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2008-10-27, 06:19 PM
Grave Robbers from Outer Space

Scene 1 Begins

Matthew shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot in front of the crowd of actors. Since he’d started this internship, he hadn’t had an easy day yet. And it wasn’t looking up either.

Uh, thank you all for coming. We’ll get started in just a moment. But first, we seem to have had … a little mishap with the script.

What kind of problem?

Well, it appears that someone got a little hungry last night and, um, ate parts of the script.

Matthew held up the tattered remains of a script. A few of the pages looked mostly intact, but the rest were just pieces.

We’re missing a several pages, most importantly, the title page. All we have left of that are the following words: Mummy, Peculiar, Power, Trail, Abyss, Lair, and Space. So first off, we, uh, kind of need to piece it all together again. That’s why I asked everyone to come a little early to the set. I’m kind of hoping that you guys can come up with something the Director will love with what words we have.

Giving it a look of mixed disgust and apprehension, Matthew dropped the remains of the script to the floor and looked at the crowd around him.

But obviously, we can’t postpone filming while we sort this out, so we’re going to be filming the … scene at the same time. Any questions?

Mikey! What's going on here?

Matthew jumped and looked slightly guiltily over his shoulder at the approaching director.

Director! These are your actors; they’ve shown up early to help us solve a little … problem.

There are no problems on this set, Mayonnaise, only opportunities!

…yes, sir…

Now then, the scene is…wait a moment…ah! You’re all in a rubber life raft on a lake in the middle of a dark forest! Now for this scene, ... The director points randomly throughout the crowd.

You! The Director points at Atreyu the Masked LLama. You’re pregnant!

You! The Director points at Shadow. You have delusions of grandeur and think you‘re the king of the Winter Carnival!

You! He points excitedly at SweetLikeLemons. You’re a sexy French maid who thinks everyone is jealous of you.

And you! The Director turns on smellie_hippie. You’re…a dyslexic James Bond!

Having delivered his vision to his actors, the director spun on his heel and strutted over to his chair.

He’s a bit unorthodox, but he’s a world renowned director. Just… um, be careful, okay?

The Director clapped his hands to demand attention to his masterpiece.

Now people. We don’t have all day here, you know. Now, Mario, go get that special guest star we discussed for today’s shoot.

Matthew started to object, to try and reason with the single-minded Director once again.

No! My vision needs them! Go! He looked at his actors once again. And… action!

Scene One begins now and ends in 48 hours at 7pm GMT-5 on Wednesday, October 29.

The Name Game:
Just like every game of Grave Robbers From Outer Space, we're starting this by naming our movie. We have dealt out seven cards, and here are the words you have to use:


The words may be altered slightly (Mummy to Mummies for example) and words like "of" or "and" may be added. Put your titles in Blue and we'll vote during the night phase.

Roles and rules:


Extras (Villagers): Cool! A walk-on part for a real movie! This’ll be great! Hey…that guy supposed to be gnawing on his own arm?… Each day you point at whom you wish to lynch. Scries as Extra/Villager.

Skippy the Wonder Dog (Baner): Skippy, the world famous golden retriever and star of the picture. Well, actually, it’s the third Skippy. The first died in a tragic golfing accident (don’t ask, you really don’t want to know the details) and the less said about the second, the better. Anyway, you save people, it’s what you do. Each night you nominate a player to protect from night kill. Scries as Skippy/Baner.

Bookish Girl with no Boyfriend (Seer): She’s seen it all: read every script, book, magazine, and wiki she can get her hands on. So, obviously, she knows it all: every trope, cliché, plot device, and storyline there is. Who would’ve thought that this knowledge would actually come in handy? Once per night, her genre-savvy-ness provides her with a single scry action. Scries as Bookish Girl/Seer

Town Drunk (Fool): Will be told they are the Seer. For whatever reason (we try not to ask), he thinks he’s the Bookish Girl and as such is constantly trying to figure out who’s who, but with all the wrong info (and a thorough helping of whiskey, vodka, or whatever happens to be handy). Each night, he may make a single scry action with a random result. Scrying the same player multiple times will result in the same result each time. The Seer will always scry as the Fool. Scries as Drunk/Fool

Military Officer (Sniper): Awesome! This is the kind of thing you’ve always dreamed of! Screw all those drills and orders and crap; all of the perks, none of the government red tape! You’re gonna go in guns blazing and kick some serious…err… why is that child over there giving me the evil eye? Every third night phase, you get an attempt at a night kill at 75%. Scries as Military Officer/Sniper

Troupe (Masons): An acting troupe that has been working together for some time. Usually you get better roles, but you needed the money. Scries as Troupe/Mason

The troupe will be given one of the following roles. The roles mean nothing; they just sound cool. Some of these roles couldn’t make it to the set on time.:
Annoying Little Brother
Old Priest
Helpful Guy from Next Door
Camp Counselor
Funny Guy Who Gets It in the Final Reel
Nervous Girl
Coed Science Major
Hot Headed Secretary
Best Friend
Redneck Pump Jockey


Creepy Old Innkeeper (Illusionist): Good evening…would you like a room? Every movie has that one really creepy guy, and this one is no exception. Meet the Creepy Old Innkeeper, no one knows what side he’s on, but everyone’s sure they really don’t want to get caught in the shower whenever he’s around. Once per night, you can select a player and change their role for the purposes of scrying (no, I don’t know howit works…shut up, it’s magic!). Scries as Innkeeper/Illusionist

Janitor (Thief): No one ever notices the Janitor. It’s like he’s not even there. Which is great if, like this particular Janitor, you’ve got sticky fingers. Besides, if anyone ever catches you with that prop you’ve taken out of the closet, you can just say they threw it away… Once per night you can either attempt to steal an item from a player, or scry any player to see if they are holding an item. Scries as Janitor/Thief

Mad Scientist (Cloner): They thought you were mad…MAD! But you showed them…oh yes, you showed them. Now the Clonatron 3000a cloning machine and frozen yogurt dispenser is complete! Now if you could just get the clones to stop exploding… The Clonatron 3000a can make 3 clones during the game. They last for 2 day phases before they explode on the 2nd night phase. If the cloned player is attacked during the time they are cloned, the clone is killed instead of the player. Scries as Mad Scientist/Cloner


Creatures (Wolves): The creatures, the monsters, everything from Dracula to the demonic toys. We’ve got it all, and this time they’re real. Scries as Creatures/Wolves.

Mom (Alpha): Let’s face it: hell hath no fury like an angry Mom. Nothing can be scarier, creepier, or more just plain psycho than Mom. Mom scries as an Extra and gets to choose her team.

Telekinetic Child (Devil): Would you like to play with me? No movie would be complete without a creepy kid. So here we are: a telekinetic child. I mean, he can move things with his mind, how creepy is that? Once per night, the child can make a single scry action. Scries as Telekinetic Child/Devil.

Space Mimics from Uranus (Beast): We need a creature, even better if it’s FROOMMM SPPAAAACCCEEEE! The Space Mimics have the ability to copy anyone they see. Unfortunately, instead of causing confusion and panic, it usually just means the mob will shoot both you and the guy you copied. If the Space Mimics are lynched, then the last person to point at them will die alongside them. Scries as Space Mimics/Beast

Special Effects Cards:

Special Effects Cards work just like items. Every night, a single card will be dealt out and given to a player. The card effects are:

CUT! : Bane a player, may be used during the day as well as the night phase.
Pyrotechnics failure: Banes a player and has a 50% chance of killing one of the attacking creatures
Too Dumb Too Live: 100% accuracy night kill
By the Power of PLOT!: Your point counts triple
Broke a heel: 75% night kill
Say, is that a tentacle?: Scry a player
Over Budget Cancels out a Special Effect card if played during the same phase

Special Rules

Days are 48 hours long; nights 24.

Helgraf's scry interference rule is in effect

Autolynch after 2 consecutive missed days.

Player List-19

{table="head"]Player|Killed On|Role
Alarra|Night 3|Extra
Allysian|Night 8|Best Friend
androgial|Day 1|Creature
Atreyu the Masked LLama|
Banjo1985|Night 6|Mad Scientist
Blue Umbrella|Day 6|Extra
Bushranger|Night 11|Extra
Dallas-dakota|Night 7|Funny Guy
Emperor Demonking|Day 2|Extra
Griever|Night 1|Extra
Hero 1.0|
IcedDragons|Day 9|Extra
Jontom Xire|Day 11|Extra
Lord Fullbladder|Day 5|Hot Headed Secretary
LordRod|Night 10|Camp Counselor
Moofin Bard|Day 4|Military Officer
Mountain_Faerie|Night 3|Nervous Girl
Philistine|Day 7|Extra
PirateMonk|Night 4|Town Drunk
Rogue Monk|Night 6|Extra
Selrahc|Day 6|Creepy Innkeeper
Shadowcaller|Day 8|Extra
smellie_hippie|Day 5|Extra
Talic|withdrew|Coed Science Major
The Valiant Turtle|Night 2|Bookish Girl
Uncle Festy|Day 3|Helpful Guy
Vampiric|Night 5|Skippy
Vossik|Night 9|Annoying Little Brother
Zaragon|Day 4|Janitor
Zar Peter|Day 10|Extra

2008-10-27, 06:33 PM
Abyssal Trail to the Space Lair of the Peculiar Power Mummies

ok lets kick this off right first day point at blue umbrella because blue is one spectrum shade away from indigo which is a purple color and umbrellas are used during rain which has lightning giving us purple lightning...never a good sign.....which tripples the attack strength of monsters against a movie therefore blue umbrella must be the janitor and everone knows that skippy and the janitor must die

2008-10-27, 06:41 PM
King uv da Winner Carnival?
Ifs you say so lady!

Welcomesh to my... Carnibbles of da Winner!
Ifs you looksh to yer leff, we hash a treat fer ya!
The gatewaysh that leadsh From the Peculiar Trail of Power in the Abyss to the Mummy's Space Lair!
Yoush dere! Fillish... Philat... Fila... Philistine!
I dids it...
You dere! Lead da way fer us!

2008-10-27, 06:46 PM
On the Trail to the Abyssal Lair of the Space Mummy's Peculiar Power

Not particularly good, but neither is the movie itself. Right?

Drake Burr is reading through his contract again while making his preparations for the first day of filming. "Does it say my name is going to be in the credits? ... Oh, here it is. Okay, as long as it doesn't include me under "and others" like the last studio is, I'm fine. The pay is good enough for me. liabilities, studio's rights, actor's rights, insurance I don't care about since I'm not a stuntman, blah blah blah... Okay, it's all good. What's my first scene? Running? Screaming? Running while screaming?"

2008-10-27, 07:02 PM
Power Mummy of the Space Trail to the Peculiar Lair of the Abyss

He shivered menacingly...

*cut! try again!*


He shivered... worryingly...?

*yeah, we can go with that*

Heck, I forgot what I was shivering at now. *leaves stage*

As I was leaving the stage, I bumped into a peculiar fellow, by the name of Emperor Demonking... or was that the part he was playing?

Uncle Festy
2008-10-27, 07:26 PM
Uncle Festy shambles onto the backstage. "Yes! I'm finally in show biz!" He turns to Dragoon. "Um… where's Show Biz again?"

2008-10-27, 07:36 PM
Why am I playing a pizza delivery boy again?

It was the only job open.

Can't i get a different acting position. I'm sure there is bound to be one open.

Well, as a matter of fact there is.

5 minutes later...

Why the hell am I playing a dead body!?

Quiet you! Dead bodies don't talk! Unless of course you're iceddragons.

Mummy, Peculiar, Power, Trail, Abyss, Lair, and Space

Space Mummies use Peculiar Powers to Trail Abyss to his Lair.

(what no one said abyss couldn't be a name. :smalltongue:)

2008-10-27, 08:03 PM
((The Trail to the Lair of Abyssal Mummies with Peculiar Spacial Powers.

First day random Dallas-dakota))

"They’re here!"

