View Full Version : The Tyranny of the Jedi (Alt KotOR SAGA)

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2008-10-17, 04:58 PM
Alternate Universe KotOR:
The Tyranny of the Jedi

The Jedi Council listens to Revan and decides to go to war against the Mandalorians. Due to their enhanced strength, the Jedi/Republic army is not forced to use questionable tactics in order to achieve victory, and Revan and Squinquargesimus do not fall. When the Sith come (and they still come, though Revan and Malak are obviously not at their head), the victorious Jedi are well prepared to deal with them. It is still a long and hard war, but it is won handily.

Due to his influential role in bringing about the Republic's fairly easy victories over the Mandalorians and Sith, Revan is appointed to the High Council and quickly becomes the de facto leader of the Jedi Order. He continues to espouse his militaristic ideals in this new role, and it is not long before he asks the Senate to hand over control of the Republic's military to the Jedi. He says that a streamlined chain of command would help safeguard the Republic against future threats, and the Senate, frightened of yet another massive conflict, tentatively agrees.

Revan's new power is too great... he grows arrogant, sure that his vision for the Galaxy is the right one, the perfect one. In the name of preventing another Sith uprising he implements a series of increasingly harsh protocols governing the lives of the Republic's citizens. He sees any excess of emotion as a sign of Sith corruption, and does what he can to stamp out "evil thoughts."

When the Supreme Chancellor questions his methodology Revan accuses him of corruption and has him replaced by a puppet ruler under the Council's control. Revan is now free to crack down even harder on the citizens of the Republic, all in the name of purity.

Meanwhile, on Onderon, General Vaklu, already unsure of the Republic's policies before Revan's ascension, decides this is the final straw. He seizes control of Onderon in a military coup and declares its independence. But he knows that the Onderon Military cannot hold up against Revan's wrath... He knows that he needs support. He enters into a proverbial deal with the devil, contacting remnants of both the Mandalorian and Sith armies still present on Dxun.

In Onderon's wake planets across the Republic rebel against Revan's thought control. Also following Onderon's example, the scattered remnants of the Mandalorian and Sith armies rise to join in the rebellion.

The worlds hardest hit by the Mandalorians and the Sith have been rebuilt not as they were, but with the addition of huge prisons in which to hold the Republic's ever increasing number of enemies captive.

One such prison-world is Serroco, a planet which was bombarded with nuclear weapons early in the Mandalorian War. Revan has built domed prisons in the irradiated areas, seeking to doom any would-be escapees to a slow death from radiation poisoning.

A starship, though, would be more than sufficiently shielded to get through the rad zone...

Kir Sano and Gavik Adenkad
You two came to Serroco as part of a rescue attempt three days ago but ended up becoming inmates yourselves. You were judged likely to attempt to escape and were placed in solitary confinement in the prison's high-security wing. Fortunately, you were given adjacent cells and you have been able to keep in contact by tapping the walls in code.

You have been placed in solitary confinement in order to keep you from spreading your dangerous ideologies throughout the prison's population. You've been rotting here behind bars for several months now.

Serroco prison places all of its Wookiee inmates in high-security solitary confinement, and you're even more dangerous than average. Since being transferred here a couple of months ago you've been watched very closely.

It's been many long years since Exar Kun fell and you were imprisoned. Too many. In that time you've been shuffled from one prison to another to another. You were transferred to Serroco after Revan ordered all known Dark Side users to be moved to higher security facilities. You've been here since the prison was opened.

Kolin Lor
Though you are certainly a good soldier, you're primarily in high-security lockdown not because of your combat skills but because of your history. The prison's warden fears that an ex-Republican soldier might be able to convince other Republican soldiers to turn against their masters. The guards have been ordered to come in contact with you as seldom as possible, and the warden makes sure that someone different brings you your food each time you are fed in order to keep you from slowly corrupting anyone. Your time in solitary has been even lonelier than usual.

Revan couldn't bring himself to have you killed when you were captured, but he certainly wishes to bury all memory of his failed experiments. He had you sent to the distant prison-world of Serroco and made sure you were placed in solitary confinement. The warden has not been informed of your capabilities, only told that you're very dangerous.

Unfortunately for the purposes of your mission, the warden has become aware of your attempts to organize the prison's inmates. With only a week left before your plan would have gone into action, you have been transferred to solitary confinement.

You, like all Force users, have been placed in solitary confinement in a high-security wing of the prison. Revan does not wish to take any chances with captured "Sith."


You are all sitting in your respective cells, whiling away the time in whatever way you normally do, when unfamiliar voices suddenly blare over the intercoms.


"Yeah, you tell 'em boss!"

"Be quiet, Rasco!"

"Sorry, boss..."


The doors to your cells suddenly spring open, and the retractable bridges that span the chasm outside your doors extend to allow you uninhibited egress.

At the same time two parties of guards come rushing onto the wing, one from the north and one from the south. Both groups are composed of two human guards and two battle droids. The humans are armed with force pikes and the droids carry blaster rifles. The human members of the group to the south immediately rush to deal with the wing's two Wookiee prisoners.

30 Kolin Lor
26 Vaya
25 Cee
24 Madclaw
23 Inok
20 Gavik Adenkad
19 Kir Sano
15 Phrenias
13 Merrel
12 Reewoon
8 Guards (All)


Kolin's turn...

2008-10-17, 05:34 PM
"Where Am I? Is this the past? Or am I in the present, that resembles that which is past? No I am now, not then." Phrenias Shakes his head as he stands from his bunk. He is tall, and thin, but possesing a dangerous quality about him, like a starving predator. His long shaggy, unwashed hair gleams silver, as he brushes it out of his sightless eyes. He bears many scars, including two on his head, on one each temple. He grumbles in Miraluka, then Mandalorian, then speaks in basic again. "I must keep my head, so that i do not loose it. HAHAHA!!!! no.. I must rember .. focus. COME, YOU COWARDLY SCUM!!!!" He screams, rage echoing through his voice.

Mando Knight
2008-10-17, 06:00 PM
Gavik is sitting on his cot, but springs up as soon as he hears the voices on the intercom... voices that he knows aren't Republic guards. As the doors spring open, he slips to a corner of his cell, waiting to act until someone drops a weapon...

*Will delay until either a guard comes onto the bridge to his cell, or until a weapon becomes available within 6 squares*

2008-10-17, 06:30 PM
Woken up at the loud voices over the intercom, Kolin thinks to himself, "Well, this day just got interesting". As the door to his cell opens he peaks outside and sees the guards approaching from both directions. Having little skill in brawling, he hides in a corner of his cell, looking for any advantage he can get.

*I ready a disarm attempt on any guard or droid that gets on the bridge to my cell*

2008-10-17, 06:34 PM
Since Kolin is delaying, it's Vaya's turn.

2008-10-18, 04:37 AM

Having spend the last weeks in isolation, her plans uncovered and her cover nearly blown, Vaya finds herself sitting on the cold floor, meditating, when she heard the voices over the intercom.

Seeing this as her chance to make a break for it and hopefully complete her plan, she snaps out of her trance and stands up.

Upon seeing the guards she quickly focuses her mind, the Force working through her.

"You will regret the day you put me in this hold!" she shouts as she uses the Force to send horrying images to one of the guards and let out a chain of lightning on the other.

Vaya takes one step forward out of her cell, into line of sight to the bottom guard squad.

She uses Fear (KOTOR page 50) on the left guard and Force Lightning on the other



2008-10-18, 10:38 AM
What have we learned today? We've learned that Dark Jedi don't need weapons.

Vaya gains 2 DSPs (This shouldn't matter unless she decides to seek redemption, in which case they will still make it harder for her.).

The guard on the left crumples to his knees, screaming in abject terror. The guard on the right is simply slain, the lightning coursing lethally through his body.

It would seem that even the high-security wing is ill-prepared for dealing with Force adepts.

New Map:

Cee's turn.

2008-10-18, 11:37 AM

She looks up at the unfamiliar voices, amusement twitching around her withered mouth. Then the doors open and she hears the fight start outside, but see's no reason to even get up from her cot. She just stays and waits.

Cee is also delaying until either someone decides to invade her cell or until the fight is over.

2008-10-18, 12:00 PM
Rage fills the newly freed Madclaw. After all those years in lock up he was finally presented with an opportunity to punish the guards who held him captive... and an accursed witch stole his kill right from under his nose.

He leaps over the guard's corpse, frothing at the mouth, and tears into the droid, his claws leaving long gashes in its armor.

He will tear through the guards... and he will punish that witch for stealing what was his.

Inok's turn. I'd post a new map, but nothing much has changed.

2008-10-18, 01:56 PM
That should've been...
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

And Inok moves one step down the Condition track.

Umm... that was a pretty bad roll... If you'd like to roll for yourself, I'll let you. Otherwise I'm afraid his bellow doesn't hurt anyone.

2008-10-18, 02:22 PM
When his door finally opens due to a malfuction in he opening mechanism and pushing into the door several times, Inok sticks his head out, surveying the area. Seeing all the other doors open with guards and prisoners outside, he decides to open all four of his throats and takes a deep breath at the human prison gaurd.

Inok stays the dark of his cell, aiming his Bellow at one of the gaurds


2008-10-18, 02:37 PM
All four guards at the north end of the hall are buffeted by Inok's bellow, but none fall.

"Subdue that Ithorian!" the one on the left orders.

I assume Gavik is still delaying, so it's Kir Sano's turn.

2008-10-18, 03:08 PM
Ikr had been siting on his cot in his cell but the momnet the ceel door opened Kir moved to door to look out to see what is hapening apon seeing the guard in front of his cell Kir ruches the guard and grabs at his weapon trying to take it away from him.

Grapple [roll0]

2008-10-18, 03:19 PM
Phrenias walks out of his cell, dreamily looking around until he sees the guards. "Ahh, tis a good day, for someone else to die, my firends!" He then raises a closed fist at the nearest living guard.
takes one step out of his cell ,targets the Feared guard with Wound (USTF)[roll0] (Damage) [roll1]

2008-10-18, 03:26 PM
The guard is deeply wounded, but not slain. His screams intensify.

+1 DSP for Phrenias.

Merrel's turn.

2008-10-18, 03:34 PM
Kir's attempt to disarm the guard fails.

"Back, dog!" the guard yells, striking at Kir with his force pike. It is set to stun.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Merrel's turn.

2008-10-18, 05:06 PM

The voices over the intercom bring Merrel out of her quiet introspection. She stands, moving into the doorway and hesitating as the guards burst into the room. This was her chance to escape and act upon what she'd decided, probably the only one she'd get. Standing idly by would mean abandoning her duty.

Still, she doesn't want to have to fight her way out through dozens of guards, most of which were just doing a job. She flinches as the guards to the south scream. Evidently, not everybody placed in here was falsely accused.

Hoping the guards will ignore her in favor of the more hostile prisoners, Merrel steps out of her cell, keeping her hands raised in front of her and trying not to look threatening.

She'll move out onto the walkway and one square towards the northern guards, and take a total defense action. Reflex defense is 27.

2008-10-18, 05:16 PM
Reewoon's turn, then.

I'll update the map after his action.

2008-10-18, 09:06 PM
Reewoon steps up to the cowering guard, attempting to disarming the guard.


2008-10-19, 12:13 AM
Rewoon easily snatches the pike out of the man's hands. The guard cringes and screams all the more, seeing the towering wookiee as a creature of nightmare.

The terrified man drops to the ground, attempting to imitate a corpse (Swift action, drop prone).

The droid next to the faux-corpse addresses Reewoon in a metallic voice.

"Halt, prisoner number W-426! Do not force us to apply lethal force!"

The droid fires its blaster... set to stun... at the wookiee.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The other southern droid takes aim at the other wookiee.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Meanwhile, in the north, the guard who previously tussled with Kir Sano strikes at the Togruta noble again.

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

The other northern guard charges towards Inok, the loud-mouthed Ithorian. His pike is set to stun.

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

The northern droids lock their sights on Vaya. They have been programmed to give no quarter to Sith. The droid on the right lays down cover fire while the droid on the left moves to give itself a clear shot. When it has an opening, it shoots to kill.

Right droid using Aid Another, with the Coordinated Attack feat for auto-success.

Left droid firing with lethal force:
Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

New Map:

And it rolls back round to... well, I guess Kolin's still delaying, so it'll be Vaya's turn to roast some more guards.

2008-10-19, 02:33 AM

The orange skinned Twi'lek smiles wickedly as she sees both guards drop to the ground. One a quivering mass of human weakness, the other a charred pile of space dust.

Her smiles soon fades as the enraged wookie comes crashing into the battle. The hate-filled look it gave her was enough to tell Vaya this battle was not over when the guards were down. But maybe subdueing this beast would allow her to sway the others to work together.

She cringes as she feels her skin on her left shoulder heat up. Vaya turns around and notices the droids on the other side of the ward have targetted her. She focuses her mind, supressing the pain and drawing upon the Force. She holds out her hand at the right droid and attempts to draw away it's weapon.

Ref def: 21
HP: 40/51

Vaya uses Force Disarm in an attempt to disarm the rightmost droid. The weapon will be pulled into Vaya's grip.


