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View Full Version : Napa, I can haz Elementals, pleaze?

2008-10-21, 09:01 PM
"Ya can nut be messin' with the fabric o' reality like dhat!"
As you enter the Bulderstrum Guild hall, you see a shaggy elven barbarian, arguing vemently with what appears to be a small orb of gelatin.
Past the pair, a demon plays craps with several gnomes, a small fire elemental lighting up the table, where they appear to play for small bronze grasshoppers.
In the soaring ceiling, a number of carrier birds flutter, as well as more than a few familiars, companions and adventurers like yourselves.
In the chaos of so many different people, with so many different costumes and accents, you begin to feel a bit small.
A young ogre notices you and, being an ogre, crashes directly through the wake of an Anima Mage currently trying to either summon a pair of shoes, or bind the owl celestial sitting above him.
"Ya, you for boos?
Don't say notin'.
I knows."
He motions you to follow him through the crowd, eventually leading you to a small waiting room, where three other people are arranged on chairs.

2008-10-21, 09:46 PM

The white furred person with black spots around the eyes and black furred ears, who looks more like a bear than like a humanoid steps up to the table, his massive shape is clad in a long white coat with bright red seams worn open. Under the cloak parts of a full plate armor are visible but most of it is covered in long white oriental style robes held together by a red cloth belt. On his back the pandakin is wearing a light brown backpack and an unconspicious heavy steel shield. An unusually large, finely crafted warhammer with a cuboid head is lodged between his back and his backpack.
His right hand, covered in black fur wanders up to his chin and rubs it contemplatively. "Greetings, my name is Hao-Tsu. And who might you... fine people be?"

2008-10-22, 02:23 AM
A youngish grey elf looks up with mild surprise. The sword and bow he carries look well made, but unworn. His grey robes, while unadorned are undoubtedly of good quality. A circlet of gold hold back his long black hair. He sits with his spellbook in his lap. "Well, it takes all sorts," he thinks to himself while his fingers trace a glyph on the arm of his chair. He'd never seen anything like this creature.

Aloud, he says, "My name is Colrin, do excuse me for not getting up."

2008-10-23, 08:30 AM

Zan sits in a corner, having wrapped his dark green cloak around him, trying to ward of the cold he is feeling despise sitting near the fire, a scaly armor is seen underneath the cloak and a longbow stands leans against the table

I really need this job, gold is running low. I hope that this one will go much easier then the last time I hunted constructs, I knew I should have picked up a demolition crystal when I had the chance...

Zan shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts

Looking up at the strange Pandakin, Zan quickly brings a smile to his face

"Hi, I am Zanden, but you may call me Zan. I guess that you are also here regarding the rogue constructs?"

The Glyphstone
2008-10-23, 12:25 PM
A heavily musculed goliath standing as close to the center of the room as he can turns slightly, looking up out of a hunched pose that makes him appear to be only seven feet tall or so. His only clothing is a pair of well-worn pants cut off at the knee, better to display the mottled and bumpy patches all over his skin. Still, they are slightly obscured by a translucent, rippling layer of ectoplasm, and his outline is obscured slightly by a long cloak of some transparent substance that seems to move of its own accord without the need for wind. Aside from a handful of accessories and other items, his only visible possessions are a backpack and a massive two-handed adamantine sledgehammer that seems polished to a mirror-bright finish, without so much as a hint of grime or dirt.

His expression is one of deep discomfort, but he still opens his mouth long enough to reply, "Vathgoin Uknammaklak, my name is. Avalanche-Hand, you may call me."

2008-10-23, 04:09 PM
"I would imagine that to be the case Zan. I could scarcely believe that four so different beings would be gathered together for any other reason. I wonder where the one who hired us is." He takes out his familiar, an albino rat, and strokes him with his left hand. His right is still tracing glyphs.

2008-10-23, 05:22 PM
The easily over seven feet tall pandakin carefully inspects one of the chairs making sure it would carry his weight before setting down his hammer, shield and backpack and sitting down carefully. He then turns his attention to the ogre: "Yes, I too would like to learn to know who brought us here. When can we expect to see this person?", he then turns back to the gathered group. "Maybe, while we wait we could talk about what skills each one of us has to offer to help on the matter we were all called here for.", Hao-Tsu picks up his hammer and holds its head in the right hand while the handle in the left: "I am a priest of Pelor, and my divine lord grants me some of his power with which I can assist you in battle and heal your ailments. I myself do know how to handle this hammer quite well, if necessary, but I'm far from being a master of combat."