The Valiant Turtle
2008-10-27, 08:06 PM
Oh boy, I can't believe they cast me in Trailing the Peculiar Space Mummy to his Abyssal Lair of Power!

I can't wait to see what part I got!

Oh boy I'm the... Possessed space turtle head mounted in the den of the brave space hunter. I get to follow people with my eyes and snarl at them while they aren't looking.


I guess I better start training my spooky staring skills by staring at lamech for a while.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2008-10-27, 08:12 PM
Peculiar Power on the Abyssal Trail to the Lair of the Space Mummy, a survival horror western mostly set on the railroad.

"we're all gonna die, man! We're all gonna die!"

The frightened secondary character bumps into Selrahc in his panic.

2008-10-27, 08:27 PM
The peculiar trail to the abyssal space mummies's lair of power!

Hey, dont you think it's funny that this lands used to be indian cemeteries?

(Randomness says... Vampiric)

Uncle Festy
2008-10-27, 08:39 PM
((Oh right… title.
The Abyssal Mummy Trails the Peculiar Power's Lair to Space.))

2008-10-27, 08:48 PM
A Peculiar Trail to the Lair of the Space Mummies of the Abyss of Power

and... Uncle Festy.

2008-10-27, 09:23 PM
The Peculiar Abyss Mummy and its Space Powered Lair

*Atreyu the Masked LLama*

2008-10-27, 09:37 PM
I've never seen any one named valient the turtle, playing a WW game before. We probably won't lose any talent at wolf hunting by lynching him.:smalltongue:

2008-10-27, 09:38 PM
Abyssal Trail to the Space Lair of the Peculiar Power Mummies

ok lets kick this off right first day point at blue umbrella because blue is one spectrum shade away from indigo which is a purple color and umbrellas are used during rain which has lightning giving us purple lightning...never a good sign.....which tripples the attack strength of monsters against a movie therefore blue umbrella must be the janitor and everone knows that skippy and the janitor must die

Why would you want skippy to die? skippy protects us from the monsters, so only monsters want skippy dead, therefore you, androgial, must be a monster

2008-10-27, 09:49 PM
"Here I am to save the day, I'm the defender of justice, light in the darkness-" The young man realizes that he's no longer in the voice studio, and this was definitely not a superhero theme picture. "Well, I guess I can branch out, obviously I have the voice work for a lead. A title I hear is needed, The Power Mummies Particular Trail to the Abyss Lair in Space. and we need heroic people for this movie, not Fleeing Coward. Let me know when I'm needed."

((Gotta love when random points fit well with said character))

2008-10-27, 09:50 PM
A Peculiar Power Trails through the Abyss of Space to the Mummy's Lair.

Alarra arrives on the set, banging the door loudly and walking into Uncle Festy nearly as soon as she enters. "Hey...watch it, buddy!" She glares angrily through large dark glasses. "Don't you know who I am?" The man clearly has no idea, but before he has a chance to reply she waves a hand dismissively. "Get someone to fix the lights in here, it's so dark I marvel that anyone can even see what they're doing. And send someone to escort me to my dressing room."

With this and a flip of her long hair, she stalks toward the throng of actors, making it approximately 4 steps before tripping over a pile of cords. "Of all the..." She mutters under her breath. Picking herself up, she realizes that she is still wearing her sunglasses. Taking them off, she finds that the room is actually rather adequately lit. Of course, she would never admit to such a mistake, and proceeds to complain about the dark, gloomy working environment for the next 20 minutes. It becomes apparent that no one actually informed her that the movie she was accepting a role in was a horror film and that dark and gloomy would have been appropriate, had the set actually been dark and gloomy.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-10-27, 09:53 PM
The Powerful Abyss Trails the Peculiar Space Mummy Back to its Lair!

I'm pregnant! I don't know how to act pregnant. I need pickles, lots of pickles and peanut butter. Oh, I ummm...ack! Maternity clothes! I wonder if it will be a boy.

*The stunt llama runs around trying to find wardrobe.*

Vampiric is in charge of clothing, right?

(Vampiric is about to be auto'ed in Convoy, so I'm pointing at him here.)

2008-10-27, 10:54 PM
"Oh, shusht greht! Shta primadonna shhoon the shet," he muttered to himself.

The Bushranger
2008-10-28, 12:00 AM
*has post typed up*
*Schlock board eats it*
*points at Blue Umbrella*

2008-10-28, 12:37 AM
The new girl looked over the pieces of the title. I think it's supposed to be:
The Peculiar Mummy left a Powerful Space Trail back to his Lair in the Abyss.

What do you think Emperor Demonking.

2008-10-28, 02:12 AM
Space Mummies use Peculiar Powers to Trail Abyss to his Lair., truly a frightfully popular film, won't it be? Right, right!

A young man enters the studio, he attempts to walk and talk that of a refined gentleman, but you notice he is hiding a small limp in his left leg and a twitch in his right eye.

Yes, indeed! This film shall, without a doubt, throw me up into the limelight so my brilliance can be fully recognized by those whom currently are foresaken without me! Brilliant! Here! Pregnant llama, take this down! The man thrusts a clipboard towards the llama and walks off, continuing his self-monologue.

Jontom Xire
2008-10-28, 02:34 AM
I have no idea for a title except that it involves the Abyss of Space, but I point at Murska because the last two times I did he turned out to be a bad guy.


Emperor Demonking
2008-10-28, 03:52 AM

Yeah, seems fine to me.

2008-10-28, 04:18 AM
@ lord rod

1 that was an attempt at llama logic since llama had silliness handed to him

2 it appears youve never played the game grfos and havent seen some of the other things like mom nervous girl bookish girl with no boyfriend and skippy....in the back seat of the car....and some one plays only the virgin survives

3 the games manufaturers made the sequel game skippy's revenge starring skippy the undead wonderdog which auto kills any movie with skippy in it and is a monster

oh yes skippy must die and the janitor once collected 15 props adding a defense of some like 50 points to the movie he was in by himself interestingly enough the player had the prom queen in that movie and again a smart play of only the virgin survives eliminated the power in the hands of the leading player

yes im predjudiced against the janitor and skippy in any grofs game skippy must die and so must the janitor

2008-10-28, 04:39 AM
*hello point at Allysian*

Titles.. titles.. hrm...

Mummies from the Abyss, Peculiar Space Lairs, and Powerful Trails

There, I have no idea what that movie would be about, but hey, it's got powerful trails, so it's got to be good, right? :smallconfused: :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-28, 05:51 AM
Poney Menny, you're looking right quavishing. Why haven't you ever balled me cack for our date? I just bot gack from a mission chasing androgial, for threats against puppies...

How's that Mr Director sir? What?
I sound like George Lazenby?:smallconfused:
I thought I was supposed to sound like James Bond... I had hoped that all those years with Drew Carey on 'Whose Line' would have been helpful. :smallsigh:

Oh, I also brought your extra tall decaf skinny latte with soy and extra whipped cream. I was making this in... my trailer (looks longingly at Skippy the Wonderdog's trailer) and came up with a movie title!!

The Trail through the Abyss that leads to the Lair of the Space Mummy with Peculiar Power

2008-10-28, 07:13 AM
@ lord rod

1 that was an attempt at llama logic since llama had silliness handed to him

2 it appears youve never played the game grfos and havent seen some of the other things like mom nervous girl bookish girl with no boyfriend and skippy....in the back seat of the car....and some one plays only the virgin survives

3 the games manufaturers made the sequel game skippy's revenge starring skippy the undead wonderdog which auto kills any movie with skippy in it and is a monster

oh yes skippy must die and the janitor once collected 15 props adding a defense of some like 50 points to the movie he was in by himself interestingly enough the player had the prom queen in that movie and again a smart play of only the virgin survives eliminated the power in the hands of the leading player

yes im predjudiced against the janitor and skippy in any grofs game skippy must die and so must the janitor

Sweet gibbley gibblets, man! Use some punctuation! *brain asplodes*

2008-10-28, 07:19 AM
Trail to the Abyssal Lair of the Peculiar Space Power Mummies

Banjo stood at the edge of the stage, sweating profusely. This was his biggest part yet, he didn't want to screw it up...not like the last time, the doctor had only recently taken the stitches out. It had taken him hours to remove all the porcupine spines from his backside. Banjo wasn't going to screw up this time.

"Scene 3 - The Bar on the edge of Oblivion, Take 1....ACTION!"

Banjo walked through the fake door and onto set, a kind of futuristic bar full of strangely dressed patrons. He walked upto the bar behind the main character in the movie and gave a winning grin to the barmaid.

"A pint of Moofin Bard's intergalactic snotcurler please."

"CUT! Pretty good people, now lets bring the zombies in!"

2008-10-28, 09:16 AM
"If I learned one thing from my uncle, it was not to trust vampires any further than absolutely necessary, Vampiric... Let's see if we can title the movie The Powerful Trail the Peculiar Mummies to their Abyssal Space Lair"

2008-10-28, 09:24 AM
@ lord rod

1 that was an attempt at llama logic since llama had silliness handed to him

2 it appears youve never played the game grfos and havent seen some of the other things like mom nervous girl bookish girl with no boyfriend and skippy....in the back seat of the car....and some one plays only the virgin survives

3 the games manufaturers made the sequel game skippy's revenge starring skippy the undead wonderdog which auto kills any movie with skippy in it and is a monster

oh yes skippy must die and the janitor once collected 15 props adding a defense of some like 50 points to the movie he was in by himself interestingly enough the player had the prom queen in that movie and again a smart play of only the virgin survives eliminated the power in the hands of the leading player

yes im predjudiced against the janitor and skippy in any grofs game skippy must die and so must the janitor

I stand by my random first day point :smalltongue:

2008-10-28, 09:54 AM
"Umm, excuse me?" A tall man steps forward out of the crowd. He's wearing a coat and tie, but the coat doesn't sit quite right across the shoulders and shows obvious signs of having been mended a few times. "Phil Stanley, hi. Anyway, earlier I think I saw that guy," he points to Shadow, "Nosing around the script book. He could have snatched the missing pages then. Anyway, he looks crazy enough to do nearly anything, don't you think?"

"As for the title, I thought the flyer said the movie was going to be called On the Trail of the Space Mummy: Its Peculiar Powers in its Lair in the Abyss. I just knew that couldn't be the real title though - it's like one of those fakeout titles Lucas likes to use when he's shooting yet another entry in a big franchise. I mean, that can't be the real title... right?" he finishes nervously.

2008-10-28, 10:06 AM
Misser Stine! Is dat yous? I habbent sheen you shinsh high skoo.
Izatta shame jacket you wore in high skool?

"I'm sorry sir, you must be mistaken."

Naaaaaaaah! Misser Stine! Phil E. Stine! I knows its yous!
Cummere 'n gimme a hug!

The drunken King of the Winter Carnival stumbles over to Phil and embraces him a little too tightly.

Let's fine a part fer Misser Stine!

What are you doing? I'm the one who says cut! I'm the director, not you!

Heh. You suck! I's takin' over!

2008-10-28, 10:12 AM
Phil backs away from the rabid Winter King Person, anxiety mingling with disgust on his face. "I assure you, I'm not this Phil Stine person. I don't even know a Phil Stine."

"Could, ah... could someone drag this crazy person away from me? Please?"

2008-10-28, 10:16 AM
Oooooh! Yous'a good actor! Dat looked real an evryting! Sombody gimme a scrip fer dis guy.
No scrips leff huh? Dats OK. We'll mad-lib it!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand AKSHIN!

Moofin Bard
2008-10-28, 10:18 AM
Moofin powders her nose while looking around suspiciously at everyone. She knows they all want her role. She glares and points at Griever (random).

You're all out to get me!

The Space Mummy and the Peculiar Power Trail into the Abyss

2008-10-28, 10:27 AM
He wanders onto the set. His bottom half is barely covered by a towel and he wears a garish shirt open to the navel.

"Where's my agent?" He demands angrily, "You're telling me that this... drunk was cast as a king, and that fool of a director didn't even consider me, Señor Superbe?!"

