View Full Version : Dead Space = Worst PC port of all time

2008-10-26, 03:52 AM
Dead Space is by far the worst PC port of all time. The controls are unplayable without a game pad for your PC DO NOT EVEN TRY. Also Vsync ingame forces your FPS to 30 BTW so you might want to turn it off.

Great Game but Get it for the 360 or PS3

2008-10-26, 05:08 AM
I disagree.

I picked up Dead Space for the PC this Friday, I'm part way through chapter 3 and loving it so far. I read the numerous threads complaining about how horrid the mouse control was and how it felt "floaty" and other such vague terms, so I made this purchase with a fair degree of trepidation. However, once I started the game I didn't see any of the problems people were describing with the controls, and it seemed perfectly responsive and precise. The fact that the sensitivity while aimed is so much lower than while walking around took some getting used to, but varying sensitivities is hardly a new thing and when you're trying to amputate limbs like a surgeon the extra control is nice. Now, I was a little upset that VSync was so poorly implemented and caused control problems, but even with it off the game still looks great and runs without a hitch.

I can understand why anyone who is a fan of using the arrow keys, ESDF, or any non WASD setup wouldn't like the control binding issues, and there's really no excuse for EA on that front, but I don't believe that puts Dead Space in the category of "Worst PC port of all time".

2008-10-26, 05:26 AM
The Mouse Keyboard controls are beyond unacceptable.

2008-10-26, 11:23 AM
Think that's bad? MGS2 didn't HAVE mouse control...

2008-10-26, 01:07 PM
You think Dead Space's PC port had unplayably bad controls? You need a proper fram of reference for "bad controls". Sonic Adventure Director's Cut on the PC was a harmony of flawlessly and irreparably screwed controls. If you thought it was bad on the consoles... this is the worst PC game I've ever spent my money on. You can try to use a gamepad, but I guarantee that its unchangeable and nonstandard control scheme will cause a wonky view problem such as always spinning or always facing up/down. So you're down to playing a 3D Sonic game with the keyboard, and having to unplug your gamepad altogether so that it doesn't wrest control of the already insane camera from you. I believe it also supports some hilariously bad mouse control, but I may be thinking of a different Sega PC port.

Anyway, as you might imagine, the keyboard is predictably inept at controlling Sonic as designed for analogue thumb sticks. Think about falling off loops, stopping dead from a snag, and not being able to do any of the other crazy running crap Sonic usually pulls because you can't face exactly the correct direction with your keyboard. The camera zooms out to help the game bone you in the ass and makes sure that you have no way of succeeding by forcing you to run 22 degrees away from what is physically possible with the keyboard. At least Dead Space is playable; hell, it's still fun. Things could be a lot worse.