View Full Version : Need an evil speech for a game

2008-10-22, 11:02 PM
So yeah, There's this one game I'm playing on the net where I'm going to launch a surprise attack on everyone in the universe. I need... an "evil Nale prepared" type speech! It has to be something like Lady Galadriel going crazy with her "in place of a dark lord you will have a beautiful queen, all shall despair!" (though not that cause I'm a guy and straight ;)) or magneto's "You are not safe, your families are not safe!" speech

Bonus points for it coming from an actual historical figure or from a popular movie.

Oh and the exact situation (copied from below)

Anyways, the scene is basically this to help with the speech:

A single medium sized empire (me), about 1/10 the size of the universe uses the trust of his allies grown complacent from literally years of peace to launch a surprise attack on all of the docked and unarmed warships of his enemies (everyone) with fleets hiding right outside radar's range, thus crippling them enough that their newly built fleets will be attacked as they leave their docks and their trade routes disrupted will leave their ships totally without munitions.

However, this evil empire of mine is not entirely without justice! These so called peaceful giants have hoarded all the tracts of land and resources of the known universe and give all budding races nothing to survive on but petty bribes that cannot support their basic needs!

Note: in reality of course, it's nothing but a land grab, and I do intend to destroy the little empires that get bribed with nothing as well. Just thought I'd point that out.

2008-10-22, 11:10 PM
But I-that am not shaped for sportive tricks,
Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass-
I-that am rudely stamped, and want love's majesty
To strut before a wanton ambling nymph-
I-that am curtailed of this fair proportion,
Cheated of feature by dissembling nature,
Deformed, unfinished, sent before my time
Into this breathing world scarce half made up,
And that so lamely and unfashionable
That dogs bark at me as I halt by them-
Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace,
Have no delight to pass away the time,
Unless to spy my shadow in the sun
And descant on mine own deformity.
And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover
To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
I am determined to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous,
By drunken prophecies, libels, and dreams...

2008-10-22, 11:19 PM
Because I can't post Nazi rallies here. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9FcOICqEQE)

Okay, it probably doesn't fit your current situation, but if the bad guy starts losing a few battles...

2008-10-22, 11:39 PM
What is an "evil nale prepared" speech? Because evil monologues can come in many forms and be addressed as wide or focused as you want. You could make it a one-on-one sounding thing and send a copy to every leader or address the world as a whole.

2008-10-23, 12:53 AM
It'd be easier with more context, but here's a rough draft.

"The stars move, the planets turn. What is the sunrise for one is the sunset for another. However, I am not content with mortal destinies. I have moved the stars themselves, to bring forth a new dawn under my unending empire, and inflicting an endless night on all those who would oppose me. Tremble in fear, for dusk is coming, and the night shall be as cold and endless as the void."

2008-10-23, 01:03 AM
heh, nice one BRC, the high school freshmen side of me is trying to figure out which hunchback that is on his test ;) Richard Ratcliffe? And nice fascist speech nerd-o-rama

Anyways, the scene is basically this to help with the speech:

A single medium sized empire (me), about 1/10 the size of the universe uses the trust of his allies grown complacent from literally years of peace to launch a surprise attack on all of the docked and unarmed warships of his enemies (everyone) with fleets hiding right outside radar's range, thus crippling them enough that their newly built fleets will be attacked as they leave their docks and their trade routes disrupted will leave their ships totally without munitions.

However, this evil empire of mine is not entirely without justice! These so called peaceful giants have hoarded all the tracts of land and resources of the known universe and give all budding races nothing to survive on but petty bribes that cannot support their basic needs!

So anyways, this would be kind of like a broadcast of one leader to all the universe I think. Kind of like nerd-o-ramas, although more brutal speeches are also welcome ;)

Btw, very nice one ganurath! Sounds pretty familiar but something tells me its original too, am I right?

Note: in reality of course, it's nothing but a land grab, and I do intend to destroy the little empires that get bribed with nothing as well. Just thought I'd point that out.