He tramps angrily across the set, interrupting several shots and plants himself firmly in front of Shadow. "I, Señor Superbe, demand that you give up your role as king and give it to me, Señor Superbe!"

((Banjo, reasons already stated.

Peculiar "Trail" Jones and the Space Lair of the Power Mummies... in the Abyss!

Coming this Winter to a Theater Near You))

2008-10-28, 10:34 AM
Bob muttered to himself as he angled the lights towards the stage.
"Fikkin actors. They're all stuck up and so into themselves that they think that its dark in here. 'Specially that Alarra."
"Oh well, at least I'm not the director of this movie. Feel sorry for 'im. Whats the movie called again? Oh, yeah its The Peculiar Trail to the Powerful Abyssal Space Mummys

2008-10-28, 10:38 AM
Is Shadowcaller in?

2008-10-28, 11:31 AM
Drake Burr looked around the set and noticed that the other roles included a drunk king, a pregnant Llama, somebody in an obviously rubber demon suit (Jontom Xire), and at least three people who were clearly making fun of how clueless and arrogant actors are perceived as. "Must be a comedy... I guess it's not so bad we lost the script then, Improv is better anyway."

2008-10-28, 12:04 PM
Maybe the pregnant llama should be a mummy? The cookiemonster suggests.

Zar Peter
2008-10-28, 01:20 PM
A title, a title... when I'm thinking how easy my mummy always found my hideouts...

Mummy's peculiar power of finding the space in the trail which leads to the lair at the abyss.

And the director didn't give me any advice? And what shall I do now? Ah, well, I think I play with the lights... and I point at Fin. He should attend in the end, shouldn't he?

Sorry about the pun, sometimes I can't resist...

2008-10-28, 01:30 PM
"Excuse me, is this the set for Space Mummies: The Peculiar Power Trail to the Abyssal Lair?"

I was here to deliver flowers for the Graveyard scene... Can anyone tell me where the Director is so I can drop these off?"

Looks around, shudders when he sees Atreyu the Masked LLama. "What a creepy get-up..."

2008-10-28, 01:48 PM
He tramps angrily across the set, interrupting several shots and plants himself firmly in front of Shadow. "I, Señor Superbe, demand that you give up your role as king and give it to me, Señor Superbe!"
Do me a fabor, senior. Go fine me shome Irish Whishkey. And a little Irish Creme. An while yer attit, put shome coffee innit fer good meashure.

I was here to deliver flowers for the Graveyard scene... Can anyone tell me where the Director is so I can drop these off?"
Awww... You shuddent have.
You wanna be a moobie shtar? Ican make ya an exra ifya want.

and in case you're wondering, I was sick yesterday and it's slow at work today. Don't expect this to be the norm for my posting.

2008-10-28, 02:38 PM
King uv da Winner Carnival?
Ifs you say so lady!

Welcomesh to my... Carnibbles of da Winner!
Ifs you looksh to yer leff, we hash a treat fer ya!
The gatewaysh that leadsh From the Peculiar Trail of Power in the Abyss to the Mummy's Space Lair!
Yoush dere! Fillish... Philat... Fila... Philistine!
I dids it...
You dere! Lead da way fer us!

Holy Crap Shadow. You took almost the exact title I was going to make.


Dashingly Handsome Movie Star Dip Pritchet bolts out of his trailer, in a hurry to make it to his first day on the set!

He runs directly into Shadowcaller

"Ugh! I just finished putting on my face! I'll have to start all over again!"

Whipping his long, flaxen hair over his shoulder, he minces back to his trailer, needing more compound for the blemish now exposed on his nose...

2008-10-28, 04:50 PM
The cookiemonster has decided he will go as Fumbles A.K.A. Senor Vorpal Kickass'o!

Cookie to whoever gets reference first.

V : Indeed. Have a cookie.:smallsmile:

2008-10-28, 04:51 PM
(Weee goblins!)

2008-10-28, 05:06 PM
point at Fin

2008-10-28, 08:26 PM
Angela Joy nervously emerges from wardrobe, pulling at the hem and neckline of her french maid costume.

Well, gosh, this is a bit skimpy isn't it? I suppose that it's in character and all, but golly, if mama saw me in this getup, she would just have conniptions. Well, I guess it's just good she's not here, then, 'cause Space Mummy III: In the Lair of the Peculiar Power from the Trail to the Abyss is totally going to be my big break. I can just feel it! Oh, heavens! I think I didn't get my dress done up all the was in the back! Mr. androgial, would you mind awfully giving me a hand with this zipper?

Uncle Festy
2008-10-28, 08:31 PM
"CUT! Pretty good people, now lets bring the zombies in!"

"Ooh, that's my cue!" Uncle shambles over to Banjo. "So what do I do?"

2008-10-28, 08:33 PM
Philistineandrogial, because blindly following Shadow always turns out great.

2008-10-28, 09:55 PM
Philistine, because blindly following Shadow always turns out great.
*silently laments the fact that his sig is full*


Uncle Festy
2008-10-28, 10:10 PM
@Shadow: You should rotate quotes or something. That's what I do. *points at Quote of the Week*

2008-10-28, 10:17 PM
Angela Joy nervously emerges from wardrobe, pulling at the hem and neckline of her french maid costume.

Well, gosh, this is a bit skimpy isn't it? I suppose that it's in character and all, but golly, if mama saw me in this getup, she would just have conniptions. Well, I guess it's just good she's not here, then, 'cause Space Mummy III: In the Lair of the Peculiar Power from the Trail to the Abyss is totally going to be my big break. I can just feel it! Oh, heavens! I think I didn't get my dress done up all the was in the back! Mr. androgial, would you mind awfully giving me a hand with this zipper?

sure thing miss....*zzzzzzzzzzzzip*

say some of us are throwing a start of filming celebration tonight in the old green house in the back lot. we are going to toast marshmellows eat smores and drink coffe,tea, and soda while singing "kubyah" all night.

join us, please join us....you know you really want to.

2008-10-28, 11:06 PM
((I don't think Fin has pointed yet, and I do NOT want to see Atreyu lynched Day 1, save the llama, he has a baby!!))

2008-10-29, 12:47 AM
Philistine, because blindly following Shadow always turns out great.

"WHAT?!" Phil spins to face the new voice chiming in. "Are you MAD, man? You can clearly see that fellow is drunk as a skunk - and he's probably crazy on top of that! Why on Earth would you ever follow HIS lead in anything?"

2008-10-29, 01:02 AM
Philestine, cause I don't really want the LLama to die - I mean, who would raise the LLamalings?

2008-10-29, 05:51 AM
Philestine, cause I don't really want the LLama to die - I mean, who would raise the LLamalings?

You sir, are scary and hilarious in ways that Clive Barker and Bozo the Clown never imagined possible...

2008-10-29, 09:25 AM
I've never played a WW game, but I've read the rules and I'd like to give it a try.

Sorry Androgial, but you're closest in votes, and I can never bring myself to kill the new guy, whose votes are piling up fast. :smallfrown:

2008-10-29, 10:14 AM
And besides, it looks like he is a platypus version of Inigo Montoya, which in my opinion is worthy of a days head start.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-10-29, 10:17 AM

but I'm working on a solution.

2008-10-29, 10:20 AM
I saw your "solution"
It's a load of crap.
Nice try though. :smallsmile:

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-10-29, 10:28 AM
I saw your "solution"
It's a load of crap.
Nice try though. :smallsmile:

You're not the only egg in the sea. I'll count my chickens yet!

2008-10-29, 10:34 AM
Hmmm I'm not buying it either Llama, though it almost convinced me. You're silly, but you don't make slip-ups like that! :smalltongue:

However, I'm all for keeping a newbie in if you really don't mind a first day lynching.

2008-10-29, 10:38 AM
[COLOR="Green"]Awww... You shuddent have.
You wanna be a moobie shtar? Ican make ya an exra ifya want.

*looks down at this watch* "I don't see why not, this is my last delivery..."

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-10-29, 10:39 AM
(I don't mind. I can still RP. I just can't affect the game, but I've hardly ever affected a game anyway. :smalltongue: However, if I just say, lynch me, you people won't, so if you'll pardon me, I have to send Griever a PM.)

2008-10-29, 10:44 AM
*reluctantly changes point to Llama*

2008-10-29, 10:45 AM
i see how it is why dont you people learn monsters have feelings too you know i came here to get a job do you know how hard it is for us pod people to get a job no you have to go and lynch me because i hate skippyfinefinefine see how you like this

i curse you in this dimension of purple lightning no one may leave until all are eaten or all monsters are slain so says androgial wyrm of dimensions MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

*transforms into true self of hideous nature and eats all camera men*

2008-10-29, 10:53 AM

Zar Peter
2008-10-29, 11:00 AM
i see how it is why dont you people learn monsters have feelings too you know i came here to get a job do you know how hard it is for us pod people to get a job no you have to go and lynch me because i hate skippyfinefinefine see how you like this

i curse you in this dimension of purple lightning no one may leave until all are eaten or all monsters are slain so says androgial wyrm of dimensions MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

*transforms into true self of hideous nature and eats all camera men*

Zar Peter watches androgial eating the camera man.

Wow. The special effects are great! Wonder where they got all this artificial blood...

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-10-29, 11:09 AM
*reluctantly changes point to Llama*

(well, I could point out that I sent you a very convincing PM claiming to be a werewolf, but you didn't believe me. The only way you could have deduced that it was not legitimate was if you knew I wasn't a space mimic. The only way you would have known that was if you knew who the space mimic was. The only way you would have known that was if you were a member of a team with the space mimic on it. The only way to be a member of that team is to be a villian. Therefore, you must be a villian.)

(But I don't want to do that.)

*The llama hides from the monster* I don't want my kids to see this. AND WHERE ARE MY PICKLES!!!

2008-10-29, 11:09 AM
:smalleek:"Dang, good thing I'm a light manager"

2008-10-29, 11:19 AM
(well, I could point out that I sent you a very convincing PM claiming to be a werewolf, but you didn't believe me. The only way you could have deduced that it was not legitimate was if you knew I wasn't a space mimic. The only way you would have known that was if you knew who the space mimic was. The only way you would have known that was if you were a member of a team with the space mimic on it. The only way to be a member of that team is to be a villian. Therefore, you must be a villian.)

Or, you know, I could have read your PM, looked at Shadow's post and worked things out with my brain? I know it's hard to believe I have one but it's true, I keep it in a special draw! I am in fact neutral, and just want to see a new guy last the first day.

Llama logic won't work on me good sir!

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-10-29, 11:23 AM
Or, you know, I could have read your PM, looked at Shadow's post and worked things out with my brain? I know it's hard to believe I have one but it's true, I keep it in a special draw! I am in fact neutral, and just want to see a new guy last the first day.

Llama logic won't work on me good sir!

(*opens up Banjo's mouth, crams in words* So you admit that you and Shadow are working together. I've found two monsters today! I'm so good, I'm a regular Death, Your friend, the Reaper!)

2008-10-29, 11:26 AM
Just for the record, after changing my vote I got a text message:
Don't forget to cross out the vote for Philestine.I responded with:
Thanks! Poor bastard. I didn't realize I was abou to lynch the new kid until a few minutes ago when I thought about never seeing him in a game before.Then I got:
Yeah. I think it shoukd be me today.And then I received that PM.
Not extremely hard to deduce that it's a complete load of crap designed to get me to post the PM in thread. The problem is that if I do that, I'll be lynched NEXT for posting a "forged PM".... :smallamused:
Not gonna happen.

2008-10-29, 11:32 AM
Well, as a goblin and cookiemonster, I can relate to the feel of adventureres blindly hunting you down, so not Androgial....And the llama is funny....


And he agreed with my clever mustache disguise!

I cast 1/11th Magic Missile on the darkness!

Wait, there's no darkness......I'l just 1/11th magic missile at Shadow then!

