they needed to complete of dire importance. They seemed reluctant to speak of it openly. I've offered my aid to them, but they have yet to tell me what their task is. You seem like you would know more about it, and I was hoping you might tell me..."

2008-11-04, 01:14 AM
Although Claudius seems to think Drahlo's mannerisms awkward, he tries to bear with him. "They've spoken to me of their troubles..." he glances to Len. "...and I do not think I could betray their trust to share their situation so openly with others. If you truly wish to know details of the sort, I think it better that you ask them, yourself." Claudius' servant whispers something into his ear, and the lord then turns to address all that are present. "I have other matters I need tending to; I hope that you'll pardon me." He leaves the room, although the servant remains, to address other needs you might have.

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-11-04, 02:49 PM
Len heads back for the Harpy's head, going over her moneymaking plan with a fine-tooth comb before picthing the idea to Harold.

That is, if the good news isn't good enough to make it moot already. She stifles a grin, trying not to get too excited about possibly being free again; who knew that getting back to square one could be an improvement?

If she sees Harold all haggard and distraught:

"Hey. What's the blab, crab?"

2008-11-04, 05:47 PM

The barbarian is content with the payment for undeadslaying fun, so when Len and Harold go on their own way, he goes back to the main square, to have something to eat. He leaves Flare at Claudius' place, but brings his dog with him.

2008-11-05, 04:23 PM
Shimar's search isn't too easy for him, in the city of Porto Giedion - what with being illiterate, and all. The various signs placed about are bright and flashy, but none give any indication as to whether they serve warm meals or sell ladies' evening attire. After some wandering, his feral senses kick in and drift him towards an alluring scent of beef, lingering somewhere in the distance. After poking his head into a few different structures, Shimar finds himself in a bistro, located at the base of what seems to be a building made for other purposes than serving food.

The place is modest, and filled with common folk who sit to meals of stew and roasts. Shimar finds no trouble ordering a meal of his own.

About him are various folk discussing numerous topics; some personal and some worldly. At a table to his left he overhears talk of pirates and trade routes, and then something of a prison-break. To his right, there is discussion over some sort of tournament. The rest of the chatter around him is indistinct and too difficult to make out.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-05, 08:44 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold is seemingly deep in thought when he encounters Len.
"Blab...Crab? Interesting. I'll file that one away."
He scratches an eyebrow, and sighs.
"Well. I didn't get to see Wyatt, but I saw his replacement equivalent. And he's still expecting 5,000 gold. So, really not much has changed. The proverbial axe has gotten no nearer our necks than occurs with the natural flow of time. I suppose we'll have to consider our next move..."

Ya Ta Hey!
2008-11-05, 10:26 PM
"Still five? What happened to the gold we paid in already?"

Interest? Collateral? Tip? Len fumes secretly at the thought but sighs grudgingly, falling in step with the minstrel. "Rr, whatever. We're lucky to be alive if the Guild found us out, which I guess is what happened. "

She studies the cobblestones as they walk over them for a while.

"Harold, man, I think we've got this all wrong: We've gotten three jobs, all through sheer luck, and we aren't even one-fifth done.

Gortana stiffed us, and the only reason we got anything out of Claudius today is because we bailed him from a one-in-a-million situation--we're pawning ourselves for whatever handouts these tightwads think they can get away with."

She gestures to the vast festival of mercantilism around them, prefacing the explanation of her plan. "I was thinking; would you be interested in taking a break from splitting skulls and maybe do something where we decide the price?

Back in Guilder, I spent a lot of time in the forges; I heard stories about princes and dukes, they'd commission magicians when they wanted warfighting equipment--and these guys would conjure it right there, from raw material, swords that could cut shields in half, armor suits you could run in.

I mean, pff, this was just legends to me back then but you know? Having seen what a sorcerer like Thaddeus can do on his spare time? Maybe it would be worthwhile to see what these local casters could do with a hunk of something valuable...

I have an idea, and I need you to debate with something even worse than golems: ...customers"

She watches for any glimmer of interest in Harold's eyes before explaining further (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5238113&postcount=71).


If Harry likes the idea and wants to help, some bardic elaboration about Len's feasibility study (10th level mages, adamantine dealers) would be a good way to start...

2008-11-06, 04:58 AM
Drahlo bows to Claudius as he leaves and says, "I understand..." His is openly disappointed, but he leave it at that.

He hesitates for minute or so as he considers what to do next, and by the time he had decided, Len has left. Sighing and uncertain where to go from here, Drahlo will simply exist Claudius's mansion and wander about the city for a while, going wherever his whims take him.

2008-11-06, 02:48 PM

Shimar asks for a big bowl of highland goulash soup with extra paprika and smoked sausage, with white bread. Since it usually takes a long time to make, he asks for goat cheese and red wine as aperitif. He tries to listen carefully what are they talking about at his right, for there was some tournament mentioned.

He will ask the waitress if he would be so kind to bring some bones to his dog.

2008-11-06, 03:35 PM
As Drahlo goes to depart, Claudius' servant calls out to him. "Shall lord Claudius await your return this evening, then?"

Shimar is quickly waited upon, and the waitress kindly fetches him anything he asks (including the bones for his dog). Although he turns his attention to the conversation regarding the tournament, he still cannot make out the discussion in its entirety. One man speaks in a raspy voice. "The Barbodian Games...undefeated gladiator...fights like a demon. I'm taking the next boat out..."

"'onna fight him?" asks the other, and then to two erupt into laughter.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-07, 12:12 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold listens with half an ear to the scheme as Len lays it out.
"I see. So you plan to find a powerful wizard for hire in this city and commission him with all of our money to cast a spell, which will then gain us something twice as valuable, by your reckoning, than the money we invested. In theory sound, but allow me brandish the cynic's spear here to poke holes in the beautiful plan."
He steeples his fingers.
"Consider what we put in vs. what we get out. We put in all of the money we have, essentially, making this an all-or-nothing gamble. Fine, fortune favors the bold and all that. Now consider what we get out; if the wizard is able to perform this task exactly to your specification, we have transformed an extremely large amount of money into a single item, which we then must sell. Taking as granted for the moment that there is a dealer in such things here that would be interested in buying something magically manufactured -How does he know it won't turn to sand tomorrow?-, We have to consider what we'll get from it."
Harold pauses for a moment to make sure the fighter is following him thus far.
"I've never known any dealer in exotics and luxuries to buy something for what it's worth; At most, we may get fifty percent of what it's worth. Even then, were I such a dealer, I would demand that the payment be delivered in about a week's time, to ensure there won't be a pile of sand where my new expensive purchase was the night before. So what we have here is a method turning gold into the same amount or less of the same gold, probably delivered a week later."
Another pause.
"As laundering schemes go, it's decent. As a profit-making venture? Not so much. Nonetheless, it's a good piece of thinking on your part, and I do encourage you to turn that surprising brain of yours to more ideas."
The musician scratches his ear, absently.
"I need to think for a while. Why don't you join me for a little walk around the city? Maybe we'll see something along the way which will jog our greedy, greedy imaginations."

2008-11-07, 05:39 PM
Len sighs. "...Sure."

The two walk a while, and nightfall comes quickly. Most retreat to their homes, although some folk can be seen wandering the city, illuminated as they stand underneath the hovering lanterns that patrol the streets. You eventually come to the docks, rampant with drunken sailors and prostitutes who try to lure them in. A few even look Harold's way, although none make any calls to him.

It's certainly a rowdy part of town, and the lack of any guards in the area may make it prone to becoming unruly, as well.

"Well, I'm outta ideas. Howabout you, buckaroo?"

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-07, 06:15 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold nods politely to the various streetwalkers. If anything, he would have demanded pay from them for "services rendered."
In answer to Len's rough-cut question, Harold tilts his head to one side.
"Well," he says, finally, "I'm mulling over a few options. The one that's simple to the point of incredulity is to take out a loan from someone who's likely to be a bit more patient about the whole thing, and not threaten us with knives. If we can shift the debt to a more benign party, then we may pay it off with a bit more leisure, and a bit less of the fear that gives men wings, if you follow me. One thought I had was making a sort of bargain with the Church. We can scrounge a few good references," he says, tapping the pocket of his backpack where Wyatt's last surviving works lay hidden.
"And even a few actual personages. That might be enough to convince them that we're not Vagabonds, anyways. The notion is that we make a sort of bargain with the Church. In exchange for an immediate loan of the needed funds -or some portion thereof- we agree to pay them back over time, summing to an amount 10% more than what we borrowed. They can put it towards a school or a hospital, or something."

2008-11-08, 03:44 AM
Okay, I'm just presuming Drahlo left Claudius' estate and just wandered.

Len thinks over everything Harold has to say with a great deal of thought before responding. "I like that idea. It makes sense. And, I don't think it's got any real risk involved." She seems rather positive until one thought strikes her, and then she slumps a bit. "You think the local church has that much money to give out? I was thinking that they spent a great deal giving alms to the poor and things like that. A portion, maybe - but I don't think they'd give us the whole sh'bang."

She glances around for a moment. "So, it's kinda dark out. Do you thi-" She turns towards a shadowy figure a short distance away. "Hey, isn't that D?"

Meanwhile, Shimar's waitress eventually returns, explaining the cost of the meal will be one silver piece. He is free to do what he will after paying - whether it be relaxing in the tiny dining hall or venturing the streets outside. Shimar would instinctively know it's starting to get late.

2008-11-08, 06:56 AM

The young barbarian knows better than to fight gladiators, so he after paying, he leaves the inn, and looks for the place Len mentioned. Maybe there is something interesting happening, and he doesn't want to miss it.

2008-11-08, 03:16 PM
Sorry for my absence; for some reason the thread didn't show up as having any new posts for a while and I just assumed the game had just slowed down. <<

Drahlo turns to respond to the servant as he leaves, "I... suppose so." He doesn't sound terribly convinced himself. He then proceeds to leave.


After spending a good deal of time wandering aimlessly through town, the orc finds himself on the docks. His spots Len and Harold through his darkvision, and raises a hand to wave to them, approaching them with a half-grin. "Len, Harold. I... think the proper greeting for this time of day is 'good evening.'"

2008-11-11, 12:55 PM
"Evenin'." Len replies, with a wave and a smile. She seems to ignore the cold of the harbor well. "Harold and I were just taking care of some business." She turns back to him. "If you want to head off and try to make something of your idea, I guess you should give it a shot." She shrugs. "I think we were a little too late to find anybody that could sell us some adamantine here...or maybe..." She glances off to a dockside inn, booming with the banter of undoubtedly drunken sailors of the ships currently in port. "...nah, maybe tomorrow. I'm going to check on what Claudius had to offer. I might be able to get him to give us some more coin than he paid for the previous jobs." She glances around. "Wait, where's Shimar? Is he off carting Flare around, alone?"

Sorry Amanodel; what place did Len mention? I just spent like fifteen minutes trying to find something she said to know where you're going. I didn't find anything.

Also, everyone should adjust their experience totals to 3052.

That's right. Level 3.

2008-11-11, 03:01 PM
Drahlo shakes his head to Len. "I know not. He left earlier on his own. I think Flare is still at Claudius's... uhm... mansion?"

2008-11-12, 06:28 PM
"Damn." Len snaps her fingers. "Maybe we should try to find him? I don't think the poor fella has any knowing of the city; he's probably lost!" She glances up and down the docks. "Although I don't think running around in the middle of the night is going to do us much good; Shimar might stand out a bit, but..." A thought visibly occurs. "Wait a minute; D, you can see in the dark, can't you? C'mon, let's go find Shimar!"

Since amanodel has yet to clarify, I'm just going to say you'll find him, wherever he is, with a good enough Spot check.

