View Full Version : Team Lani: Curosity Killed The Cat

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2008-10-24, 06:31 PM
The Inn

The trip remained uneventful. The innkeeper keeps Toshio, Tsuchigumo, Sanma, and Ichimaru busy with copious amounts of physical labor. From dish washing, trash removal, cooking, and laundry all the way to weeding, shrub pruning, and removing tree limbs. At the end of the day, however, he does provide the quartet 1,200 ryo to split amongst themselves. Lani, on the other hand, never once met the innkeeper face-to-face and only communicated with the client via one of the genin. Two days after the group arrives, they leave again alittle richer.


Lani brings the genin back to Kagekure, where one of the gate guards hands her a scroll. In a flash it's open, read, then a page is torn out and the rest gets chucked over her shoulder at Sanma. "Toshio. Tsuchigumo. You need to report to Ihesamo-sama for reassignment. Sanma. Ichimaru. Find the carpenter Loutinnae and search for the puppet-nin Yori. He's finally ready to join a team, and he's been assigned to our own. I'll be waiting in Training Ground #6." Without further ado, Lani stomps off toward the forest mumbling and growling beneath her breath.


You awaken the same way you've woken up every day since that day. A fresh-faced kid no older than twelve hopped up to your window just an hour after you woke up. He left a slim scroll on your window sill then hops away with the quiet dedication of mail-nin. The scroll simply states that you are finally going to be given to a Ninja Team. It says that your jounin is supposed to arrive to see you sometime in the afternoon today.

2008-10-25, 05:27 AM

"Well, that had to be the most boring mission we've ever done, but at least my wallet's a bit heavier this time around, Ichi!" The young genin, after a few days had begun to drop the -kun and -san particles off Ichimaru's name and was definitely more familiar with his blind teammate.

"It's weird not having Toshio and Tsuchigumo around... just when I was beginning to feel comfortable with Tsuchigumo-kun as well! I hope Toshio will be alright, too... with all those Kumo-nin..."

He pauses, pondering on the latest happenings.

"I think I need some better armor. Maybe we'll have time to shop around a bit after meeting this puppet-nin? What do you think he'll be like? A silent type of guy? Kinda elite?"

Then Sanma simply walks around with Ichimaru, asking around for the carpenter and the puppeteer.

Gather information: [roll0]

2008-10-25, 02:00 PM
Yori had finally seated himself to work after performing the necessary morning rituals that went from dressing to tangling himself up in the mess of wooden parts that clustered his room. The string of curses that usually followed was apparently Loutinnae-sama's cue that Yori had awoken, as he usually came up afterwards to help Yori untangle himself, to berate him for not keeping the place in better order, and to drop off his breakfast. A most kind man.

Thus, Yori had seated himself to work on what would be a table when he received the scroll. It was a short message, banal and straightforward, but its effect on Yori was impressive. He started grinning wildly, and if someone had been watching, he would have had the impression the kid would be jumping up and down in excitement, were it possible for him to do such a thing.

"Loutinnae-sama! Loutinnae-sama! I'm a ninja again!"

The man shouted something back from downstairs, but Yori wasn't really listening anymore. Not useless. They were coming this afternoon? He had to prepare. Make an immaculate first impression.

First things first, he meticulously cleaned out his flute, then played a few notes on it to verify it's sound. Then he carried himself to the huge wooden construct in the corner, the turtle-looking puppet he called Kain. He took it apart, cleaned out every piece, checked the tautness of the springs, the sharpness of the weapons, the freshness of the poisons. Then he put it back together and filled out its various compartments with the useful equipment he could need. Finally, he applied fresh lacquer to the body of the puppet and scribed that necessary seal on the turtle's head. Once he was done, he repeated the process with his other puppet.

By the time all this was done, it was already after noon, and Yori finished by cleaning himself. A thorough wash, then a brush of his usually unkempt hair, and finally the selection of his outfit. He wanted something that would hide his missing legs, so that his handicap would not be immediately apparent. To this end, he finally settle on a rather ornate, exceedingly long robe which he was pretty sure had once belonged to a noblewoman. Aside from the stylistic awkwardness, the thing also happened to be bright red. Ah well. It's not like I'm very dependable for stealth anyway. At least I'll be memorable.

When all was done, and he climbed atop Kain, he looked like some sort of mythological beast, with the upper body of a young man and the lower body of a huge wooden turtle. Yori couldn't help but smile at that thought.

Kairai Engeki - Kengakuryokou on Kain, taking 10 on the technique, the calligraphy check. Auto-success on the conversion to stamina damage - which will likely have healed through the morning.

2008-10-26, 09:10 AM
The Carpenter Loutinnae

Sanma and Ichimaru arrive half an hour after one p.m. The house in question is a small, two-story home designed and built for a small but well to do family. Loutinnae lived in the house alone and the neighbors whispered about his wife divorcing him after the death of his ninja son. Ideal speculation, of course since Loutinnae never once spoke of any wife or child upon moving into Kagekure. The door stood as a very modern and very non-traditional block of wood. It was rectangular, tall and clothed in pale blue paint with a little golden lion-headed doorknocker sitting square in it's center. A balding, thin, and wiry man opens the door once you knock.

His light brown hair is rapidly falling out but is tastefully combed over to hide this fact. A gray faded kimono hangs off his bony frame with the dignity of a man whose lived life and has stepped back to allow young people to take the lead. His sunken features twist into a grin once he notices your headbands. "I assume you little fellows are here for little Yori-kun. He's getting ready right now, but I should have him outside rather quickly. If you could wait inside for a moment.." The old man disappears into his shadowed home and beckons you to follow. He immediately guides you to the living room, where a candle seems to pop into flame as soon as you enter the room. The little old man motions for you to sit but is already heading up a set of stairs much wider than necessary before you have a chance to respond.


Oji-san Loutinnae steps into your room. He takes a moment to appraise your choice of uniform, then collapses his hands together above his stomach and releases a quiet but happy sigh. "You've grown strong, Yori-kun. But you should grow more tidy as well! Your teammates have arrived, though I expected your room was still a mess so I asked them to wait downstairs. You should hurry down, as they seem to be very serious ninja-types..." Loutinnae just grins, moving aside to allow Kain to animate and carry his charge downstairs first.

Paragon Badger
2008-10-26, 06:39 PM
Ichimaru waited patiently in the carpenter's home, tapping a wooden table idly. His ministrations formed a crude beat, and the genin started to hum an accompanying tune.

"Ya know..." He said with a sigh, "Tora-sensei seems pretty strong and all, but she's a little...scary."

"Man..." Ichimaru continued as he leaned back and put his hands on the back of his head, "When I heard they were putting me under a female jounin, I was expecting a sexy and powerful kunoichi... but Tora-sensei is something else... and there's that tiger of hers'."

"Heee." The blind genin grinned, "Poor Yori won't know what hit 'em!"

Hmmm. Would I need a skill point to learn Morse Code? :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-27, 11:33 AM
Yori grins, hiding his nervous feelings at meeting his jounin and teammates. With a steady hand, he brings his flute to his lips, then reconsiders and says "I am very grateful to you for all you've done, Loutinnae-sama. I promise that I'll come back to help you as soon as I have some spare time."

Feeling a bit awkward, he begins playing without waiting for an answer. As the chakra-filled music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXDv6CdG0XQ&feature=related) reverberates from Kain's wooden hull, the puppet rises from its resting place, carrying Yori atop it in a cradling seat.

The young ninja grins when the puppet animates, though he is careful not to interrupt the music. It not only looks as though he is part of the puppet, to Yori it also feels like it. Only when using that puppet does he not feel gauche and awkward. The wooden limbs respond immediately to his song, and its movements are graceful, insofar as a 50 kilogram wooden turtle can be considered graceful.

Driven by the music, Kain leaps down the stairs, bringing Yori and itself to a halt in front of the two genin. Lowering his flute, Yori looks down on the two seated before him. These must be my teammates, neither is old enough to be jounin. The message had said he would be meeting his jounin however, so he looks about, thinking this may be some sort of test.

Not finding any high ranking ninja hiding under the table, Yori turns back to Ichimaru and Sanma. Bowing - only slightly, as he has no legs to balance him and keep him from toppling over - he says, with a wide smile "Good afternoon, I am Yori, the puppetmaster. I am pleased to meet you!"

Kugutsu no Jutsu used to activate the Kengakuryokou seal. Take 10 on the perform check, auto-succeed the conversion check. 1 stamina damage.

2008-10-27, 04:12 PM

Sanma is about to answer Ichimaru when there is suddenly a sound, a flute, it seemed. Intrigued, the genin looks in the direction of the sound, blinking. And when Yori jumps down the stairs on a wooden turtle, the genin's mouth opens in disbelief.

He looks at Ichimaru, then back at Yori, taking in all the features.

"A puppet master huh?"

The genin looks at their new teammate closely and sighs slightly.

"Another one for the tiger's jaw. Let's take him away, Ichi. Nice meeting you Yori, let's go meet tora-sensei."

2008-10-29, 02:46 PM
Not feeling particularly confident by his interlocutor's comments, and slightly taken aback by the rapid return to task, Yori hesitates slightly, his smile slipping. What have I gotten into, exactly?

But the doubt is short lived, and putting on a grin more brazen than the previous, he nods to the white-haired genin. "Yes, let us go forth to this apparently fateful meeting! Lead on, Ominous-san!"

With a few notes on the flute, Kain shakes to life once more, and Yori follows his new teammates out.

2008-10-31, 03:16 PM
Team 5

The trio make their way to the Training Ground #6, where they find the blank and large empty space carrying a trio of battered and old metal scarecrows. Lani's sitting on the ground in a meditative position while watching the sky through closed eyes. She doesn't seem to acknowledge your approach, though she does perk up her head when Kain's heavy foot steps come into hearing range.

She's wearing her traditional white-and-black tiger uniform with no obvious armor over it. Her blonde hair encases a soft, almost child-like face. A Kagekure headband hangs down from her neck to her ample bosom like a collar. A pair of black sandals cover her feet but allow her toes to poke out--toes that are painted with bright pink nail-polish.

Her voice is quiet and reserved, much different than Sanma or Ichimaru remember her sounding. "You'd have to be stupid or proud to approach a jounin without hiding yourselves, so I'm forced to assume you're my new genin. Could you identify your full name, jutsu proficiency, and answer one simple question: Are you a shinobi, or a ninja?"

2008-11-01, 09:44 PM
Yori reddens at the criticism, and in his embarrassment misses a few notes. The wooden puppet shudders, and finally thumps to a stops as Yori lowers the flute to answer the questions of the woman before him. The pique had been light, but Yori knew that he would, shamefully, not have been able to approach hidden even if he'd so wished. Such were the consequences of requiring flute music for mobility. But I am not useless!

Considering the thoughts he was ruminating, it is unsurprising that his voice is strained as he answers. "My name is Yori. Ah, Arakaki Yori. I'm a puppeteer, and I was trained to be a ninja." He darkens yet further at that, and adds "But being a ninja has never brought me anything satisfying, and I see no reason why I should do as that... that... as my sensei wished. No, I think I'd rather be a shinobi!"

2008-11-02, 05:03 AM
Sanma Utanaru

Sanma raises a surprised eyebrow as Lani piques their new teammate as soon as he got there.

Truth be told, I'm not sure whether he'd be an asset or a liability... But then the young genin shakes his head, Ichimaru had proven more than useful, and he had no working eyes! When one is handicapped in an area, they tend to be extremely talented at another thing, he couldn't let appearances mold his opinion of his new teammate already.

Besides, who was he to judge, he hadn't been particularly useful himself so far.

"Welcome to the Shinobi team then, Yori-kun! Oh, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Sanma Utanaru. This is Ichimaru. There was Toshio-san, too, and he was Shinobi as well. Oh, and Tsuchigumo-kun. Oh, and Ryuu-san, he was a ninja, but he's been gone for a while. We're a pretty big team as you can see."

2008-11-06, 12:37 PM

Lani stands, brushing off her legs and bottom from the dirt, then turns around to face the scarecrows. Her voice remains low and steady, vastly different from the happy and constantly shouting voice she normally used. "Unfortunately for you three, I am a ninja--and being a ninja is all I know. Come." She doesn't motion for any of you to follow, and simply begins walking toward Kagekure.

Once in the village proper, she produces a scroll with the seal of Ihesamo-sama placed squarely in it's center. "This is your next mission. A simple, easy D-Rank. There is a lost cat somewhere in Kagekure. Your job is to find it and bring it to the address on the scroll. That cat is not to be harmed, but you may otherwise use any method to catch it that you know of. The cat must be returned before noon tomorrow. Good luck." With that last bit she just throws the scroll up in the air, sits down, and waits almost as if she's just going to let it hit her on the head.

2008-11-08, 08:06 PM
The strange question, and its rapid dismissal, leave Yori a bit confused, and he gives a mumbled salutation in response to Sanma's presentations, accompanied by an unsteady smile. The rapid shift in emotion, from overjoyed to wary to embarassed, angry and now changing the subject to the mission at hand leaves the kid a bit reeling inwardly, and by reflex he adopts a passive posture, reactionary, waiting for what is to happen next.

Thus, when his new sensei tosses a scroll into the air, he merely follows its trajectory by sight, curious as to the conclusion of the gesture, and making no attempt to catch it at all.

2008-11-09, 08:38 AM
Sanma Utanaru

When Lani tosses the scroll, Sanma doesn't wait for another call, he had been ridiculous last time he tried this little trick, but this time, there was no way he'd let himself slip again.

The genin rushes to it, then leaps above Lani, and -hopefully- catching the scroll in mid-air before it lands on his tora-sensei's head.

He then opens the scroll, looking for the name and description of the cat (if there is one) and then readies himself.

"Alright, I'm thinking of splitting us up and look for info on where the cat was last seen. Then we can work our way from there and check out food places it's likely to go to."

Sanma looks at his teammates. "I'm putting myself on channel 3." He points at the nin-comm device he wears. "I'll be communicating with you guys on my progress. Right. GO!"

With that, the genin leaps away, scattering towards Kagekure North.

2008-11-09, 07:35 PM

You do successfully catch the scroll and then learn the name of the cat is Binky and that it looks like an orange and white tabby.

Paragon Badger
2008-11-10, 10:46 PM
Ichimaru was sitting on his rear with his legs extended out, yawning much like his sensei would.

"Binky, huh?" The blind genin asked, turning to Yori.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to Tora-Sensei eventually... Moko, on the other hand." The shinobi wandered off, getting up and patting his knees.

"I guess I'll just see where the fates take me..." Ichimaru said with a smile as he put his hands up by the back of his head and meandered away.

Gather Information
[roll0] (An additional +2 vs. females.)

Also, what time is it currently?

2008-11-12, 03:20 AM
Sanma Utanaru

As Sanma takes off for Kagekure North, he starts his search for the cat's description as well as keeping his eyes peeled for anything that remotely looks like it. By intervals, he will even call the cat's name loudly, hoping to get a "meow" or a purr in response.

"Kitty, kitty, kitty!.."

Gather information check: [roll0]
Spot check: [roll1]

The Unborne
2008-11-12, 11:36 PM

Reassignment?! The young genin didn’t question his mentor’s orders and turned around to leave them. Slowly, Toshio broke away from his former team drooping his shoulders in the process. What did I do wrong? I was finally fitting in somewhere, and now they are sending me to another team where I’ll be made fun of again. Sanma, Ichi, T, Ryuu, none of them called me Miira or made fun of my bandages. I think some of them even respected me. He sighed a little as he realized Tsuchigumo would be joining him on his shameful walk to Ihesamo’s chambers. Wait a sec, where is T anyways?

Toshio’s Katsugan spun rapidly around, searching his whereabouts; nothing looked familiar. A large sweat bead glided down his bandaged forehead, “Not again…” The linen-bound genin felt dizzy as his eyes refused to settle down which caused him to lose complete track of which direction he had come from. The kage-nin shut his eyes to quell his raging Katsugan; soon he would probably feel that unmistakable pain again. Toshio opened his eyes and set afoot in a random direction while praying it would lead him to the center of the village.

I wonder if they are reassigning me because of my horrible sense of direction…or maybe it’s the fact that Kumogakure is after me and even broke into Kagekure’s borders…or maybe I’m getting on Tora-sensei’s nerves or something…maybe she gets mad when she looks at me and remembers her own tortures at the Kumo-nin’s secret facilities…or maybe I’m not useful to Ihesamo-sama anymore…I hope it’s not that…maybe… "Meow” Toshio’s train of thought broke for a second as his eyes locked-in on a cat in the middle of a field to his left.

The mummy-like genin's eyes focused on all the cat's individual hairs and how they blended together to form a marbled pattern of oranges and whites. The cat sat in the middle of some field licking itself clean of the dirt embedded in its beautiful coat. For a moment, Toshio saw himself in the cat. “Kuso…” Memories of the past week played back through his mind: meeting Lani in the forest, chasing Moko with Sanma, fighting the Kumo-nins, being attacked by were-tigers, and their work at the inn. “Kuso…I want to be a Tora-oshiego, nothing else…I want to be part of Team Five!” Tears began to soak up in his eye-coverings.

Toshio sprinted back the way he came and hoped he would meet someone he knew. Time passed by quickly for the genin as he stumbled towards what he thought was the South end of the village. The genin ran around a corner and stopped as he spotted Sanma, Toshio straightened up and walked over to his teammate. The mummy-nin tapped the white-haired genin on his shoulder and greeted him, “Hey Sanma-san. Sorry I’m late.”

2008-11-13, 12:28 PM
As the group split up to search for the cat, Yori's direction was already determined. Heading for the appropriate shops, he went out to first purchase the necessary comm device. On his way, he kept an eye out for a cat matching Binky's description, but mostly he thought of his new teammates.

He'd been spending most of his time alone, so he didn't feel like he was fitting in easily. They all have their own personalities. They seem pleasant enough, though. There were also those other people he hadn't met. Toshio and Tsuchigumo, the ninja Ryuu, and Moko. He repeated everyone's names a few times, to be sure not to forget them.

As he paid for the device, he figured he might as well start searching for the cat now. "Excuse me, but have you seen a lost cat anywhere around here?" he asked the vendor. "An orange and white tabby?"

And from there... well, if he were a lost cat, where would he go? Food, I guess. So, next he would search around restaurants.

2008-11-14, 07:40 AM
Sanma Utanaru

Sanma was still looking for the cat and asking people, a finger went to his comm-device and turned it onto channel 3.

"This is Sanma. No sign or leads on the target."

He then sighs deeply. If only someone with good eyesight like Toshio could have been here on this mission. He'd have ended it by now, surely. And with that, his thoughts trail backwards and backwards and he remembers the fight with the Kumo-nin. His eyes lose focus and he smiles slightly, he sees Toshio fighting the enemy sensei again, struggling as the three other genin each took a target. He even remembers their almost simultaneous attack on the sensei with two Douheki no Jutsu's.

He grins to himself, thinking that he probably would have done a better job if he had practiced the technique a little more. He then thinks of the joke he pulled on Toshio at their first encounter with Ihesamo-sama and his apology to him, even going so far as to praise him as a shinobi.

It was true, those eyes made him feel... useless, as worthless as a shinobi gets and he somewhat felt dwarfed each time he looked at Toshio. He should be jealous, he was jealous.

And yet, now that he was gone, Sanma felt empty. A shell without a host, he realises that he had been looking up to Toshio, that he'd made him an obstacle to surpass, and with the respect he was giving him, he had glorified this obstacle to the point where if he could surpass him, he would be a worthy shinobi. He felt as if he should have told Lani... tora-sensei... to think about it again, to question her authority and ask her to keep Toshio in team 5.

But that wasn't all, there was another nagging feeling poking at Sanma, and he felt it. He missed Toshio, not as a rival, not as an obstacle, but as a person. He'd been able to lighten up, he felt like his own problems were small things compared to what the child of a bloodline had to deal with, and if it wasn't for Toshio, he'd be buried in his own sorrow, never thinking ahead. Always going back to that fateful day...

Toshio was a friend.

His back suddenly straightens and his amber eyes glimmer. He would go to Lani-sensei and...

And someone just patted his shoulder. His head shifts sideways, looking confused for a moment. His lips offer a smile.


“Hey Sanma-san. Sorry I’m late.”

The genin looks at Toshio for a while in silence, his right hand climbs slowly and comes to rest on his teammate's shoulder, his left hand holding up the scroll of the mission and his smile turns into one big grin, his cheeks flushing slightly.

"You're late."

The Unborne
2008-11-14, 09:57 PM

Toshio offers his own grin in return and places his hands on Sanma’s shoulders, “I know, I know...I’ve been thinking though and I really don’t want to be reassigned to some other team; I’m hoping that Lani-sensei will understand and reinstate me or something. Besides that, since I’m free at the moment, do you need any help with your new mission?” The genin’s Katsugan focuses on the scroll in his teammate's hand and on Sanma's face simultaneously. Toshio withdraws his hands and waits for an answer.

