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View Full Version : Need a God(FR, 3.5)

2008-10-24, 03:04 PM
I'm building a Dread Necro Necropolitan(Cha based spellcaster focusing on undead, with a template that makes me undead for massive amounts of neg energy) for a Forgotten Realms campaign. I was primarily doing it because we need an arcanist who can function in a dead magic zone, but while reading the Things I Have to do While Gaming (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29508&highlight=welch) thread, I had an idea. A horrible idea. I had a horrible, awful, idea.
Make him a playboy. An undead, life-draining, playa who's only adventuring because it gives him good stories to tell. The problem is that I need a patron deity of beauty and the like that also wouldn't strike him down first time he walks into one of her churches. Anyone have suggestions?

Fax Celestis
2008-10-24, 03:09 PM
There's that goddess whose name escapes me in Libris Mortis who is centered around ETERNAL LOVE VIA UNDEATH.

Creepy, but it might fit. Also, I dunno if your DM will let you wedge it into FR.

Keld Denar
2008-10-24, 03:13 PM
Loviatar? Sexy with a side of BDSM? Favored weapon is the Cat o' Nine. Non-good chick goddess, so it might work. I think she's got an issue with men though, but its been a while since I really dipped too much into FR cannon.

Fax Celestis
2008-10-24, 03:18 PM
There's that goddess whose name escapes me in Libris Mortis who is centered around ETERNAL LOVE VIA UNDEATH.

Creepy, but it might fit. Also, I dunno if your DM will let you wedge it into FR.

FOUND HER! Evening Glory, lesser god of love, beauty and immortality through undeath. Domains: Chaos, Charm, and Good.

2008-10-24, 03:21 PM
Does the diety need to be evil? If so, Loviatar would probably be indeed the best bet.

2008-10-24, 03:23 PM
Shar is a deity of loss and jealousy, as well as governing the shadow weave. Instead of making him a fun-seeking playboy, make him a malevolent sexual deviant, hateful and jealous of the joys of life that he's missing out on.

"You're ready again?"
"Rigor morits, baby!"

Take Shadow Weave Magic and at least one level of Shadow Adept, the extra shadow weave feats are well worth it, especially for a DN. Get a Ghostly Visage familiar and have it always possessing you, it can manifest over your face at will so foes who look at you will risk paralyzation. He could also use that to take advantage of women who repeatedly reject him... Remember that he gets Disguise as a class skill, so be sure to make him appear to be alive.

2008-10-24, 03:24 PM
Velsharoon and Kiaransalee.

Perhaps Talona.

Keld Denar
2008-10-24, 03:25 PM
FOUND HER! Evening Glory, lesser god of love, beauty and immortality through undeath. Domains: Chaos, Charm, and Good.

Hmmm, too gooshy for what it sounds like the OP wants. WAY to Romeo/Juilet-esque. The OP needs someone that's more of a Card. Eternal love doesn't work for a character thats looking for a little nookie followed by ritual sacrifice and souldrinking.

That's why I was thinking or Loviatar. She'd be more of a use then discard kind of goddess. I dunno if there's anything in more of a male personification though.

2008-10-24, 03:25 PM
Does the diety need to be evil? If so, Loviatar would probably be indeed the best bet.I'd prefer not. This guy is CN with CG leanings, and not really into pain. He's just a guy who loves the ladies and doesn't care what color energy animates them. Eternal Glory may work, but he's much more about Lust rather than Love.

2008-10-24, 03:27 PM
On FR, it'd have to be an evil deity. Loviatar or Shar seem the best. Not exactly about "beauty", but Shar does seduction.

I'd go with Shar.

2008-10-24, 03:28 PM
I'd prefer not. This guy is CN with CG leanings, and not really into pain. He's just a guy who loves the ladies and doesn't care what color energy animates them. Eternal Glory may work, but he's much more about Lust rather than Love.

Ah, that changes things. I sort of assumed this guy is evil, because he's a necropolitan Dread Necromancer. In this case, Sharess might work well, she's a CG godess of hedonism.
EDIT: Woot. Troll in the playground.

Fax Celestis
2008-10-24, 03:30 PM
"You're ready again?"
"Rigor morits, baby!"

"It's only necrophilia if she's stiffer than you are!"

2008-10-24, 03:30 PM
Another vote for Loviatar. Kiaransalee is another possibility.

2008-10-24, 03:33 PM
On FR, it'd have to be an evil deity. Loviatar or Shar seem the best. Not exactly about "beauty", but Shar does seduction.

I'd go with Shar.Really, he cares more about a beautiful deity than an undead one. Shar would work, but the campaign makes that impossible.

2008-10-24, 03:46 PM
Really, he cares more about a beautiful deity than an undead one. Shar would work, but the campaign makes that impossible.

In this case, Sharess might work.

2008-10-24, 03:48 PM
In this case, Sharess might work.

Except for the "Good" part.

2008-10-24, 03:49 PM
Except for the "Good" part.

This guy is CN with CG leanings

Though he's still a necromancer, which could indeed piss off a Good diety regardless of his alignment.

Keld Denar
2008-10-24, 03:59 PM
You don't need a god if you're as sexy as this guy is:


well, maybe because no god would accept you, and you'd have to take levels in Ur-Priest to gain divine casting...

Even though its in German, this guy is HILLARIOUS...

