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2008-10-28, 01:25 AM
Good Evening. /hitchcock

Welcome to the official Game Thread for...

Choose Your Own Adventure: The Legend of Tara Headoff.

You'll notice we have a shiny new thread for this. It's more for some of the things Alarra and I have agreed is a good idea rather than to stop any sort of discussion. We have had a long talk, in which Alarra beat me about the face and neck with common sense until I realized we might need a few:


Don't worry. There are very few.

1) This is the only determination that Alarra and I have made towards the character, which will stand as an ironclad judgment. There will be NO class for our hero. I believe it was mentioned at one point that at a certain point "The story stops shaping the character, and the character begins shaping the story." This is exactly what I'd like to avoid, and I feel it will give us more creativity to remain a broader person.

2) This isn't something we're going to disallow, but I'd like to strongly suggest staying Human. While we're all right now thinking a medieval, D&D adventure, there's nothing that says we couldn't plunk you down on a sea freighter in the middle of an ocean. A zombie out there would cause quite a stir.

3) We now have a system for suggesting/inventing lines of action. Rather than have everyone champion their own action, we're going to require a small number of people to support a choice before it becomes an official option/action. Right now, the threshold number is five. If 1/6th of you don't think its a good enough idea to follow through with, then we probably shouldn't consider it. ?:)

Now that we have some of that out of the way, on to the fun!

NAME: Tara Headoff
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: Purple pantaloons, orange cape, good looking, with a scar
Origin: A small village in a forest, on the outskirts of a big city, but he doesn't like to talk about it.
Profession: gambler

Fatal Flaws: Flaw 1: Gullible Flaw 2:Paranoia

Exceptional: Luck and Charm
Moderate: Intellect, Strength and Stamina
Poor: Perception

He has the abilities of:
Survival, High Alcohol Tolerance, Ventriloquism and Sleight of Hand

That should put quite a bit on our plates for now. Other things that may be useful to know:

I'll do my best to keep the current decision being made HERE, in the first post, along with a list of current 'authors'. Also, for folks joining later in the story, I'll be leaving the updates here, spoilered, so that they or anyone else who wishes to may read the story without wading through the discussion and voting.

That should cover everything for the moment. I'd like to encourage everyone to be as creative as they dare, and we look forward to an awesome story! I'll be checking in Wednesday Night to see what kind of general consensus we have reached on the offered items, and on anything else you folks may find important.

... What're you waiting for? Get to creating! :smallbiggrin:

Current Decision:
Agree to take the job
Flat out decline

Pretend to be more drunk than you are to obtain information about the job before you take it

((This is the first time something like this has been offered. Due to the talents that you have available, it's akin to having an item in inventory that gives a more favorable outcome. As the situation arises, I'll try to include more of these, or if you can justify one in our player supported actions, it could be a viable choice as well. Enjoy!))

Chapter 1

Many things to many people. A time of day to some, a blanket to be drawn overhead. A convenient cover for misdeeds and mischief. The only time worth being alive. The city never felt more alive than it did at night. It breathed with the people, pulsed with their movements, moved as they did. It became an extension of their will, and the sign that even as the world slept, they are all truly alive.

Or at least, that was Tara's opinion. He grinned to himself as he waltzed out of the decrepit building, leaving his marks behind him. Not the last time he'd see that bunch. A good mark is like a sheep. As long as you never cut too close, you could come back and fleece them again and again. He paused on the sidewalk just outside the door, the roll of money he had just won still hot in his hand. He was tempted to count it, but resisted the urge. However much it was, it was more than he had when he started. That was good enough for him. Tanstra was always good to him when he visited.

Then again, it was hard to find a city that wasn't good to Tara Headoff, gambler extraordinaire. Luck seemed to follow him wherever he went. A lucky thing, considering how many people were out to get him. It was a good life, even if it was one that kept him on the road, from city to city, taking whatever mode of transportation came along. Usually a traveler that didn't know his odds, no matter how many times he made it seem that coin landed on 'heads'. He reached into his pocket, pushing aside the wad of cash there and taking his lucky coin into hand. He palmed it, turning it from the shining face of Lady Luck to the perfectly etched face of the Moon. One of his favorite tricks was rigging coin tosses, one that had often put money into his pocket.

Turning on his heel, he started down the street on his left, the buildings rising up around him like long, hungry fingers, raking the night sky. He'd barely gone three steps when he glanced up, and saw a mob staring back at him, advancing down the street and muttering as they went, the growls and general discontent from the people sounding like the roll of the sea against a beaten and broken shore. He peered at them through the darkness, starting to curse his gaudy dress, his purple pants and orange scarf (his 'lucky cloak', or so he thought of it in a romantic sense) standing out against the muted colors of the city. He wasn't able to tell what was going on, but it certainly wasn't good. He glanced to his left, at the nearby alley, it's welcoming darkness sure to hide him. Still, opportunity possibly waited in that crowd... and more importantly, a drink and merriment with the best the city had to offer beyond them. What to do...

Choose. Your. Action.

Force your way through the crowd, and continue down the street
Duck down the alley and observe
Blend in with the crowd to gather some information
Take advantage of this 'business opportunity'.
Chapter 2
Tara stared at the mob for only a moment, weighing his options carefully. He started to edge towards the alleyway closest to him, a course of action encouraged by the fact that a fresh apple pie was waiting on one of the nearby window sills, steaming in the cool night air. His father had always told him, though, "Get your information while you can!" Information was the one thing that kept him ahead of those trying to get him. With that thought in mind, he turned to study the brick wall behind him until the mob was almost atop him, and then expertly slipped in among them, mimicking their rabble rousing noises and keeping his ears open.

He followed along slowly, never drifting towards the front or the back, but making sure to stay as incomspicuous as one can in purple pants and an orange scarf. He heard mutterings, and the occasional cry of "He wrecked my PI!" issued forth from the crowd, catching him off guard. It seems everyone favors pastries tonight. Slowly, but surely, the faces in the crowd become less... faceless. He begins to recognize a few of them even as they start to notice his outlandish attire, his tousled black hair, his toothy and gleaming smile. His eyes widening in shock and horror, he begins to filter towards the back of the crowd, desperately trying to make his way out of the mob. He had just broken clear as the mob realized their quarry had been among them the entire time.
Slow to anger they may be, but the city league of Mathematicians and Engineers held a grudge well, and Tara had set them back months of work, using their latest telescope as a cover for one of his daring escapes, ruining dozens of calculations and tens of thousands of dollars in precious materials.

Faced with the army of thick glasses and pocket protectors before him, he gulped hard. They were physically weak... maybe he could overpower enough of them to get away. And of course, scientists were always open to reason... maybe his silver tongue could provide an answer. Then, of course, there was always his most trusty option. Run. He worked through each of these scenarios in his head quickly, deciding what his best course might be...


Attempt to physically dominate the nerds
Blind them not only with science, but reason
Use your knowledge of the town to facilitate a hasty retreat
Chapter 3
Tera stared back at the mob, the streetlight glinting off of their glasses maliciously. He gulped, realizing that his strength wasn't enough to overcome this many people, even if they were pasty and malnourished.

"Now listen guys, I'm sure we can all settle this in a calm and friendly fashion..." he started, his eyes searching out the crowd. Thankfully, he managed to see the flying missle just a moment before it struck him on the forehead, giving him the second needed to duck out of the way of the flying pager that had been hurled from the back of the mob.

To hell with this... Tera thought to himself, slowly putting one foot behind the other. "LOOK! Behind you on that building! A complex mathematical equation with phrase mechanics and unrelated unknown integers!" As one, the mob turned quickly to examime what promised to be a most complex conundrum, but by the time they realized he could have just as easily screamed that gullible was written on the building behind them, he was off and running. Using his intimate knowledge of the town alleys and back streets, he dashed well ahead of his brainy pursuers, eventually using the deep shadows by City Hall to lose the wheezing, snorting mob.