Hmm…I’m sure if Tora-sensei sees what an asset I am to the team, then she will want me to stay with them. Toshio thinks for a moment on what type of mission the team was given. Whatever this assignment is, we must complete it without fail, my place in Team 5 is on the line here.

2008-11-15, 04:16 AM

Unfortunately the shop-keeper just shrugged. He hadn't heard of any stray cats lately, and certainly didn't know where to find one. He did offer a little bit of advice though. "Cats love fish, right?" he says "So you should be looking for a cat near what cats love--Fish!"

Sanma and Ichimaru

Unfortunately neither of you find anyone who knows where the cat is either. The random search method is looking to be futile.

2008-11-17, 08:38 AM
Sanma Utanaru

Sanma turns on his comm-device. "We got no further leads here, anyone have any pointers?"

He then looks at Toshio and smiles broadly. "We're trying to find a cat." With that, the genin gives his teammate the mission briefing and his smile drops, looking at him seriously. "I can definitely use your help Toshio-san. Take a good look at the description."

He then pauses, smiling again. "Don't worry, tora-sensei will never let you go! I'll never let her!"

The Unborne
2008-11-17, 08:53 PM

"Please Sanma-san, you really don't have to worry about-" Toshio's Katsugan reads the scroll by its own will and causes the mummy-like genin to pause, "Orange and white...You know Sanma-san, I saw a cat that matches this description! It was in that direction..." Toshio looks back and realizes he had no idea which way the cat was.

No not now! I need to know where I saw that cat. Think, think... The genin's mind began to replay the whole event, his Katsugan spun around so much he was positive he had seen a sign. The sign came in blurry, but after a few more minutes of concentration, Toshio was able to read the field's name. "It was at the Trap Practice Grounds...I hope the little critter doesn't hurt itself."

Toshio waits for Sanma's reaction, hoping his teammate would know the right direction.

Rogue 7
2008-11-19, 11:04 PM
OOC- seeing as how Badger's now officially gone, I'm starting in to take Ichimaru over while he's gone. Heya, folks.

Ichimaru wanders aimlessly, unable to find anything about a white and orange cat. Unfortunately, the kitty in question could have walked right past him, and he wouldn't be able to tell if it was pink with green polka dots, never mind white and orange. He wanders back, looking for the group and hoping they had better luck than he did.

2008-11-21, 01:19 PM
"Gah, this place reeks of dead fish!"

Yori had pulled one of his arms out of his sleeve, and he held that bright red cloth wrapped around his mouth and nose to cover the smell of the nearby fishery. It, of course, also made his exclamation an incoherently muffled sound, but it beat the alternative.

"I'll never be able to eat fish again!"

There were cats around, but Yori had not yet found any fitting Binky's description. He'd heard Sanma earlier confirm his own lack of luck, and Yori had been forced to unwrap his face long enough to answer with his own unfortunate situation.

"Stupid cat. I bet you're not even here and I'm wasting my breath for nothing." Still, as long as he was here, he might as well be thorough. With that, he stretched over from Kain's back to search through a garbage can.

2008-11-22, 04:20 AM
Sanma Utanaru

"The trap practice grounds? Okay, let's go there then, follow me!"

And Sanma dashes away towards the area pointed out by Toshio, keeping an eye out for the cat on the way and notifying everyone else:

"A cat with a similar description has been sighted at the trap practice grounds. We're heading over there now. If you guys have any ideas how to lure or trap a cat, maybe now's the time to share!"

Rogue 7
2008-11-22, 02:46 PM
"Trap Grounds? Got it, I'm on the way." As for capturing it? I was just going to try "here, kitty kitty!" and go from there."

2008-11-23, 06:58 PM
As soon as he receives the message, Yori hasten eagerly away from the garbage cans and responds.

"Trap practice grounds. Right. I'll be over there as soon as I can."

Then with a hesitant look back, Yori decides to return for what he inexpertly judges to be a relatively fresh piece of fish, and gingerly picks it up. With a tap on one of the wooden scales ornamenting Kain's shell, the csale flips open, revealing a small compartment within. "I hope this is worth it." he says as he places the item within the compartment.

He then puts his flute to his still covered mouth, blows ineffectually, and sighs. He'd have to unwrap his face to be able to move away from here. Might as well get it over with.

2008-11-24, 06:07 PM
Trap Practice Grounds - 5:12pm

The sun is gradually setting in the significantly brighter practice grounds. The practice grounds are composed of a relatively little area set aside far from the all-encompassing darkness that hangs over Kagekure daily and function almost solely to test trap designs and trap evasion techniques. The genin find themselves staring at small wooded area that appears innocuous at first glance. A second look shows hundreds of thin kousen draping across wooden limbs like spidersilk. You can't see where each wire leads, but you can guess that none of them are safe.

The sound of a mewling cat echoes from deeper inside the woods.

Ichimaru can hear and lead the way to the cat, but the kousen in the way would prove very dangerous.

Rogue 7
2008-11-24, 10:11 PM
Ichimaru arrives a bit earlier than the rest of the group. He can hear the cat, but is unable to get closer to it because of the traps. When the rest of the group shows up, they'll find him pacing the area, determined not to let the target escape.

"Hey guys. I can hear the kitty in there, but I've got no idea how to get close. Anyone else got suggestions?"

2008-11-28, 10:59 PM
When Yori finally arrives at the practice grounds, he is preceded by the melodies of his flute and the lingering aromas of the fishery. The young boy himself appears oblivious to the odour, as it is far less prevalent than in his previous situation, and his nose seems to have adjusted to the smell.

As he reaches Ichimaru, he lets the music die and Kain falls motionless. Yori appears to be assessing the situation.

"Well, if it were just a question of getting past the traps, I could simply use Naga to trip the lines from a safe distance, it would be a pain to repair him afterwards, but it would work. However... I wouldn't give much for that cat's chances if I did that. We do have to bring him back unharmed, and we won't be excused just because it's the traps fault. Or that's how it worked in the Sound, anyway."

The Unborne
2008-12-01, 05:52 PM

This is it! All we need to do is find that cat, and Tora-sensei will see what an asset I am to the team! I even helped them out already... Toshio continued thinking of what would occur after the mission while following Sanma to the practice grounds. Once they arrived the mummy-like genin froze in his tracks, in front of the pair was Ichimaru and a mysterious ninja sitting on an equally mysterious turtle.

"Sanma-san," he whispers, "who..." Suddenly, Toshio's Katsugan streamed from Sanma, to Ichimaru, and then to the new genin. They already replaced me?! The pain the linen-bound genin felt was akin to a thousand razor-sharp kunai piercing his heart. My spot...so easily replaced...I'm so disposable!

The kage-nin forms a tight fist with his hand and stares at the new teammate. A roaring flame soon erupts in Toshio’s eyes. NO! I will not be replaced so easily! I’ll show Tora-sensei what she’ll lose without me! Toshio’s face bandages stretch out, showing his wide grin. “Oy! Sanma-san, who is the new tora-oshiego?”

Rogue 7
2008-12-01, 06:13 PM
Ichimaru nearly trips over his own feet at Yori's casual comment. His eyes would be wide, if they worked.

"S..sound? You were in the sound village? Under Orochimaru?"

It's hard to tell whether he's nervous, angry, or just plain surprised. Most likely a combination of all three.

2008-12-01, 08:25 PM
We don't need failures to burden us.

Yori shuddered, a chill running down his back as though someone had taken a file to his spinal chord. "Yes." He said simply, attempting to appear nonchalant, hoping that nobody had noticed the fear and anguish that had been plain on his face for a second. "Him."

He had not meant to bring up the Hidden Sound, but the drive to succeed, the challenge of the mission, the budding camaraderie between teammates, it all reminded him of how he had begun his training as a ninja, and the words had simply slipped out. Sometimes he'd forget that there were good memories of his time as a Sound ninja to go along with the bad. Are you all right, Hikari?

Whatever he had said, it had apparently caused a reaction in Ichimaru. Normally, he'd be curious to know more, but... I really don't want to talk about this now. And I can't risk my chances of becoming a ninja... a shinobi. I have to show Tora-sensei that I'm not a failure.

Fortunately, the arrival of Sanma and another genin gave him an opportunity to change the subject. The bandaged genin looked quite intriguing. He didn't sound particularlyscary, but under a certain perspective... maybe? That would make him... "Hello there! You must be Moko-san? I'm Yori," he adds, waving and smiling. "I've just been allowed to join this team. Pleased to meet you!"

The Unborne
2008-12-01, 09:50 PM

Toshio scratches the back of his auburn hair, "Moko...san?" An image of the blood-thirsty tiger pounces through the genin's mind. "Ahhh, you're thinking of the wrong person...heh." The kage-nin stands up straighter, stretching ever bandage that enclosed his body. Some dried-up bandages broke lose from his body and fluttered to the ground revealing a plethora of scabs and open wounds.

"Whoops...Sorry about that," Toshio swiftly unclips a roll of bandages off his belt. Within a matter of seconds the wounds were tightly bound and the roll was returned to its clip. "The name's Toshio and I guess I'm the ex-member of Team Five..."

It hurts just saying it! Toshio nears Yori and Ichimaru and extends his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Yori-san, but it's better to save these introductions for later. We have a cat to catch." The mummy-like genin lifts the linen above his eyes revealing his Katsugan. His crystal blue eyes started spinning rapidly, each eyeball following its own separate course as if scanning the area."Let's see where our little furry creature has fled..."

Chakra-sight activated
Spot: [roll0]

2008-12-02, 12:34 AM

Toshio spots the cat hiding in a tree about forty feet away. It's huddled up against the tree-trunk and looks far too terrified to jump down. A hundred thin metal wires run in criss-cross patterns around the entire tree.

Rogue 7
2008-12-02, 03:14 PM
Ichimaru calmed slightly at Yori's reaction. He still wasn't sure at all what was going on, but he was fairly sure that this guy was not an open Sound sympathizer. Still, this was something that very definitely needed to be addressed, just to be sure. But that was for a later date. They had a mission to complete, now.

"Can you see it, Toshio-san?"

2008-12-03, 07:52 AM
Sanma Utanaru

Sanma simply smiles as Toshio looks panic-stricken. He pats him on the shoulder to calm him down a bit before turning his eyes towards the explosive field.

"Do you think a sunburst tag would trigger any of these traps? We could perhaps use one to scare the cat towards us? He got over there easily enough, I bet he'd come back to us unharmed!"

He looks slightly adamant.

"That, or we could use some rope or wire and simply evade all the traps by catching a branch or a tree trunk with a kunai or something. Just throwing ideas out there."

2008-12-04, 04:33 PM
"Oh, that reminds me. I guess I won't need this anymore. That's probably great news."

With slight relief, Yori pulls out the dead fish from one of the compartments in Kain's shell, and tosses it on the ground. Yori's attention, however, is already back to the traps. His odds of navigating that trap field atop Kain are not that good, and while he could hide inside the wooden turtle for protection, the young genin is still worried about the potential repercussions of activating the tripwires nearest the cat.

"I think it would help us make a better decision if we had more information. I'm going to try tripping one of the traps. Stand back."

With that, he shifts about on his puppet, opening the largest compartment by far. Inside Kain's hull lies a smaller puppet shaped like a serpentine dragon, formed of wooden segments linked together by kousen to allow it flexibility. Its head and tail are ornamented with red streamers, and the latter bears an immense blade jutting from the end piece. Starting a tune on his flute (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4DV2wMXxKs&feature=related), Yori brings the puppet to life.

Naga leaps out from Kain's back and slithers towards the trap field. Approaching one of the kousen wires, its jaws snap shut about it, and it starts to pull the wire back...

Kugutsu no Jutsu: Take 10 (22) vs. DC 19.
Convert to stamina damage: [roll0] vs. DC 8 (auto success)
5 stamina damage taken.

Reflex save: (for Naga, if necessary) [roll1]

2008-12-04, 09:34 PM

The puppet sets off an exploding tag nearby, which sets off another and another. The explosions tear through the forest setting off other traps in the process. Bolts of lightning jump from tree to tree while kunai fly about like flocks of seagulls near the sea. In a scant few seconds, an entire fifty-by-fifty foot section of forest is cut apart and reduced entirely to ashes while nothing remains standing inside it. Unfortunately, the cat was forty-feet into the forest when the explosions went off, and is no where to be found inside the resultant destruction.

2008-12-04, 09:55 PM
Sanma Utanaru


His mouth gaping wide open, Sanma just can't seem to wrap his head around the amount of destruction.

"... Righhht. We're -not- doing that again."

He looks for the cat but can't seem to find anything.

"Well, it's likely that it got away, there's no body... so what now?"

The genin simply looks at Toshio. "Any clues you can see?" Then at Ichimaru. "Can you hear anything?" He finally looks at Yori. "Huh... any ideas at all?"

Rogue 7
2008-12-04, 10:42 PM
"Now THAT sounded impressive."

Upon hearing Sanma's question, he focuses, trying to see if he can hear whether or not the cat's anything more than a smear of ash.

Listen Check-[roll0]

OOC- if Ichimaru'd take any penalties from the ringing in his ears from the explosion, go ahead and subtract them out.

2008-12-04, 11:31 PM
Yori's face is a mask of unmistakable shock as he stares as the ravaged area that had once, not long ago, been a forest.

"That... that was a practice ground? Shadow-nin really take their training seriously!"

The reality of the situation has clearly not yet sunken into the boy. Still unbelieving of the scene before him, it takes a while for him to realise what some of the alternatives were. He was certainly glad he had not relied on Kain's hull for protection, the puppet would have disintegrated in that carnage.

Still unwilling, unable to acknowledge even the possibility of having lost the cat, of failure, Yori scans the horizon for any sign of the cat.

Spot check: [roll0]

2008-12-05, 02:38 AM
The Aftermath

The only thing to be found of the kitty is a tuft of fur burned black as night. Ichimaru obviously does not hear the tuft, but Yori is able to spot it. Luckily, the training ground was designed in 'blocks' of forest, so the explosions didn't spread out and burn the entire area down. Overall, the group finds forty-four kunai that survived the multitude of explosions, as well as a hundred and thirty feet of kousen.

Rogue 7
2008-12-07, 06:07 PM
"Um, I don't hear it. Does anyone see it? That sounded like a really big explosion.

The situation- that they have most likely failed their mission in quite possibly the single most spectacular way possible- hasn't exactly sunken in yet. Ichimaru's still focused on Yori's comments about the Sound, and his only thought concerning this situation is that "this is going to make an interesting story to tell sometime in the future."

2008-12-07, 06:41 PM
Yori doesn't respond, as he's been staring blankly at a burnt out tuft of fur for several seconds now. When at last he answers Ichimaru, he starts shaking nervously.

"There's... I see something over in..." he gestures vaguely, apparently encompassing the entire burnt out section before them. "But it's not our cat! It can't be, because it's black, see?" He smiles then, a somewhat scary rictus that completely illustrates the genin's state of denial. "I'll show you."

Yori brings his flute to his lips, but he's now shaking enough that he is completely unable to perform any sort of melody. No longer caring about hiding his disability from the others, obsessed with confirming his delusions, he drops off Kain's back and starts crawling towards that tuft of burnt out hair. "It'll be all right, 'cause that's not the cat we were supposed to find. Our cat is orange and white, see? And that fur's all black, all black and not orange and white and so it can't be our cat, so we haven't failed at all and I'm not a burden. It's probably not even a cat, just a squirrel or something, an we'll find the cat, we just need to keep looking 'till we find it..." Yori's speech fades into mumblings, rapidly losing coherence.

The Unborne
2008-12-09, 06:50 AM
Toshio (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jV2Mjc_kkY&feature=related)

Before the mummy-like genin could step foot into trap-filled grounds, Toshio spots Yori's puppet slither into the mass of kousen. Time seems to slow down as the serpentine dragon pulls the single cord, "This...doesn't bode well..." Toshio makes a quick back step, hoping the blast wouldn't be too large.

As one explosion setted off another, Toshio's Katsugan forced him to watch all of the carnage, all at once. The Katsugan shifted back and forth between each explosion, watching as one tree would fall down and then be roasted by another trap it triggered once it fell. Toshio could see the thousands of leaves being vaporized by the electrical traps; however, the worst came when he witnessed the furry little creatures of the forest being blown to smithereens. That must mean...There goes our mission… Once the final bolts of lightning and bursts of flame died down, Toshio surveyed what was now a patch of ash.

The mummy-like nin sighs and follows Yori and Ichimaru in search of the cat. What they find is the roasted remains of the tabby. Toshio’s mouth hangs open as he stares at the dead feline. Yori climbs off of Kain and drags himself to the roasted fur. Toshio doesn’t even think of Yori’s disability, but he also comes down to his knees. “Of all the days to fail a mission…it had to be today! Yori-san, bring that…that…thing with us, we need to tell Lani-sensei what happened. It is our duty as shinobi.”

2008-12-10, 01:51 AM
Sanma Utanaru

The young genin simply blankly stares at the fur, his eyes wide in shock. The sound of dozens of explosions still ring in his ears as he falls to his knees near the fallen kitty.

"I can't believe it... it's..." he falls into silence and can only nod at Toshio's analysis.

"Let's go guys... we have to tell her..."

Rogue 7
2008-12-10, 09:09 AM
"I don't think it'll be too bad. I mean, who expected a kitty to hide in the middle of a trapped field? Say, how'd it get in there, anyways?"

2008-12-12, 10:43 PM
For a while still, Yori remains sprawled beside the charred remains of the unfortunate animal, mumbling incoherently. As his teammates start to lose patience, however, he falls silent and picks up the corpse in one arm, holding it close, while he drags himself towards the large puppet with the other. His gaze is empty, and his mind has gone completely blank, as he simply follows the directives given to him.

The Unborne
2008-12-13, 07:54 PM

Yori manages his way over to his puppet, but Toshio's Katsugan focuses on the obliterated patch of forest. "You guys go on and tell Tora-sensei what happened here. I'll catch up with you quickly, I just want to make sure there's nothing we missed...Like we could miss anything after that explosion..."

Toshio steps carefully over the fallen timber and debris, his Katsugan scans the area searching for something out of the norm. Poor cat...Poor us...I can't imagine what Lani will do to us once she finds out we accidentally killed a feline. The genin gulps at the thought. She wouldn't kill us, would she? Toshio doesn't bother thinking further on the subject; whatever would happen, he was sure Lani would forgive them. Maybe.

Spot: [roll0]

Rogue 7
2008-12-13, 08:14 PM
"Well, let's go get this over with."

With those remarks, Ichimaru heads down, walking back to wherever they're supposed to meet Lani-sensei.

2008-12-13, 10:37 PM

Toshio finds little else aside from ashes and a few broken bits of kousen. However what he smells is more important than what he sees, and the smell is tremendous. A mixture of burnt flesh and ozone dominate the area like trying to breathe in a choking cloud of mist. After a full minute of searching, Toshio turns up nothing immediately useful.

The Address

You find the place tucked away in a small corner of the village between a ramen shop and a pet shop. It's a small, two-story building with a dark red roof and a matching door. A trio of three deep gouges--obviously made by some sort of bladed weapon--mar the door just above the doorknob. It's locked, but a little 'doggie door' built into the base can provide you access if you were small enough.

The Unborne
2008-12-14, 09:20 PM

Toshio sighs as he kicks over another piece of burnt timber. Nothing could've survived that... His thought is proven correct as he is hit bit by a wave of obnoxious smells which causes Toshio to tighten his mouth wrappings. Soon after, the mummy-like genin flees from the area to escape the unbearable fumes. What a complete failure...what's going to happen to us? Team Five...the kitty killers...They'll take away our headbands and force us to do manual labor. So much for trying to impress Ihesamo-sama!

The genin jogs to catch up to his former team before he gets lost, but slows down when he is a couple paces behind. Toshio's Katsugan focuses on the lost Yori sitting on Kain staring blankly towards the distance. I wonder what will happen to Yori-san...He's new and caused the entire mess. Will they boot him out of Team Five? A strong stomach ache causes Toshio to grasp for his midsection. To be put on a team and kicked out in one day...

The young genin closes his eyes momentarily and contemplates what he could do for his replacement. The linen-bound genin nods in approval of what he was going to do. I'm going to help the guy out, I can't get in too much trouble since I'm not even on the team.

Toshio catches up with the team as they stop in front the two-story building and comments on the door, "If you don't want to lose a cat...why would you leave a door for it? Oh well, let's get this over with guys." Toshio struggles to bring up his arm and feebly knocks on the marred door.

2008-12-15, 01:42 PM
The Knock

No one answers the door, though the group hears the sound of several heavy quadrupedal creatures moving around inside. After several minutes of waiting a familiar white-furred siberian tiger pokes it's head through the doggie door. It settles a pair of piercing blue eyes on Toshio then moves on to Sanma, Ichimaru, and Yori in turn. Yori doesn't recognize it as Moko, but the other genin do since they had met it before.

The tiger backs up and disappears behind the door again. A loud scratching noise from behind the door grabs your attention, and soon afterwards the door swings open with a quiet creek. The tiger just stands there with the door open, as if awaiting to hear the reason why you're bothering it.

