View Full Version : Free Gates: Priest and Rabbi

2008-10-24, 09:19 PM
Standing in the center of the country's, maybe the world's, greatest city. Your in the strawberry fields, the spring trees rising high above you with magnificent leaves and the stoneworked floors artistically created arranged around you, while the street lights shine down, keeping you safe while still guiding you. On a wooden bench you see a man of the faith, two in fact: one of Catholicism and Judaism. There the ones that contacted you about a week ago. Apparently, telling you something's been hurting their flocks, but not how. They wait patiently for you to come up to them.

Gavin Sage
2008-10-25, 03:15 AM

Well fed Damian looked down at the sleeping woman. Briefly he debated what to do with her. Sire her? Ridiculous he must be getting desperate for real company if he was considering the randoms from the clubs. Kill her maybe? Interesting, but too easy to start and too annoying to finish. She had a name he supposed but not enough of a brain to be worth knowing. And not good enough to be worth taking again, though undoubtedly many a male human would consider her a fine catch. At length Damian decided to do nothing with the girl. He'd be gone before she woke up anyways.

Rummaging around the disorganized room Damian realized his shirt was missing. He eyed an open window, there was no screen and it had to have been open since last night. Poking his head out Damian eyed a dumpster down in the alley below. It was empty, plainly having just been done. That answered that question. Maybe this girl was worth coming back around for some time? Only a short time later a half dressed Damian dropped to the pavement of the alley. Stylish leather shoes and black trousers made him fully dressed below the belt, above it though only a small golden locket on a chain broke before one reached Damian's ivory colored hair. Checking to see that no one was around Damian touched the locket briefly and murmured a quick word.

John Savant walked out of the alley fiddling with his glasses. Mentally he considered his day. He'd had breakfast already so that was taken care of. Clothes still pretty much unused, no need to head back to the apartment. The only thing was that odd phone call from the priest Damian had received. That was definitely worth checking out. Thankfully it had come to Damian and they'd already ditched the nifty cash phone, so the padre shouldn't know about John. More then a little concerning though, clergy of any faith were a distinct notch up on the threat level. Never knew when one with that special 'gift' might figure the wrong thing out. Caution said it would be best to avoid the whole thing, but if this priest really did know too much then that wouldn't help at all. John lamented the bother, this would drag down his whole day....

* * *

John arrived well in advance of the time he'd been given. Just a normal citizen out for a walk, which just so happened to be casually stealthy and kept itself well back from the meeting place making a lazy circle about. Sharp eyes noted what could only be a priest and a... rabbi. This was getting more interesting. Still John hung well back in the nearest cover. Was some kind of ecumenical hunting party. Seemed a bit too open, and his stalking would cover any place for an ambush to hide. Odd, just odd.

2008-10-25, 08:48 AM
Naomi Shepherd

Naomi wasn't sure what to make of this. Sure, she might be able to help people, but that meant that they might have known of her secret identity. She took great pains not to transform where people could see, preferring empty closets and bathrooms because there were no security cameras there.

In that respect, it was foolish not to go and ascertain the threat, but how would she play it off? In the park, she grabbed an ice cream cone, sat on a bench near the priest and rabbi, and decided to observe under the pretext of furiously catching up on all the texts she received. After all, Sam and Michelle just broke up, and she had no idea why! Would it be ok to date Sam? Michelle was her friend, but if she ended it, then it was her loss.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-25, 10:28 AM

It was one of those precious night off he was afforded. Not that he wasn’t asked to do anything by the mind numbingly irritating staff but such was the life of a Butler. The Young Master was asleep, a bit of warm milk saw to it.
Sadly the sedentary life of a butler and the very rare chance to stretch his legs in the defense of his Young Master left him stir crazy, and that was such the reason he had found himself wandering into the field, somewhat after everyone else. After all, at the end of it all he could give an excuse for it endangering the Family, and his Master, be it true or not.

2008-10-25, 10:42 AM
The renegade android simply takes the direct approach. She walks up to the two men who contacted her.

When she speaks the effect is... unusual, to say the least. She speaks with a fairly heavy Southern accent, but without any apparent emotion, a countrified monotone.

"My programming dictates that if I am to assist anyone other than the Secret Government Agency (trademark) I must demand to be recompensed for my trouble. What is your offer?"

2008-10-25, 11:44 AM
"Young lady, we understand who you are. A woman without a soul, but you still want one." Says the priest. "I am Father Igneous, and this is my friend, Rabbi Baruikn."

"Gutn ownt, Golem-woman" says the Rabbi. "There is a problem, as we told you, one that could create a gap between each others faith forever: a woman." Baruikn bows his head down, looking to the ground in sadness.

