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View Full Version : 8 days!? What happened to V?! [Spoilers]

2008-10-17, 07:43 PM
Eugene says that Haley has been sitting around in Greysky city for 8 days. The first night they arrived in Greysky, they got Roy turned into a golem. Then it switched to Elan's arc as soon as Haley reached Pete. Presumably in the same night. On this night, Therkla died and V killed Kubota, then V left the party in the morning, flying past Qarr. Now we are told 8 days have passed. Did Elan's big night happen 8 days after the 'Golem in Greysky' arc (unlikely, as Haley wondered what Elan was doing and it cut to him and Therkla) or did we miss out completely on Qarr's interaction with V?

Qarr could be V's imp now, and V could be using Qarr to find out what is going on! (No 'V becomes a lich' theories, please)

2008-10-17, 07:52 PM
We completely missed V's interaction with Qarr. If Roy getting turned into a golem is day H, this current strip takes place at day H + 8. Therefore, unless the Giant is going back and forth in time, Elan's adventures with the devil, Katos, Therkla, Kubota and V take place within this time frame, probably starting at H and ending at H+1, because it is clearly day in 599.

2008-10-17, 08:11 PM
I'm almost dreading V's apperance. It's been 8 days since we last saw him...and when we last saw him...he looked bad.

But I think we're gonna be with Haley and Celia now.

2008-10-17, 09:10 PM
We completely missed V's interaction with Qarr

I completely agree with your timekeeping, but not this statement. We don't know that the imp did anything other than follow him/her at this point. It could be that we will catch up with V after he/she has been traveling or researching for eight days, and THEN Qarr makes his presence known. Nothing in #599 demanded that the imp would approach/attack/whatever V immediately.

Or it could be that V will show up to save Haley and Celia, and we will only find out later what happened with Qarr.

2008-10-17, 09:30 PM
Or the Elan/Therkla meeting could have happened eight days after Haley met up with Blind Pete.

2008-10-17, 10:02 PM
We completely missed V's interaction with Qarr. If Roy getting turned into a golem is day H, this current strip takes place at day H + 8. Therefore, unless the Giant is going back and forth in time, Elan's adventures with the devil, Katos, Therkla, Kubota and V take place within this time frame, probably starting at H and ending at H+1, because it is clearly day in 599.

Are you saying H + 8 = V + 1? Cause I'm lost. I knew I should have paid more attention in algebra class.

2008-10-17, 10:55 PM
Well, by now, V has talked to Qarr for sure. Maybe he is debating to join the dark side for a while. Maybe he will realize what he is doing and change... again. Movie ending, I know but I do not think V would be a good lich. No humor for a guy.

2008-10-17, 11:39 PM
You'd think that Eugene would have had his eyes on the wizard, given his contempt for every other class.

2008-10-17, 11:56 PM
Most likely, the eight day timeskip is for Haley's party alone, so that their timeline aligns better with that of the Elan/V/Durkon group.

2008-10-18, 01:14 AM
The logical reason to timeskip over any interaction between V and the imp would be so it can be pulled as a surprise later -- either having V suddenly betray the party as part of a deal made back then (frequently, things like that are used to foreshadow a betrayal), or by having it look like V will betray / is betraying the party in that fashion, then revealing that something completely different happened instead.

In other words, either way, showing the meeting between V and the imp would likely spoil a future surprise.

2008-10-18, 01:41 AM
Are you saying H + 8 = V + 1? Cause I'm lost. I knew I should have paid more attention in algebra class.

That makes little sense, because then it would be V=H-7, or basically, a week.

David Argall
2008-10-18, 02:10 AM
We have had one time reversal before, Elan-Thog, and it is not impossible we will be having another here. Say Haley and Celia get in trouble in maybe 10 strips, and then V shows up in black. We then go back to see how this happened. 5 strips? Then the united party battles for 10 strips. There are hints this may not come out well for V, but we will have to wait and see.
Let's see...Elan and Durkon do something for 10 strips and then the party reunites and has to work for about 10 strips to get Roy ready to raise. Add in 20 more for misc and the actual raise, and we are ready for the splash plage at the end of the book, showing the party untied and rededicated to action. Sounds like it might be right.

2008-10-18, 02:35 AM
You'd think that Eugene would have had his eyes on the wizard, given his contempt for every other class.

You're talking the same person who admitted that he spent time scrying on Haley while she was in the shower; apparently he doesn't care what class they are when they have boobies. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-18, 02:51 AM
We have had one time reversal before, Elan-Thog, and it is not impossible we will be having another here. Say Haley and Celia get in trouble in maybe 10 strips, and then V shows up in black. We then go back to see how this happened. 5 strips? Then the united party battles for 10 strips. There are hints this may not come out well for V, but we will have to wait and see.
Let's see...Elan and Durkon do something for 10 strips and then the party reunites and has to work for about 10 strips to get Roy ready to raise. Add in 20 more for misc and the actual raise, and we are ready for the splash plage at the end of the book, showing the party untied and rededicated to action. Sounds like it might be right.

Though, in 387 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0387.html), it does indicate the time fairly conspicuously.

2008-10-18, 07:13 AM
Are you saying H + 8 = V + 1? Cause I'm lost. I knew I should have paid more attention in algebra class.

