View Full Version : SOS brigade vs Shinji brigade(Evangelion)

2008-10-22, 05:49 PM
Ok, as you all know most VS threads are deadly combats with each side trying to obliterate the other.

Then I saw a poster signature where there was Shinji crawling and said something like:

"Destroying the world by overloading it with depression-Shinji brigade"-and I burst out laughing.

So I decided this was totally worth a thread for it. Instead of killing each other, the SOS brigade must face the Shinji brigade and see wich one manages to impose it's view of the world over the other.

New Tokyo. The SOS brigade has just been transfered after Harumi wishing to see some kind of epic war between giant monsters and mechas.

They all go to the same school and have classes togheter. No Evangelione character has still died.

The Evangelion crew is all on emo mode, including Sizuka(the red haired girl), so the SOS brigade will do everything to try to cheer them up.

Eventually, the SOS brigade gets EVAs of their own and go face the angels side by side with Shinji and friends.

For fairness sakes we'll assume the SOS brigade supernatural powers don't work in the area because of all the angel and Eva distortion. So Harumi can't change reality by just wishing it anymore.

Everything else is fair game, from suprise parties to raping Shinji, drugs, songs, parties and anything else that normal teenagers could do. If they had giant mechas at their disposal this is.

The Shinji brigade however will try to counter this. Hidin in dark conners, trying to atract the SOS brigade to bothersome activities like studying and other such stuff like showing them the horrors of the world.

Victory conditions:
SOS brigade wins if it manages to make all the Evangelion crew happy guys whitout destroying the city's population on the process(they must save the world). Bonus points if they manage to stop the bad ending.

Shinji brigades wins if it manages to breack the morale of Harumi and friends and turn them all emos. It's not impossible, it hapened in the anime for some moments. And on Evangelion, Shinji alone turned almost all the other characters of his serie on emos.

2008-10-22, 05:59 PM
I recognize and think the inspiration for this thread is awesome, but the misspellings are making my head hurt. Hint: mine and Ascension's sigs do, in fact, have the correct versions.

2008-10-22, 06:07 PM
Yeah that's what I get when I try to write half asleep. Edited and tried to correct the gramatic errors. Hope it's better now. Good night, I'll see how this turned out tomorrow.

Lord Seth
2008-10-22, 06:58 PM
Yeah that's what I get when I try to write half asleep. Edited and tried to correct the gramatic errors. Hope it's better now. Good night, I'll see how this turned out tomorrow.It's Evangelion, not Evangelione.

First Speaker
2008-10-22, 07:02 PM
As far as I can tell, no force on Earth can cause Yuki to express emotion. That's at least a draw.

2008-10-22, 07:29 PM

And I thought this thread would be about the forum's SOS chapter (lot of people) duking it out with the Eva chapter (Ascension). Ah well.

2008-10-22, 08:03 PM
As far as I can tell, no force on Earth can cause Yuki to express emotion. That's at least a draw.

Hacking contest with Ritsuko and Maya. That'll at least make her happy on the inside.

Let's account for some conditions:

They all go to the same school and have classes together. No Evangelion characters have died in this scenario.

The Evangelion crew is all on emo mode, including Asuka, so the SOS brigade will do everything to try to cheer them up.(Fixed a couple of misspellings). Okay, these conditions all occur at a very narrow point in the actual series canon (around episodes 22-23, no one's actually died yet, and Asuka's not so totally catatonic as to be useless to the situation), so I'm going to base my answers on that. Debating whether to throw Kaworu into the scenario (mostly as a counterpart to Itsuki), but frankly that guy's way too happy with life. And death.

Eventually, the SOS brigade gets EVAs of their own and go face the angels side by side with Shinji and friends.I'll get to this later, mainly because the idea of Haruhi in an Evangelion scares the crap out of me. All of Asuka's emotional problems and none of her training, experience, or tactical common sense training or experience.

SOS Advantages:
The Power of Friendship. The brigade kids all know they can count on each other or, failing that, Kyon, giving them a much better emotional support group than the Eva kids, as well as the ability to work better.
Kyon. Kyon is probably the most mentally stable of anyone in this entire scenario with the possible exception of Misato's penguin, and deals with being surrounded by insanity better than he'd like to admit. Also, he's practically Jesus when it comes to dealing with emotionally stunted crazies like Haruhi, Book 4 Yuki, or anyone on the Eva cast. However, with too many people relying on him emotionally, he could snap under the pressure.
Haruhi. Haruhi is almost completely indefatigable emotionally, barring love-based mood swings. She's also not afraid to smack a bitch, which could be what Shinji needs.
Nagato and Itsuki. Combat advantage, because they're both ridiculously intelligent and they actually know how to fight in ridiculous anime fashion.
Mikuru. So moe.

SOS Disadvantages
Emotional fragility. Haruhi has the same Huge Gaping Inferiority Complex the Size of a Hallway problem that Asuka does. If things repeatedly don't go her way, she could suffer a devastating personality reversal just as her half-German predecessor did. Mikuru is probably one or two gropes away from snapping in an ineffectual manner (and between Haruhi and Shinji...) and Yuki...well, when Yuki has had enough of this ****, you will know it.
No piloting experience. Combat Disadvantage. Bringing in five new Eva pilots who have never seen the things before seems like a Bad Plan, but hey, there's always Berserk Mode. Yeah, still a bad plan.