2008-10-25, 12:50 PM
(Magical Girl) Naomi!

Eavesdropping wasn't a polite habit, but it was necessary for a teenage girl. Dressed in a baby-tee fortunately devoid of any cutesy text across her chest and a pair of jeans because it was too cold for a skirt, Naomi continued to play with her phone and eat ice cream with the proven ambidexterity that only a cellphone addict could manage.

2008-10-25, 04:02 PM

The young boy arrives late and cursing himself for oversleeping. Well, he had troubles geting in bed at hours with his kind of life. And not being able to have a restufull sleep for weeks didn't help anyway. He stoped for a moment to make sure he was decently dressed. Jeans. T-shirt. Small jacket. Tenis. Good enough for a magic hunter in New York. His brown hair was all wild and spiked over his eyes, yet it didn't seem to restrict his vision.

But now he had to focus at the task at hand. Servants of the gods. Flocks endangered. Unknown problem source. Sounded just like the kind of work for him.

Kenichi arrives in time to hear the rabi and priest speack.

A woman is causing you trouble? Not a normal woman then I guess. What would you want us do?

His brown eyes look directly to the pair of holy men, ansiously waiting for an answer.

2008-10-25, 04:42 PM
Loretta reaches into hammerspace and retrieves her oversized weaponry.

"So the target is a woman. What do you know about her current location, everyday habits, recent contacts, etcetera? How subtle would you like the assassination to be? Loud? Quiet? Somewhere in between? More information will be necessary in order to quickly locate and eliminate her."

Gavin Sage
2008-10-25, 06:10 PM

John's eyes widened as the woman pulled out a sizable machine gun. Normals couldn't wield something like that so casually. He was liking this less and less. He was too far away though to make out all of what was being said, something clearly involving violence however. His suspiscions of this being a trap were only growing. Still this seemed far too open, could they just be that stupid? Slinking behind a tree John continued to observe.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-25, 06:38 PM

Kang places a hand on the muzzel of the gun

"Lets not go brandishing weapons about, we are somewhat public. A simple question would do just fine here."

2008-10-25, 06:43 PM
"I am asking a simple question," Loretta responds matter-of-factly, "I'm asking the question I was programmed to ask, I'm asking how they want the target killed."

She returns the guns to storage.

"If the guns are too loud, I can kill her with my hands. Much quieter."

2008-10-25, 06:44 PM
Kenichi gives an hard look to the robot.

You know, if you don't want to call atention, maybe you shouldn't pull out that kind of weapons in the middle of the street whitout need for it. What if that woman was observing us right now?

Innis Cabal
2008-10-26, 10:13 AM

"Then she'd know we're packing heat. Something i'd guess she'd figure out sooner or later."

Kang'yen then looks to the two men, folding his arms and humming.

2008-10-26, 10:45 AM

Kenichi puts his hands over his face and mumbles

She's not suposed to know we're packing heat, nobody is suposed to know we're packing heat. You want to atract unwanted atentions?

2008-10-26, 12:50 PM
"With her being who she is, she already knows that someone would be after her. The woman your after has more trainng and skill with a weapon than any other known by the church. Her name, you see, is Sister Mary, a nun assassin." Father Igneous says. "Terrible idea, if you ever heard one." fallows Rabbi Baruikn.

2008-10-26, 01:11 PM

Another nun assassin? Can anyone explain me why does the church gives more military training to their members than the army gives to their elite forces? Because I already met around a dozen priest crusaders and several nun warriors, each of them being almost a one human army. Aren't you being a little too belic for a religion who suposedly defends peace and mercy?

Sighing loudly, Kenichi calms himself down and continues.

Ok, nevermind that. We all have our reasons to being what we are. What's her weapon of choice?

No, seriously, it's just me or in anime all priests and nuns are highly trained ninjas/ comandos who would make actual ninjas/comandos envious of their skills?

2008-10-26, 01:58 PM
"You see, I told you, awful idea." Baruikn says.

"Yes, we do like to keep our arms, but only for reasons for the good of humanity and the safety of their souls. The nun I'm talking about was assigned a mission of great importance. To destroy the anti-christ and save humanity from an apocalypse of evil. However, her beliefs went haphazard - she believed that to kill the anti-christ forever, she must find the Spear of Longinus. She found that the best way to find it is through the Jewish community, and those who sympathize with them, and has been killing members of our communions."

"We have word that tonight she will strike at the synagogue a few blocks west of here. Please, you must stop her!" the frightened rabbi says."