Chuckling to himself, he stepped back into the street, watching the mob depart. Tera took in his surroundings, nothing that he was in the area of town he had originally hoped to end up in, and none the worse for wear. All that running had left him parched. Of course, he was also near the local "house of ill repute" that had been his original target. There were always a few good games on this end of town as well... Maybe a chance to earn a bit more money before the night was over. What to do?

Get your freak on
Stop for a tall, cool one
Look for yet another crowd to fleece out of cash

Chapter 4
Tara glanced about, until his sights finally settled on what he was looking for: A small, out of the way pub stashed in the corner of the square. Whistling to himself, he set a quick pace for the door, the sweet brew already imagined on his tongue.

When he walked through the door, however, an entirely different scene greeted him. A man pushed past him as he stepped through the door, falling to his knees and wretching in the nearby gutter. Shaking his head, he stepped more fully into the room, taking in the scene. Directly in the center of the bar sat a massive mound of a man, his cheeks red from drink, laughing uncontrollably at the man's obvious discomfort. Shot glasses were piled before him, as well as a stack of money at least four inches high. Tara couldn't help but lick his lips at that sight. He attempted to push past the crowd around the mammoth, headed towards the bar as he rolled around a plan to get that money from the giant when a loud, fairly unpleasant voice blasted from behind him.

"No one steps to my bar without paying me the toll!" the behemoth called over his shoulder, pouring himself another shot of whiskey and downing it in one solid gulp. He issued a blech, and then turned to stare Tara down, eyeing his purple pants. "At least, not a pretty fairy like yourself..." he muttered, before roaring in laughter again, his friends slowly catching on, the drink having dulled their wits far more than their companion. Tara turned back, slightly miffed at the giant's remarks, his eyes unintentionally flickering to the pile of money on the table.

The giant caught his unsubtle glance. "Oho... You think you can take it, can you? Well then have a seat! Let's see how well you hold your drink!" The man waved at the chair across from him, already busily lining up two shots, as if the contest was a foregone conclusion. Tara couldn't help but glance around and smile. He didn't want any trouble, and yet...


Challenge Big, Fat and Ugly to a drinking contest
Use your charm to bypass the table to the bar
Fork over a couple bucks, and enjoy a beer in peace

Chapter 5

Tara couldn't even begin to conceal his grin as he faced the man, taking the measure of just how drunk he was... This could be amusing.

"Alright big boy, you've got it. Let me hit the head and we'll see what you're made of." Tara couldn't help but throw on his best male bravado voice, throwing his shoulders out wide for effect. Of course, this got the men around him hooting, throwing money this way and that. No way does that skinny punk is taking down Torgo! As he slipped past the raucous table, he slipped twenty dollars in the waitress' apron, and motioned with his head towards the direction of the bathrooms. Hopefully she got the proper message, unlike last time...


Torgo stared into the shot in front of him, trying to remember the last time he was this plastered. They'd hardly started drinking, but the man across from him never lost his cool smile, even though they were drinking Yaksgarrde, an awful flavored liqour said to be made from real Yak! Torgo smacked his lips together, trying to put his mind back on track. But the more he stared at the shot in front of him, the more daunting it became. It seemed almost as if it was growing larger the more he stared at it, threatening to swallow him whole.


Torgo glanced up, looking at Tara, who looked back at him innocently, waiting for him to take his shot. He hadn't spoken. Torgo then glanced around at his compatriots, furtively eyeing them, to see which one of them had spoken during that crucial moment of truth, during his attempt to prove his manhood.


Torgo blinked, unable to figure out where the voice was coming from. He looked back down at the shot, ready to finish it in one gulp, and then to bounce up, search for the interruptor, and put him in his place before the contest continued. That's when things got weird. A disembodied mouth looked back at him from within the dark black liqour, shiny white teeth bared at the huge man.

"About time. Been talking to you for ten minutes now." Torgo glanced around to see if anyone else was hearing this. They were all waiting for him. It was as if time had slowed to a crawl...
"What do you think you're playing at? Drinking fifteen of my friends? You think you're going to get away with that ****?" the drink spat at him, its speech heavily accented in German. "Don't you worry. We've got a plan for you. You might think we're gone. But we're just lying in wait. Right there. In your stomach. You like that thought? You drink me, and I lead a revolt. Pain like you never experienced, no matter which way we go." The drink sneered up at him, his words crisp and cold. As if on cue, Torgo's stomach reacted, in what could only be described as a... "rrrriiiiippppppp." He instinctively let go of the shot to clutch it with two hands, his eyes nearly crossing from the sensation. "That's it friend. You made the right choice here."

Torgo stopped, shook his head, and stared at the shot again. No crazy drink was going to order him around! In one swift movement, before the shot could be ready for it, he swooped down with his paw of a hand, scooped up the liqour, and drained it in one gulp. He turned the glass over, belched loudly, and roared in victory, his cry taken up by this friends surrounding him. He had just stopped grinning and receiving his congratulations when he heard something... it... sounded like the voice again... his eyes wide with fear, he cast around for the source, looking left and right, until, with a feeling of dread, he looked down at his bulbous stomach.

"Big Mistake, Mein Friend."

At that point, there was nothing for Torgo to do but scream. Shriek, really. Like a little girl. With his hands still clutching his stomach, as if it were to pull away from his body and attack him, he ran out into the night, stumbling across the bricks and the pavement as if his life depended on it. His friends could only watch him go in confusion.


Tara barely held a straight face as he collected the money from five different sources, including Torgo's gigantic pile of cash, solemnly assuring the people that Torgo was probably fine, something just... didn't agree with him. Even though he could have beaten the drunk handily in a fair contest, something about the situation called for a more humorous response. All those years of ventriloquism lessons had finally paid off. Not to mention the fact that the money he had won from the bets he'd taken more than covered the cost of the hallucinogens that he had slipped Torgo. He patted his pocket, the waitress' number tucked firmly inside. This had been a more productive night than he had imagined.

Just as he was settling into the bar for some serious drinking (and much to the shock of the patrons who had just watched the event), a dapper man in a suit sidled up to him, alighting on the stool next to him in a dainty fashion.

"Well done in handling Torgo, friend. No small challenge there." He smiled, his teeth all showing in an attempt to be congenial. "I could use a man of your skills for a little job I have planned. Of course, its not much, but it's adventure, of course... and you look the sort that could use a taste of adventure. Aren't you..." He smiled wickedly. "Say yes, and I can tell you all about it. Unfortunately, due to the delicate nature of the work, I can't reveal anything before it's time... you understand... or at least I hope you do, after the amount you had to drink." The man looked him up and down one final time, the smile returning to his lips. "So what do you say, friend? Interested?"


Agree to take the job
Flat out decline

Pretend to be more drunk than you are to obtain information about the job before you take it
((This is the first time something like this has been offered. Due to the talents that you have available, it's akin to having an item in inventory that gives a more favorable outcome. As the situation arises, I'll try to include more of these, or if you can justify one in our player supported actions, it could be a viable choice as well. Enjoy!))

2008-10-28, 01:46 AM
Name:Tara Headoff
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: Purple Pantaloons and an Orange Cape. Good looking, but not the hottest in town. :smallamused:
Origin: The town of Tinyapolis
Profession: Adventurer
Fatal Flaws: Can't sense motive and somewhat gullible.

Strength: Moderate
Intellect: Bad
Charm: Exceptional
Luck: Exceptional
Perception: Moderate
Stamina: Moderate

Basic Survival skills (build a fire, find directions by stars, etc)
Alcohol Tolerance

2008-10-28, 02:10 AM
Character Suggestion
Who are you?
Name: Tara Headoff (no preference, but don't deny this is awesome)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: Purple pantaloons, or if pantaloons are not appropriate, tights.
Origin: No preference
Profession: Gambler /Adventurer
Fatal Flaws: Hubris Paranoia

Strength: Bad
Intellect: Moderate
Charm: Moderate
Luck: Exceptional
Perception: Exceptional
Stamina: Moderate


Alcohol Tolerance
Basic Survival skills

This seems ridiculously overformatted... yell if it is...

