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Inhuman Bot
2008-10-18, 07:14 AM


The fan transilation. DONE!! :smallbiggrin:

So, if you've ever wanted to play this epicly awesome game in english, get a copy!

'cause now you can.


2008-10-18, 08:59 AM
This thread was done yesterday. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94117) I downloaded the patch, but I haven't played it yet, will get to that tonight and won't stop till I finish it.
I'm a huge fan of earthbound and it's one of the best games I ever played so I just hope that mother 3 is just as good.

2008-10-18, 03:25 PM
This thread was done yesterday. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94117) I downloaded the patch, but I haven't played it yet, will get to that tonight and won't stop till I finish it.
I'm a huge fan of earthbound and it's one of the best games I ever played so I just hope that mother 3 is just as good.

Oh, the first hour of real gameplay was absolutely fantastic (and the translation is pretty good as well). In my humble opinion, it is a fine contender to earthbound and I am sure you will not be disappointed.

Also, be sure to eat and sleep, even if you don't want to.

2008-10-20, 08:10 PM
I haven't played much of it, but what I have played so far is awesome. I really love the music-combo thing (though its hard to get the beat right sometimes).
Just a question: Is there at any point any reference to earthbound?

2008-10-20, 08:18 PM
Without spoiling, I can only say Yes. The Mother series is a continuous story, even though they are entirely separate adventures.

2008-10-20, 09:14 PM
Well, each one has at least one big enemy that concretely ties it to the last game

Oh, and I'm chapter 4 myself. Much fun has been had, and the storyline has held up to its slogan. Oh, and my favorite character so far has got to be Kumatora. Awesome personality, and great PSI powers.

Does anyone else find it funny that the family dog not only joins, but one-ups King and becomes a full-fledged party member?

2008-10-20, 09:38 PM
Well, each one has at least one big enemy that concretely ties it to the last game

Oh, and I'm chapter 4 myself. Much fun has been had, and the storyline has held up to its slogan. Oh, and my favorite character so far has got to be Kumatora. Awesome personality, and great PSI powers.

Does anyone else find it funny that the family dog not only joins, but one-ups King and becomes a full-fledged party member?

He does? awesome!
Here's another question: Is there at any point a stable party? cause at the moment (chapter 2 or 3 I don't remember) I keep switching parties and its kind of annoying

2008-10-20, 11:16 PM
Also, the dog can wear a shirt and a hat, use items, and that sniff ability helps circumvent unwanted hassle.

And yes. There is a point where a stable party is developed. I won't tell you when or who, though.

Inhuman Bot
2008-10-21, 03:28 PM
I haven't played much of it, but what I have played so far is awesome. I really love the music-combo thing (though its hard to get the beat right sometimes).
Just a question: Is there at any point any reference to earthbound?

Unsure itf it's been said, but

The final boss was Ness's neighbour, Porkey/Pokey, AKA the Pig King. Also, Ness's friend Jeff's father, Dr.Ardonauts is in it.

2008-10-21, 09:11 PM
Unsure itf it's been said, but

The final boss was Ness's neighbour, Porkey/Pokey, AKA the Pig King. Also, Ness's friend Jeff's father, Dr.Ardonauts is in it.

to say nothing of
the yo-yo that is almost certainly one of Ness'

As a side note, Boney's like a cross between Jeff and Poo, isn't he? He's got Jeff's ower to see enemy weaknesses and such, and like Poo, he doesn't use weapons, and has special food items that only work well on him. It's funny.

2008-10-21, 11:55 PM
Actually, if you were lucky enough to get the Sword of Kings, Poo could use that. If course, there is only a 1/128 chance of getting that after beating the Final Starman

But Boney is actually a pretty decent attacker. Not quite as decent as some of the other characters but better than Kumatora, at least. It also helps he almost always goes first in a conflict.

2008-10-22, 01:10 AM
Sometimes, for me, Duster is faster. But then again, that's usually when he has the Friend's Yo-yo to boost his speed. He's also the only one who can attack before the battle even starts.
My strategy with Boney is to give him all the best in-battle items. Lifenoodles, explosives, food, that dog uses everything, 'cause he needs something to do once he's used Sniff. Meanwhile, I have the rest of the team working like my party in Earthbound. Lucas heals and barriers, Kumatora nukes, and Duster screws with the enemies using his Thief Tools. I love the Scary Mask and Tickle Stick especially.

I'm having trouble fighting The Masked Man for the first time, though. Mainly 'cause I'm still hurting from the fight with those Pig Masks. Maybe I should just PK Love the heck out of them and move on faster?