Innis Cabal
2008-10-26, 02:00 PM

"Always assume the other guy has a bigger gun then you. And that they know your going to bring one with you. This is New York City, half the populous has a weapon of some sort.

2008-10-26, 03:03 PM

Perhaps, but only a very few of them know how to use their weapons. One would think that if someone gets a weapon, they would bother to learn to use it, right?

Innis Cabal
2008-10-26, 03:26 PM

That would make sense, but i'd rather not let the general people go around armed and with the knowledge on how to use it. Makes my job alot harder, and I am sure alot of other people's lives alot easier.

Gavin Sage
2008-10-26, 06:38 PM

"And just what sort of job is that supposed to be?" Damian said as he entered the scene.

It took barely a second for Damian to move from his hiding space, more time really to remove his disguise. Moving faster then most autos could (legally anyways) the entrance was all of a blur of black and white motion. In barely enough time to blink Damian was standing behind the priest. One arm looped around as if about to grab the man by the throat.

"Nobody move. Nobody talk. I hear a syllable and so help me I'll tear out the Padre's throat. That goes double for you Rabbi Punchline, and triple for Miss Gun-Crazy over there. Now Padre I want to know why you called me. Answer the question but if I hear even the start of a prayer will be a kilometer away in under a minute and I'll chuck you in that sewer the Yanks call the East River.

Damian was still shirtless, revealing a physique from out of a fashion catelogue. Cold red light softly lit his eyes in the dim though, and his face promised murder.

2008-10-26, 08:42 PM
Loretta's programs come into a frustrating conflict.

NOTE: Internal Monologue

*The mission can be fulfilled with or without the priest. He is not a priority. This man has threatened my life, and judging by this display of skill he is a high-level threat. Self-preservation protocols dictate that the best defense is a good offense. I should hurt him. I should hurt him until he stops moving.*

*No, the priest is my employer, I cannot harm him, and if I were to cause him to be killed I would be responsible for his harming. I must protect him. I must engage his attacker immediately.*

*I cannot engage his attacker quickly enough to prevent his probable death. Unlike some models of combat android, I have no speed advantage over an ordinary human, much less over this... unidentified assailant. I must comply with his demands until he lowers his guard, then attack.*

*No, I am barred from negotiation with terrorists. This man wields fear as a weapon, so he is a terrorist. I cannot comply with his demands. I must hurt him.*






Loretta's eyes glow red for a moment, then fade away. She slumps over slightly but remains standing.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-26, 08:44 PM

Kang looks at the robot, sighing

"You broke her. Lets all put the guns away and the threats aside shall we? There are more then enough of us to cause you harm if you wanted to kill the poor man, and if you really -wanted- to kill him you'd not have even shown yourself. So how about we all...ya know. Calm down and take it easy?"

2008-10-26, 08:47 PM
(Magical Girl) Naomi!

Naomi saw that there was danger and started to move very slowly away to a place where she could hide and transform without anyone staring. Threats were one thing.

He is super cute though. Maybe I could get him to hold me hostage instead...Ew! What are you thinking?!!!

Inch by inch, Naomi tried to make it to get behind a nearby tree to call on Pyo's power.

2008-10-26, 09:48 PM
Loretta's eyes glow again and she straightens up. She stares blankly ahead as she repeats what is apparently a stock start-up sequence.

"Systems fully rebooted. Loretta Mk. II SGA online... I am a coal miner's daughter... Who do you wish me to kill today, master?"

Innis Cabal
2008-10-26, 10:02 PM

Kang sighs again.

"This is going to be difficult...." He thinks

"This is worth a shot...Loretta Mk. II SGA...stand down untill hostile kills one target. Your move."

2008-10-26, 10:24 PM
"Order confirmed," Loretta replies, "Standing by."

Gavin Sage
2008-10-26, 10:43 PM
"Yeah better stand by. Gun Crazy and some technomancy creation to boot, lovely. And you with the nice suit, trust me I'm perfectly calm here. And more then willing to shed a little blood. Padre here called me and I want to know why before I decide if the world needs one less holy man." Damian said filling the word holy with particular disdain. "Padre you better cough up answers to what you think you're doing with this group. I don't like priests, especially Catholic ones and if you think I'm gonna let you set me up with these"

Innis Cabal
2008-10-26, 10:48 PM

"Oh, we all decided to have a pic-nic. We're here to kill a nun, so how's about we say you let the man who'll no doubt be paying us and kill her? Seems like a fair trade. For one, I don't need the cash, so when we're all said and done and the other's need paid you can go and blast the both of em from here to where ever it is you want. But before then, i'm sure the others would like a pay check. Oh, and thank you, its custom tailored."