2008-10-23, 05:53 PM
Regarding the pandakin with some curiosity, Colrin replies. "I have a not inconsiderable skill with magic. It's served rather well in the past, and I have no reason to believe that this will change."

2008-10-24, 03:50 AM

Zan looks around at his new friends and wonder...

Oh, both a cleric and a wizard, the guild must rank this as a hard mission

"I guess that my bow gives away what kind of things I am good at, I can track and give ranged support but I am also skilled with traps and locks"

2008-10-27, 05:09 PM
Colrin regards Avalanche-Hand with a cool stare. The silent goliath is obviously some sort of fighter. The thought of using melee weapons repels Colrin - why take the risk? Better to attack from afar, with consideration, than to wade in swinging a lump of metal. Each to their own, I suppose, he thinks.

2008-10-27, 10:15 PM
"No, you may not keep it."
*murmer murmer murmer*
"You know what? I'm not dealing with this now.
Hey, show them in."
A semi-hidden door opens up in the wall, a long purple hand ushering you inside.
Bowing gently, the filcher that let you in motions for you to sit down, it's starched white butlers suit creaking slightly as it passes by you and shuts the door quietly.
As you take your seats, you notice that the other two people in the room, a 12 year old girl with a small orb of glowing light hovering over one shoulder, and a middle aged half-elf with an eye patch, are glaring at one another like only family can.

The Glyphstone
2008-10-27, 10:42 PM
Seeing Colrin regarding him, Vathgoin returns the look.
"I see how you look at me - I have seen such a look on others, many of them my foes. They believed themselves safe outside the reach of my arm, behind a wall or high in the air - but they did not know that if I could see them, I could hit them. They are dead now because they did not know this."

2008-10-28, 11:36 AM
"I find it difficult to rationalise why one would expose oneself to blows close to. I assumed incorrectly."

Having entered the room, Colrin eyes its occupants with some interest.

"Are we to take it that you are our prospective employers? May I ask about the task you have for us? Rogue elemental constructs were mentioned."

2008-10-29, 01:07 PM
Hao-Tsu enters the room after mustering the goliath with some interest. "How may we be of service to you.", his eyes are nopw fixed on the unusual butler.

2008-10-29, 07:20 PM
"Hrm, yes.
West-north, about 3/4 day travel on the Fire road, there's a smallish town.
Aronsvale, I think."
Sweeping several papers aside, he rustles through a number of reports, eventualy placing his hands on a pale yellow sheet.
"4 weeks ago, a number of wounded Neraphim came in from the north-east, speaking incoherently of fire elementals, insects of chaos, and bronze solders swarming 'inside the very sun'.
Luckily, another guild member was passing by at the time, a Necro-gladiator named Fos, and he was able to extract more coherent information once they passed on."
He pulls out yet another sheet, this time purple.
"He sent us a message, and with the talks between Air and Law going as they have, we couldn't afford to send anyone else to investigate until now."
He pulls out yet another sheet, this time plain, if thick, paper.
"Here are the job forms.
Basic stuff, investigation of disturbance, checking on any leads, 'making sure balance is achieved by all parties with equal blah, blah, blah'.
No fine print either, and payment upon main senders satisfaction that job has been achieved without loss of life or limb based on GEP."
He hands the sheets out, as well as a few pens.
"Oh, yes.
Names Oran. Oran Elbes.
This is my daughter, Mimi."
Oran motions for Mimi to introduce herself, looking frankly at her for the first time since you entered.
"Pleasure to make your acquaintances." She mumbles, looking at her feet.
The ball of light makes a small curtsy to Hao-Tsu and shifts to a deep green, before flickering back to clear/white.

2008-10-29, 07:39 PM
Colrin raises an eyebrow as the half-elf launches into his tirade."GEP? Can you tell us what this Fos found out exactly? What is the payment?" Colrin reads through the contract while waiting for an answer.

2008-11-06, 03:41 PM
Oran shuffles through his papers again, while Mimi sighs in boredom.
"Odd, he didn't say in his reports.
I can only assume he wants to tell you himself."
He flips through the papers again, this time dislodging a paperweight.
"Lets see.....
10 thousand."
The little ball of light hovers over to where the paperweight lies, seemingly inspecting it.

2008-11-07, 03:10 AM
Colrin nods his head as he assesses the payment. "Where might we find him?"

2008-11-09, 08:28 PM
"S'all in the paperwork."

2008-11-11, 10:30 AM
Colrin reads through the paperwork, looking for details about the mission - mainly transport details (on foot, carriage, magic etc).

Appearing satisfied, he signs the bottom of the paper with a flourish.