View Full Version : I think that something happened to Haley and Celia

2008-10-17, 03:35 PM
If you look at Haley and Celia in #601, they have no good expression on their faces. During a presumably enjoyable activity, they are frowning, but it is the kind of emotionless frown that goes along with mindless activity. They have no eyebrow expression. Their eyes looked like they are enlarged a tiny amount (that doesn't mean the size of a cat in this context). The eye enlargement would make them look spaced out. Someone may have taken over their minds.

2008-10-17, 03:52 PM
Yeah, I noticed that too. I can't really guess, but it might have something to do with Belkar.

Fiery Diamond
2008-10-17, 04:00 PM
I don't think the eyes are significantly enlarged, the focus is just closer to the characters.

However, I agree about the rest of your description. I think that they are engaged in preparations of some sort.

-Fiery Diamond

2008-10-17, 04:01 PM
Belkar's dead.

2008-10-17, 04:02 PM
Either Belkar just died (which I find highley unlikley that the SSGOW/Belkster/Death's Lil' Helper would die off-screen) or maybe they're making preperations to meet the Cleric of Loki and/or face Haley's ex-Thieves Guild buddies.

2008-10-17, 04:05 PM
A hypothesis I just formed (based on no actual evidence) is that they might be receiving a false image. Of course, if it can bypass Xykon's Cloister, and he's clearly the most powerful spellcaster in the OotSverse, then I don't see how that could happen.

2008-10-17, 04:12 PM
...they're making preperations to meet the Cleric of Loki ...
Ding ding ding.

Guess who else had braided hair? (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0074.html)

2008-10-17, 04:21 PM
Ding ding ding.

Guess who else had braided hair? (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0074.html)

Pete refers to this cleric as "he".

2008-10-17, 04:28 PM
Well Hilgya rpobably isn't returning... but maybe braided hair is custome for a cleric of Loki? I guess that could mean their braiding their hair to make a good impression or something?

2008-10-17, 05:58 PM
They're bored. They're sitting around braiding each other's hair and giving themselves pedicures because they're bored. Hence their expressions.

Grey Watcher
2008-10-17, 06:07 PM
They're bored. They're sitting around braiding each other's hair and giving themselves pedicures because they're bored. Hence their expressions.

You beat me to it, sir.

I think they've been sitting in the Safe Room for 8 solid days and are bored out of their minds. I'm sure Haley has, through Blind Old Pete, got people out there negotiating with the Cleric of Loki and/or searching for ways to get Roy's remains back. But Haley can't leave because of Crystal, Belkar can't leave because of his illness, and Celia can't leave because, well, look what happened LAST time she went out in Greysky by herself. So, they're bored.

David Argall
2008-10-17, 06:12 PM
The idea they are just bored can pretty much be rejected. Roy could "just happen" to look down at any time, and for drama purposes, that means he will look down at an important time. Roy looks at the ship just at the wedding, not any of dozens of days before or after it. Roy gets to see Haley in action, not any of her dull daily tasks... So this hairbraiding is plot important. Just how is a lot more of a guess.

I do like the idea of the cleric of Loki, and bringing Hilgi back would be nice, but I am not betting much money on either idea. But the girls are unlikely to be controlled or anything. They are just working on a task.

Grey Watcher
2008-10-17, 06:23 PM
The idea they are just bored can pretty much be rejected. Roy could "just happen" to look down at any time, and for drama purposes, that means he will look down at an important time. Roy looks at the ship just at the wedding, not any of dozens of days before or after it. Roy gets to see Haley in action, not any of her dull daily tasks... So this hairbraiding is plot important. Just how is a lot more of a guess.

I do like the idea of the cleric of Loki, and bringing Hilgi back would be nice, but I am not betting much money on either idea. But the girls are unlikely to be controlled or anything. They are just working on a task.

True, but the rules of drama might have them look down at a very bored Haley and Celia because it creates more interesting dialogue between father and son up in the clouds.

2008-10-17, 06:30 PM
The idea they are just bored can pretty much be rejected. Roy could "just happen" to look down at any time, and for drama purposes, that means he will look down at an important time. Roy looks at the ship just at the wedding, not any of dozens of days before or after it. Roy gets to see Haley in action, not any of her dull daily tasks... So this hairbraiding is plot important. Just how is a lot more of a guess.

I do like the idea of the cleric of Loki, and bringing Hilgi back would be nice, but I am not betting much money on either idea. But the girls are unlikely to be controlled or anything. They are just working on a task.

So you're saying that Rich would only have Roy look down at Haley and Celia if it served some sort of dramatic purpose? Well, how about a comedic purpose? The whole joke in this strip is that Roy is expecting them to be doing something important when, in fact, all they are doing is braiding each other's hair and giving themselves pedicures.

2008-10-17, 06:34 PM
Ah, but it is important. It's been eight days, there should be a reason for why they are in the same room as before braiding their hair. It could be boredom, but it would be boredom due to the fact that they can't go outside, and they may have to choose a different course of action.