2008-10-23, 02:25 AM
That was an original. So is this:

"So called leaders and conquerers of the stars, I declare this war over, you have lost. You may ask yourself 'What war? We are at peace!' Yes, we are at peace. That is because I have defeated you in the war I declared when I prayed for one who would take that which you do not deserve, and opened my eyes to see a mirror. This was a war of but a single battle, as my victory here has ensured that you have no hope of mounting any further opposition.

"To those who have subsisted off the welfare of the fat barons of the cosmos, the time of half-starvation is at an end. With dusk falling on the reign of the oligarchs, I now usher forth a new dawn for the galaxy, where no nation will be of want, and the planets shall enjoy a great bounty under my watchful eye.

"So, you all have choices. You can either accept the change, and be more or less at the mercy of my agenda, which I assure will not be gentle to the allegedly peaceful giants that I have struck down in this brief yet Silent War. Or, you can oppose my dominion, extend this Silent War, and be removed from the stars themselves, cast into the endless void that is oblivion.

"Have a nice day."

Cristo Meyers
2008-10-23, 12:51 PM
Look out onto the horizon, you complacent beasts, look. What do you see? Do you see the future? Do you see the indolent life of luxury you have stolen for yourselves? Do you see the stolen riches of conquered lands pouring into your treasuries? The wealth of a thousand nations propping up your obese and stagnant reigns?

Look out onto that horizon, and I'll tell you what I see. I see an ending to this era of robber barons and hungry despots. An ending to your reign, to be specific. What you have stolen, I shall liberate. What you have taken, I shall take back. The horizon holds the future, the promise of a new era.

A new era that you will not be a part of.

Look out onto the horizon once more, because by now your officer should be telling you that fleets have appeared within striking distance of your fleet facilities, your old, decrepit warships, and your command centers. Do you see it? Do you see the future hovering right there on that horizon?

It's the ending of your era, beasts, and the beginning of a new one. With a wave of my hand, I will swat your empires down like the roaches they are.

Commence the assault.

2008-10-23, 02:42 PM
How about the classic?

"How are you, gentlemen!! All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha Ha Ha Ha..."

I'm a bad person.

2008-10-23, 02:51 PM
Whatever you choose, if he explains a big long plan end it with this:

Do it? [Insert character name here], I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.

2008-10-27, 09:43 PM
Oh hey, sorry for not posting in a while. Anyways nice speeches! you guys definately seem to be having fun with this :D

Well those are some great "righteous rebel" speeches which is what I'll prolly end up doing, anyone wanna try out "brutal barbarian"? And if you have anything straight from a movie like Conan or LotR that'd be cool too, or anything from history like Ozymandius (well if he was real) or Queen Elizabeth as well that'd work.

2008-10-30, 12:53 PM
Oh hey, sorry for not posting in a while. Anyways nice speeches! you guys definately seem to be having fun with this :D

Well those are some great "righteous rebel" speeches which is what I'll prolly end up doing, anyone wanna try out "brutal barbarian"? And if you have anything straight from a movie like Conan or LotR that'd be cool too, or anything from history like Ozymandius (well if he was real) or Queen Elizabeth as well that'd work.
Ozymandius was the Greek name for Ramses II, so yes he was real.

He didn't actually say it but "I am Ozymandius, King of Kings. Look upon my works ye mighty and despair." Replace Ozymandius with the guy's name.

2008-10-30, 01:54 PM
Citizens! Soldiers! Servants! Today is great day! A day that will bring glory and honor for our cause, and shame and defeat for our enemies. Those who find their villanous plot thwarted by the unerring hand of fate often claim to be justified. Those who find themselves defeated often whisper noxious lies in the ears of their conquerors! Don't let yourself be deceveid! When they speak of the injustice of our attacks, they fail to mention the what they have done to others. When they speak of oppression, do they think of all those they have betrayed? I don't think so, and I will not tolerate such talk amongst my own men! For remorse is the herald of defeat! To long have our enemies been allowed to grow fat and arrogant in their ursury. While song and laughter filled their golden halls, the cries of starving children were not heard by them. For each of their lavish feasts, thousand have died! How, I ask you, can we call ourselfs human, when we close our ears to the cries of those who cannot defend themselves? Come, my soldiers, and sweep the stars clean of such injustice! Remember: The enemy will not hesitate do make slaves of us just like they did so often. Will you let them? Never! While they might call our attacks betrayal and ambush, it is indeed the sweeping flames of judgment they have too long escaped from! Our war is nothing but justice. Swift, and unerring.