P.S. PK Love > PK Rockin'

2008-10-22, 10:49 PM
PK Love doesn't seem to be subject to psi resistances either.

As for your problem

Nuke the pigmasks. Also, don't bother using shields causwe the masked man will use a shield removing attack. I kept Kumatora on healing duty, used duster's tickle stick and scary mask twice before attacking, Boney was on lifenoodle duty, and Lucas saved psi by attacking normally and used his strongest lifeup if necesary

2008-10-22, 11:12 PM
PK Love doesn't seem to be subject to psi resistances either.

As for your problem

Nuke the pigmasks. Also, don't bother using shields causwe the masked man will use a shield removing attack. I kept Kumatora on healing duty, used duster's tickle stick and scary mask twice before attacking, Boney was on lifenoodle duty, and Lucas saved psi by attacking normally and used his strongest lifeup if necesary

Should I try and learn Lifeup Gamma first? I only have Beta, though I do have Healing Gamma. Is PSI learning still level based, even with "PSI Fever"?

I was having Lucas use Defense up Omega, for the same reason that he doesn't use shields against Masked Man. But maybe it's more efficient to just use the Scary Mask a bunch.
Does Masked Man have any elemental weaknesses (I would Sniff but Boney doesn't even turn up an enemy type. Perplexing)? Is it worth it to have Kumatora use Thunder Beta, or am i getting more bang for my PP by using Freeze Gamma? I'm thinking that the possibility of two hits may be worth it, but there's also the possibility of no hits, and I'm afraid he may be resistant... Wait. I have him in the Battle Memory! Time to experiment!

Ah, got 'im. I forget sometimes that Kumatora, unlike Paula, can heal. Quite useful. Getting hit by Love Gamma is a pain in the butt, though. Ah, well. On to the Needle!

2008-10-22, 11:42 PM
Should I try and learn Lifeup Gamma first? I only have Beta, though I do have Healing Gamma. Is PSI learning still level based, even with "PSI Fever"?

I was having Lucas use Defense up Omega, for the same reason that he doesn't use shields against Masked Man. But maybe it's more efficient to just use the Scary Mask a bunch.
Does Masked Man have any elemental weaknesses (I would Sniff but Boney doesn't even turn up an enemy type. Perplexing)? Is it worth it to have Kumatora use Thunder Beta, or am i getting more bang for my PP by using Freeze Gamma? I'm thinking that the possibility of two hits may be worth it, but there's also the possibility of no hits, and I'm afraid he may be resistant... Wait. I have him in the Battle Memory! Time to experiment!

I did it without lifeup omega but with lifeup gamma at level 46. Also, yes, learning is still level based.

2008-10-23, 12:05 AM
Wow.New Pork City is just plain WEIRD. It's just... the Brawl stage just doesn't quite capture the flavor of it.

Inhuman Bot
2008-10-23, 09:29 AM
Very true :smallbiggrin:

If you go to the statue in new pork, it's a bonus boss. I can't remember if theres a way to activate it, or it does when you go to it.

Also, at the beach in chapter 4, I wish you could steal the pigmask's boots :smallfrown:

2008-10-23, 10:30 AM
Very true :smallbiggrin:

If you go to the statue in new pork, it's a bonus boss. I can't remember if theres a way to activate it, or it does when you go to it.

The way it works is

You have to do the whole sewer side quest and beat Miracle Yokuba/Fassad for the second time. He is a lot easier this time round, considering you have starstorm and love omega at this point. Then you talk to the statue three times, return the hostility, and face the statue. Be warned, the thing is at the same time the easiest and the hardest boss depending on how you approach it. it has 1,000,000 hitpoints and can crush your party within the first turn.

2008-10-23, 10:43 AM
the spoilers are killing me. I clicked one of the spoiler in random yesterday, and kept wanting an amnesia since.

But it seems that I just can't get the hang of the rhytm battle system for my life (or lucas' life). Occassionally I can do some multiple hit, but it's like... once every 200th try or something..

Overall, Mother 3 is cool. But it's not as charming as earthbound for me though. The storyline is cooler, and overall it's more polished or something. But I know what's missing for me.

It's less real world than earthbound! Yeah, earthbound is real world on lsd, but still. The first thing that made me hooked on earthbound was the whole real world setting. With ATM (especially the atm! If someone mentioned earthbound to me, the first thing in my mind is how we must use atm.) money, saving in phone, drug stores, and everything.