Eva "Advantages"
So self-absorbed not even sunlight can escape.
Genuine emotional damage across the board, mostly relating to dead parents or dead previous self.
The Universe itself is dedicated to making Shinji Ikari as miserable as possible, much like Charlie Brown.

Eva "Disadvantages"
In various side-story material, Shinji has shown himself amenable to emotional improvement when he has a positive role model (his expies in Martian Successor Nadesico and Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann) or just a good solid punch in the face (pick a Super Robot Wars appearance). Haruhi will be happy to deliver the latter, and Kyon can probably provide either.
Misato only really goes off the deep end when Kaji gets fragged. If the SOS-dan can keep him alive, that's one person they don't have to worry about.

I've already touched on how the SOS-dan can win two folks over. Shinji really just needs someone that will pay attention to him in a manner other than constantly kicking him in the balls (punching in the face is a major improvement), and Misato just needs an adult she can relate to (say...can we bring in Future Ms. Asahina? Mikuru could be actually useful then). Asuka and Rei are trickier. Asuka eventually gets over her depression on her own, realizing her mother never really stopped loving her. If we want to speed that up, and avoid her getting facestabbed and eaten...somewhat more difficult. Sufficient combat backup might do it, although actually having her win a fight on her own merits is important. Rei...Rei, Rei, Rei. In spite of legions of fanboys, she really might be too emotionally damaged to care about anything, least of all herself. If anyone can convince a girl of her self-worth, though, it's Kyon.

I put money on the Brigade, but it's pretty even odds. The more they fail at cheering the Eva kids up, the more they themselves start to lose, and Haruhi's emotional state deteriorates very rapidly once it starts heading downwards.

2008-10-22, 09:00 PM
And I thought this thread would be about the forum's SOS chapter (lot of people) duking it out with the Eva chapter (Ascension). Ah well.

Ahh, y'all know I could take you. A little crushing depression goes a long way!

2008-10-22, 09:11 PM
It depends... what's the time table? If Angels attack, or Shinji talks to his father, he's going to be pretty downtrodden and depressed, and between him and Rei, anyone's going to get depressed dealing with the two of them.

Perhaps more to the point - can 'normal' and 'happy' children even pilot Eva units with any sort of competency? Every child I've seen who's been recruited had some type of deep problem.

2008-10-23, 02:13 AM
Perhaps more to the point - can 'normal' and 'happy' children even pilot Eva units with any sort of competency? Every child I've seen who's been recruited had some type of deep problem.

I wouldn't call the SOS brigade "normal", honestly. And Sizuka managed to pilot the Eva just fine before entering emo mode.

As for the time table, something like Nerd-o-Rama said, around episodes 22-23, followed by at least one Angel-Eva combat to ensure sure it works. Yeah that means probably an extra angel appears. Big nasty monster wanting to destroy new Tokyo, and he may only be defeated if some of the members sacrifice their Evas (and endure a LOT of pain) to keep it distracted while the rest of the crew bashes it back.

2008-10-23, 02:40 AM
Yeah, I don't think you were paying attention. For one thing, her name is Asuka. For another thing, she was never normal or happy.

Your description just described the 16th Angel exactly though, so let's run with that. Shinji in super-deluxe unlimited power Unit 01 (not as helpful as it sounds), Rei II in Unit 00, Asuka being useless and mopey in Unit 02, and the entire SOS Brigade in five Evangelion units from somewhere.

Normal situation: Angel tries to Borg Unit 00, Rei does the awesome wingman thing and self-destructs to eliminate it. Shinji loses his last vestige of emotional support, and the next episode twists the knife. With additional functioning units:

Asuka gets beyond pissy that there are five rookies contributing more to the fight than her. She's bad enough when the other canon pilots are doing it. Either she snaps and goes comatose, or snaps and goes into Awesome End of Evangelion Rage Mode. The latter would actually be really helpful for her, and probably means the Angel gets wtfpwned with 02 Berserk Mode.

However, if that does not happen, the Angel now has a target-rich environment, with seven enemies, five of them not really knowing how to defend themselves. Odds of an SOS-dan member dying (and taking it with them): high. We don't really have any indication of how the SOS Brigade would react to a member's death...but now that I'm thinking about it, between one of them, Yuki or Rei would manage to sacrifice herself to win. That's basically their main strategy anyway, and they both know they can be replaced. Hell, what does killing Yuki's physical form even do?

Rei dies: Shinji snaps further, hopefully provokes a manly speech from Kyon or Haruhi about how he has to carry on their work in protecting the world. Rei's next clone appears and causes everyone to WTF for an episode.
Yuki dies: SOS Brigade is devastated, particularly Kyon. I honestly have no idea how he would end up reacting, but hopefully Yuki has been enough of a badass through the time he's known her for him to realize he has to keep fighting for her death not to be in vain. Hopefully.