(Hope there's some people who know Goblins(except Alarra.:smallwink: and are amused by my RP'ing)

2008-10-29, 11:45 AM
dallas hehehe i was going to nom your catamuffin but you changed your avvie again

2008-10-29, 11:49 AM
Or, you know, I could have read your PM, looked at Shadow's post and worked things out with my brain? I know it's hard to believe I have one but it's true, I keep it in a special draw! I am in fact neutral, and just want to see a new guy last the first day.

Llama logic won't work on me good sir!



Creepy Old Innkeeper (Illusionist): Good evening…would you like a room? Every movie has that one really creepy guy, and this one is no exception. Meet the Creepy Old Innkeeper, no one knows what side he’s on, but everyone’s sure they really don’t want to get caught in the shower whenever he’s around. Once per night, you can select a player and change their role for the purposes of scrying (no, I don’t know howit works…shut up, it’s magic!). Scries as Innkeeper/Illusionist

Janitor (Thief): No one ever notices the Janitor. It’s like he’s not even there. Which is great if, like this particular Janitor, you’ve got sticky fingers. Besides, if anyone ever catches you with that prop you’ve taken out of the closet, you can just say they threw it away… Once per night you can either attempt to steal an item from a player, or scry any player to see if they are holding an item. Scries as Janitor/Thief

Mad Scientist (Cloner): They thought you were mad…MAD! But you showed them…oh yes, you showed them. Now the Clonatron 3000a cloning machine and frozen yogurt dispenser is complete! Now if you could just get the clones to stop exploding… The Clonatron 3000a can make 3 clones during the game. They last for 2 day phases before they explode on the 2nd night phase. If the cloned player is attacked during the time they are cloned, the clone is killed instead of the player. Scries as Mad Scientist/Cloner

So there are four possibilities:
You're a liar (all of which must be lynched)
You're the innkeeper (whichever side you don't support wants you dead.)
You're the janitor (EVERYBODY wants you dead)
You're the mad scientist (do clones protect the targeted player from being lynched? I think they should, otherwise it's just a very limited baner role)

On one hand, I have definitely seen better logic, on the other hand I've been lynched twice (okay, only once technically, but Twist probably isn't going to change in the small amount of time which is left) with no logic at all. One of those times was even correct.

Anyways, Dallas, wouldn't it be a two elevenths Magic missile? He leveled up after the fight in the war camp, didn't he?

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-10-29, 11:50 AM
@ Dallas : Aye, I am familiar with the works of Goblins. Good stuff, but some pacing problems.

@ Androginal: Sorry. I tried.

@ Shadow: I have literally seen you convince someone you rolled a 7 on 1D6. Surely, you could handle getting me lynched.

I'm trying to be nice here. Why won't you people kill me for it?

2008-10-29, 11:53 AM
@ Shadow: I have literally seen you convince someone you rolled a 7 on 1D6. Surely, you could handle getting me lynched.
That was good times!

But when I'm convinced it's the wrong course of action, how can I do it? Not that we'll get any luckier with anyone else, but the one I'm fairly sure of is you. Why waste that?

2008-10-29, 11:57 AM
On one hand, I have definitely seen better logic, on the other hand I've been lynched twice (okay, only once technically, but Twist probably isn't going to change in the small amount of time which is left) with no logic at all. One of those times was even correct.

So... therefore... you have a 50% chance of being a bad guy?

2008-10-29, 11:59 AM
Anyways, Dallas, wouldn't it be a two elevenths Magic missile? He leveled up after the fight in the war camp, didn't he?
((Shhhh! I'm doing character progression throughout the game!))

2008-10-29, 11:59 AM
Though it's difficult to hear over the sounds of complete chaos, what sounds like a motorcycle pulls up into the parking lot outside. After a minute, the door to the room opens, and a woman of average height and thin build enters. She's dressed in black leathers and carries a motorcycle helmet under her left arm.

She scans the room briefly, taking in the scene, and then strides in with confidence. As she walks by a camera stand, she nonchalantly drops her helmet over the top of it, causing it to wobble briefly.

"Miss! Miss! Please, these cameras are delicate instruments!" One of the stagehands walks over and fusses with the camera, carefully taking the woman's helmet off of it. After a few moments, he turns back to her and wails "Oh, it's going to take me hours to reset that calibration!"

Taking of her jacket, she says "It's just a camera. You have plenty." Underneath her jacket she's wearing a bright orange shirt with the words "PROPERTY: LANCASTER COUNTY JAIL" stenciled in black. She runs her left hand through her matted brown hair while she looks over the crowd, trying to straighten out the tangles. With a sigh, she turns back to the stagehand and throws him her jacket. "Is this the set for 'Trails of Peculiar Power: In the Lair of the Abyssal Space Mummies'?"

Looking pale, the stagehand nods and says, "Oh. You must be Miss Winter. I've... um... heard about you."

She grins at him and replies, "All of it bad, I'm sure. Now, which one of these losers is the man named Shadow?"

The stagehand points to Shadow. "That man there, Miss Winter. He says he's the King of the Winter Carnival." From the look on the stagehand's face, he clearly doesn't believe a word of it.

"He's King of something, all right, but it isn't the Winter Carnival." She walks off towards the obviously drunk Shadow, leaving him holding her stuff and looking forlornly at the damaged camera.

"Shadow! No, don't run, it won't do you any good." She walks over and studies him carefully. "Disgraceful. Is this what you've become? So desperate to forget the past that you drown yourself in a bottle and star in the worst B movies you can find?" She snorts. "What's next? Male prostitution?"

She points over her shoulder at androgial. "And will someone please get that damned beast out of here? I can hardly hear myself think!"

2008-10-29, 12:00 PM
:smallconfused: Wait a sec, I'm kinda new to this but wouldn't the only reason a person would want to be lynched is if they were the space mimic?
I change my point to Atreyu

2008-10-29, 12:08 PM
@ llama meh why should you be the one to sacrifice yourself all the time to give new players a chance to play besides theres 14 more of us creatures around so its not like we loose anything by my sacrifice

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-10-29, 12:08 PM
:smallconfused: Wait a sec, I'm kinda new to this but wouldn't the only reason a person would want to be lynched is if they were the space mimic?
I change my point to Atreyu

Rationally yes, and even then the space mimic probably wouldn't want to be lynched. Its not that I want to be lynched, its that I don't want someone else to be lynched on the first day. It sucks to be first day lynched, so I'm willing to step up and be the person who is lynched on day 1.

2008-10-29, 12:12 PM
Wait... :smallconfused:
Are you admitting it now, or are you playing like the llama is?

(crap - here comes the lunch crowd. gotta run)

2008-10-29, 12:12 PM
Rationally yes, and even then the space mimic probably wouldn't want to be lynched. Its not that I want to be lynched, its that I don't want someone else to be lynched on the first day. It sucks to be first day lynched, so I'm willing to step up and be the person who is lynched on day 1.

If it weren't for the fact that I have a actual RP role for the first time in some time...

2008-10-29, 12:23 PM
@ shadow you will have to lynch me to find out for sure wont you MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA its a were wolf game everyone lies or becomes a patsy LYNCH ME NOW I SAY

Cristo Meyers
2008-10-29, 01:07 PM
When changing a vote, please remember to strike through (vote) your old vote.

Do not edit your old posts. If you're changing your vote, make a new post.

2008-10-29, 05:20 PM

And hey, I'm the baner. Scry me and get in contact seer. Anyone else who feels like it, give me a PM telling me what you are.

No point in saying this if I'm a wolf, since I'll be killed within three days if I'm not the baner.

Oh, and I'll be protecting myself, so theres no need to even attempt a night kill wolves, although it would sure help my credibility. :smallwink:

Saying this now before any cards come into play which might muddy the waters *runs back to watching dead set*

Uncle Festy
2008-10-29, 06:39 PM
((… interesting tactic, Selrahc.
Oh, and androgial, because he confuses me.))

2008-10-29, 06:59 PM
Im a little lost now. Do we have a movie name yet?

@DD: your interpretation of sir vorpal kickass'o rules.

2008-10-29, 07:02 PM
End of Scene 1

Cut Cut Cut! That’s not it at all! Wait? Who’s that? The director points at Androgial. I don’t remember you…

Um…I’m new… Everyone watches Androgial speak; something’s not right about him. I was just hired…

Oh, okay…anyway

Um, sir, I don’t have any record of him being a part of the cast…

Nonsense, Mutton. If he says he is…

Matthew looked a little green. Sir, he’s gnawing on the boom mike operator…


He’s chewing on the boom mike operator’s head…

Sure enough, Androgial was busy munching away on the boom operator’s head. Everyone looks around. It seems multiple members of the crew have teeth marks on their heads.

Are they…zombies? I mean, … they’re zombies!

Really? Are you sure, Mel? I thought they were just quiet. He looked back at the snacking critter. So who is that guy, anyway?

The remaining crew subdue Androgial and tie him up. Let’s find out. Atreyu marches over and pulls a latex mask off of Androgial’s head. Underneath the mask was a zombie. Wait…isn’t this backwards? The creature’s supposed to be the mask…

Androgial makes a beeline for the door, but doesn’t make it far. One of the spotlights falls from the ceiling and knocks him unconscious. Filthy animal! Serves you right for stealing my spotlight! The actors turn to find Alarra holding the other end of the cord attached to the fallen spotlight. She smiles brilliantly. I’ll be in my hotel room until tomorrow’s shoot. Don’t disturb me; a girl needs her beauty sleep.

She drops the cord and flounces from the room. Androgial is pinned underneath the light. Mustiado walks up, crowbar in hand. I know how to deal with this; read it in the Survival Guide…

Androgial was disposed of in the proper manner, crowbar to the forehead.

Androgial was lynched. He was a Creature. Night 1 begins now and ends in 24 hours. Please send all night actions to Cristo and LadyMeyers.

The Name Game pt II:

Here are the titles and who came up with them. During the night phase, please vote on which one will become the title of the picture.

Androgial|Abyssal Trail to the Space Lair of the Peculiar Power Mummies|2

Shadow|From the Peculiar Trail of Power in the Abyss to the Mummy's Space Lair!|1

Iceddragons|On the Trail to the Abyssal Lair of the Space Mummy's Peculiar Power|

Vampiric|Power Mummy of the Space Trail to the Peculiar Lair of the Abyss|1

Deathslayer7|Space Mummies use Peculiar Powers to Trail Abyss to his Lair|1

Lord Fullbladder|Peculiar Power on the Abyssal Trail to the Lair of the Space Mummy|

Reinholdt|The Trail to the Lair of Abyssal Mummies with Peculiar Spacial Powers|4

The Valiant Turtle|Trailing the Peculiar Space Mummy to his Abyssal Lair of Power|3

Coplantor|The peculiar trail to the abyssal space mummies's lair of power|

Uncle Festy|The Abyssal Mummy Trails the Peculiar Power's Lair to Space|

hap-hazard|A Peculiar Trail to the Lair of the Space Mummies of the Abyss of Power|

Helgraf|The Peculiar Abyss Mummy and its Space Powered Lair|1

Dragoon|The Power Mummies Particular Trail to the Abyss Lair in Space|

Alarra|A Peculiar Power Trails through the Abyss of Space to the Mummy's Lair|3

Atreyu|The Powerful Abyss Trails the Peculiar Space Mummy Back to its Lair|

Lex-Kat|The Peculiar Mummy left a Powerful Space Trail back to his Lair in the Abyss|1

Griever|Space Mummies use Peculiar Powers to Trail Abyss to his Lair|

Aemoh|Mummies from the Abyss, Peculiar Space Lairs, and Powerful Trails|

smellie_hippie|The Trail through the Abyss that leads to the Lair of the Space Mummy with Peculiar Power|

banjo1985|Trail to the Abyssal Lair of the Peculiar Space Power Mummies|

Shishnarfne|The Powerful Trail the Peculiar Mummies to their Abyssal Space Lair|

Philistine|On the Trail of the Space Mummy: Its Peculiar Powers in its Lair in the Abyss|

Moofin Bard|The Space Mummy and the Peculiar Power Trail into the Abyss|

The_Rogue_Monk|Peculiar "Trail" Jones and the Space Lair of the Power Mummies... in the Abyss!|1

Wolfbane|The Peculiar Trail to the Powerful Abyssal Space Mummys|

Zar Peter|Mummy's peculiar power of finding the space in the trail which leads to the lair at the abyss|

TwoBitWriter|Space Mummies: The Peculiar Power Trail to the Abyssal Lair|2

SweetLikeLemons|Space Mummy III: In the Lair of the Peculiar Power from the Trail to the Abyss|1

Zaragon|Trails of Peculiar Power: In the Lair of the Abyssal Space Mummies|3

2008-10-29, 07:08 PM
i vote for Abyssal Trail to the Space Lair of the Peculiar Power Mummies if i can. lol good luck creatures nom skippy for me

2008-10-29, 07:12 PM
i would like to point out that Griever is a copycat, so vote for mine and not his. :smalltongue:

2008-10-29, 07:14 PM
I can't see Selrahc's plan going well at all...