Meanwhile Harold makes his way to the nearest church of Faharam - a tall and looming structure, well-made and maintained - and he is greeted at the door by an old, lone priest. His face is wrinkled, his head balding, and his hand shakes a bit as he reaches out to invite the bard inside. The two now stand at the entrance of the church, behind the last row of seats that extend all the way to the preacher's stand that lies at the front of the room.

"How may I help you, my son?"

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-13, 01:14 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold tilts his head to one side, an easy smile on his face.
"An interesting question father. I believe we can help each other. Do you have a minute or two to talk?"

2008-11-13, 01:34 PM
(If noone clarified where are everyone's going, Shimar prob'ly just kept wandering around, waiting for something interestin to happen.)

The party finds Shimar at a relatively large square, as he's playing with his dog, Whisper. That might scare the whiney city folk every now and then, so it's not hard to find him. Just follow the screams.

2008-11-13, 02:21 PM
"My son, as a servant of Faharam, I always have the time to talk to His children." He smiles warmly. "Please, if there is something I can do to aid you, let me know what I must do." He then invites Harold to follow him away from the door, and to a more well-lit area, where you can see each other more clearly. Harold now stands before a man he would guess to be well-past sixty, with dark, sunken eyes that look up at him wearily.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-13, 02:41 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold nods graciously to the priest.
"I came to you, father, because a woman I know is in a lot of trouble, and I can't help her by myself. A week or so ago, she was resting in an inn when the place was raided by the town watch in search of thieves. Well, long story short, there was a brawl and it turned deadly. A lot of people were arrested, and this lady was one of them, even though she had nothing to do with it. Already it sounds bleak, but it gets worse, unfortunately."
Harold sighs.
"There are corrupt people in this corrupt world. A group of highly unethical people...thieves, brigands, murderers...they hatched a scheme. They bribed the officials a large amount of money to release this lady from prison, but I assure you their intentions were not altruistic. They demanded that she pay them back and more besides, or face a fate far, far worse than prison. They gave a deadline of two weeks in which to raise 5,000 gold pieces."
Harold leans back a little.
"Now, I've been helping her as much as I can to raise the money, but so much so quickly is far beyond our reach, especially with such dire consequences hanging over her head. So I agreed to come on her behalf, and ask for help from the church, so greatly renowned for works of mercy and help for the needy."
Harold clasps his hands together, earnestly.
"So this is what I suggest. We've been able to scrape together about a thousand gold together towards her debt, but getting four thousand more in the time remaining is beyond me. If the church can help towards paying some of the rest, then our problem will be solved.
One good turn deserves another, so she and I would be more than happy to work on the church's behalf to pay what we are bestowed and more besides, in time. I will pledge that whatever aid the church can give us will be returned twofold over the next year, so that others may benefit from the mercy of the church as we will."

2008-11-13, 02:41 PM
"It still seems odd to me that so many other creatures cannot see in the dark. There are so many problems that would cause..." Drahlo follows Len quietly for a while.

After a few minutes of travel, he sighs and begins speaking. "I... do not like to go behind people's backs, but I wish to know something, and it seems Harold wishes to keep it secret... He creates words that dance around the truth, nearing it but never illuminating it. So I ask you now that he is gone in hopes of a true answer. What is your mission? He said six lives ride on you and him--a dire mission indeed. Why will you not tell me more?"

2008-11-13, 08:57 PM
The priest is a bit startled to hear Harold's story; his troubled face makes it painfully obvious that he had expected to hear nothing of the sort. He takes a moment to compose himself once more, and then looks up into Harold's eyes with deep concern. "I'm not sure how much the church can support you, my son; we are wealthy in faith and blessings here, but not very much in coin. However..." He clears his throat. "The church does some fundraising during sermons, and also receives money through the sponsorship of some more prominent figures of the city. Perhaps we could pay you in exchange for services, although there is not much we can give out freely in advance, even should you swear you'll work us at another time."

He then lets out a breathy sigh, clearly having great sympathy despite his objections. "You seem sincere, and I'd hate to send you out of here with nothing." He then reaches into his robes, and pulls out a small amulet that bears the symbol of his faith. It is ornately designed from silver, masterfully crafted and fit with a tiny green garnet known to be rare in these parts. "This belonged to my wife; she's long gone now. I think you might be able to sell it for as many as a hundred coins. Maybe even more." He holds it out to Harold. "Take it. I think I need to let go of her, anyhow."


Len halts as Drahlo asks his question, and gives him a weary glance. "Look, Drahlo," She starts, and then hesitates. "...it's complicated. We...we've fallen in with some people who just aren't any good. We owe them money, and if we don't get it to them, then they're not going to be pleased. They have a lot of friends, too." She stops herself, and takes a moment to calm down. "You don't want to know more than that - trust me. It'll only make things worse for you. Let's just...go find Shimar, okay?"

Only a few yards away do you spot the hulking man and his dog. Len swiftly walks toward him, leaving Drahlo behind her. "Hey, Shimar." She calls from a short distance, a hint of frustration in her voice.

2008-11-16, 07:05 PM
OOC: Ahem. Just thought I'd bump in the case that anyone might have suspected there has not been any updates...

2008-11-17, 05:23 PM
Okay, so I'm saying Harold tried his letters of introduction, tried to persuade the church to make an exception, but it failed in the end because the rest of the clergymen just repeated the same thing the first priest had explained, unwilling to bend.

Meanwhile, the "Fumble Brothers" (I liked that description?) all accompany Len as she sees what Claudius has to offer, prepared to demand higher pay, if necessary

After some time, the party regroups at Claudius' estate in two parties; Len with Drahlo and Shimar, and Harold alone; seemingly defeated by the lack of aid the church had been willing to give him. It would appear he joined with the rest only begrudgingly, as no other options leave Harold to either get some sleep, or to find out what Len had been up to.

After a short wait, the four of you are brought into Claudius' study, where he invites you to sit and relax. He is dressed in very formal attire, perhaps suggesting he may have been out-and-about with some important people; and has simply neglected to change for the time being. After a servant arrives and offers tea, Claudius finally gets down to business.

"I'm very glad you're here, tonight; I'm in great need of the services the likes of your kind..." his eyes scan each member of the party slowly, as he reclines into his grand chair; his hand fumbling with the tip of an ornate cane, holding it in a standing position that lands the other end on the floor, beside his right leg. He then suddenly leans forward. "For some time now, I've been the director of the excavation..." he pauses, and begins to grow a smile. "...of an ancient temple which rests beneath the surface of a tiny isle, not far from the coast of Medici." He studies your reactions. "With my wealth, I fund the state with the money necessary to uncover lost artifacts of civilizations long dead; in return, I earn great renown, as well as ownership of some of the minor trinkets; but really, I am not interested in either, at the moment." His smile grows wider for a moment, but then his face turns a bit more serious. "Many of the scholars I am employing believe this temple to hold great significance...and some even guess that it may hold a book of legend - a text that supposedly holds the secrets of the origins of arcana. It is not said to hold any power, but it is rich with knowledge and possesses great historical significance. I've seen what evidence supports the idea it's there - and I'm rather convinced that's indeed where the book rests. If I can recover it, then I can no doubt sell it to the city, or possibly King Mathias himself, and not have to worry about financial matters for two human life-times. However," His face turns to a frown. "I believe there is some trouble at the site. I haven't received a report from my men in weeks, and I begin to worry about our progress. Last I heard from them, there had been much progress in opening the temple, although there were many troubles with the natives." His voice grows stern. "I need a team of able men and women to go there, learned what has transpired, and report back to me. For that, I'll give you each a hundred gold; but truly, this is not why I've called you here." he reclines again. "I think you are obviously worthy of trust, and your abilities seem far above menial labor...so I actually want you to do something else for me." He now stands, and leans a bit on his cane. "If you can help me get the book..." He smiles to Len and Harold. "...then I think you can consider your monetary troubles to be dealt with." He then glances to Drahlo and Shimar, adding, "Four-thousand gold coins. Each. I hear your can buy quite a lot of farmland on the Guilder-Medici border, with that kind of money...that among many other things. What do you say?" he smiles as he steeples his fingers, obviously awaiting your answers with great anticipation.

2008-11-17, 09:54 PM
Len's harsh retort after asking of her troubles quickly silences him, and he speaks little on the way back to the mansion. His expression is obviously troubled.


Drahlo sits quietly on the floor next to a chair as they are brought into the study, apparently more comfortable there. He holds Guha in his left hand and idly strokes her fur with his right, listening intently to Claudius's offer. For a moment, he considers answering with something along the lines of wealth not being an issue--but then he looks to Len and Harold with a somewhat guilty expression, shakes his head, and says, "I shall help in whatever way I can."

2008-11-18, 01:54 AM

Buried treasures, ancient temples, path to fame and glory... way to tempt Shimar.

Four thousend, you say? I shall enslave a goblin tribe myself and make them search the entire isle for that! - the barbarian's expression may not be entirely clear to anyone else at this place but him, but he seems quite happy with that.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-19, 11:12 PM
Harold Betruger
The minstrel sits quietly with legs crossed as the proposal is laid out, and after the others have made their interjections he sits quietly for a little while longer, toying absently with a new silver necklace he seems to have acquired.
"An Expedition, you say." He sounds dubious.
"Well, it's not my specialty. Usually I get the shakes when I'm more than two days from cobblestones, you see. But!" He stands,
"Problems solved, reasonable rates, great renown. And I suppose a great musician is one who's always willing to extend his repertoire. Very well, for my own part I'm willing to take on this little task for you, m'lord. Anything more you can tell us about the island, or the people who live there?"

2008-11-20, 12:58 AM
"Well, Harold," replies Claudius, trying to address his prior statements before actually answering his questions. "Your larger friends here would be present to do the hefty work; you, I think, would be most needed for your reputed scope." He smiles. "But anyhow; yes, there's a bit I can tell. The island takes only about a week to reach by boat; and it is a lush place, filled with overgrowth - which is no doubt covering more of the ruins of the expired civilization. It's small, but there are a few inhabitants to be wary of." He clears his throat. "Apart from a few large insects and some wild boars, you may cross paths with a native kobold." His eyes narrow. "They may be behind what's been happening, or they may not. Although they're uncivilized, they can be reasonable; which makes me hesitant to believe they'd try to cause you any harm, unprovoked. If you don't look for any trouble with them, I doubt you'll find any. Personally, I think they should be avoided at all costs."

He awaits to address any other questions or concerns.

2008-11-24, 01:14 AM
"Well then," continues Claudius, as none appear to voice any further concerns. "I want to send a boat out there in the next two days; but, aside from a basic crew, we don't have many men. Although there is one skilled man I'll be having join you at port, I want you to hire yourselves an additional hand, or two. Perhaps visit a local inn, look about for some people who might be interested in a basic guard's work, and such. Or, who knows? Maybe you'll find some veteran mercenary who happens to be interested in getting their hands a little extra dirty on your behalf. I'll give you some gold up front, to take care of anyone who demands some payment ahead of time; I trust you'll put it to good use." He beckons a servant close, whispers into his ear, and sends him off. The servant returns shortly with a pouch filled with coins, which he sets before the party on a small table. "That matches about eight-hundred in gold, there. If someone asks for more, then I'll need to have a personal audience with them. However, I suggest you manage the coin better than to hire a single person, unless they leave a rather good impression." He smiles. "Of course, if you think you don't need the help, I suppose you could take what's there as an advance on your pay; still, I strongly suggest you at least try to look around, first."