2008-10-19, 03:38 AM
The weapon begins to slip out of the droid's grasp, but it manages to grab hold with its other hand at the last moment. It retains control of the rifle.

That +10 to Reflex that the target gets on disarm attempts is killer, even against Force Disarms...

The madclaw, meanwhile, dispatches his droid opponent with another swipe of his claws and comes barreling up to Vaya, rushing right past the other guard droid. He growls at her menacingly.

Inok's turn.

2008-10-19, 11:18 AM
Inok tries for one last bellow at the driod.

[roll1] [spoiler]

Mando Knight
2008-10-19, 01:56 PM
After Inok's bellow, Gavik will drop out of his delay to aid Kir Sano. He will move one down, three right, and one up, then attack the guard that's tussling with Kir. (Current Ref. Def. = 21 due to lack of armor, unarmed damage drops to 1d6 + 6 due to lack of combat gloves, bonus remains at +9)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

EDIT: Ack! Minimum damage!

2008-10-19, 03:08 PM
Kir Sano throws a punch at the guard.

Atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

2008-10-19, 03:25 PM
Although it doesn't cause much damage to them, Inok's bellow catches all four northern guards in its cone of effect... and Kir Sano. Kir takes 4 damage like the rest.

Together with the bellow, Gavik and Kir's punches manage to take down the guard.

The rules aren't particularly clear about whether the unarmed-attack-without-Martial Arts or the resulting AOO comes first... I'll say you hit him before he gets a chance to hit you, resulting in him keeling over first.

New Map:

Phrenias's turn.

2008-10-19, 03:27 PM
Phrenias looks over at the prone guard. "I caaaaan seee yoooou! I know just what would cheer you up! flying lessons!"
Phrenias stays where he is and uses Move object to throw the Feared guard at the droid next to him. [roll0] [roll1]
Edit: ahh seroisuly? i rolled a 4? i guess i should just stick to smacking things:smallfrown:

2008-10-19, 03:31 PM
The guard begins screaming again as he's lifted in the air, but almost immediately he's dropped back to the ground harmlessly.

Ooooh, bad Use The Force check there... Sorry.

Merrel's turn.

2008-10-19, 08:38 PM

As beleaguered guards go down in front of her, Merrel moves, diving over the fallen guard gracefully and heading out the northern doorway.

Acrobatics check to move past the droid without provoking an attack of opportunity: [roll0] Merrel can move 9 squares with a double move.

2008-10-19, 08:48 PM
You wouldn't provoke anyway, since the droid has a blaster rifle, not a carbine or anything lighter. So the movement's fine. Sadly (for me), you've also forced me to go ahead and make up a map for what's north of here... :smallfrown:

I might not go to the effort tonight, but it'll be up before your next turn.

Reewoon's turn.

2008-10-20, 01:56 AM
Rewoon sets the force pike to stun and begins to attack the guard blocking him in.

damage [roll1]

if he drops, ill take a step up to the droid

2008-10-20, 02:36 AM
And drop he did. It was if one guard cried out in terror and was suddenly silenced.

The southern droid comes about as close to fear as something with its limited programming can as the large wookiee steps closer. It flicks its rifle to the lethal setting.

"Prisoner number W-426, I did not want to be forced to do this, but I must order your termination. You are not a good person. You know that, right? Good people don't end up here."

A paraphrase and a quote already, and I'm only a fourth of the way through my turn... I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The northern droid to the left switches its target priority from the Sith to Gavik and Kir.

"You have scheduled yourselves for termination," its cold mechanical voice informs them as it switches to autofire mode.

Both Kir and Gavik are in the target area.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

The other droid remains focused on Vaya.

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

The remaining human guard raises his force pike to strike at the Ithorian again.

"Stop making that racket, hammerhead!"

His pike is the only guard weapon still set to stun at this time.

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Kolin's turn.

2008-10-20, 08:45 AM
Seeing that the battle has been joined by the other prisioners, Kolin sees his chance to get his hands on a real weapon. He leaves his cell and attacks the nearest battle droid.

Kolin moves onto the bridge, then diaganolly to the upper-left to the space beside Gavik, and makes a melee attack on the droid on the bridge.
To hit: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2008-10-20, 08:50 AM
His fleshy fists pound uselessly on the droid's durasteel chassis.

I'm still procrastinating about map updates.

It's Vaya's turn (try not to let the Wookiee win).

2008-10-20, 09:29 AM

Vaya silently curses as the droid manages to keep its grip on the blaster. Her action however seemed to have confused the droids sensors as its next shot misses her by an inch.

A growl behind her causes her to turn and she sees the enraged wookie charge past the remaining droid, straight at her. She focuses her mind once more and holds out her hand as she uses the Force to choke the wookie.

"Fellow captives, hear me!" she shouts as she keeps her grip on the wookie. "For too long we have been caged by Revan's ambition. For too long he has ruled an empire that can no longer be called the Republic. And for too long we have been devided to stand up to his might.

Let us unite my brothers and sisters. Let the revolt begin in this prison, where Revan's worst fears and nightmares have been locked up. Let us not fight amongst ourselves, lest we become like this wookie, a beast without morals."

With those last words she uses the Force to tighten her grip on the wookie, causing extra strain.

ref def: 21
hp: 40/51

Vaya uses Force Grip on Madclaw as a standard action. Damage will be rolled in the OOC thread as I don't know how much damage I will do until I rolled my UtF check.


2008-10-20, 09:49 AM
The wookiee's would-be cries of pain die in his constricted throat, and come out only as vague gurglings.

He claws at the invisible hands on his throat, he cannot remove the grip of the Force with his own physical hands.

He takes his first steps down the slippery slope towards death and the grave. A darkness not unlike that of the Shadowlands tinges the edges of his vision.

I'm getting far too elaborate with this description.

I'd better just get to the point and say it's Cee's turn.

2008-10-20, 09:59 AM
Vaya's impassioned speech gets her to chuckle quietly. Curioser and curioser... How much passion this Revan seems to create in people, whether for him or against him... Something tells her this might be what she has been waiting for, the last die to be cast...

So she gets up and - hand on the wall to steady herself - moves towards the door with a few decisive steps. The Force, flaring with aggression, madness and fear, comes to her bidding and she wraps it around her like a cloak...

Using Energy Resistance.

2008-10-20, 10:21 AM
The Force comfortingly reassures Cee that it's still there, and it's still watching out for her. Sorta. At least it'll resist energy for her. But that is kind of the point at the moment, isn't it? So I assume it's comforting. I'd be comforted.

The madclaw continues to gurgle helplessly. There's really not much you can do with a single swift action. I guess that's sort of the point, though...

Inok, please act before my fourth-wall-breaking narration goes any farther.

2008-10-20, 06:04 PM
What else can Inok do in a room full of crazed monsters and gaurds but try to find a blaster and aim at one of them.

Inok looks for any sign of a weapon near by, blaster, knife, light-cheese grater-something, and something fast! Is there anything?

2008-10-20, 07:00 PM
I'm afraid that would be a no, nothing he could easily reach with a guard right in his face, but as some people pointed out in the OOC thread, since you have Shake It Off you could keep the bellows coming indefinitely as long as you remain stationary so you have two swift actions per turn to dedicate towards recovery from all the vocalizing. You could also theoretically attempt to disarm the guard, but I don't recommend it.

If Inok merely searches in vain for weapons in a high-security prison cell, it's Gavik's turn.

Mando Knight
2008-10-20, 09:53 PM

Gavik notices Merrel tumbling past him and the droids and out of the corridor...
"Jetii! <This one's fairly obvious, I'm not translating this word by itself ever again, but it means Jedi> Where do you think you're going?"--He moves diagonally up/right 1--"Unless you're a pilot, you're not gonna get far... and I don't think the guards'll take lightly to your skipping out of here alone! Hang on a bit, 'n' we can all blast outta here..."

He breaks off in mid sentence while tussling with a droid over the blaster, then stops trying to grab the gun and drops down to deliver a sweeping kick to its legs.
(Unarmed attack to droid up 1 from Gavik's new position)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: Sweet! 19 on the attack! (Damage was better, too!)

2008-10-20, 10:16 PM
Kir says "Vor'e! par te gaa'taylir, Ner vod. <Thanks! for the help, my brother.>" as he picks up the Guards force pike, he then move to engage the Droid that Gavik is attacking.

Atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

2008-10-20, 10:25 PM
Phrenias looks around. " ahh, brothers of armor are near, but not yet, first, a fight!"And waves his hand at the droid near him.
move object on the droid that fired on Raewoon to drop it into the pit. [roll0]

2008-10-20, 10:34 PM
Gavik's kick damages the droid's knee actuator. It begins fizzing and popping, and a tiny wisp of smoke rises from the droid's leg. It looks like one more such strike would blow out the knee entirely. Kir's potential felling blow, though, meets only air.

Phrenias easily drops the droid... and his valuable blaster rifle... into a bottomless pit. Nice job breaking it, hero.

New Map for High Security Wing:

Merrel's Map coming up within 10 hours or your money back.

I know it's her turn and all, but I'm really tired.

2008-10-21, 08:21 AM
As she enters the next room, Merrel walks right into one of the guards' ready rooms. Several guards mill about in various states of readiness, and deactivated droids line the left wall.

"Halt, prison-" a guard starts, but he is cut off by a sudden massive explosion. The far left corner of the room is nearly vaporized and oddly similar piles of debris rain down just outside of the blast radius. The droids nearest the blast are vaporized and a few more are partially destroyed, but the two closest to Merrel are neither destroyed nor activated. They simply lie dormant. The guard who turned to address the Jedi has been pinned under a piece of wreckage.

"BOOM! Booyah!" a now-familiar voice exclaims from a nearby computer terminal, "Maybe that'll teach 'em not to put an easily overloaded power conduit in the middle of a group of guards! I mean, duh, what kind of architec-"

The Greatest Slicer in the Galaxy is interrupted by a calm, feminine voice over the intercom.

"Signs of corruption have been detected in base personnel. Corruption protocols imminent. Purging corruption can sometimes be a messy business. Please do not be alarmed by what is about to to take place. The Republic would like to take this chance to remind you that all is done for the greater good."

"Aww, heck yes! You hear that sound? That's the sound that says my program's finally made it into the guard droids' behavioral cores. Prepare for Apocalypse Frow!"

Merrel hears sounds of automatic beam fire coming from the next room. The door is almost blocked by rubble, but she can just barely make out a droid turning to the human guards standing next to him and gunning them down.

"Get it, it's a joke. Because my name's Frow, and there's a holo flick called 'Apocalypse Now,' and my new legion of battle droids is about to kill you all... it's a joke."

New Map:

Merrel's turn.

2008-10-21, 07:58 PM

The pronouncement fills Merrel with disgust. He would have protocols in place to kill anyone suspected of turning against him. She steadies herself, stretching out with the Force to try and feel what is happening on the other side.

Use the Force [roll0] to sense surroundings. Rest of post forthcoming as soon as I see the result... which is negative, since the DC for total cover is 20.

Unfortunately, the battle from the room behind her prevents her from reaching the proper calm, but she can hear blaster bolts from in there as well. Ignoring the prisoner behind her yelling for her to help for now, she leans past the terminal to look past the doorframe, trying to get a better view of what's happening and whether she could expect to get through it intact. It doesn't look good.

She half-turns around, and lets the Force flow through her in the way it did best, touching the physical world. She reaches out to take hold of one of the droids still behind her, tossing it into the other nonliving presence she could sense.

Merrel will sort of half-move onto the computer terminal if that's feasible, leaning out to look into the next room (and then preferably leaning right back again to keep cover or total cover). Then she'll use Move Object on the droid she can see, tossing it into the other droid; a 19 result should deal 2d6 damage, unless they have high Will/Reflex defenses.

2008-10-21, 09:37 PM
The damaged droid Merrel throws just barely misses its target... perhaps because she was trying for the behind-the-back Force throw. It drops into the pit, clanging its way towards the planet's core. Not all the way there, mind you, but just sort of in a coreward direction.

Its beam rifle goes with it. Drat.

Reewoon's turn.

Then my guards get to go! Fun! :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-21, 10:31 PM
Reewoon takes a step up to Madclaw, hands his force pike to Phrenias and then proceeds to attack Madclaw with his echani training.

move action up to madclaw
swift action to hand the weapon to Phrenias
standard to use echani on an unarmed attack

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

if it hits[roll2] vs fortitude. if this hits he is knocked prone

2008-10-21, 10:41 PM
And it's a swing and a miss... the Madclaw apparently knows how to take a punch... or not take one, as the case may be, even while being choked by an unseen Force.

The sole remaining droid in the high-security wing pivots to face the sole remaining guard.

"Corruption protocol dictates that the corrupt should be eliminated first. Frow dictates that I deliver a message prior to your elimination."

The droid switches over to another voice track, an imported clip from a cheesy action holo.

"Hasta la vista, baby!" the accented actor yells, and the guard in front of Inok falls to the ground dead.

The droids in the other hall fail to catch sight of the Jedi, and do not open fire. They simply stand there like statues amidst the carnage, waiting for meatbags organics to arrive.

Mando Knight
2008-10-21, 10:53 PM
ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY! (The droid is using its rifle, right?)

