View Full Version : Alucard SMASH!

2008-10-22, 04:39 AM
Y'know, yesterday was fairly upsetting for me. It's Alcohol Awareness Week or somesuch at the college this week, and they're doing all they can to attract audiences.

Monday, they had free burgers, and had a "beer goggles" driving contest, in which one drove a remote control car around traffic cones, and the best driver got a prize (I don't remember what).

Yesterday, they were having a guest speaker lecture about alcohol, and those who attended would get a chance to win a very sweet digital picture frame. Afterward, they would show a movie.

I decided to myself, "I'm gonna try and win that," so I went.

Turns out that aside from the speaker, only one person came to the event, and it was me. However, rather than give me the digital picture frame, the student activity people decided to do the drawing after the movie, in the hopes that there would be more people there.

Well, I was really determined to win that digital picture frame, so I decided to sit through the movie. I really felt lucky; I was certain I would win.

Four more people showed up. FOUR. Man, I was excited. My odds in a drawing had never been that good. I sat through Running with Scissors (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Running_with_Scissors_(film)), determined to win that digital picture frame. By the way, I really didn't enjoy that movie...

Well, after two and a half hours longer than I had planned to stay, the movie was finally over. The student activity people then announced that there were simply not enough people there that night, and they simply weren't going to draw for the digital picture frame that day.

I was angry. Genuinely angry with these people. I tried to make it known to them just how displeased I was with this outcome, and y'know what they did to console me?

They gave me a T-shirt. :smallfurious:

What really made me mad was that if I was more of a jerk, I could've just taken the picture frame in the time between the lecture and the movie. There was a window of thirty minutes in which I was not only the only person in the room, but the only person in the building.

The Rose Dragon
2008-10-22, 04:48 AM
So, this Alcohol Awareness Week... Does it make you more aware of alcohol by making you consume large amounts of it? :smalltongue:

2008-10-22, 04:53 AM
So, this Alcohol Awareness Week... Does it make you more aware of alcohol by making you consume large amounts of it? :smalltongue:

Humorously enough, they've also been giving out free bottle openers. :smallwink:

Ghastly Epigram
2008-10-22, 04:56 AM
I rather enjoyed Running with Scissors personally. >.>

2008-10-22, 04:58 AM
Why did you want that digital picture frame that bad anyway?
And bottle openers with the right text could work, I mean if you read that alcohol reduces your sperm count or the like each time you plan to open another bottle, it might work.

The Rose Dragon
2008-10-22, 04:58 AM
Humorously enough, they've also been giving out free bottle openers. :smallwink:

I want my college to declare that every week is Alcohol Awareness Week. So we can all get smashed.

2008-10-22, 04:59 AM
being nice has its drawbacks.
i wonder what they are actually going to do with the frame...

Ghastly Epigram
2008-10-22, 05:01 AM
Why did you want that digital picture frame that bad anyway?

Possibly because digital picture frames are awesome. :smallcool:

2008-10-22, 06:20 AM
Possibly because digital picture frames are awesome. :smallcool:

Quite so. :smallsmile:

2008-10-22, 07:36 AM
I thought this was a topic about Castlevania Judgment...

Being on topic.... Jerks >.> I probably would have threw up my arms and left myself =\

2008-10-22, 10:51 AM
Well, I did get back at them, but only in a very minor way. See, they had two big tubs of popcorn and a cooler of sodas for the movie. Despite the fact that there were only four people there to watch the movie, the student organizations people kept telling us, "Only one drink per person."

I managed to bring a dozen back to the apartment with me, having drunk another five, with no one noticing.

Lycan 01
2008-10-22, 02:19 PM
Whats a digital picture frame? O_o

2008-10-22, 04:17 PM
Whats a digital picture frame? O_o
A personal intranet for avatars. :smalltongue:

That's bogus Alucard. You did everything right...showed up on time...stayed through the boring blah blah blah...and should have gotten that frame.

Bah. A pox on them. It's not wonder they only get 1 person to show up to their events - it's because they change the rules! :smallmad:

Glad to hear you got more free sodas out of the deal.

WAIT - that's it. They did notice! You broke the rule of 1 free soda, so they broke their rules. Maybe?

Nah, probably not. I'm guessing one of them wanted the frame for themselves.

You should file a complaint with the student org/council/governing body about their bait and switch. They baited you with promise of winning a free picture frame - then switched it. That's illegal - even people who sell timeshares can't do that.