2008-11-25, 03:22 PM
Drahlo frowns for a moment and says, "There is one other thing..." He glances to Len for a moment and says, "I wish to have something delivered to... ah... The man said the town was called 'Balanli.' As swiftly as possible. I do not know how I might go about doing this, though. Do you know of a reliable messenger I might hire with part of my payment?"

2008-11-25, 03:37 PM
"Certainly." Claudius nods. "I know of many couriers who can take care of that for you. If you so desire, you can give what you wish to send to my attendant downstairs, and he'll have it brought to whichever service within the city he thinks will bring it most swiftly." He clasps his hands and smiles. "Was there something else?"

2008-11-25, 03:48 PM

I believe we're fine. I'll go to a pub nearby the docks and pull a fight. A good way to select the best crew for a tough journey. - says Shimar, and you know he means it - Anyone wanna join?

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-26, 11:38 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold coughs.
"I'm not, strictly speaking, a nautical man, but it seems like the sort you'd get by taking the last man standing after a brawl are the kind which are good at sustained violence. While that's a useful skill in the wild, I submit that we already have a surfeit of such sentiment in our regular team." Harold carefully keeps his gaze away from anyone in particular in the room.
"I was rather hoping to pick up a soul or two with a bit more...deliberation than that. Perhaps even someone with a soupcon of magical power to offer, whatever its source. Give me a bit of time to ask around, and I'll bet I could find someone decently reliable and puissant."
he nods to Claudius. "Unless our esteemed employer has a suggestion, of course."

2008-11-26, 12:51 PM
Failing to see the point of Harold, Shimar replies: "This is why we need to go to the dock. There are lot of sailors there, who know a lot more about the oceans than we do. Sailors are hardy folks, and they like fighting, so obviuosly the toughtest one is the best sailor!"

2008-11-26, 01:50 PM
Drahlo shrugs as the other discuss how to hire another ally. He looks to Shimar and says, "Friend, combat prowess is not the greatest measure of skill. Between yourself, Len, and me, we've a good deal of strength of arms behind us. Harold's skill with words is powerful, and my connection to nature can heal our wounds. Would be best to find someone who has other skills, so we are not caught unprepared. What that means, I shall allow you to decide." With that, he bows in the general direction of the others and takes his leave. Assuming he isn't stopped by someone along the way, he will make his way downstairs.

Once he finds the attendant Claudius mentioned, he approaches and says, "Your chief told me to come to you with this. I need to send some money to a village to the south, swiftly. He said you would know the best... carrier? I am not certain which word to use..."

2008-11-26, 02:08 PM
Claudius smiles at Harold. "The man I'll have join you is a sort of jack-of-all-trades, if you will; I presume not too different from yourself, Harold. He may know something of magic - so, you may not need to worry about tracking down a mage willing to leave his books to join you in this little 'adventure'. Of course," he tilts his head down to the side, and back up as he gives it more consideration. "If you truly want a sorcerer to join you, perhaps we can pool some assets to cure your friend Flare?" The arch in his brow shows he's a bit troubled. "You left him here, in my foyer, in that awkward, frozen state. He's in a guest's quarter now, still rather stiff. Maybe you should use that gold to find him a cure, and convince him to join you, hmm?"

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-26, 03:06 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold nods thoughtfully at nearly all of Claudius' suggestions. He balks at the notion of curing Flare, though.
"Bring...Flare? I appreciate your grace hasn't had the same...exposure to Flare that the rest of us have, but what you must understand is that taking Flare along with you anywhere is a bit like having a ball-and-chain on one foot; sure you can still get around, and it's somewhat useful if you need to bludgeon someone or destroy something... but it isn't pleasant. It chafes, it makes you unsuitable for a variety of company, and it prevents you from accomplishing even the most simple of tasks without a great deal of trouble."
He holds up his hands.
"However, out of a concern for littering, at the very least, we will remove him from your custody. Shimar, feel free to trawl the dock...Who knows, maybe you'll manage to find a big fish that isn't too badly pickled."

2008-11-26, 06:45 PM
Claudius seems surprised by Harold's reaction. "Very well..." he rubs his chin. "Two days, then. If you have any other concerns," he rises. "inform my attendants. I will be retiring for the evening. Good night. Badda will see you out." he points to the looming orc bodyguard at the door, whose presence had been completely unknown until now. Claudius then offers a final, weary smile before exiting the room.

Len doesn't hesitate to volunteer to grab Flare. "I'll bring him over to a nearby church. Maybe they can take care of him, there. Where should I meet you folks?"

Meanwhile, the attendant that Drahlo finds downstairs is a bit confused by the orc's use of words, although he seems to understand what he's getting at. "Ah. Hum. What town would that be, sir? And, what is the name of the recipient?"

2008-11-26, 07:25 PM
"Balani is the town... He said it is small, south along the Lete River? It goes to the ailing aunt of a man we encountered named Jeremy. I do not know her name, but if the town is as small as described, I think it would not be hard to find her from that... Or is that a problem?"

2008-11-26, 09:54 PM
"Well, sir," his face is a bit stern. "Although imagine the people there are honest, it would be difficult to pinpoint the exact person you had in mind. However, I'm sure the couriers would attempt it. If you leave said moneys with me, I'll certainly deliver it to the courier service in the morning."

2008-11-29, 01:54 PM
While Drahlo tries to take care of the shipment of money, Len drags Flare's motionless body from the estate, and Harold does...Haroldly things, Shimar immediately heads down to the docks to search for a pub. Thankfully, it is not long before he finds such a place; a large building, just off the water, booming with banter and cheer. He has little doubt the place will house the sorts of which he's looking for.

As Shimar steps in, he sees before him a drinking hall of great proportions. There are long, wooden tables everywhere he looks; and at them, gatherings of what he presumes to be sailors and other travellers, all lively and some rowdy. Just above his head hang down large chandeliers; which are well lit, but provide insignificant amounts of light compared to the massive fireplace against the far wall. The fire fills the room with a blanket of heat; almost smothering, yet still comfortable when considering the cold air of the outside.

Shimar can hear a tune being played to his right - upon turning, he spots a trio of musicians performing for the drunken bunch. They carry a fiddle, a flute and a lute; the patrons fill in the vocals (if a bit too drunk to much of anything intelligible). The song is certainly rousing - although one could guess that a few tankards of ale would be necessary to appreciate it as well as most others here.

To his left, Shimar sees a lengthy bar, sitting a dozen men who playfully hound a single, old bartender who leisurely serves them their drinks. Among those here, Shimar spies a few gruff men, elves and halflings who may serve as capable shipmates. However, one stands out further from the rest to the barbarian:

With her back pressed against the bar and her elbows behind her on the bartop, a young woman with firey red hair surveys Shimar as walks further inward, then seems to disregard him. She is tall and lean, though far from qualifying as delicate. Her visible musculature-and there is a bit more than is really necessary- ripples with each subtle movement of her body. She wears very little: A pair of skin tight leather jerkins, simple leather boots, and a top that would be more appropriately called minimal covering as opposed to a shirt that halters around her neck. Over her shoulder, a sheathed bastard sword hangs from a belt that should be strapped around her waist, and a simple pack sits at her feet with the hint of some chain armor poking out of it. An unslung bow and quiver of arrowrs rests against the pack. Her eyes are deep blue, and would be pretty but for the look of obvious mischief dancing within them. Her face is thin, much like the rest of her, and tapers into elegently sloping points, culminating in the partial slant of her eyes and the narrow tips of her ears--though not quite as narrow as one of full elven blood.

2008-11-29, 03:34 PM
"I see..." The man's tone at the beginning of his explanation seems to put put the orc off a bit; he presses his lips together and narrows his eyes subtly. Still, he would at least make the attempt, and that is enough. His expression relaxes a bit as the orc hands the man fifty gold coins and says, "That is the best we can do unfortunately. If they make the attempt, I will be satisfied.

I'm... not sure how much this would cost. Please tell your chieftain to take the cost out of my reward money if possible. Thank you."

That done, he will hail Shimar and ask to come along--his methods leave the orc wondering if perhaps they would need the services of a healer.

2008-11-29, 03:59 PM
Shimar tells Drahlo that he will find him at the docks, and adds that if everything goes as planned, he won't be hard to find.

Shimar looks around in the tavern, and finds it nice. Large wooden tables usually good at surviving fights, so this place hosts a fight every other day, according to Shimar's logic. Upon spotting the girl, Shimar changes his mind. Up until this time, the ideal crewman would have a large beard, an eyepatch, and a wooden leg.

He's not hesitant to take his place at the bar as close to the half-elf girl as possible. He tries his best not to accidentally poke someone with his halberd for now, and orders Whisper to behave like a good dog.

The Great Skenardo
2008-11-30, 11:23 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold sets off for the library, where he looks for a mustiest, dustiest book on magic he can find.

2008-11-30, 11:47 AM
Shifting her weight in a bodily expression of boredom, the half-elf turns her attention to Shimar once more, regarding him with an even if not partially challenging stare. Her eyes linger on him, assessing him as one would a beast at market. Seemingly satisfied with what she sees, she turns her back to the rest of the bar, resting her elbows on the bar top as she leans forward and allows her sword belt to slide from her shoulder, joining the pile of equipment at her feet.

"Cute pup." She muses as she glances sidelong at Shimar, with most of her attention focused on a spot beyond the bar itself.

2008-11-30, 01:25 PM

Shimar is tall and muscular, but still retains a cat-like agility as he walks. The face of the barbarian is tattoed, and his black hair is shaved at the sides of his head. A couple of scars are visible on him, and as far as clothing goes, he's not really different from the girl, taking as little as possible.

Confident and strong - thought the barbarian. He knows the type well. If a woman want to get into position in his homeland, she has to be just like this half-elf. He pets Whisper on the head. That would perhaps break the neck of a smaller dog, but Whisper is just smiling with it's tongue hanging out.

Not so many dog like Whisper around here, I received him from raindeer hunters. So, what's here for drinking? - answers Shimar with an expression matching the half-elf's.

2008-11-30, 10:13 PM
Rolling one shoulder by way of a shrug, she says, "Nothing out of the ordinary. Bad wine, stale ale, and that cheap mix of everyone's leftovers slop that sailors are overly fond of." She wrinkles her nose slightly at the last before she finally turns her head, regarding Shimar with an intense scrutiny.

2008-12-01, 01:47 PM
Nice weapon collection you've got. You serve in an army? - asks Shimar while waiting for the barkeeper to come around. Meanwhile, he tries to identify the origin of the girl. He's not very familiar with elves, but maybe there are obvious clues in her skin tone, hair colour, face, or speech pattern, that will help to identify the human half. She probably grew up with humans; she isn't really acting elfish.

2008-12-01, 03:50 PM
Her lips turn up into a smug grin. "No, I don't serve in the army. Taking orders isn't really a strong suit of mine." She shifts, glancing down at the weaponry at her feet before stretching her lower back outward as she brings one foot up to rest on her pack. The sharp edge to her words and rhythm of her sentences mark her as a city dweller of some sort. Her vivid green eyes clash with the shocking red color of her hair--which upon a second look is obviously dyed that particular color. An intricate pattern of thorns and knots has been inked onto her upper left arm and shoulder, highlighted with bold black strokes and artistic touches of red and yellow. A small portion of the design nearest to her body has begun to flake off, however, showing that this too is a temporary adornment.

"What about you?" she asks, "Are you taking orders from a higher up?"

2008-12-01, 05:07 PM
I never understood southern warfare about ordering the warriors... - Shimar wonders for a while - In my homeland every capable man is a warrior, but there is no regular army like in these lowlands. Do they alllow women to join the army? Here, I am merely freelancing. Quick tasks, good money, and some healthy battle every now and then.