Two episodes later, Kaworu shows up.
Itsuki: "My own clone! Now neither of us will be virgins!"

Then, End of Evangelion. Which I don't want to think about this late at night.

2008-10-23, 02:42 AM
giant emo shinji-bot smashes all, but, shinji fails at life, so...

2008-10-23, 02:47 AM
And Sizuka managed to pilot the Eva just fine before entering emo mode.

Thing is, the reason the "normal" (i.e. non-Rei) pilots could be pilots was because
their mothers were dead, and their souls had entered into the Evas.
So you'd have to relax some "rules" to let the SOS-dan pilot...

2008-10-23, 02:50 AM
That's a good point. Have to change Kyon's family situation, but everyone else's parents are basically unknown...

So does this mean the Integrated Thought Data Entity is inside Yuki's Eva?

Oh shi-

2008-10-23, 02:51 AM
"Yuki's unconscious! Her Eva is entereing Extremely Calm Mode! We're all doomed!"

2008-10-23, 03:40 AM
You should know better than to underestimate Mekyo Shisui (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TranquilFury).

Come to think of it though, as a Rei-knockoff and an artificial being, she's probably exempt from ever having her Eva explained properly. Still, calm Yuki is scary.

2008-10-23, 04:37 AM
Thing is, the reason the "normal" (i.e. non-Rei) pilots could be pilots was because
their mothers were dead, and their souls had entered into the Evas.
So you'd have to relax some "rules" to let the SOS-dan pilot...

Well, I'll be more than willing to provide some "acidents" to the parents of the SOS brigade.

Altough that I remember, only Kyon has a mother. Mikuru may be an orphan

Yuki is like Rei in the sense that they're both artificial humans. Rei didn't have a mother, so I think Yuki can pilot the Eva just fine whitout help.

Specially because the Integrated Thought Data Entity would breack the whole "no godlike powers for anyone" rule.

Altough I have to admit is a nice idea to think off.

I'm still personally indecise on who would have the advantage here. So many factors...

2008-10-23, 04:45 AM
Well, I'll be more than willing to provide some "acidents" to the parents of the SOS brigade.

I'm saying that more to clarify that it's a foundational childhood trauma that makes Asuka a pilot in the first place, as a response to your "she seemed okay at times", rather than to disqualify the Brigade.

I'm still personally indecise on who would have the advantage here. So many factors...

I think this might be one of those "it depends who's writing the crossover; the author will give the victory to his own character, because things will work out in the way that that character's adapted to" situations.

And since the idea of an Eva/SuzuHara crossover is so silly and meta, we're clearly on the Brigade's home turf, and the guys at KyoAni will get to stick it to Hideki Anno.

2008-10-23, 05:06 AM
Ahh, y'all know I could take you. A little crushing depression goes a long way!

On top of that, you are the only one with an armed avatar.
Wait, for a second I forgot I changed my avatar yesterday. Eat Megaman's laser pistol!

Eva/SuzuHara crossover

Mandatory link. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz5Drt6qtMI)

2008-10-23, 05:46 AM
On top of that, you are the only one with an armed avatar.
Wait, for a second I forgot I changed my avatar yesterday. Eat Megaman's laser pistol!

If we're going to do avatar battle, mine only needs her claws and spells, really. Not to offend Ascension's avatar, but I'm not sure how well his swashbuckler would do when faced with a solid wall of danmaku :smalltongue:.

Anyway, 'm thinking the hardest one to heal in the Eva brigade is actually going to be Asuka. Shinji at least listens to people, and is pretty meek, while Haruhi has quite a way to get people to do what she wants, and is generally infectious. Actually having people around that can relate to him in a half-normal way (Kyon and Koizumi particularly - Kyon would be a grounding presence, while Kozumi would be able to turn metaphysical rants on their heads easily :smalltongue:) also should help de-emo him a lot (as far as I remember, he was starting to make a little recovery, bit by bit, thanks to school life... before his dad basically went and, for all intents and purposes, killed one of his two only friends in front of him because he wouldn't obey. Yeah :smallannoyed:). It would take some time, but it would happen. But Asuka is just... well, let's just say chances are she's not going to take kindly to even more people piloting EVAs. She and Haruhi are going to clash a lot, being they both feel various grades of need to win. That is going to prove a challenge.

Still, what do you mean by "all the Evangelion crew"? Because I refuse to try to find a way to make Gendo happy. It's something of a personal imperative :smallamused:

2008-10-23, 06:02 AM
Mandatory link. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gz5Drt6qtMI)

Another one? It's just my impression or there is an Evangelion opening crossover for every other popular anime series out there?

Also, fear my avatar! It's completely invisible and undetectable and...Well, I really need to get an avatar. I'm already ogre level for god's sake.

2008-10-23, 06:08 AM
Still, what do you mean by "all the Evangelion crew"? Because I refuse to try to find a way to make Gendo happy. It's something of a personal imperative :smallamused:

Too late.


Ah, one of my first avatars - that brings back memories.

