View Full Version : how could V?

2008-10-19, 02:54 AM
a pit fiend has very high SR and saves, how did V turn him to stone??????:smallconfused:

JT Jag
2008-10-19, 03:00 AM
Crushing Despair, Curse, and a very high roll.

2008-10-19, 04:35 AM
Crushing Despair, Curse

don't those spells need saves???

2008-10-19, 04:43 AM
For plot purposes the 'Huge Devil' didn't succeed on any of its saves.

2008-10-19, 05:09 AM
For plot purposes the 'Huge Devil' didn't succeed on any of its saves.

Noooo.... it just failed those two in particular.

Which given enough spells, eventually it was bound to.

2008-10-19, 06:06 AM
David Argall and others have proposed that the big red fellow probably isn't a regular Pit Fiend, assuming it is a Pit Fiend at all.

That makes sense, because Qarr is not supposed to be capable of having such a trump up in his sleeve.

2008-10-19, 10:17 AM
David Argall and others have proposed that the big red fellow probably isn't a regular Pit Fiend, assuming it is a Pit Fiend at all.

That makes sense, because Qarr is not supposed to be capable of having such a trump up in his sleeve.

David Argall likes to argue anything just to be contrary.

Quarr summoned the Pit Fiend because he owed him a favor, not by any summoning ability.

V and Durkon used spells to lower his saves, and V got lucky, as mentioned in the comic. There was a good chance for V to fail and accomplish nothing.

2008-10-19, 10:42 AM
Easily. Vaarsuvius was willing to threaten Elan and disintegrate a strange human, why would s/he have qualms over petrifying a devil who attacked them?

Oh wait, you mean something different. Never mind, then.

2008-10-19, 10:55 AM
the OOTS world is not the same as the D&D world

2008-10-19, 11:57 AM
Quarr summoned the Pit Fiend because he owed him a favor, not by any summoning ability.

That's certainly true, but from a game mechanics perspective, Qarr (or anything that he brings to the table) is not supposed to be such a high level threat as to involve a honest-to-gameplay Pit Fiend. Vaarsuvius even made this point at the time (and turned out to be correct, apparently).

V and Durkon used spells to lower his saves, and V got lucky, as mentioned in the comic. There was a good chance for V to fail and accomplish nothing.

That's also a possibility, but considering how Hinjo managed to hurt the Pit Fiend somewhat, it appears that appearances aside that big red guy wasn't as dangerous as a true Pit Fiend after all.

David Argall
2008-10-19, 12:53 PM
David Argall likes to argue anything just to be contrary.
David Argall likes to argue anything he has an opinion on, which is a lot of things, but still means not qualifying for "just to be contrary". The opinions pre-exist the agrument.

And as others have pointed out, the OOTS devil and the D&D pit fiend have very little in common beyond big scary devil. It's way bigger, dumb as a post, only has DR silver, and apparently has no SR to speak of, not to mention lousy saves.

2008-10-19, 03:11 PM
David Argall likes to argue anything he has an opinion on, which is a lot of things, but still means not qualifying for "just to be contrary". The opinions pre-exist the agrument.

And as others have pointed out, the OOTS devil and the D&D pit fiend have very little in common beyond big scary devil. It's way bigger, dumb as a post, only has DR silver, and apparently has no SR to speak of, not to mention lousy saves.

You have, on one occasion, argued with people over the plot revelations in Start of Darkness, despite admitting to not having read the book at all.

Since then, your opinion in any matter carries very little weight, because nobody can trust that you have any idea what you're talking about.