2008-10-30, 02:18 PM
A motivational speech for troops that just has to be posted, since it is one of the most epic speeches in the film industry for me. :smallamused:

"Forth! Down fear of darkness! Arise! Arise, Soldiers of [enter name]! Galaxies shall be shaken, Suns shall be splintered! An arms day... a red day... and the sun rises! Fight now... Fight for ruin and the universe's ending! Death!"

A brownie (They're chocolate!) for anyone who can tell me where that's from.

2008-10-30, 02:42 PM
Parody of Theoden's speech in Return of the King, it looks like.

Which is a great base on which to build a similar speech for a different setting, though.

2008-10-30, 02:56 PM
anyone wanna try out "brutal barbarian"?You are weak. I am strong. The protocol is obvious. Let's see how well your fat burns. All fleets, fire at will!

2008-10-30, 04:54 PM
Parody of Theoden's speech in Return of the King, it looks like.


Om nom nom!

But yeah, I just adapted the speech to the space setting. Didn't really mean it as a parody. :smalltongue:

Lord Mancow
2008-10-31, 04:50 AM
For those of you who cannot have grown fat off the blood of innocents there can be no forgiveness. For those of you who are senial fools, you shall be taught the error of your ways. For those of you who have seen fit to join me there shall be rewards beyond your wildest dreams (note only use this line if you have allies you intend to reward). From the ashes of the old order a new flame shall arise to guide the way for those who follow the true path. My call to arms has rung out across the void. Its toll is answered by the iron-willed devotees who are themselves but humble servants of a greater power. Behold now as the might of a thousand armies descends upon you and your kin. None can save you from our wrath. Your long standing haven is falling, there is no truth other than death. To my allies I say, tonight we dine we shall dine in the halls of the fat tyrants. A new age is coming! An age, of Freedom! So I say. LET THE GALAXY BURN! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

2008-10-31, 11:33 PM
You have quite a few speeches to choose from, now. But what's an evil empire without evil music? I suggest this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoebMJ9PC4k).

2008-10-31, 11:49 PM
out of curiosity, what's the game?

2008-11-01, 02:08 AM
Well actually I can't reveal what game it is or this whole plan won't work XD (I intend to attack in a couple months. War is extremely complicated in the game)

I will reveal which game when I actually do it and give the speach, but for now, no guessing please, I'll just give "no comment"

And really nice guys! One last chance for speeches and then I'll decide. Also if you decide to give a "brutal barbarian" speech, I'd like it in a parallel format (E.g. I will (blah blah blah), I will (blah blah blah). Or You (blah), you (blah))

2008-11-01, 04:09 AM

I would like to extend my congratulations!

These past years have yielded a prosperous and peaceful age. It is a goal which has been labored and yearned for after many generations. Its achievement is everything that our ancestors may have hoped. We owe our prosperity, our wealth, the happiness of our citizens, all to peace. This accomplishment is something that should be remembered for ages, something that has changed us all for the better. Most of all, war is something that has become obsolete. We have no more need for the tireless marching advance of military technology. Bloodshed, murder, destruction, are memories that we can't have soon enough disposed of. Those antiquated battleships of yore are now relics, swift-forgotten witnesses, contrasts to our modern success.

I would also like to extend my thanks!