Rogue 7
2008-10-23, 10:40 AM
Honestly, if any of the Brigade members gets capped, I see reality getting rewritten like that. And if it's Kyon...hoo boy. From the little bit I've read of the light novels, it really does seem that Haruhi cares for her little group. Having one of them killed is going to have severe consequences, both conscious and unconscious for Haruhi, which is most likely to result in either a complete reset, or an utter curbstomping the likes of which the world has never seen.

2008-10-23, 10:46 AM
Honestly, if any of the Brigade members gets capped, I see reality getting rewritten like that. And if it's Kyon...hoo boy. From the little bit I've read of the light novels, it really does seem that Haruhi cares for her little group. Having one of them killed is going to have severe consequences, both conscious and unconscious for Haruhi, which is most likely to result in either a complete reset, or an utter curbstomping the likes of which the world has never seen.

One of the SOS brigade getting caped would probably lead to Haruhi turning the world into tang all on her own. I would say it might even be Gendo's plan in this strange crossover verse. Who needs the angels when you can control god.

Alternatively some time travel cheese goes down they keep trying untill they get it right.

Rogue 7
2008-10-23, 10:48 AM
Heh...heh heh. Control Haruhi. Heh.

2008-10-23, 10:55 AM
Kyon seems to manage it to a degree, he even uses her as a threat later on. All Gendo needs to do is kill/control Kyon and he wins

Rogue 7
2008-10-23, 11:07 AM
Now I haven't seen Eva, so I don't know quite how much of a manipulative bastard Gendo is. But killing Kyon? Game over, man. Game over. Universe is rewritten, everything's destroyed, it's all gone. And Kyon himself doesn't strike me as the type to be easily manipulated. Gendo's got to deal with an intelligent, emotionally stable guy who's got a vested interest in keeping the world as is (see The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya) who at best exerts marginal control over a nutty, slightly sociopathic God who has no idea of her powers. Well, I'd wish him luck if I wouldn't be utterly rooting against him.

2008-10-23, 11:16 AM
Well Gendo kinda wants the world to end. His one goal in life to end all of humanity by removing the concept of individuality and fusing us all into tang so he can reunite with his dead wife. Or at least that's what i got out of it Evangellion doesn't have the most straight forward ending so you millage may vary on it. He may well kill Kyon in an attempt to get on with goals. Or if he doesn't SEELE definitely will. They want to do the same sort of bit only to purify humanity since they think we need to be punished. But that doesn't work the SOS brigade wins by default as they can happiness overload anyone.

2008-10-23, 11:33 AM
Now I haven't seen Eva, so I don't know quite how much of a manipulative bastard Gendo is. But killing Kyon? Game over, man. Game over. Universe is rewritten, everything's destroyed, it's all gone. And Kyon himself doesn't strike me as the type to be easily manipulated. Gendo's got to deal with an intelligent, emotionally stable guy who's got a vested interest in keeping the world as is (see The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya) who at best exerts marginal control over a nutty, slightly sociopathic God who has no idea of her powers. Well, I'd wish him luck if I wouldn't be utterly rooting against him.

SOS brigade loses if the world is destroyed, I think I made it explicit in the initial rules.

Gendo wants people to snap and the world to end in some biblic catclysm, so if he knows killing Kyon may help it he wouldn't hold off a second.

Now I preview that once Gendo heard someone was trying to cheer up the Shinji brigade he would do everything at his reach to prevent it, since it's part of it's plans to keep his son as emo as possible. And since he rules a super military organization after all and the SOS brigade has it's powers blocked, well, they're gonna have to come up with some plan to evade Shinji's father.

2008-10-23, 11:56 AM
His cataclysm has specific goals tho, if it wont get him back with his wife he wont start it. Thats why i think Seele or a more likely bet to try and start it as they want to punish mankind. Gendo might even help protect them to make sure the world ends his way. Seele however has a high chance of not trying since it wont happen the way its told in the dead sea scrolls. Or they might see it as a easy way to get it started faster and go ahead i see pretty good odds on both sides.

2008-10-23, 12:58 PM
On top of that, you are the only one with an armed avatar.
Wait, for a second I forgot I changed my avatar yesterday. Eat Megaman's laser pistol!Does anyone really want to get into an avatar fight with me?


Anyway, the original premise specified no supernatural powers, so no Haruhi Impact. However, it is an interesting idea. While I maintain that Yuki is going to be in full-on bullet-taking mode for Kyon (for precisely this reason), even her death might be enough to snap Haruhi's rather fragile personality. It's an interesting alternative to the Adam/Lilith fusion (or whatever exactly happened there) for creating a new world and a new humanity...I don't think it's Gendo's plan, though. The man was 100% certain of being able to use Rei, and when he can't even control someone as doormatty as that in the end, he's not going to try with someone as unpredictable as Haruhi. SEELE, however, might be arrogant enough to try it, say...if NERV has more than two functioning mecha when it comes time for their attack, and they don't have confidence in their Mass Production EVAs to get the job done.

Ah, the interesting ideas that will never see proper expression because fanfiction is terrible.

2008-10-23, 01:48 PM
Not only Yuki, but also Mikuru and the other esper guy would probably be more than willing to play meat shield to save Harumi and Kyon, I believe.