2008-10-28, 02:15 AM
NAME: *ugh* I've always been horrible at names. Someone else come up with one.
Gender: Undecided (either works)
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: Purple Pantaloons, Orange Cape, Black Top Hat, only has left ear
Origin: "Who wants to know? Why? What're looking for? It's none of your business."
Profession: Gambler
Fatal Flaws: Highly distrusting to the point of possibly alienating those who could be friends

Strength: bad moderate
Intellect: moderate exceptional
Charm: moderate
Luck: exceptional bad
Perception: moderate
Stamina: exceptional


Excellent Singing Voice
Can Read lips
Basic Fencing

To be edited as necessary.

Tempest Fennac
2008-10-28, 02:34 AM
Name: Miles Smith.
Gender: Male.
Race: Phanaton.
Defining Characteristics: Brown fur with darrker fur around his eyes. Normally wears a dark green apron.
Origin: Small forest.
Profession: Herbalist.
Fatal Flaws: Physically weak, slightly naive.

Strength: Bad
Intellect: Moderate.
Charm: Exceptional
Luck: Exceptional
Perception: Moderate
Stamina: Moderate


2008-10-28, 05:13 AM
NAME: I'll support Tera Headoff
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: Can't deny the purple pantaloons. Long hair...like to her waist.
Origin: Orphan in the forest
Profession: Hunter
Fatal Flaws: No Sense of humor. Socially awkward.


Strength: Moderate
Intellect: Moderate
Charm: Moderate
Luck: Exceptional
Perception: Bad
Stamina: Exceptional


Basic Survival skills (build a fire, find directions by stars, etc)
Keen Eyesight
Heightened sense of smell

2008-10-28, 05:14 AM
Name: [Not actually important, as long as it's not too exotic]
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: Purple cape and an ominous scar
Origin: A village in the middle of nowhere
Profession: Innkeeper
Fatal Flaws: Supersticious, especially about graveyards and the dead.

Strength: Moderate
Intellect: Bad
Charm: Exceptional
Luck: Exceptional
Perception: Moderate
Stamina: Moderate

Alcohol Tolerance

2008-10-28, 05:44 AM
Strength: Good
Intellect: Good
Charm: Moderate
Luck: Bad
Perception: Moderate
Stamina: Moderate

2008-10-28, 05:57 AM
Character Suggestion
Who are you?
Name: David blackwood
Gender: male
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: sligthly pointy ears and green eyes, a gift from an elven ancestor, and a long well balanced darkwood staff, a family heirloom
Origin: born in a small village in the woods
Profession: skillfull warrior/Adventurer
Fatal Flaws: Hubris

Strength: Bad
Intellect: Exceptional
Charm: Moderate
Luck: Moderate
Perception: Exceptional
Stamina: Moderate

Basic Survival skills
acrobatics skill
gets a slihgt tingle whenever there is magic near him

Saint Nil
2008-10-28, 08:15 AM
Name: Zain
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: Eyepatch, a gold eye, white overcoat
Origin:He refuses to talk about it
Fatal Flaws: Paronia

Strength: Bad
Intellect: Exceptional
Luck: Moderate
Perception: Moderate
Stamina: Moderate

Detecive skills

2008-10-28, 12:08 PM
Name: "Lucky" Joe
Gender: male
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics:Really lucky, scar on left cheek, awlways where his Lucky red cape, superstitious (is that right?)
Origin: Born in a big city always but wanted to explore the would
Profession: Bard traviling the would binging the news
Fatal Flaws: Too confident in his "luck", and never declinces a challenge

Strength: Bad
Intellect: Moderate
Charm: Exceptional
Luck: Exceptional
Perception: Bad
Stamina: Moderate

Basic Survival skills
Charming singing voice
Can understand most animals (not like talk to just good with them and know what they want

2008-10-28, 12:12 PM
Name: Tara Headoff
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: Always wears purple. Good looking, but not the hottest in town.
Origin: No preference. Big city girl.
Profession: Adventurer/Secret Agent Bar Wench
Fatal Flaws: Lust Paranoia. Tara lives by the mantra "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me."

Strength: Bad
Intellect: Moderate
Charm: Exceptional
Luck: Exceptional
Perception: Moderate
Stamina: Moderate

Alcohol Tolerance

Dr. Bath
2008-10-28, 12:33 PM
Name: Bert Bertson
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: stylish purple pantaloons, but other clothes are of poor quality and repair.
Origin: Small town man.
Profession: Handyman/drunkard
Fatal Flaws: Alcoholic, arrogant, kleptomaniac

Strength: Exceptional
Intellect: Moderate
Charm: Bad
Luck: Moderate
Perception: Moderate
Stamina: Exceptional

Basic carpentry
Good head for numbers
Alcohol Tolerance

2008-10-28, 02:42 PM
Who Are You?
NAME: Justin Case
Gender: Yes
Race: 50 yard dash
Defining Characteristics: Deep pockets, purple pantaloons, burn scar
Origin: A tiny hut on the edge of a swamp near the forest, about a mile from the nearest town.
Profession: Expert Trouble Finder
Fatal Flaws: Rash ... and rather gullible.

Strength: Moderate
Intellect: Moderate
Charm: Exceptional
Luck: Exceptional
Perception: Bad
Stamina: Moderate


Basic Survival skills (build a fire, find directions by stars, etc)
Alcohol Tolerance
Exceptional communication skills

2008-10-28, 03:55 PM
Reading the entire archives of Girl Genius last week makes we want to play someone sparky. So my concept is... a travelling saleswoman, selling marvellous inventions.

Tara Headoff
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Exceptional Charm.
Exceptional Intellect.
Moderate Stamina.
Moderate Strength.
Moderate Luck.
Bad Perception.

Special skills:
Mad Science
Survival/Cartography to get from town to town

2008-10-28, 06:01 PM
Name:Tara Headoff
Gender: Male. :smallbiggrin:
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: I'll support the purple pantaloons.
Origin: DnD setting, right? Village.
Profession: Beekeeper.
Fatal Flaws: Gullible.

Strength: Moderate
Intellect: Moderate
Charm: Exceptional
Luck: Exceptional
Perception: Bad
Stamina: Moderate

Basic Survival skills (build a fire, find directions by stars, etc)
Knowledge of plants?

2008-10-28, 06:16 PM
Name: Aresk Angelfather
Race: Fallen angel
Gender: Male
Definging charectertics: even when he has his wings hidden he still glows with an ambient light that pretty much destroys his ability to stay hidden.
Origin: The first heavnly triumphrent/ bunch of angels who borke the rules, and fell. (applyign a trope here, nothing relegious.)
Profession: Fiend slayer
Fatal flaws: general *******.

strength: exceptional
intellegence: moderate
charm: BAD
luck: moderate
stamina: Exceptional

special skills:
Advanced tracking skills (Ye demons be awful willy!)
The ability to fly
Mid level divine magic

Dr. Bath
2008-10-28, 06:31 PM
Name: Aresk Angelfather
Race: Fallen angel
Gender: Male
Definging charectertics: even when he has his wings hidden he still glows with an ambient light that pretty much destroys his ability to stay hidden.
Origin: The first heavnly triumphrent/ bunch of angels who borke the rules, and fell. (applyign a trope here, nothing relegious.)
Profession: Fiend slayer
Fatal flaws: general *******.

strength: exceptional
intellegence: moderate
charm: BAD
luck: moderate
stamina: Exceptional

special skills:
Advanced tracking skills (Ye demons be awful willy!)
The ability to fly
Mid level divine magic

Totally not overpowered... :smalltongue:

Am I the only one who doesn't like the idea of our character ALREADY being an adventurer? Anyone? No? Damn. Because to me it means that we've missed out on part of the story, which I think is kinda silly. (Also it means they'll be a bit too good at what we will probably end up doing for my liking. Learning as we go is part of the fun!)

2008-10-28, 06:33 PM
Totally not overpowered...