If we follow it, the best case scenario is that we have a (mostly) safe seer proxy, but effectively lose the baner since he has to spend the entire game protecting himself.

Now let's take a look at what could go wrong:
The innkeeper could interfere.
He could be the innkeeper attempting to turn the seer over to the monsters.
He could be contacted by the devil [instead of/as well as] the seer, possibly getting the wrong one killed.
He could be a monster hoping the masons contact him before he gets found out.

Also, Helgraf's scry interference is in effect in this game, and after saying "scry me" it probably will take effect.

Cristo Meyers
2008-10-29, 07:16 PM
Please put your vote for movie title in blue.

2008-10-29, 07:23 PM
((Upon critical review, Trailing the Peculiar Space Mummy to his Abyssal Lair of Power by Raldor, er, The Valiant Turtle (I liked your old name better).))

2008-10-29, 07:24 PM
I can't see Selrahc's plan going well at all...

If we follow it, the best case scenario is that we have a (mostly) safe seer proxy, but effectively lose the baner since he has to spend the entire game protecting himself.

Now let's take a look at what could go wrong:
The innkeeper could interfere.
He could be the innkeeper attempting to turn the seer over to the monsters.
He could be contacted by the devil [instead of/as well as] the seer, possibly getting the wrong one killed.
He could be a monster hoping the masons contact him before he gets found out.

Also, Helgraf's scry interference is in effect in this game, and after saying "scry me" it probably will take effect.

Or it could all go really well and the game will be an easy win for the villagers. :smallcool:

The scry interference thing is a downer though. I'd forgotten about that. :smallyuk:

Uncle Festy
2008-10-29, 07:31 PM
((Peculiar "Trail" Jones and the Space Lair of the Power Mummies... in the Abyss!, if I can (since it randomly has a "Jones" in there which wasn't on a card). Otherwise, On the Trail of the Space Mummy: Its Peculiar Powers in its Lair in the Abyss.))

2008-10-29, 07:42 PM
The Peculiar Mummy left a Powerful Space Trail back to his Lair in the Abyss

aka Lex-Kat

2008-10-29, 07:44 PM
A Peculiar Power Trails through the Abyss of Space to the Mummy's Lair by Allara.

Yeah I can see this failing Selrahc. For starters if I was the innkeeper I would mess with your role for kicks. And their is a good chance the innkeeper might do the same. In fact, you might even be the innkeeper, as has already been pointed out.

The Valiant Turtle
2008-10-29, 08:10 PM
I rather like: A Peculiar Power Trails through the Abyss of Space to the Mummy's Lair by Alarra as well. Although I think mine is probably second best.

2008-10-29, 08:14 PM
The Trail to the Lair of Abyssal Mummies with Peculiar Spacial Powers, by Reinholdt, shall get my vote, cause who can say no to spacial powers?

2008-10-29, 08:34 PM
I like Reinholdt's too. (The Trail to the Lair of Abyssal Mummies with Peculiar Spacial Powers)

2008-10-29, 09:05 PM
The Peculiar Abyss Mummy and its Space Powered Lair

2008-10-29, 09:09 PM
I vote for Space Mummies use Peculiar Powers to Trail Abyss to his Lair by DeathSlayer7.

The Bushranger
2008-10-29, 09:11 PM
I vote for Trailing the Peculiar Space Mummy to his Abyssal Lair of Power.

2008-10-29, 10:08 PM
I think I shall vote for A Peculiar Power Trails through the Abyss of Space to the Mummy's Lair by me also.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-10-29, 10:50 PM
The Trail to the Lair of Abyssal Mummies with Peculiar Spacial Powers has my vote.

The llama trots off to rest, pouting that he never got his pickles. How am I supposed to be pregnant if I don't have pregnancy food?

2008-10-29, 10:51 PM
I'll be nice to the dead guy by voting for Androgial's Abyssal Trail to the Space Lair of the Peculiar Power Mummies

Jontom Xire
2008-10-30, 03:28 AM
I vote for TwoBitWriter's title.

And can someone post Atreyu's PM, please? I like a good laugh!

2008-10-30, 05:37 AM
I'll vote for SLL's title because Space Mummy III: In the Lair of the Peculiar Power from the Trail to the Abyss just begs for all of us to be killed, since it's a trilogy.

Probably screwed around with by Lucas and Spielberg... :smallyuk:

2008-10-30, 08:28 AM
Trails of Peculiar Power: In the Lair of the Abyssal Space Mummies for the movie title.

I will be gone tomorrow (October 31) and Saturday (Nov 1) and potentially Sunday as well (Nov 2). I would be surprised if I was at risk of autolynch, but please know I'm gone.

2008-10-30, 08:37 AM
What can I say, I have to go with my title:


Space Mummies: The Peculiar Power Trail to the Abyssal Lair

2008-10-30, 09:09 AM
Voting for, The Trail to the Lair of Abyssal Mummies with Peculiar Spacial Powers.

2008-10-30, 09:12 AM
I vote for Vampiric's:

Power Mummy of the Space Trail to the Peculiar Lair of the Abyss

2008-10-30, 09:56 AM
A nervous, thin man with large glasses bustles up to the Señor Superbe and waves frantically in his face.

"Mr—Señor Superbe, please control yourself and don't abuse the drunk. I'll speak to the director and find you a new, better role."

"Arnold, I won't take any other role. I demand this heathen clapped in irons."

Arnold looks around desperately. "Look, Señor Superbe! There's anther crown over here. How about you wear that instead!"

"Arnold, I won't take any other role. I demand this heathen clapped in irons."

"Uh, Señor Superbe, we don't have any irons; we used up the last shipment in L.A."

"Arnold, I'm not going to say it again: I won't take any other role. I demand this heathen clapped in irons!"

Arnold collapses to the stage floor, collapsing like a scarecrow whose pole has been cut into tiny pieces. "I shall try to find a substitute, Señor Superbe."

2008-10-30, 10:04 AM
Trailing the Peculiar Space Mummy to his Abyssal Lair of Power

2008-10-30, 12:31 PM
I shall be voting for Shadow's title, as he literally stole the words from my mouth.

2008-10-30, 06:37 PM
Night 1 Ends

So what are we doing here anyway?

Dunno, maybe the writer's blocked...

Hey! What're you two doing here? Fears 2 isn't for another month!

It's not our fault you haven't done any writing in the past four days...

Something I mean to rectify, now get off the set!


Was that...a rockslide?

Sure enough, a pile of boulders lay in the center of the set. Griever was unfortunately under them. Witnesses reported a man in a coyote costume (http://metrospokane.typepad.com/index/images/2007/09/24/wile_e_coyote_2.gif) fleeing the scene.

Rocks fell, Griever died. He was an Extra.

The next morning begins much like the last one. The director is already on the set, and from all appearances already hyper-caffinated as well.

Alright alright let's go! New scene, new scene! Umm...it's a creaky old church... in the middle of a frozen wasteland... with a basement! He points at The_Rogue_Monk. You're a lovestruck cowboy who's in love with his horse!

He spots Zaragon. You are Bride-zilla on her wedding day!

The director turns to Lord Rod. You think you're in an old video game... maybe Pac-man... No! Frogger!

He points at Uncle Festy. You! You're picking up radio signals in your head and the channel keeps changing on you.

Come on now, people. Let's bring my vision to life. I want enthusiasm. This is perfection you're dealing with.

With a flourish, he turns and heads in the direction of his chair. Matthew shakes his head, trying to wrap his mind around the man's vision.

You guys better get over there. He's had about six triple espressos in the past half hour. His patience is about--

Mack! Why haven't we started yet?! We're losing valuable time!

Matthew sighs and heads for towards the director, ushering the actors in front of him.

Summary: Griever was killed by the Creatures. He was an Extra. Reinholdt has won the Name Game. The new title of the movie will be: The Trail to the Lair of Abyssal Mummies with Peculiar Spacial Powers. Scene 2 begins now and ends in 48 hours.

The following players must vote today or be autolynched:

Fleeing Coward
Thes Hunter

2008-10-30, 06:54 PM
Aaaack! I vote...blue umbrella:smallbiggrin:

2008-10-30, 07:14 PM

Huh?!? What the?

Alright alright let's go! New scene, new scene! Umm...it's a creaky old church... in the middle of a frozen wasteland... with a basement! He points at The_Rogue_Monk. You're a lovestruck cowboy who's in love with his horse!

HEY LADY! That's MY job! What the hell do you think you're doing?

He spots Zaragon. You are Bride-zilla on her wedding day!

YOU are my assistant, not some dino-bride! Go get me a Bailey's & coffee. And put some Irish Whiskey in it too!

The director turns to Lord Rod. You think you're in an old video game... maybe Pac-man... No! Frogger!

An old video game? Lady, you SUCK! He should be a lost little boy on his way to the cathedral where his "Father" works!
hheh heh....

He points at Uncle Festy. You! You're picking up radio signals in your head and the channel keeps changing on you.

Thyat's the.... that's actually kinda cool. Go with it! Letv me feel your frustration!

Where the HELL is my coffee?
Oh, there it is. Thanks. Now another.

Come on now, people. Let's bring my vision to life. I want enthusiasm. This is perfection you're dealing with.

Humph! I give up.
Where's my other... Oh. Thanks. Now another.

Uncle Festy
2008-10-30, 07:25 PM
"Aaaand… action!"

"It's not fair! It kept on changing as soon as I hit a good channel, and now that it's stopped, it's stuck on radio Disney!"

2008-10-30, 07:31 PM
Radio Disney! Give it to me!! Please! Oh sir, bring me some tea too. My throat is pahched. Hmph. :smallsigh:

2008-10-30, 07:34 PM
A boy, no more then 15, from the looks of it, wanders into the shooting area, holding a newspaper in his hands.

"Mail, news, fresh from the oven, orwhateveritistheyuseforprintingnewspaper! Come and get it while it's still hot! Come on folks, you know you want to know all the spicy details from the personal life of the stars! Does Person A cheat on Person C? Does Person E know that Person H is in love with Person D, who is in secret relationship with Person B, who is the father of Person A? All this and more, only in our newspaper, only 50 cents! Come and get it!"

Noticing the goings on, his jaw drops wide open as he realises what's going on.

"Wow, you're shooting a movie here, are you not?! Oh, can I be a part of it, can I, can I, can I, can I, pleeeeeaseeeeee?! I promise to be on my best behaviour. Look, I'll even clean my hands for it!"

With that, he runs towards the bathroom, bumping into Angela Joy on his way, making him drop his jaw once again, blushing along the way. Taking his bikers cap off, he stutters:

"D... d... damn! You're one fine lady, if you don't mind me saying so. Perhaps we'll be playing together in some scenes. Some... love scenes perhaps?"

Giving her a sly look and a wink, he runs away, before she could get the time to fully comprehend what he just said and react accordingly to it.

((Still trying to catch my roleplaying muse. In the meantime, Uncle Festy. Point subject to change. And with that, I bid you goodnight.))