Mother 3 is still cool though.

Still waiting for the inevitable Ness vs Lucas thread. (Psi Rockin vs Psi Love, Fight!)

Inhuman Bot
2008-10-23, 11:28 AM

I can't beat that damn angry bass in the attic! (chapter 4)

Damn Jam sessions...

HA! BEAT THE DAMN THING! :smallbiggrin:

out of items, and PP and my dog is KO'd >.>

2008-10-23, 01:32 PM
Hrm... Ness Vs. Lucas would be an interesting fight. On the one hand, PK Love beats Psi Rockin' any day, but Ness has moves like Brainshock, Paralysis, and Hypnosis... Ness would probably win, especially considering the power boost he gets from
absorbing his Magicant.

2008-10-23, 07:44 PM
Is it just me or the magypsies are several kind of awesome? And the way they accepted their fate...

2008-10-23, 07:49 PM
Resist...urge..to...reveal last magypsy's identity!

They are awesome. They give you psi, and all kinds of explosive goodness. I can't even tell if they're cross dressing men or bearded women.

2008-10-23, 08:14 PM
They're neither man nor woman, nor are they human.

The description is fitting enough :smallwink:

2008-10-23, 10:19 PM
Oh yes, and their mementos are all kinds of awesome (remember to check the first one's chair in her house, by the way). In fact, the mementos gave me a really awesome moment when I did the final battle today.

So, I was "fighting" the Masked Man, taking all his attacks and healing almost every round, and refusing to attack. Eventually, I ran out of PP and just sat there, taking more and more hits while technically already dead, as Lucas' impressive health bar rolled down towards zero. Finally, Lucas collapsed... but was then revived by Ionia's Memento; that's right. Protectd by the same Magypsy who taught Lucas PK Love and sent him on the quest way back when. All too fitting

The only fight I had that went into circumstances that cool was the one in chapter 8 against Miracle Fassaad. Remind me to tell you about it.

Inhuman Bot
2008-10-24, 08:09 AM
the spoilers are killing me. I clicked one of the spoiler in random yesterday, and kept wanting an amnesia since.

Same. I read the wiki on mother 3, when it wasn't coming to Canada.

Then I saw this transilation in progress.

I couldn't find enough brainsoap :smallfrown:

I belive this is your stable party:

Lucas, Duster, Kumatora and Boney

2008-10-24, 05:09 PM
Same. I read the wiki on mother 3, when it

Lucas, Duster, Kumatora and Boney

That it is.

I actually cried at the end of this game, and I am not an "emotional" person.

The game also hit some nostalgic nerves when
Before you fight pokey, you go through a memorobelia hall displaying items a certain someone's memory and life. I feel like going back and playing earthbound again to see some familiar faces.

2008-10-25, 11:41 AM
Wait, wha?

huh, this game is really short. Way too short for my liking. Though, my not-sleeping part is not helping... But, only what? two city?

A great game. Got better story than earthbound. But I still prefer earthbound, for it's real-world-with-lsd setting and because it's bigger.

Sigh. Now, to play earthbound again! and then, a mother 3 replay! Wuzzah!

edit: and on top of my head, my favourite character is... ROPE SNAKE:smallbiggrin: !

2008-10-25, 03:59 PM
Wait, wha?

huh, this game is really short. Way too short for my liking. Though, my not-sleeping part is not helping... But, only what? two city?

A great game. Got better story than earthbound. But I still prefer earthbound, for it's real-world-with-lsd setting and because it's bigger.

Sigh. Now, to play earthbound again! and then, a mother 3 replay! Wuzzah!

edit: and on top of my head, my favourite character is... ROPE SNAKE:smallbiggrin: !

Eh, it could be longer, yeah, but I like it. It has a good deal of charm... and it has a FREAKING run button.

Also: heck yeah! Rope Snake!
(is there any way to take Rope Snake back to Osohe Castle after Chapter 2? I heard that "Sir Passion" is a bonus boss, and if Mr. Passion made a comeback, it would be in Osohe.)

Inhuman Bot
2008-10-26, 12:41 AM
How to fight Lord passion, and get the mystic boots: (offense +40)

At chapter 5, when you have kumatora, Duster, Lucas and boney, Instead of going up the ladder to your north, go back through the Tazimly/Corva (the facotry) tunnel, and up to Oshoe castle.

go to the last room, where Sir passion was found.

Fight Lord passion.

After the battle, the mystic boots fall onto the floor.


I love this game. Too short though :smallfrown:

Chapter 6 was just running through a field....