I'm saying that day H, when Haley is shown going to sleep in Pete's house, is also the night when Elan goes to talk with Therkla, Qarr summons the devil, Kubota kills Therkla, and V kills Kubota, assuming all of this takes place before midnight. Day H+1 is the next day, when Elan buried Therkla, lied to Hinjo and Lien, and V left the party, flying past Qarr in the process. It has been a week, in-comic, since this happened.

Edit: At least, this is what I think happened. It is possible that 601 is taking place while 599 is happening. And I had forgotten about the flashback, the suppose of which was to have Elan come crashing down into Haley's room at the same time as Sabine without ruining the surprise of how he got there. I suppose if V shows up in a few strips to help Haley or something similar, then we might get another flashback of how it happened. Of course, it will be labeled as "6 Days Ago" or something along those lines.

2008-10-18, 10:28 AM
Reading this thread a remembered something that happened when I was learning algebra.

Teacher: ...so the answer is 4. Any questions?
[I raise my hand]
Teacher: Yes?
Me: When will I ever use this in the real world.
Teacher: You need to know algebra when you don't know the value of something. You'll use it in the real world.
My friend: Ya right.

I guess I wasn't considering the fact that one day I'd be a member of an internet forum where there would be a vivid discussion on how much time has passed in which I would need algebra skills. Who'd have thought.

2008-10-18, 12:21 PM
Are you saying H + 8 = V + 1? Cause I'm lost. I knew I should have paid more attention in algebra class.

V = Vaarsuvius, not a variable.


2008-10-19, 04:01 AM
V = Vaarsuvius, not a variable.


On the contrary, V is a variable representing the time for V and H for Haley.

We don't care what number V and H represent absolutely, just the difference between them.

2008-10-19, 07:20 AM
On the contrary, V is a variable representing the time for V and H for Haley.

We don't care what number V and H represent absolutely, just the difference between them.

Actually, V was Vaarsuvius. If I need to give a variable for the fleet-group(582-597), I would use E for Elan.

2008-10-19, 08:38 AM
Are you saying H + 8 = V + 1? Cause I'm lost. I knew I should have paid more attention in algebra class.

I think H + 8 = V + 1 works only if the square of V = E x D / R

2008-10-19, 09:22 AM
Let's hope poor V get's snapped to his/her senses soon. I'm guessing V may well be on to his/her way to achieving Ultimate Arcane Power (for all the wrong reasons).

2008-10-19, 03:15 PM
I just hope we get back to V to end all this algebra thing.

2008-10-19, 07:02 PM
If you see "blackwing" hanging out on V's shoulder visibly, THEN worry.

Also.. the cloud scrying pool has epic inside (tm) but is even THAT enough to determine V's gender?

2008-10-19, 09:48 PM
I suspect the nitty-gritty of the conversation was skipped because we don't need to see every word to follow what happens, and the two of them aren't likely to be a laugh riot comedy duo that need every bit of screentime they can get.

Next time we see V, s/he will be working, Quarr will come over to talk, and V will say something like "Why are you bothering me? I only agreed to work with you because you promised to raise my power and help me avoid distractions." And thus we'll instantly have all the explanation we needed.

2008-10-19, 09:55 PM
Also.. the cloud scrying pool has epic inside (tm) but is even THAT enough to determine V's gender?

No please! I beg you! Don't turn this inot a V gender thread! :smalleek:

2008-10-19, 10:14 PM
I think H + 8 = V + 1 works only if the square of V = E x D / REven if you were right, that would be one plus one plus two plus one, not one plus two plus one plus one.

2008-10-20, 11:01 AM
Along with David Argall, I think the first V-Qarr interaction isn't going to appear in the strip, except possibly in a flashback. I'm curious what Qarr's motivation here is - he didn't seem to mind that his employer had died and most likely took with him the possibility of a diabolically-aligned Azurite government. But, by all appearances, Qarr still has an iron in the fire here. What does he want?

2008-10-20, 01:19 PM
Ah, V... ever the method actor. It's fairly obvious that we cut from the character to allow for a rest period, followed by several sleepless days to get the right look for that next scene.

Hey, if it was good enough for Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man... :smalltongue:

2008-10-20, 01:30 PM
by all appearances, Qarr still has an iron in the fire here. What does he want?

A powerful tool that has the innate potential to do much more evil in the world than Kubota (being a relativley high level wizard) for a longer period of time (being an elf)?

Hey, if it was good enough for Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man... :smalltongue:

Clearly, V doesn't even break character for mail call. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0033.html)

King of Nowhere
2008-10-21, 08:21 AM
After today's strip, I have an idea:

V has somehow secured the help of Quarr to reach Haley, and will arrive just in time to save her.
That's because I see no other ways a rogue and a civilian with sorcerer ability can defeat a bunch of combat oreinted high level NPC.
After that, they will have problem for the bargain V made with the imp (selling hir soul or such)

2008-10-22, 05:18 AM
That epic whooshing was this thread flying over my head.

2008-10-22, 01:27 PM
V will crash in and do something stupendous...then everyone will be all 'whoa wtf?!?!' because they will be amazed by V's new found (insert something). He will probably be sporting some new flashy robe and staff or whatever and then he will go into a flashback of how he came about his new found (insert whatever).
By they it can be Haley and crew or maybe even Elan. Guess it all depends.

I just hope the flashback is in crayon :D