Meanwhile, Shimar tries to get the bartender's attention in the subtle way of hitting the barpult with the shaft of his halberd.

2008-12-01, 07:34 PM
Harold finds himself at the Grand Library of Porto Giedion, situated in Lawmaker's Way. Its appearance certainly lives up to its title - the structure stands two stories high, and its halls are filled with a wealth of knowledge.

Although the hour is late, Harold is admitted inside, and guided to an area that holds a variety of magical tomes. After searching the shelves for a short while, he finds a few books of interest, all of which must have been left untouched for years. Some seem to be collections of seldom-used and perhaps even forgotten cantrips ("An introduction to Arcana" is one), others contain magical application to alchemy (some have recipes for potions and the like appear to be included), and some seem to be based on principles of magic itself ("Theories on the Origins of Old Magic" and "Metamagics" stand out).

Harold is informed he may read any of the books he desires, although those from this section of the library may not be removed by anyone.


Shimar finally catches the bartender's attention, who approaches the brutish man wearily. "What're ya havin'?"

2008-12-04, 02:27 PM

Your best ale, - he takes a glance at the girl to see if she'd take one - with two mugs.

Altough he's afraid that the they don't serve "best" ale in this pub.

2008-12-04, 04:54 PM
The bartender quickly fetches a pair of steins, and fills them up with a foaming, murky liquid. "Heh, this'll cook yer brain-meats." He mutters, as he sets down the drinks and then walks off to serve another, rather antsy patron.

2008-12-04, 05:32 PM
The half-elf gives the slightest of nods, indicating that she will accept the tactfully offered drink.

"I never gave much thought to joining a militia, so I didn't bother looking into it. Enlisting is far too... permanent for my tastes."

2008-12-05, 01:52 AM
A roar of laughter erupts from a nearby table, and a man standing nearly as tall as the great Shimar stands before the rest of the party that was seated there. He is a bald, muscular man with a short brown beard, and a set of crooked teeth. "I'll be back later, gents!" he announces to his friends. "The tingling in my loins calls for the private audience of a wench!" he continues, laughing so hard he nearly spills the mug of ale he holds in his left hand. He happens to stumble in the direction of Shimar and the Half-Elf, giving the woman a long look before clumsily strolling closer. "Hey there, missy." He grins, obviously thinking his composure and appearance to hold some measure of charm. "Wanna spend some time with a man?" He gives Shimar an unpleasant glance before turning back to the Half-Elf, and he slowly steps closer as he waits for an answer, halting only maybe a foot before her.

2008-12-05, 09:11 AM
A sweet, pleasant smile crosses her lips and she turns to face the man. She takes a long moment to look the man over from head to toe, and her smile never waivers--she even seems pleased by what she sees. "You, my fine drunkard, are what I've been looking for all night." She returns with another enchanting smile.

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-05, 12:22 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold schlepps the tome through to the main section of the library. He takes a moment to look around, seeing who's present. Magicians tended to wear their trade on their sleeves, so to speak, and he was hoping to find someone wise in the ways of magic, but not fossilized.

2008-12-05, 07:26 PM
Harold's search finds him no-one but a young woman with long blonde hair, dressed in humble robes, wearing a pair of thick glasses over her almond eyes. She somewhat clumsily moves about a cart that holds numerous books, wearily reshelving them one-at-a-time. She doesn't appear to notice Harold; obviously lost in some daydream.

Meanwhile, at the pub, the bald man offers the half-Elf a moronic grin, as he looks her up-and-down. "Let's head upstairs, sweety..." he reaches out to grab her shoulder as he moves in closer.

2008-12-05, 08:30 PM

Whisper, stay low! - he orders his dog quietly as he can. Drunkards usaually made the dog nervous.

He's not rushing to the help of the girl; he's sure that she can handle it. his face is more interested than worried when the guy takes his move.

He looks at the half-elf lady with a question in his eyes, if he was asking that he should join or not. He expect a definite 'no', but he keeps looking at the events nevertheless.

2008-12-05, 08:32 PM
The same sweet smile never leaves her face as she shifts forward, as if she is about to slide into the man's arms. Moments before she makes contact, however, she suddenly redirects her shoulders, aiming a solid punch for the man's gut as the other lines up a fast uppercut towards his chin.

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-05, 08:39 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold gazes thoughtfully at the librarian. Maybe. Worth a shot.
He opens the book and stares intently at the page, adopting an expression of either intense concentration or intense constipation, as he'd seen magicians do. He mutters to himself and flips pages impatiently for a while, and then he twists his fingers and speaks aloud
A loud bang fills the normally quiet library, and Harold makes a big show of being startled, before flipping through the pages even more fiercely, muttering again.

Ghost Sound.

2008-12-06, 01:33 AM
The Librarian drops one of her books at the sound of the bang, obviously startled. She whirls around and gives Harold a stern look. "Hey! You can't just run around, casting spells in the library!" Her gaze grows less harsh after she takes a moment to size Harold up, although there is still a hint of frustration in her voice. "Please; if you want practice, come around during the day. When our tutors are in." She turns back to her books.


The half-Elf sends the man onto his back, clearly not having anticipated any violent reaction. "You bitch!" He yells, and a few of the nearby patrons turn their heads. A few of his friends stand up as they suspect some kind of trouble, but others having seen his rejection simply laugh. He climbs to his feet, continuing to curse. "I don't normally hit women; but this time, I'm willing to make an exception!"

Roll initiative, please

2008-12-06, 08:00 AM
A slow smile spreads across her face. "That might have been your first mistake. I might look like a good time, but it's you that will be enjoying it from your back." Tossing a wink at Shimar she says, "I don't want to steal all the fun. This one's mine, but you're welcome to any others that don't think he can take me on his own." With this she casts a smug lipped glance towards his table of friends.

OOC: okay... someone help the forum dummy. How do I make the pretty spoiler boxes? Whoo! Not such a dummy! I feel significantly more important and smart now.

Init: nat 20 +6= 26. (I'm never this lucky. That's likely the only 20 I will ever see in combat.)

2008-12-06, 09:38 AM

Seeing that the girl is confident enough to take the drunkard on her own, Shimar leans against the barpult, and watches. And he will give an angry look to anyone who thinks about standing up from his place.

To those, who already stood up, he motions to sit back down. He doesn't make any moves yet, but his left hand is resting at the shaft of his glaive.


2008-12-06, 04:30 PM
Drahlo wanders about the docks for a few minutes after passing the money to the servant, idly conversing with Guha and generally unsure what to do with himself in these strange lands. After some aimless strolling, he eventually decides to try and find Shimar.

The orc makes it to the bar Shimar had entered just in time to see the woman he'd sat beside knock down the other man. The orc sighs at the sight--people seem so prone to violence in these lands. Unsure who to support, he simply watches.

Sorry for my absense. The worst of my finals should be over by Monday, but I'm still rather busy.

I hope it's okay that I'm inserting Drahlo into the scene; I had intended to have him follow Shimar directly to the bar before, but I got busy and didn't get a chance to throw that in. If you want me to change my actions DB, just lemme know.

Also, for Venom's benefit; Drahlo's description:

Drahlo is somewhat tall for an orc, and heavy due to his well-developed muscles. He has straight black hair that falls to his back. It looks fairly healthy, and he usually has braids in it at seemingly random locations, as well as beads and feathers woven into the strands. He has a small, scraggly beard that doesn't seem to have quite filled in yet; bits of his square jaw clearly visible through it due to his light-green skin. He has the usual, beast-like face of an orc, with a flattened nose and prominent brows. He has many facial piercings; one in both earlobes--from which charms made from purple stones hang--two in his left helix (the upper rim of the ear) and three in his right, and two piercings in his right eyebrow and one in his left. From these hang small, simple rings made of bone. Finally, he has a labret piercing (below bottom lip, above the chin) from which hang three rings made of iron, shaped so that they appear to loop around and go through the bottom of his jaw.

His body is very well muscled, even among the usually muscular orcs. He has hunched shoulders and hairy arms and legs, but his chest and back are hairless--either naturally so or shaven; it is difficult to tell. Around his torso are many purple tattoos; the same hue as the charms in his ear-lobe earrings. In shape, they look vaguely like the patterns you might see on a snake such as this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Python_Regius_Pastel.jpg

Other than his rings and hair adornments, the only clothing he normally wears are a pair of simple leather trousers and plain sandals. He carries a simple spear with an obsidian head, and a satchel he usually wears hanging over his right shoulder so that the bag is at his left hip. His mouse, Guha, makes her home in this satchel when she's not on his shoulder.

Initiative: (1d20=19) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1846877/) (If needed)

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-06, 04:54 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold closes his eyes and smiles, eyes closed. He ruffles his straw-yellow hair with one hand.
"Apologies, M'lady." He says, but then he looks around.
"It looks like it's rather quiet right now, though, even for a library. Don't more people come here?"

2008-12-07, 02:59 AM
The Library

The woman doesn't turn to look at Harold, but instead keeps to her work. "Today, it happens to be a bit more quiet than usual - but it's nothing unheard of. Sun's been down a couple of hours, now - and not so many people come here at night. Well, there are still a few in the private studies-" she glances down the hall, in the opposite direction. "But, most would have gone by now, anyway." She pauses in her chores, and finally looks to him. "Was there something you needed help with?"

The Pub

-The map works like this: you're the little "powerup" (as Skenardo calls it) with the letter that corresponds to the first letter of your character's name, and the color you use for your dialogue. Stone-Cold Steve Austin, Kane, and The Undertaker make for baddies, here. Sometimes I use generic pictures, sometimes I make it more fun. It varies depending on my mood.

The green-yellow-olive-whatever squares represent bystanders, in this case. Everything else should be fairly easy to interpret, based on my description of the place.

In case you don't know anything about who these silly wrestlers are, or simply can't make them out: the one in the vest below Shimar is Stone-Cold, the guy harrassing SV's character. Right beside him is the Undertaker, and the doof up-top is Kane.

Drahlo, Shimar and the half-Elf all note that there's trouble brewing here, as the bald man to get knocked to the ground is now looking for a fight, and some of his friends seem to want to get in on the action. Other patrons keep their distance, some even call out, "No fighting! Stop it!", although others seem to be itching to see it happen. The band continues playing its lively tune, unaware of the impending brawl.

???: 26
Drahlo: 19
Shimar: 9
Kane: 9
Stone-Cold: 3
Undertaker: 3

Post actions here. Generally, descriptive text makes up the normal post, and specific descriptions of actions - as well as rolls - go into spoilers to clarify all the wordy goodness.

Amanodel; if you want to Intimidate (to Demoralize, and possibly back them off), it's a standard action. If you'd like to see what the other two want to do first, you may take back that decision and post again here what you'd prefer to do.

2008-12-07, 04:51 AM
Looking absolutely pleased beyond measure at the reaction in the bar, the half-elf draws back her fist and aims a solid right hook at the man's chin.

fisticuffs. to hit 1d20+6 damage (if I hit) 1d3+3

2008-12-07, 03:02 PM

The barbarian tries to stop the other two guys entering the fight.

Readying action to punch Kane in the face if he is about to move any futher.

[roll0], [roll1]

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-08, 11:58 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold places his hands behind his head and leans back.
"It's an odd story. I and a few stalwart companions are going on a mystical quest to a remote tropical island in search of treasure. I was hoping to pick up a little more magic before I left, but it's not really my specialty. We really need a magician, though...But where are we going to find a magician willing to drop everything and head off to warmer climes in search of adventure? most wizards that I've ever met don't like to walk down the street to get coffee."
He scratches an ear and smiles, charmingly.
"But I'm burdening you with my troubles, miss."