Am I the only one who doesn't like the idea of our character ALREADY being an adventurer? Anyone? No? Damn. Because to me it means that we've missed out on part of the story, which I think is kinda silly. (Also it means they'll be a bit too good at what we will probably end up doing for my liking. Learning as we go is part of the fun!)

I agree with you bath, we should be able to follow our character since childhood. Idea, why don't we start at young age and then work ourself forward?:smallwink: We might only need to stay at young age for a couople of posts thought.

Dr. Bath
2008-10-28, 06:37 PM
I meant an interesting part of the story. :smallbiggrin:

Being an adventurer is an inherently interesting profession (It's what entire games are based around) so the character will have already made all sorts of important decisions and come out of scrapes. The stuff we're meant to join the story to help them get through.

It just seems a bit off.

2008-10-28, 06:41 PM
I meant an interesting part of the story. :smallbiggrin:

Being an adventurer is an inherently interesting profession (It's what entire games are based around) so the character will have already made all sorts of important decisions and come out of scrapes. The stuff we're meant to join the story to help them get through.

It just seems a bit off.

What? Since when is childhood not a intresting part of the story?:smallbiggrin:

I mean we could get some kind of childhood rival or some other stuff that will return to hunt us later. It will be the base of our adventure.

2008-10-28, 06:48 PM
Who Are You?
NAME: Jimmy Olsen
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: honest and true of heart
Origin: From a small town just outside a big city
Profession: Journalist/reporter
Fatal Flaws: Far too trusting and gullible

Strength: Moderate
Intellect: Moderate
Charm: Exceptional
Luck: BAD! (let's make it fun!)
Perception: Exceptional
Stamina: Moderate

Obscure Knowledge

I agree with Bath (even though I didn't read all that until now). That's why I made good 'ol' Jimmy Olsen. Maybe we can meet Superman! :smallwink:

I also support the chars of: Enigma, Indy, Reinholdt, St. Nil, Helgraf, hap_hazard & Bath

Raiser Blade
2008-10-28, 08:26 PM
NAME: Rather Dashing
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Defining Characteristics: Smell of a peasant, Clothes of a Peasant, On fire like a peasant

Origin: A small village

Profession: Peasant

Fatal Flaws: Crunchy and tastes good with ketchup.

Strength: Moderate
Intellect: Moderate
Charm: Moderate
Luck: Moderate
Perception: Moderate
Stamina: Moderate

Finding obscure answers to puzzles

2008-10-28, 08:28 PM
Not my fault you guys decided to aim for low power levels.Cides every group needs a bad ass experianced guide to lead them through the first couple o traps, and encounters before getting kileld himself dramaticly.

2008-10-28, 09:14 PM
I meant an interesting part of the story. :smallbiggrin:

Being an adventurer is an inherently interesting profession (It's what entire games are based around) so the character will have already made all sorts of important decisions and come out of scrapes. The stuff we're meant to join the story to help them get through.

It just seems a bit off.
I'm inclined to agree. So I changed my nomination to being a bar wench (it was all I could think of...)

2008-10-28, 09:30 PM
Not my fault you guys decided to aim for low power levels.Cides every group needs a bad ass experianced guide to lead them through the first couple o traps, and encounters before getting kileld himself dramaticly.

I was under the impression that we were trying to decide on one character.
Then again I was also under the impression that in addition to throwing out ideas, Mustiado wanted us to discuss our options and reach some sort of general consensus.

*backs away from inevitable backlash/doom/discussion*

2008-10-28, 09:33 PM
I was under the impression that we were trying to decide on one character.
Then again I was also under the impression that in addition to throwing out ideas, Mustiado wanted us to discuss our options and reach some sort of general consensus.

*backs away from inevitable backlash/doom/discussion*
True, true. So can we applaud Dr. Bath for doing just that?

2008-10-28, 09:48 PM
ill support goofs charactor

2008-10-29, 01:16 AM
I'm changing my post to back Paranoia as a fatal flaw instead of Hubris.

2008-10-29, 01:22 AM
I'm starting to think that maybe an unlucky protagonist would be a lot more fun than a lucky one. Sure we all like the lucky people, but the hijinks of bad luck may be too good to pass up.


2008-10-29, 01:27 AM
I'm starting to think that maybe an unlucky protagonist would be a lot more fun than a lucky one. Sure we all like the lucky people, but the hijinks of bad luck may be too good to pass up.


Who Are You?
NAME: Jimmy Olsen

Luck: BAD! (let's make it fun!)

I think that means I agree!

Shouldn't all of this be in the other thread? :smallconfused:

2008-10-29, 01:37 AM
I think that means I agree!

I know. That was part of the reason I reconsidered. :smallwink:

Shouldn't all of this be in the other thread? :smallconfused:

No idea. *pokes Mustiado* Give us direction! :smalltongue:

2008-10-29, 02:57 AM
I could support the un-lucky person. Different from what I had in mind, but I can see the fun of that as well.

I would support Shadow's character, though I'd rather it not be Jimmy Olsen. But along the same lines...I like it.

2008-10-29, 11:34 AM
Let's keep the work we're doing now in this thread. Anything that's directly related to the creation of the character we'll save here for posterity.

Also, I like that we're finally talking about the various merits of this course of action, or what might be more fun, this trait or that. I encourage everyone to participate in this part of the character process, as well as getting more templates up. Remember, we do have an extra day, since we decided to begin on Halloween, which means I may put the most popular templates/characteristics to a ...ITP style vote before we begin.

2008-10-29, 12:51 PM
I could go for unlucky as well. I was aiming for the "Damsel in distress bumbles about" type character, but I definitely see a lot of merit in the "unlucky son of a gun" style.

2008-10-29, 12:54 PM
I support Shadowcaller and Bath in that the character should probably not be an adventurer from the start of the adventure. Let him/her become an adventurer once the story starts, and a previous profession will give them extra depth.

I'm not sure about the whole unlucky character thing though, since an unlucky character would be unlikely to survive the adventure in the first place. I think it would be a pity if our character would get slaughtered right away just because that puddle just happened to be near his feet, and that sword just happened to be lying around in the wrong place at the wrong time.

As for the flaws, a lot of people seem to be going for very general things like "Paranoia", which I personally don't think is such a great idea. Sure, a paranoid character can be quite nifty, but in this case we're talking about a character we'll have to make decisions for later on. Giving him/her a basic attitude towards things will take a way a lot of our freedom and some decisions won't even have to be thought about. I prefer a more limited flaw, like a phobia, or as I suggested, superstition and fear of the undead and graveyards.

Also, I support the characters of Raiser, Shadow, hap_hazard, Selrahc and Bath.

2008-10-29, 12:58 PM
We're definitely going to have exciting things happen to the character whatever luck score we choose. I'd prefer to not have them be smashed by a rock slide just because they failed a luck check.

Dr. Bath
2008-10-29, 02:56 PM
I could go for unlucky as well. I was aiming for the "Damsel in distress bumbles about" type character, but I definitely see a lot of merit in the "unlucky son of a gun" style.

So... wouldn't a damsel in distress be a proffesional Heiress, or professional moocher-off-parents? Or housewife-to-be? :smalltongue:

I think something important we need to decide is GENDER. I mean really. I think if we picked one and then built a few (a few! Not thirty) characters after that.

I think deciding on each thing rather than a whole character will keep the most people happy. If you pick ONE character, then a miniscule minority will have what they want, and everyone else will have been ignored. If we decide each aspect as we go along we can really build a group character and more people get at least a little say.

Personally I would prefer a male character. It's what we (except xNadia) know, right? (I don't really like roleplaying the opposite gender in general, you end up with a slightly more superficial character sometimes. ¬_¬)

2008-10-29, 03:02 PM
I vote Male

2008-10-29, 03:06 PM
I could go for unlucky as well. I was aiming for the "Damsel in distress bumbles about" type character, but I definitely see a lot of merit in the "unlucky son of a gun" style.
I like the idea of a character who is mildly incompetent, but survives through sheer luck and good nature (not necessarily that cliché though). More like, she isn't über bad-ass now, but she still makes her way through the adventures because of some skill and sheer dumb luck. This would also support the: not already a hero idea that is being bounced around.