The always quick, ever-slayin' Gavik Adenkad takes the droid's distraction with the guard to lay quick kick to the back of its knees!

Attack: (I wanna see exactly what I roll...) [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

EDIT: Aw... I don't get to kill it...

2008-10-21, 10:58 PM
Seeing the battle droid fall down the pit, Kolin sighs. "Lets see if we can take this one down without throwing it down the pit," he says to the prisoners near him. He lets fly a flurry of blows, which the droid blocks but it is kept too busy doing so to worry about the other warriors around it.

Kolin makes a aid another check to boost Gavik's next attack on the battle droid, as long as I beat a Reflex defense of 10, Gavik gets a +2 on his next attack on the droid.

2008-10-22, 01:53 AM

Seeing more and more prisoners rally and get out of their cells, Vaya smiles quietly. Turning her attention back to the madclaw wookie, she attemps to tighten her grip on him even more, despite his struggling.

"You were foolish to attack me wookie. Pledge your life to me and I will spare you. If not, you will not meet the same fate as these guards, instead you will die from slow suffication.

Pledge you life and I will release my grip." Vaya has a smug look on her face as she retains her grip.

I should probably make either a deception or persuasion roll for that right? I'll roll both, you decide which fits better.


Grip damage will be rolled in OOC

2008-10-22, 11:19 AM
Kir takes another swing at the droid hoping to finish off so he can fallow the jedi though the door.

Atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

2008-10-22, 11:37 AM
The madclaw's body language indicates he refuses to join you, but he doesn't appear to be struggling quite as much as before.

Again Kir fails to make contact with his target.

It's Inok's turn. Remember, the guard in front of you is dead. I just haven't updated the map yet.

2008-10-22, 03:05 PM
With his lungs burning, Inok decides to walk up 6 squares and tries to steady his breathing.

Inok spends his swift actions to move up one condition

2008-10-22, 03:42 PM
There's still a droid on the bridge to your cell... You can walk up to him, but that wouldn't be six squares of movement.

Gavik's turn, anyway...

Mando Knight
2008-10-22, 05:02 PM

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


EDIT: I forgot to add in the bonuses for flanking and Aid Another... so add 4 to the attack roll... and it's a 20, just enough to hit it. (If you're not decreeing it flat-footed, and if it's a basic Juggernaut War Droid...)

2008-10-22, 06:30 PM
Be glad for the bonuses you just mentioned!

Gavik's punch catches the droid square in its inhuman face. Its main camera's lens is cracked slightly, and the impact jars its processor. While its durasteel shell is uncompromised, the sensitive electronics within probably can't survive another solid impact.

Phrenias, you're up. Make with the crazy.

2008-10-22, 08:09 PM
"Ooooohhhh, it shines with a electricity! Thank you... Sir Woookie!" He then walks as close as he can to the remaining droid, and waves a hand. "Excuse meee, mister droid, may I please have that blaster rifle, tommorow's light day you see, and I forgot to get one for me mum"
that was a force disarm check, btw

2008-10-22, 09:01 PM
I'm thiiiiiis close to houseruling Disarm to make it actually possible...

As earlier with Vaya's attempt, the rifle begins to move, but the droid retains control of it.

Merrel, you're up again (that round went fast).

2008-10-22, 10:57 PM
wait... a 28 doesnt succed?:smalleek:

2008-10-22, 11:32 PM

Merrel returns to keeping an eye on the droids in the next room, waiting for the others to finish with whatever enemies were still fighting in the high-security wing.

Delay/do nothing if the droids make no move towards them.

2008-10-22, 11:34 PM
Reewoon, care for another jab at the Madclaw?

2008-10-22, 11:49 PM
Reewoon takes a full-round double attack at madclaw


2008-10-22, 11:54 PM
Reewoon's first punch connects even more mightily than I originally suggested, breaking the other wookiee's jaw, but the madclaw still shrugs off the second blow.

2008-10-23, 12:02 AM
The final battle droid on the first map faces its most recent attacker (Gavik).

"Target priority reassigned."

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The droids in the second hall still stand unmoving.

Kolin's turn.

2008-10-23, 12:09 AM
Kolin repeats his previous action.

Aid another attempt for Gavik.

2008-10-23, 12:12 AM
Vaya's turn, then.

Recommendation: Keep choking the furry meatbag, master. Keep choking.

2008-10-23, 06:48 AM

"You have made your choice weakling."

With those words Vaya constrics the wookie even more.

Same action...


2008-10-23, 04:54 PM
And the damage to the wookiee's respiratory system keeps slowly adding up... He whimpers helplessly in pain.

Cee's turn.

2008-10-24, 01:19 AM
Since everything seems to be under control and the droids almost vanquished, she just remains standing in the door of her cell, keeping up her shields...

2008-10-24, 01:24 AM
Inok, then.

2008-10-24, 04:27 PM
Inok commands his Bellow once more, point blank to the droid in front of him.


2008-10-24, 05:09 PM
The powerful sonics quite literally shake the droid's brain apart. It falls to the ground, lifeless. Kir Sano, Gavik, and Kolin are also hurt.

A strange look of peace passes over the madclaw's face. He lets out a sigh, and gives up the ghost. You do not get the feeling you actually killed him, but rather that he simply chose to stop living. Whatever the case, you can now stop worrying about attempting to take him down and get on to the next room. It's almost as if some outside force intervened in order to allow Reewoon and Vaya to more easily stay with the group.

The Aftermath:
If you loot all the bodies on the first map you will find 4 Force Pikes (two have already been picked up), 4 sets of "Stormtrooper" armor, 4 utility belts, 4 stun grenades, and 2 blaster rifles.


Consider yourselves out of initiative until you enter the hall of battle droids.

2008-10-24, 05:17 PM
Hall of Battle Droids? Doesn't that sound cosy... :smalltongue:

With a smile, Cee lets go of her Shields and slowly makes her way over the bridge towards the rest of the group. With her pale face, white hair and gray cloak she looks a bit like a ghost out of a children's story. She doesn't even look at the equipment, just walks over to Vaya and watches her intently for a moment, before bending down and checking the Wookiee at her feet, whether he is really dead.

"Nice speech. Better handiwork." She concludes then.

2008-10-24, 05:23 PM
Phrenias looks around at all the people nearbye. "Well, hasn't this been fun! Now, who wants to help me loot these bodies? What? it's not like they're gonna have a use for it!" He then waks over to the guard corpse near where his cell used to be, and begins to loot it, humming as he goes.the guard on the lower left corner.

2008-10-24, 05:30 PM

Slightly frustrated at the wookie, Vaya lets go of her grip and takes a moment to steady her emotions.

When Cee speaks to her, she examines to old woman closely. What would a woman her age be doing in this prison? she thinks to herself.

"Bah, I didn't mean to kill him. He would have been more useful alive."

She turns to the other wookie, tilting her head slightly. "You fought good, it takes a certain mindset to attack one of your own species."

Vaya ignores the loot, instead she centers herself to regain her lost force powers.

2008-10-24, 05:35 PM
Cee certainly doesn't look dangerous... The spotted, veined hand she extended to check on the Wookie shakes a little and she moves very carefully. Only the grey eyes are curious and sharp. She straightens herself up and looks the group over, before folding her hands into her sleeves again and fading into the background.

2008-10-24, 05:35 PM
Phrenias looks closely at the gaurd whom he just took the armor off of. He leans his face in close, then pokes the gaurd in the head with his finger. "I do belive this man here is still alive, ohh what fun we may have! Anybody here know how to make him go wakey wakey for us?"
Raewoon had the forcepike on stun when it hit the gaurd, so he's alive, right?

2008-10-24, 05:37 PM
The guard, wounded but alive, grunts in response to Phrenias's poke.

2008-10-24, 05:41 PM
Phrenias grins very widely at the guards response.He pats the side of the guards face with his hand. " Here we go!"Wakey, wakey, my dear fellow! Unless your wish is to face the same unpleasing death as your comrades, you'll agree to answering a few questions for me, okey dokey?"

2008-10-24, 05:53 PM
"Gav'ika ca'nara bah slanar mar'eyir ner me'sen. <Gavik time to go find my ship.>" Say Kir to Gavik, then to the others he say, everyone listen up, frankly i don't care why you are locked up here, Me and my friend here may have a way off this rock and a place for all of you as long as lone as you agree to help use in the here and now and when we get out, to put and end to Ravens tyranny, if your with us follow use, if not good luck to you. with his speech done Kir turns and heads in to the next room, upon seeing all the dead guards he heads over to one looking for any think of use and a blaster.

Perception [roll0]

2008-10-24, 06:03 PM
Phrenias, jerks his head up upon hearing Kir speak and speaks back to him in Mando'a "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur! Ni dinuir gar ner kot, tat."<Today is a good day for someone else to die! I give to you my strength, brother>." He then turns back to the guard and tries to wake him once more.

2008-10-24, 06:43 PM
Kir awnsers with, "K'oyacyi! Ner vod, jorcu mhi ganar borarir bah narir!. <Stay alive! My Bother, because we have work to do!.>"

Mando Knight
2008-10-24, 08:35 PM
Gavik puts on one of the suits of "stormtrooper" armor, preferring the embrace of its plastoid shell over the thin prison garb. (Defenses now match his character sheet) He also picks up one of the droids' rifles, checking for extra ammunition, and takes as many of the utility belts and grenades as his team-mates will let him.

"Ke jorhaa'ir Basic, vode... cuun auretiise burc'yase nu jorhaa Mando'a. <Speak Basic, brothers... our outsider friends don't speak Mando'a.>" He gestures towards the equipment lying around... "Want any? I'll take the grenades and utility belts if ya don't want 'em."

2008-10-24, 08:45 PM
"A grenade an' belt, fo' mahself, sirah, if it do please? And If we be vocating at this place in the time that we are, we may as well say who we are, i think. I am ... Phrenias, a madman and a fool, but a damn good fighter."

2008-10-24, 09:10 PM
Reewoon helps to collect the gear for the others and follows along. He grunts in as the pain sears through his body. The two large bald burns also may give a clue, though he says nothing.

2008-10-24, 09:29 PM
Kir takes a set of armor and utility belt and a blaster.

2008-10-24, 10:52 PM
If anyone's too badly hurt, remember that part of the niftiness that is the utility belt is a medpac.

"Please..." the living guard groans, "Please, one of you, kill me. Have mercy! If they find me alive here with everyone else dead, they'll label me a collaborator. You know what would happen to my family if I was declared a traitor... It's far better for me to die here in the line of duty, my honor intact..."

Mando Knight
2008-10-24, 11:11 PM
"For a man who's as good as dead, you sure talk a lot, mirsh'kyramud <boring person, lit. "brain assassin">"

He walks up to the soldier, pulls off the man's helmet, and blasts the man between the eyes. "That'll shut him up."

2008-10-24, 11:13 PM
Sorry Pal, but i have some bad news for you, the computers has already declared all guards as traitor's, and the droids shot traitor on site, so your dead ether way or you can give us the information we want, and well take you with us.

Persuasion [roll0]
Deception [roll1]

2008-10-24, 11:16 PM
Kolin, being a bit too slow to get to one of the blasters, settles on grabbing a utility belt, 2 of the grenades, and a force pike. Turning to Kir, he says, "If fighting Revan's forces is your goal, you've got an ally in me. Now, what were you saying about having a way off this rock?"

2008-10-24, 11:22 PM
There's a better then average chance that my ship the Wild Shadow, witch we were in when we were captured, that it is possible that it is still here, and only Gavik or me can unlock the navicomputer.

2008-10-24, 11:33 PM
Kir's words fall on deaf ears, given that Gavik has already blasted the guard's brains out.

2008-10-24, 11:40 PM
Gavik you Mir'osik <dung for brains> you could have at least waited until after we found out witch way it was to are ship

Mando Knight
2008-10-24, 11:46 PM
"Well, now that we've got weapons and armor, how about we start 'decommissioning' some'a them clanks? They're outta date anyway--they don't have the jetpacks that newer models've got."

He starts to head towards the door that Merrel headed out of earlier, then pauses.

"I want to look around this place anyway... they wouldn't dare have destroyed my beskar'gam <armor>."

He thumbs one of his stun grenades: "Well, whadda ya know? It's a stun 'nade. Won't be any good against the clankers, but let's see how that slicer likes 'em."

2008-10-25, 01:46 AM
Cee continues to watch everything with a kind of amused detachment, until the moment Gavik kills the guard. Then her colorless eyebrows shoot up, but she remains silent, watching the drama play out...

2008-10-25, 01:46 AM

Merrel waits in the other room, taking the time to center herself and try to feel the Force's guidance. That way. She opens her eyes, listening to the convicts in the other room; after about a minute, which they apparently spend gathering weapons and talking, she appears in the doorway. "Are any of you actually going to come?" she asks, voice low. "There's a whole squad of security droids out there, and I don't think they're going to wait forever."

2008-10-25, 02:11 AM
"Patience... And shuffle the cards..."

The old woman gives a chuckle, before she slowly moves over to Merell and looks her over.

2008-10-25, 04:00 AM

Vaya examinens her new companions more closely: an old lady, three mandalorians, a wookie beast, an ithorian screamer and a cowardly young girl.