Rogue 7
2008-12-15, 01:44 PM
"Um, that sounds like Moko-san. Is it? Is anyone there?"

The Unborne
2008-12-17, 10:03 PM

"This...this is...Tora-sensei's home?!" Toshio panics a little, the whole time he was following them he thought they were heading towards the owner's household. We can't let Lani-sensei find out we killed a cat! The mummy-like nin slowly turns his gaze from Moko and settles it on the blank Yori. Toshio twitches his head towards the burnt remains trying to get the new team member to hide it somewhere. We are so dead...

The Katsugan then locks onto Moko soon after, and the genin's head follows its target. Toshio finds himself staring directly into those bright intelligent eyes of the Siberian tiger. Something was amiss in Moko's eyes, but what? "Moko, what happened to your green eyes?" The linen-bound genin prays silently that he could distract the tiger long enough for Yori to hide the fallen cat.

2008-12-18, 12:44 PM

The tiger looks toward Toshio and sniffs at him. Those strange eyes narrow into a glare before Moko turns around and meanders deeper into the house. Toshio notices the tiger's movements are odd as they are not as graceful as he remembers. A few moments pass, and the tiger doesn't return so you safely assume it wants you to enter.

2008-12-18, 09:27 PM
The process of psychological scarring is a fragile thing, and such wounds can break open again if the right pressure is applied, only to leave the mind to work its long, slow and arduous task of building its defenses back up again. It can take a lifetime to recuperate from such blows to one's self-image.

Or sometimes, all it takes is the shock of a giant tiger opening the door.

While Yori maintains his blank gaze and apparent thoughtlessness throughout the encounter, it isn't until after the feline has left that he finally seems to realise what just happened.

"What was that?"

Rogue 7
2008-12-18, 11:27 PM
Ichimaru is fairly calm, all things considered. He figures that they never could have counted on the cat hiding in the trap testing area, particularly one as heavily covered as that. Hell, he couldn't even tell what Yori was trying to do before the explosions started. Which meant that he wasn't terribly worried. Not being able to see the gigantic tiger that just poked its head out the door certainly helped."Well it sounds like Moko-san- Moko's Lani-sensei's...companion? Either way, he's friendly. Moko-san? Is Lani-sensei in?" This last bit is addressed at the tiger.

2008-12-19, 06:53 AM
Sanma Utanaru

The young genin has been silent all this time, still a fair bit traumatized of having caused the death of a tiny living being. He ponders for a moment if he'd hesitate in the same way if it came down to killing someone. The genin pushes the thought away as they go inside, Moko being eerily silent was not very reassuring to the genin.

"I still can't believe..."

Sanma pauses, looking at the tiger's eyes.

"Oh god, I just can't imagine how angry she's going to be."

With that, he moves forwards, calling out for Lani-sensei.

2008-12-20, 02:01 PM
The house

Luckily for Yori, the building is built to accommodate a tiger and thus accommodate Kain rather easily.

When you head inside you're greeted by rather lavish surroundings despite the building's common external appearance. The floors are covered in soft tatami laid out in a pattern surrounding a little table with tea and strange cakes already laid out for six people. The reed-mats are very clean, which shows that even Moko wipes his feet before entering. Unfortunately, Moko is no where to be found in the tearoom but you do see a little girl dressed in a more traditional red kimono embroidered with silver tigers. Her hair is done up in a tight blond bun with a pair of throwing needles tucked in.

The girl, little older than thirteen, looks up when you enter and makes eye contact with each person in turn. You don't remember her from the academy, but the look in her eye shows you her killer intent. The girl bows politely and motions to the table. "I apologize for not meeting you at the door, but sis--Lani-san wished to see you first. Please, sit."

Paragon Badger
2008-12-21, 03:23 AM
Ichimaru was scratching the back of his neck, pursing his lips as he awaited whatever was to come next. A harsh beating by Lani's hands, another unexpected tiger attack, killer bees, or tigers with bees in their mouths- so when they roar, they shoot bees at you... Ichimaru had come to expect the unexpected when it came to Lani. Besides, if she asked, he didn't see anything. The perfect aliby.

The genin had a dumb smile on his face when the girl began talking, hearing only her voice and being unable to recognize the eyes that Lani herself wore in some situations... but that smile was quickly wiped clean off his face when the girl's family ties were revealed. For all his bravado in flirting with kunoichi much older and much more powerful than he, Ichimaru knew better than to place himself in Lani's crosshairs like that.

The blind shinobi took off his sandals and placed them in the very corner of the room, so he could easily find them later. "So, uh... Tora-sensei said she wanted to talk with us. She didn't happen to express... oh, I don't know, an unrelenting urge to horribly maim a certain team of genin?"

2008-12-21, 11:31 AM
As he prepares to ride inside, Yori notices the ashen stains on his red robes, and finally realises that he is still cradling the charred corpse of a cat in the crook of his arm. "Ew."

He looks about hastily for a place to dump the thing, but just throwing it to the side of the street seems like a bad idea, and there's really no time for a detour right now... Even though he knew that the whole mess was his responsibility, and he understood what he had to do, there was no need to make it worse by striding in with a dead cat in his arms. With quick movements, he opens one of Kain's compartments, the one that still smelled of dead fish, and hides the cadaver inside, to Toshio's probable relief. There'd be an opportunity to get rid of it later.

But it may have been too late after all, because when the girl reveals that Lani had wanted to see them first, he starts looking around nervously, trying to find where the jounin had hidden herself. "She was watching us at the door?"

2008-12-21, 07:12 PM
Sanma Utanaru (http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=VtPCKaqTziI&feature=related)

Oh man, I have a really bad feeling about this.

The genin looks everywhere, nearly imagining a tiger-army hidden in the shadows. He simply smacks both his cheeks with his hands and tries to snap out of it.

I need to get a hold of myself.

"Alright, team. We have to take responsibility. It's not just Yori's fault. It's all of us. All of us entirely."

With that, he simply gulps down.

"Let's just hope tora-sensei cut her nails before this..."

The Unborne
2008-12-21, 08:31 PM

Oh no...There's more of them!

"Tora-sensei never mentioned a younger sister...My name is Toshio and this here is your older sister's genin team: Utanaru Sanma, Zato Ichimaru, and this is...Yori," the genin points accordingly to each one of them as he introduces them, "It's a pleasure to meet our sensei's family." Toshio strains to form a smile, it's hard to tell if his bandages or his thoughts of impending doom made it difficult to show a happy expression.

Following Ichimaru, Toshio slips off his sandals and places them near his blind friend's pair. The mummy-nin also takes out his roll of linen bandages and wraps up his leg regions and his forearms as fast as he can. Deftly, Toshio tears off the wrappings and clips the roll back onto his belt. The genin then steps carefully towards the table and seats himself on one of its sides trying hard not to dirty up any of the furniture in the Ikata household. He finally relaxes a little, allowing his Katsugan to scan the area for any signs of danger. His eyes then settle on the mysterious kunoichi, "If you don't me asking, what is your name?"

Sense Motive: [roll0]
I do not trust anyone from the Ikata family...

2008-12-22, 02:24 PM
Ikata Yuuka

She waits for Toshio to introduce everyone before speaking. "My name is Yuuka of the Ikata clan. Though I am not Lani-san's blood-sister I am related to her through adoption. I am not a genin yet, though Lani-san has been training me in hopes that the academy will take me in soon."

The girl looked puzzled at Ichimaru's question. "Lani-san has never expressed a desire to harm anything to me. I apologize for being unable to accurately answer your question, Zato Ichimaru-san."

When Yori enters the room, she doesn't seem taken aback by the giant turtle at all. She simply moves his pillow away--as it no longer serves any purpose--before answering his question. "Yes, Yori-san. Lani-san even escorted you--"

The girl stops as the group feels a palpable aura of malice flow into the room. Lani enters dressed in a much less formal mesh armor that appears to be hastily thrown on. She just levels a disappointed stare at each genin in turn but says nothing.

After a full ten seconds, she turns to Yuuka. "Serve them dinner when it's ready, ok?" She then turns to the others. "Have you moved your things out of your homes? You can start moving them over here if you have. I purchased the home beside mine for your usage. There are four rooms but I'm afraid it's not quite large enough to accommodate your turtle, Yori." Lani then waits patiently for any questions, but her disappointed gaze does not abate.

The Unborne
2008-12-22, 03:38 PM

Toshio begins to shiver underneath Lani's ice-cold glare, "Umm, Tora-sensei...You said four rooms? Does that mean I'm invited to...stay?" The genin gulps as he finishes his question. A part of him felt afraid, but another part felt embarrassed. I can't believe she was watching us the whole time...

"Umm Tora-sensei, I'm really...really sorry..."

2008-12-22, 07:09 PM
The dread that grips Yori when Lani enters the room is visible. While a part of him would like nothing so much as to feign innocence and hope that nothing happens, he feels it is his responsibility to relieve his friends - they had been, certainly, if only for a short time - of the burden he had imposed upon them. Finding it best to get it over with, Yori starts speaking very rapidly:

"That may be an omen because I'm a burden to the team and caused the mission to fail and I'm so sorry but I acted on my own and without seeking the advice of my companions and that caused the whole thing to explode and I'm a failure as a shinobi just as I was a failure as a ninja and don't deserve to be either and I shouldn't have been given this second chance and maybe I should just go back to Loutinnae-sama's and do some carpentry for him and stop being a handicap to other shinobi who would be better off without me."

After he stops to breath, Yori's eyes snap shut, and when he opens them again, he is silent, awaiting his doom.

Paragon Badger
2008-12-22, 07:44 PM
"Hey Yori-kun..." Ichimaru quietly mumbles, "I never went to the academy, nor have I ever been in a shinobi team before this one... but..."

The blind genin sighed, "Being like this?" He said, tapping the forehead protector over his eyes, "It's taught me alot... For every skill I've mastered to overcome my blindness, I still have to rely on others. And I always will."

"Even people without such... handicaps, they have to rely upon others, too. As a team, we use our strengths to offset our allies' weaknesses." He continued, "So... you're not a burden, Yori. I'm not saying the mission was a success... but mistakes are a good thing if we learn from them, and- ...I mean, what if you and your puppet had never been there? Maybe one of us would have been forced to go into that forest ourselves to try and bring back Binky... And then we could have lost more than just Tora-Sensei's ca-... Uh..."

The shinobi trailed off, assuming it was best not to remind the jounin of the details...

2008-12-23, 06:33 PM
Sanma Utanaru

"Huh.. yes, sensei. My stuff is ready. I'll just go get it and move in I suppose..."

The genin does not move however, as if he was standing beneath a sword restrained only by a thin strand of hair that could be gone in an instant.

"I huh... I'd like to say something as well, tora-sensei. It's not just Yori's fault either. We're all responsible. We failed, and it was a terrible failure. But even so, sharing the price of this failure makes it less of a burden. It weighs heavily on us still, but me, and I'm sure the others as well, are prepared to face the consequences."

With that, he stands straight, clearly ready for punishment.

2008-12-24, 05:51 PM

The jounin's voice remains icy cold in a mirror image of her bright blue eyes. "You failed in your mission, but you can expect no retribution from me or the girl whose cat you killed. Failure is to be expected, but you should always be wary of the situation at hand. Imagine if that cat had instead been a fellow Shadow-nin? Or a child? Either way: You're free today, but I want to see you before you go to bed. Dismissed."

Lani quietly turns about and disappears back inside. Little Yuuka offers politely to help you move your things into the building next to theirs. A few seconds later, Moko enters into the house through the cat-door with a scroll in his mouth. He enters the room then scans it with pale green eyes before settling his gaze on Toshio. The siberian tiger moves over and drops the scroll in front of the boy before heading into the same hallway that Lani had.

The Unborne
2008-12-24, 06:06 PM

The linen-covered genin lowers his head solemnly, he understood the pain that comes with loss. I never really thought about it that way...If only I was quicker, I could've stopped Yori and I could've used Shunshin no Jutsu to reach the cat. Kuso, I could've saved the cat...I can't possibly face the child who owned Binky, I- no we are going to have to make it up for the child. We are Shinobi after all; failure means more to us than it would to someone like Lani-sensei.

Toshio is taken out of his reflective mood when he hears the familiar sound of a cat-door swinging open. The genin looks up and spots Moko holding a scroll in his mouth. The tiger returns a glance and heads toward the mummy-like nin. Toshio raises an eyebrow as he stares into the Siberian tiger's green eyes, "Huh?" is all Toshio can mutter out as Moko drops the scroll near him and leaves. "I guess this is for me..." the genin reaches out and picks up the scroll and unravels it.

"Protector...Sum...Accountant..." Toshio looks up to his surrounding companions, "It looks like I'm being called down to the Central Government Building, Ihesamo-sama is asking me to pick up some money from there."

Toshio bites his lip a little before facing Yuuka, "Umm...Yuuka-chan do you know how to get there from here? I'm horrible at directions," The bandaged genin smiles pathetically.

2008-12-27, 05:28 AM

The girl nods. "Yes, I'd be glad to escort you there." She moves to leave, but is quickly stopped by a quiet mail-nin. He drops off several scrolls, then rushes off to his next delivery. Yuuka takes a moment to look at the names on then scrolls, then hands one over to Ichimaru and Sanma each. "These are addressed to you." She then turns to Yori and bows before speaking. "Yori-san? If you'd be so kind, would you watch the rice for me while I'm gone? I promise an extra helping of meat for dinner if you help me with this."

The Unborne
2008-12-27, 01:03 PM

The genin bows to his generous host, "Thank you very much, Yuuka-chan." As Yuuka turns around to walk out the door, Toshio's Katsugan examines the young Ikata. She's nothing like sensei, she's really polite...I'm surprised that anyone can be that way while living with Lani-sensei. Thoughts of Lani sleeping during practices, Lani drenched in blood, Lani just being Lani occupied the bandaged nin's mind. How can anyone be normal while living with our psychotic leader?

Toshio shrugs his shoulders a little and walks up near Yuuka after she hands out the letters to Sanma and Ichimaru. "Lead the way, Yuuka-chan!" I'm lucky, I get the nice, young Ikata girl to escort me. Toshio smiles satisfied.

2008-12-29, 05:09 PM
Being given something to do, even as banal as watching over cooking rice, is exactly what Yori needed to keep himself from dwelling on self-pity. With an acknowledgment to Yuuka, he heads over to the stove, a dtermined look on his face.

2008-12-29, 06:45 PM
Sanma Utanaru


The genin grabs the letter and examines it thoroughly before opening. His eyes shift downwards, from right to left as he reads through the text. He then folds the scroll back and turns to his teammates.

"Gotta go see Ihesamo-sama, guys. I'll come back later to move in with my things."

With a dash, the genin runs towards the main building to claim his due.

Paragon Badger
2008-12-30, 11:20 PM
Ichimaru spent a long time staring blankly at the scroll, his expression revealing only a slight degree of amusement. "Ummm, Can someone give me a hand here?" He asked, waving the parchment around.

The blind genin smiled as he rubbed the back of his head, and, provided that he was assisted in discerning the scroll's contents, would hurry off to chase Sanma and to accompany him.

2009-01-01, 07:50 AM
Team 5(+Toshio)

After a moment of confusion and several flustered apologies Yuuka informs Ichimaru of what his scroll says. She then proceeds to guide all three genin to the central government building together. While she's gone, Lani moves downstairs in proper dress. She nods toward Yori then sits at the table waiting rather patiently for the genin to speak first.

Central Government Building

The building is a squat and spartan-looking structure obviously intended to be attacked rather than filled with bureaucracy. A chuunin--obviously sleeping before you arrived--stands guard with a half-interested look. He just nods at the group of genin and allows you inside without so much as asking your name. The initial room you enter is simply a secretary's room where a young ninja sits at an old-looking desk thumbing through a stack of folders as tall as Toshio is. He looks up, sees Yuuka, then points his thumb to the double-doors opposite the building's entrance. "Through there. You know the way."

Yuuka nods, then starts walking. After several minutes she stops you at a corner then points around it. A quick check notes three female ninja standing in a triangular pattern and discussing something. The first--a girl wearing a simple blue T-shirt, matching skirt and black shorts beneath--you recognize from the academy as Sakamoto Bunko. Her dramatic failures at multiple tests come to the forefront of anyone's mind.

The second--a girl wearing a man's gray kimono and two swords on her right hip--you recognize as Maeda Arisu from the Maeda Clan. Even Ichimaru can detect who she is from her use of male pronouns and harsh speaking voice. The third is a girl dressed more as a ninja than either of her companions. A black full-body uniform coupled with a black mouth-covering mask marks her as a ninja.

Yuuka frowns and chews on the bottom of her lip. "We need to go that way."

The Unborne
2009-01-01, 06:21 PM

Toshio's Katsugan catches the slight nervous reaction of Yuuka and a little bit of surprise comes to Toshio. Huh, the way Lani-sensei carries herself; I thought Yuuka wouldn't be timid around anything. She does live with ferocious tiger and all... The genin makes a quick look around the corner and returns his focus to his companions, "Well, it's Sakamoto Bunko, Maeda Arisu, and...I can't tell who the last girl is; she's all covered in ninja gear. I don't personally know any of them...but they are Kage-nins like ourselves, we'll have to see them sooner or later. Let's just pass them."

The mummy-like genin turns the corner and begins to walk down the hallway. A familiar feeling comes back to Toshio and wrenches at his gut. I feel it already...They're going to call me a Miira again. It's been such a long time since someone has called me a mummy that I forgot how often kids used to make fun of me. Good grief.

2009-01-02, 02:12 AM
Lani's return is met by long, awkward silence. Yori's attention seems disproportionately fixated on the cooking rice, quite evidently feigning obliviousness out of a shame. Time passes, and as the meal's aromas start spreading on the air, still the only sound to be heard is the bubbling water.

Finally, Yori's curiosity overcomes him, and he asks Lani the question that was foremost in his mind: "Why are you letting me stay on the team? I know that a team is supposed to stand or fall together, but it really was all my fault." Yori falls silent for a second, remembering how the others had spoken up to share the responsibility, and feeling quite touched, and honoured to have been teamed with such great people. "I don't think it's fair to the others that they would have to compensate for my incompetence."

2009-01-02, 06:13 PM
Sanma Utanaru

The young genin looks at his teammates, then at the ones in the way. He mentally says their names: Sakamoto Bunko, Maeda Arisu, and... someone he didn't recognise. No matter. He turns to his teammates and raising an eyebrow, says:

"So? We're Kage-nins. Toshio has it right. Come on."

With those few words, the genin starts walking, hands in the pockets of his kimono, not even risking an eye on the group of Kage-nin women as he walks towards and past them.

"Come on guys, Ihesamo-sama shouldn't be kept waiting."

2009-01-02, 10:02 PM

Lani doesn't bother making small talk while the rice cooks. She simply sits and waits rather patiently for Yori to speak. Once he finally does, Lani allows the boy to get out everything. A minute of silence passes as the jounin simply stares at the boy with both icy blue eyes. She answers his question with one of her own. "As I said before: Failure is to be expected. Even the greatest of ninja have failed in something in their life. Shouldn't you be more concerned with what you can learn from this failure rather than wasting time and energy wondering why I haven't sent you home? I do not know why you killed Yuuka's cat, but I do know it's dead. Not only have I seen it, but I can smell it on your hands."

Rogue 7
2009-01-04, 10:42 PM
Normally, Ichimaru'd probably be trying to be all over those girls, but right now...he really just doesn't feel like it. Particularly since he still smells like smoke and burned catgut (and not the tennis racket stuff). So he just follows along with the group, waiting to see what's going on.

2009-01-05, 11:45 AM
Team 5(+Toshio)

Yuuka waits as the genin file past and toward the three girls. She waits until everyone else has already moved into the hallway before sneaking out the way they just came. The girls immediately stop talking once Toshio and Ichimaru come into view. Arisu grins and speaks calmly. "Look. It's the crippled team. What are a bunch of losers like you doing here?"

Bunko smiles and leaps on the opportunity to make fun of anyone. "A mummy-boy, a blind-boy, and a stupid-boy all on one team. We must be running out of useful ninja to balance out the teams." The dark-garbed girl just turns toward Bunko. "Even their jounin is useless. My mom said that idiotic cow barely passed her exam and even had to be saved from my dad by Esanu-sama." All three girls break out in high-pitched laughter.

The Unborne
2009-01-05, 02:47 PM

Behind the linen coverings, Toshio watched closely as the three girls laughed and made fun of his team. Time seemed to slow down as their hair bounced up and down between each interval of laughter, and spit seemed to fly out from their guffawing mouths. Time stood still soon after.

Did they just call me mummy again? Toshio found himself back on his first day ever as a genin and listening to his feline sensei. "Alright! As my disciple you're no longer a Miira--And you have my permission to punch anyone in the face who calls you that--No! You shall be a fierce tiger barely restrained from killing anyone who dares insult you! So cool!"