2008-10-30, 07:39 PM
I blame Mordokai for this horrible crime.

2008-10-30, 08:46 PM
Sheesh, It's kinda cold in here. Well, at least we are in the middle of nowhere. Nothing bad ever happens n isolated unpopulated areas. Unless some kind of elder god of prime evil nd madness decides to turn us into half fish men of course. But hat things rarelly happen. really rarelly.

2008-10-31, 01:15 AM
Marian begins her ballet routine and dances in the background, while LordRod pretends to be Frogger.

She is dancing beautifully until she jumps on top of Shadow. Hey watch where you're standing , buddy!

Jontom Xire
2008-10-31, 02:54 AM
I point at Murska. Again. Why? Well why was it Griever died? Murska and Griever have been linked as so-conspirators in two previous games, in BIP quite fatally. :smallbiggrin: So now I think Murska's trying a double bluff by getting Griever killed off. It's designed to throw suspicion away from him.

Give me a break, ok? It's day two and I haven't got a clue, so why not try a little Llama Logic!

2008-10-31, 07:19 AM
I point at Murska. Again. Why? Well why was it Griever died? Murska and Griever have been linked as so-conspirators in two previous games, in BIP quite fatally. :smallbiggrin: So now I think Murska's trying a double bluff by getting Griever killed off. It's designed to throw suspicion away from him.

Give me a break, ok? It's day two and I haven't got a clue, so why not try a little Llama Logic!

Hey, I know you swore to try and start a bandwagon on me every game but with Llama Logic? :smallbiggrin:

Jontom Xire.

2008-10-31, 08:05 AM
*Drives up in his delivery van, steps out.*

"I got another delivery of extra gauze for the Mummy, seems he unraveled a bit..."

Looks around, "can someone at least sign this so I can go... what? You need another stand-in, sure. I guess I can stick around another day. You guys provide lunch, right?"

Walks around the set, spots Emperor Demonking, "That person looks a bit creepy..."

2008-10-31, 09:25 AM
Hearing the request for someone to sign for the guaze Bob mutters "Dang it, do I have to do everything around here?"

Finally finding the delivery He raises his voice so he can be heard "Oi, over here, I'll go ahead and sign for it."

Looking at the price of the literal two tons of gauze he sighs and signs the board.
"You'd think that they'd learn to watch how much they are spending for this movie." :smallsigh: "Seriously though, why would we need over 4000lbs of gauze?"

2008-10-31, 09:27 AM
"Sorry, sir. I don't determine the price, I just deliver it."

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-31, 09:35 AM
Morkokai - Up for autolynch

2008-10-31, 09:56 AM
Dude, you failed your spot check again :smalltongue:

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-31, 10:06 AM
How so?
* *

2008-10-31, 10:18 AM

*points at #128*

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-31, 10:24 AM
I think you've got a different definition for up for autolynch.

2008-10-31, 10:27 AM
Emperor DemonKing.

2008-10-31, 10:33 AM
I think you've got a different definition for up for autolynch.

Care to explain that?

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-31, 10:36 AM
What do you want me to explain?

2008-10-31, 10:45 AM
Darknees sorrouds me I can't take thi-

You do know this is not a dark style game right?

But- there are monster in it!

I don't think they are "that" kind of monsters.

What do you mean?

One of them is a mom.

Point taken...

Jontom Xire, if anyone is going to start a bandwagon against murska its going to be me.

2008-10-31, 10:52 AM
What do you want me to explain?

Your statement, one post above mine.

Emperor Demonking
2008-10-31, 10:55 AM
What part of it.

2008-10-31, 10:55 AM
random point at Mordokai who is above me. too sleepy right now to rp.

dam ninjas. *grumble grumble*

2008-10-31, 10:56 AM
What part of it.

You know what, forget it :smallsmile:

2008-10-31, 10:59 AM
Points at EDK who ninjaed me

Moofin Bard
2008-10-31, 02:00 PM
Madam Moofin points at Wolfbane. It's completely your fault this happened.

She then hears the director.
She starts yelling at everyone.

2008-10-31, 02:04 PM
"Whotshsh ... thish nonshense all about?" he rumbled, gesturing vaguely in EDK's direction.

2008-10-31, 02:52 PM
*Counterpoints at Moofin Bard*
On what premises do you think that it is all my fault?

2008-10-31, 02:53 PM
*smellie_hippie runs onto the set and starts babbling incoherently.*

Tao, din su qua phoe char ipsilion...
Jugga de jugga de jugga!!!
"saaaaay, is that a tentacle?"
Ecky p-thang nehao quid pro quo
"I have something sticky in my pocket and these are borrowed jeans"
Emporer Demonking

2008-10-31, 03:04 PM
Drake Burr goes looking for the guy in the rubber demon suit he saw yesterday (Jontom Xire),but can't find anything but a broken picture. "That's odd, he has to be around here somewhere, and the director probably would want him in the creepy church scene."

((Hey Jontom, I can't see your avatar for some reason))

2008-10-31, 03:19 PM
Emperor Demonking, see as there is little other evidence.

2008-10-31, 03:31 PM
"Well, my uncle told me before heading off, that I ought to try and fit in and not get myself into too much trouble by making waves. 'Nothing good comes out of sticking your neck out, you just get a shorter neck, Perry.' I guess that going along after Emperor Demonking makes sense to follow his advice."

Uncle Festy
2008-10-31, 03:52 PM
((Apparently I haven't pointed. So, EDK.))

Zar Peter
2008-10-31, 04:08 PM
And again a EDK bandwagon... could be good, could be bad.

But... I point at Pirate Monk.

Because he edited his vote and not posted a new one.

2008-10-31, 04:10 PM
From underneath the pile of rocks, a gasping voice is heard,

Even if the morrow is barren of promises... nothing shall forestall my... return....

2008-10-31, 04:16 PM
Phil throws his arms wide in consternation, accompanied by the pop-pop-popping sound of stitches breaking. "This is just... silly!" he shouts. "That guy yesterday - he was an honest-to-goodness, brains-eating zombie. And then last night, some guy gets killed... by a rockslide... in the middle of a movie studio. What IS this place, and who - or WHAT - are all you people?"

"You!" He singles out one member of the crowd. "You! All these people looking at you - what have you got to say for yourself?" he asks Emperor Demonking. Suddenly he drops his arms and presses them to his sides as he realizes that the popping sound a meoment ago was one of his jacket sleeves starting to tear loose, undoing an old repair. "And, umm, I need to see Wardrobe about this."

2008-10-31, 05:14 PM
*points at Zar Peter*

Cause I don't like to lynch JX, and I've lynched EDK enough lately :smalltongue:

Plus, ZP's avatar creeps me out :smallamused:

Zar Peter
2008-10-31, 05:35 PM
*points at Zar Peter*

Cause I don't like to lynch JX, and I've lynched EDK enough lately :smalltongue:

Plus, ZP's avatar creeps me out :smallamused:

And I made it myself... maybe that's the reason...

2008-10-31, 05:40 PM
I'mma gonna go with ZP. He makes a good point.


2008-10-31, 06:10 PM
((Wow. Thanks everybody who liked my title. I really appreciate it.

Zar's reasoning seems better than none. Plus it'd be nice to have some semblance of a counterbandwagon. PirateMonk))

"Remember, it is not how much you love, but how much you are loved by others."

2008-10-31, 06:42 PM
((I'll change my point at PirateMonk. Last time I checked, there was another post from him with a point at somebody else and now that post is gone, obviously erased.))

The Valiant Turtle
2008-10-31, 08:39 PM
Yeah, I don't think a Pirate Monk fits that well in a Cheesy Space Horror Movie.

2008-10-31, 10:14 PM
"A rock slide killed a man, how unheroic. Only a true champion of justice could survive something like. And of course, we can't have Fleeing Cowards on our set." As he poses dramatically.

2008-11-01, 08:08 AM
(( A bit suspicious about how quick that counter-bandwagon was made, even if it's only 3 big at the moment. Reinholdt.))

2008-11-01, 10:07 AM
Rod starts pacing around talking to himself
"Ok, frogger, yes, I can do this. I just need to focus. This is a big part, I won't screw it up this time.
I'm a frog, yes. I need to dodge the cars to get to the other side of the street so that I can... ummm... get the... no that wasn't it.... so that I can find my.. no that's not it either... Dammit, why did the frog want to cross the street?"

2008-11-01, 10:42 AM
Marian whisprers in Rod's ear. He's got some hot honey's on the other side, he needs to get to. :smallwink:

2008-11-01, 01:47 PM
Emperor Demon King. Cuz bandwagons remind me of the word band-aid and those are good. Right?

2008-11-01, 06:27 PM
Pirate Monk.

EDK again?

2008-11-01, 06:49 PM
point at Pirate Monk

2008-11-01, 06:58 PM
Scene 2 Ends

No, no, no! You’re not feeling the part! I’m supposed to get goosebumps, but all you’re giving me is a headache!

The director turned to level his eyes on Helgraf, You! What’s your name? No, don’t bother, I’ve got no room for amateurs like yourself on this set! Go!

Helgraf turns to leave, unsure of what to say. The director continues his rant as Helgraf walks away.

These movies are art! Hear me? Art! And I won’t have my actors interfering with my art! The director notices Helgraf walking dejectedly away. Wait! Where do you think you’re going? Get back here!

Helgraf stops. I thought I was fired…

Nonsense, you’re not on fire…

Matthew leaned in. Actually, he said “fired“, sir…

What? He did? Why would I do that Marcus?

I’ve given up trying to figure that out, sir…


Nothing. Sir, your new … acquisition has arrived and is sitting in the delivery dock. Do you want it in your office or here on the set?

Whichever you think is better, Masten. Has our new … makeup artist arrived yet?

Not yet, sir. I don’t believe they’re due in until tomorrow night.

The director nodded absently, already dismissing Matthew from his mind. He clapped and turned his attention back to the actors gathered in front of him. Anyway, it’s quitting time for today…say, where’s Emperor Demonking?

Everyone looks around. Sure enough, Emperor Demonking is missing.

Ah well, never mind, I’m sure they’ll show up somewhere. Everybody go to bed! We’ll start shooting bright and early tomorrow morning! We’ll start working on the next scene.


The director looked up as the scream echoed through the set. I’m sure it’s nothing. Just Emperor Demonking practicing his lines for the upcoming scene. Practice makes perfect, you know. Anyway, why are you still here? Shoo!

Emperor Demonking was lynched. He was an Extra.

The following people were auto-lynched:
Fleeing Coward
Thes Hunter

Their roles have been reassigned to the following three people:

Remember: Posting during the day phase without casting a vote does not count as far as auto-lynching is concerned. You must vote.

Night 2 begins now and ends in 24 hours. Please send all night actions to Cristo and LadyMeyers.

2008-11-01, 09:28 PM
Ok, everyone, I'm here! Sorry about the delay, next set over is The Man in the Iron Mask... Well, the actor got claustrophobia in the mask and they yanked me right off the street and stuffed me in it. I only just got free!

Ummm... Guys?


Anyone there?

Sigh, out two days pay now. How am I gonna work my way up to starving artist like this? Ah well, might as well go lay down for a bit. Sure is dark out here. Glad the actor's breakroom is only down the hall and around the suspiciously dark and ominous looking corner.

2008-11-02, 10:08 AM
Aaaaah! Talic's a werewolf! Wait, no he isn't. If the person he replaced was a werewolf, he wouldn't have needed to replace him... :smallconfused: Ah well, happy days!!

The Bushranger
2008-11-02, 12:17 PM
Hmm, I missed a day, didn't I?

"Robby the Robot" comes rolling out onto the stage. Sorry everybody, I needed an oil change...

2008-11-02, 12:22 PM
*drops a feather on the piles of muddy rocks pinning griever to the floor of the set* not quite finished off by my friends ehh

2008-11-02, 12:26 PM
Yay! MF joined the game. *squeee*
Senor Kickass'o walks up to Mountain Faerie.
I am Senor Voral Kickass'o! Proud 1/11th fighter/druid/warmage/barbarian/wizard/sorcerer/paladin and all that. So how'd you get into this? Also, I declare my dodge bonus on Allysian!