She moves past the mandalorians, ignoring their talk. They can have their private moment, Vaya will only trust them less that way. They are useful now however.

"You can call me Vaya and I will gladly join you in defeating Revan. However, we shouldn't charge straight in like a bantha bull. In order to take on the corruption that has spread in the Republic, we will need to gather allies.

I believe Onderon is on the verge of revolt, we may find friends there."

She walks over to Merrel and Cee, she leans close to the old woman. "these will be interesting times, I recon. You can play your waiting game, but I am watching you, hag." she whispers in her ear. Vaya sharpens up and grins a huge smile at her.

2008-10-25, 04:04 AM
The derogatory remark is greeted with another empty smile, the grey eyes shrewd and sharp. "Patience is a virtue, young one. Or an excuse for lazyness. Watch all you like, if there's nothing more interesting for you to see..."

2008-10-25, 04:23 AM

Vaya's loose smiles remains on her face as Cee makes her remark. She expected that response, having heard it before on Korriban. "Don't flatter yourself with wisdom, lest everyone think you're just an old lady."

She takes position next to Merrel and examines the next room. Seeing the battle droids, she turns to the Mandalorians. "Are you fighting boys ready? There is battle up ahead and you have the honor to go first."

2008-10-25, 08:38 AM
Phrenias looked up from the noew-dead guard and walked over to where the three women are. He notices Merrel and bows "Ahh, my apologies , lady, I did not mean to keep one as you waiting for times long like this."He then took a moment to ready his force powers and then spoke once more. "Aye, I'm ready, although this be an unfamilair weapon to me, it'll still serve a good use."

2008-10-25, 10:09 AM
Yes, lets get moving, Kir move into the next room.

Mando Knight
2008-10-25, 10:17 AM
"If a force pike's unwieldy for ya, there should be a switch on the side that'll shut off the power cells. It'll be less powerful, but easier to use."

(A powered-down force pike should serve as a standard spear...)

"Vaya, Mandalore's probably on Dxun as we speak. we've known about Vaklu for some time now."

He heads towards the next room after switching his rifle to autofire.

2008-10-25, 10:22 AM
If you pause long enough in the mostly-destroyed ready room, the two inactive droids by the entrance and the dead guard under the rubble all have blaster rifles.

Consider this a gift, from me to you. :smallbiggrin:

You'll each get one six-square move into the hall of droids, then initiative will start again as before, with Kolin leading.

2008-10-25, 10:24 AM
Cee chuckles. "But I am an old lady." Then, she simply proceeds to follow the group several steps behind everyone...

2008-10-25, 10:54 AM
"Thank you , brother. I'd rather hit my foe, then have the most powerfull weapon, and land nary a blow." Phrenias takes a rifle from the dead guard nearby, and sets it to kill, And ties it to his waist with a cut off strip of cloth. He then procceds into the next room.

2008-10-25, 11:37 AM
Following the rest into the next room, Kolin sees the deactivated droids and takes one of their blaster rifles. "Now this is weapon." he says, checking its condition. Setting the rifle on autofire mode, he enters the hall of droids. "Let's get going, I've been stuck here long enough."

I enter the hall of droids, moving diagonally down, standing one sqare inside in front of the wall adjectent to the entrance.

Mando Knight
2008-10-26, 12:17 AM
Gavik will step into the droid room, stopping at the space 4 right, 2 up from the lower-left corner of the map. (if setting the bottom right corner's square as (1,1), then it's (5,3))

2008-10-26, 12:57 AM
To make things easier, I've updated the map with numbers to mark the squares like a grid. For example, Kolin is a (1,2).

2008-10-26, 01:47 AM
Reewoon enters the next room with the others but tries to cover as much ground as he can. Moving to (4,6) and takes a defensive stance. "Ratta ra Ratta rata" He says something in shyriiwook.

shyriiwook"Use those grenades!"

also I usually count across with letters A starting at the left, then count down from the top with numbers when doing a battle grid.

2008-10-26, 02:53 AM

Vaya will move to (4,4)

2008-10-26, 03:21 AM
Cee will continue to stay behind everyone else...

2008-10-26, 08:42 AM
Phrenias ensures the forcepike is turned off and moves to 4, 5

2008-10-26, 10:23 AM
Kir move to Square 5 across and 7 down or is it E7

((if this is a surprise round then are we allowed to attack if so here's my opening attack

blaster rifle autofire Atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]))

2008-10-26, 09:23 PM
New Map (Inok and Merrel's positions are conjectural and may be subject to change):

We're back in initiative, folks. Kolin's turn!

2008-10-26, 11:34 PM
Bringing his blaster rifle to bear, Kolin smiles, "Time to show these droids what real sharp-shooting is." He fires a burst of fire with his rifle on automatic, his shots flying safely past Gavik and Kir and straight into the droid's midst.

Autofire attack, targetting the 4 squares the bottom 4 droids are in.
To hit:

2008-10-27, 12:01 AM
The wild burst of beam fire sprays the lower half of the droid formation, leaving carbon scoring in its wake.

Vaya's turn. Fry 'em.

2008-10-27, 04:22 AM

Seeing the droid formation get shot up by Kolin, Vaya takes a step forward and focuses her mind in an attempt to disarm one of them.

Move to 5,7

Force disarm check on the droid right in front of her.


2008-10-27, 10:22 AM
The blaster rifle flies easily from the droid's hands. You note that it has a folding stock, and you might be able to fire it more easily if you wield it like an over-sized pistol.

Cee is up.

2008-10-27, 10:26 AM
She just stays behind and watches the show.

2008-10-27, 10:28 AM
Inok then.

Gavik, why don't you take it away?

Mando Knight
2008-10-27, 10:02 PM
Gavik braces his rifle and lets loose a deadly wave of autofire attacks at the lowest set of droids.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2008-10-27, 10:13 PM
The four droids to your right fall en masse before Gavik's blazing beam rifle.

"Daaaaaaaisy, daaaaaaaisy, give me your-" they sing as they die, undoubtedly due to Frow's modifications to their programming.

Kir Sano's turn.

Mando Knight
2008-10-27, 10:15 PM
"Daaaaaaaisy, daaaaaaaisy, give me your-" they sing as they die, undoubtedly due to Frow's modifications to their programming.

Give me your lasers, do. I'm half crazy, over the death of you!

2008-10-27, 10:59 PM
Kir braces his rifle in the same way as Gavik and also lets loose a deadly wave of autofire attacks at the droids.

blaster rifle braced autofire Atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

2008-10-27, 11:10 PM
The droids seem to take less of a beating than they did from Gavik's volley, but they are hurt.

And on to Phrenias.

Jeeze, I somehow didn't realize that autofire attacks would be this effective...

2008-10-28, 08:27 PM
Phrenias simply smiles, humming a little tune to himself, ebfore waving a hand at the nearest droid. "Afternoon delight. Woo!Sky rockets in flight Bwooo!"
move object aginst the nearest droid to throw it into the air, will roll damage in OOC based on results [roll]1d20+9[/roll
huh? 1d20+9
1d20+9 Uhh, i've think i've gone barindead, i've apparently forgotten how to roll

2008-10-29, 11:59 AM
While we wait for Druid_Lord to reroll in a new post you can go ahead and post Merrel's next actions if you'd like, The_Snark. I don't like slowdown. It makes me paranoid.

2008-10-30, 01:40 PM
Reewoon's turn, then, since Merrel is delaying. Remember that the bottom four droids have all been destroyed.

2008-10-30, 04:28 PM
Reewoon will spend this turn getting into position next to 2 droids. Using 2 moves to go up one and right nine, ending next to the 2 northmost droids.

2008-10-30, 11:27 PM
Though only four droids still stand in the room and one of them is unarmed to boot, the prison's automated defense systems aren't done yet. Two droids of a new model run into the room. They are somewhat similar in appearance to the common Kellenech Sentinel model, but have been rather obviously updated. They too bear Revan's white.

They each fire two quick shots from their beam rifles as they enter. One targets Gavik and the other targets Kir Sano.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

The two Juggernauts nearest Reewoon target the towering wookiee.

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Damage: [roll7]

The two lower Juggernauts target the Force user who took one of their rifles.

Rifle droid:
Damage: [roll9]

Disarmed droid (built-in shatter beam):
Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

New Map:

Map Notes:
ND is New Droid, not North Dakota.

Since moving to 5,7 would leave Vaya without any droids right in front of her, a fact I should've caught much sooner but didn't, I've guessed that you meant to move her to 7,5. Remember, x-axis always comes first.

Kolin's turn.

2008-10-31, 12:29 AM

Merrel enters behind most of the others, waiting near the back as her erstwhile allies begin exchanging fire with the droids. They are getting the better of it, but taking hits nonetheless. She trusts none of them—Mandalorians, the laughing dark presence she had sensed earlier when the Twi'lek killed the guards, and who knew what else—but using them to distract the guards and choosing not to help doesn't sit quite right with her, either.

She begins to act almost as soon as the reinforcements charge into the room, although it is slow; she moves around the side of the room, staying out of the lines of fire. She lets the Force guide her footsteps, and as always when she was successful, the distractions seemed less. It wasn't that she didn't see or hear the whine and flash of blaster fire meters away—in fact, she is more aware of it—but it doesn't matter as much. Merrel halts abruptly, poised on the balls of her feet, and for a fraction of a second feels as if she is in the center of a great pool of energy, perfectly still but capable of immense force.

It took only a single thought to turn a fraction of that perceived force, the Force, into physical, real force, and she reaches out with it. There is no ripple in the air, or flashy gesture from Merrel; only something invisible taking hold of the droids and knocking them off their feet.

Let's hope my rolls uphold that description... Merrel is using Surge to increase her speed (doesn't matter what she rolls, I'm only moving a little over 6) and moves to... actually, your numbers on the grid are confusing; Vaya isn't seven squares away from any edge...

I'll give her relative position: three squares above Vaya and three squares to the right of her, immediately to the right of a dead guard. Then she uses Force Slam, and if I'm calculating the area of a 6-square cone right, it should hit all 6 droids. If the power's area begins in her square rather than the square in front of her, she'll just move 1 square down and to the right to get the same effect. Use the Force: [roll0]

2008-10-31, 01:03 AM
The confusion would be because I messed up. Vaya should be one more square to the right. I'll try to do some map magic to try to clarify things.

Clarified Map:
The corpses have been removed for simplicity, full numbering has been added, and a conjectural cone of effect has been traced out. One step to the right would include all but the lower ND in the Force Slam area, and I'll allow you to make that adjustment.


All but one of the droids in the room fall to the ground, most falling to pieces as well. Only the new arrivals have survived, and only one of them is still standing upright.

Now it's Kolin's turn.

2008-10-31, 01:41 AM
Kolin watches as the force user bring most of the droids to their knees, suitably impressed by her results. Seeing that full autofire is overkill at this point, he switches his weapon back to single-fire mode. He stays in the back of the crowd as he shoulders the rifle again, turning his attention to the last droid still standing on it's own two feet. He aims for a shot right between its eyes, ignoring the Maladorian partially blocking his line of fire, and takes the shot.

Switches to single-fire mode as a swift action, shoots the one ND that Merrel did not hit.

Random question, do the droids have any damage reduction?

2008-10-31, 01:52 AM
The shot flies by a bit right of the eyes and blasts the wall of the corridor rather than the Devastator's head.

The GM I'd like to be: Bad player! Stop trying to metagame!
The GM I am: Hey, look, I just told you what model of droid it is!

Vaya's turn.

2008-10-31, 03:31 AM
The GM I'd like to be: Bad player! Stop trying to metagame!
The GM I am: Hey, look, I just told you what model of droid it is!

Well, just making sure you know that whenever I use a rifle in an attack, any damage reduction on my target counts as if it were 5 less.

...assuming I ever hit anything....

2008-10-31, 09:54 AM

Vaya spends a short time fiddling with her new blaster carbine. She looks up when she senses a large change in the Force around her. At first she thinks Cee has finally decided to act, but she's mildly suprised to see Merrel move past her and force the droids to her knees.

"There is power in this one" she thinks.

She turns her attention back to the battle taking aim at the knocked down droid in front of her.

Taking a pot shot at the droid in front of Vaya.



2008-10-31, 10:54 AM
The shot easily severs the fallen droid's arm. It glares at its attacker with glowing red eyes. destroys the droid's primary processor. Even the Devastator doesn't have redundant processors. It falls lifeless.

If Cee would like to act this turn she can, but unless hell has frozen over it's probably Gavik's turn.

2008-10-31, 10:56 AM
No need to buy winter clothing for the deep denizens - Cee just continues to watch, with a slightly amused smile.

Mando Knight
2008-10-31, 11:20 AM
Gavik is rather... amused by this fight. First the droids barely miss him, and then the coward Jetii blasts the lot of 'em to pieces! He hasn't enjoyed fighting this much since... the last war, probably.

"Hey, Jetii! You finally decide to fight alongside us! It's jus' like my ol' ba'buir <grandparent> always told me, 'The company that fights together, survives together!' Glad to have ye aboard!"

He turns toward the droid that the Force Slam missed, braces his weapon, and opens up with a burst of autofire. (Burst Fire on Devastator not hit by Force Slam, takes autofire penalty (only -2 when bracing) for +2 dice of damage)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1], doesn't damage on a miss, unlike normal autofire.

shots spent so far: 15

EDIT: Sweet! 18 on. The. Dot. "Eat plasma, droid!"