Two strong glints of light replaced the bandaged genin's Katsugan momentarily as he clenched his fist and cocked it back;blue flames erupted from behind Toshio's eye coverings. Stepping forward, the genin unleashed a mighty punch to Bunko's face.

After stepping through with his attack, the mummy-like Toshio looked towards the other two patronizing kage-nins, "That so-called idiotic cow, told me to punch whoever calls me mummy...So go ahead and...No, I dare you to call me that again. Nyah~!"

Attack:1d20+5=14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1880283/)
Damage:1d4=3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1880285/)
I'm going to assume Bunko was caught flatfooted :smalltongue:

2009-01-05, 03:02 PM

The fist is indeed surprising. The inept kunoichi is struck square in the face and rears back from the blow as blood blossoms outward from her nose. Immediately the other two genin stop laughing and Arisu reaches for her swords. Bunko screams, "You stupid cloth-wrapped jerk! I'll kill you!" but doesn't get a chance to act on it before the unknown girl steps between both groups. She speaks calmly. "You've stricken my servant. As her master, I demand you apologize."

The Unborne
2009-01-05, 03:17 PM

The kage-nin stares at the stained bandages wrapped around his fist while Bunko screams at the top of her lungs. Toshio takes a deep breath as the kunoichi stands between them. His sapphire eyes pierce through the linen cloth and stares at the ominous girl, "You hypocrite, your offensive words against my own master struck harder than my fist was able to do."

The mummy-like genin points to the female ninja in front of him, "No matter how a person looks or seems, they are not useless nor are they losers. I'll give my apology as soon as you apologize for your offense against us and our master."

2009-01-05, 03:36 PM
The way Lani mentions the reasoning behind the cat's death immediately puts Yori on the defensive. "I didn't mean to kill it!" he says, stating the obvious. "I just figured that if we knew what kind of traps had been set, we'd be better able to avoid them, and... and..." The genin falls into silent contemplation, returning to his task of watching the cooking rice.

"And I have no idea what I'm supposed to learn from this," he admits reluctantly, looking back to his captain. "It still feels like it was the right decision, but I failed anyway."

Rogue 7
2009-01-05, 07:15 PM
Ichimaru chooses not to reply, simply standing silently, arms folded behind Toshio. He's in a position to support him, and stands ready if any of the girls make a move.

2009-01-06, 06:24 AM
Sanma Utanaru

Sanma simply blinked at Toshio broke the sound barrier and sent Bunko's head flying backwards. Blood escaped as he taunted them with a witty Nyah~! Sanma could only smile, just that had managed to make his day. Blind boy, mummy boy and dumb boy at least wouldn't take an insult without reacting.

The Genin then started laughing hysterically as the two girls became red with rage. Uncontrollably, his finger pointed towards Bunko, he simply couldn't stop himself chuckling, getting all teary with the strain.

"Hahahaha, now you get to be a cripple too, broken nose imouto-san!"

Still laughing, trying to calm himself down slowly. He clears his throat.

"Although that might not be a bad thing, considering the smell you give off!"

He smirks and stifles a few more chuckles.

"But seriously, Toshio said it all. You're the ones that thought it was funny to start something. If you want to end it, come get your due. With added interest for insulting Tora-sensei."

2009-01-08, 06:52 AM
Team 5(+Toshio)

The masked genin doesn't back down. "Words are words, Useless Nin-sama. You and your friends made this physical. Either apologize, or I may require Arisu-san to draw her sword." The sword-armed girl assumes a vaguely memorable stance whose name escapes Sanma and Ichimaru is unable to see. Toshio, on the other hand, identifies it as Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu - Shi Ryu Sen. "Do you really want to risk facing us in this hallway, Useless Nin-sama?"


Lani just watches as Yori admits his problem. She then quietly reminds the genin of something he had forgotten. "You knew there were traps, regardless of what they were. You should examine your reaction to these obvious dangers, but not the result of your reaction. Rather than satisfy your curiosity about what the traps were, shouldn't you have simply avoided them regardless of their danger?"

2009-01-08, 10:55 PM
Yori thinks about that for a second. It's true, they could have simply went in there, trying to not blow themselves up, but it still doesn't sound right. "But that's like saying that we should just beat up our enemies, rather than trying to learn their abilities or capabilities. It assumes that all goes for the best, which seems naively optimistic to me."

2009-01-09, 04:23 AM

Lani nods. "Obviously if you don't fully understand the capabilities of an opponent, then gauging those abilities is paramount among your concerns. However, when you have an obvious goal and no obvious threat then why run the risk of failure to satify your desire to learn?"

The Unborne
2009-01-10, 11:08 AM

Behind the linen, Toshio's Katsugan studied the girl's stance. There's no doubt, the foot placement, sword still sheathed, it has to be the Hiten. It dawned on the young genin that Arisu was the only girl in Kagekure that knew the ancient style that pitted one against many. Toshio's focus diverts from the sword-bearing girl to the narrow hallway they were all occupying; his left eye, at the same time, looks to his own team. There's no victory in this hallway.

The mummy-nin bites his bottom lip before finally conceding, "Bunko, I'm sorry for the whole...yeah, but honestly we need to see someone here and we shouldn't keep him waiting." Toshio turns toward the door they were heading towards and walks down the hall, but he stops after a few steps, "You know what mysterious nin-san? You shouldn't be so austere all the time, you might age faster."

2009-01-11, 10:08 AM
Team 5(+Toshio)

The ninja-wrapped girl just extends her arm to stop Toshio from going forward. "That is not acceptable, Useless Nin-sama. I want you to apologize to her personally, and for striking her with your filthy hands." Bunko holds her nose and smiles as her 'master' purposefully words her statements to be both insulting and authoritative.

2009-01-12, 06:29 PM
So... we should have simply gone in blindly? The cautious little genin's mind reels at the thought of doing something so reckless. And yet... He'd always been a careful person. But what had caution availed him? He'd lost both his legs in his last real fight, and just now his attempts to evaluate the threat against them had resulted in an explosive failure. He'd attributed both to his own brashness, but if Lani were to be believed, then overcaution migh thave been his fault all along.

Regaining his confidence at the thought of having finally discovered his fault, he nods to Lani with newfound determination. "Aye, sensei. I won't go looking for trouble again."

2009-01-13, 01:53 AM
Sanma Utanaru

"Toshio. It's your call. What would Ihesamo-san do in your situation? Save his pride? Or wash it away? I've got a jutsu or two up my sleeve, but maybe that's not what you want."

((If I go to China before then, and you -do- decide to initiate the fight, please go for a Kagemane jutsu. Sanma wouldn't back out of this one easily.))

Rogue 7
2009-01-13, 02:20 AM
"I've got your back, too, Toshio-san. Let's show these lovely ladies what us screw-up nins can do."

The Unborne
2009-01-13, 11:49 PM

The genin looks backwards to see his comrades who voiced their support. Toshio nods in agreement and turns to face the mysterious kunoichi, "Sanma, I don't know what Ihesamo-sama would do in this situation; however, if he risked his life to save mine, then I won't allow his accomplishment to be named useless." The bandaged nin takes a quick step backwards and forms a quick seal with his hands.

"Shodan Kousoku!'

Toshio's auburn hair stands on end as the jutsu's effect takes place. A surge of chakra gushes through the genin's body; and in a flash Toshio's hand reaches for his Kunai from his holder. It takes merely a second for the kage-nin to unleash the Kunai towards the ninja-clothed genin.

"We'll show you who are and who aren't losers."

Wow we actually started combat for once :smalltongue:

Free Action: Draw Kunai
Swift Action: Shodan Kousoku
Standard Action: Attack
5-foot Step

Technique:1d20+8=22 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1894887/)
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 35/35
AC: 19
Chakra: 22/24

The Unborne
2009-01-14, 12:05 AM
This could end horribly already...
Critical Confirmation: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Rogue 7
2009-01-14, 01:31 AM

Ichimaru grins rather rougishly. His hands begin to form seals, as he faces away from his opponents, both for the purposes of concealing his hand signals and for making himself appear less threatening- lacking eyes, he doesn't need to be facing his target to aim, and it makes him look quite stupid if he's facing the wrong way before he launches the technique. In the end, it turns out that he does look stupid, as his fingers slip and he loses the technique!

Magen - Jigoku Tenshi no Jutsu
Hand Seal Failure Check-[roll1] (I'm going to say a 1 or 2 fails)
Perform Check- take 10 for 18
Will Save- DC 14 Negates. Toshio, if he knows Ichimaru has this technique, gets a +8 to his will save. Given that that should make it very easy to beat a DC 14 check, I'm not too worried about friendly fire. If this doesn't apply, I'll hopefully be able to retroactively move the area of effect so that Toshio isn't affected.
damage- [roll2]

Frak me!

2009-01-14, 05:24 AM
Sanma Utanaru

HP: 24/32. CP: 15/19.

Initiative: [roll0]

Perform DC (17): [roll1]+[roll2]
(1 action point spent.)

4 Chakra spent.

Ranged Touch attack: [roll3]+[roll4]
(1 action point spent.)

Kagemane no Jutsu...

As Toshio prepares to dash, Sanma makes his seals and uses him as mild cover and an additional shadow to extend his reach. Hidden behind the genin, the shadow extends and suddenly splits two-way from either of Toshio's sides towards the other two genin in order to isolate the ninja-clad one for Toshio. The shadow darts fast towards them. If one could recognize the jutsu, they would know it as the Kagemane, or the Kageshibari no Jutsu of Konoha.

2009-01-14, 12:12 PM


Initiative: 23-Yuuka; 23-Ninja-Clad Genin; 22-Arisu; 14-Sanma; 12-Ichimaru; 11-Bunko; 7-Toshio;

N=Ninja-clad Genin

EDIT: Forgot to note, but everyone IDs Kuuden Myaku no Jutsu and Shodan Kousoku. Further, the ninja-clad genin and Arisu do some stuff(readied actions!) so Sanma/Ichimaru/Toshio are up(skipping Bunko as she's under Sanma's Kagemane).

Team 5(+Toshio)

The ninja-clad genin just lets Toshio perform his technique without issue. She waits quietly as he draws and throws a kunai toward her. Her only reaction is to make a one-handed Ox hand-sign. "Kuuden Myaku no Jutsu." A pulse of static electricity emanates from the genin's body which blows the kunai away. "I told you. You're useless. You two, move. The ugly one is using Kagemane."

Sanma is more luckily, as he easily catches Bunko in his Kagemane no Jutsu. Arisu reacts like a seasoned warrior and moves away rapidly. She performs the same seals as Toshio. "Shodan Kousoku!"


Lani grins, closes both eyes, and reaches toward Yori to ruffle his hair lightly. For a scant few seconds her features remarkably resemble those of a fortune cat doll. She then opens the pot and pokes around the rice with some chopsticks. "... This is boring. Lets go find the other tora-osheigo then go find some trouble." Without further ado, she just drops the pot-cover--also leaving the pot uncovered--and turns around to leave the house entirely.

The Unborne
2009-01-16, 07:28 PM

Realizing that Ichimaru had failed one of his jutsu's, Toshio takes a quick step backwards to stay in front of his blind teammate. The mummy-like genin turns his head slightly and whisphers to Ichimaru, "Turn on your Chakra Sight, I'm going to fog up this area."

Toshio digs his hand into his belt holder to draw out a smoke bomb and throws it to the ground. A haze of smoke rises from the many slits of the gumball-sized object. As the smoke rises around Toshio he activates his Chakra Sight hoping to get a clear view of his opponents. It's a good thing Sanma is keeping Bunko out of the game, but how long can he hold her...There's the raiton-user and the Hiten-user left we need to take out at least one of them.


Kousoku has 2 rounds left

5 Foot Step to (9,8)
Standard Action: Throw Smoke bomb same spot (9,8)
Team 5(+Toshio) has Total Concealment

Rogue 7
2009-01-16, 07:40 PM
"Well, that didn't go so well. Let's see if we can't do better this time!"

Ichimaru's body tenses as he moves chakra throughout. He appears to blur slightly and charges at the kunoichi with the katana, his fists moving in a blur as he strikes at the side of her head in an opening blow. However, he quickly retracts this as she moves to parry, kicking out with a foot and landing a blow solidly in her gut.

Shodan Kosoku, rank 1
Perform Check- take 10 for 19. Rank 1 speed achieved. +1 defense and attack. Moving into combat with Hiten chick, attacking.

2009-01-16, 08:34 PM
Surprised by Lani's sudden switch in behaviour, Yori grins. I guess it's okay to go looking for trouble when you're a jounin. Not knowing if she can still hear him, he opts not to respond and simply wait here for the others' return. "It shouldn't be too long now, and I wouldn't want to disappoint Yuuka-san."

2009-01-16, 11:10 PM


New Initiative: Yuuka / Sanma / Arisu / Ichimaru / Bunko / Ninja Girl / Toshio

As Ichimaru draws close, Arisu doesn't draw her sword and lets the genin punch her. Unfortunately, it put him right where she wanted. "Hiten Misturugi Ryu - Iainuki!" In a flash her sword is out and leaves a shallow but painful gash across Ichimaru's chest.

Meanwhile, when Toshio reaches for the smoke bomb the raiton-using ninja reacts with a quick half-sign. "Raikousen no Jutsu!" A ray of lightning bursts from her finger and blasts Toshio before he could throw the smoke bomb.

Ichimaru triggers Arisu's readied by moving into melee. He takes 8 non-lethal from her Iainuki attack.

Toshio triggers Ninja Girl's readied by moving. She rolls a 20 but screws up on the confirm roll. Toshio takes 9 Lightning damage and needs to make a Fortitude Save vs DC 16 or be stunned for a round.

Once Sanma posts that'll end this round.

2009-01-17, 01:44 AM

Sanma seeing the chance given despite the fact he failed to ensnare both of them. Moving back five feet diagonally to his left first he than quickly dashed ten feet to the right forcing his target to crash through both of his friends before settling in uncomfortably close to Arisu. It was then he moved to attack Arisu using Bunko as his weapon a fist coming around to smack her.

HP: 24/32. CP: 15/19
Initative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]

2009-01-17, 02:14 AM

Ninja Girl, watching Sanma's movements and expecting the same from Bunko, deftly avoids her teammate. "I'm sorry-I'm sorry-I'm sorry!", yells Bunko as she plows past Ninja Girl and almost into Arisu. Luckily for Bunko Sanma stops just short of that. Unluckily, he throws a wild punch that knocks the sword-wielding girl for a loop. "You stupid cow, watch where you swing those meaty fists!"

Sanma's up.

2009-01-17, 02:32 AM

Sanma had other plans and they did not involve a happy day for Bunko as he swung again trying to hit Ariso before scattering some of his caltrops to his left warding himself slightly against Arisu.

HP: 24/32. CP: 15/19
Attack: [roll0]

2009-01-17, 02:54 AM

Arisu glanced about as she decided on what to do next. With Ichimaru concealed by smoke and Bunko under enemy control she couldn't waste further time fooling around. The sword-wielding genin dashes forward, but slides around the corner to avoid the caltrops spread out for her. She immediately attacks Sanma with her already drawn blade, but misses badly due to the slide and strikes the wall instead.

Arisu moves 15 feet down, avoiding caltrop attacks due to only moving 1/2 her speed. Ichimaru and Bunko are unable to make AoOs due to concealment(from Sanma, in Bunko's case).


Initiative: Yuuka / Sanma / Arisu / Ichimaru / Bunko / Ninja Girl / Toshio

Ichimaru is up.

Rogue 7
2009-01-17, 03:05 AM

Sensing his target running to attack his teammate currently keeping them from being overwhelmed, Ichimaru steps further back into the smoke, moving to engage his target, leaving the mysterious ninja girl to Toshio. He was the one that started this, after all. Moving in, he attempts a low-high combination, swinging out with his foot to put her on the defensive, while his fist closed for a strike at her head. However, this time his attack goes wide, his poor senses unable to judge where the target is, and he falls off balance, only narrowly recovering and avoiding becoming a target, he readies himself for retaliation from the sword-wielder.

HP 19/26 Chakra 10/12 Defense 19 Shodan round 2.
Is that a flank? I'm a little fuzzy on those rules. Plus 2 if it is.
Damage [roll1] Nonlethal
Miss- [roll2] (1-5 misses)
Miss reroll [roll3]

The Unborne
2009-01-17, 04:39 PM

The bandaged genin's knees buckles down as the electrical energy coursed throughout his body. Memories of his tortured past seemed to come back all of a sudden. This wasn't the first time Toshio was shocked by lighting and by looking at his opponent, it wouldn't be the last time either. The kage-nin breathes heavily as he can feel the discharge of the attack, he would be incapacitated for the next few moments.

Kuso, why can't I do anything right here? All I do is react and when I try to attack I get denied...I don't think I have any jutsu to help me here...


Kousoku has 1 round left

Stunned with Total Concealment

2009-01-17, 10:19 PM

The ninja girl moves off to the side while drawing a kodachi from a hidden scabbard tucked up her sleeve. She performs a few hand signs, then raises both hands readied to clap together. "Jinrai no Jutsu.." The words are followed by the sound of an explosive thunderclap that rapidly fills the small corridor. Soon, the smoke from Toshio's smoke bomb fills the hallway more and covers up all three kunoichi.


Initiative: Yuuka / Sanma / Arisu / Ichimaru / Bunko / Ninja Girl / Toshio

Sanma is up.

Toshio rolls 21 on his Fortitude Save against Deafness. Ichimaru is not so lucky with 13. Ichimaru fails and is now Deafened.

2009-01-18, 01:07 AM

"Ohcrap-ohcrap-ohcrap!" Sanma shouted as he released his Kage Mane no jutsu and jumping back five feet. He had now stranded one of their teammates away from the rest. Then silently his hands moved in practiced motion, "Ishi Shuriken no Jutsu!" He intoned the technique name just as two loose tiles flung themselves determindly at Arisu.

HP: 24/32. CP: 12/19
Number 1!
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Miss Chance: [roll2]
Attack: [roll3]
Number 2!
Damage: [roll4]
Miss Chance: [roll5]

2009-01-18, 02:22 AM

Ichimaru's fist misses wide, despite the assistance offered by Sanma's flanking maneuver.

The first tile misses wide, but the second pegs the sword-wielding girl squarely in the butt. Arisu immediately ignores the blind-and-now-deaf-nin to step out of the smoke entirely. She turns to face Yuuka and Sanma with a face as red as a beet. "WHICH ONE OF YOU..?! ARGH I'LL KILL YOU BOTH!" Without further ado, Arisu charges forward in a rage and stabs her sword forward..

The metal blade penetrates Sanma's soft flesh easily as it stabs straight into his abdomen. The genin has just a scant few seconds before Arisu physically lifts him up off his feet using her sword as leverage. The angry girl hurls Sanma nearly twenty feet down the hallway causing him to smash into Yuuka while flying. Sanma is left laying on top of Yuuka bleeding from a rather deep stab into his lower left side.


Having a genin hurled into her causes the poor girl to just outright faint.


Sanma is prone. He takes 19 lethal.

Initiative: Yuuka / Sanma / Arisu / Ichimaru / Bunko / Ninja Girl / Toshio

Rogue 7
2009-01-18, 02:28 AM
Crap. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap.

Ichimaru could only "watch" as the sword-crazy ninja did unpleasant things to his friend, judging by the way Sanma went flying out of Ichimaru's field of pseudo-vision. Moving up, Ichimaru desperately tried to attack.

Rogue 7
2009-01-18, 02:57 AM

Attack- [roll0]Shodan Kosoku last round.
Damage- [roll1]
Miss chance-[roll2]1-5 misses.
Critical confirm- [roll3]
Damage- [roll4]

2009-01-18, 03:09 AM

Ichimaru successfully punches Arisu.. ..right in the chest. As he cops a quick feel the enraged swordswoman turns back to him. "I'll just kill you first!" Ichimaru, of course, hears nothing.

The Unborne
2009-01-18, 03:48 AM

The genin's eyes follow the path of Arisu's sword as it cuts deep into Sanma; Toshio watches as the kunoichi lifts his teammate up by his wound and throws him down the hall. His Katsugan turns icy blue as they lock onto the Arisu, it took every ounce of Toshio's strength to calm down the rage that was building up. To almost kill someone like Sanma and treat his defenseless body as rag doll put the bandaged-nin over the edge.

"Stop it!" Toshio can't quiet the voice screaming to put an end to this bitter skirmish. With his hand, the genin pulls out a kunai with a tag wrapped around it's slim hilt. The kage-nin silently focuses all the chakra he could force into the exploding tag.

"I said stop it or I blow us all up! I just charged up a powerful exploding tag and it's ready to go off any moment." Toshio looks through the smoke to make sure he caught everyone's attention, "Bunko I'm sorry for punching you, but this all needs to stop, I can't let anyone on my team die for my actions. If you continue to fight though, I'm not afraid to kill us all in this hallway. Sanma is out of the blast area of the exploding tag, but it will take all of us including you three to hell together."

Toshio flips the kunai over so that he holds the sharpened part tightly against his grip. Blood starts to drip from his clenched hand, "I swear I'll do it."