Yuki however would probably be the best EVA pilot of the SOS brigade, still being a computer nerd and all, and we've seen that calm fury can also power up EVA's just fine(that episode where Asuka and Shinji must dance togheter so they may better fight the twin angels).

Haruhi would certainly snap if Kyon dies, since he's clearly the most important thing in the world for her. This is, he was the only one who passed to the new world she tried to create.

Gendo is...An improvising man. From what I remember, he mostly goes with the flow of the situation. He likes to plan, but if something goes wrong, like his son rebelling or a mecha being infected he quickly makes up a plan B or even a plan C if needed.

Heck, the suspicion that Harumi may be able to destroy the world may be the whole reason why she's summoned to new Tokyo. Keep her in observation for some weeks. Then throw her to the angels.

Ah, the interesting ideas that will never see proper expression because fanfiction is terrible.

I consider myself lucky for once reading a fanfiction that was actually very good, from one of my favorite series. The characters pretty much kept their personalities and the original plot was unchanged (the action was after the end of the anime). No mary sues, little uncosistencies and also not in english tough.

And then the original authors of the anime had to come after several years and write the continuation. And of course it turns to be something completely diferent from that fanfictions. Heck, from all the fanfictions actually. DAMN YOU CLAMP! YOU HAD TO GO AND KILL THEM SO FAST AFTER SHOWING AN HAPPY ENDING RIGHT?

Sorry. Had to get that out of my system.

2008-10-23, 02:25 PM
Hey, Evangelion was the same way, although I think it had less of a time lapse than what you were talking about. And it wasn't really a continuation. And all the fanfiction was terrible.

And really, I never thought of Gendo as a good improviser. A skilled manipulator, yes, but when things start going against his scenario, his response is always to blow crap up until things go back to his scenario. This is one reason why he loses so damn hard.

2008-10-23, 02:52 PM
And really, I never thought of Gendo as a good improviser. A skilled manipulator, yes, but when things start going against his scenario, his response is always to blow crap up until things go back to his scenario. This is one reason why he loses so damn hard.

Hmm? What's the troube of plan B being twice as many violence as plan A?

NERV defense tactics:

1-Regular weapons, tanks and gunships.

If fail, use:

2-Giant missile, navy artillery and laser cannons

If fail, use:


If fail use:

4-Emo tennagers with giant robots of DOOM!!!!!

If still fail:

5-Berseker teenager with giant robot of DOOM!!!!!!

Heck, I actually had the impression this is the basic strategy of most action animes, with the alternative being "enemy is invulnerable to everything but a specific tecqnique", wich I personally don't like very much.

2008-10-23, 02:58 PM
Actually, that's how it works in Evangelion, too (Technique = AT Fields every time). Which is why it's only steps 4 and 5 that ever work.

I more meant his overarching plot than the episode-to-episode defenses, which he seldom worries about. Take an example:

Eva infected by an Angel? Blow it up.
That fails? Order Shinji to blow it up.
That fails? Remote-control Shinji's Eva and blow the infected one up.
Problem solved!

2008-10-23, 03:06 PM
Actually, that's how it works in Evangelion, too (Technique = AT Fields every time). Which is why it's only steps 4 and 5 that ever work.

I more meant his overarching plot than the episode-to-episode defenses, which he seldom worries about. Take an example:

Eva infected by an Angel? Blow it up.
That fails? Order Shinji to blow it up.
That fails? Remote-control Shinji's Eva and blow the infected one up.
Problem solved!

I dare you to find a better solution to that particular situation. I don't think the power of friendship/love/hapiness/cool would have solved the problem.

At least not if they don't have a high tech drill, but for some reasons the creators buried it several hundred feets below ground.

Also, the computer virus angel was defeated whitout need of AT fields or anything as far as I remember.

2008-10-23, 03:13 PM
Also, the computer virus angel was defeated whitout need of AT fields or anything as far as I remember.

Well okay, but that was the one exception. That, using all of Japan's electrical power in one shot, and hitting it with a Plot Device.

And he could have handled Bardiel in a way that didn't involve using an unstable AI that would cripple a valuable piloting resource and render Unit 03 a complete waste of time and money. Say, convincing his capable, human pilot to fight it in a sensible manner, rather than just blowing off his objections.

Anyway, the point is, Gendo is good, but he's got a very one-track mind when it comes to planning.

2008-10-23, 03:19 PM
I dare you to find a better solution to that particular situation. I don't think the power of friendship/love/hapiness/cool would have solved the problem.

At least not if they don't have a high tech drill, but for some reasons the creators buried it several hundred feets below ground.

Also, the computer virus angel was defeated whitout need of AT fields or anything as far as I remember.

The rule of cool probably could have solved it.

I mean, that powers:

Warhammer 40k
Dr McNinja.

If anything could stand up to those sort of things...

Well, I doubt it exists.

2008-10-23, 03:20 PM
I dare you to find a better solution to that particular situation. I don't think the power of friendship/love/hapiness/cool would have solved the problem.

Easy, rip out both arms an one leg, then get a medical team and a large saw over there and rip the plug out and open. Then destroy the infected EVA. Tada. However the pilot had been turned to goop anyway because the didn't find a body (to my knowledge it was a while ago that I read that chapter).