Also, in chapter 7, I messed up. After going back to Aeolia's house, I went to the mole crikcet hole by mistake, and up the snow mountain to lydias. After relizing it was the wrong way, I went bacl, to get Aeolias memnto.

I talked to the frog, but I cant cross over to Aeolias!

Anyone know what to do?

2008-10-26, 12:17 PM
The frog you talked to should be blue, right? Also, that may only work for Flint. If you have lucas and boney in your party, then you have to take the boat up north from the bridge, but that might happen only once. Seeing as you went up the mountain, you probably had already gone there once.

You do not need the momento, but they are nice to fall back upon in particularly tough fights.

What you want to do is
Forget the momento and go tho the chimera research lab, which is west of the mole cricket hole and you will get Kumatora again after this particular part. If you absolutely need the momento, I suggest going backwards through Osohe castle through all the enemies and junk and make your way to the pink shell

2008-10-26, 10:04 PM
Ah. Wow. Great game. Now... do I fire it up and play again (totally worth it), play Earthbound (also worth it) or find some way to make an NES emulator retain saves so I can play the Tomato translation of Mother?

2008-10-26, 10:38 PM
I'm doing the third. Mother 1 is more difficult than 2 or 3 in my opinion. It gives no quarter and hippies are plentiful.

2008-10-27, 01:56 PM
So, is there any secret to the
Cyborg-dragon thing? I used the fang, so I can damage him, but I keep dying. Also, when you continue, do the bosses keep the health you brought them down to, or do they reset and you just don't have your healing items...?

2008-10-27, 02:02 PM
So, is there any secret to the
Cyborg-dragon thing? I used the fang, so I can damage him, but I keep dying. Also, when you continue, do the bosses keep the health you brought them down to, or do they reset and you just don't have your healing items...?

The Mecha Drago? That thing can be tough if you are not careful. If you have some jerky, keep it on hand, but if not, you still may be able to pull through. There is a box in the previous area that contains a "fresh Lumber". This decreases Flint's speed by 4 when equipped, but increases offense by a whopping 18. Use Flint's toughen up ability, then his strengthen up ability before using the fang. The Mecha Drago should do around 13 damage per bite, and 18 per stomp instead of the 20 and 25 before. The fire still does about 40 damage though. If you tap the "A" button along with the music rhythm, which is incredibly easy to follow as far as battle tunes go, you can deal upwards to 100-150 damage a round. Or you could use his other special abilities and hope you are lucky. The mecha drago has around 700 HP.

2008-10-27, 02:50 PM
I see. Didn't know about the music thing, that's niffty.
Thanks. :P

Inhuman Bot
2008-10-27, 06:13 PM
Mother 1 is VERY hard.

Every new party memeber starts at lvl 1.

You'll be at level 20 ish, IIRC when the first joins.

and thats only the start >.<

2008-10-27, 06:34 PM
Mother 1 is VERY hard.

Every new party memeber starts at lvl 1.

You'll be at level 20 ish, IIRC when the first joins.

and thats only the start >.<

If I recall correctly every new member in earthbound started in level 1 as well (I'm not so sure about poo though)

2008-10-27, 08:56 PM
If I recall correctly every new member in earthbound started in level 1 as well (I'm not so sure about poo though)

They all did. Paula joined at a point where leveling wasn't hard, and her PSI was strong enough to balance out for her low level.

Jeff started at level 1, but got a whole beginner's dungeon to himself, so he levels up considerably by the time he joins up.

Poo starts at level 1, and is given a boatload of level-ups by the Dalaam elder when he finishes his training. That's how he learns PSI Teleport Beta.

2008-10-27, 10:24 PM
I see. Didn't know about the music thing, that's niffty.
Thanks. :P

Also, he has a final attack that will do mortal damage, pretty much no matter what. However, your HP only scrolls about 30 points in the time it takes for the battle to end. So, keep track of HP damage, and once you've done about 700, use a healing item or two- just enough that you'll have at least 35HP spare after you give him your final whack.

Also, Alec will heal you about 25 points if you drop into the single digits. So you may want to defend if it gets around 15-20 so he'll heal you (free) to conserve items.

2008-10-27, 10:35 PM
Mother 1 is VERY hard.

Every new party memeber starts at lvl 1.

You'll be at level 20 ish, IIRC when the first joins.

and thats only the start >.<

:smallconfused: I dunno. I got the first character at level 14.

Of course, I had a magic coin and a boomerang, a weapon that puts the wooden bat to shame.