Charge note to max...6d8 damage; 25-feet radius

2009-01-18, 03:56 AM

The ninja-girl just stands there rather quietly. "But your blind friend isn't out of it's blast radius. For that matter, if I miss my guess you'd have to choose between blowing up myself or Arisu. So, Useless Nin-sama, are you willing to guess that either Arisu or myself are not the vengeful sort and that Blind Nin-sama can escape the blast?"

2009-01-18, 04:15 AM

"Don't be stupid! If you kill yourself I'll tell everyone you wore girls clothes and you'll be dead so it would be my word against nothing!" Sanma shouted trying to convince his friend not to get himself killed.

The Unborne
2009-01-18, 04:15 AM

"I've had a rough life Nin-san and I'm probably going to have it rough for the rest of my life, what's the point of ending it early? All you guys ever did was make fun of me and now I hear that you make fun of my friends also? I'm sick of that and the way I see it...This'll blow up more of your team than mine so I don't care as long as we come out with more people surviving..."

Toshio pauses for a moment.

"I guess you didn't grow up the way I did...People killed in front of your eyes, and then your eyes being ripped out from you. Well Nin-san? Did you have a life like that or did you have servants waiting on your every need? I'm ready to go if it means an easier afterlife."

2009-01-18, 04:47 AM
Ninja Girl

"You are right, Useless Nin-sama. I have lived a life you would consider charmed. But our struggles are meaningless if we chose to stop them. We will break off--" She's interrupted by an enraged shout from Arisu. "Like hell we will!" Ninja girl responds with a curt but polite, "Shut the hell up. As I said before, we will break off once the smoke clears Useless Nin-sama."

The group waits a few more seconds for the smoke to clear, then the ninja girl collects Bunko and Arisu. The ninja-clad genin gives Toshio one final remark. "I would not want someone like you watching my back, Useless Nin-sama." With that, she ushers Arisu and Bunko out the way Team 5 had come in..

Sanma, Ichimaru, and Toshio gain +425 XP each for defeating Team Jerks. Yori gains 425 XP for successfully watching the rice.

..Shortly thereafter, a couple of chuunin guards burst into the hallway. After a few moments of confusion and several questions, the guards release the team to go about their business but give them a stern warning not to damage any more public property.

The Unborne
2009-01-18, 05:01 AM

Toshio remains silent as the Ninja-clad genin leaves with her team. Once the two chuunins come in to check on what happened, the mummy-like nin apologizes for their ruckus and damage to the hallway and quietly puts away the charged kunai so it could dissipate by itself. The genin turns toward Ichimaru to forgive him for almost sacrificing both of them to defeat the other team, luckily Ichimaru was deaf the entire time.

The bandage-bound nin walks around the hallway to meet up with Sanma and Yuuka, "You guys alright? I didn't mean to go all...serious like that. Also, Sanma, if you wish to live I wouldn't be spreading rumors around that I wear dresses. That'd be as scary as Arisu wearing a dress!" Toshio's mouth-covering spreads across his face showing that he was grinning.

2009-01-18, 07:58 AM

By the end Sanma was (dispite the wound in his abdomen) himself covered in a huge grin his eyes closed from such a large smile. "Her wearing a dress? Makes me shiver thinking about it." He grimaces as he stands up his left hand clutching his wound his grin still firmly in place. "If you don't mind so much I think-owch-I think a sword wound is something that might require some small attention."

The Unborne
2009-01-18, 10:39 AM

Behind the mummy-nin's facial bandages there is a small expression of pity. I wasn't able to protect Binky or Sanma it seems... Toshio shakes off the thought and returns his attention to his white-haired pal, "Do you think you can hold it off a moment longer? We were called down here by Ihesamo-sama and I would rather not have him waiting any longer." The genin's left eye focuses on Sanma while his right momentarily peeks a look at Yuuka.

"Yuuka-chan, I'm sorry you got involved at the end. It's my fault."

2009-01-18, 12:22 PM

"Yep! It'll take more than that to stop-" Making an alarming pose his hand thrust out and his thumb upwards for the last part"Sanma!"

Rogue 7
2009-01-18, 03:00 PM

Why isn't she attacking? I think I hit her, so why is she just standing there...wait, she's leaving? What's going on?!

Walking around, trying to see if his chakra sense could detect his friends, it unfortunately did not detect the nearest wall, and Ichimaru slams into it at full speed, causing blood to blossom spectacularly in his nose. He sits on his rear, calling loudly to his friends- he's shouting at the top of his lungs.

Um...guds...wha da hegd ids goig od here!? I can't hear nuding and you all know dat I can'd see! Where da hell is eberybody?!

2009-01-18, 03:33 PM

After about two and a half minutes, Ichimaru's hearing returns. Unfortunately, Yuuka remains fainted for another minute and a half before finally coming around. She looks around in a haze then asks no one in particular, "What just happened?"

The Unborne
2009-01-18, 04:20 PM

Did we injure Lani-sensei's sister?! Hopefully she's not hurt or anything serious. Frantically, Toshio scrambles to help Yuuka up, "I'm so sorry Yuuka-chan, it's all my fault! Arisu got mad at Sanma and flung him towards you...You must've got banged up a little, I'm sorry!" The bandaged genin calms down a bit before asking, "Are you going to come with us any further?"

Disregard the last statement to Yuuka I thought she was up by then.

2009-01-18, 04:46 PM

The girl gets up with Toshio's help. "No, I'm fine. I'm fine. But I should go back and make sure my food doesn't overcook. Do you think you'll be able to make it back on your own?"

The Unborne
2009-01-18, 04:53 PM

Toshio looks at the rest of Team 5, "Well Sanma here's, he knows his way around better than I do. Yup, we'll be fine. Again, sorry Yuuka-chan!" The genin waits patiently for Yuuka to leave making sure she doesn't stumble or anything. Once she leaves the hallway, Toshio turns to Sanma and Ichimaru, "Well I'm ready shall we?"

Rogue 7
2009-01-18, 05:01 PM
"Ig guess do. Whagt habbened?" Why aren'd dose girls addaging uds?"

Ichimaru, if you couldn't tell, is still a bit stuffed up from his bloody nose.

The Unborne
2009-01-18, 05:47 PM

The mummy-like genin walks down towards the door Yuuka pointed out and answers Ichimaru's question in a matter-of-factly tone, "I threatened to blow us all up with an exploding tag if they didn't quit fighting us." Toshio resumes his steady pace down the hallway.

2009-01-19, 07:12 PM

The party heads into a small office decorated in an incredibly spartan manner. An aging, wrinkled man half-buried among an avalanche of papers doesn't even look up when the group enters the door. "Names, rank, then have a seat over there." He off-handedly points toward a series of three empty chairs lined against the east wall while his other hand furiously scribbles on several scrolls.

The Unborne
2009-01-19, 07:33 PM

Toshio's eyes scan the office uncontrollably as all of Team 5 enters. The mummy-nin stares in amazement at the architecture wondering how long the building must have stood there. His Katsugan then falls upon the aged man hard at work, Heh, he must've been here since the place was constructed. Toshio chuckles quietly to himself even as the aforementioned man asks for their information in a monotone voice.

"Uh, Toshio...Just Toshio. Genin, and I guess that's my seat over there." The genin finds his spot and sits down patiently.

2009-01-20, 11:37 AM

"Sanma. Genin." Sanma said quickly, instinctively and sat down almost as quickly. The stuffy office was oppressive and the less time he spent in it the better.

Rogue 7
2009-01-20, 12:33 PM

"Ichimaru. Genin. Could you tell me where the chairs are, instead of just pointing?" Ichimaru listens, but, having not been in the room before, he doesn't know the layout.

2009-01-20, 04:02 PM

"If you'll give me a moment." The man continues to work for several minutes, forcing Ichimaru to either stand there or wander around looking for the chairs on his own. After a full six minutes he finally rolls up the scroll he'd been working on then looks up at the genin. "Alright then-Genin-If I may ask what is it that brings you to my office today-And do hurry, as they say time is money." The man speaks in one long breath rather than stopping to breathe or even slow down.

The Unborne
2009-01-20, 05:04 PM

The mummy-like genin stands up nervously at the fast instructions given to him by the accountant, "Ihesamo-sama sent me an urgent letter that told me to come here to pick up a sum of money-so I can be helped off my feet." Toshio reactively spurts out the information in the same single breath style as the accountant; it takes a couple of seconds for Toshio to regain his breath.

2009-01-21, 06:23 AM

The accountant picks through several scrolls, then quite literally throws one toward Toshio. "That will get you a deed and a few thousand ryo from the vault-Take it downstairs, to the left, and hand it to the banker-Make sure you don't get anything in my office dirty on your way out-And you two?" The accountant again speaks in one long breath, finishing his sentence by looking at Ichimaru and Sanma.

The Unborne
2009-01-21, 10:55 AM

Deed? Well Ihesamo-sama did say this would help me out...Here I thought, Kagekure was entitled to my help, but now they're providing everything to me. Toshio nods and follows the accountant's directions.

Upon arriving, the kage-nin hands over the scroll to the banker.

2009-01-23, 01:28 AM

"Me? I'm here because I haven't been paid for my last mission. I was told to come here." Sanma stayed seated while he talked feeling if he stood up the oppressive feeling of the room would jump him all at once.

Rogue 7
2009-01-23, 02:27 AM
"Um...the same. We were told to come here by Ihesamo-sama."

2009-01-23, 04:15 AM

"Ah-very well then-give me a moment to find your records-whom is your instructor again?" He picks through several scrolls as he waits for your response, and once he finally gets it he responds by chucking a pair of scrolls at Sanma. "That should cover everything-again I must ask you to go to the banker to receive any physical money-have a nice day and don't touch anything on the way out."


The banker, after hearing about why all three genin were there, provides a deed to Toshio and several hundred ryo to all three genin.


Yuuka wanders back home looking about worse for wear as her yukata is torn in places and her hair is a mess. She bows to Yori, thanking him for watching her rice then goes about preparing the meat for the meal without answering any questions.


Toshio gets the deed to the house next to Lani's. All three genin also receive a +2 to their Wealth bonuses.

2009-01-25, 08:50 AM

Clapping a hand on Toshio's shoulder Sanma read loudly the address on the deed for Ichimaru. "Can you imagine the insurance rates? Bad luck there mate."

The Unborne
2009-01-25, 01:59 PM

The genin strains his eyes to focus on the fine print of the deed handed to him. "Well, Sanma-san, it's the same house you guys are moving into. I guess, I'll have to charge you guys to keep up with the insurance rates." Toshio's facial bandages spread along with his cheeks at the thought of having a rental income at the age of thirteen.

After rolling up the scroll, Toshio nods to the Banker, "Domo arigato." If none of the others of Team 5 have anything else to say, the mummy-like nin begins heading back to the Ikata household.

2009-01-29, 11:38 PM
As Yuuka proves unresponsive to Yori's questions and concerns, the puppeteers waits expectantly for the return of his teammates to explain what happened. A brief thought of worry for them is quickly banished - they are all three trained shinobi after all. I'm sure they can handle whatever trouble might find them in the Village.

Despite this thought, he still fidgets with his fingers, tapping a steady rhythm on his turtle's shell.

2009-01-30, 09:48 AM

Team 5 and Toshio make their way back to Lani's home rather easily. There, the group finds Yori and Yuuka at home but there appears to be no sign of the team's jounin. Yuuka has, by now, finished cooking and proceeds to serve the genin with steamed rice coupled with beef and a dash of pepper that makes the entire meal moderately spicy. She seems more open to conversation, and even provides Yori the extra piece of meat she had promised for watching his rice.

Well since the other PCs seem to have nothing to say/do..

+525 xp to Toshio/Sanma/Ichimaru for defeating Team 9 without incident.

+525 xp to Yori for not abandoning his charge to tromp around who knows where.

2009-02-06, 06:19 PM
This time, the lingering silence visibly irritates Yori. Throughout the meal, he keeps leaning further forward, his face switching from the cuts on Ichimaru and Sanma, his fingers twitching as no one appears forthcoming with information. At last, as he seems about to fall into his yet untouched meal, he bursts out; "Well? What happened?"

The Unborne
2009-02-08, 07:49 PM

The mummy-like nin takes his spot at the table leaving his sandals off at the entrance of the dinning room. Toshio downs his entire portion quickly so no one would have time to stare at the numerous cuts and scars aligning his mouth. The genin quietly puts down his chopsticks at Yori's question.

"We bumped into Bunko's team and they started taunting us," Toshio says matter-of-factly, "I punched Bunko in the face and we all had a small skirmish inside the building. We got a little banged up, but that was about it. We all received money from our last mission, and I was given the deed to the house we are all staying in for the next week." Toshio's Katsugan keeps its attention on Yori while taking notice of Toshio's empty plates; the bandaged genin wraps up his mouth one last time and sits back on his feet.

"Thank you very much Yuuka for the wonderful meal! Do you cook often here?"

2009-02-10, 07:49 PM

The girl nods. "Yes. Lani-sama doesn't like to cook and so I am usually saddled with the task if we want to eat anything vaguely resembling food acceptable for human consumption. Of course, you're welcome to come over for dinner if you will be living so close by."

2009-02-10, 09:10 PM
Somewhat mollified by Toshio's response, Yori finally settles down and begins to eat, satisfied that whoever had attacked his friends had been appropriately dealt with, and can finally enjoy his meal.

The Unborne
2009-02-10, 09:33 PM

The bandage-wrapped genin plays with the rice left on his bowl. His focus turns to Yuuka as she explains why she cooks most of the time, "The food was delicious, sometimes the most normal meals taste the best on an empty stomach." As if on cue, a burp tries to manage its way out of Toshio. The genin is quick to stop it, but releases a small bit.

"Excuse me," Toshio says in response, "Anyways...Does anyone know where Lani-sensei went to?"

2009-02-10, 11:04 PM

"Hey!" Sanma exlaimed as the mild story ended. "You left out the best part. Toshio threatened to blow everyone up, but thanks to my threat to reveal his dark secret he stopped. The girls were really weirded out after that and left."

Rogue 7
2009-02-10, 11:09 PM

"I'm still confused about what happened after that one girl made it so I couldn't see. I need to go lie down...

Assuming no one stops him, Ichimaru will collapse onto the nearest couch.

[roll0] On a 1, thanks to the blindness, he misses and hits the floor.

2009-02-10, 11:29 PM
"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot, Lani-sensei went out looking for you. Apparently she suspected you'd manage to get into trouble." Yori grins at the others.

2009-02-11, 12:05 AM

"Poor Toshio, his terrible secret is out and Tiger-sensei is going to eat him." Sanma now finished himself grabbed his plate and putting it into the sink before sitting on the sofa upside down. "I pray for you my friend." Sanma clapping his hands together in a prayful manner as he continued to be upside down.

2009-02-11, 03:17 AM

The tiger-nin slams open the door as she lets out a great yawn that you can hear even in the dining room. "NYAH~! I hope my genin aren't in here lazing about when they could be off training..! Why, if I found anyone in my house being lazy then I'd make them go run around the village a few times before bed!" Lani makes a big show of taking off her shoes then stomping up down toward the dinning room.

2009-02-11, 03:49 AM

"ByeandthanksforthedinnerYuuka." The genin dropped to the floor and ran for the nearest open window leaping out of it and probably shoving a member of his team aside as he did so. Hitting the ground and making a run for the house he was calling home for now.

The Unborne
2009-02-11, 07:12 PM

No! I'll get lost if she makes me run! Toshio stands up abruptly almost knocking the table over in the process. He scampers to the side of the dining room and begins doing intense jumping jacks.

"One, two...sixty! Seventy! Ninety! One hundred n' twenty-seven! One hundred n' thirty...!" Sweat dribbles its way down his face, not from the mock work out, but from his fear of Lani making him run all around Kagekure.

Rogue 7
2009-02-11, 07:50 PM
OOC ...Oh, what the Kroot.



Asleep on the couch, Ichimaru is unaware of the doom that approaches.

2009-02-11, 08:53 PM
At Lani's warning, Yori reflexively picks up his plate to finish his meal on the run, just in time to avoid having it knocked over by Toshio hitting the table, but then he reconsiders. Worry less about caution! Time to show you what I've learned, sensei! I'll charge forth fearlessly!

Eager to demonstrate his newfound resolution, Yori puts the rice back on the table and resumes eating with dedicated ferocity.

2009-02-11, 09:17 PM

She helps Yori recenter the table after Toshio nearly knocks it over. Like Yori, she just sits at the table and watches the other two genin scramble about. Once Lani comes into the dining room, she quietly gets up and makes her older sister a meal.


Your jounin stumbles into the dining room caring a dark brown bottle and blushing fiercely. She lurches over to the table, slams the bottle down hard enough that Yori can hear it crack, then slumps into a chair with a happy sigh. After a few seconds she seems to finally notice Toshio and Yori. "Oh! Hey you two! Congratulations on.. Something! I'm sure it's someone's birthday today! When is their birthdays anywhere.. Uh. Where's.. The other one?" She glances between Toshio and Yori with half-closed eyes while swaying back and forth. Without warning she slams her head onto the table and passes out.

The Unborne
2009-02-11, 10:05 PM

Toshio turns his head to Yuuka looking for an explanation, he does the same for Yori. The genin shrugs his shoulder and tip toes towards their fallen sensei. His Katsugan studies her body intently looking for any sign of movement. Toshio stops a few feet from Lani and looks back at Yori and Yuuka. With his socked foot, Toshio prods the jounin softly.

She has to be drunk...This could be our most dangerous mission yet.


2009-02-11, 10:16 PM

Lani does not respond nor move when prodded. Yori and Toshio both notice that the brown bottle she's carrying is leaking a strong-smelling liquid from the hairline crack at it's base.

2009-02-11, 11:18 PM
Yori freezes in the middle of stuffing more food into his mouth, puzzled. He is about to ask Toshio if this is common behaviour for Lani, but the genin's inquiring glance assures him that Toshio is just as confused as Yori.

"Ah. Well, thank you very much for the meal, Yuuka-san, it was excellent. But as Lani-sensei mentioned, we really should be getting some training done before we get to bed." Realising that he still smelled like dead fish, that his bright red dress was covered in ash and dirt, and that he still had the remains of a dead cat in one of the compartments hidden inside the turtle he was riding, he added; "Also, I need to clean up."

He picks up his flute, weaving chakra into it once more. "Are you coming, Toshio-senpai?"

The Unborne
2009-02-11, 11:24 PM

Toshio scrunches his nose when he takes a whiff of the liquid. His right eye locks on Yori playing his flute, "Yeah I'll be right there." The mummy-like nin steps away from his passed-out sensei and crosses the room to meet his turtle-riding friend and Yuuka, "Thank you again Yuuka it was a lovely meal, I hope I can speak for the team and say we hope to be the best of friends during this week," he bows greatly for her, "and can you make sure Ichi knows where we went?"

Toshio turns around to leave the house allowing Yori to lead the way.

2009-02-14, 05:14 AM

Yuuka takes the drunken Lani in stride, and simply puts her meal in the fridge then goes about seeing Toshio and Yori out. Once they're both gone, she takes the time to clean up Lani, dress her for bedtime, then take her to her bed so she can sleep. Afterwards, Yuuka just throws a blanket over Ichimaru and lets him rest on their couch.

Your home

Your home is a small square two-story, four-bedroom and two bathroom affair. The living room accommodates about six people comfortably, though Yori's puppet takes up enough space for two people, and each bedroom is large enough to set all your things. Luckily it comes already furnished with a refridgator, four futons and other assorted furniture. Unfortunately, you discover during training that the walls are very thin and you can easily hear everyone from virtually anywhere in the house.

The Unborne
2009-02-14, 07:52 PM

The cool air throughout Kagekure felt relaxing to the mummy-like nin. Kagekure had become a true home to Toshio ever since Ihesamo brought him there; the gentle embrace of the calm night proved his affection for the city well-founded. His Katsugan spots his new home easily and begins surveying its architecture. The building was cheap in a sense, but it was his home now. No amount of mediocrity would take away the sense of safety he would feel from living in a place he could call his.

Toshio walks along the sidewalk of what seemed to be an empty street, he reaches his house in a minute and opens the door. The house looked a little barren, but it had all the appliances Team Five needed to survive on. The bandaged genin knocks on one of the walls to test its sturdiness but finds them disappointingly hollow. This could be annoying, but I guess we can get use to it.

The genin sighs a little bit and makes his way up to the room, but not without holding the door open for Yori and his puppet first. Toshio opens the nearest room on the top of the stairs and finds it empty. The genin walks in and makes himself comfortable, I think I'll bring my clothes from the apartment here, I think that's the only things I really need besides this bed here. He gently strokes the bed spread feeling its inviting comfort.

Toshio peers outside, It doesn't look that late...Maybe a few hours of training will do, I'm so close to perfecting Seireiha. For the next four hours the linen-bound genin summons his Soul Edge in quick successions hoping to make the performance second nature. The shapeless blade grows thinner each time, but looks sharper with each thinning. After his training, Toshio lies on his bed and gives a sigh of relief. Soon he would be able to fully use the jutsu indefinitely.