2008-10-23, 03:51 PM
Easy, rip out both arms an one leg, then get a medical team and a large saw over there and rip the plug out and open. Then destroy the infected EVA. Tada. However the pilot had been turned to goop anyway because the didn't find a body (to my knowledge it was a while ago that I read that chapter).In the show, Touji's there and alive, but ends up getting an arm and a leg amputated because the AI crushed the entry plug for no real reason. I didn't know they didn't find a body in the manga...intriguing.

2008-10-23, 04:17 PM
Easy, rip out both arms an one leg, then get a medical team and a large saw over there and rip the plug out and open. Then destroy the infected EVA. Tada. However the pilot had been turned to goop anyway because the didn't find a body (to my knowledge it was a while ago that I read that chapter).

They did find the body.


And as you can see he was already infected by the angel. Poor kid was doomed one way or another. That was why the Evangelion crushed it.

2008-10-23, 04:29 PM
I don't see that...and it wasn't the case in the anime, regardless.

2008-10-23, 04:30 PM
Well, the body was found however.

2008-10-23, 07:04 PM
Does anyone really want to get into an avatar fight with me?

My avatar is practically immortal, I should warn you...

2008-10-23, 08:01 PM
I don't see that...and it wasn't the case in the anime, regardless.

Look at his arm. It has angel infection-type popping veins. Like the sort Rei got before blowing herself up.

2008-10-23, 08:01 PM
I kept thinking back then, that if shinji grit himself, he should be able to incapacitate the hijacked eva without destroying it as much as what the AI did. But I never know that Toji is alive until now. I always presume that he's dead.

2008-10-23, 08:20 PM
Anyway, the original premise specified no supernatural powers, so no Haruhi Impact. However, it is an interesting idea. While I maintain that Yuki is going to be in full-on bullet-taking mode for Kyon (for precisely this reason), even her death might be enough to snap Haruhi's rather fragile personality. It's an interesting alternative to the Adam/Lilith fusion (or whatever exactly happened there) for creating a new world and a new humanity...I don't think it's Gendo's plan, though. The man was 100% certain of being able to use Rei, and when he can't even control someone as doormatty as that in the end, he's not going to try with someone as unpredictable as Haruhi. SEELE, however, might be arrogant enough to try it, say...if NERV has more than two functioning mecha when it comes time for their attack, and they don't have confidence in their Mass Production EVAs to get the job done.

Ah, the interesting ideas that will never see proper expression because fanfiction is terrible.

Actually, I'd really like to write this fanfiction someday, but I need to understand Evangelion better before I do.

As a side note, another advantage to SOS Brigade is that Haruhi is so genre-savvy. She might be able to pull some pretty smart moves.

2008-10-23, 08:23 PM
I need to understand Evangelion better before I do.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

2008-10-23, 09:20 PM

Well, you can know more. It's kinda a zen thing though where the less you know, the better you understand.

2008-10-23, 11:38 PM
Well, you can know more. It's kinda a zen thing though where the less you know, the better you understand.

Where do you suggest I begin? Wikipedia only tells me so much. I am reading through the manga right now as well. It's a bit different from the anime.

Nerd-o-rama: Do you have so little faith in me :smallannoyed:

2008-10-23, 11:45 PM
The reason I laugh is that the show stops trying to make sense during the last few episodes (25-26 are notoriously bad, but there are several parts of the entire second half where this applies). The writers just had random things happening with no explanation. This is intentional because a) it's Art, b) they ran out of money and c) it amused them. There is no true understanding to most of Evangelion, only guesses and opinions (the most prevalent of which are on Wikipedia).

But don't watch Evangelion. Please. It's nice to have innocent people around. And if you do, don't watch the movie. Trust me.

If you must know, though, the manga tells the same story with a few minor detail changes, and skips/has not gotten to the more disturbing parts of End of Evangelion. And as far as I can tell, skips the "we ran out of ink" headtrip ending of the series, too. Should be all you need.

2008-10-24, 01:10 AM
well, I'm trying to understand the internal conflicts, goals, needs, and internal reasonings of each of the characters in Evangelion so I can write them interacting with each other and with the SOS brigade realistically.

EDIT: NOOOOOO! this is the last page they've uploaded so far!!!! http://www.onemanga.com/Neon_Genesis_Evangelion/78/21/

2008-10-24, 01:17 AM
My avatar has the power of a stylish red outfit. That's all he needs.

2008-10-24, 01:22 AM
Ascension, may I use your banner? Also, can you change the last word from Angst to Emo? That way the banner reads

Ending the world by
Overloading it with

That happens to be the initials of the movie End of Evangelion :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-24, 01:28 AM
Ascension, may I use your banner? Also, can you change the last word from Angst to Emo? That way the banner reads

Ending the world by
Overloading it with

That happens to be the initials of the movie End of Evangelion :smallbiggrin:

I'm quite aware of that, and in fact have a modified version of the banner that uses Emo, but I just don't quite like it as well for some reason, so I don't use it.