2008-12-08, 12:55 PM
Drahlo stands quietly, obviously confused. He tries to think out who is fighting who and why silently.

2008-12-08, 04:40 PM
The Library

The woman begins to make a facial contortion of which that makes it obvious she's trying not to smile. "It's okay." She sighs. "I think I know what you're looking for. You want the Owls. That mage's guild. They do all sorts of odd-jobs...public and private. Expensive, I hear - but I imagine worth it." She turns back to her books, reshelving one as she continues. "One of their number comes here fairly often. His name's Bradley. Looks for new recruits, and such." She shelves another book, and then turns back to Harold. "If you like, I can set you two up. Is that something you'd be interested in?"

The Pub

The half-Elf, seeing that bald man closing in to make his retort, takes the initiative and lands directly on-target with her hook. He stumbles backwards, and collides with another tavern patron - a rather tall and dark figure - who does not look very pleased.

Drahlo observes Shimar as he lunges for one of the drunkard's friends step forward in a threatening manner, and lands a solid blow in the man's gut. He seems temporarily stunned, but then quickly snaps back and lands a devastating cross that catches Shimar in the face, dealing 9 damage (lethal).

Meanwhile, the bald man catches himself and strikes back at the half-Elf, connecting with a solid jab, dealing 3 damage (non-lethal). And, the third of the men to come forward elbows Shimar from behind, dealing 5 damage (non-lethal).

Others around the bar keep their distance, save the dark figure with whom the bald man earlier struck by accident. A closer look shows this man has wet trousers, as a result of a spilled stein of ale. He tightly grips the empty containing in one hand for a moment, before approaching the bald man from behind, whirling him around by his shoulder, and punching him with the stein. The bald man goes down. However, his earlier-hesitant friends at the table notice this new man to be involved, and decide to leap at him. Other patrons, unliking the odds of this fight, join one side or the other, and chaos ensues. Half-drunk bottles of ale, pitchers of mead, and clay and wooden bowls begin to fly through the air in a maelstrom of mindless violence. The band finally stops playing, and its members quickly move for the door.

Update Map

half-Elf: 26
Shimar: 9
Kane: 9
Stone-Cold: 3
Undertaker: 3
Guy: 2
Banditos (Stone-Cold's previously seated friends): 2
Various Patrons: 1
Drahlo: 1

I'm going to say that Drahlo used a Delay action, and can go immediately, as if he were very last to act of last round, or first to act of this upcoming round. The clashing of yellow and olive boxes represent other NPCs engaging themselves in the erupting brawl.

2008-12-08, 05:55 PM

The power of the first strike really surprised Shimar, but not wondering if it broke his jaw or not, he strikes back, trying to knock the guy out quickly as possible.

[roll0], [roll1]

2008-12-08, 06:52 PM
The half-elf's smile waivers as her target is taken out by the newcomer, and she frowns, but shrugs as the others join the brawl. Wading happily into the fray, she takes an enthusiastic swing at the nearest Bandito.

tohit: [roll0] damage: [roll1]

2008-12-10, 11:50 AM
Drahlo will attempt to push his way through the banditos without hurting them. In the very likely case that one of them punches him for this, he will punch back. He shouts at Shimar over the fray, "Why are we fighting!?"

Pre-emptive attack roll:
Punch attack/nonlethal damage: (1d20+6=21, 1d3+4=6) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1851738/)

2008-12-10, 04:07 PM
Drahlo attempts to push through the crowd, but finds that his approach is deemed a threat, immediately. One of the man swing for Drahlo's head, but in his drunken state he telegraphs his body movements and the orc ducks under the attack. He retaliates with a solid punch, landing in the stomach, which sends the man to the floor.

The half-Elf, without any hesitation, gives a right cross to one of the men before her, knocking him to the ground, where he lays groaning.

Shimar then strikes back at the tougher of the bald man's two friends, hitting him hard in the gut. However, he endures through the pain and quickly snaps back, slamming his fist into Shimar's face, dealing 6 nose-crushing damage (lethal).

The second of the two to team-up on Shimar winds up a punch to strike him from the side; but suddenly his head meets with a glass bottle that happened to be hurled through the air at just that moment. He falls to the ground.

The other men - oblivious to the orc just to the side - go for the man in shadowy clothing, and one lands a solid hit in the man's temple. He goes down.

While the chaos ensues, a lone man stands at the door. "I'mma gittin' tha guards!" He turns for the door, but is halted as a mug hits him in the back of the head, sending him straight to the floor, holding his bloody head in pain.


Drahlo: 709
half-Elf: 26
Shimar: 9
Kane: 9
Stone-Cold: 3
Undertaker: 3
Guy: 2
Banditos (Stone-Cold's previously seated friends): 2
Various Patrons: 1

2008-12-10, 06:08 PM
Stepping over her fallen foes, the half-elf is beaming as she moves on to the next bandito, again swinging for the chin or nose.

fisticuffs- [roll0] and non-lethal damage- [roll1]

2008-12-11, 10:32 AM

Spitting a good amount of blood at the floor, the barbarian swings his fist towards Kane's chin.

[roll0], [roll1]

2008-12-11, 01:17 PM
Seeing Shimar so direly injured, Drahlo pushes towards his friend even harder, ignoring any blows he may recieve on the way. Once there, he will channel nature's mercy into the warriors body, doing his best to keep himself from being left open to retaliation.

Invisible Castle seems to be down right now... Anyway, casting Minor Vigor on Shimar; heals 1 hp per round over 13 rounds. Casting defensively

Concentration: [roll0]

2008-12-11, 09:06 PM
Drahlo darts over to Shimar, avoiding blows as he lays his healing hands upon the barbarian, still locked in combat with his brutal opponent. Shimar begins to feels the effects of the spell rejuvinate him, enabling him to fight back with more tenacity. With his newfound energy, he has no trouble striking his target dead-on, sending the rather tough foe to the ground, clearly rendering him unconscious.

Meanwhile, the half-Elf beats down yet another one of the quartet to join the fray, leaving just one of the men standing before her. He backs up, obviously not liking where things are going. "I-I don't want any trouble!"

Other patrons continue in their brawl, but a lot of people lie down on the floor, at this point. Several people have run outside by now, some you're all sure have claimed to be fetching the guardsmen. While those who find themselves loving the idea of continuing the brawl, any present with some manner of intuition (such as Drahlo) might feel as if this already bad situation could soon get much worse.

I didn't update the map or list initiative at this point because the threat has been eliminated; you won't find more opponents to fight (with all those unconscious people around you) unless you start actively looking for trouble.

2008-12-11, 09:30 PM
Drahlo briefly glances to the half elf, unsure what to think of her. Apparently deciding that the matter could wait, the orc turns to Shimar and says, "We should leave. I don't know what happened to cause this, but I don't think we want to be here when guards arrive."

2008-12-12, 02:30 AM

You won't believe me D, but it wasn't me! Hey, your magic is kinda tingly!

Then he turns to the half-elf.

Name's Shimar by the way, and he's my pal Drahlo. Actually, we were looking for some extra muscle, would you be interested?

2008-12-12, 09:13 AM
"If there's pay and fighting to be had, I'm in. ... There is pay, right?" She asks, even as she sweeps up her equipment in a few swift movements. Slinging her pack and weapon-belt over one shoulder and her quiver and bow over the other, she moves towards the door, clearly indicating they can talk on the way. "Name's Justice." She gives the last Bandito an intimidating glare, adding to him, "feel free to inform them of that when they come to."

Justice has joined your party!

I couldn't help myself... I'm tired.

2008-12-13, 08:21 AM

Yeah, there is some payment to be had. - he answers, and collecting his stuff and dog, he heads out. He tosses a gold piece to the barkeeper, if he sees him.

The rest is on the gentlemen down there on the floor! - he says before quitting the tavern

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-13, 09:00 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold considers the offer.
"Maybe, maybe. When do you get off of work, M'lady?"

2008-12-13, 11:35 AM
Not having much to gather, Drahlo simply waits impatiently as the others gather their things. Suspecting Shimar is only being half-truthful about not starting it for some reason, Drahlo tosses another gold coin to the barkeep as a sort of apology. From there, the orc moves to the exit.

2008-12-13, 12:17 PM
The Library

"Huh?" She gives Harold a surprised look. "Oh, about an hour...I think. In any case, it's until we lock the doors for the night." She glances to her books, and then back to Harold. Her expression a little uneasy. "Was there...um...anything else?"

The Docks

As the trio steps outside, you still hear some brawling going on within. Stepping a short distance away from the doors, you then spot a handful of guardsmen rushing over. They pass you hastily, and dart inside the doors. You can hear some shouting within.

If Justice would steal anything from the pockets of the drunkards, you can do a search check and I'll see what happens. But, in any case, I'm assuming you followed the two out, seeking employment

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-13, 04:20 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold smiles.
"Well, since you ask... I've got a little more research to do before the library closes, but I was actually hoping you might be willing to give me a small tour of the library. I don't get to spend much time in here, you see, and the choice of tour guide I find makes all the difference."
He thinks for a moment, seemingly.
"But I wouldn't want to disturb the other patrons. Hmm. How about this; just before the library closes, I'll run out and find us some dinner, and then you can show me around after closing? I'm sure it'd be educational."

2008-12-14, 01:09 AM
The librarian opens her mouth, as if to speak, but closes it again as she fails to find the proper response. She's blushing. "Well, um..." she smiles, but then tries to hide it, looking at the ground. After a moment, she glances upward, a bit coy. "I don't even know your name."

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-14, 01:20 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold smiles.
"To be fair, I don't know yours either. I have a good feeling about you, and a good musician trusts his feelings. However, I'm also a gentleman, and A gentleman always goes first, so... My name's Harold."

2008-12-14, 02:01 AM

No, D, you don't give them gold for doing no harm, that's not the way it is! - explains Shimar - If you broke some patrons or furniture, and maybe you want to come back, you leave there a peice, and pay your ale. But if you didn't boreak anything, and stiol toss them a coin, they will assume that somehow you were participating in the start of the fighting as well!

2008-12-14, 04:27 PM
Stretching her arms up to lock behind her head, Justice follows Drahlo and Shimar, half listening to the conversation and half reworking the fight in her mind. If she finds the topic odd, it doesn't show on her face. "So, what sort of a job are we looking at here?"

2008-12-15, 05:13 PM
As Shimar, Drahlo and Justice converse, Harold wins his way into the librarian's heart and places beyond.

Okay, I need you three to talk some more, or else adding Justice into the party will be immensely awkward. I don't want to fast-forward things for you three.

2008-12-15, 08:00 PM

Some guy, who seems to be rather important around here asked us to sail to an island, and recover some buried stuff. He needs the papers, we keep the shineys. We have a guy in the 'club', who keeps all this information in his head, so I don't need to worry about the details. - explains Shimar the nature of the work.

2008-12-15, 08:35 PM
Drahlo shrugs at Shimar's explanation. "That's... mostly it. Harold would explain details better than I."

2008-12-16, 05:04 PM
The trio finds a place to stay for the night, and reconvene with Harold the next day.

The entirety of the party meets at the Harpy's Head; a tavern of which Len had earlier explained to Shimar would be their regular meeting-place. You gather around a table, with Len sitting a few feet to the side, looking slightly ill.

The impression Len gives to Justice is that she is not too dissimilar from herself. She is a strong woman - even if looking a bit pale, at the moment - and she seems to be equally armed as the newcomer. She stays quiet, expecting Harold to do the talking.