The bed looks comforting to the genin and Toshio falls on top of it. "Good night Sanma! Yori!" he says it just loud enough for all of them to hear through the wall. After listening for them, Toshio falls into a deep, long slumber.


Toshio turns over in the middle of the night.

The forest is thick, dark, and vast as the mummy-like genin runs through its labyrinth-like trails. Brachiate vines are scattered amongst the trees and seem to grab at the fleeing genin. Toshio looks behind him to see two ice-blue eyes peering straight at him. He trips over a root that raised itself above the ground.

Sweat rolls past the genin's temples as he watches a wild Siberian tiger step through the shadows, its blue eyes still staring at him. Toshio clenches his shut afraid of the maiming that was sure to come. After a few moments of no pain,Toshio reopens his eyes to see a smiling Lani.


The Kage-nin wakes up with a fright and looks out the window to see the moon still high in the sky. Toshio sighs and sits back against the wall and waits for a new day...

2009-02-19, 01:28 AM
With the doorway too small for Kain, it takes quite a bit of disassembly and twisting around to get the pieces of the puppet inside. Thankfully, ninja puppetry worked just as well with the separate pieces as with the whole, and so Yori drags himself into the house in short order.

While Toshio is outside training his ninjutsu, Yori performs maintenance on his puppets. Naga is in surprisingly good shape, especially considering the disaster it triggered, and Kain has only undergone the light strain of casual transportation, so the upkeep goes rather smoothly.

The most disastrous part of the puppet remains that nauseatingly odorous compartment in which Yori stored the dead fish and cat. As much as he tries to clean it up, the stench still remains faintly. Despairing, Yori leaves that part of the puppet beneath an open window facing the direction opposite where Toshio is training. While there, he crawls out of the window and digs a small hole where he buries the feline's remains. I couldn't even protect a small cat. What kind of shinobi am I?

Only after his puppets are properly taken care of does he wash up himself. The robe takes an eternity to clean, and Yori is certain that if it had belonged to a noblewoman before, she would surely not want it back now, and would be quite indignant at the outrages the vestment had suffered. The thought amused Yori.

Finally, he goes to his bed to sleep. Lost in slumber by the time Toshio returns from his training, he does not hear his well wishes. He does, however, hear the scream that wakes him in the middle of the night. Befuddled by sleep and flute in hand, his ears intent on finding the source of the intrusion or trouble, it takes him a minute before he realises it was probably only one of his roommates having a nightmare. With muttered promises to ask about it in the morning, Yori falls back to sleep.

2009-02-20, 11:00 AM
Sanma Utanaru

After a rough day using jutsus, running around trying to stab people, Sanma simply felt tired beyond anything he had previously experienced. Crashing into bed, not before thanking Toshio for letting them stay when he could have easily given them the boot out of the house, the young genin gave the battle they had with the girls another last thought before finally slowly falling into his slumber.

"Good night Sanma! Yori!"

"Good night Yori! Good night Toshio! Thanks again!"

With those words the young one fell asleep rather abruptly, a loud snoring noise coming from his room. Nothing woke him up that night, whether it was Toshio returning from his training, having his strange dream or Yori shuffling about in his bed at night, Sanma slept peacefully. Like a reptile waiting for sunlight to come again.

2009-02-21, 11:47 AM

Morning breaks unceremoniously over Kagekure. Naturally, the light is filtered through the shadow that constantly drapes over the village, but it's more than enough to awaken someone accustomed to living beneath it. A warm, bacon-y smell permeates the entire building and after getting dressed you discover Yuuka is cooking breakfast in your kitchen. She greets anyone who heads down to see her calmly, and notifies them that breakfast will be ready in another ten minutes. She also clarifies that Lani is out on a mission for today and that she had been given your schedule which she laid out on the table.

The table appears to have only one unrolled scroll on it, which has the words "Free Day" written in meticulous and immaculate handwritten that Lani had used on the first day you met.

The Unborne
2009-02-24, 10:46 PM

The young genin watches as the sun creeps its way above the horizon. The light slips through his dingy shades, his eyes sting a little from the unaccustomed brightness. Toshio covers his eyes with his forearm to blot out the peeking sun while his nostrils pick up the smell of bacon.

The mummy-like genin peers around his arm and looks for the source of the delicious aroma, but finds nothing. Toshio stumbles downstairs and sees no one cooking...A small vapor of steam floats from out one of the windows and winds its way over to the Ikata household. He follows it.

Toshio heads out his house and flies through Lani's tiger-marred door. He finds himself inside the dining room again and spots Yuuka in the kitchen with the smell of bacon very strong in the air. The Kage-nin takes a whiff and sighs, he listens as Yuuka explains Lani's whereabouts and reads the letter.

"Well it looks like your sister's team has the day off today. How have you been Yuuka-chan?"

2009-02-26, 03:05 AM

The young girl looks flustered at the attention. "Uh. Well. I've, er, been well. Yourself?"

2009-02-26, 05:45 AM
Sanma Utanaru

"Wow, a free day? Lani-sensei has been very lenient recently."

Was all Sanma could say at the news, he was clearly not very awake to be able to say something like that. He had gone down the stairs and let out a heavy "Ohayou" as he scooped himself up off the floor to get to the fridge. Eventually realising Yuuka was cooking, his reaction becoming increasingly surprised, he pointed a finger at her, his eyes wide.

"Whaaa?! She's cooking for us! Guys, does that mean she's thinking of marrying one of us!?" Sanma's enthusiasm suddenly fell to silence, hanging his head in shame. "Oh, but having Lani-sensei as sister in law would be hard."

After a few minutes of joking around, the young genin looks around at everyone. I wonder what should we do today? Maybe spend some of our money!

"Want to go to the market, guys?"

2009-02-26, 12:48 PM
Yori yelped when he dragged himself near the kitchen and found Yuuka already there. It was already embarrassing enough that he'd revealed his weakness to his teammates yesterday, but he definitely didn't need Yuuka to know. But Kain was on the other side of the room, where he'd left it under the open window last night.

As he hid behind the doorway, he began playing his flute to summon the wooden puppet to him. It was too much to hope that this would all go unnoticed, but perhaps no one would question it. I'm weird like that sometimes. No particular reason.

Once he'd regained his more dignified position seated atop the big turtle, he finally heads into the kitchen where he greets Toshio, Sanma and Yuuka.

"I'll come with you," says Yori. "I should also see Loutinnae-sama and tell him that I'll be living here now, so he doesn't get worried."

While they are talking, Yori begins working on scribing a new Kengakuryokou seal on Kain.

The Unborne
2009-02-28, 10:52 PM

The mummy-like genin rubs a hand through his auburn hair while his Katsugan studies the petite Ikata, "I've been better. Maybe it was a different bed, but I had a few nightmares last night..." His crystal-blue eyes disengage from Yuuka and focus on Sanma who was already starting to make a scene.

"Oy, I don't think she'd be marrying anytime soon, considering how young we are!" Toshio tries to stick his tongue out but gets a taste of old linen and, instead, makes a disgusted expression. The Kage-nin shakes his head at his comrade's suggestion, "If you don't mind Sanma, I'd rather stay here and talk about the neighborhood with Yuuka. Since it looks like I have my own house to take care of now. You and Yori enjoy yourselves...and don't get into too much trouble."

Toshio waves his friends goodbye and waits for them to leave him alone with Yuuka. The genin turns around to face the sister of Lani the Kitten and opens his mouth, "I've come to the conclusion concerning your sister, Yuuka. She acts too much like a cat for something not to be wrong with her..." The conclusion is followed by a small gulp.

2009-02-28, 11:00 PM

The girl takes no notice of the giant animating puppet. Something like that is common enough that she simply overlooks it. She serves a breakfast consisting of a two-egg omelette with a strange fish-like taste in it to the genin. She laughs off the marriage question, then washes the dishes and cleans the kitchen before answering Toshio's question.

"Lani-sama is.. not normal, no. As they say, the line between genius and madness is a fine one indeed. Did any particular incident trigger this line of reasoning?"

Rogue 7
2009-02-28, 11:21 PM

Having slept particularly well on Lani-sensei's couch, Ichimaru is very surprised to wake up there. He had expected a rude shove onto the floor from Tora-sensei. But right now there was really only one thing on his mind- he was hungry. Heading back to his new home, he immediately smells the wonderful scent of bacon in the air.

Seeing that Yuuka is cooking, and hearing of the free day, he abruptly starts pinching himself, grinning widely.

"There's a pretty girl in our kitchen making breakfast for me, the whole house smells of bacon, and we don't have a mission with our crazy sensei today? I must be dreaming, but I sure don't want to wake up!"

2009-03-01, 02:23 AM
Yori waves at Ichimaru when he finally gets here, something of a futile gesture. "It certainly is very fortunate for us to have you here, Yuuka-san. I don't know about the others, but I'm a pretty lousy cook myself. And we certainly appreciate your company, though I was surprised to see you here this morning. Was there a particular reason you came to see us?"

Memories of yesterday's fisheries bring a grimace to Yori's face as he takes a bite of the omelette, but he quickly conceals it behind a grateful smile.

The Unborne
2009-03-01, 10:25 PM

"Good morning Ichi!" Toshio manages a smile, and looks back down at the meal prepared by Yuuka. The omelette looked delicious, but a slight taste of fish swirled around his mouth while he ate it. Toshio tries deciding if the piece of omelette was in fact pleasing to eat while he chewing the slice.

"What an interesting taste, I don't think I've ever had an omelette that incorporated seafood in it. You've outdone yourself with this meal, Yuuka." Toshio devours the rest of the omelette and continues onward to the bacon. Egg and bits of meat stain the genin's linen coverings as he finishes his meal.

Lani Gossiping

Toshio is taken aback by Yuuka's question, "Uh, no not really an incident..." If you consider seeing her purr every now and then, or taking on a giant Were-tiger...nope nothing really, "I've been having some strange dreams where...Well there's this tiger sometimes chasing me and when I blink it's Lani-sensei standing there instead. Once I think Lani-sensei was the tiger and she picked me up and devoured me! She also seems to be troubled most of the time and displays this blood-thirsty aura around her when she's serious," Toshio takes a moment to catch his breath, "I just don't know what she is, I feel like we share a common past, but I can't do anything for her since...I know nothing about her."

2009-03-01, 11:11 PM

After the omelette, Yuuka serves each genin a trio of light and buttery rice-balls with the freshly fried bacon stuffed in the center. She hands each of you a little handkerchief to wrap the rice-balls inside when you're done eating. If someone asks, she clarifies that the rice-balls are for lunch as well as breakfast. "I came because Lani-sama left early this morning and I don't like cooking breakfast solely for myself." When she has that, you notice an extra plate in the sink that hadn't drawn your attention before. It's obvious that she ate before you had awoken.


Yuuka nods at Toshio's words. "Lani-sama had that same aura this morning. Her hatred, anger and the desire to kill wrapped around her as the shell protects the acorn. This is the person she is every morning and she does not become someone else until she has had time to, as she says, 'tame the tiger'. I do not know much about her past, but our adoptive father would know. He is coming to hire ninja for something today, I think."

The Unborne
2009-03-01, 11:44 PM

Toshio blinks momentarily, "So, Lani-sensei is always that way? With those ice-cold eyes..." The genin remembers the numerous times he had seen that expression on his tora-sensei, "How do you live with that Yuuka? I mean, waking up with some murderous kunoichi. It has to be like waking up next to some bloodthirsty tiger." Toshio sighs, there was much he didn't know about his jounin-leader, "I guess I'll need to see Ikata-sama, maybe he'll enlighten me. Is he visiting your house?"

2009-03-01, 11:52 PM

Yuuka shakes her head. "Lani-sama and this one's honorable father do not get along well. They are like, as the saying goes, the tiger and the dragon. One the indisputable master of the sky and the other the indisputable master of the land, but neither can visit it's claws upon the other." She pointedly avoids talking about herself. "No, instead he will visit Ihesamo-dono and then find an inn to stay at before returning home the next day. Lani-sama has forbid me from going to see him, but if you do seek him out then I would like you to deliver a letter for me. Naturally, I am willing to pay you for the service."

The Unborne
2009-03-02, 12:12 AM

The linen-covered genin ponders the underlining relationship of Lani and the her adoptive father. "They can't dislike each other that much can they? If they did why live with the same family name?" Toshio pauses a moment realizing how unaware people were of the things they received in life. He would kill to remember his family name or at least have one...

Toshio shakes his head once he hears Yuuka's request, "A letter? I can do that much. Don't worry about a payment, the breakfast you provided was enough." The genin smiles and stands there waiting for Yuuka to hand him the letter. Maybe I'll find out why Lani is so...strange.

2009-03-02, 12:21 AM

Yuuka explains when Toshio poses the question. "Because Lani-sama was taken in by this one's honorable father when she was very, very young. This one's honorable father is a man that likes everything to go his way and his way only, but Lani-sama is not someone to be ruled. Inevitably, Lani-sama rebelled and this one's honorable father has since disowned her."

After she tells her very short story, the girl goes to fetch a scroll, ink and brush. In a scant few minutes she returns with the scroll sealed up by wax with the impression of a crouching tiger. "Please do not tell this one's honorable father that I wrote this letter, Toshio-san."

The Unborne
2009-03-02, 12:37 AM

The genin studies the scroll Yuuka handed him and looks back at her. "Don't worry Yuuka-chan, consider this delivered." Toshio turns toward the hallway and waves the young kunoichi goodbye, "Thanks again for the meal and chat!" He walks outside the door and pauses.

The genin scratches his head for a couple of seconds. I guess I should start with Ihesamo-sama, I could probably catch up with Ikata-sama or at least Ihesamo-sama will direct me in the right direction. Toshio nods his head and begins walking down the street through Kagekure towards the Central Building. For once, he wouldn't need a map or compass for his way. This was the closest thing he was going to have for a mission since he wasn't entirely in a team anymore.

2009-03-03, 04:48 PM
"Oh, I understand that," said Yori. "I used to know someone like that, always helping people out because he was happier with others..." Yori falls silent suddenly, apparently dissatisfied with the direction his memories were going. He completes his meal and finishes the seal on Kain in silence, not so much irritated as lost in contemplation.

Finally, he starts a tune and the puppet jumps to life, carrying Yori towards the exit. "Well, we certainly appreciate your company, so if you ever want to come over, I'm sure we'll all be happy to see you. Thanks again!" And with that, he joins Sanma.

2009-03-04, 07:43 AM

As you wind your way to the Central building you notice a rickshaw in the middle of the road surrounded by four armed and armored bodyguards. The rickshaw is colored bright red and gold and covered by a matching fabric roof. The inside is shaded, but you can distinctly see two human shapes inside. One appears to be a short man with a clean-shaven but vaguely familiar face, while the other appears to be a girl clad red-and-gold-kimono. She doesn't seem particularly old, and possibly younger than yourself.

Team 5

The market is significantly more lively than one would expect in Kagekure. People are shoulder-to-shoulder in the large open-air market, and the shouts of merchants hawking their goods makes the place feel very active. Many non-ninja specific goods are available for sale, from ratty old futons to boxes of instant ramen.

The Unborne
2009-03-04, 10:25 AM

Toshio lifts his head slightly to get a better look inside the rickshaw. Though he had no business with the people inside, the sight of the wealthy elite made even the most common passersby take a second glance. The mummy-like nin sighs when he studies sanguine fabric of the cart, I wonder what it'd be like to be wealthy.

With his interest piqued, Toshio places Yuuka's scroll in his holder and walks down the street. He taps one of the other bystanders and asks, "What's going on?"

2009-03-06, 05:16 PM

As Sanma travels around the marketplace, he spots different items that could liven up his room. He wanted a new futon, some nails to hang things on the wooden frame of his walls as well as a few fake ancient scrolls. He also saw a heavy Dakimakura and decided it would be perfect for him during his troubled sleep at night. The young genin also bought some soap and stopped, unbelieving at one of the stalls.


He brandished his brand new find in their faces. As their pupils adjusted to how close the item was to their eyes, he screamed.

"I've been dreaming of getting my hands on this gel! My hair is so bad in the morning, you have no idea!" He rubbed the side of his face against the gel tube, his face the epiphany of happiness. Buying it, he skips along with the rest of his items in a big bag he slung onto his back.

Rogue 7
2009-03-06, 06:23 PM

Ichimaru doesn't back up as Sanma waves the item in his face. Instead he waves his hand in front of his eyes.

"What gel is that, Sanma-san? I can't exactly see it."

2009-03-07, 01:33 PM
Yori followed the others around, not saying much as he had to keep playing his flute to move.

"Well, we have some idea." he says when they stop near one shop. "We were there this morning after all. Or I was at least. Did you enjoy spending the night at Lani's place, Ichimaru?"

Listening to the reply, Yori's eye catches sight of something interesting. "Yeah, just a sec, I want to check this out." he puts in when he gets the occasion. It was a music box, with the irregular rotating cylinder that made music as the raised portions struck notes. The mechanism was intriguing to Yori. I wonder if I could make one of those? Ideas started swirling around in the young genin's head, and soon he was decided. "I'll buy it!"

2009-03-09, 05:53 PM

The covered rickshaw and guard compliment wheel their way past Toshio without incident, and the young boy is able to get his question answered by a passerby. An old man identifies the man as Lord Setsuna Ikata, the Fire Daimyo's personal bodyguard. The old man informs Toshio about a rumor going on that the Daimyo of the Fire Country may be searching for ninja coming from outside Konohagakure for a top-secret mission. Naturally, the geezer doesn't know much more than that and has little else to say on the subject.

The Market

The team hears a familiar feminine voice interrupt Sanma before he can explain to Ichimaru which particular kind of gel he was buying. "Look girls.. It's the Useless Brigade. And they have a new cripple!" The voice comes from the roof of the stall where Sanma bought his hair gel. Everyone but Ichimaru looks upward and can plainly see a trio of girls standing on the roof. The first girl is dressed in a red t-shirt with matching skirt and black shorts beneath it. The third is dressed in a more formal but definitely masculine black kimono embroidered with silver dragons on the sleeves. Her twin silver scabbards poke up out of her obi like menacing warning signs.

The middle girl is a black-haired beauty who looks more like a lithe model than a ninja. Her red woman's kimono wraps around her body like a second skin, and the twin golden tigers embroidered on her sleeves dance as she raises her hand to cover her mouth. Sanma recognizes the first and third girls as Sakamoto Bunko and Maeda Arisu from yesterday. Ichimaru recognizes the voice as belonging to that girl who antagonized Toshio yesterday. Yori recognizes the second girl as Kimura Takako, a girl of near-noble clan and an adept Raiton elementalist. Takako smiles behind her hand. "I didn't expect to see trash wandering the streets like they belonged here..!" The girl lets out a cold, heartless laugh and is quickly joined by Bunko. Arisu appears to remain detached and aloof from the situation.

2009-03-09, 10:41 PM
"What? How did you know?" Yori blushes and pulls his dress about himself, reflexively and futilely trying to cover his infirmity. "This dress was supposed to hide my legs! Have you been spying on me?"Still reeling in embarrassment, it takes the poor kid a while to rearrange his thoughts through the two girls' mocking laughter.

"Wait, I get it. You're gossipers. You hoard nasty rumours about people to give yourselves delusions of superiority, right?"

The Unborne
2009-03-09, 11:01 PM

Behind its linen coverings, Toshio's Katsugan watches intently as the rickshaw rolls along the street. The genin nods graciously at the old man's answer and thanks him, all while his eyes keep their focus on the Setsuna Ikata. Huh, I guess this world is filled with Ikata's...I don't know if I should be afraid or not.

Toshio shrugs his shoulders at the thought and retrieves the scroll from his pack. He clenches the parchment with his hand and nods. I need to get this to Yuuki's father before anything else. The mummy-like genin walks towards the front doors of the central office and enters. A strip of bandage trails behind him.

2009-03-10, 09:19 AM

The ninja giggles. "It doesn't take much for me to feel superior to you." She laughs alittle longer before thinking about what she just said. "Wait, no that's not right."


The inside of the building is much the same as yesterday and even the same bored-looking chuunin watches you enter. As you weave your way through the building, you eventually come to stop in front of a set of red doors painted with the non-symbol of Kagekure. Inside, Toshio can hear the sound of two men discussing. One of them sounds very familiar and Toshio remembers the voice belongs to Ihesamo-sama. The other sounds vaguely familiar but Toshio can't put his finger on where he's heard that voice before.

The familiar but unnamed voice speaks first, "Ihesamo-dono, we both know she's a threat as long as she's inside the village's walls--" Ihesamo interrupts him. "--I know you have been arguing that position quite frequently, but I have yet to see her attack another citizen."

The man waits a half-second before speaking quickly. "Nonetheless, her condition is unstable at best and down right dangerous at worst. Certainly you understand that I would rather have her at my home than here in a place where she could hurt innocent people. I am still willing to pay you for her. What was the expected profits of a ninja throughout their life-time? Nine million ryo? I'll give you eighteen."