Oh, and feel free to use it. I can put the Emo one up when I get back to my home computer.

2008-10-24, 01:43 AM
well, I'm trying to understand the internal conflicts, goals, needs, and internal reasonings of each of the characters in Evangelion so I can write them interacting with each other and with the SOS brigade realistically.

EDIT: NOOOOOO! this is the last page they've uploaded so far!!!! http://www.onemanga.com/Neon_Genesis_Evangelion/78/21/I think that's the last part they've published. Sadamoto is goddamn slow considering he already has the story written for him. Perhaps he's trying to make it make sense this time?

And honestly, internal reasonings, goals, and needs are almost never made explicit. Even when we spend time inside Shinji's head, it's too symbolic and he has no idea what he wants, so stuff just sort of goes in circles for half an hour. And good freaking luck with Rei and Asuka.

But you can watch it if you want. Since you're probably too much of a net innocent to know about torrent sites, I'm sure your local distributor has the platinum edition box set available.

2008-10-24, 01:52 AM
I think that's the last part they've published. Sadamoto is goddamn slow considering he already has the story written for him. Perhaps he's trying to make it make sense this time?

And honestly, internal reasonings, goals, and needs are almost never made explicit. Even when we spend time inside Shinji's head, it's too symbolic and he has no idea what he wants, so stuff just sort of goes in circles for half an hour. And good freaking luck with Rei and Asuka.

But you can watch it if you want. Since you're probably too much of a net innocent to know about torrent sites, I'm sure your local distributor has the platinum edition box set available.

Why would Rei and Asuka be any harder to understand than Shinji? because we get inside their heads less often?

2008-10-24, 01:57 AM
I think that's the last part they've published. Sadamoto is goddamn slow considering he already has the story written for him. Perhaps he's trying to make it make sense this time?

Personally, I think the manga is making MUCH more sense than the anime. If Sadamoto can make the end make sense, then I'll gladly wait all the time needed for an understandable evangelion.

Specially because I'm a cheapass and reading it trough onemanga.

Also, I completely suport Frosty making the fanfiction. I trust he can make a great work out of the idea.

2008-10-24, 02:10 AM
Personally, I think the manga is making MUCH more sense than the anime. If Sadamoto can make the end make sense, then I'll gladly wait all the time needed for an understandable evangelion.

Specially because I'm a cheapass and reading it trough onemanga.

Also, I completely suport Frosty making the fanfiction. I trust he can make a great work out of the idea.

I've seen various episodes on Youtube, and the manga has a lot of stuff not in the anime. I understand Rei, Kaji, and Misato a bit better now...

Thanks for your support Oslecamo! My starting point will probably be a bit before the Angel that can split into two.

2008-10-24, 02:10 AM
Why would Rei and Asuka be any harder to understand than Shinji? because we get inside their heads less often?Mainly. And most other characters besides the pilots have explicit goals, though some are explained at the last minute. Asuka is either very simple to understand, or very complex and covers it up completely with a very simple persona. I tend to believe the former, because anime psychology usually works that way. Rei, however, is a total cipher (please kill me for that pun). We never get a genuine Rei POV, and she never explains herself to the camera in any non-bullcrap manner, except for the one brief moment in End of Evangelion where she explains what she's doing right at that particular moment.

2008-10-24, 02:19 AM
Mainly. And most other characters besides the pilots have explicit goals, though some are explained at the last minute. Asuka is either very simple to understand, or very complex and covers it up completely with a very simple persona. I tend to believe the former, because anime psychology usually works that way. Rei, however, is a total cipher (please kill me for that pun). We never get a genuine Rei POV, and she never explains herself to the camera in any non-bullcrap manner, except for the one brief moment in End of Evangelion where she explains what she's doing right at that particular moment.

Can you hint at which moment os I can look for it?

2008-10-24, 06:31 AM
No Frosty! Don't watch End of Evangelion! You're the last innocent person left on this forum and it'll corrupt you. And we simply cannot have that!

Also, we had Rei's POV in an episode or two, and while it was full of mindscrewy imagery and almost non-sequitor thoughts, I assume she is always like that.

2008-10-24, 12:25 PM
Well, I'd say she's naked, but that doesn't really narrow it down as far as EoE goes. Alright, I'll tell you. At one point, she literally says "I'm going to help Ikari-kun." That's about the only explicit insight into her motivations you get, although it's a fairly important one given the context.

2008-10-25, 01:04 AM
No Frosty! Don't watch End of Evangelion! You're the last innocent person left on this forum and it'll corrupt you. And we simply cannot have that!

What do I count as then? I haven't seen that and I'm a cold-blooded nihilistic Smug Snake according to my parents.

2008-10-25, 06:47 PM
Watching EoE will make you flip to the other side and turn into Frosty.

2008-10-25, 08:31 PM
Wow what's with your avatar Tengu?

It actually makes sense this time. And it's ...gasp...MORAL!!!

2008-10-25, 08:35 PM
It doesn't make sense if you know the character on his avatar. Moral as it may be, it's extremely out-of-character for the person in question to do drugs.

2008-10-25, 09:12 PM
I don't know what to say about my new Icon...

