View Full Version : Far Cry 2

2008-10-25, 08:24 PM
Awesome. Free range destruction, sandbox action, all from first person. The control is great, I haven't run into any major bugs, just beautiful.

2008-10-25, 08:27 PM
I'm not sure how much longer I can play. The squelchy, bloody noises you make when you have to heal yourself are too much for me. :smalleek:

2008-10-26, 05:44 AM
It's just so ... mediocre.

2008-10-26, 04:56 PM
Well the story sucks, yeah. But I don't care about story in games, I care about how fun they are to play, and in that regards Far Cry 2 is amazing.

2008-10-26, 05:40 PM
The story is actually pretty good but very, very poorly executed - the characterization could have been so much better, and the game totally railroads you while sort of half-hiding it, which is kind of cool, actually.

The gameplay is neat, as are the weapons and the environment (easily the best part), and the animation is superb. Plus, FIRE.

The missions are excellent for the most part; getting to them is not. :(

Boring driving and poor pacing are my main issues; longer, more common conversations, a radio of some sort, and in general more plot and characters would have made the game much more enjoyable.

Plus, what's with the ending? Your character kills EVERYONE ELSE, including himself, except for the guy you were originally sent to kill - I'm still not sure whether that was brilliant irony or an ass pull.

2008-10-27, 04:11 PM
Tom Francis had some good stuff on it at his blog (http://pentadact.com).

Might be worth reading.

The Evil Thing
2008-10-28, 04:38 AM
I love this game, it's fantastic. I do have a few criticisms, though.

For one, guns explode and jam far too often (my bolt action rifle jammed - not sure how that happened) and my AK47 blew up in my face after I'd used it for a day or two. I can kind of see why I was hired to kill the Jackal - bloody man's a menace to his own customers.

The second problem is that the island is inhabited by zombies - guard posts are restocked with guards as soon as you turn your back. Sometimes this process takes five minutes. Where are all these people coming from?

That aside, what are your favourite loadouts?
For day operations I usually go for a .45 Star, SVD Dragunov and the RPG-7 (the rockets seem to fire far slower than they should).
For night operations I prefer the IEDs, Silenced MP5-K and Dart Rifle.
As you might have guessed, I'm a camping bastard. :smallcool:

2008-10-28, 06:44 AM
It looks great and so, but ennui hit me after my third fetch quest and clearing ever respawning checkpoints with the mounted gun. I'll give it a shot again later and see if it gets a better structure later.
Still, it does have its moments. At one point I had a sniper pestering me, I identified him and returned fire with an RPG. Hit his position squarely and the place lit up from exploding fuel barrels, gas canisters, ammunition exploding like firecrackers and bodies of the guards being tossed across the terrain. The aftermath with burning gear, trees and grass was satisfying in a perverted way.

The Evil Thing
2008-10-28, 09:36 AM
Snipers are bloody scary people.

I can't count the number of times I've been killed by people who are shooting at me from the weirdest directions, catching me completely off guard. It reminds me of Operation Flashpoint where the Soviet grunts outperformed US snipers with their AK-74s. I got "sniped" by one from a mile away. :smallconfused:

2008-10-28, 01:32 PM
There might be a good game in here somewhere, but it's hard to tell in between the NEVER ENDING chases by homing jeeps full of insane men who want only to kill me.

Also, someone at Ubisoft made the brilliant decision of never letting anyone avoid any fight, ever.

warty goblin
2008-10-28, 01:57 PM
I was going to get this release day, but Gamestop didn't have it in yet, so instead I snagged The Witcher Enhanced Edition and Fable the Lost Chapters.

Given what I'm hearing about this, I'm becoming convinced I went the right way. I love shooters, particularly of the open world variety, but things like the annoying sounding maleria and constant streams of guys in jeeps are enough to turn me majorly off. STALKER really does handle my open world shooting needs pretty well, and also manages to have atmophere running out of every oriface. Plus the guns don't wear out quite so stupidly fast, although they do wear out eventually. Pay a bit of attention however and it's really not a problem. What tends to be far more of a problem, at least for me, is running out of the appropriate sort of bullet for the guns I have.