Several seconds pass, and Ihesamo does not answer. The seconds stretch into a full minute before he finally mutters. "I will consider your offer, Ryuuji Ikata-dono."

The Unborne
2009-03-10, 03:05 PM

The mummy-like nin presses his ear close to the crimson door and eavesdrops on Ihesamo's conversation, while his Katsugan watches the hallway for any kage-nin's passing by. At the sound of eighteen million ryu the genin feels lightheaded. Who can afford such an amount? Toshio thinks about it more and drops his mouth once Ihesamo mentions the name of the man with him. That can't be Lani's father can it? Are they talking about Lani? Why would he want her out of the village? Was I right that something is up with-"


Without realizing it, Toshio was applying just enough force to push the door open. The sudden absence of the door caused the genin to fall flat on the ground. He quickly collects himself and stands up in front of the two men. The genin bows greatly in the presence of Ihesamo,

"Sorry for my intrusion Ihesamo-sama, but I have a scroll for Ikata-dono." Toshio walks up towards Ryuuji and presents the noble with the scroll with a look of slight embarrassment behind his facial bandages.

2009-03-14, 04:27 AM
Sanma Utanaru

As Sanma heard a familiar voice, he took a step back, putting the gel back on the stall and asking the clerk to reserve it for him. Looking up, his eyes narrowed slightly as he took in the features of the two girls he had met and fought the previous day as well as another girl whom he hadn't seen before.

"Look girls.. It's the Useless Brigade. And they have a new cripple!"

Sanma's patience had never been his strong point, but this time, he didn't utter a word, even as Yori, embarrassed as he was by his condition, struggled to find the proper words to counter them. His eyes noticeably went to their weapons as he realised he had left his wakizashi at home. Looking left, towards Yori, he conceded that he didn't know much about the young genin, but from what little he had seen, he wouldn't bet on him handling the girls. The one in the middle seemed innocent enough, but he knew looks were deceiving and perhaps made to look harmless when a perfectly concealed dagger could be hiding in those colourful sleeves that she boasted. His eyes went right to Ichimaru, he was competent, but in this crowded marketplace where he could not recognise the patterns of the three girls as easily with his chakra sight, it would be a mistake to engage them here. He silently wished Toshio was here to counsel him on what he should do.

He could not let this escalate to a full-fledged fight in the middle of the marketplace. At the same time, he wasn't about to let them trash-talk them like that. The White-haired boy glared at them in collected calmness and general silence. Scoffing, his kimono shuffling as he reached down for the money he kept tucked in his belt.

"I didn't expect to see trash wandering the streets like they belonged here..!"

That did it. He nodded at Yori, his head turning towards Ichimaru and giving him a grin, he looked up at the girls and smiled. He went up to the clerk and bought the gel with a thankful bow. "Arigato!" Taking a few steps back with his purchase, he finally looked at the girls, specifically the one in the middle. He opened the gel bottle, grinned at them and put some in his hair before suddenly jumping up.

Just as he did so, he squeezed the bottle hard in order to splash their fancy clothes with gooey liquid.

"I don't see you girls being a lot better than trash!"

2009-03-15, 07:28 PM
Team 5

Arisu suddenly becomes much more active as Sanma attempts to squirt hair gel at the girls. She draws her sword and, in a blur of motion, catches every drop of hair gel across the flat of her blade before flicking it at the roof to clean it. All three girls are pristine by the time Sanma empties his hair gel bottle, and Arisu speaks calmly as she sheathes her katana slowly. "A surprise attack? Pathetic. I would expect more from a man, but this only proves to me that you're still a child."

Takake continues to cover her mouth with her hand, but you can hear the quiet laughter. "Fu-fu-fu. I should consider that a grave insult to my honor, but since you're just children I'll let it go. You boys should go running back to your useless teacher before you get hurt."


The two older men stop speaking as soon as Toshio falls straight through the door. Ryuuji Ikata sits on a small pillow across a small desk from Ihesamo. He appears to be wearing a very simple and very plain ash-colored business suit with a matching tie. A pair of small circular glasses balance on the tip of his nose, and he seems to stare down his nose at Toshio as soon as the boy appears. His hair is jet black and sits as a stark contrast to Lani's golden locks. "I suppose even the injured ninja have their purpose, Ihesamo-dono? Here, give me that scroll." The man holds out his hand, and once Toshio hands over the scroll he puts the thin tube of paper inside his jacket before standing up and bowing to Ihesamo.

"Thank you, Ihesamo-dono. I will be staying in the Ruskit Inn and patiently await your answer." With that, the man turns and disappears out the door. Ihesamo turns to Toshio, smiles, then beckons for the boy to sit on a pillow beside the one Ryuuji had just vacated. "Come in and sit, Toshio-kun. Tell me, how have you been? Are you finding your way around easily?"

The Unborne
2009-03-15, 11:05 PM

It must've been the business suit that distracted Toshio long enough for him to forget to stop Ryuuji Ikata. Of all the clothings for the father of Lani-sensei to wear, a suit was last on the list. Before Toshio could regain his thought process, Ryuuji had already left the room with Yuuki's letter safely in his coat. The mummy-like nin is ready to chase after him, but stops as Ihesamo calls for his presence.

A wave of calm emotions floods Toshio as he hears the soothing voice of Ihesamo. All the genin can do is sigh and run his hand through his auburn hair. "Oh, I'm getting the hang around here...Thank you for asking, Ihesamo-sama," Toshio kneels down on the cushion, "But lately I've been having some trouble...I, uh, I respect you the most...So, uh, can you help me out?"

The genin waits patiently for a response, but goes on needlessly, "For a couple weeks, I've had an enjoyable time in Team 5. I felt like I found my niche in Kagekure, but yesterday we happened upon Bunko-chan and her team. They pretty much ridiculed us and Lani-sensei. I couldn't handle it, but then again I couldn't do anything about it."

Toshio exhales the rest of his breath and looks up at the ceiling with one eye while looking at Ihesamo through the other, "I've been feeling a bit useless lately and Bunko's harsh comments just strengthened that belief. I can’t imagine not being of any use for the people who rescued me. And, and, I feel really close to Team 5 and especially to Lani-sensei. They’re all like family...family…the thing I've missed ever since, ever since..." The genin cuts the next part off as he tries to hold back the troubling memories.

"Now I hear of Lani's own father trying to take her away from us...away from me."

2009-03-15, 11:35 PM
Yori's face reddens with shame at the insults, but he doesn't want to cause a scene in the middle of the Village, and he is certain that fighting other Shadow-nin would surely not be ideal in his current situation. He'd only been accepted as a shinobi for the village yesterday, after all.

That's my overcautious nature driving my actions again! I should listen to Lani-sensei and be more impulsive! Still, there is really little he can do here. He cannot fight on his own, and both Naga and Kain could be dangerous to bystanders, not to mention potentially lethal. Definitely not suited for this situation.


Yori lowers his head submissively. With a timid voice, he calls out to his fellow shinobi "Ichimaru-sempai. Sanma-sempai. Please don't start a fight here, we really shouldn't taunt these women, they seem pretty tough. Let's just go." He turns back to the shop to purchase the music box, then heads away with an air on his flute.

2009-03-15, 11:37 PM

The old man smiles as Toshio moves to sit. He places a small steaming cup of tea on the slim black lacquered table, then nudges it ever so slightly toward the genin in an attempt to get him to drink. Ihesamo provides a small plate of thin rice-cakes in case the boy is hungry, and even responds quickly when Toshio asks for help. "Of course, Toshio-kun. What problem are you having?" Ihesamo patiently waits for Toshio to speak, and remains quiet while the genin vents.

Once Toshio finishes, Ihesamo closes his eyes and nods. "Toshio-kun, a wise man once told me.. "Fighting a foe you can see should be left on the battlefield". In other words, you should only struggle openly if you are actually in battle. As for Lani-chan.. I will not pretend that his offer is unacceptable. Eighteen million ryo is quite a lot of money, and definitely something the village could use. But I will promise you this: I will only give him an answer in three days time. You have until then to decide what you wish to do."

Rogue 7
2009-03-15, 11:49 PM

Ichimaru doesn't respond to the girls' taunting. He's certainly heard far worse in his days, what with being blind and all. Before he really has a chance to say anything, Yori does his best to defuse the situation. So Ichimaru decided on a silent approach. He followed Yori away, flipping the girls the bird as he did so.

2009-03-16, 03:30 AM
Sanma Utanaru

Glaring at the girls, he shrugged their words off and followed after Yori and Ichimaru. As the young genin flipped his finger at them, Sanma simply burst out laughing, already putting the encounter behind him.

The Unborne
2009-03-16, 07:42 AM

Toshio rubs his bandaged chin as he ponders about the saying, "I understand Ihesamo-sama. If I am to be one of Kagekure's Shinobi, then I better compose myself better. You're right though, I should straighten things out on the battlefield instead of in the midst of my own village."

The genin thinks further now about the situation with Lani-sensei, "Three days...Don't worry Ihesamo-sama, I know already that I want Lani-sensei to stay with us. If each ninja is worth 9 million ryu, then I will work doubly hard to make up for Ryuuji-dono's offer," Toshio smiles broadly, "About Ryuuji-dono, I'll talk to him. If he really sees Lani-sensei as a threat, then maybe I can dispell his worries. Thank you Ihesamo-sama."

If the leader of Kagekure has no more tidbits, the genin finds his way out the door not without giving one last wave goodbye to his idol. Well I know Ryuuji-dono is staying at the Ruskit Inn, that makes it easy for me to find him, but...I think I'll need Team 5 with me. A full team of young genin might change his mind about his adopted daughter. Toshio heads off for his house to wait for the return of Ichimaru, Sanma, and Yori.

2009-03-19, 08:19 AM
Team 5

The girls simply let Team 5 leave without further incident. The boys don't see any of them around during the trip home nor do they have further issues with villagers.


Ihesamo-sama lets Toshio leave peacefully once the boy's spoken his piece, and only tells the boy to be careful on his way home. On his way out, the genin spots a tired-looking young man wearing a grubby ninja vest, grimy Kagekure uniform and a scuffed up Kagekure headband. The man just nods at Toshio without breaking his calm and obviously unhurried stride. Toshio doesn't recognize him from the academy.

Team 5(+Toshio)

All four of you arrive home within ten minutes of each other. Toshio beats Team 5 back, but both groups are greeted by a calm-faced Yuuka whose hair is tied up in a bun and is wearing a dirty apron. Once you enter your home proper, you notice that she's cleaned the entire building from top to bottom, washed the dishes and did your laundry. Ichimaru, still feeling overwhelmed from yesterday, drops into his bed immediately and sleeps through the rest of the day.

The Unborne
2009-03-21, 08:14 AM

Toshio's eyes open up in bewilderment, "Yuuka-chan! I'm speechless." His Katsugan spins around spotting every nook and cranny that was swept clean, "Take a break please, you're making us lazy genin look bad!" Toshio smiles and walks towards the nearest chair where he takes a seat. The mummy-like nin sinks further into the chair before he addresses Yuuka again, "I delivered the scroll as you wished..."

The genin pauses for a moment remembering the new mission he had, to stop Yuuka's father from purchasing Lani away from them. "Huh, there's also something I want to talk about, but I think it'd be better if the whole team was here first." Toshio leans over to the arm of the chair and waits for Team 5's return.

2009-03-22, 01:10 AM
Yori's thoughts are focused on mechanics and carvings and chemicals as the genin return to their house, with a slight detour to Loutinnae's house.

"Good morning, Loutinnae-sama! I hope you're doing well?" There is an exchange of small talk, and introducing Ichimaru and Sanma (supposing they came in with him) after which he explains how he will be staying with his teammates while he's on Lani's team. "I guess it'll help improve our teamwork, not to mention stimulate competitiveness. Either that or Lani-sensei wanted us close so she could see whenever we were slacking!" A bit of a chuckle, and then, more seriously, he adds "Thank you very much for letting me work for you, Loutinnae-sama. If you ever need help of any sort, you need only ask, I owe you big time."

He picks up whatever stuff he still had in the attic, including his tools and some leftover wood, as well as some additional clothes of the same peculiar style as his current dress. Finally, he leaves Loutinnae's shop, waving goodbye.

When they get back home, however, his jaw drops. "Really now. We definitely have to find you something more fun to spend your time on. If you keep doing all our chores, we'll grow soft and fat." Despite the joke, Yori smiles thankfully to Yuuka.

2009-03-23, 11:56 PM

Yuuka thanks Toshio once she's discovered that her message was delivered, and then goes back to cleaning before the others arrive.


The old man just laughs it off. "If I ever need a big strong ninja to move a desk or something, then I'll be sure to ask. But, more importantly, whenever you're not on duty you should feel free to stop by. I'm always in need of someone to help me out around here."

At the house

Once everyone arrives, Yuuka begins cooking dinner and asks that you eat your lunch if you haven't already. Sanma goes straight to stuffing his face with the remains of his riceball from earlier this morning.

2009-03-25, 08:18 PM

"Huh, nice to meet you!" Was all Sanma could think of saying to the older man who knew Yori. As he mentioned slacking off, the genin put his hand behind his neck and grinned. "Oh definitely, I reckon she likes having us there. But I think we're a bit like her baby tigers, too!"

He didn't say much after the meeting with Loutinnae, he kept his silence for a while, his eyes vacant as he thought back to the Land of Earth. He let out a sigh and looked at Yori.

"Hey, so we're a team and all. How did that happen?" He pointed at Yori's legs shamelessly. He looked mighty curious, though, and didn't seem to want to cause offence at all. "The more I get to know about you, the better we work together, don't ya think?" The boy grinned helplessly, he was happy by nature, despite everything. His eyes shot up from the ground and he saw their new home. He started running off. "Tell me over lunch, will ya?!"

A few minutes passed and Sanma was already eating his riceballs hungrily.

"Oh 'an, 'Uuka! That's soooo good! You have to teach me! I can only manage making myself instant ramen..." He said with a shameful look towards the packs he had bought at the market. Eventually, however, his gaze turned towards Yori, seemingly waiting for his story.

2009-03-25, 11:05 PM
Yori is not so much ashamed of how he lost his legs, so much as how useless he is without them, and as such he doesn't react as badly as might have been expected. Still, he doesn't immediately give any response to Sanma as they return to the house.

Still, once they're seated and eating, he feels the weight of Sanma's attention, and starts shifting about. He is acutely aware of Yuuka's presence, and would much prefer she - or anyone else - not learn of his infirmity, and his mind races to find a way to buy some time. Finally, he settles on defense by attack.

"Sure, I'll tell you my story. However..." Yori grins mischievously. "I'm the newest member of the team, so it seems only fair that you and Ichimaru tell me your stories first!"

2009-03-31, 09:16 AM
"Sure, I'll tell you my story. However..." Yori grins mischievously. "I'm the newest member of the team, so it seems only fair that you and Ichimaru tell me your stories first!"

At those words, Sanma paled slightly. He took a look at Ichimaru but the other young genin was silent and didn't seem to take to the conversation. Sanma's eyes returned to Yori and opened his mouth briefly before closing it. He had never talked to anyone else but Saya. Though, strangely enough, Lani had mentioned Sanma had a dossier. Perhaps most of the higher-ups knew already from her.

The genin stayed speechless for another minute or so before speaking at length. "I'm not proud of my story. It's the kind that makes me shiver at night and curse at myself. It's the kind where one would kill himself over how powerless they had been. The kind where you could have done something, but stayed unmoving. The kind where one loses his family and flees in fear." He paused, his eyes glancing towards the place Toshio had occupied earlier, his eyes suddenly vacant, as if he was speaking to himself. "I know people that had it bad. So I shut my mouth. No-one wants to hear me whine. You don't either." He cleared his throat. "I'll say this, however. I'm not from Kagegakure. I am from the Land of Earth, and my parents were Iwagakure shinobi." He paused. "Feel free to share your story, but I can't, in all honesty, say more about mine. There's only shame in my past." He said at last.

The Unborne
2009-04-04, 10:15 AM

The genin rests his head on his hand as he listens to Sanma explaining his history. No family, no history, that was Toshio's life. He vacillates between his empty past and the predicament of the present. The mummy-like nin sinks further into his seat, but rises after a few minutes of quiet contemplation.

Toshio walks over and places a gentle hand on Sanma's shoulder, "We all have a sad story to tell, I guess. Ichimaru over there lost his sight," he points a thumb back to where his comrade is sleeping, "Sanma and I both don't have any parents. I don't even remember my father or brother Yori-san. From what I can tell, they might've been ninja like me, but I'm not entirely sure. All I am sure of is that Kumogakure had an agenda for me."

The linen-bound genin unwraps the bandages covering his eyes so Yori could see his Katsugan. "While playing around outside one day, Kumo-nins raided my house and waited for my return. When I came back they took me prisoner and carried me to a research laboratory in the Land of Thunder. I was one of many experiments where they were trying to create new bloodlines in regular people and use them as weapons. These eyes are their gift to me." The crystal-blue Katsugan split off from each other and spin around.

"Lani-sensei was also an experiment from Kumogakure. She was even known of during my time in the facility. She and I share a past, but all of Team 5 share a bond with her...Which is why I must inform everyone here about what may happen to her soon..." Toshio releases his grip from Sanma's shoulder noticing that he was clenching it all the while he was talking. He finds a spot adjacent to Sanma and close to Yori, "Yuuka-chan maybe you should hear this too. Anyways, I went to go find Ryuuji-dono. You know, Yuuka's father? Well, I visited Ihesamo-sama knowing Yuuka's father would be there. Before I entered Ihesamo-sama's room I heard both of them discussing Lani-sensei's place in Kagekure. Apparently Ryuuji-dono is trying to buy Lani off of Ihesamo with a huge figure. In private I talked to Ihesamo-sama and he told me there is a good chance he may accept Ryuuji's offer...If this happens...Well Lani won't be our sensei any longer..."

Toshio falls silent and waits for their reactions.

2009-04-05, 08:55 PM

In a flash, Yuuka's calm demeanor is replaced by a mask of mixed glee and anger. Her normal soft but sincere smile becomes a wide slasher grin. She half-growls three, simple words. "Just as planned." The girl steps toward the door as the time winds closer to five P.M. She throws it open with a bang and everyone in the room sees a tall dark-haired man in a pressed suit with a very surprised look plastered across his face.

Ryuuji's appearance soon rebounds as he narrows his eyes and focuses on the little girl before him. "Ah my little girl!", Ryuuji looks up at the rest of the room. "I didn't expect you to live in such shambles." He enters and Yuuka turns around to face Toshio. "I believe you have issued a challenge to my father, Toshio-kun?"

The Unborne
2009-04-05, 09:23 PM


First it was the smile that caused Toshio to feel nervous. The obvious change in speaking tone was the second signal of malicious intent. All of these combined with the sudden appearance of Ikata Ryuuji caused the mummy nin to fall out of his seat.

From the floor, Toshio points an accusing finger at Yuuka, "What is this? Why is your father there? What challenge?!" With his eye-coverings off, the genin's eyes spin around nervously while his eye twitches, "Just what was in that scroll you gave me?"

2009-04-05, 09:35 PM

Ryuuji produces the scroll, complete with broken wax seal, then lets it drop and unravel so that everyone can see it clearly.

Ikata Ryuuji,
I, Tora-oshiego Toshio, issue a formal challenge
to you for the custody of your daughter!
If you defeat me in a competition of your choice then I
will not object to the purchase of Lani-sama.
However, if I win then you are to withdraw your offer
and leave Lani-sama alone until her retirement!
I will await your appearance at 532 Sanzu Road.
-Tora-Oshiego Toshio

"This belongs to you, does it not Tiger Disciple? I accept your challenge and I will not lose this battle! I expect you to gather two of your companions for the competitions I have in mind, and I fully expect you to gravel at my feet when you have lost!" Ryuuji simply stands there for a few seconds awaiting Toshio's response.

The Unborne
2009-04-05, 09:54 PM

Toshio smacks his hand against his head hoping this was some kind of nightmare. Devious plots against him, were not a commonplace in reality. "I wouldn't write that! That's not my handwriting! I don't refer to myself as Tora-Oshiego, or anything like that!" Toshio frantically shouts out towards the two Ikatas, standing up in the process.

"Ikatas...Always plotting against me! Why would I even want to challenge the father of the woman who could easily beat me up?! Why am I even saying this? It was Yuuka who wrote that cursed letter. That plotting, devilish, little...Sweet, charming, little girl who wrote it," Toshio corrected himself before it was too late. He forgot who he was talking to.

"Ryuuji-dono," the mummy-nin runs up to the suited man and plants his body submissively at his shoes, "I don't want to battle you for Lani-sensei or anything like that! All I want is for Lani-sensei to stay here with us. I'll do anything if she can be here for Sanma, Ichimaru, Yori, and me! I just want her to stay, please sir...lord...Ryuuji-dono."