This guy legally changed his name to Playboy 51! (http://bi4tch.org/sylvester04/playboy51.jpg)

2008-10-24, 04:41 PM
I personally would vote for Evening Glory. If your character is motivated more by lust than love, you can say that he's trying to find the perfect woman, and decided to become undead to make sure he'll exist for long enough to find her.

"You're ready again?"
"Rigor morits, baby!"

Wait, why would that - oh...
Oh God...
I may have to launch a crusade against you, Biffoniacus.

2008-10-24, 04:47 PM
wait a necophilac playa? Well Grazzit would work, but he is a demon lord

Keld Denar
2008-10-24, 04:53 PM
wait a necophilac playa? Well Grazzit would work, but he is a demon lord

Not really necrophilia if HE'S the dead guy lookin for a living chick...unless you consider it from her point of view.

2008-10-24, 05:03 PM
Not really necrophilia if HE'S the dead guy lookin for a living chick...unless you consider it from her point of view.

oh he is the dead guy. Orcus could work then

2008-10-24, 05:17 PM
what about a god, who simply dont CARE what worship him whatsoever? Ghaunadaur? :smallbiggrin:
A strange and unpredictable god, 2. ed background story had him kill off all his intelligent slime and jelly worshippers on a whim, leaving him with so little worshippers he barely survived.

2008-10-26, 03:41 PM
Why would a Chaotic Good deity condemn necromancy or undeath in particular? I'd expect them to have more of a live-and-let-live attitude, so long as you're not hurting anyone.

2008-10-26, 03:59 PM
live-and-let-live attitude

That would be the problem. Now, live and let unlive, that might work.

2008-10-26, 07:10 PM
I think Sharess (not Shar) would be best for FR, assuming she hasn't been removed as of 3.5 Domains of Chaos, charm, good, trickery, travel. Nothing specifically related to the undead.

2008-10-26, 07:27 PM
Sharess is a god who very much values life, though. I also heavily disagree with Shar, who wouldn't give a *pbbt* about her worshipper's kinky antics.

Perhaps a very CN branch of Sune; I recall 2E's Faiths & Pantheons showing multiple different sects of each god's church, so that could work.

2008-10-26, 07:43 PM
I have to admit that when I say the thread title all I could think of was this:

"Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES!!""

mabriss lethe
2008-10-27, 12:48 AM
You could always worship Tenebrous. Even though he only exists as a vestige these days, he still has worshipers and grants spells to them...or something does in his name.

2008-10-27, 12:52 AM
Snuggles. The answer is always Snuggles (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93068), no matter what the question is.

2008-10-27, 12:57 AM
Snuggles. The answer is always Snuggles (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93068), no matter what the question is.
"Hey, baby, tonight could be out last night on the planes."
"Psh, yeah right Necro boy, you said that last night."
"No, baby, you don't understand, with Snuggles, it always could be our last night on the planes."

2008-10-27, 01:09 AM
Lastai would be perfect.

Lastai is the goddess of pleasure, love, and
passion. She is powerfully sensual but neither seductive nor
licentious. She is depicted as a beautiful, voluptuous woman.
Lastai teaches that sensual pleasures are meant to be enjoyed,
and is not shy about teaching the proper way to enjoy them. As
goddess of love as well as passion, she stresses the importance of
equality in all kinds of relationships, from business dealings to
sexual intimacy. She teaches the enjoyment of food without glut-
tony, the enjoyment of rest without sloth, the enjoyment of
luxury without greed, and the enjoyment of sex without exploita-
tion. Her symbol is a peach, and her favored weapon is the grasp-
ing pole (described in Chapter 3: Exalted Equipment). The
domains Lastai is associated with are Chaos, Good, and Pleasure.
She is chaotic good.
Lastai’s clerics are often called upon to perform wedding cer-
emonies and counsel lovers. They seek out pleasure for them-
selves, but that pursuit is less important than helping others
find pleasure and love in their own lives. Her faith is sometimes
reviled by those who view it as prurient or immoral, but Lastai’s
clerics argue strongly that sexuality is a good gift meant to be
properly enjoyed, not repressed. Lastai has a few small temples,
mostly found in large cities, that constantly battle against their
undeserved reputation as being nothing more than glorified

Kris Strife
2008-10-27, 01:23 AM
"It's only necrophilia if she's stiffer than you are!"

"Necrophilia is nothing more than the irresistable urge to crack open a cold one."

2008-10-27, 01:30 AM
I'm building a Dread Necro Necropolitan(Cha based spellcaster focusing on undead, with a template that makes me undead for massive amounts of neg energy) for a Forgotten Realms campaign. I was primarily doing it because we need an arcanist who can function in a dead magic zone, but while reading the Things I Have to do While Gaming (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29508&highlight=welch) thread, I had an idea. A horrible idea. I had a horrible, awful, idea.
Make him a playboy. An undead, life-draining, playa who's only adventuring because it gives him good stories to tell. The problem is that I need a patron deity of beauty and the like that also wouldn't strike him down first time he walks into one of her churches. Anyone have suggestions?

Gozer. (http://ghostbusters.wikia.com/wiki/Gozer)


1: The Lesser (http://ghostbusters.wikia.com/wiki/Terror_dogs) and far, far Greater (http://ghostbusters.wikia.com/wiki/Stay_Puft_Marshmallow_Man) Minions
2: Because anyone else just wouldn't do.
3: DM: GOZER: Are you a God?
PC: no...
DM: GOZER: Than...DIE!