Gavin Sage
2008-10-26, 10:53 PM
"Nice story but how's about I hear it from Father Quiet here. Damian said simply.

2008-10-26, 11:13 PM
"Assassins aren't supposed to harm their employers. It's bad for business. People won't hire you if they think you'll kill them as soon as the job is done. Don't hurt the priest, just the nun. But hurt her as badly as you want to hurt him, and logically that should fulfill your desires," Loretta opines.

2008-10-27, 02:16 AM
Seeing tensions rise up, Kenichi starts to feel his demonic side trying to gain control(moar internal dialogue).

Go, the priest is danger, you must protect him. Unleash your powers and make that pretty man pay for his sins. He's clearly not human anymore. You'll be making the world a better place

No...Violence isn't always the answer...I must use my powers to stop threats to the inocents. The priest trains assassins. Nun assassins. Not inocent.

And who says he isn't a threat to inocents? How many abominations haven't you met that were desguised as pretty humans? Show him your magic skills. Crush him for his insolence of trying to harm others.

Superhuman speed...Super strenght...Pretty face...Where have I seen that before?

Knowledge:ocult to try to understand what Damian is.

2008-10-27, 02:22 AM
The forum roller chokes down on multiple separate bonuses. You've got to combine them, like [roll0]

2008-10-27, 02:28 AM
Knowledge check again: occult

2008-10-27, 08:15 PM
Damian is a vampire, there's no doubt about that; he's fast, but he seems to be lack the ultrapale skin of a regular one. He has the standard weaknesses of a vampire, though, and he is well to fear the priests.


2008-10-27, 08:20 PM
((Here goes nothing))

((What were you trying to do again?))

Innis Cabal
2008-10-27, 09:05 PM
((Deleted post, got confused for a sec))

2008-10-27, 09:54 PM
(Magical Girl) Naomi!

The Mexican standoff continued, and with that, Naomi realized that if they noticed her, it might cause that person to do something very...bad to the priest. And the nun assassin, if it could be believed, might be possessed, in which case killing her was a mistake, not that killing, was of course, ever right. She sat back down after making it look like she was fiddling with her sandal, and continued to drop eaves.

2008-10-28, 04:47 AM
Kenichi talks in a very calm tone of voice, looking at the ground, hiding to control his boiling anger.

Let the priest go, bloodsucker. Your kind is one of the reasons the Church is forced to train nun assassins in the first place. You should be thankfull the priest shows any kind of confidence towards you. He still didn't say anything, so it's clear he has his reasons to keep silent. Continue with this behavior, vampire, and I'll be forced to stop you by strenght.

Now that's more like it. Show him who's the strongest here!

2008-10-29, 11:51 AM
"Enough!" the priest cries. A dim, yellow light seems to surround him for just a second, while ancient latin covers Damian's arms, burning him with a holy light in the only way a vampire can be burned. "I can tolerate the use of an unholy hand for just this one time, but I will not allow innocents to be harmed by senseless violence!"

The rabbi snaps a little, rather unfasionable, box to the vampire's head. "I'll trust you know what this is. It's a phylactery, good for blasting down the dead, like yourself. Make a wrong move or just kill me and your as good as dust." explains the holy man. "Ah, 200 years is starting to sound short, is it?"

2008-10-29, 11:55 AM
Loretta turns to Kang.

"Clarification: If the rabbi destroys the vampire, should I consider him hostile?"

Innis Cabal
2008-10-29, 01:57 PM

Kang blinks. Muttering "Your kidding...." before looking at the robot.

"Yes, absolutly. Anyone tries to attack anyone else, blast em. Save if its in defense. Don't blast people defending others."

Gavin Sage
2008-10-29, 07:32 PM

Damian jerked back reflexively, arms smoking and the scent of burning flesh filling the air. He stared at the marks and unconiously stepped back a bit. The power of the White One, no doubt about that. That sort of power had a sting quite unlike anything else. While contemplating his Damian became aware of a small sensation against his head. Out one eye he saw Rabbi Punchline holding something to his head. Undoubably something that would be just as fun. Damian did the only thing he could.

He laughed, with gusto. After a few long moments he quieted his face and smiled letting his fangs extend noticably and eyes burn a bit brigter in the gloom. "Well seems you guys have some bite afterall.... I'm relieved personally, this settles whether all this was to kill me with a big no. So now then what can I do for you gentlemen you can't accomplish for yourself?"

2008-10-30, 12:37 PM
The priest's face is that of an angry young man despite his age. "We must stop Sister Mary from seperating our faiths!" he strugles to say. "Go to her, now, three blocks west!"