Inhuman Bot
2008-10-28, 08:23 AM
Also, he has a final attack that will do mortal damage, pretty much no matter what. However, your HP only scrolls about 30 points in the time it takes for the battle to end. So, keep track of HP damage, and once you've done about 700, use a healing item or two- just enough that you'll have at least 35HP spare after you give him your final whack.

Also, Alec will heal you about 25 points if you drop into the single digits. So you may want to defend if it gets around 15-20 so he'll heal you (free) to conserve items.

Alec has a limit on those, however.

2008-11-09, 12:52 AM
I actually cried at the end of this game, and I am not an "emotional" person.

I cried too. I don't think I've ever cried over a video game before. That last battle is so touching. I love how all of the final battles in the Mother series are so unconventional :)

I was laughing a bunch once I got to New Pork City. I think the two times I laughed the hardest were
1. Having the identity of Locria finally revealed. Once you find Locria's house and see what's inside it becomes so obvious and makes so much sense. You just never guess it on your own cause you'd never expect a Magypsy to dress like a man!
2. Running headlong into a restroom (even though it sounded like there was something huge inside it) and getting my face eaten off by the Ultimate Chimera!

I also love seeing all the Earthbound memorabilia in New Pork City. I think I really need to play through Earthbound again now. :)

And I agree that this game seems a bit short for an RPG. I have less than 20 hours played on my save file. But it is a really fun world and it still has Earthbound's strange sense of humor. In both games I make sure to explore everywhere and talk to everyone cause I love seeing all the wacky things the people say.

2008-11-09, 02:14 AM
I beat the game two days ago. I still don't know what to think... in a lot of ways, it was way better than Earthbound. But it also seems to fall short some of the time. The party you had in Earthbound felt like every member had a unique, irreplaceable role. That was what really grabbed me about the combat in Earthbound that made it superior to other turn-based games like the FF series. In Mother 3, toward the end-game it's perfectly viable to just stop healing Duster and Boney and ignore them. Lucas has good attack damage, and both Kumatora and he can heal; only having two characters to heal increases your longevity, too.

M2/M3 spoilers:
The story of Mother 3 was more emotionally involving on a more specific level... you cared about the tragedies of Lucas's family and they played the biggest role in the story. Fighting Claus at the end was especially sad for me. I think the moment of true heart-wrenching agony was having Claus on the brink of recovery, having removed that headgear, and about to give in, but still uncertain enough to fire one last, lethal bolt of lightning.

Earthbound's story just felt... bigger. Not just length-wise, but also in significance and urgency. Porkey was a threat in M3 because he was going to acquire the ultimate power, but he didn't actually have it. In Earthbound, Gigyas was the ultimate power, and was a much more fearsome, frightening enemy. The fact that you basically had to sacrifice your entire party's lives to be inserted into robots just for the opportunity to fight Gigyas at all gave a much better sense of the danger he represented. And then fighting him, not knowing if you were even having an effect, if it all was for nothing... I'm sorry, but Earthbound's climax was far more emotially draining for me than Mother 3's. In Mother 3, I felt real sadness. In Earthbound, I felt genuine fear, desperation, panic, and sadness.

I really loved Mother 3 in its own right, but it never got as gloomy or scary as Earthbound, which I guess I just value more over the sadness in Mother 3. Even as I beat Mother 3, I was thinking of how awesome Earthbound would have been with Mother 3's music, the 'beat combo' system, and the ability to run (well it was a slow game, walking!).

2008-11-10, 11:51 AM
I think I have to disagree about the importance of duster and boney in the late game. They can be quite usefull, in fact even more useful than Kumatora, in my opinion (yes, even with starstorm)

If you open most boss fights with a healthy dose of "Offense Down" from Kumatora and a bit of Offense up Omega from lucas, even particularly armored foes will eventually start to feel serious damage from both Boney and Duster. Heck, on the Master Porky fight, I did not use any attack psi at all, seeing as he usually throws up a psi-counter every now and then. Kumatora nailed him with defense down about three times when lucas worked on offense up and shield. Duster and boney were each doing over 250 damage a turn, sometimes up to 400 if I got lucky. When Lucas was finished buffing the team, he then applied his incredible attack score to further use.

Of course, you could use PK ground or Thunder Omega, since those two don't count as psi damage and aren't reflected, but that's not as effective.

Anyways, I played through mother 1 and 2 and am on another play through of Mother 3. It is kinda interesting to see how all three stories are intertwined by usually no more than a single factor, but each chapter bears a significance to the next.