2008-10-17, 07:36 PM
Eugene says 'sitting' around in Greysky City. Not 'mourning the death of your companion,' not 'making plans to rescue your body,' but 'sitting.' They are bored. Something is likely to happen now, such as Pete running in saying that Crystal is coming, because watching them sit around and be bored would be, um, rather boring.

2008-10-17, 07:47 PM
The idea they are just bored can pretty much be rejected. Roy could "just happen" to look down at any time, and for drama purposes, that means he will look down at an important time.

OOTS is not only a drama, but also a comedy. And comedy purposes are solved with them being bored.

2008-10-17, 07:55 PM
Haley and Celia are going to keep twiddling their thumbs for a bit. And then maybe give Belkar another makeover.

Raging Gene Ray
2008-10-17, 08:00 PM
Eugene is an illusionist.

That may not be a scrying pool at all, but an elaborate illusion. Roy will probably catch on once the illusory girls start making out while bad-mouthing him.

2008-10-17, 10:17 PM
Ding ding ding.

Guess who else had braided hair? (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0074.html)

Ding dong, you're forgetting the pedicure.

2008-10-17, 10:19 PM
The idea they are just bored can pretty much be rejected. Roy could "just happen" to look down at any time, and for drama purposes, that means he will look down at an important time. Roy looks at the ship just at the wedding, not any of dozens of days before or after it. Roy gets to see Haley in action, not any of her dull daily tasks... So this hairbraiding is plot important. Just how is a lot more of a guess.

Maybe he's looking down at that time because it would be funny.

And pedicures are funny in any language.

2008-10-17, 10:20 PM
Eugene is an illusionist.

That may not be a scrying pool at all, but an elaborate illusion. Roy will probably catch on once the illusory girls start making out while bad-mouthing him.

Um... no. Can you torture that rationalization enough?

2008-10-17, 10:53 PM
Maybe frowning because this girl activity is used for brainstorming on ideas. Their are doing two things at once so they might say something random that can work. They have been stuck inside a panic room for 8 days. They need a plan to escape Greysky city alive.

Raging Gene Ray
2008-10-17, 11:09 PM
Um... no. Can you torture that rationalization enough?

It's not rationalization...it's pure SPECULATION!!!

Besides, I think there could likely be a joke where Eugene is using his illusions to screw with Roy. It will probably not end up like that, though.

Also, speaking of torture:

Warning: not safe for work
Also, it's that sh4rp3n3d fellow's drawring, not mine.


2008-10-18, 12:29 AM
I think they're two doppelgangers paid by Eugene a few months in advance for the express purpose of fooling Roy.

2008-10-18, 05:03 AM
Meh, I'd go with the theory that braided hair is a common trade for Loki's priestesses. They're probably gonna sneak into the temple or the like because something else went utterly wrong.

2008-10-18, 05:50 AM
It's not rationalization...it's pure SPECULATION!!!

Besides, I think there could likely be a joke where Eugene is using his illusions to screw with Roy. It will probably not end up like that, though.

Also, speaking of torture:

Warning: not safe for work
Also, it's that sh4rp3n3d fellow's drawring, not mine.

(Takes a sharp object and gouges out eyes)

But I don't think Eugene would joke with Roy about this, and even if he were, I doubt he's doing it now. They're still at the Scrying Pool.

Now if you'll excuse me...

(Gets up and feels way out of room)

I need to get some brain acid as well.

Tholok Razescar
2008-10-18, 05:54 AM
Pete refers to this cleric as "he".

Uncomfortable image involving Durkon and a she-male dwarf cleric of Loki right now, thank you so very much for that.

2008-10-18, 05:58 AM
Well. Pete is blind and Hilgya is dwarf. If you go by voice only you might confuse a female dwarf for a male (human, or possibly even a male dwarf).

2008-10-18, 06:09 AM
Ding ding ding.

Guess who else had braided hair? (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0074.html)

How long will it be until someone notices the connection between Haley's/Celia's and Hilgya's hair? I fear the epileptic trees will over-whelm the forums! :smalltongue:

I fear it is too late. :smalltongue:

2008-10-18, 07:04 AM
The idea they are just bored can pretty much be rejected. Roy could "just happen" to look down at any time, and for drama purposes, that means he will look down at an important time. Roy looks at the ship just at the wedding, not any of dozens of days before or after it. Roy gets to see Haley in action, not any of her dull daily tasks... So this hairbraiding is plot important. Just how is a lot more of a guess.

I'll have to disagree on this one here. They were shown braiding hair because it's the kind of thing that is done out of mind-numbing boredom; it's to indicate that they've been sitting in the safe room waiting all the time between when we last saw them and now.

2008-10-18, 08:32 AM
I think...