2008-10-29, 03:30 PM
I like the idea of a character who is mildly incompetent, but survives through sheer luck and good nature (not necessarily that cliché though). More like, she isn't über bad-ass now, but she still makes her way through the adventures because of some skill and sheer dumb luck. This would also support the: not already a hero idea that is being bounced around.

Which is why my proposal had High Charisma and High Luck. ... but Bad Perception.

And technically Justin can be one of those either gender names.

2008-10-29, 03:57 PM
I like the idea of a character who is mildly incompetent, but survives through sheer luck and good nature (not necessarily that cliché though). More like, she isn't über bad-ass now, but she still makes her way through the adventures because of some skill and sheer dumb luck. This would also support the: not already a hero idea that is being bounced around.

That's a concept I could go for, but I was thinking the other extreme. More of a character that did everything right, and for the right reasons, but the world conspired against him.
The "Jimmy Olsen" was more of a concept. He's a good guy, from a good background, with good morals.
And he's in love with another, nay, a BETTER man's girlfriend.

And in the end he DOESN'T get the girl. :smallamused:
Ahhhh... fickle is fate.

But he never stops trying. After all, he's "Jimmy Olsen"

Raiser Blade
2008-10-29, 05:50 PM
I vote male.

Also I don't mind a bad luck character but I do not want a socially awkward character.

2008-10-29, 11:15 PM
After reading a little more, I think that the bad luck idea is good. I think perhaps we should have a fairly competent, strong, and smart character, who would have been in a much higher position... but for his crappy luck. It'll probably make it more interesting.

2008-10-30, 12:29 AM
I don't think bad luck or bad anything is going to be utterly debilitating like some think. Instead it'll just make our protagonist work a little harder or a little smarter when faced with the wrong situations (or in the case of luck, when the probabilities work against him). And I highly doubt that Mustiado will kill off a character that takes this long to create due to a little bad luck as Selrahc suggested. We're far more likely to kill him/her ourselves doing something stupid.

Of course if Mustiado does, I'll reach through the internets and smack him upside his head. With my nose.

While I think it's important to have some overarching idea of the character with which to work from, with a group this large it may be better to do what Bath said and go one step at a time. At the very least we can decide things like name and gender which should have little impact on the actual character design.

I'll go with the popular opinion and say male. Tara Headoff works for either gender, right? *looks around and shrugs* I'll go with it anyways: Tara Headoff.

V Exactly. Setbacks and plot twists. Yay!

2008-10-30, 01:26 AM
What I meant by "bad luck" wasn't that he'd get some 'luck roll' or something, but rather that things tend to not go his way.
Even if he does everything right, the universe conspires against him, thus creating an endless string of complications, thereby creating more opportunities to continue the game when it becomes stagnant (as it surely will at some point).
Just to keep things interesting. :smallwink:

ie: when Mustiado & Alarra can't decide where to go next with the story:
ENTER the bad luck!

2008-10-30, 03:21 AM
What I meant by "bad luck" wasn't that he'd get some 'luck roll' or something, but rather that things tend to not go his way.
Even if he does everything right, the universe conspires against him, thus creating an endless string of complications, thereby creating more opportunities to continue the game when it becomes stagnant (as it surely will at some point).
Just to keep things interesting. :smallwink:

ie: when Mustiado & Alarra can't decide where to go next with the story:
ENTER the bad luck!

The way I see it that's going to happen anyways, even with good luck. The thing luck will most likely influence is whether there will be a truck of pillows passing by as you jump out of a window or a truck of sharp metal things.

2008-10-30, 04:21 AM
And I highly doubt that Mustiado will kill off a character that takes this long to create due to a little bad luck as Selrahc suggested.

I don't mean that that would happen 5 seconds into the game... but if we get caught in a rock slide for example, we are going to have a much rougher time of it. If we're in a fight, our sword might break. If we are hiding in a box, our enemies just happen to open it. I'm thinking of all the times a successful luck test saved me from a horrible death in Fighting Fantasy(CYOA) games.

Whereas I don't see the supposed benefits. A lot of "lucky" heroes are actually fantastically unlucky in the situations they end up in, but lucky within those situations. I'd actually say Jimmy Olsen was lucky, and his bad luck is mainly due to story factors.

2008-10-30, 08:30 AM
I'm convinced, my convictions weren't that strong to begin with. Bad Luck.

But I still think Tara Headoff should be female; you never find unlucky female characters. If they're lucky and empty-headed: they're female. If they're unlucky, but strong and capable? They're male.

2008-10-30, 10:56 AM
I'm convinced, my convictions weren't that strong to begin with. Bad Luck.
You do realize we were arguing against bad luck, right?

2008-10-30, 11:43 AM
You do realize we were arguing against bad luck, right?
Which ones of us? I was, but then I changed my mind. I didn't notice a general trend against Bad Luck happening. Maybe I misread?

2008-10-30, 11:54 AM
Maybe we should consider making two characters. Running the CYOA as a duo? Split into two groups, each one controlling one character?

Three threads. One for story (of both), one for char 1 action discussion, and one or char 2 discussion.


2008-10-30, 12:06 PM
you mean like this:

name: willy maykitt
race: human
occupation: messanger
description: purple pantaloons, orange cape, yellow shirt, short curly brown hair
hometown:orphanage in the wild
fatal flaw: child/underage

Strength: bad
Intellect: Moderate
Charm: Moderate
Luck: excellent
Perception: Moderate
Stamina: excellent

basic survival

name: betty willknot
race: human
occupation: messanger
description: purple pantaloons, orange cape, yellow shirt, shoulder length black hair
hometown:orphanage in the wild
fatal flaw: child/underage

Strength: bad
Intellect: Moderate
Charm: excellent
Luck: Moderate
Perception: Moderate
Stamina: excellent

basic survival

ie shes more charming but he is luckier same set up and sets them up to be shaped by the story by attempting to deliver a message to someone.

2008-10-30, 12:48 PM
I think one thread will do.

2008-10-30, 01:32 PM
Please, for my sanity, one thread. :smalleek: We're just going to have to make a solid decision on what we want to do.

Final voting results will be up shortly!

2008-10-30, 01:59 PM
Maybe we should consider making two characters. Running the CYOA as a duo? Split into two groups, each one controlling one character?

Three threads. One for story (of both), one for char 1 action discussion, and one or char 2 discussion.

I say no. The whole point of the CYOA is the discussion and the group choosing. If we split the group every time there's a disagreement... have fun Mustiado and Alarra.

It doesn't sound like a good plan to me, we're all in this together—sometimes individuals won't get their way.

2008-10-30, 02:53 PM
the separate threads would only have been so that one person wouldn't know what the other was thinking while we discussed.
Oh well. Just an idea.

2008-10-30, 05:02 PM
I vote for male!

2008-10-31, 12:32 AM
Alright everyone, let's bring this discussion to a close. There are several things that have been decided on here and a few things that we still need more input on. We will be having a vote on those items.

NAME: Tara Headoff
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: Purple pantaloons, orange cape, good looking, with a scar
Origin: A small village in a forest, on the outskirts of a big city, but he doesn't like to talk about it.
Profession: gambler
Fatal Flaws: Flaw 1: Gullible Flaw 2:yet to be determined...dun dun dun..

Exceptional: Luck and Charm
Moderate: Intellect and Stamina

Which should be his poor stat? Perception or Strength? the other will be moderate.

He has the abilities of:
Survival, High Alcohol Tolerance, and Sleight of Hand

Vote now for one of the following: Storytelling, Ventriloquism, Acrobatics

You may also vote on where you would like his scar to be.

Voting will be open for ~24 hours, or until we decide we're bored and that the story simply must start.

2008-10-31, 12:36 AM
Poor stat:

Fourth ability:

2008-10-31, 12:49 AM
Voting time!

With exceptional Luck and Charm, and Moderate Intellect and Stamina, I'd say that his poor stat should be Perception, leaving Strength at Moderate.