2008-10-26, 09:31 AM
I didn't know Grevious was into crossplay.

2008-10-26, 10:09 AM
I didn't know Grevious was into crossplay.

What, you tought he spent all his time planing the destruction of the republic? Big bad villains also need hobbies.

2008-10-26, 10:37 AM
I'd imagine he's a chain smoker, too.

2008-10-26, 12:15 PM
Remember kids, chain smokers get hacked to pieces by the good guys.

Just out of curiosity, who is the character who's suposed to be on your avatar? I tought it was just some random anime girl.

2008-10-26, 12:51 PM
Remember kids, chain smokers get hacked to pieces by the good guys.

Just out of curiosity, who is the character who's suposed to be on your avatar? I tought it was just some random anime girl.

Fate Testarossa, from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha. I could tell you about her whole strength of character and such, but I'll just leave it at saying that Tengu's avatar is... rather disturbing... due to the sheer OOC-ness of it.

Tengu, if you ask me, this is probably one of your tops in terms of avatar wrongness. Brrr.

2008-10-26, 02:39 PM
I'll add myself that her mother makes Ikari Gendou look like a model parent. Yes, it's hard to believe, and yes, it's true.

2008-10-26, 03:39 PM
Ah, it's always nice to hop into a vaguely-EVA thread :smallbiggrin:

Re: OP
I'm afraid SOS loses before they start: the challenge is set in the EVA universe.

Nobody is emotionally stable in this place - and for good reason! Most of the world is dead and underwater, and in Tokyo-3 specifically, everyone is subject to Gendo's (and SEELE's) mad plans. It's a soul-crushing place to live! No amount of non-supernatural Genki is going to change this.

Now, I am ignorant of the Haruhi Light Novels, but I doubt that Haruhi could take the death of any of the people she knows and likes well... and in EVA, someone is going to die (or worse!) eventually. Touji is the best example, of course, but it really could be anyone at any time.

Re: Watching EVA
Now, I'm going to disagree with Nerd-O-Rama a bit here. I really think you should see EVA at least once, if you watch anime at all. It's one of the classics of the medium, and despite a Gainax Ending (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GainaxEnding) it can be enjoyed on a variety of levels.

Plus, if you watch the series and then End of Eva, the series ending does make a bit more sense. But then again, the ending of End of Eva remains rather opaque. I thought The Other Wiki's article on Eva actually provided some interesting interpretations.

2008-10-27, 10:58 PM
When I do this fanfic, I'll have to change the SOS Brigade timeline to fit the EVA timeline. SOS members are in EVA time, and maybe they all get transferred to Shinji's school because theyr'e potential pilots (can you imagine Mikuru as an EVA pilot?). Hmm...perhaps the Integrated Data Entity had a hand in it becuase it wants to see human evolution first hand? The IDE might fully support Third Impact.

2008-10-27, 11:07 PM
When I do this fanfic, I'll have to change the SOS Brigade timeline to fit the EVA timeline. SOS members are in EVA time, and maybe they all get transferred to Shinji's school because theyr'e potential pilots (can you imagine Mikuru as an EVA pilot?). Hmm...perhaps the Integrated Data Entity had a hand in it becuase it wants to see human evolution first hand? The IDE might fully support Third Impact.

More importantly, I think the IDE would be more interested in making sure Humanity doesn't screw up Third Impact.

Yeah, I think SEELE would be interested in having a potential Reality Warper and Time-Traveling SpecOps Girl around. The real problem lies in how you get selected to be a EVA Pilot

Your mother dies and they upload her (or someone else's) soul into the EVA

I think a better angle would be that Haruhi hears about Tokyo-3 and thinks it'd be awesome to go there, so Yuki hacks SEELE to get them all transferred. Once there, they are transferred into the only class there, which includes Shinji & Co. Meanwhile, SEELE begins to suspect that the latest "pilot candidates" are fishy, and start trying to figure out what happened...

Needless to say, Hilarity Ensues.

2008-10-27, 11:17 PM
Yeah, I think SEELE would be interested in having a potential Reality Warper and Time-Traveling SpecOps Girl around. The real problem lies in how you get selected to be a EVA Pilot

Are you kidding me? Wouldn't they be scared to DEATH of a reality warper/esper/super-alien? I mean, SEELE can barely control Gendou. What makes them think they can control Haruhi backed up by the SOS brigade if they actually had any inkling from the beginning of what the SOS brigade is capable of?

2008-10-27, 11:20 PM
Are you kidding me? Wouldn't they be scared to DEATH of a reality warper/esper/super-alien? I mean, SEELE can barely control Gendou. What makes them think they can control Haruhi backed up by the SOS brigade if they actually had any inkling from the beginning of what the SOS brigade is capable of?

Dude, this agency is arrogant enough to be planning the Fate of All Humanity. They are literally playing god here - it's not that hard to imagine they might be a wee bit overconfident :smalltongue:

Still, the alternative set-up (Yuki hacks the Marduk Reports) is probably the easier to run. Plus, then you have SEELE trying to figure out what happened, and "dealing" with the situation... if they can.