Either that, or find what they drive/where they live and run a prank. :smallwink:

2008-10-22, 04:19 PM

You can have mine if you'd like. I got it for Christmas last year and never used it.

Lycan 01
2008-10-22, 04:52 PM
I wonder if he'll take you up on that offer? XD

2008-10-22, 05:19 PM
That sucks. Some major BS on the part of the student activity people, but I might suggest considering it from their perspective.

Unless you are at a pretty snazzy school, your student activity people probably don't have much of a budget. They probably blew a large chunk of it on that thing. They were hoping with it that they could do some good and encourage some people to drink in moderation or not at all. Instead, 4 people showed up. I'm sure they weren't thrilled at having their event utterly failed and to have to make the decision not to give out the frame. I'm sure they didn't keep it for themselves and are hoping to be able to use it to actually draw a reasonable amount of people to some event in the future which might also do some good. It's lame, but they might not have seen themselves having much choice.

2008-10-22, 09:12 PM

You can have mine if you'd like. I got it for Christmas last year and never used it.

That would be totally awesome...

By the way, an update...

So, yesterday they said they'd give it out today, during another lecture. Well, I attended this lecture as well (had to walk there in the rain, to boot :smallfrown:), and made sure to bring a friend with me. He promised that if he won the frame, he'd give it to me.

Well, when we got there, the picture frame was nowhere to be seen. I asked about it, and they said, "We gave that away yesterday."


Surprisingly, I didn't go into a rage like the Incredible Hulk, destroying everything in sight. Instead, I decided to stay there and enjoy myself. I asked the speaker some pertinent questions, and hung around afterward for "mocktails."

Then they announced that they had other prizes that they were going to give out for the night, including DVDs, a DVD player, Apples to Apples, and a $100 gift card for Best Buy. If your ticket was called, you could win prizes. Even better, you could earn extra tickets by donating non-perishable foods. Well, two cans of green beans and some Ramen later, I had four tickets. I then found out that they were also going to play Grocery Bingo.

Well, I won a game of grocery bingo, and then took the food I won and traded it for more tickets. I went back to play some more bingo, and I won again. This time, they gave me a jug of Hawaiian Punch. I asked why I didn't get another bag of groceries, and they said, "You can only win one." I took note of two girls who had each won twice already, and each had two bags of groceries (though they ended up trading them for a massive amount of tickets). I pointed this out, and they said, "We changed the rules since then."


Well, I decided I'd wait and see if I won anything. They started calling out ticket numbers. I won the "unrated" DVD of "Old School." Ugh. Anyway, I waited, and they called out another of my ticket numbers, and I went up there to get my second prize, and they told me, "You can only win once."

Err, yeah... I'm fairly unhappy at the moment...

2008-10-22, 09:15 PM
The next course of action should be clear now: burn everything.


*Cackles madly in the background*

2008-10-22, 09:21 PM
Well, as long as they don't take your stapler.

Lycan 01
2008-10-22, 09:51 PM
Wow dude... Did you bully them in elementary school or something? Because they must have SOME reason for hating you so much. :smallconfused:

2008-10-23, 12:44 AM
Wow dude... Did you bully them in elementary school or something? Because they must have SOME reason for hating you so much. :smallconfused:

stuff like this is usually a matter of them liking someone else more (or them being more manipulative) than hating you.

2008-10-23, 02:07 AM
I pointed this out, and they said, "We changed the rules since then."

Simple outcome. You go, take some of them hostage, and order five-thousand dollars worth of merchendise(sp?) and then, when they get it to you, shoot them anyway! You changed the rules since then!

2008-10-23, 03:17 AM
This time, they gave me a jug of Hawaiian Punch. I asked why I didn't get another bag of groceries, and they said, "You can only win one." I took note of two girls who had each won twice already, and each had two bags of groceries (though they ended up trading them for a massive amount of tickets). I pointed this out, and they said, "We changed the rules since then."
Anyway, I waited, and they called out another of my ticket numbers, and I went up there to get my second prize, and they told me, "You can only win once."

Err, yeah... I'm fairly unhappy at the moment...

I would've asked them for the number of the Student governments legal adviser, and acted subtly like I was going to sue. :smallbiggrin:

I would also have seriously reported them for their behavior. Not entirely for personal reasons either. Between constantly changing contest rules etc, a lawsuit happy student would have had what constituted an easy win fraud case. (unless they had signs saying only one win etcetera.

That behavior stuff shouldn't me acceptable at the collegiate level, not from Student government functions.