Haley and Celia are making preparations in order to make themselves presentable in order to mingle with the crowd in that Toad Hall place so they can get close to Roy's remains without attracting attention. I think they probably are going to disguise themselves as serving girls, which have braided hair at least in the case of Elan and Nale's mother. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0050.html)

2008-10-18, 09:03 AM
Without Durkon, I just don't see any fun of the priest being Hilgya (which I don't believe to be anyways) She's too connected to him to just show up to see Haley and Celia (who won't even know who she is)

David Argall
2008-10-18, 11:06 AM
I'll have to disagree on this one here. They were shown braiding hair because it's the kind of thing that is done out of mind-numbing boredom; it's to indicate that they've been sitting in the safe room waiting all the time between when we last saw them and now.

As stated, the laws of drama do not allow this. They are doing something or something is about to happen. And since Roy can't rush to their rescue or anything, waiting to be attacked doesn't sound likely.

2008-10-18, 11:15 AM
As stated, the laws of drama do not allow this. They are doing something or something is about to happen. And since Roy can't rush to their rescue or anything, waiting to be attacked doesn't sound likely.

And as we know, OoTS adheres to the so-called "laws of drama" strictly and to the letter. It's not like it mocks them frequently or anything.

Raging Gene Ray
2008-10-18, 11:21 AM
She's too connected to him to just show up to see Haley and Celia (who won't even know who she is)

Haley would recognize her. In fact, the only reason they didn't kill Nale after capturing him the second time is because they were absolutely certain that Hilgya would just cast True Resurrection. Celia might learn that she killed off her coworker (The Fire Sigil Guardian)...they both would have reason to distrust her and that could lead to her bringing up Durkon.

2008-10-18, 11:54 AM
As stated, the laws of drama do not allow this. They are doing something or something is about to happen. And since Roy can't rush to their rescue or anything, waiting to be attacked doesn't sound likely.

I don't know. I'm pretty sure the tense slow-elevator-jambalaya-munching in #600 shows OOTS does not follow "drama" rigidly. Also, last we knew they were walking into a non-existant hole in the ground. And now they appear bored, sitting doing nothing. I think the current action is not "something". Occam has another good "law" to consider.

But the fact that Roy is finally back to scrying on them does imply something will happen in the next strip or 2. Finally. This has been a slow week.

Although, Haley in braids does remind one of Lara Croft.

2008-10-18, 12:28 PM
I think they're doing exactly what it appears they're doing, braiding each others hair and filing their toenails because they're bored. There's nothing else for them to do at the moment, for reasons already explained by others. But the joke is that Roy doesn't know that and thus is shocked that they're not out and fighting the good fight. There's no deeper meaning. It's just funny and actually a little more realistic than Roy looking down and seeing them killing people in an epic battle.

2008-10-18, 12:57 PM
Meh, I'd go with the theory that braided hair is a common trade for Loki's priestesses. They're probably gonna sneak into the temple or the like because something else went utterly wrong.

Of course! Celia is giving herelf a pedicure so that she can pretend to be a handmaiden of Loki, who are well noted for their cared for feet!

The bed mattress and sheet are obviously going to be used as a duplicate for Roy's skeleton, and the bedframe can be chopped up and used to simulate a bones to fool a cursory examination.

I'm going with the 'bored' theme.

2008-10-18, 06:40 PM
Celia might learn that she killed off her coworker (The Fire Sigil Guardian)...they both would have reason to distrust her and that could lead to her bringing up Durkon.

Technically, it was Nale who killed the Fire Guardian. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0052.html) Hilgya dealt with the fire lizards.

Corwin Weber
2008-10-18, 08:54 PM
I'd say they both look more grim than bored.

I suspect that they want to avoid drawing attention to themselves. The braiding they're both using is a fairly typical nordic style, and fairly atypical for both of them. (Haley usually wears her hair in a ponytail or loose, Celia usually wears hers loose.)

Best guess, they've got something planned and they want to not stand out while they do it. I do kind of like the 'sneaking in to get Roy's body' idea, but I suppose there are other possibilities as well.

2008-10-18, 10:11 PM
Something happened to Haley and Celia?
Bow chicka Wamp wow.

2008-10-18, 11:24 PM
Even if the hair had something to do with a plan of sorts, why the pedicure?

Unless they are working as barmaids (same hair as Elan's mother as stated by Nerdanel) and Celia has been walking a lot (no room to flap her wings). Bit strange, since they have a lot of loot and everything, but maybe that's been impossible to sell.

Although to get that kind of money, they'll need more than serving drinks. Maybe we'll have some strip in this strip.

2008-10-19, 12:45 AM
I'd say they both look more grim than bored.

Um... HOW? How can you tell?

2008-10-19, 05:18 AM
Eugene says 'sitting' around in Greysky City. Not 'mourning the death of your companion,' not 'making plans to rescue your body,' but 'sitting.'

That's because Eugene is a jackass. They could have planned for 8 days straight and have moved mountians, but if it'll upset Roy, Eugene will act every bit the useless little berk he is.

2008-10-22, 06:05 PM
Well, that settles that that. The comic's been updated.