Uncle Festy
2008-11-02, 12:29 PM
Yay! MF joined the game. *squeee*
Senor Kickass'o walks up to Mountain Faerie.
I am Senor Kickass'o! Proud 1/11th fighter/druid/warmage/barbarian/wizard/sorcerer/paladin and all that. So how'd you get into this? Also, I declare my dodge bonus on Allysian!

*pssst… night*

2008-11-02, 12:29 PM
Yay! MF joined the game. *squeee*
Senor Kickass'o walks up to Mountain Faerie.
I am Senor Kickass'o! Proud 1/11th fighter/druid/warmage/barbarian/wizard/sorcerer/paladin and all that. So how'd you get into this? Also, I declare my dodge bonus on Allysian!

Wasn't it Senor Vorpal Kickass'o? :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-02, 12:31 PM
(Woops, to both, forgot the vorpal part and missed the lynch scene >.<)

2008-11-02, 01:13 PM
Ikk, Dallas why such violence? Tsk, I is dissapointed. Very. Disappointed.

2008-11-02, 07:35 PM
Night 2 Ends

Seriously, I can’t believe the number of old scripts, books, even old comic books that this studio has… I mean, they have a few that even I have never seen.

A voice can be heard from between to rows of shelves in the library set.

While walking, the person trips over someone who appears to be sleeping on the floor.

Wha? Wash goin’ on? The sleeping person looks around them, bleary-eyed and thoroughly confused. On second look, he is clearly drunker than a skunk… Kinda smells like one too.

You’re in my way. I’m looking for something new to read. When the drunk shows no sign of moving, she goes to take a step around him, leaning on the shelves.

The bookcases, unfortunately, lean back… with some help. The books start falling, as the shelves tip over.

An avalanche of books bury the two unfortunate souls as the library destroys itself.

The Valiant Turtle was killed. He was either the Town Drunk or the Bookish Girl with No Boyfriend.

Scene 3 begins

Gather round, everyone. We have a very … special … scene to film today. Inspired by a note that I found under my own door last night.

You! The director points at Helgraf. You are … our Romeo… only instead of Juliet, you are … in love with … anyone you see.

And … He glances around the room before settling on Mountain_Faerie. You! You’re new! You are … a protocol druid with a malfunctioning vocabulator.

You! He turns to focus on Mordokai. You are an eccentric bard… with a disturbing sense of humor.

Now, as for the where and the what. You find yourself in the third level of hell with a bunch of kindergarteners playing tag around you. You need to make your way out before the devil arrives in an hour.

Um, sir. Do you even know what the third level of hell is? Matthew asked, somewhat to himself from behind the director.

Of course, I do. But you’ll never learn anything if I always give you the answers. The director turns back to his actors. Why are you still standing around gaping blankly? Get started already!

The following people must vote during this day phase or be autolynched:
Lord Fullbladder

2008-11-02, 07:49 PM
Marian quickly tags Banjo, then runs off giggling like a little school girl.

2008-11-02, 07:49 PM
Ouch. Well that certainly hurts my strategies chance of succeeding. I really hope he was just the town drunk.

Other potential Seer I want to say that someone claiming to be the Innkeeper has got in contact and said they won't mess around with my scry result. So thats one hurdle overcome. (Assuming they were telling the truth.)

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-11-02, 07:54 PM
*The llama hops around and tries to tag Mustaido.*

(Awww, bugger. If only he had a robutton to save him. Poor turtle.)

2008-11-02, 07:56 PM
and assuming you are telling the truth. :smallwink: Anyway...

Liriel watches as the others run off to their positions. She grumbles something about not getting the Druid part but quickly passes as she bumps into Atreyu.

Are you ok? she asks him. After getting no response, and poking and prodding him in wierd places, she finally goes off after drawing on his face and body.

damn you you llama. ninjaing me. :smallmad:

2008-11-02, 07:57 PM
pointing at Banjo1985

Uncle Festy
2008-11-02, 08:00 PM
The following people must vote during this day phase or be autolynched:
Lord Fullbladder

Woah… that's a biiiig list. :smalleek:

2008-11-02, 08:00 PM
and assuming you are telling the truth.

Well I don't have to assume that. I know if I'm telling the truth or not. :smallbiggrin:

*Evidenceless point at Banjo*

EDIT: Didn't actually want to bandwagon him and another vote ninja'd me. Evidenceless point at Alarra instead

2008-11-02, 08:12 PM
I think that I should point at Zaragon

2008-11-02, 08:21 PM
I "evidencessly" point at Uncle Festy

2008-11-02, 08:35 PM
Well then...evidenceless counterpoint back at you. *sticks out tongue and points at Selrahc*

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2008-11-02, 08:42 PM
Well, Selrahc has never led us wrong before. I hop you're right about this, Fearless Leader.

*bows to Selrahc and points at Alarra*

Okay, so I'm a bit random right now. You expected less?

2008-11-02, 08:51 PM
I think I'll point at Fullbladder.

Hearing [Helgraf]'s role, Drake Burr quietly comments "How is that any different from ordinary Romeo?"

2008-11-02, 09:21 PM
Other potential Seer I want to say that someone claiming to be the Innkeeper has got in contact and said they won't mess around with my scry result. So thats one hurdle overcome. (Assuming they were telling the truth.)

You can scry?:smallconfused:

The Valiant Turtle
2008-11-02, 09:30 PM
HaHaHaHa! This was but the first step in my master plan to overthrow the Mummy as the true horror of the movie. Beware the Turtle Ghost of Doom! HaHaHaHa!


((Wow, my first Seer/Fool role and I'm gone just like that.))

2008-11-02, 09:58 PM
You can scry?:smallconfused:

No. But the innkeeper can change the results for any scries that are directed at me if they were so inclined. They've said that they won't.

2008-11-02, 10:03 PM
*joins the trend*

evidenceless point at Mountain_Faerie

2008-11-02, 10:05 PM
Sorry diector, huf, huf... But someone locked me in the dressing rooms. I think it was Uncle Festy. God, Im so embarrased. My first movie and Im never around. Is it just me or we are less and less with every day that passes?

2008-11-03, 12:29 AM
Well, I don't know about evidenceless posts... But I have a choice. Make a point at someone who's *probably* a villager, to solidify my round 2 information... Or make a point at someone who *I think* is a wolf.

Let's take the latter. Philistine.

2008-11-03, 12:40 AM
Oh, and I'd like to point out that Mountain_Faerie joined, same as me, from the first round of autolynchings. Statistically, she has a low chance of bein' a wolf. Festy? Well, he hasn't been on the bad side of all the votes the whole time, so I can't really bandwagon him.

2008-11-03, 01:08 AM

Why would she have a low chance of being a wolf?

2008-11-03, 01:25 AM
Simple. People are more likely to drop out and be auto-lynched if they're villagers. More people want to be wolves. Look at post 177 if you want another opinion.

Uncle Festy
2008-11-03, 07:05 AM
Eh, Atreyu on a hunch.

2008-11-03, 09:08 AM
Woah… that's a biiiig list. :smalleek:

It's all his fault! *points at banjo*

2008-11-03, 09:28 AM
*Pulls up again in his van, checks his delivery itinerary*

"Hmm... Fifty Gallons of Red Paint, Twenty of green, and 10 of Yellow..."

*steps out of his van and looks around*

"I got another delivery here, paint for the Romance/Mummy Attack scene... Can anyone point me in the right direction?"

*Sees Selrahc accosting Alarra*

"Hey! Buddy! Leave the lady alone! She didn't do anything to you!"

Jontom Xire
2008-11-03, 09:40 AM
I point at Hap_Hazard.

Jontom pushes a step ladder behind some scenery of about the right height and then stands on the top, trying to use his arms to flap his wings in a convincing way while assuming a "look I'm really flying" pose. He fails dismally. It just looks like he's standing on a stepladder fumbling with a pair of rubber wings. The way he keeps saying "flap flap flap flap" doesn't really help either. Sound effects are most definitely not his forte.

2008-11-03, 09:48 AM
TwoBitWriter for his position on the EDK bandwagon and his gleeful accosting of Selrahc.

2008-11-03, 09:55 AM
Talic continues mixing various types of goo together...

"Gotta get it just right. Alien acidic spittle has to have just the right look, just the right consistency. Ah! There we go!"

*Flings a bit at the wall with a spoon*

*Watches as it eats through the wall... and the spoon*

"Great! Now that I know what the real thing looks like, I can start working on the corn-syrup-based version. Ooooooohhh-wheee! This is gonna be a killer recipe!"

2008-11-03, 10:11 AM

Don't bandwagon me just because I'm neutral!

I'm voting for Hap Hazard

2008-11-03, 10:17 AM
hooray for random points!


2008-11-03, 11:00 AM
Dip Pritchet's voice echoes from his trailer...

"If Talic doesn't have my sausage biscuit here for me, I swear..."

2008-11-03, 11:33 AM
"Oh, Mr. TwoBitWriter, are you helping with the script? I could really use some help learning my lines, if you want to help me. I would sure appreciate it. Gosh, I wonder if the director would mind if I took off this costume yet, it is awfully uncomfortable. What do you think?

2008-11-03, 12:37 PM
People are still random pointing at day 3?

Hm. Guess I'm the only one spreadsheeting this.

2008-11-03, 12:40 PM
People are still random pointing at day 3?

Hm. Guess I'm the only one spreadsheeting this.

No, so am I, I just haven't noticed anything attention grabbing yet.

2008-11-03, 12:41 PM
Tish the easssht and SweetLikeLemons ish the shun!

Shall we dansh, beautiful lash, before the lightsh lasht raysh fall beneath the sssshroud of Plutarch?

2008-11-03, 12:42 PM
People are still random pointing at day 3?

Hm. Guess I'm the only one spreadsheeting this.
And with a very interesting Day 2 to boot. But just because there isn't analysis being posted, doesn't mean it isn't happening—some people (*cough*Shadow*cough*) don't always post their suspicions immediately.

2008-11-03, 12:47 PM
No, so am I, I just haven't noticed anything attention grabbing yet.

Well, let's analyze.

Day 1. A wolf was lynched. Anyone who didn't vote for the wolf automatically has some suspicion, if not that much.

Day 2. A Villager was lynched. The vote was 8. A counter vote occurred, with the 2nd place getting up to 6...

Wouldn't the tie-breaker vote (vote 7) be key in getting a villager lynched?

And when you look at the last day, and find that, while he was all for bandwagoning on day 2, against a villager, he didn't really feel like bandwagoning a wolf on day 1?

That's Philistine. And that's why my vote's on him.

2008-11-03, 12:47 PM
"Oh, Mr. TwoBitWriter, are you helping with the script? I could really use some help learning my lines, if you want to help me. I would sure appreciate it. Gosh, I wonder if the director would mind if I took off this costume yet, it is awfully uncomfortable. What do you think?

"Uhh... sure thing... I guess I can stick around for another day. This place is always my last delivery..."

*thinks a moment*

"If you aren't shooting for a while, maybe you can take the costume off. I'm willing to help unwrap you."

2008-11-03, 01:43 PM
I declare my dodge bonus on.. .Ummm, you! Zaragon!

Speaking to MF he says :
Wow, the director noticed you! And you get to play a protocol druid, even though your voc-vocabulator isn't working right...Is that hard to act? Like you vocabulator isn't working right? Wait, what is a vocabulator.....

2008-11-03, 02:00 PM
"Well, gee, I guess I don't really have too many ideas about who might be causing trouble, but I suppose that TwoBitWriter might be just a touch suspicious..."

2008-11-03, 02:45 PM
*Sees Twobitwriter*
"Oi,you! Aren't you supposed to be deliverin sometin?"
*smacks him over the head*
"Urry up boy, we need the paint.
And leave the actors alone, they need to practice their lines.
Specially, that Fullbladder"

2008-11-03, 02:48 PM
I point at Jontom Xire. I think I'm still alive, right?