The benefit of this peace to your empires, and mine as well, has been incalculable. Without your aid and the cooperation of all our mighty nations, this peace would not be possible. So much territory and resources would have been thrown away in war, lost to pointless bloodshed. Now, we have a renaissance of art and creation. The magnificence of invention is now our highest aspiration. Our nations are rich not just in wealth, but in knowledge, power, and resourcefulness. All of this would not be possible without your help.

I would also like to add that, as your empires grew in peace, soaking up territory and resources, new races and cultures hoping to find their place in the universe were paved over by our 'success'. There is simply not enough room at the top for any one culture to grow or prosper except at the expense of others, and none of the weaker empires is capable of facilitating that expense to fruition. Steps are being taken to remedy this. It is an intercession, if you will, and one that I am personally overseeing.

On that note, I would also like to extend my deepest condolences.

By the time you finish reading this message, my armies, of which you were unaware until now, will have set upon your complacent, mothballed fleets with a ferocity and vigor that has not been seen since the chaos before this peace. You should now be recieving reports of the destruction of those antiquated battleships I mentioned earlier. I hope you were not too attached to them.

Above all, accept my thanks, both for what you've created, and what I am about to inherit.
None of this could have been accomplished without you.


Dunno about the rest of it, but thanking them for the big, fat, juicy empires they've practically offered you on a silver platter is just too much fun. :smallamused:

...Course, if their fleets aren't so out of date, that could be quite embarassing...

2008-11-01, 04:20 AM

Dunno about the rest of it, but thanking them for the big, fat, juicy empires they've practically offered you on a silver platter is just too much fun. :smallamused:

...Course, if their fleets aren't so out of date, that could be quite embarassing...

Uh yeah! That would be the winner for me *g*

2008-11-01, 01:44 PM
He didn't actually say it but "I am Ozymandius, King of Kings. Look upon my works ye mighty and despair." Replace Ozymandius with the guy's name.

I wouldn't really reccomend that one. You do realize the context (http://homepages.wmich.edu/~cooneys/poems/ozy.shelley.html), right?

Lord Mancow
2008-11-01, 05:07 PM
Also if you decide to give a "brutal barbarian" speech, I'd like it in a parallel format (E.g. I will (blah blah blah), I will (blah blah blah). Or You (blah), you (blah))

Damn. I was just goin to shout WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!:smallfrown:
I'll try anyway.

In this pathetic galaxy of peace that you simpletons of culture have crafted, it is no longer survival of the fittest. I have come to smash, maim and burn you for all you have done. None can stand before the might of my inexhaustible armies and fleets. My spirit masters see nothing but the spirits of those who died in war come to haunt you for your stupidity. The firestorm of annihilation is about to begin and you will soon be taught the error of your ways by then. Your planets shall be bombed, their populations exterminated. Then watch, as the might of a thousand planets descends upon you (refernce anyone?). You will have no retreat, no surrender. In the galaxy that follows the true path that is to come only the strong will survive and the weak nations yet to become true powers will be assimilated or exterminated. Power and armies are the only things that matter, everything else is forfeit (another word that doesn't follow I before E except after C, I've noticed a lot of them recently).

There are no gods, their is no trust, ceasefire can be only temporary and their can be no hope. In the grim darkness that is to come none can afford the luxury of morality and everything will be as it should. This new age has already begun in fact, while you have been lazing around in mansions the space fleets of [insert nation's name here] have moved into position to strike whats left of any power base that you have. Now I say to you death! death to all who oppose us! And remember that everything we do, is for the glory of [insert nation's name here].

The irresistible march of progress is here and I shall now ride!
Ride for Wrath!
Ride for ruin!
Ride to the Red Dawn! and the World Ending!

At times that seemed to be coming out almost like a school teacher telling a disobedient student the rules and that they should follow them and they shall be punished for not doing so. Also you get 1 cookie per reference that you find and name. (There not all shown in there with brackets after them)

2008-11-05, 05:38 PM
Good day, gentlemen. You have lost.

Brevity is the soul of wit.

2008-11-05, 05:55 PM
Brevity is the soul of wit.

ggnore kthxbai

Evil brevity to the MAX!