Where's the scar?
I don't care.

2008-10-31, 01:13 AM
Poor Stat:


2008-10-31, 02:48 AM
Poor Stat:


Tempest Fennac
2008-10-31, 03:23 AM
Poor stat: Perception.
Ability: Acrobatics.
Scar: Not bothered.

2008-10-31, 03:28 AM
Poor Stat:



Running from bottom of ear to edge of mouth. Either side.

2008-10-31, 06:28 AM

And thirded.

2008-10-31, 06:49 AM
Poor Stat:


Left Pinkie.

2008-10-31, 07:36 AM
Poor Stat: Perception

Ability: Storytelling

2008-10-31, 08:14 AM
Poor Stat:


On right tempal

2008-10-31, 08:33 AM
Poor Stat:


On right tempal

I like this one, except that I'd like the scar to be on his right cheek.

2008-10-31, 10:04 AM
poor stat: Strength!

ability: Ventriloquism!

scar: over the brows

2008-10-31, 11:37 AM
Poor stat: Strength

Ability: Ventriloquism

Scar: Tempal

Saint Nil
2008-10-31, 11:53 AM
Poor stat:

Fourth ability:

Dr. Bath
2008-10-31, 11:57 AM
Poor Stat:

Storytelling (I like being different. :smallwink:)

Upper arm after falling over as a child/medival innoculations... >.> Facial scars make him too badass. Or at least seem like they are trying to.

2008-10-31, 11:59 AM
I actually like Bath's reasoning for scar there. I'm shifting my support to this.

Uncle Festy
2008-10-31, 12:48 PM
Bad stat? Perception, a completely oblivious character is funny.
Ability? Ventriloquism, for the lulz.

2008-10-31, 02:07 PM
Alright everyone, let's bring this discussion to a close. There are several things that have been decided on here and a few things that we still need more input on. We will be having a vote on those items.

NAME: Tara Headoff
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Defining Characteristics: Purple pantaloons, orange cape, good looking, with a scar
Origin: A small village in a forest, on the outskirts of a big city, but he doesn't like to talk about it.
Profession: gambler
Fatal Flaws: Flaw 1: Gullible Flaw 2:yet to be determined...dun dun dun..

Exceptional: Luck and Charm
Moderate: Intellect and Stamina

Which should be his poor stat? Perception or Strength? the other will be moderate.

He has the abilities of:
Survival, High Alcohol Tolerance, and Sleight of Hand

Vote now for one of the following: Storytelling, Ventriloquism, Acrobatics

You may also vote on where you would like his scar to be.

Voting will be open for ~24 hours, or until we decide we're bored and that the story simply must start.

Poor Perception
4th Ability: Storytelling
Scar: Deep across the backside

2008-10-31, 04:40 PM
Just a reminder folks that voting goes on until Sunday. The beginning story post will be ready by then as votes will most likely be tallied Saturday night.

Another reminder. The game began today. So keep in mind that some of your choices may have unintended consequences...


2008-10-31, 05:03 PM
Another reminder. The game began today. So keep in mind that some of your choices may have unintended consequences...

Did it? :smalleek:

2008-10-31, 05:06 PM
Another reminder. The game began today. So keep in mind that some of your choices may have unintended consequences...


They always do. Heh. When the choice says "pick up the crowbar", what it really means is befriend the talking armadillo behind the crate on which the crowbar was resting so he can tell you to sneak around the guards on page 159.

2008-10-31, 05:12 PM
Low stat


4th skill


Jontom Xire
2008-11-01, 04:51 AM
Wow, the character is almost entirely decided already and the thread only just hit structured games :(

Ummm, Tara is a girl's name. How come the character is male???

Anyway, the scar has to be on his bum.

Face is too showy, anywhere else is too lame.

2008-11-01, 04:58 AM
Perception and Acrobatics is what I'm going for.

2008-11-01, 06:28 AM
Anyway, the scar has to be on his bum.

Changing my scar vote to this. :smallamused:

2008-11-01, 11:42 AM
Wow, the character is almost entirely decided already and the thread only just hit structured games :(

Ummm, Tara is a girl's name. How come the character is male???

Anyway, the scar has to be on his bum.

Face is too showy, anywhere else is too lame.

Character discussion was up for more than three days. I don't know how long of decision making processes you were expecting. Also...says who? Who's to say that in whatever culture we set this story in that Tara isn't a traditionally male name? Or maybe it's an interesting aspect of him, something he's teased about and overly defensive of. I can see a very interesting character being made out of someone who acts overly masculine and macho to compensate for having a girl's name.

2008-11-01, 12:10 PM
Bum scar gets my vote too.

And yeah, the Tara thing could lead to a "Boy named Sue" (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=9RQoOJ7ia0k) situation.

2008-11-01, 12:46 PM
Bum scar gets my vote too.

And yeah, the Tara thing could lead to a "Boy named Sue" (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=9RQoOJ7ia0k) situation.

Which is a wonderful situation complete with a moral, and a good bar fight that destroys a building.

2008-11-01, 12:59 PM
Also...says who? Who's to say that in whatever culture we set this story in that Tara isn't a traditionally male name? Or maybe it's an interesting aspect of him, something he's teased about and overly defensive of. I can see a very interesting character being made out of someone who acts overly masculine and macho to compensate for having a girl's name.

Seconded.White text filler

2008-11-01, 01:18 PM
Upper arm after falling over as a child/medival innoculations... >.> Facial scars make him too badass. Or at least seem like they are trying to.

I actually like this idea (it makes sense) and change my vote for scar on upper arm.

Lizard Lord
2008-11-01, 01:44 PM
Low Stat: Perception
4th skill: Ventriloquism
Scar: Upper arm

2008-11-01, 02:39 PM
Low Stat: Strength
Ability: Story Telling
Yaaay! I finally posted on the thread! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-01, 09:57 PM
Low stat: Strength
Ability: Ventriloquism

2008-11-02, 12:24 PM
Hey folks,

We're reaching the end of the line on this one, so make sure you get your votes in! I'm at home for the weekend, so I'm working without notes, but you can expect voting to stop around 7 PM EST, and the first part of our story, complete with scenario by about midnight.

See you then!

2008-11-02, 08:33 PM
Low stat: Perception

Ability: Story Telling

2008-11-02, 10:16 PM

Many things to many people. A time of day to some, a blanket to be drawn overhead. A convenient cover for misdeeds and mischief. The only time worth being alive. The city never felt more alive than it did at night. It breathed with the people, pulsed with their movements, moved as they did. It became an extension of their will, and the sign that even as the world slept, they are all truly alive.

Or at least, that was Tara's opinion. He grinned to himself as he waltzed out of the decrepit building, leaving his marks behind him. Not the last time he'd see that bunch. A good mark is like a sheep. As long as you never cut too close, you could come back and fleece them again and again. He paused on the sidewalk just outside the door, the roll of money he had just won still hot in his hand. He was tempted to count it, but resisted the urge. However much it was, it was more than he had when he started. That was good enough for him. Tanstra was always good to him when he visited.

Then again, it was hard to find a city that wasn't good to Tara Headoff, gambler extraordinaire. Luck seemed to follow him wherever he went. A lucky thing, considering how many people were out to get him. It was a good life, even if it was one that kept him on the road, from city to city, taking whatever mode of transportation came along. Usually a traveler that didn't know his odds, no matter how many times he made it seem that coin landed on 'heads'. He reached into his pocket, pushing aside the wad of cash there and taking his lucky coin into hand. He palmed it, turning it from the shining face of Lady Luck to the perfectly etched face of the Moon. One of his favorite tricks was rigging coin tosses, one that had often put money into his pocket.