2008-10-31, 11:35 AM
The droid takes a chest full of hot blaster fire and staggers back a bit, but it remains standing even with gaping holes in its torso. With the droid's redundant systems the only thing of great importance that's removed is the limiter that prevents it from going into a sales pitch during normal operation.

"Ubrikkian Steamworks would like to remind you that the Devastator War Droid is designed to take a licking and keep on ticking. Resistance is futile. If you are a current or former customer we regret that your inevitable destruction by this Ubrikkian Steamworks product will prevent you from making any future purchases from Ubrikkian Steamworks, but we assure you that your surviving family will be notified that the best way to prevent Ubrikkian Steamworks Devastator War Droid inflicted death is to order your own Ubrikkian Steamworks Devastator War Droid to protect you."

NOTE: The Devastator Vaya shot is dead, not just injured. I misremembered the Devastator's HP...

It's Kir Sano's turn.

2008-10-31, 12:07 PM
Kir Braces and firs on the damaged droid that's making a sales pitch.

blaster rifle braced autofire Atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1] (that's a critical hit so double damage to 30 :biggrin::cool:)

2008-10-31, 12:16 PM
The sales pitch proves an empty boast as the droid explodes.

Frow's voice suddenly reverberates throughout the room.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here? It's obvious you people were in the high-security wing for a reason. But I can't have you becoming a threat to me. I may have to get... creative."

With a whirring of motors, the doors at the end of the hall begin to slowly close, and gas begins to pour into the room.

"Don'tcha just love a good death trap? I know I do."

The door will cut the opening at the end of the hall from four to two squares on the guards' initiative. Until then the whole exit is still passable. Frow isn't very good with death traps.

Merrel's turn unless Druid_Lord shows up.

2008-10-31, 12:22 PM
((Well in that case, one my turn kir dose this.))

Kir Upon Seeing the door start to close and gas poring in, Kir runs as fast as he can though the closing door way

2008-10-31, 12:24 PM
But it was Kir destroying the droid that triggered the event. And he can't brace, fire, and move.

2008-10-31, 05:19 PM
((and thats why i put on my next turn this is what he dose)) ((Note to self make sure you spell on right))

2008-10-31, 10:39 PM

Merrel wastes no time as the gas begins to pour into the room, heading through the closing doorway and past it, to give the others room to follow.

Double move.

2008-10-31, 11:16 PM
New Map
It's rather rough and not really to scale, but here's a quick view of the segment of the prison you're in. The whole prison complex is larger, but thanks to Frow's machinations this chunk of it is basically fully isolated at the moment.


She emerges from the main hall (blue) into a room (purple) filled with computer terminals, desks, office chairs and the like. The room is strewn with corpses and each terminal displays nothing more than the name FROW in huge red letters.

Three narrow hallways lead out of the room. Straight ahead Merrel sees the hangar (grey)... but three force fields and a cloud of poison gas stand between her and escape. To her right (dark red) the hallway has partially collapsed, probably due to a Frow-triggered explosion. He must not want anyone to go that way. She realizes that the hallway to her left leads to an office suite (yellow) where, among other things, all new arrivals are processed.

Once everyone is through the door, you'll be out of initiative. I'll also be rolling a new initiative order for the next encounter.

2008-11-01, 12:33 AM
While not being terribly worried about the gas, Kolin has no desire to be trapped in the prison any longer and runs for the closing doors on the far side of the room, cursing for once at being at the back of the room.

Run out of the room after Merrel.

2008-11-01, 12:55 AM
Now that I think about it, since even Cee can Run out of the room before the doors close I guess I could have just assumed you all did and picked up with you all in the purple room... Hmph. Proceed as you wish, either roleplaying the running for your life or not, as you see fit.

Alternatively, if you (Cee) aren't so much interested in the whole running thing, a Force user could use Move Object or Force Grip to hold the doors open and Breath Control to deal with the poison...

2008-11-01, 03:47 AM
So much panic... Cee moves towards the doors at a more leisurely pace, steadying herself on the wall. Before the doors can completely close, she stretches out her hand and holds them. Then walks through.

[roll0] Force Grip to hold the door.
And taking 10 on Use the Force for Breath Control

2008-11-01, 08:48 AM

Seeing the trap sprung, Vaya is one of the first to quickly move towards the door. She keeps her eyes open, in case another group of droids await in the next room.

Seeing Merrel and Kir already in the room, she relaxes slightly. Though she's still on guard, these people aren't her friends.

"Now that that's settled, let's get on with our departure. Can anyone of you slice into these computers?"

Upon saying these words, she moves towards the exit to the Yellow room. Covering the hallway.

Mando Knight
2008-11-01, 09:59 AM
Gavik walks up and takes a look at the monitors.

"We could try, but it won't do us any good without being able to see something on the screens."

He checks the paths available...

"Lessee, we can't go through force fields, that corridor's collapsed... but I think that's where they threw my gear... and the last one... is definitely the curtain for our little puppeteer."

2008-11-01, 10:19 AM
On Reewoon's turn he will also run through the closing door and out of the gas room. He will then try to search for a way to lower the force fields.


2008-11-01, 11:32 AM
After run though the closing Door Kir looks around the new room. Then Kir says, i agree with you Gavik, i think we should Go that way (points to the yellow Room) and get are gear first.

2008-11-01, 11:52 AM
Almost everyone makes it through the doors with little difficulty, but at the last moment before they close the mad Phrenias grabs Inok and drags him back into the room. When last you see them the unstable Miraluka seems to be trying to throttle the madly bellowing Ithorian. Then the doors slam shut, and another set of blast doors begins to close to further seal the chamber.

Any attempts to operate the equipment in this purple room are met with total failure. The computer terminals refuse to display anything but messages boasting of the glory of Frow and the force-field controls are non-responsive.

Those with experience with the weapon may notice that some of the corpses in this room bear injuries which appear to have been inflicted with a lightsaber, or at least a disturbingly similar weapon.

The hallway which leads to the yellow offices appears surprisingly calm.

You hear voices over the PA again.

"Hey, boss, we got incoming! We better get outta here!"

"What do you think I've been trying to do, Rasco?!? The blinkin' chuff-suckin' Sithspawn spacers voice-locked their navicomputer! Why, I oughta-"

"Can't ya slice it open?"

"No, you incompetent boob, I can't work around it without an astromech droid, and your makers didn't see fit to include that in your list of functions!"

"Sorry, boss."

"Anyway, if the gas took care of them we can wake them up one by one and interrogate them about the ship. Surely one of them is the one who voice-locked this thing."

"Uhh, boss, about that..."

"What, they made it out of the room?"


"Tarrek's eyes! These kriffers are tough as a septoid! Alright, now we've got t... Wait, DID YOU LEAVE THE MICROPHONE ON, R-4-5-C-O? I oughta melt you down for scrap, I oughta!"

As this post makes quite abundantly clear, the Wookieepedia List of phrases and slang (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_phrases_and_slang) is my new best friend.

2008-11-01, 12:29 PM
"Well, that settles the question of where Frow is. But since we can't go after him quite yet, we might as well pick up our gear first, and look for some way to take down the forcefields while we're at it." Kolin walks down the hallway to the yellow room, weapon at the ready in case Frow left any other traps behind.

2008-11-01, 12:31 PM
That Frackkin' Di'kut <idot> well never get my ship, not without two voice prints and the codes. Kir follows Kolin to the yellow room with weapon ready.

2008-11-01, 12:58 PM
As you proceed down the hall towards the yellow office suite, you hear voices echoing down the corridor.

"And coming up after the break, Sith have no fury like a woman scorned? The most recent reports suggest the renegade fleet led by Revan's ex-wife Bastila Shan is headed straight for Coruscant... and a confrontation with the Grand Master of the Jedi Order himself. We'll have more on this after these messages from our sponsor..."

"Tired of Kellentech Sentinel Droids letting you down? Looking for a new automated security solution? Look no further than Ubrikkian Steamworks' new Devastator War Droid upgrade! The Devastator War Droid is designed to take a licking and keep on ticking! Ubrikkian promises no ragtag band of spacers will get past its new line of war droids... or your money back! Warrantymaynotbevalidinsomeorallsectorsofthegalaxy . OperateUbrikkianSteamworksDevastatorWarDroidsatyou rownrisk. Don'tsayIdidn'twarnyou."

2008-11-01, 01:04 PM
Well, I suppose Cee would now vote for Bastila's fleet after all... Hell hath no fury sounds interesting. Very interesting. :smallbiggrin:

The old woman perks up as she hears this announcement. She follows the others at a distance, but feels around for unpleasant surprises.

Sense surroundings.
Searches her feeling for which road to take (as in office or hangar)

2008-11-01, 01:58 PM
You sense that the offices are the key to the hangar, and, surprisingly, you sense no threat emanating from them.

As you enter the office you see that the voices were coming from a Republican News Network (RNN) holofeed being displayed by the projector built into the receptionist's desk. The bodies here are a mixture of human corpses and twisted droid chassis. From the look of things the humans apparently fought as long as they could and then, when all hope was lost, blew themselves up, taking the last of the droids with them. Conveniently, this blast also blew off the door leading to the storage lockers where your belongings were probably taken.

As you look around the holofeed returns to its regular coverage. The reporter is one of those blondes whose "talents" lie more in the area of attracting male viewership than in competent reporting, but given the proper cue cards she manages to make it through her spiel with little difficulty.

"Welcome back to RNN. Last week we reported that a fleet under the command of Grand Master Revan's ex-wife Bastila Shan went unexpectedly silent in the middle of a mission to assist in the stabilization of Telos. Two days ago we received word that the fleet had reappeared at Bandomeer and engaged and destroyed a small Republican fleet there, confirming that Shan has indeed rejected the wisdom of the Jedi Council and turned against our Republic. Anticipating that the rebellious fleet will continue down the Hydian Way, Grand Master Revan has moved his personal fleet to Breentaal to intercept the traitors before they reach the Deep Core worlds. With the Republic's own hyperspace interdiction cruisers seeding the route with artificial gravity wells, we assure all loyal citizens that they have nothing to fear from these renegades. Shan and her minions will be brought to justice soon enough."

2008-11-01, 02:19 PM
With an interested expression Cee moves towards the screen to watch. Slowly, a smile spreads over her face. She can appreciate passion... Passion, turned to destruction even more so. It was all they desired, so long ago.

2008-11-01, 02:56 PM

Merrel listens to the news broadcast intently, outwardly calm but inwardly jubilant. Somebody else in the Order felt Revan was wrong, and was doing something about it—maybe far more than one. And a fleet—if they were careful, they might really be able to resist Revan! She hopes Shan's fleet isn't really headed for Coruscant; she has no doubt in Revan's ability to execute and imprison anyone who objected to what he was doing.

The fact that the offices might very well hold her lightsaber is a distant second to that news.

2008-11-01, 04:45 PM
Kolin listens to the new report for a short while, glad to hear about more forces joining the fight against Revan. But with the more pressing matter of escape at the moment, he begins to search the room for any useful items, perferably his confinscated gear.

Perception check to search the room/storage locker.

2008-11-01, 04:46 PM
Kir also watch the news feed once its over he heads into storage lockers to retrieve his thinks and anything useful that doesn't belong to one of the others. Once he has his things, he looks for a working Console and tries to shutdown the gas and force fields blocking access to the hanger.

Perception [roll0]
Use Computer [roll1]

2008-11-01, 06:54 PM

As the blonde, and rather annoying, anchor goes on with her story, a small grin appears on Vaya's face. "A fleet against Revan, led by Jedi?" she thinks. She would have to get to the bottom of this. The seeds of the Dark Side might have already been planted, it would be up to Vaya to cultivate them.

"This fleet." she says to the room in general. "They might be what we are looking for. I suggest we contact them as soon as we are off this filthy planet."

Remembering the Mandalorians and what one of them had said. "Do you have any way of contacting Mandalore on Onderon? We might be able to get the Mandalorian remnants to join this fleet."

When all this talk is over. Vaya rummages around the lockers, looking for her belongings. When she finds them, she looks in her backpack to see if everything is accounted for. She then stuffs her clothing back in, there would be time to change aboard the Mandalorian's ship.
When she has her stuff, she waits for an opportunity to look around the rest of the lockers. If she finds Phrenias' locker, she will attempt to steal the lightsaber and put it in her backpack.

I take it there is plenty of time to find our own stuff. These rolls are for finding Phrenias' locker. If taking 10/20 on the rolls is allowed I will opt for that (if that makes me succeed)



Mando Knight
2008-11-01, 07:03 PM
Gavik grabs all of his stuff, and any other weapons and gear that the others don't try to claim. He switches from the guards' armor to his own custom stuff, and reloads his blaster with a fresh pack. Once he's done with that, if Kir hasn't shut off the devices yet, Gavik aids him.