Zar Peter
2008-11-03, 05:04 PM
Well, let's analyze.

Day 1. A wolf was lynched. Anyone who didn't vote for the wolf automatically has some suspicion, if not that much.

Day 2. A Villager was lynched. The vote was 8. A counter vote occurred, with the 2nd place getting up to 6...

Wouldn't the tie-breaker vote (vote 7) be key in getting a villager lynched?

And when you look at the last day, and find that, while he was all for bandwagoning on day 2, against a villager, he didn't really feel like bandwagoning a wolf on day 1?

That's Philistine. And that's why my vote's on him.

Day 1: A perfect day for a wolf to hide his wolfiness and point at a fellow wolf.

Day 2: A villager was lynched? How that, there are so few of them in the game...

Sorry for the sarcasm but... well, it's day 3, you can't really get much out of the votes...

On the other hand, if I take my babbeling serious... I point at Uncle Festy!
Because he pointed at Androgial at day 1.

2008-11-03, 05:07 PM
TwoBitWriter for his position on the EDK bandwagon and his gleeful accosting of Selrahc.

And I would have you know I voted for him looooong before a bandwagon was formed.

2008-11-03, 05:24 PM
"What?! Me, a bard?! You take that back or I'll..."

He doesn't get to finish the line before he stars pulling his sleeves up and advancing upon the director, before being pulled away by the security.

"I'll never be a bard! Never, you hear me! Lousy good for nothing bards..."

And with that, he dissapears, thrown out the door. Outside, rumbling and grumbling can be heard for some time, and soon after, even that quits down.

((We have a three way tie at the moment, if my spreadsheet is correct. Banjo, TBW and Festy all have three votes :smalltongue: Of all of them, I find Festy the most suspicios, if for nothing else, than because he failed to strike his point through on day one. He pointed at Dragoon firstly and then at androgial, when it was pretty much already a forgone conclusion that androgial is getting lynched. That itself would be suspicious enough, but he didn't even crossed his first point out, which to me stinks even more.

Think what you will of it, I give you my two cents here.))

2008-11-03, 05:36 PM
Faerie steps out on the stage. She proceeds to cast Faerie Fire! As she mumbles the spell under her breath, TwoBitWriter is surrounded by a blurry, concealing haze...which transforms into an even blurrier fume...which evolves into a shaky part of the stage, developing into a rather large hole.

She looks at her Druid Handbook and shakes her head, the straightens up as if she meant to make the hole.

A quick casting of Cat's Grace should cover this up.

As Faerie walks Stage Left, she falls flat on her face.

((What's a Protocol Druid anyway???)

2008-11-03, 05:54 PM
Alarra also at random.

2008-11-03, 06:00 PM
Well, let's analyze.

Day 1. A wolf was lynched. Anyone who didn't vote for the wolf automatically has some suspicion, if not that much.

Day 2. A Villager was lynched. The vote was 8. A counter vote occurred, with the 2nd place getting up to 6...

Wouldn't the tie-breaker vote (vote 7) be key in getting a villager lynched?

And when you look at the last day, and find that, while he was all for bandwagoning on day 2, against a villager, he didn't really feel like bandwagoning a wolf on day 1?

That's Philistine. And that's why my vote's on him.

If I may be allowed to speak in my own defense, you're jumping to an unjustified conclusion.

No, I did not point at Androgial, who did turn out to be a Creature, on Day 1. Please read through the last 5 or 6 posts of the Casting Call thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93467&page=4) for this game. Note that Shadow originally pointed to me as well, but changed that when it started an accidental bandwagon. (Which, I gotta say, was darn cool of him.) No, I didn't then change my own post to point to Androgial. But remember... still Day 1. Bad Guys might not want to point to a fellow wolf, but Good Guys wouldn't know to do so. And of course, once it became clear that Androgial was going down, a wolf might've piled on in order to get some protective coloration.

And yes, on Day 2 I did point to EDK, who did turn out to be an Extra. And it's also true that I was one of the last to jump onto that particular bandwagon. But consider this: at the time I posted, there was no counter-bandwagon. PirateMonk did eventually rack up 6 votes, but at the time I posted he had received only one. So there was no way I could have known, and no reason for me to suspect, that my vote would be decisive. Also, still just Day 2 - so, still not a lot of reliable information for the Good Guys.

Of course, I have an advantage because I know I'm not a wolf. But even so, I have to wonder why you picked me out of the crowd rather than, say, Uncle Festy, who only pointed to Androgial after his fate was already sealed, and who was also on the EDK bandwagon; or Allysian, the only person to jump on the EDK bandwagon after the formation of the PM counter-bandwagon made it look like he might not be lynched after all, and who also didn't point to Androgial on Day 1. There's also Deathslayer 7, Helgraf, Lex-kat, PirateMonk, and Shishnarfne who both 1) didn't point to Androgial and 2) did point at EDK. Hmm?

2008-11-03, 06:01 PM
Faerie steps out on the stage. She proceeds to cast Faerie Fire! As she mumbles the spell under her breath, TwoBitWriter is surrounded by a blurry, concealing haze...which transforms into an even blurrier fume...which evolves into a shaky part of the stage, developing into a rather large hole.

She looks at her Druid Handbook and shakes her head, the straightens up as if she meant to make the hole.

A quick casting of Cat's Grace should cover this up.

As Faerie walks Stage Left, she falls flat on her face.

((What's a Protocol Druid anyway???)

Wait. What? Druid? Did I say that? You must have misheard me, my dear lady. Protocol droid, you know, like this (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/thumb/6/61/Hk50full.jpg/250px-Hk50full.jpg).

Um, sir... you did say "druid." It's even in your notes that way.

The director frowns at Matthew, waving his hands wildly. His espresso, the eighth of the day, sloshes all over his hand. He suspiciously sniffs the liquid.

Ah, of course, this is Irish coffee. He looks at Shadow. I won't be needing a refill until much later, my dear boy. But thank you for the thought.

He grins and looks back at Mountain_Faerie. Take it from the top, but protocol droid this time. And don't forget the what I said about your vocabulator...

2008-11-03, 06:16 PM
The director frowns at Matthew, waving his hands wildly. His espresso, the eighth of the day, sloshes all over his hand. He suspiciously sniffs the liquid.

Ah, of course, this is Irish coffee. He looks at Shadow. I won't be needing a refill until much later, my dear boy. But thank you for the thought.

You're wel-- *hic* Welcome. And tank you. Now go an' fetsh me anudder, will ya?

Aaaaaaaaand AKSHIN!


2008-11-03, 07:04 PM
Faerie stands up and stiffly brushes the dust off her brassy legs.

Oh, sir, I mush have misunderstrapolated. You said druid, not druid.

She totters forward on the stage. Boldly, she states:

I question how the bard sings, so miscellaneously as he flies across the eggnog in the arms of the guards. So gallant is his jello. So forthright his onomatopoeia...

(chirp, chirp, chirp)

Even louder:

The bard hath eaten the desk of hope and doth send forth an ambulance of life into this place...

(chirp, chirp, chirp)

Faerie pulls out her blaster and shoots the grasshoppers.

Stupid meatbags!

2008-11-03, 07:31 PM
I 'm changing my point. I think I'll point at Uncle Festy as well.

Drake Burr looks at Mordokai, rather confused. "You're an actor! You're practically a bard in real life. It shouldn't be any problem for you at all, but if it is, update the tempt Mordokai thread you'll still be better at it than radiobrain from yesterday"

2008-11-03, 07:32 PM
((Well I want to give TBW a chance to enjoy WW a little longer than 2 days, so I'll go with Uncle Festy.))

The Farce will be with you, always.

2008-11-03, 07:42 PM
*counts the votes*

Seems to me Uncle Festy's got 7 votes, followed by TwoBitWriter with 4 votes, and Alarra, Talic, and Banjo each have three.

As it's my nature to even up wagons...

*points at TwoBitWriter*

Uncle Festy
2008-11-03, 07:43 PM
((Freaking bandwagon, ruining all my fun…
So this is sizing up to be a bandwagon. Therefore, I will attempt to defend myself.
The main claim against me is that I posted a non-decisive point on the Androgial bandwagon. Here's the thing – I've been playing these games for a while. I know enough of the obviously suspicious things that people notice to avoid them. Do you really think that, if I were a wolf, I'd be stupid enough to point on that bandwagon?
I'm not really paying much attention to this game – I don't really have time. I don't have a spreadsheet, I'm not counting votes (and before people start accusing me of self-contradiction, I would be counting votes if I was a wolf and one of my fellows was in the path of the lynchwagon). I saw what was a pretty close bandwagons, and jumped on the one where the target had admitted to being a wolf. Remember that part (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5193356&postcount=69)?
So, yeah. I'm not a wolf, and I don't really like the bandwagon forming against me.
That is all.))

Uncle Festy
2008-11-03, 07:44 PM
((Sorry to double post, but I forgot this part.
TBW to save my skin.))

2008-11-03, 07:48 PM
"I have come to save the day, wait, what, the director picked others, oh well." It looks like the voice actors ego has been damaged the last couple of days. He turns to Philistine, "Why take such an unhonorable name, sure it is better than a coward, but... He shakes his head at him.

2008-11-03, 08:04 PM
Mmmm, Im 50% half sure that festy is a monster, if not, then why is he he most voted then? uhm? Oh, wait, that didnt made sense... or did it?

2008-11-03, 08:10 PM
A reminder to all actors, new and old:

Please put your vote in RED or they will not be counted.

2008-11-03, 08:30 PM
For all those accusing me, just remember that I'm a total n00b and this is my first game. If my activity seems a bit suspicious its only because I am trying to roleplay my character, the delivery man.

Please don't kill the man who has brought the flowers, gauze, and paint for this wonderful production! :smallfrown:

2008-11-03, 08:52 PM
*Gosp!* You, twobitwriter brought Color, and *shudders* flowers to our HORROR Movie??!! Suspicious much! I think not! Oh, wait, yeah I do... Your trying to make your character seem all lovey-dovey and innocent with his colors and flowers! You sacriliege! Heheh, fun word... :smallwink:

2008-11-03, 08:56 PM
The flowers were for a graveyard scene! Every graveyard has flowers!

2008-11-03, 09:07 PM
I did a pen and paper spreadshhet for day one and it says lynch Uncle Festy.

2008-11-03, 09:25 PM
PirateMonk who both 1) didn't point to Androgial

Yes I did:

Philistineandrogial, because blindly following Shadow always turns out great.

2008-11-03, 09:32 PM
Absent for a day, Miss Winter walks down the stairs and looks around. "Ugh, my head is pounding... what was all of that screaming, anyway? Did one of y'all little girls spot a mousey?" Today she's sporting a hot pink shirt with the words "Carolina Girl" scrawled across her chest. "Hey, wait a minute. Where's Shadow?" A look of brief panic flits across her face. Then she spots him in the crowd and sighs.

Descending the stairs the rest of the way, she makes her way over to him. "I don't know whether to be relieved that you're still alive, or sad that you've probably survived only to drink yourself to death." Despite her words, she looks... relieved. "Besides, if anyone is going to kill you, it's going to be me."

She turns away from Shadow for a minute, looking over the assembled crowd. Shaking her head slowly, she says, "And to think I thought this would be safer than prison. Well... you know what they say, right? It hurts to admit that you've made a mistake, but it's big enough, the pain only lasts a moment."

She pauses for a moment, obviously thinking. "I guess I wasn't a big enough mistake, since you're still breathing, huh? So what do you say, 'Winter King'? Me, I make it policy never to trust a diva. They pretend to like people, but they really don't care about anyone but themselves." She frowns at the thought, and then points at Alarra. "I say we string her up. Even if we're wrong, at least we won't have to listen to her preen anymore. It's like killing bards. There's no downside!"

The Bushranger
2008-11-03, 09:42 PM
((*flu-induced lack-of-RP point at Philistine*))