Skenardo; if you don't mind, I'd like you to give a brief description of Harold for our new friend

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-16, 08:35 PM
Harold Betruger

Harold sits at the table, unconsciously whistling a tune. The minstrel is a lean, handsome man with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He's young, but about his eyes there is a wisdom that belies his youth. Dressed in a slightly-smudged white shirt and black trousers, he cuts a dashing figure. And one that is in a considerably better mood than he was yesterday.
"So!" he says, rubbing his hands together, "You're thinking about joining us on our venture, Miss...Ah...?"

2008-12-17, 09:35 AM
While still clad in overly revealing, tight fitting clothing, some aspects of her appearance have changed from the night before. The ink that had adorned her arm is gone, and instead, a new pattern frames her left eye and trickles down her chin and throat, stopping just above her exposed collarbone. The details seem to be little more than long strings of black slashes and dots that form swirling, circular spirals that accent the natural shape of her face. The bright red color to her hair is still there, though her bangs are now a decidedly bleach blond color.

"Justice," she answers, throwing an intent, challenging gaze at Harold, as if inviting him to comment about it. "I'm interested, at least. These two didn't really have much by ways of details, though. She stops long enough to hook a thumb in the direction of Drahlo and Shimar. I'm not about to go sailing hundreds of miles to no where for a fistful of copper coins. If it's worth my while, I'm in. If not, there are other fights for other causes."

Trying out new colors so I'm not stealing Harold's (which he should have known better than to take!) Might swap them out the next couple of posts until I'm happy.

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-17, 09:57 AM
Harold Betruger
With a perfectly level gaze, Harold nods. "I see. Well, my name is Harold, as I'm sure the others have told you. Now, as to the venture..."
Harold rolls his eyes.
"Yes, I suppose it'd be up to me to supply details, wouldn't it. Well, here's how things stand; We have a very rich and politically-influential patron who's something of a scholar. There's a particular book that he's after which resides in some ancient ruins in a jungle, yes, some distance from here. The excavation has gone fine, but now he's lost contact with the team, and he's getting nervous. Says it might be the natives, or whatever."
He scratches his ear, absently. It looks like there's a small scab there from a recent small cut or something.
"We get paid, no matter what we find. Trust me, Miss Justice, as much as I am fond of Claudius, I'm not taking pro bono cases right now. However, if we recover the book and bring it back, there's a greater reward in store. And since we're on another continent largely untouched by laws concerning private property, we're pretty much free to help ourselves to whatever other treasures you think might lie in an ancient forgotten ruin. Pay plus salvage seemed like a good bargain to me."
He pauses to let that sink in.
"The reason we'd like to have you along is that we could use a little more muscle. The jungles are notorious for being teeming with monsters, and I can't guarantee that there won't be some sort of clash with the natives. I expect the others have already put you through our 'rigorous selection process,' " He tosses his head at Drahlo, noting some of the fresh wounds and bruises. "And you're obviously qualified. We'd be leaving shortly, with no set time for return, if that's an issue."
He pauses once more, this time giving Justice an appraising look.
"Hypothetically, if I said the word 'tact,' would you know what I was referring to?"

2008-12-17, 10:18 AM
"Just Justice, and I know when to keep my mouth shut," Justice assures Harold before a coy smile crosses her lips. "Whether or not I do depends on my mood."

Shifting one leg over the other, she leans back in her seat and folds her arms across her chest. "I'm not bound by any time constraints beyond my own amusement, and the price seems right." Considering the entire situation a moment longer she finally nods and asks, "When do we leave?"

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-17, 10:21 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold drums his fingers on the table.
"Works for me. I take what I can get, these days."
He stands.
"Soon as our patron arranges passage for us. We should stop by today and let him know we've finished our recruiting."

2008-12-17, 10:25 AM
"I wouldn't mind meeting him. Better to know where the coinage is coming from. I also have a mount that I would rather take with me. My guess is arrangements may need made for him."

Standing as well, she stretches her hands over her head, then locks her fingers together and holds them against the back of her skull in a casual, easygoing manner.

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-17, 10:27 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold coughs and tries not to stare.
"Right then. Len, Drahlo, Shimar...anything else you needed to do?"

2008-12-17, 04:43 PM
Drahlo--apparently oblivious to any bruises he might have earned the night before--raises a hand at the last question. "There is an item we should get before we leave. I am not sure what you call them in these lands. The more advances shamans at home would produce them... 'Rain sticks' would be how your folk translate it I think. Small rods, with spells stored in them. Nature's blessings run through me, but only so much--a healing stick would be wise to bring with us." He sits with a rigid posture, apparently uncomfortable in his chair. "Believe it or not, I am not fond of violence. Still, it seems to follow me in these lands; I think it best to prepare for many wounds."

2008-12-20, 02:00 AM
Those that go to Claudius' estate find themselves waiting in his foyer for what may be a half-an-hour before they are finally admitted into his study. He stands at the window, arms folded behind his back, gazing down at the street. When he turns to greet you, he flashes a curious look at Justice, but then turns to Harold with a smile. "I see you've found yourself a hired hand."

Justice would note Claudius' height to be tall for an elf. He may also be standing a little straighter than most; although his posture does not appear so stiff for him to appear conscious of it; he simply seems to be a confident individual. He wears his dark hair shorter than most elves; the common trend among their kind in Medici is to wear it at great lengths. He is dressed in expensive clothing; although the richness of his abode does not make this very surprising.

Claudius looks back to Justice, and offers her a nod. "A pleasure, my lady." He looks her up-and-down. "I take it our mutual friends here were not able to answer all of your questions." He smiles. "Was there something you had wished to ask me?"

2008-12-20, 09:48 AM
"My concern is for my stallion. I understand that we are to be taking a ship, so I wished to make arrangements to have him taken with us if possible, or stabled if not." She folds her arms loosely across her chest, sizing up Claudius carefully as she speaks. The easy-going slouch to her shoulders she had exhibited on the way to the estate is gone, replaced instead by squared shoulders and a chin held high, as if she were trying to prove something through body language alone. Her tone is respectful, however, and she seems at home in the environs.

2008-12-20, 12:19 PM
Claudius silently considers it for a moment. "Yes, I suppose arrangements can be made..." He turns back to Harold. "Did anyone else intend on bringing along horses?"

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-21, 12:18 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold raises one finger.
"That, M'lord, is something I wanted to bring up...but I didn't want to tax you with the mundane matters. I wanted an idea of the scale of distance involved here. Would horses be advisable for the terrain and the distance traveled? I simply don't know. Is there someone in your staff whom we can ask about this sort of thing?"

2008-12-22, 02:06 AM
"Hmm." Claudius spends a moment in thought before answering. "Well, to be perfectly honest; I've not been at the site, myself. So, I am unsure. As I said to you last, it will be a week by sea-vessel, and you'll be heading eastward. Somewhat to the south, too, I think." He pauses. "Whether horses will serve you well, I would guess they are not very necessary; again, the place is covered in overgrowth, and I suppose that would limit where you could bring a mount. Although, I find horses to be useful in just about any situation." He shrugs. "If you wish to bring them, it shouldn't be a problem; the boat I'm sending you on is large enough. I'll provide feed, as well. If you want a more informed opinion on the matter, however, you'll have to talk to the captain of the vessel. I think he and his men are resting in a dockside inn, "The Salty Dog", or some other such nonsense. His name is Surly; you'll know him apart from the rest rather easily, I imagine. He's got some sort of speech impediment; has a problem properly pronouncing plurals. That, or he has some accent I can't quite place." Claudius looks to grow weary of the topic, but makes no obvious complaint.

2008-12-27, 02:58 PM
"Right then." Claudius glances to each of the party once more. "I'm afraid I won't be seeing any of you off, tomorrow morning. Business in Valois. Rest assured, I'll be back by the time you return." He begins walking for the door, and then halts himself. "Third pier. Look for "The Sparrow". That's the vessel." He offers one final nod before leaving the room.

If you have any further questions for Claudius, just direct them to me. I'll answer as if you had asked the question at the time of the meeting.

Your party currently remains seated in Claudius' study, with a full day ahead of you before the journey begins. Although the nobleman has allowed for you to loiter about his estate, it may be wisest to determine if any final preparations are needed.

This will be your last chance to purchase things before departure. Just let me know of things you'd like, along with an appraisal check.

2008-12-27, 07:49 PM
Drahlo decides to bring up the wand again. "Friends, on our last quest, my healing chants were exhausted rather quickly... I think it would be wise for one of you who know these northern lands better to come with me so that we may purchase a healing charm."

The Great Skenardo
2008-12-29, 06:51 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold smiles.
"How Quaint. Certainly, if it sets your mind at ease, I imagine one could find a soothsayer without much difficulty here."

2008-12-30, 03:22 AM
Each of the group prepares for the upcoming journey in their own way. When tomorrow finally becomes today, everyone assembles at the pier, finding Claudius' ship preparing to depart within a few hours. It is a large cargo ship, of good design and certainly among the most sea-worthy vessels here at the docks. Along the side of the boat is her name, "The Sparrow". By the boarding plank stands a man overseeing the crew as they load various supplies for the trip, who dresses in proper clothing, instead of the rags the others wear. He has long white hair, tied behind his back. His blue eyes look intently at a small pipe he begins to stuff with tobacco. Just beside him is a taller, somewhat gaunt figure; standing idle as the crewman just brush by.

I need an Int-check from Harold.

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-05, 12:23 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold squints for a moment, thinking.
That's going to wriggle in the back of my head like a loose tooth.
With a slight grimace, Harold shakes his head, and approaches the ship.
"Permission to come aboard, sir! We're to take passage with you across the sea."

2009-01-05, 12:32 AM
The new day brings about yet another change to Justice' appearance. The facial design from the day before is conspicuously missing, though a tattooed marking of another kind just as readily draws attention. While the shirt she has chosen for today (sort of) covers more skin around her mid-rift, the entirety of her left shoulder is completely exposed and carefully decorated with an intricate pattern that slides along her shoulder and collarbone in an inch wide band. A closer look reveals the pattern to be highly decorative script in the elven language that spans three lines total within the band.

She leads a fiery spirited stallion by a simple lead, doing little to keep the roan creature from tossing his head and exposing teeth to anyone that gets too close to it. Between the saddlebags on the stallion and the pack on her back, she seems to have a rather excessive collection of weaponry with her, though she only wears her bastard sword and unstrung longbow.

2009-01-05, 07:39 PM
"Ah!" The older man meets eyes with Harold. "Claudiush'sh men, are you?" He smiles. "Permisshion granted. The name'sh Shhurly. Shurly McKligginsh." He squints as he eyes-over the rest of the party. "Give any thingsh you'd like to store-away to the Firsht Mate; he should be in the cabin." He glances to some business upon the boat, and then the man beside him, before turning back to Harold. "Thish ish another one Claudiush wanted to come along." He gestures to him. "I'll leave you to get acquainted. If you'll excush me." He flashes his grin to the party, and boards the vessel.

2009-01-06, 02:02 AM
With an almost sweet grin, Justice deposits the reins of her stallion into the hands of the first mate. "Good luck," she declares with an airy smile and turns to scrutinize the new man as she folds her arms casually across her chest, straining the intricate lettering on her shoulder.

2009-01-07, 05:00 PM

The barbarian seems rather withdrawn this morning.

"The sun risen with a blood-red light, and the birds circle around in the wrong direction. Better be careful this day, I say."

Whisper seems to be hesitant to board on the ship, but finally Shimar grabs the dog and carries him aboard. The barbarian doesn't even try to conceal his gaze while he's checking the new outlook of Justice. Shimar himself looks just the same as last day, save for the injuries on his face are not looking that bad today.

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-07, 05:13 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold returns his gaze to the newcomer.
"You're one of Cladius' finds, eh? Then I expect we'll get on famously. I'm Harold, party spokesman."