(no roll should be needed, succeeds on the Aid Another action unless a 1 is considered auto-fail on the check)

2008-11-01, 10:49 PM
Though the storage lockers are "locked" they are very low quality and quite easily opened. Your belongings are all there, but are poorly organized. It seems that these lockers only hold equipment taken from the prisoners on the high-security wing, the regular-security prisoners' things are presumably elsewhere. While the others are busy being good little rebels and retrieving their own equipment Vaya has little trouble locating and seizing Phrenias's lightsaber... after all, who still with the group knows that it isn't hers?

Barring any infighting, looting, etc. among those raiding the lockers you may now assume that you have the equipment you purchased with your starting funds.

Kir Sano accesses the computers here with surprising ease. It appears that these offices are relatively calm because they are on a separate computer network from the rest of the prison. This was intended to keep one slicer from seizing control of the entire facility, and it might have indeed worked if the human guards had outnumbered the droids. As it happened Frow had more than enough leverage to overcome one office suite not under his control. Among the options available from this office suite is an evacuation setting which automatically shuts down all defenses between the offices and the hangar. The force fields shut down immediately and the poison quickly dissipates.

Meanwhile the news broadcast continues.

"Now Jeff, I understand we have a couple of guests in the studio with us to discuss the Shan issue?"

"Right Cynthia, we have here with us Dr. Philius Evazan, the marriage counselor who advised Master Revan and Lady Shan to separate, and Master Vrook, a representative of the Jedi Council who blames Shan's fall to the Dark Side on the divorce."

"We have no evidence that Lady Shan has fallen to the Dark Side!" the good doctor protests.

"She's turned against the Republic, hasn't she?" Vrook interjects, "With the Jedi working as closely with the Senate as they are now, I assure you that no Light exists anymore outside of the Republic! And it was your advice that drove her out!"

"How can any marriage last in a regime which has banned passion itself?"

"If marriage can't exist without an excess of dark passions, then maybe we'd be better off without marriage! Many members of the Order already choose to devote themselves to chastity, and you don't see them falling to the Dark Side..."

"Oh you don't, do you? Would you like me to show you some statistics? I'd say sexual frustration is the number one reason so many Jedi abandon the Order! Without any constructive way to release their passions, of course they're going to fall!"

"Are you suggesting that the Order itself is causing Jedi to fall?"

"Damn right I am! Would you like me to show our viewers the statistics on the number of padawans who report that they are being sexually abused by their masters?"

"Your allegations are completely unfounded!"

"Oh they are, are they?"

"You, sir, have shown your true colors! No wonder you led Lady Shan into darkness, you yourself have the heart of a traitor!"

Vrook stands and reaches for his lightsaber and the holofeed suddenly cuts to a screen reading "We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties, Please Wait."

Master Vrook is why I took the Dark Side path on my first playthrough of KotOR II.

2008-11-01, 11:48 PM
"Do you have any way of contacting Mandalore on Onderon? We might be able to get the Mandalorian remnants to join this fleet."

Only if we head to Onderon directly, it was a security measure to keep them and us safe, thought with news of this fleet, are best bet would be to find the fleet and bring then to Onderon.

Kir remembering some thing Frow said when they were in the other room Kir see if he can access the prison's sensor and identify the incoming company of ships, and if he can access the comm array and talk to them.

Use Computer [roll0]
Use Computer [roll1]

2008-11-02, 12:21 AM
All you detect in orbit are scattered debris, a few Sith Interceptors, and a Derriphan-class battleship. All the surviving vessels are transmitting Republican identification codes. The prison's database helpfully tells you that the codes are all valid and fully up to date.

The computers list the battleship's name as Virtuous. Given the design's well-known Sith origin you have good reason to doubt that its current title is its original name.

2008-11-02, 01:05 AM
Reewoon rifles through the lockers trying to identify his belongings, but since he only had a few grenades and some gloves he isnt too picky. He immediately puts his gloves on and straps his bandolier across his chest.

Reewoon grunts in his own language and holds up a medpack.
Shyriiwook"Could someone please help me cure my wounds?"

2008-11-02, 03:49 AM
Cee, knowing full well her equipment is not here, does not bother to look through the lockers. Instead, she continues to listen to the broadcast, smiling a little unsettling smile.

Hey, I liked Vrook. :smallbiggrin: Especially in the second game. He had style.^^

As for Cee's equipment, because of her backstory she won't have any. I can't really abuse logic so much^^.

2008-11-02, 07:50 AM
well we may have a problem, the poison's sensor are detecting a Derriphan-class battleship transmitting a Republican identification codes of Virtuous it may be a ruff ride out. oh and the force field blocking are way to the Hanger are now shut down as is the gas we can get out of here when ever one is ready. Kir gets up and will start to head to the hanger as soon as every one is ready.

2008-11-02, 10:41 AM
Kolin collects his gear, strapping the droid's rifle onto his shoulder holster after he finds his own modified blaster rifle. Turning to Reewoon, he says, "I'll give you a hand there big guy."

Treat injury check to use the medpac on Reewoon.

Seriously, the d20 roller hates me...

"Sorry about that, I'm not quite used to working on a wookie."

2008-11-02, 04:50 PM
When the rest of the merry travelling circus finally moves into the hangar after finishing to loot the equipment, the old woman once again trails after them...

Mando Knight
2008-11-02, 05:09 PM
Gavik starts to go to the hangar... then stops. "Hold up, everyone. Frow will be in the hangar. If there are any clanks left, they'll be with him, too... so we should use a door breach procedure. We wait near the entrance, throw in a bunch of grenades in every direction through the door, and then enter, guns blazing... and the Jetii can help, too--you can deflect blasters with that glow-stick of yours, right? We hit them fast and hard, and we all might get off this rock in one piece."

2008-11-02, 05:40 PM

Merrel listens to the rest of the broadcast, but as it degenerates into an almost comical argument, she diverts some of her attention to looking through the lockers. She has only one important possession, and it doesn't take long to find it: a lightsaber, finely made and tailored to fit her hand perfectly.

She activates it, to make sure it hasn't been tampered with, and the orange blade snaps into being with a hiss for a moment before she deactivates it with a satisfied nod. "Fine," she answers the Mandalorian, managing to conceal most of her distaste. The Mandalorians treated every problem as one that should be solved through decisive, overwhelming force; only the fact that it was probably warranted convinces her to go along with him. The slicer really did seem mad, and he was definitely intent on killing or stranding them all here. "Are we ready?"

2008-11-02, 06:37 PM
During his brief exploration of the computer system Kir Sano uncovered a piece of information which might put a damper on Gavik's plan... at least if the two care about the state they find their ship in. The prison's hangar was not intended to hold a large number of craft, just a few shuttles for the use of the guards and a couple of fighters for point defense in case of a rebel rescue attempt. This means it doesn't have much room to spare for things like captured freighters. The entire hangar had to be rearranged to fit the Wild Shadow inside, and it ended up crammed in fairly near the entrance.

Hangar Map (I know what it looks like, but those are Sith Interceptors!):
The red marks indicate the entrance. And those aren't TIEs.

2008-11-02, 07:27 PM
Kir just shakes his head and says, Sorry Gavik but your plan won't work, your libel do destroy are ride if you do that the hanger bay is small and was never designed to hold are ship and the prisons ready fighter are ship is practical on top of the hanger bay entance.

2008-11-03, 05:44 AM

While the two Mandalorians are arguing and revising their plan. Vaya takes a moment to re-aquant herself with her lightsaber. When she activates it, a bright purple beam emits from it. She looks over at Merrel and gives her a wink, secretly hoping Merrel was expecting a red beam.
She twirls the saber in her hand, doing a spinning motion before switching it off again.

She looks over to the Mandalorians. "Have you come up with a plan yet?"

2008-11-03, 08:39 AM
Are best bet is to go strait in with blaster ready and you shot at any thing that takes shots at you., say Kir

Mando Knight
2008-11-03, 10:31 AM
"Nope. We've got some stun grenades, remember? They won't hurt yer ship, but they'll knock Frow out in the blink of an eye. We throw them instead of frags, 'n save our frags for when we can aim them away from yer ship. I'd like to use some ion grenades, too... but they'll actually do something if they hit yer ship."

2008-11-03, 11:33 AM
That works for me, Says Kir

2008-11-03, 05:47 PM
"Well, let's not give Frow anymore time to prepare. Once the doors open, Gavik and I will each throw in a stun grenade to take care of Frow, then we'll join the rest of you targetting anything else between us and the ship." Expecting the rest to follow, Kolin begins to walk down the hall, blaster at the ready.

I won't in the front alone, before I get to the hanger door, I'll stop and wait for anyone else who's going to be up front.

2008-11-03, 06:18 PM
Reewoon follows in formation as the door is opened. Knowing all too well if he doesn't make it in close, this could be a short escape attempt.

Mando Knight
2008-11-03, 06:45 PM
Gavik takes up position near the door, fingering the arming switch on his first grenade.

2008-11-03, 08:39 PM
Let the TPK commence. :smalltongue:

Once you are all in place the doors open to reveal a mostly empty hangar. Only the ships furthest from the mouth of the hangar (ie closest to the entrance from the facility) remain, both since maneuvering them past the other parked vessels would have been nigh-impossible when the giant room was full and because the only one of them with a hyperdrive has a voice-printed navicomputer.

Frow is nowhere to be seen, but you see that R45-CO has been waiting for you at the foot of one of the Wild Shadow's boarding ramps. He is quite a large droid, obviously built for strength, apparently some sort of cargo-loading or construction model quite similar to the T1-LB. The shocking thing is that there is a blue lightsaber blade jutting out of each of his clawed hands.

"Hey boss, they're here!" he shouts into the ship upon seeing you.

Only Gavik has quick enough reflexes to respond before the massive droid lumbers into action.

New Map:
I had some trouble with my map-making programs or this would have been up sooner and would've looked nicer.


R45-C0's Backstory (for the curious):
Rasco was originally going to just be a big dumb living prisoner who was Frow's cellmate. The slicer would have managed to convince the hunk of muscle sharing his cell to act as muscle for him during the grand breakout he was planning.

The problem was, I wanted Rasco to be from an abnormally large and strong race, but the obvious choices, Wookiees and Gammoreans, couldn't speak Basic. After trying out a few other options, I decided to change him into a droid.

At that point I decided to go with a T1-LB with some added Soldier levels and the Martial Arts feat chain (thanks to Frow having uploaded combat software into him), but the 6 INT kept bothering me. Sure, Rasco/R45-CO was supposed to be dumb, but since I wrote his first lines of dialogue as a non-droid character he had to be smart enough to pass a Turing test.

That's when I rolled stats for him and managed to get high enough scores to give him a 10 INT even with the 5th-degree droid INT penalty. I decided that the R-45 model was developed by one of Kellenech Technologies' competitors as an answer to the T1-LB to be employed in situations where both brute strength and intelligence were required.

Then I felt I needed to work up a justification for why a backwater prison needed an R-45 rather than a basic T1-LB and why this particular R-45 has a -CO designation.

Until very recently Revan had a Jedi personally observing the prisons on Serroco. This Jedi, one Cal Orpha, owned an R-45 which he personally modified into a lightsaber combat training droid. He found standard training droids too weak to challenge him and thought that combining the strength of a labor droid with average human intelligence and full lightsaber training would produce the perfect opponent to practice with.

Cal was hastily recalled just about a week and a half ago and wasn't able to take his droid companion with him when he went. The warden of the prison had resented Orpha ever since the Jedi was assigned to keep tabs on him, and saw an opportunity to get revenge on Orpha through his droid. He arranged for Rasco to be "accidentally" mistaken for a standard T1 model and put to work aiding chain gangs of prisoners working to clear more of the rubble of the Stereb cities in order to make room for a new prison module.

Rasco was assigned to work with Frow's chain gang, and Frow quickly recognized that the droid was sentient, programmed for combat, and gullible. He managed to win the droid's loyalty and began to work him into an escape plan... the rest is history.

I'm really surprised you guys didn't react more strongly to the corpses in the purple room bearing signs of having been killed with a lightsaber.

Mando Knight
2008-11-03, 08:58 PM
"Ah... shab! <Error: not a valid word for younglings>"

Gavik slips his stun grenade back onto his belt, grabbing one of his frag grenades instead, and lobs it at the blasted behemoth. (and regardless of how you rule the blast radius... either 5x5 or 4x4 square, or even a circle inscribed in a 5x5 circle, I can throw it to miss the ship entirely--in point blank range.)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (before, it said 4d6+3, then I realized that PB Shot gives a +1 damage bonus...)


2008-11-03, 09:34 PM
Well, it still does half damage regardless. What, did you think I gave a giant droid Evasion?

Wait, while I was typing this up (slowly, due to distraction) you deleted the post where you used the Force point. Sneaky player... Sneaky player indeed.

The grenade falls somewhat off-target but still scars the armor on the droid's left leg.

"I won't let you hurt my new friend Frow!" the droid bellows, rushing towards his attacker.

Rasco towers over Gavik as he brings his right-hand saber crashing down towards the Mandalorian with all the force he can muster.

Attacking and stuff:
Yay Charging! Yay Power Attack! Yay obscene strength bonuses!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If this kills you I'll seriously consider toning his stats down. Apart from his size, though, he could legally be a member of your party.

New map:

Cee is up. Will a giant killer droid be enough to force her to act?