The rabbi feels his pulse. His face shows one of relief.

2008-10-30, 02:05 PM
Better get going then.

With this words, Kenichi calms down and goes in the direction pointed by the priest. He prayed he didn't need to use his demonic side to win the next battle. It wouldn't fall very well if anyone saw a giant monster trying to butcher a nun.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-30, 02:14 PM

Kang turns

"Might as well go, can't be late... Eliminate the Nun when target is found...after that...return to....basic function."

2008-10-30, 10:18 PM
"Clarification needed," Loretta says to Kang, "Assassination is my new basic function. Since I cannot 'return to' the function I am already in, do you mean for me to resume my original basic function? I am instructed by the SGA to inform you that large portions of my original programming have been deleted to make room for my assassination protocols. They say I may be a danger to myself and others if I attempt to run an incomplete program. Do you still wish to engage Lynn Mode?"

Gavin Sage
2008-10-31, 12:50 AM
Damian looked at Loretta and raised an eyebrow then look wryly around the group, "Okay I've got a few questions for Quiet and Punchline. First off you call anyone else for this crew that ain't shown up yet? And second, this nun all guns and fighting or she do voodoo like you two? And this ones for Nice Suit, why don't we have the clock stay here? It seems a little broken. And finally anyone got a shirt I can borrow? A lady seems to have disposed of the one I was wearing last night and I'm afraid I haven't been home since.

While he spoke Damian casual wander about the group. If any cared to notice the marks on his arms had stopped smoking and were slowly disappearing. Not even a scar was left where the marks vanished. No human healed that fast.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-31, 01:13 PM

Kang lets his mouth hang open for a moment "I think my day job is saner..."

"What is...Lynn mode? Continue doing what your doing if its what your supposed to be doing"

Kang then slides off his jacket handing it to the Blood Sucker

"Lets give this back the way you got it alright? It's a custom jacket and the person who bought it for me would be..less then happy if I looked like a commoner come the morning. As for the robot, she's built to kill. Seems she gets to stick along. For now."

2008-10-31, 01:25 PM
"No, I was built to simulate Loretta Lynn. I was modified to kill," Loretta clarifies.

Innis Cabal
2008-10-31, 01:27 PM

Kang slaps his forhead

"My mistake. Please do not return to your original program."

2008-11-01, 12:36 PM
((OCC: You guys ready to move on?))

2008-11-01, 12:52 PM
(Ready and willing!)

Innis Cabal
2008-11-01, 03:05 PM

2008-11-01, 04:36 PM
(Always. Let's kick some nun assassin butt.)

2008-11-01, 10:58 PM
"Lynn Mode disabled. If there are no further protests, let us proceed to the target."

2008-11-01, 11:12 PM
You find yourself at the church where the priest vaguely pointed to and described. It's a magnificent yet imposing building, tall as one of the greatest oaks and with stained glass windows seemingly polished to a perfect shine. Trough those looking glasses that tell of stories of redemption and purity a dim light shines through. You believe it's the nun, but you also hear voices, muffled and crying out for anyone inside.

Innis Cabal
2008-11-02, 02:49 PM

Kang removes a rather large semi-auto pistol from his bags

"We ready for this?"

2008-11-02, 02:59 PM
Loretta again produces her oversized weapons from who-knows-where.


Innis Cabal
2008-11-02, 03:06 PM

Kang then removes a rather well made blade from his golf bag, giving it several practice swings

"I'm going to regret this, but...lets get some tunes here. How bout it Robot?"

2008-11-02, 03:25 PM
"Tunes?" she echoes, puzzled.

Innis Cabal
2008-11-02, 04:05 PM

"Ya know, like singing. Maybe some Crosby, Stiles and Nash...like...suite judy blue eyes? Or some Credence Clearwater Revival? If you could hum some bars of War(What is it good for) that would be...really tops."

2008-11-02, 04:07 PM
"The Secret Government Agency (trademark) removed my music circuitry to keep me from singing. I apologize."

2008-11-02, 04:32 PM
I'm afraid I'm not a very good singer. Shouldn't we instea make some kind of...Plan? Or we can just blow up the building to make the nun come out.

2008-11-02, 06:43 PM
"Kick down the door and shoot everything that moves," Loretta advises, "and then set it all on fire. It's the only way to be sure."

Innis Cabal
2008-11-02, 07:13 PM

Kang shoulders the bag, and goes for the door

"No use wasting more time. Everyone, time to prove your worth. Don't get that coat ruined either Blood Sucker."