View Full Version : [3.5] Experimental Trap System

2008-10-25, 08:09 PM
I've been considering this for a few days after re-reading Dungeonscape. A lot of traps have unique triggers, and unique effects. Why not make a system of linking traps, triggers, etc. together to make it easier for a dungeon builder? This may be a stupid idea, but I thought I'd post it...

How the system works:
There are two important components to every trap: The trigger, and the effect. The trigger springs the trap, the effect deals damage, casts spells, and does other things. Triggers are often trap-specific, but theres nothing to say that triggers can't activate multiple traps, and that traps can't be triggers. By linking traps and triggers using this system, DMs can easily construct a network of traps that is relatively easy to use in a module.

The following are triggers:
Pressure Plate: This plate looks exactly like the tile it's placed on. When a sufficient amount of weight (Defined by the builder.) presses down on the plate, it springs the trap. This trigger resets as soon as it is no longer being stepped on.

Magic Pressure Plate: Like a pressure plate, the tile this is placed on becomes a trigger, activating when the minimum amount of weight is met. In addition, the builder may specify alignment, maximum weight, whether or not the target is living, and whether or not the target has an Arcane Mark. The builder needs to be able to cast 3rd level arcane spells. (Or have access to someone who does.) This trigger resets as soon as it is no longer being stepped on, or if the conditions are no longer met.

Tripwire: A simple wire spans the width of the corridor. It is placed in. When the wire is broken (Very little force is required to do this.), the trap it is linked to is sprung. This trigger need to be manually reset with new wire. Vertically, this trigger is only triggered by a creature passing through the 5ft vertical line it's been placed in.

Magic Tripwire: Similar to an Arcane Eye, a Magic Tripwire triggers its trap when someone passes in front of it. It can specify alignment, whether the target is living or not, and whether or not the target has an Arcane Mark. This trigger is reset as soon as it no longer sees a viable target. It can be blocked from a target if its line of sight to the target is broken. Vertically, this trigger is only triggered by a creature passing through the 5ft vertical line it's been placed in.

Greater Magic Tripwire: As the Magic Tripwire, but its line of sight cannot be blocked.

Magic Wall: A Magic Wall is very similar to a Magic Tripwire, but rather than being a single line, it is a sheet that can occupy a door, corridor, room, or other passageway in any two dimensions. (Length, width, and height.) It can detect anything that a Magic Tripwire can, but does not need line of sight to detect a target. A Magic Wall is reset when it no longer has a viable target.

Magic Relay: A Magic Relay is almost the opposite of a Magic Tripwire. It is triggered when its two components line up with eachother. (As in, they 'see' eachother.) It can be blocked from line of sight with its other component. It is reset when it no longer sees its other component. (Note: Only one component does the actual triggering. A single component can also be triggered by any other Relay component. If both components are assigned to trigger, then they both do.)

Greater Magic Relay: Like the Magic Relay, but it cannot be blocked by line of sight. (Note: The builder may specify an Arcane Mark for the Relay. The line of sight will be blocked by an object with this mark on it.)

Magic Motion Sensor: A Magic Motion Sensor acts much like a Magic Wall, though instead of covering its area like a sheet, it covers it in either a cone, a sphere, or a semi-sphere originating from a single point or object with an area determined by the builder. It can detect anything that the Magic Wall can, but can be blocked by line of sight.

Greater Magic Motion Sensor: Like the Magic Motion Sensor, but it cannot be blocked by line of sight.

Lever: A lever is simple. It is a metal bar than, when pulled, triggers the trap it is linked to. Levers are reset when they are returned to their original position.

I have yet to determine costs for these items.

Trigger Utilities:

Gears: Gears can be triggered by traps, or can trigger traps themselves. When triggered, they begin to spin, and after a number of rounds determined by the builder, trigger the trap they're linked to. Gears can also be used to trigger special kinds of traps over time. (See Gear Traps, below.) Gears can also be manually spun if they are designed to do so with full-round actions. After a number of rounds determined by the builder, they spring the trap they are linked to. (Creatures are at risk of spinning gears like any other.)

Relay Hub: A Relay Hub is a cylinder with a hole bored through the center. It can be used to block all Relays but one to acheive a desired effect. Relay Hubs can be spun manually (Maximum of 90 degrees of turning per round. A full-round action regardless of amount spun.) or spun by gears (At a rate determined by the builder.) A builder can specify a Relay Hub to snap into place at either 90 degree or 45 degree angles. This shortens the time of spinning a Relay Hub to a standard action.

Reset Timer: A Reset Timer effectively forces a trigger to wait until sprung again. It can be set to force the trigger to wait for any amount of time shorter than an hour determined by the builder, and can either start its countdown when the linked trigger is activated, or when the linked trigger is set back into the reset position/is reset. Reset Timers can have their own resets, in which case their linked triggers are no longer forced to wait when the reset is triggered. The Reset Timer can only be applied to triggers that are non-magical, and do not have a manual reset.

Magic Reset Timer: A Magic Reset Timer is the same as a Reset Timer, but its reset can only be activated by a magic trigger, and it can be applied to magic triggers.

Next, I guess, I will describe different kinds of traps and how they can be used with this system. Please give feedback on what I have. I'd like to know about the concept and the different ideas that I'm using with it.