2009-01-08, 10:30 AM
Drahlo boards the ship warily--a new wand sticking out of his satchel, which his mouse, Guha, seems to be clutching protectively. The orc quickly moves to a siderail, gripping it tightly and gazing out at the ocean. He will let Harold do the talking, as usual.

2009-01-10, 01:29 AM
"Ah, I assume no more friend than you folk. Not to say the good Lord hasn't been kind." He smiles, considering Harold's words. "Spokesman? Ah, so he didn't just hire another brute squad, then? You can call me Jon."

Jon has a thin, ornate, rapier hanging on a crowded belt, sharing space with several pouches and a foreign looking blade. In addition to the two weapons at his hip, he has a longbow slung across his back. He's dressed ready for travel, his thin covered in a traveling cloak, gleaming shirt of chain faintly visible beneath it. One gloved hand rests on a the hilt of the shorter weapon, a kukri, and it moves little from it, held there mostly by habit rather than concern. A heavy looking traveling pack rests at his feet, a full quiver of arrows poking out of the main compartment.

2009-01-10, 01:44 PM
Justice eyes Jon's weaponry with keen interest, the kukri moreso than the rapier, which she has little use for. "We come with plenty of brute. You can count on that," she comments off-handedly, then shifts her pack to her shoulder and saunters onto the ship with another sidelong look at the weapon.

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-10, 03:17 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold laughs an easy, charismatic laugh.
"Now, I was hoping that might be the case. Yes, I'm here mostly to facilitate, I feel. I wonder to what extent you've been briefed on the mission at hand, Jon?"
Harold is a handsome, sunny youth with light yellow hair. His pale skin denotes someone mostly used to working next door, and the rapier at his own waist is very showy; something more ornament than tool.

2009-01-11, 08:25 PM

The barabrian walks behind Justice, and he seems to confirm the "plenty of brute" part Justice was talking about. He's wearing his leather armour, as if it was his normal clothing, and carries 16 pounds of weaponry, including a massive glaive, a rather worn-looking sword, and a pair of throwing axes.

"Welcome aboard, Jon." - he says shortly. He better liked Claudius' other friend, with the moustache and the long name.

2009-01-13, 02:56 AM

"I can't say I know much, myself. I was told that you lot would appreciate assistance." He picks up his pack, the weight a little past what he's comfortable with, "Ah, best be prepared, then, whatever it is."

2009-01-14, 02:46 PM
The party boards the rigged vessel as the remainder of necessary provisions are set. It's a fairly large ship, certainly meant not only to carry you to your destination, but likely back with whatever men with their own gear and equipment would normally be at the site of the ruins.

You are not afforded any private quarters on the ship, but the sleeping "bunks" (if they could be called that) provided are, at least, somewhat comfortable. You are also given small compartments to store your belongings, although you note they cannot be sealed or locked.

Before long, the ship is underway. The radiant Porto Giedion slowly shrinks in the horizon, as do the nearby fishing boats and trade vessels heading in and out of port. You are heading in a direction where no other ships follow.

It's a calm day, although the air is certainly brisk. Although it will some days travel before you reach the site, at least you don't appear to have to worry much about the weather. (yet)

I was considering going right to the island, although since it's a full week of travel, I didn't think it right going onward without everyone being in agreement. If you like to spend time doing things on ship, I don't mind; and I'll accomodate whatever play you'd like with NPC reaction, as long as people still want to spend time aboard.

2009-01-14, 03:07 PM
Shimar leaves his equipment at his sleppeing place, save for his short sword hanging from his belt. He even sleeps with his hand resting on the tilt of the sheated sword.

He only wears his kilt, but after a light sunburn, he tries to get a light cotton shirt. He offers his strenght for any job that doesn't require him climbing up the sails, he feels insecure on the sea.

Whisper isn't used to travel in ships either, and Shimar asks the captain to take his dog for a suited place, probably next to Justice's horse.

2009-01-14, 09:03 PM
Justice spends the first day and a half sea-sick and hanging listlessly over the rail of the ship. The markings that had adorned her body when they had first boarded are gone, and she hasn't taken the time or expended the effort to place others.

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-14, 09:05 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold seems to take to the sea well, although his appetite suffers somewhat from the quality of the mess.
Strolling the deck, he marks Justice's difficulty with the rocking of the boat, and he wanders over.
" Hello."

2009-01-14, 09:09 PM
With her arms wrapped tightly around the rail of the ship, Justice glances up to give Harold a miserable smile. "Aye, greetings and the like." she murmurs, squeezing her eyes shut, though some of the color has returned to her cheeks for the moment.

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-14, 09:12 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold watches the water skipping past the hull below.
"So, how'd you pick up your line of work?"
Absently, he brushes a white sleeve with his other hand.

2009-01-14, 09:18 PM
Raising a brow slightly, she frowns and shrugs. "I was raised in a noble house. He was for the military academy, so we did a lot of weapon training when we were young." Easing away from the rail reluctantly, she seats herself on the deck with her back pressed against it instead. "You?"

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-14, 09:21 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold smiles.
"Pure talent. There's equal acclaim to be found soothing the soul with music as there is soothing the mind with the right words. My older brother got the family fortune, and I've been making my own way. My card."
He hands it over.

2009-01-14, 09:25 PM
Justice reads the card over, the corner of her mouth twitching slightly before she tucks it away. "Soothing the soul, hrm? I don't suppose you have anything for soothing the stomach, instead?"

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-14, 09:30 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold shrugs, a smile teasing at the corners of his mouth.
"Nothing you'd be amenable to, more's the pity. I hear a stiff brandy can help somewhat, though."

2009-01-14, 09:35 PM
"I'll keep that in mind when the next waiter wanders past." She muses. "Besides, I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of this ship business." She raises her chin slightly at this comment, though the sickly color to her face does little to reinforce her statement.

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-14, 09:37 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold chuckles.
"Can't say I blame you. Both of the cures for seasickness I've heard of have come from sailors, so you have to take them with a mouthful of seawater, as it were."

2009-01-14, 09:40 PM
Narrowing her eyes slightly, she says, "Much as I'll probably regret asking... what's the other cure?"

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-14, 09:44 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold laughs.
"Ah, now! That's one I'll save for when I know you a little better, Justice. Can't give up all my secrets at once, now can I?"
Still smiling, he turns his head towards the front of the ship, salty breeze ruffling his hair.
"I have a good feeling about this mission."

2009-01-14, 09:49 PM
Risking a glance over the railing once more, Justice frowns slightly. "I just hope this lousy ship ride is worth it. If all we find is a few lazy workers who are too busy drinking to bother sending word back, then I might just have to -find- a reason to start some fights."

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-14, 09:54 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold smiles again.
"I wouldn't worry about that, if I were you. I've a sense that a strong arm is going to be well useful in the jungles. Besides, I'll bet there's a few on this ship that'd be happy to accommodate a brawl, if that's what you wanted. Have you seen the looks you've been getting? Lots of people here interested showing off their strength to a dangerous woman."

2009-01-14, 10:04 PM
Glancing around the deck of the ship, Justice surveys each of the readily apparent sailors with a critical eye. "I could probably take most if not all in a fair fight." Making an attempt to stand, she seems pleased that she is able to keep her feet, even though she has to hold onto the railing to do so. "Well, maybe a fair fight on land." Releasing her hold on the rail, she stumbles as she tries to catch her free standing balance.

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-14, 10:07 PM
Harold Betruger
"Whoa, easy there!"
Harold pushes himself away from the deck to catch Justice's arm, crouching to support her from below.

2009-01-14, 10:25 PM
Blushing slightly, Justice regains her feet. "Sorry. I just can't seem to get the hang of all this rocking." She mutters in apology, gripping the railing once more.

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-14, 10:28 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold straightens up, slowly.
" Don't worry about it. You get used to it after a while, and some people eventually find the rocking motion quite pleasurable."
Making sure the warrior is stable, Harold resumes leaning against the rail, and he winks.

2009-01-14, 10:43 PM
Justice wrinkles her nose slightly. "Who would be daft enough to actually -enjoy- this sort of motion?" Glancing at one of the sailors she lowers her voice slowly. "Er, well, sailors aside, I guess."

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-14, 10:48 PM
Harold Betruger
Harold shrugs.
"I can only suggest that it's best enjoyed after or during having one's seasickness cured."
He reaches into a pocket and retrieves a bit of salt beef he wasn't quite able to convince himself was lunch earlier. He gives it a slightly incredulous stare.
"People eat this? Often? On a boat with limited water, and they give you dry foods loaded with salt? I can't be the only one to spot the flaw in the thinking here."

2009-01-14, 11:07 PM
The sight of food sends Justice leaning over the side of the ship again, an impressive shade of green coloring his features. As the wave of sickness passes, she slumps back down to a sitting position, doing her best to maintain some measure of dignity. "At least it's meat. Could be worse."

2009-01-14, 11:52 PM

After scrawling some notes on some parchment, Jon heads towards the deck. He stops, seeing Harold and Justice, "Oh, I won't interrupt their romantic evening..."

2009-01-15, 12:18 AM
Drahlo had taken a trip or two the the side-rail himself for bit of the journey--the green-shade to his skin was nothing new, but expelling the contents of his stomach is. He seems to acclimate pretty quickly though, and while he isn't exactly in top shape, he seems to be getting around okay. Guha has stayed in his satchel most of the time, happily munching on the bit of food he had stored in there for her. Shirtless as always, his purple tattoos contrasting with his skin as usual, he makes his way about the deck, watching the sailors at their work curiously--and if a strong arm is asked for, he'll readily give it.

While wondering about, he stumbles onto the newcomer, who had apparently stumbled upon Harold who had stumbled upon Justice. "'Romantic' evening? Romantic... that is a word I do not think I know..."

Thinking back to the day before, Drahlo suddenly realizes that he hadn't introduced himself. "You are the new man here to accompany us, yes? My name is Drahlo. Forgive me for not greeting you before--the ocean is still a new sight to me, and I was caught up in it." He offers his left hand somewhat awkwardly, adding, "I think this is right... new meetings come with clasped hands?"

((Full Drahlo description for the newcomer))Drahlo is somewhat tall for an orc, and heavy due to his well-developed muscles. He has straight black hair that falls to his back. It looks fairly healthy, and he usually has braids in it at seemingly random locations, as well as beads and feathers woven into the strands. He has a small, scraggly beard that doesn't seem to have quite filled in yet; bits of his square jaw clearly visible through it due to his light-green skin. He has the usual, beast-like face of an orc, with a flattened nose and prominent brows. He has many facial piercings; one in both earlobes--from which charms made from purple stones hang--two in his left helix (the upper rim of the ear) and three in his right, and two piercings in his right eyebrow and one in his left. From these hang small, simple rings made of bone. Finally, he has a labret piercing (below bottom lip, above the chin) from which hangs three rings made of iron, shaped so that they appear to loop around and go through the bottom of his jaw. (If this last one is difficult to envision, think of David Draiman, the lead singer of Disturbed; he is well known for wearing this kind of ring)

His body is very well muscled, even among the usually muscular orcs. He has hunched shoulders and hairy arms and legs, but his chest and back are bare--either naturally so or shaven; it is difficult to tell. Around his torso are many purple tattoos; the same hue as the charms in his ear-lobe earrings. In shape, they look vaguely like the patterns you might see on a snake such as this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Python_Regius_Pastel.jpg

Other than his rings and hair adornments, the only clothing he normally wears are a pair of simple leather trousers and plain sandals. He carries a simple spear with an obsidian head, and a satchel he usually wears hanging over his right shoulder so that the bag is at his left hip. His mouse, Guha, makes her home in this satchel when she's not on his shoulder.