2009-04-05, 10:01 PM

A slight twisting of the lips shows off Ryuuji's thoughts. Yuuka, however, frowns deeply at Toshio's words. "So, Tora-Oshiego, you are denying the right to compete and forfeiting? Does that mean you are willing to abide by this contract, which is signed in your name, to refuse to interfere with my offer to Ihesamo-sama?" Yuuka bites her thumb at that, and the man steps forward in an act of aggression. "Are you but a mummy-like coward who is unwilling to hold his head to the sky?! Ha! This is even further proof of her failure to teach you even the most basic of dignity and honor!"

The Unborne
2009-04-05, 10:20 PM

The genin's eyes open to show only their whites; his body stands up fluidly. "I am not a mummy, I'm just against needless violence." The blue of his eyes return and are ice-cold now. "Ikata Ryuuji, not only will I now accept your challenge, I will also offer my body as a price. If we fail I'll be a servant for the Ikata household; however, I ask that if I win not only will you release Lani-sensei to me, but you must also pay the amount you offered Ihesamo-sama."

Toshio pokes his finger into Ryuuji's chest, "So what's it going to be? I'll show you a Tiger can in fact strike down a Dragon Nyah~!" The genin's right eye stares at Yuuka, Do you really want Lani that much? Well I guess I do too.

2009-04-06, 02:09 AM
Yori remains seated, absorbing everything being said, his brain trying to assimilate what he'd heard, about Sanma, about Toshio, about Lani and Yuuka. For someone who had just joined the team yesterday, it was quite a confusing situation to be in.

So... what should he do about this? His instincts urged him to caution before involving himself in the Village's politics, and making an enemy of such an obviously powerful man, and especially for someone he'd only met yesterday.

On the other hand, he had promised to be less cautious, hadn't he? That's what Lani-sensei taught me. Less caution, more courage! This was important to Toshio, and likely to Sanma and Ichimaru, and what was important to his friends was important to him!

"Pick me, Toshio! This is such a more valid use of my talents than striking back at the gossip-nin! Besides, I deserve a chance to show what I've learned since last time!"

2009-04-07, 05:48 AM
There was a day for stories, there was another for action. Sanma knew as soon as Toshio started speaking that this day would call for the latter. His eyes were determined and he looked at his comrade without a flinch, without a blink. He knew he could always count on the genin for help, and he wanted to honor him in a way that would put his friend at ease. Telling him, without words, that he could rely on him. This time, Toshio needed him to stand by and support, and Sanma would provide.

"You can count on me Toshio. Lani-sensei's important to me too. I hope Ojiisan here has as much skill as a shinobi as money in his bank account." He snarled, clearly unhappy at all the politics going on behind his back, dropping all honorifics in addressing Ikata Ryuuji. He walked past him without a single look, going into his room for a brief moment before sliding the door open and stepping out, weapon in hand. He grinned at Toshio, lifting a hand in the air, curling it down like a paw and making a striking imitation of a Maneki cat.

"Let's do this, Nyah!~"

The Unborne
2009-04-07, 09:22 AM

A devious grin stretches through Toshio's mouth covering. He throws his thumb back pointing to Yori and Sanma, "Well I got my team Ryuuji-dono. Tell me when you want us at the Sanzu Road. We'll be there ready for anything you got. The Tora-osheigos will fight with a ferocity our Tora-sensei will be proud of."

Toshio crosses his arms defiantly waiting for Ryuuji's response.

2009-04-07, 02:57 PM
Ryuuji-dono (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McDh5mXCKbk)

A finger jabs at Toshio as the man it belongs to begins shouting. "Very well! I recognize the fighting spirit of your team and I swear to the stars that I will see it destroyed!" The man withdraws in a huff, slamming the door behind him. Yuuka's appearance reverts to her normal, soft smile as she sighs and seems to wilt to the ground. She immediately throws herself on the ground in front of Toshio. "I am sorry, Toshio-dono, but I lied in that letter. I just want my sister to stay, and I would do anything to have her here. I beg your forgiveness!"

The Unborne
2009-04-07, 04:44 PM

Toshio lends his hand to the prostrate Ikata, "Don't worry Yuuka-chan. I was just surprised, especially with your acting. That was some quality work." The mummy-like nin chuckles to himself while helping the lass up if she grabs his hand. "Lani-sensei means a lot to all of us, so I understand," Toshio looks towards Yori, "Thank you for joining this Yori-san. We're going to need everything we got if we are to take on Ryuuji-dono."

After thanking Yori, the genin returns his attention to Yuuka, "Next time how about you just tell me what you're scheming, save me a heart attack." Toshio's facial bandages spread out showing his warm smile again.

2009-04-07, 06:02 PM
Sanma Utanaru

Sanma's eyes went to Toshio as he picked up the fallen Ikata. His amber eyes sparkled as he rested his weapon on his shoulder, legs spread apart, sitting on the ground with his back against the wall. Heaving a sigh, his gaze came to rest on Toshio, speaking his mind. "I've held it all in for a while, Yuuka. Never does you any good, you know?" His eyes dropping to the ground, his teeth ground against each other as he thought of Ryuuji. "I'm sure Toshio knows what I'm talking about. A tiger has its days." Straightening up, heading towards the entrance, he peeked a look outside to see where Ryuuji was heading, and putting on his sandals, the genin pondered whether he could follow him. Pausing, he turned around and looked at Yuuka once more.

"You did well, though. I don't hold anything against you." He paused mid-sentence, considering his next words. "Toshio, should we train some, or rest until we get his challenge?"

The Unborne
2009-04-07, 06:16 PM

The mummy-like genin makes sure Yuuka is balanced on her feet before glancing at Sanma. Toshio shrugs his shoulders, "I've never known a tiger who gets a meal asleep." With another chuckle the genin heads off and straightens the chair he nearly knocked off. While fixing around with the living room, the kage-nin talks over his shoulder, "Besides did Ryuuji-dono mention a time to meet him? If he did, then I didn't catch it. Tomorrow seems like a good time. Oh by the way, Yuuka-chan do you have any idea what your father will have us do? If not, I have a new jutsu I want to create, with all this tiger-spirit going around...I thought I'd come up with something just for the occasion."

Toshio smiles at the thought.

2009-04-07, 07:00 PM
"Hm. Tora jutsu huh? Sounds good, maybe I can come up with a variant off some of my other ninjutsu. That would be a fitting tribute!" He exclaimed before his mood suddenly dropped.
"Huh, except... what should I come up with?" The genin's mind wandered off as he sat down and thought of ideas.

2009-04-07, 07:17 PM
"Ryuuji-dono doesn't seem to have any great admiration for Lani-sensei," said Yori, perplex. "I wonder why he would want to purchase her services at such great cost? Did he simply want to be able to treat her as a servant?" That someone could spend such a fortune for something so petty seemed impossible to him. There had to be a reason.

No need to overthink this. It's none of my business and not important to our situation. We should be preparing for the challenge instead. This is exactly the kind of curiosity Lani-sensei warned me against! Yori shakes his head, snapping out of this line of thought. "All right, lets get ready for this challenge!"

2009-04-07, 07:48 PM

The girl let Toshio lift herself up. She didn't look up at Toshio or any of the other tora-osheigo. She just sits on the ground staring at the floor until Yori's question draws her attention upward. "Uh..? Oh. Um. I-I don't know. Maybe he just wants to gloat? Maybe he wants a powerful guard dog?"

She finally stands up and brushes herself off. "But I do know that Moko-senpai can help you with any training you want to do since Lani-sama isn't home yet."

The Unborne
2009-04-07, 07:59 PM

The genin scratches his head at the suggestion. "Moko? I guess it would make sense for Moko to train us if we are trying to come up with Tora-jutsu, but is that even possible? I mean...wouldn't there be a language barrier?"

I wonder if Tora-sensei can speak tiger...I wonder if it's required.

"Where is Moko anyways?"

2009-04-07, 08:02 PM

"Outside the village. He likes to spend time hunting instead of letting me feed him. He only takes food from Lani-sama, so he might be a bit hard to convince to help. As for the language barrier, he's actually really smart and can understand me at least. Or pretends to.. I don't know, it's kinda hard to tell."

The Unborne
2009-04-07, 08:19 PM

"Well that won't be easy...But I made up my mind, I'm going to search for Moko. I don't want Lani-sensei to be jealous if I train with someone else. Anyone who wishes to come with me are more than welcome."

Toshio exits his home and walks down the street. "Kuso, I barely find my way around this place. How do I expect to find Moko?" he asks himself after passing by the first couple of homes. Toshio stumbles into the first patch of woods he sees.

Moko's most likely feeding right? Last time I checked, tigers aren't herbivores...So the best course of action is probably go where all of his prey is. A few moments pass by. Who am I kidding? I'm no hunter. I don't even know what tigers eat! If there was a light bulb on top of Toshio's head, it would've sparked on at this point. Ah-ha!

The genin draws a kunai from his pouch and unwraps a few bandages from his arm. Tiger's probably go crazy for human blood. Toshio shuts his eyes as he makes a clean cut against his scarred skin. He lets the scent permeate the air before he starts calling out Moko's name.

2009-04-09, 08:53 AM
Sanma Utanaru

He couldn't say he'd heard anything stranger in a while. If Moko could understand them talking, the shrewd tiger probably had been laughing at their attempts at catching him a great deal. He wasn't sure whether he should be happy about the pet's incredible skills or curse Moko's ability to look back on past events and laugh at his face.

"Well, let's go then." With that, the white-haired genin followed Toshio outside, accompanying his teammate in his search for the tiger.

2009-04-10, 02:36 AM

The forest is tranquil. A soft wind blows through the area and streams of light pour down between the canopy above. Despite the light-blocking canopy overhead it's significantly brighter here than it is under the shadow blanket covering Kagekure. At first, nothing seems to be moving about in the forest except the occasional deer or field mouse.

An hour passes, then the group wanders under a tree overgrown with moss when they all get a sense of being watched. In a second the air thickens and becomes choked with killing intent as if the next breath you draw is already labeled as your last and you're simply waiting for your executioner to finish sharpening the axe. A pair of sharp sparkling emerald eyes fade in from the foliage and a sleek white-black body follows it. The tiger moves with the grace of a killing machine with no other designated purpose, but stops once it comes within a few feet of the group.

The creature seems to grimace with disapproval, or at least you think he is. It's rather hard to tell.

The Unborne
2009-04-10, 08:41 AM

The genin is quick to cover his cut with new linen bandages, but he still felt somewhat...insignificant in front of the Siberian tiger. "Uh...Moko-san," Toshio bows deeply in front of the animal, "I'm sorry to bother you during your meal time, but Lani-sensei isn't here today and we need someone to train us before tomorrow. We have a big match tomorrow...and your help would be very appreciated."

Toshio looks quietly across the forest to catch a glimpse of Moko's knowing eyes. I can't believe I'm talking to a tiger...

2009-04-10, 09:13 AM

The tiger sits down when Toshio bows. It seems to nod at his words, or he could just be following the movement of Toshio's mouth. It waits until Toshio is finished...


A minute passes since Toshio stopped talking...


Then, just as the genin is about to get up Moko reaches forward and plants it's paw square in the boy's face. The tiger seems to nod again, then it's claws flick out and dig into poor Toshio's cheek. In a flash the tiger has him on his stomach and is standing on his back. Toshio feels the tiger's weight getting heavier, almost as if it's killing intent made his entire body weaker. The growl that echoes from it's throat is almost challenging, as if Moko refuses to believe he can be lifted..


Morning comes for Sanma and Toshio. Both have been subjected to horrors involving claws, tigers and even running up trees to toughen their bodies and chakra. Their bodies are covered in claw marks and their own blood, but they feel at least a little stronger.

Moko provides a +7 bonus to learning Chakra Control or Genjutsu techniques. He provides a +9 bonus to learning Taijutsu or Ninjutsu techniques. Further, you take 20 lethal damage for the training, but may reduce the training time required for a Chakra Control or Taijutsu technique by 2/3rds. This reduction is -after- the reduction for your learn check.

The Unborne
2009-04-10, 09:57 AM

Toshio's eyes were wide open when the morning sun rose; his body however, was torn to pieces and was restricted to only lying down. The Katsugan scans the forest area and spots every single piece of bandage that was either torn off or decided to flee from the tortuous training; they then search his own body looking at the old scars of the past and at the new scars of the present...It seemed like the new ones have been catching up to the old ones.

His head slides off towards his right and he addresses Sanma,


If Sanma cannot talk due to the intense training, the mummy-like nin stares at his claw-torn hands. Blue chakra begins to wrap itself around them; the chakra is akin to his seireiha, but it was managing to take on a new form...

Thank you Moko-sensei...

2009-04-10, 11:17 AM
The Competition

The three of you assemble early at your home to discover a note stabbed into the door with a kunai. It reads quite simply: Shimata Village. South by Southwest. Two hours. Yuuka confirms that it's her father's hand writing, so you three assemble your things and get directions to Shimata Village.

Yuuka reminds you that Lani-sama is still out on her mission, packs you a lunch and tells you to be careful.

Shimata Village

A large and sprawling assemblage of wooden houses covers several small hillsides in the Land of Birds. A large lake sits in the valley made by these green hills, and it is there that you find Ryuuji standing before an assembled full team of ninja. You immediately recognize Arisu and Bunko from two days ago, and they're joined by a third ninja-garbed person whom you can safely assume to be Takako. However, the fourth person is strange and doesn't seem much taller than the genin.

"Welcome! Welcome! I have invited you here for our friendly competition, and these four lovely young ladies will be my stand-ins." He motions toward the girls assembled behind him.

"Our competition will be broken into three parts! A game of shogi, a game of investigation and finally an outright single elimination tournament! Whoever walks away as the winner of two out of three is the overall victor! Do you agree, Toshio-kun?" With that last question, Ryuuji points an accusing finger at Toshio and awaits his response.

The Unborne
2009-04-10, 11:59 AM

Toshio matches Ryuuji's finger with his own. In his cocky expression again the Tora-oshiego shouts back, "Well I didn't know a dragon is so afraid of tigers that he'd use little rodents in his stead. Ha, so this is the true Ryuuji-dono! Of course I will accept your terms, let me just come up with who will defeat you first."

The mummy-like nin turns around and faces Team 5 and calls for a huddle. When all of them are locked together Toshio explains the situation, "Anyone know how to play Shogi?"

2009-04-10, 12:19 PM
Hydriai Elizabeth

Hydriai Elizabeth was a Jounin. A water element specialist. Although to look at her small body and timid attitude as she stood behind her three genin it was easy to mistake her for a genin. Wearing her forehead protector around her neck she wore simple tan trousers with black sandals, a white shirt covered for the most part by a tan jacket. Shuriken holster tied firmly around her right leg and belt pouch attached to her left hip. "Erm." She finally said as the personalties of Toshio and Ryuuji clashed. "I will complete in the shogi game Ryuuji-sama." Her whisper of a voice speaking clearly as the others huddled together. The strength of her voice the only indication she is in a position of authority.

2009-04-10, 12:42 PM

"Good! Good! Do you know how to play?" Once Ryuuji affirms that she does know how to play Shogi, he awaits from Toshio's team to pick a player.

"Ha! Unfortunately for your team you'll be facing off against a jounin. You may as well give up this competition and try to win the last two. Either way, since this competition is clearly decided then we should also hold the Tattoo Search Investigation competition at the same time!"

Ryuuji takes the time to explain clearly what the TSI competition is.

Playing Shogi
Players decide who goes first, either Team Toshio or Team Ryuuji. Players then make opposed Intelligence checks. Success means that your strategy moves forward. Success by 5 or more means you capture 1 piece. Two successes in a row means you also capture a piece. Each subsequent success without a failure captures an exponentially higher number of pieces(3 successes is 3 pieces, 4 successes is 6 pieces, etc).

This goes on until twenty opposed Intelligence checks have been made, or until someone has captured 20 pieces without losing any(remember, in Shogi no piece is removed from play permanently).

You may make a Bluff check to aid your Intelligence check. Bluff checks are opposed by Sense Motive. A successful Bluff adds a +2 bonus to your Intelligence check. You may only make one bluff a turn.

A Knowledge(Tactics) check against a DC of 10 nets you a +4 bonus to your Intelligence check for 1d4+1 checks. After that number, the bonus disappears as even the best plan unravels in the face of the enemy.

The Plan or Plan X talents can be used in the competition and add their bonuses to your Intelligence check.

Tattoo Search Investigation Game
You are given the description of a unique individual who lives somewhere in Shimata Village. Specifically, you are looking for a gray-haired wrinkly old man with a cut on his face.

This person has a Kanji symbol somewhere on his body, specifically this symbol: 'Master' (http://z.about.com/d/japanese/1/0/q/r/meijin.jpg). You must find this person, copy a third kanji written somewhere on his body, then return to the starting location before the other team. You may use any means necessary to disrupt the other team's search, but you cannot kill competitors or damage the scroll used to copy the kanji.

Whichever team returns first wins.

2009-04-10, 05:56 PM
Yori gives his teammates an inquiring glance as they discuss Moko. Somehow, it feels as though they're discussing someone very dangerous and... not quite human? For an instant, the image flashes through his mind of a giant white tiger answering them at the door. The young genin shakes his head to dismiss the ludicrous vision. I must have been more out of it yesterday than I realised.

As it isn't Yori himself who will be fighting, but rather his puppets, the boy spends the evening tuning his instruments instead of training. He makes certain that the blades are sharp, that the release triggers are exactly as sensitive as he desires them to be, that the traps are loaded, the poisons potent, the mechanisms oiled, the shell tough and without weakness.

After a complete check up of all the mechanisms in both Kain and Naga, Yori cleans his flute and waits for the return of his teammates.

When morning comes, Sanma and Toshio find him sleeping in the kitchen, his head lying on the table with a faint thread of drool slipping from his mouth. Apparently, he'd fallen asleep waiting for them to return. Waking up at their arrival, Yori quickly wipes his face and pretends nothing happened.

"So, trained hard for today?" he asks, pretending not to have noticed their bruises and cuts. "I'm sure we can take whatever Ryuuji-dono sends at us!"

The Unborne
2009-04-11, 10:59 PM

Toshio's eyes flick from Sanma to Yori, "Alright so this is the game plan, Yori...you'll play Shogi with Elizabeth-sensei." The genin's Katsugan lock onto the jounin in front of them, "There's also more about her: she's a renowned tactician from Kirigakure, and I think she's known as the Red Lady of the Hidden Mist. Besides that, be careful Yori I wouldn't be surprised if Ryuuji-dono has rigged things already." Toshio closes his eyes momentarily and open them to Sanma, "That leaves you and me for the Tattoo Investigation...You ready to win this?" The mouth bandages spread out hinting at Toshio's warm, reassuring smile.

2009-04-12, 01:55 AM
Yori looks grim as he learns more about his opponent's qualifications, but the only things he says regarding his role is "Right. She's going down."

He looks back at the group Ikata Ryuuji had gathered to face them. It was a bit of a disappointment that he wouldn't get the opportunity to unleash his music box plan on the irritating girls, but this would do just as well. We must tackle the tasks ahead of us, not the ones we would choose to face!

"Listen, I know you already have some tricks of your own up your sleeves for your challenge, but it never hurts to have an additional weapon in your armoury, right? Hand over some of your shuriken."

Assuming they do so, Yori places the shuriken before him on Kain's back, and taking advantage of their huddle to hide his actions from their adversaries, he opens one of the compartments in the turtle's shell - a small, padded container from which he removes a pair of gloves, a small brush and a vial of liquid.

With slow, delicate strokes, the puppeteer paints the edges of the first shuriken with the contents of the vial in a fine, event coat. When his task is finally done, he repeats the process thrice more, handing over two shuriken to each of his teammates.

"Be careful with those, don't cut yourselves. You're not allowed to kill your opponents in this contest, but the slightest cut with these, and those annoying girls will be completely out of it. Or they should be, you can't always be certain when dealing with ninjas."

Nodding in satisfaction, Yori replaces his tools and gloves in their proper place, snapping the compartment shut. "We can do this."

After the huddle:

Yori turns to face Elizabeth and Ryuuji, affecting a naïve, foolish demeanour. "I'll play your game, it sounds like fun." Sitting down in front of the jounin, he politely asks: "So how do we play this game?"

I've applied nemuri poison to those four shuriken. I'm assuming it's one dose per shuriken, if I'm mistaken, please correct me.

Nemuri: Injury poison, save DC 16. Initial damage: unconsciousness, secondary damage: unconsciousness.

Also, untrained Bluff check to get Elizabeth to underestimate me (for the first turn +2): [roll0]

2009-04-12, 04:54 AM
Hydriai Elizabeth

"You've never played before?" Elizabeth said with a genuine and worried look on her face. "It's really easy to learn but it takes practice to do well." No matter whether she realizes the bluff or not she helps Yori understand which pieces do what and how the game is played. She is just that sort of person. As she helps however she begins her planning as she instructed.


Sense Motive: [roll0]
Plan: [roll1]

Whoa. You lose your +2 and I gain a +3. I-I didn't really expect that.