Turning on his heel, he started down the street on his left, the buildings rising up around him like long, hungry fingers, raking the night sky. He'd barely gone three steps when he glanced up, and saw a mob staring back at him, advancing down the street and muttering as they went, the growls and general discontent from the people sounding like the roll of the sea against a beaten and broken shore. He peered at them through the darkness, starting to curse his gaudy dress, his purple pants and orange scarf (his 'lucky cloak', or so he thought of it in a romantic sense) standing out against the muted colors of the city. He wasn't able to tell what was going on, but it certainly wasn't good. He glanced to his left, at the nearby alley, it's welcoming darkness sure to hide him. Still, opportunity possibly waited in that crowd... and more importantly, a drink and merriment with the best the city had to offer beyond them. What to do...

Choose. Your. Action.

Force your way through the crowd, and continue down the street
Duck down the alley and observe
Blend in with the crowd to gather some information
Take advantage of this 'business opportunity'.

2008-11-02, 10:19 PM
blend in and try to gather information

2008-11-02, 10:23 PM
Blend in with the crowd to gather some information

EDIT: ...and I want pie in, too.

2008-11-03, 12:15 AM
Duck down the alley and observe

2008-11-03, 12:48 AM

That... was not meant to happen. Note: Check what you've pasted before you hit "submit reply"...

I'm sure I meant Take advantage of this 'business opportunity'. I copied it, and thought I pasted it, but I pasted the wrong thing.

*hides in shame*

2008-11-03, 02:03 AM

Uh, not that its not cool... but what does that have to do with our story? :smallconfused:

Edit: :smallbiggrin: I should have deduced that the texture of a well layered pie, with a reward at beginning, middle and end, obviously meant you wanted to wade among the crowd, finding out what treats lay in store in each and every part of that crowd.

2008-11-03, 02:13 AM
I think xNadia wants our character to sit down in the street and take a... pie test? :smallconfused:

2008-11-03, 02:15 AM
*still hiding in shame*

I meant

Take advantage of this 'business opportunity'.

2008-11-03, 02:39 AM
Duck down the alley and observe

2008-11-03, 02:40 AM
I'll go with what xNadia said. The pie test.
Or the business opportunity, whatever.

Tempest Fennac
2008-11-03, 02:42 AM
Duck down the alley and observe.

Jontom Xire
2008-11-03, 03:44 AM
That alley is calling, calling, calling. It says "Duck down me, quickly, now, before the mob sees you!"

2008-11-03, 05:25 AM
Blend in with the crowd and gather info.

2008-11-03, 09:50 AM
Take Advantage of the Business Opportunity.

2008-11-03, 10:04 AM
Blend into the crowd and gather info.

2008-11-03, 10:53 AM
Actually, I nominate this course of action (spoilered for length):

You Are Mud Pie


You're the perfect combo of flavor and depth.
You are overpowering and dominant - and that's what people like about you.
You bring energy and a new direction to most interactions.
People crave you in a serious way. You're that important to them.

Those who like you give into their impulses.
You don't represent reason. You represent pure temptation.
People get addicted to you rather easily.
You offer people a dark side that is very hard to resist.

What Kind of Pie Are You? (http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofpieareyouquiz/)

2008-11-03, 11:05 AM
Take the pie test.
Two more and it becomes a viable option. :smallamused:

*hops in the shower & heads to work*

2008-11-03, 11:13 AM
Take Advantage of the Business Opportunity:smallbiggrin:

2008-11-03, 11:17 AM
Blend in with the crowd to gather some information

2008-11-03, 11:18 AM
You Are Lemon Meringue Pie
You're the perfect combo of sassy and sweet.
You always know how to brighten someone's mood, but you're not overly sappy.
In fact, you can be a bit too honest at times. And most people find that refreshing.
While you're always true to yourself, you keep things light. That's how people are able to stomach your slightly bitter outlook.

Those who like you have well refined tastes.
You're complicated - and let's face it - a true enigma.
You enjoy defying expectations, and there are many layers to your personality.
There's not one easy way to define you.

That pie test was disturbingly accurate, especially considering how little questions they asked. :smalleek:
I mean, right down to the Enigma bit they got it right, and the rest pretty much describes me to a T!!!

Well, except that I'm not a pie, off course...

2008-11-03, 12:05 PM
Duck down the alley and observe the pie test. :smallbiggrin:

You Are Apple Pie


You're the perfect combo of comforting and traditional.
You prefer things the way you've always known them.
You'll admit that you're old fashioned, and you don't see anything wrong with that.
Your tastes and preferences are classic. And classic never goes out of style.

Those who like you crave security.
People can rely on you to be true to yourself - and true to them.
You're loyal, trustworthy, and comfortable in your own skin.
And because of these qualities, you've definitely earned a lot of respect.

Not too far off the mark. :smallamused:

2008-11-03, 12:35 PM
Blend in with the crowd to gather some information

Uncle Festy
2008-11-03, 06:25 PM
Duck down the alley and observe the pie test. :smallbiggrin:

What he said.

You Are Apple Pie


You're the perfect combo of comforting and traditional.
You prefer things the way you've always known them.
You'll admit that you're old fashioned, and you don't see anything wrong with that.
Your tastes and preferences are classic. And classic never goes out of style.

Those who like you crave security.
People can rely on you to be true to yourself - and true to them.
You're loyal, trustworthy, and comfortable in your own skin.
And because of these qualities, you've definitely earned a lot of respect.
Right down to the test result! :smallamused:

2008-11-03, 07:15 PM
Should I be amused, or remain ashamed?

2008-11-03, 07:16 PM
Should I be amused, or remain ashamed?

Just consider yourself infamous and run with it from there.

2008-11-03, 07:33 PM
i already voted but i had to see the results

You Are Pumpkin Pie


You're the perfect combo of uniqueness and quality.
You're able to relate to many types of people with many different tastes.
But you're by no means generic or ordinary.
In fact, you're one of the most original people around.

Those who like you are looking for something (or someone) special.
You tend confuse people when they first meet you. But you're not as complicated as you seem.
Even though you have a lot of spice and flavor to you, you're never overpowering.
You are a calm and comforting force in people's lives.

What Kind of Pie Are You? (http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofpieareyouquiz/)

2008-11-03, 10:52 PM
Bah! Derailing our game with frivilous quizzes! Ooooh...pie....
You Are Cherry Pie


You're the perfect combo of innocent and sexy.
At times, you seem a bit naive, simple, and innocent.
But at second glance, you are sensual, seductive, and even a little naughty.
You have people fooled - at least you'd like to think so.

Those who like you enjoy a contradiction.
Either that, or they can't really make up their minds about what they want.
And you can usually give people what they want... as long as you're in the mood.
You've been known to be quite tempestuous, and pleasing others is not high on your list of priorities.

What Kind of Pie Are You? (http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofpieareyouquiz/)

*laughs* how very me.

2008-11-04, 12:03 AM

I stand by the fact that causing a heap of pie-related derailment was not my original intention.

...After exams, I am making a Blogthings SMBG...

Perhaps our character has caught the scent of pie from the alley!

2008-11-04, 01:51 AM
Take the Pie Test.

Jontom Xire
2008-11-04, 03:38 AM
That is an awful test. Question 1: What goes best with pie. The answer is obviously cream (double or thick but NOT whipped, especially that horrible fake stuff out of a squirty can - I hate that with a passion) and it's not even an option!

Apparently I, too, am apple pie.

2008-11-04, 03:42 AM
Am I the only one who just doesn't like pie?

2008-11-04, 03:57 AM
Am I the only one who just doesn't like pie?

Me neither *joins the pie disliker squad*

2008-11-04, 04:28 AM
blend into the crowd and gather information...
about the pie test
You Are Apple Pie

You're the perfect combo of comforting and traditional.
You prefer things the way you've always known them.
You'll admit that you're old fashioned, and you don't see anything wrong with that.
Your tastes and preferences are classic. And classic never goes out of style.

Those who like you crave security.
People can rely on you to be true to yourself - and true to them.
You're loyal, trustworthy, and comfortable in your own skin.
And because of these qualities, you've definitely earned a lot of respect.

2008-11-04, 07:26 AM
How can you not like pie?!


You Are Pumpkin Pie


You're the perfect combo of uniqueness and quality.
You're able to relate to many types of people with many different tastes.
But you're by no means generic or ordinary.
In fact, you're one of the most original people around.