2008-10-23, 05:06 AM
Should have shown up drunk...:smalltongue:

2008-10-23, 05:43 AM
I would've asked them for the number of the Student governments legal adviser, and acted subtly like I was going to sue. :smallbiggrin:

I would also have seriously reported them for their behavior. Not entirely for personal reasons either. Between constantly changing contest rules etc, a lawsuit happy student would have had what constituted an easy win fraud case. (unless they had signs saying only one win etcetera.

That behavior stuff shouldn't me acceptable at the collegiate level, not from Student government functions.

seconded. They took advantage of you by making it up as they went along, and deciding to restrict your winnings for really, no reason at all. As tp said, that is unacceptable from such official organizations, student or otherwise.

2008-10-23, 06:12 AM
Ok. Nevermind. I take it back. These people are scum. You should go talk to the dean of students or its equivalent at your university as well as the university lawyer and any faculty supervisor of the student organization running these events.

Essentially, I was giving them the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn't be stealing student money. If, as it seems, they essentially pocketed the digital picture frame you need to report it. Not just for yourself but for the other students in your school who are being ripped off (Stuff like this is never an isolated incident).

2008-10-23, 08:25 AM
I ussually dont tell this to people, but in your case, BURN THIER FACES AND THEN EAT THEIR LOVED ONES IN FRONT OF THEM!!!!

I can help you with that.

Lady Tialait
2008-10-23, 11:15 AM
>.> I would try to seduce them...then tell the biggest in charge guy thing I could fine they were annoying me with their utter disrespect...when they showed up saying "Hey, you wanna go do something" or trying to hit on me...I'd have them on harassment,.....then again....I hate bastards like those...

Spiteful Tialait, is spiteful...

2008-10-23, 11:27 AM
>.> I would try to seduce them...then tell the biggest in charge guy thing I could fine they were annoying me with their utter disrespect...when they showed up saying "Hey, you wanna go do something" or trying to hit on me...I'd have them on harassment,.....then again....I hate bastards like those...

Spiteful Tialait, is spiteful...

I'm more spiteful still, which is why I'd be talking to the dean. Embezzling student funds and stealing student assets, particularly as a member of student government, is an act worthy of expulsion at most institutions.

Lady Tialait
2008-10-23, 11:38 AM
I'm more spiteful still, which is why I'd be talking to the dean. Embezzling student funds and stealing student assets, particularly as a member of student government, is an act worthy of expulsion at most institutions.

So is Harassment....

I find mine more poetic.

2008-10-23, 02:06 PM
Well, they actually did give the picture frame away... y'know, just not to me, and after they said that they were going to give it away the next day. I know the girl they gave it to, even...

Glad to see, though, that I'm not the only one who sees this as unfair.

2008-10-23, 02:37 PM
Well, they actually did give the picture frame away... y'know, just not to me, and after they said that they were going to give it away the next day. I know the girl they gave it to, even...

Glad to see, though, that I'm not the only one who sees this as unfair.

Not the point, they repeatedly changed the rules mid game.

2008-10-23, 03:30 PM
Yeah, take this to the higher authority. Push it for an outcome. You may not get anything more out of it then peace of mind that they won't do it again, but not doing something about it means those student council terrorists have won.

And if nothing is done by the higher authority....then go with plan B like Phase or Coplanter suggests.

Either get screwed by them or screw them. I suggest the latter.

2008-10-23, 03:35 PM
But there is always plan C!

Because C is for Cookie, and that's good enough for me. And plan C is eating cookies....:smalltongue:

2008-10-23, 03:51 PM
Ah, student government bureaucracy shenanigans. Memories...

Check out Snailgate (http://www.cheesecake.org/isgelection/), a story from when I was in college.

Short version: 2 characters from the university newspaper comic strip Blue Rice (Gordan the Gnome and Hale the Snail) won the election for president and vice president but were later "disqualified" because the powers that be decided that the comic strips counted as advertisement space and would have exceeded the allowed campaign budget.

2008-10-23, 06:45 PM
But there is always plan C!

Because C is for Cookie, and that's good enough for me. And plan C is eating cookies....:smalltongue:

C also stands for Coplantor, as in, Coplantor knows how to shoot people for a little sum, or, Coplantor can feed their parents to those guys.

2008-10-23, 07:06 PM
Tear off their heads and make them eat them. Yes, I am aware of the difficulty in executing the second part of this plan due to the first part.