2009-01-15, 01:23 AM

"Well, typically we offer the other hand. For uhm, sanitary reasons." Jon makes a wiping motion with his left hand and puts out his right instead.

2009-01-15, 12:57 PM
"...Sanitary? Another word I do not know." He pauses as he tries to piece together what that strange wave could have meant... In the end, he shrugs and presents the other hand instead. Whether or not this was the better option for "sanitary" purposes is a complete mystery for now.

2009-01-19, 12:17 AM
The ship continues to sail on easy winds and relatively calm waters for the remainder of the trip. Although there isn't much to do out on the sea, at least you didn't encounter any harsh weather or terrible sea beasts along your way.

You awaken early one morning, hearing a distant cry of "Land!" After rousing yourselves from the sleeping hold, you come to the deck, spotting an isle in the distance; your presumed destination.

Once the ship comes close enough to the island, the captain gathers your party together by one of the rowboats held on the side of the ship. "Shince we can't bring thish shhip too near the shhore, you'll need to take a shmaller vesshel inward. The encampment shhouldn't be far from the beach; actually, it'sh shurprishing they don't appear to have any short of watch to shee us inward." He glances at the isle, which you note is thick with trees only a short distance up the beach. "I can have a few men accompany you ashhore, although not many; I'm rather shhort on deckhandsh, you shee." He clears his throat. "If there'sh shign of trouble, we'll do what we can to help. But for now, unlessh you've need shomething elshe from me..." He stands idle a moment, awaiting someone to halt him from finishing his sentence.

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-19, 12:36 AM
Harold ruffles his hair, squinting at the land lurking on the horizon like an iron toad.
"Well, uh... Can you keep an eye on the shore? We'll light a fire if we'd like you to come, I s'pose, but when it comes to provisioning, I defer to the more...rustic members of the group."

2009-01-21, 03:25 AM

"Well, I suppose we're off. Before we begin official work, is there anything I should know? I assume someone has been elected for leadership duties to keep things proper."

2009-01-21, 01:23 PM

As the more rustic part of the group, Shimar gets his eqiupment and dog before approaching the captain.

If we don't see someone we should see right now, there might be some troubles. We'd like to get a day's or two days' food and drink, if you can afford.

2009-01-21, 08:00 PM
The captain raises a brow at Shimar's request. "Lishen, shonny; it'sh not like you're going off alone into the wildernessh without any help. Thish ish a shhort walk up passhed shome treesh. Like your bright fellow shaysh," He glances to Harold "...you can shimply light a shignal fire if shomething ish wrong. My boat ishn't going anywhere until we're all done here, sho don't get the impresshon we're abandoning you."

Although clearly growing impatient, the captain continues to stand idlely to address any further requests.

2009-01-23, 02:34 AM
Surprisingly unadorned as she has been for most of the trip, yet feeling and looking much better than she had at the beginning, Justice gazes out across the water, squinting slightly to glean every detail she can from the shore. "Three ways to see this, fellahs." She states with an almost cheerful edge. "Either the camp is there and all this worrying is for nothing, no one is there and all this worrying is for nothing, or the enemy is there and we get to do a lot of fun fighting to stretch out with." Turning to cast a content smile at the other party members, she finishes, "Whichever, we get off this boat and back on dry land. I say we go."

2009-01-23, 11:27 PM
Drahlo gazes out to the island with a grin. "More forest, yet so unlike those of the elves. The ocean first and now this; if I see nothing else, my journey was still worth it. Nature's bounty will show itself to me." The massive orc turns his gaze to Shimar and says, "I will be able to keep myself fed, and unless this place is harsher than it looks from here, I can likely provide for others too."

That's based on taking 10 on a survival check to get along in the wild, as detailed in the survival skill. If I can't take ten on the check, just let me know.

2009-01-24, 02:05 AM
Those scanning the beach would note that the trees are not far from the shoreline, although the area is wide enough for a landing of a large party. To either side of the beach, the land is sloped upward, and rises high enough to be considered a small cliff. Thankfully, there are no suspicious figures looming in the distance, nor are there any other ill omens.

When you have all prepared yourselves to move out, you climb into a small boat, accompanied by three of the captain's chosen men. None wear any armor, but rather dress in plain garb. Two carry cutlasses and the third a light crossbow. Their rugged looks and stern demeanor suggest they've had at least some experience in a fight.

The boat is rowed to the beach with haste, and you hop out into the shallow waters once you're too close to move any further. Your band makes its way onto the dry sand, and pauses a moment to collect its bearings. It's a bit warmer in these parts than in Porto Giedion, although it is certainly not untouched by the changes of season. What is more remarkable than the weather is the sounds of exotic birds and other creatures you hear in the distance, between the crashing of each wave upon the shore. Those among your group to have noticed cityfolk walking about with strange pets may wonder if this place may be home to such animals.

"This way." Says one of the sword-carrying men, pointing toward a small path that leads through the nearby trees. He is the oldest of the three, by far; with a bald head, wearing a pair of earrings made from a dull metal. The other two may appear seasoned, but they at least have some touch of youth in their faces. The other man armed with a blade has dark hair, and has a well-groomed goatee; he cautiously eyes the parties surroundings as he gives a warning, "I hear there are great boars on this isle. Bigger than a man. Keep your eyes open." The third man to come along carelessly follows the bald man, clearly absent in his senses and peering mindlessly at the path ahead from behind his fairly long blond hair. "Those are just stories." he replies to the second, dismissively.

2009-01-24, 08:56 AM

Delighted that again he can feel soil under his feet, the hulking barbarian follows the leaders. He pays attention to the surrounding, trying to get used to the strange environment, exotic trees and birds.

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-24, 09:52 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold scratches the back of his head, looking out at the teeming misty jungles.
"About as real as the walking dead, I expect. Well, thank you gentlemen for the lift. Any other local flora or fauna we ought to watch out for?"

2009-01-27, 01:48 AM
"Quite a bit, actually." replies the oldest of the trio. "Don't think it'll be sensible to stop here and explain it all to you now; best just keep your eyes open, and stick close to us. If you see something move, let me know."

The party continues through the brush, eventually coming to a clearing, nestled at the base of the low-point of some mountains, reaching up further in the background. Not far from where you stand is the encampment...or at least, what remains of it.

There are tents, posts and circles where supplies are gathered, but most are damaged, destroyed or ransacked. There are no bodies present, nor are there any bloody bits, or any other sign of a death in the area. There is nobody else here, living or dead.

The older man signals to his two companions, who spread out a bit, scanning the surrounding area. "What'dya think happened?" asks the youngest of the three men. Neither of the other two answer.

2009-01-27, 02:18 AM

Jon wanders around the camp, keeping a hand on the kukri on his belt. "Perhaps they ran out of supplies, took what they needed with them, and moved to some other area? Is there anywhere like that they could have gone?"

2009-01-27, 04:06 PM

Looking at the damaged tents, Shimar starts to scan the are as well, looking for footprints of smaller creatures. The guy back at the mansion mentioned kobolds or what.

You don't leave an encamped behind like this if you run out of supplies. I'd say they surrendered or fled without a fight, and whoever attacked them destroyed the camp.

He also checks the remains of the tents, looking for obvious signs, such as there are any supplies left, or to see if the attack was humanoid or animal origin


2009-01-28, 12:36 AM
Justice glances around as a look of disappointment quickly crosses her face. "Had to be the most boring of the three choices, didn't it?" she mutters to herself as she half-heartedly pokes through the remains of a tent or two.

"Well, I think here would be a good place to set up our own encampment at least. It's already cleared and a good location, and with luck the raiders will come back for more action if they see we've set up again. Let's make camp, build a fire, and be sure the locals know we're here."

The Great Skenardo
2009-01-28, 08:00 AM
Harold Betruger
Harold kicks at a ruined waterskin gloomily.
"No, Justice; the most boring thing would be if everything were fine. I can deal with boring. Boring has never stabbed me in the face. I should be very surprised indeed if we won't require your prowess at some point."
He turns to the sailors.
"Thoughts? I know there are supposedly locals around here somewhere."

2009-01-29, 12:48 AM
Shimar quickly finds some not-so-hidden tracks of small feet; a fair number of them. There are signs of their movement all about the camp, as does there appear to be a few things dragged off further into the brush.

"Kobolds!" hisses the eldest of the three. "Must've been kobolds. Sneaky little bastards..." He glances about at trees that surrounding the clearing, almost frantic. The other two look about, obviously worried about this man's reaction.

Both Shimar's and Justice's search through the tents would suggest that the creatures attacked the men here at night; tore through the tents, some of which appear to be cut through with a sharp blade, others possibly with claws.

Barely any supplies remain; the only things here are opened, strewn-about and not likely edible at this point.

2009-01-29, 01:01 AM
Drahlo kneels down to examine the tracks Shimar finds. "I do not know of these 'kobolds.' What are they?

No bodies, no blood... I doubt there are creatures careful enough to clean the bloodstains but stupid enough to leave such clear tracks. Likely the people who were here before still live."

2009-01-29, 01:15 AM
Drahlo kneels down to examine the tracks Shimar finds. "I do not know of these 'kobolds.' What are they?

No bodies, no blood... I doubt there are creatures careful enough to clean the bloodstains but stupid enough to leave such clear tracks. Likely the people who were here before still live."

2009-02-06, 07:41 AM
Interest piqued by the mention of kobolds, Justice abandons the idle probing of tents and shifts towards the perimeter of the camp, scanning the forest while looking specifically for easier to travel paths leading deeper into the island.

Search/Spot (same modifier) [roll0]

2009-02-09, 12:36 AM
Peering through the trees, Justice can tell little of any open path nearby. However, she does note whatever creatures were present here do leave a small trail; easy to see, but not-so-easy to follow, due to the density of the forest. Bringing a mount inward seems impossible, although moving-in on foot cannot be too difficult, if a bit slow.


As she continues her scanning, she thinks she may have spotted a figure in the trees; but in the blink of an eye, it's gone.

2009-02-09, 06:30 AM
Unslinging her bow and pulling an arrow from her quiver, Justice notches it and sets to draw. Glancing over her shoulder to get a good look at where the rest of the party is, she steps into the forest and moves about fifteen feet inwards before she stops. She scans the entire area again, her eyes returning to the place she thought she had saw movement before roaming again. As she comes to a standstill, she listens as well.

spot [roll0] and the listen [roll1]

2009-02-11, 12:16 PM

Confident about Justice going into the woods on her own, Shimar sits on the ruins, and begins to think.

No fighting? Were these men reliable? If the wealth is so great as the elf guy said, then maybe the group feigned their own peril, and sneeked (?) away from the island with the shineys.

He turns to the seafaring men: Do you know about any other ships that might have come this way a few days before us?

2009-02-11, 03:51 PM
"No. Not too likely anyone else came here." snarls the oldest man, still keeping wary of his surroundings. "Why? What are you thinkin'?" He glances to Shimar.

The others seem rather nervous, both too distracted to catch Justice walking into the brush. Alone, she steps inward, but fails to see anything apart from the numerous trees that surround her. There are only the normal sounds of the exotic forest.

Len - the other warrior-woman to accompany the party - continues stand in silence, as she has done so for the entire trip. She grips her broadsword in both hands, slowly scanning the trees. She then nudges Harold. "Hey." She whispers. "You hear somethin'?"

"W-we should...umm...get back to the ship, I think." murmers the youngest of the sailors. "Whatever happened to these folks could happen to us."

Venom, if you're confused by this "Len" character; old PC, not active. NPC'd simply because I hate removing characters without reasoning, and I've yet to think of a good way to remove her. Kinda forgot to mention she was there too.