Mando Knight
2008-11-03, 11:38 PM
Well, it still does half damage regardless. What, did you think I gave a giant droid Evasion?

Wait, while I was typing this up (slowly, due to distraction) you deleted the post where you used the Force point. Sneaky player... Sneaky player indeed.

Yeah... I decided against it, after I remembered that the droid had taken feats from the Martial Arts feat line, so I wouldn't have a chance at hitting it dead-on, even with a 6 on the Force point.

...You DID remember to subtract from the guy's attack roll when you Power attacked, right?

2008-11-04, 12:06 AM
Yeah... I decided against it, after I remembered that the droid had taken feats from the Martial Arts feat line, so I wouldn't have a chance at hitting it dead-on, even with a 6 on the Force point.

...You DID remember to subtract from the guy's attack roll when you Power attacked, right?

No, an earlier version had feats from the Martial Arts line. This one doesn't.

And yes, I subtracted from the attack roll, but Charge, Powerful Charge, and Weapon Focus helped compensate for that.

I also completely forgot to mention until I looked at his sheet again just now that he has Devastating Attack so he treats your damage threshold as five lower and Stunning Smash so he would have dropped you two steps down the condition track.

Mando Knight
2008-11-04, 12:24 AM
I also completely forgot to mention until I looked at his sheet again just now that he has Devastating Attack so he treats your damage threshold as five lower and Stunning Smash so he would have dropped you two steps down the condition track.

Heh. Bring. It. On. :smallamused:

Did you think that I'm out of tricks because you've got a guy who's base damage is greater than my Damage Threshold?

Let him come. I've got a trick that'll turn his droid brains into droid mush.

2008-11-04, 12:29 AM
See, that's the kind of fighting spirit I expect from a Mandalorian.

2008-11-04, 03:20 AM
Well, Cee could have waited longer... I don't want to watch any of you killed, though, so she will do something...

As the hulking monster lumbers into action, the old woman lifts her hand a little. A tiny smile tugs at the corners of her withered mouth... And then a ripple spreads through the Force, towards the droid...

Force Whirlwind. Because it will look funny.

Spending a Force Point...

2008-11-04, 03:29 AM
The old woman easily lifts the big droid into the air, trapping him in the vortex created by her will.

See, this is what happens when I ask for it.

Don't forget to roll your damage somewhere.

The next foes the Force-users in our party will face will be much better equipped for fighting Jedi.

Kolin's turn.

2008-11-04, 04:10 PM
With a giant lightsaber equipped droid in right front of him, Kolin beats a hasty retreat. From his new position, he opens fire on the droid.

Walks straight back to Cee's row, triggering an AOO from the droid before making an attack against the droid himself.

2008-11-04, 04:14 PM
You rolled... poorly.

Despite the Force Witch's attempts to distract it, the giant droid still manages to take a swipe at the retreating rebel.

Att: [roll0]
Dam: [roll1]

The blow manages to rattle Kolin enough to force his shot to go wild.

-2 steps on the condition track in addition to the damage...

Kir's turn.

2008-11-04, 04:23 PM
Standing his ground Having had both his blaster carbine and blaster rifle ready Kir opens fire.

blaster carbine [roll0] (Dmg [roll1]) and blaster rifle [roll2] (Dmg [roll3]) or

2008-11-04, 04:30 PM
Kir's foray into dual-wielding does not work out so well. Both shots go wild.

Vaya's turn.

2008-11-04, 04:57 PM

Seeing the giant droid thunder into the front ranks, Vaya focuses her mind and releases a burst of lightning.

Casting Force Lightning. Using a Force Point to move R45CO an additional point down the condition track, meaning 2 steps if the lightning hits.



2008-11-04, 05:46 PM
The energies of the Force course through the droid's body. Rasco falls flat on his face, jerking and spasming with dark power. The smell of burnt plastics fills the corridor as several of the droid's subsystems fail. Only a faintly flickering ember of life in the droid's eye lets you know that it is still active.

Reewoon's turn. Kick 'im while he's down!

2008-11-04, 06:20 PM
Reewoon will first move forward 3 and over 1 to get into flanking, then unleash a frenzied rage and strike with a mighty blow.

move to get into flanking
swift to rage
standard to swing using echani training to add extra strength to damage.
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

I treat his threshold as if it were 5 less
If I beat his threshold he moves an extra step down condition track

2008-11-04, 06:47 PM
RASCO IS DESTROYED! Precisely how he was destroyed will wait until I find out what part of the body Reewoon was unarmed-striking with.

At the sound of rending metal Frow comes rushing down the ramp. His appearance is fairly nondescript, though he may be a bit on the heavyset side. He wears a brown jacket over his prisoner's uniform. A oddly cheerful red and blue knit cap sits atop his head.

"Oh my god," he screams, "They killed Rasco! You bastards!"

He blazes away with a stolen droid beam rifle.

Autofire, targeting Kir, Gavik, Merrel, and Vaya.

Att: [roll0]
Dam: [roll1]

((Okay, I generally don't do fumbles, but in this situation... might as well make him even more pathetic.))

The chubby slicer, unaccustomed to combat, was not properly braced to compensate for the recoil of the blazing beam rifle. He topples over backwards and the rifle's deadly beams meet naught but empty air.

"Gaaaah! Okay! Okay! I give up! I give up! I'm sorry I tried to kill everybody, okay! Originally I was just gonna try to escape, but then..."

He sits up and a crazed look is visible in his eyes.

"You know that feeling of power you get? I was sitting there, with the prison computer putty in my hands, and I thought hey, let's see how many of the suckers my new droids can gun down..."

Even I'm disappointed in myself for making Frow a South Park reference. I originally wrote the line as "You bastards! You killed Rasco!" and included no physical description of Frow, but then... this happened. I'm sorry.

You're out of initiative. Frow is at your mercy.

Say hello to the moral dilemma!

2008-11-04, 07:15 PM

The droid's evident loyalty to his friend strikes a chord in Merrel, enough that she hesitates to attack; unfortunately, nobody else does. By the time Frow exits the ship, she's feeling rather disgusted with herself and everyone around her.

"Fine then," she mutters, walking forward (and rather rudely right past Gavik) with lightsaber in hand, although it's still not activated. "What's one violent psychopath more or less on this ship?"

She stops in front of Frow, pointing the business end of the lightsaber at him. "First, though: What did you do to get into this prison?"

Oddly enough, I'm pretty sure Merrel wasn't going to take any combat actions anyway. She's good in a fight, but she has a very low Guilt Defense.

Incidentally, she has a readied action to activate the lightsaber and start blocking if people try to shoot through her to Frow. I'm not sure if she could really do that, but if she can she will.

Mando Knight
2008-11-04, 07:36 PM
Gavik looks at the chubby little hut'uun <not hero>, takes off his helmet, and spits out blood. "A little twerp like you? Not even worth the cost of the bolts. Yer friend here was, though. Pity--I coulda used the challenge. A little deeper cut, and I might've lost something."

He holsters his blaster, and takes a short rest to recover from the devastating blow dealt by the lightsaber-wielding droid. He sits on the droid's husk... and tries to dig out one of the 'sabers from the thing's grasp.

(How are you going to handle healing? Can I just reset all of my HP, or just use my Second Wind value? At any rate, I can reset my condition to normal...)

2008-11-04, 07:41 PM
I'll allow it. I think he's probably more in danger from Vaya than the blaster guys, but you can at least try to protect the pudgy little guy.

Incidentally, he really is a good slicer if you'd like to keep him around.

Frow ignores the Mandalorian and focuses on the Jedi. It's best not to ask how much of this is because the Jedi has breasts.

"I sliced into an infrastructure planning droid," he confesses, "They were the ones who were stupid enough to tie the thing into the main network hub on Nar Shadaa. If I hadn't hacked the little bugger somebody else would have. But I was there first. Back in the day I was everywhere first. Had to fight the thing for an hour but I finally shattered its defenses completely. I reprogrammed it to lie, cheat, steal. I hooked it up with quite a nice yacht, too. It was my masterpiece. Last time I heard it was still out there somewhere, posing as a human gangster."

He smirks despite the lightsaber hovering over him.

"No prison with a computer network will ever hold me for long."

I believe in only being a stickler about healing when it's dramatically appropriate. Here I want you to be healed up by the time you face your next character-level encounter. I could try to handle this by having you reach your next destination early enough to place a benefactor with bacta there, or I could just say you heal in transit.

I'm just gonna say you'll heal in transit. Enjoy being at full health while it lasts.

2008-11-04, 07:51 PM
Reewoon scavenges through the scrap heap he made of the R45-CO droid. Specifically looking for processors or weaponry he can sell later. He also tries to find the lightsabers the droid used.

After Reewoon collects what he can off the droid he enters the ship and tries to find an open bed to sleep off his wounds. He sticks all his gear into a footlocker near the bed while he rests.

2008-11-04, 07:58 PM

"Then the Republic will probably just execute you the next time they get their hands on you," Merrel says a little coldly. "You'd better behave yourself if you don't want to be left behind. Come on." She motions towards the ship's ramp, and glances over her shoulder, to indicate that this is meant for the rest of them as well.

"Just bring the whole thing," she tells the Wookiee as it examines the droid's battered remnants.

2008-11-04, 08:02 PM
Err, if you insist on dismantling R45-CO you'll find two blue lightsabers held in tool mounts, a heuristic processor, two large claw appendages, a basic walking locomotion system, and a large duranium-plated chassis. Also, Frow will call you pigs. It's still in good enough shape you think it could probably be repaired, though.

Frow sheepishly follows the Jedi into the ship, whimpering a little.

Mando Knight
2008-11-04, 08:07 PM
Err, if you insist on dismantling R45-CO you'll find two blue lightsabers held in tool mounts, a heuristic processor, two large claw appendages, a basic walking locomotion system, and a large duranium-plated chassis. Also, Frow will call you pigs. It's still in good enough shape you think it could probably be repaired, though.

Just want one for trophy purposes... it's a time-honored Mando tradition.

After taking one of the lightsabers and attaching it to his utility belt, Gavik stands, puts his helmet back on, and climbs the ramp into the ship.

"Let's get off this forsaken rock."

2008-11-04, 08:23 PM
Reewoon shrugs and brings the entire thing aboard. He places it in the cargo bay and resumes with the previous post.

repairing it may be all well and dandy, but i dont want to leave it armed with weapons while I sleep.

anyway its not like im preventing anyone from rummaging through this gear I found. I stuck it in a separate place than where I sleep for crying out loud.

2008-11-04, 08:40 PM
Kolin holsters his rifle and gets on board the ship.

2008-11-04, 11:07 PM
Kir holsters his weapons, and listen to Frow explanations and finally he says' You can come and i'll even forgive you this time for trying to steal my ship. Kir then boards his ship and powers her up and then unlocks the Navicomputer. as soon as very one is on board and strapped in Kir will take off.

2008-11-05, 12:14 AM
The Wild Shadow easily bursts upwards through Serocco's irradiated atmosphere, encountering no resistance from the prison complex's anti-air weaponry.

"Those turrets won't be able to shoot at anything till they've gotten my virus out of there... which may mean they'll never fire again," Frow brags.

The ships in orbit, though, are no slicer's playthings. The Virtuous itself looms large in high orbit, but even from a good distance away and through several coats of painfully white paint the scars of battles fought long, long ago are visible from bow to stern of the patchwork vessel. The gunmetal grey Sith interceptors which flit about in front of the Shadow are a much less visible threat, but several loose clouds of debris drift before them as a grim reminder of what can happen to those who underestimate the power of their laser cannons.

The Shadow does not need to overcome its foes by force... merely breaking free of Serroco's gravity well would be enough. Unfortunately, that's something easier said than done with a lousy lot of Republicans standing between the ship and freedom.


2008-11-05, 11:54 AM
Kir push s the Shadow Throttle forward and move to (sq 9,2) as he dose he rise the ships shields

Pilot [roll0]
Use Computer [roll1]

((OK I'm assuming Serroco's is Square 1))

Mando Knight
2008-11-05, 01:16 PM
Gavik takes his seat at the controls of the double lasers and fires at the nearest Interceptor.

Attack: (not accounting for range penalties...) [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] x 2

...so that'll hit (Thank you Far Shot!), and it'll deal 44 damage.

The Interceptor will take 34 damage from the attack after DR, has 16 left, and is -1 on the condition track.

2008-11-05, 01:43 PM
Gavik's shot comes very near turning the interceptor into paste. One of its ion engines explodes in a spectacular fashion, leaving it with only half of its twin drive operational.

The nearest interceptors abruptly quit delaying and swoop in to blitz the Shadow when it lurches forward and begins firing. Even the nearly crippled fighter manages to get close enough to fire a shot.

New Map:

The one right in front of you (attack run):
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]x2

The one right beside it:
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]x2

The one behind you:
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]x2

On the bridge of the Virtuous the captain scoffs.

"A 578-R? Those buckets of bolts can hardly hold themselves together under normal conditions, and this fool thinks he can fly one through my blockade? Even with a master gunner he will stand no chance against us! Teach him a final lesson in humility! Missiles away!"

Attack*: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]x5
*Be glad you don't count as a colossal size target anymore. Be very glad.

Your turn, Shadow...

2008-11-05, 01:45 PM
((OOC: Mando knight just so you know

vehicle Attack Rolls by character = Your base attack bonus + vehicle's Intelligence modifier + miscellaneous bonuses (point blank shot, weapon focus, etc.) + 2 (if trained in Pilot and firing Pilot controlled weapons from the Pilot's position).

PS Mando knight can you send me a copy of you stats so i can up date shadows stats with are values in the right spots.))

Mando Knight
2008-11-05, 03:13 PM
Yeah, I know about the stats... my BAB is 7, and I've got training in Heavy Weapons, so the total attack bonus is +8 (I'm not the pilot, so I don't get the +2 for being a trained pilot..., so it's just 7 + the ship's Int, which is 1), +9 when point-blank (or short, because of Far Shot) thanks to my Point-Blank Shot.

In other words:
Point-Blank or Short Range (0-2 squares Starship scale): +9
Medium Range (3-5 squares Starship scale): +6
Long Range (6-10 squares Starship scale): +3
Autofire at Point-Blank or Short Range: +4

The ship has taken 2 points of damage so far, and has SR 20 now.

Speaking of which, I'm firing at the fighter in front of the ship with Burst Fire.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] x 2

EDIT: ...blast.

2008-11-05, 06:02 PM
As a reaction using Vehicular Combat to negate the second attack so it a Dc 18 pilot check

Pilot [roll0]

Kir takes evasive action and atemps to attack one of the interceptors, and get pass the interceptors moves to (Sq 15,2).

Pilot [roll1]

Light Concussion Missile

2008-11-05, 06:05 PM
dmg [roll0]x2

2008-11-05, 08:07 PM
New Map:

Gavik's blazing laser cannons miss the fighter in front of you, but the light concussion missile does not... it dissolves into little more than a fine mist.

The remaining interceptor pilots, sadly accustomed to the death of their comrades, chase after the modified freighter.

The suicidal one in front of you:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]x2

The one beside you:
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]x2

The one behind you (attack run):
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]x2

The captain rages on the bridge of the Virtuous.

"How can a ship that size be so nimble? After her! All ahead full! We cannot let her escape! No junk hauler will get past my ship!"

The old battleship surges forward with a surprising burst of speed.

Mando Knight
2008-11-05, 08:12 PM
One in front with Burst Fire, again.

"Kir, next time we dock with friendlies, remember to upgrade the targeting computer, 'kay?"

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] x 2

Thanks to Kir's maneuver, the ship is at full health and 25 SR.

2008-11-05, 08:28 PM

"If that cruiser gets in front of us, we're in trouble," Merrel says calmly from the back of the cabin as laser fire flashes against the ship's shields. "Do we have a course plotted yet?"

2008-11-05, 08:30 PM
Again As a reaction using Vehicular Combat to negate the second attack so it a Dc 13 pilot check

Pilot [roll0]

Kir Moves the ship to (sq 20,5) I totally Agreed computer upgrade now on the top of the list Kir again also attacks again

Pilot [roll1]
edit Dam forgot the attack rolls.

2008-11-05, 08:33 PM
I'm a little bizzy here Now, Frow get up Here and plot us a hyperspace course out of here.

Light Concussion Missile

ATK [roll0]
DMG [roll1]x2

Mando Knight
2008-11-05, 08:49 PM

"If that cruiser gets in front of us, we're in trouble," Merrel says calmly from the back of the cabin as laser fire flashes against the ship's shields. "Do we have a course plotted yet?"

"The cruiser's hardly our biggest problem. It couldn't hit Coruscant with lasers that inaccurate."

2008-11-05, 09:14 PM
BLAST! I knew there was something I was forgetting. Nihilus! Okay, you're about to get your last chance to not rendezvous with the Shan fleet...

By the way, I'm bringing the battleship into range a turn earlier than I was planning to simply because you said it's not a threat, MK.

New Map:

"Plot a course to where?" Frow shouts back.

At the same time, a powerful sensation hits every Force sensitive soul on the ship. Or rather, not a sensation... no, it is a profound lack of sensation. It is the feeling of an entire world's worth of life disappearing in a moment... but it is not prefaced by panic like a massacre usually is... The last time such a hole appeared in the Force it was at Katarr...

Vaya hears a voice whispering in her head. It is a voice she has heard only once or twice before, but she recognizes it immediately. It is the voice of his herald, speaking his name...


That is all, just that one word. It is all she needs to say to let the far-flung agents of the Sith know that their masters have returned. With vengeance.

The lasers and missile all miss the fighter in front of the Shadow, though the missile comes quite close. The trio of interceptors continues to dog the freighter, and the battleship moves in to try to employ its point defense laser batteries

All fighters are making attack runs.

Att: [roll0]
Dam: [roll1]

Att: [roll2]
Dam: [roll3]

#3 (damaged)
Att: [roll4]
Dam: [roll5]

Virtuous point defense:
Att: [roll6]
Dam: [roll7]

Mando Knight
2008-11-05, 09:39 PM
"FIERFEK! <not Mando'a... it's a Huttese curse word... everyone on the ship should know that one anyway...> Plot a course to Onderon. We'll need to regroup with Mandalore... unless you Jetiise think we should meet up with Her Royal Jediness and her fleet."

Switches the gun off of autofire--he really needs to make this shot count. He targets the foe to the left of the ship.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+8

2008-11-05, 10:26 PM
Again As a reaction using Vehicular Combat to negate the Virtuous point defense attack so it a Dc 12 pilot check

Pilot [roll0]

No Frow plot a course towards Coresaunt we need the fleet then we can go to see Mandalore. I'm sorry Gavik but the fleet has a better chance at stopping Raven them Mandalore dose at the moment.

Kir Moves the ship to (sq 26,5), Kir again also attacks the interceptor in front of them again.

Pilot [roll1]
ATK [roll2]
DMG [roll3]+3

2008-11-06, 12:23 AM
New Map:
This post would have been here much sooner, but Wookieepedia is addictive.


Frow scrambles up to the cockpit but does not begin to plot the course as ordered.

"Courscant? You're taking a ship full of just-escaped prisoners to the heart of the Republic? What are you, suicidal?"

Meanwhile, the two interceptors nearest the Shadow violently explode under its fire.

The interceptor with the damaged engine finally gives up the chase and returns to the Virtuous.

The final two interceptors close in on the Shadow in a last ditch attempt to prevent it from escaping from Serocco's gravity well.

(Making attack runs.)

Att: [roll0]
Dam: [roll1]

Att: [roll2]
Dam: [roll3]

"FIRE EVERYTHING!" the captain of the Virtuous orders, "We have to stop that transport!"

Point Defense Battery:
Att: [roll4]
Dam: [roll5]

Concussion missiles:
Att: [roll6]
Dam: [roll7]

2008-11-06, 01:17 AM
Reewoon is kicked off his bed as a missile explodes nearby and rocks the ship. Hitting the floor with a thud he gets up and curses in shyriiwook. He sounds agitated that he was woken so suddenly from his sleep.

2008-11-06, 02:03 AM

The empty feeling leaves Merrel reeling for a moment, both from simple shock and the secondary shock of remembering what this must mean. No! Not again...

She recovers herself, still holding onto the side of the entryway. "Just plot a microjump! We can set a course once we're out of here."

2008-11-06, 03:13 AM
"You got it sister!" Frow shouts back. Fingers flying, he enters a course just long enough to throw the Virtuous off their trail but too short to get them into any further trouble.

2008-11-06, 04:51 AM
Cee leans against a wall, pale and shaking as she feels the shockwave in the Force. So many dead... Again. Maybe...

After she manages to get herself together again, she stands up and makes her way towards the bridge, to listen where they want to go.

2008-11-06, 05:55 AM

Vaya had been quiet since escaping the prison facility. Spaceships never were her thing and she knew she was useless in breaking the blockade.

She was startled out of medidation by the feeling of dark hunger in the Force. Nihilius, she thought. The largest thread the galaxy had ever known, the scion of the Force and the ultimate embodiment of the Dark Side.

If Nihilius had returned, the power of the Sith was on the rise and it would not be long before the Jedi would sense his presence as well, or rather his lack of presence. There was much Vaya could learn from him, she stood up with new determination. She felt closer to her calling then ever. For years the Sith had held her back, not acknowledging her power, sending her on this mission when her masters sensed she was plotting their downfall.

This was her time now, her chance to rise. Soon the world would know Darth Vaya, the Sith Lord who had crushed Revan and his pathetic Jedi Order. She dropped down on her knees, her lightfoil resting on her lap. "I will deliver Shan to you, Master."

She was in Nihilius' power now.

2008-11-06, 10:27 AM
Again As a reaction using Vehicular Combat to negate the second attack so it a Dc 25 pilot check

Pilot [roll0]

Kir Moves the ship to (sq 28,9) and as soon as the he can he thoughs the hyperdrive levers back and flee into hyperspace.

Pilot [roll1]

hp 100; DR 15; SR 20 of 25;

2008-11-06, 10:49 AM
The Shadow escapes into hyperspace. Moments later it emerges into the middle of nowhere.

"Okay," Frow says, "Away from Serroco. Let me know when you've figured out where to go from here. Preferably somewhere that isn't suicide."

2008-11-06, 11:28 AM

The general lack of turbulance and excitement suggests to Vaya that they have broken the blockade.

She takes out the lightsaber she took from the late Phrenias and inspects it closely. The design was crude, but effective, though she could definitely see ways to improve it. She ignited the saber, a bright purple beam emitted from it. Vaya smiled, at least Phrenias had taste. She decided that the time had come to build her own saber. This one could serve at its core.

She left the room she had claimed and went to look for a workbench. Knowing mandalorians, they always had a workbench somewhere.

While searching she spots Merrel and decides to have a little fun. She walks over and attempts to strike up a conversation. "So, Merrel was it right? I don't think we've been properly introduced, my name is Vaya Olessa." She holds out her hand, though expects Merrel not to take it. "You seem out of place with this band of criminals, though I expect we are very much alike. What got you sentenced to that prison anyway?

Me I did not agree with Revan's course of action. The way I see it, he has embraced the Dark Side, though he is hiding it behind his deception of purity. Maybe he doesn't even know it himself yet."

2008-11-06, 11:31 AM
Kir bring the shadow to a full stop then turns his chair towards the other and says, OK so where to, do we go to see Mandalore or do we go find Shen's fleet.

2008-11-06, 11:34 AM
"If you want to fight this Revan..." Cee appears in the door of the bridge a bit like forgotten afterthought, "why don't you join the fleet of his wife? She should be on the Hydian Way now... If those newscasts are to be believed."

2008-11-06, 11:40 AM
So were on the Hydian Way should we go or can you sense her with that force of yours. other wise we may be making several trips up and down the Hydian Way.

2008-11-06, 11:45 AM
"I could try, but only when we are closer. But since I never met her, my chances would be rather slim - maybe the young Jedi knows her. Then she could try..." Cee muses.

Mando Knight
2008-11-06, 11:45 AM
"If we at least contact Mandalore, we could bring the full force of the Mandalorians to bear alongside Shan's fleet. Plus, we know exactly where we can find Mandalore--Dxun's already on the navicomputer. From there we can organize a force to join Shan's fleet and end this pointless lover's bout early."

2008-11-06, 11:59 AM
Gavik you know that the only way to contact Mandalore is to go see him, I'm not sure Mandalore would let go look for the fleet especially with the possibility that the Shen's fleet could be destroyed before we could get back in to space to look, and right now we know were she is possible, that's better off then we will be if we go see Mandalore.

2008-11-06, 01:57 PM

"Political agitating," Merrel says with a heavy dose of sarcasm, taking the hand warily after a second. The Twi'lek woman seemed friendly, but she could remember her unleashing lightning from her fingertips, channeling pure aggression. And laughing. If Merrel was a fallen Jedi in Revan's eyes only, Vaya was one in truth. "It seems being a Jedi and not mouthing Revan's ideals is high treason nowadays."

"I don't think the purity is a mask," she adds. "He's really like that, but going so far has taken him to the dark side as surely as... a Sith." She'd been about to say anger and hate, but beginning the conversation with a backhanded accusation of corruption would not have been the best way to start with Vaya.

2008-11-06, 02:33 PM

"I still remember my training. The Code was so different back then. Sure there was tranquility and no feelings of love, but when Revan came to power it was as if every bit of emotion was a tool of the Dark Side.

I drew my own conclusions and left, my Master as well."

Vaya walks around Merrel, keeping her eye fixed on the Jedi girl. "I understand the Code now. Us Jedi are allowed to feel emotion, to love and to be angry, but we should never let them run rampart.

I know you've seen me channel dark energy in the prison complex. I can assure you I can control it as a product of my training. It is true, there is much power in the Dark Side, but only those who learn to distance themselves from it can truly control it. And I never draw upon it, unless forced."

In an attempt to win her trust, Vaya adds. "You have nothing to fear from me."

Should probably roll a deception check here.


2008-11-06, 02:53 PM
"The Hydian Way is a prime hyperlane," Frow advises, "And if there's one thing Revan has been good for, it's been putting an end to piracy along main trade routes. It wouldn't slow us down too much to drop into realspace at every major exit along the route until we run into something interesting... It's still crazy, mind you, but it's not as crazy."