Those who like you are looking for something (or someone) special.
You tend confuse people when they first meet you. But you're not as complicated as you seem.
Even though you have a lot of spice and flavor to you, you're never overpowering.
You are a calm and comforting force in people's lives.

Huh... I would've thought I might be Lemon Pie... I love that stuff :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-04, 09:20 AM
Not like pie? Blasphemer!

Wow i think this is right and pumkin pie is the best:smallbiggrin:
You Are Pumpkin Pie

You're the perfect combo of uniqueness and quality.
You're able to relate to many types of people with many different tastes.
But you're by no means generic or ordinary.
In fact, you're one of the most original people around.

Those who like you are looking for something (or someone) special.
You tend confuse people when they first meet you. But you're not as complicated as you seem.
Even though you have a lot of spice and flavor to you, you're never overpowering.
You are a calm and comforting force in people's lives.

2008-11-04, 10:51 AM
Duck down the alley and observe

2008-11-05, 04:36 PM
Duck down the alley and observe.
Lemon Meringue? I hate lemon meringue!!! :smallfurious: I guess i'm a pie that loves self-loathing. :smallwink:

Dr. Bath
2008-11-05, 04:48 PM
blend into the crowd and gather information about pie!

You Are Mud Pie


You're the perfect combo of flavor and depth.
You are overpowering and dominant - and that's what people like about you.
You bring energy and a new direction to most interactions.
People crave you in a serious way. You're that important to them.

Those who like you give into their impulses.
You don't represent reason. You represent pure temptation.
People get addicted to you rather easily.
You offer people a dark side that is very hard to resist.

What Kind of Pie Are You? (http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofpieareyouquiz/)

2008-11-05, 09:23 PM
Hey guys! Sorry for the late update here.

Though I think Dr. Bath breaks it, as of around 11:45 last night, we had a TIE for our action.

Only two courses of action will be available to us now:

Duck down the Alley
Blend in with the Crowd.

I'd like to ask everyone to re-vote, and we'll have an update on FRIDAY.

Uncle Festy
2008-11-05, 09:24 PM
Into the alley, with PIE!

2008-11-05, 11:13 PM
Duck down the alley avoiding pie.

2008-11-05, 11:41 PM
Pie down the alley

2008-11-06, 12:11 AM
I say blend in with the crowd.

2008-11-06, 12:36 AM
blend in pie into the crowd

2008-11-06, 01:15 AM
Duck down into the alley with PI

2008-11-06, 01:42 AM
Down into the alley

with pie

2008-11-06, 02:22 AM
blend in the crowd and Gather information about pie

Tempest Fennac
2008-11-06, 02:46 AM
Duck down the alley.

2008-11-06, 04:32 AM
Blend into the pie with crowd.

2008-11-06, 06:52 AM
Blend together ingredients until you have cake.....oops, I mean pie.

2008-11-06, 08:49 AM
Alley down the pie.

2008-11-06, 09:14 AM
Blend into the Pie

2008-11-06, 09:29 AM
Blend together ingredients until you have cake.....oops, I mean pie.
The cake is a pie!

2008-11-06, 03:00 PM
Blend. Pie.

2008-11-06, 03:11 PM
All in favor of abandoning everything and starting a pie shop, say I.


2008-11-06, 03:15 PM
All in favor of abandoning everything and starting a pie shop, say I.

White light, dada-dada-da, white light...

2008-11-06, 07:01 PM
All in favor of abandoning everything and starting a pie shop, say I.


Him indeed.

2008-11-06, 07:51 PM
I'm hungry now. I also really hope that whatever the action we take, a pie is brought into the story.

Ummm... Blend

2008-11-06, 08:24 PM

will it blend?! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-06, 09:13 PM
Blend in with the crowd, steal pi.

2008-11-06, 10:35 PM
Apologies to the narrators for starting this. Really truly honestly I never meant for this to happen.

But dang, it's amusing.

2008-11-07, 02:13 AM

2008-11-08, 02:28 PM
((My apologies for the late update. By the time I realized we needed an update, it was 3 in the morning. And I don't count well. And I couldn't bribe Alarra to do it. :smallbiggrin:))

Tara stared at the mob for only a moment, weighing his options carefully. He started to edge towards the alleyway closest to him, a course of action encouraged by the fact that a fresh apple pie was waiting on one of the nearby window sills, steaming in the cool night air. His father had always told him, though, "Get your information while you can!" Information was the one thing that kept him ahead of those trying to get him. With that thought in mind, he turned to study the brick wall behind him until the mob was almost atop him, and then expertly slipped in among them, mimicking their rabble rousing noises and keeping his ears open.

He followed along slowly, never drifting towards the front or the back, but making sure to stay as incomspicuous as one can in purple pants and an orange scarf. He heard mutterings, and the occasional cry of "He wrecked my PI!" issued forth from the crowd, catching him off guard. It seems everyone favors pastries tonight. Slowly, but surely, the faces in the crowd become less... faceless. He begins to recognize a few of them even as they start to notice his outlandish attire, his tousled black hair, his toothy and gleaming smile. His eyes widening in shock and horror, he begins to filter towards the back of the crowd, desperately trying to make his way out of the mob. He had just broken clear as the mob realized their quarry had been among them the entire time.
Slow to anger they may be, but the city league of Mathematicians and Engineers held a grudge well, and Tara had set them back months of work, using their latest telescope as a cover for one of his daring escapes, ruining dozens of calculations and tens of thousands of dollars in precious materials.

Faced with the army of thick glasses and pocket protectors before him, he gulped hard. They were physically weak... maybe he could overpower enough of them to get away. And of course, scientists were always open to reason... maybe his silver tongue could provide an answer. Then, of course, there was always his most trusty option. Run. He worked through each of these scenarios in his head quickly, deciding what his best course might be...


Attempt to physically dominate the nerds
Blind them not only with science, but reason
Use your knowledge of the town to facilitate a hasty retreat
User Supported Actions
Steal the glasses of the angry mob

((Our next update will be on Tuesday, November 11th. Remember, discuss the options in front of you, decide the best course, and then go with it. Half the fun is figuring out why you're doing what you do, not just doing it. :smallamused: Good Luck!))

2008-11-08, 02:42 PM
its an angry mob....too many people even, if they are nerds, to sucessfully fight. angry mobs dont listen to reason. ummmmmm

run away run away

or we could just rickroll them and hope for the best

2008-11-08, 02:43 PM
Blind them with science and reason pie!

2008-11-08, 02:48 PM
Running away is just lame, where is that going to get us? It doesn't have the slightest bit of style, or panache, whatever that is. Using reason? What possible argument could we have to sway them? And trying to fool them won't help either, since these are the smartest men in the city.

No, I say we fight them. Stuff them in some lockers or something.

Tempest Fennac
2008-11-08, 02:55 PM
Use your knowledge of the town to facilitate a hasty retreat

2008-11-08, 03:41 PM
Blind them not only with science, but reason (By taking away their glasses?)

2008-11-08, 03:49 PM
Mustiado said they have a bunch of thick glasses, right? This implies major vision correction.

I say we steal their glasses. They can't find and attack us if they can't see us.

V Then do it all at once!:smalltongue:

2008-11-08, 03:50 PM
Mustiado said they have a bunch of thick glasses, right? This implies major vision correction.

I say we steal their glasses. They can't find and attack us if they can't see us.
I think it's unlikely we'll be able to walk around and steal each one of their glasses, one by one...

2008-11-08, 03:58 PM

2008-11-08, 04:08 PM
Blind them with logic

2008-11-08, 05:08 PM
Steal their glasses.

2008-11-08, 05:17 PM
Take the pie test!

...wait... I'll get back to you.

2008-11-08, 07:34 PM
Steal their glasses, then blind them with pie.

2008-11-08, 08:06 PM
A variant of this (http://xkcd.com/356/)?

Thick glasses doesn't always mean major vision correction. My glasses got thinner after a certain point, when they had to switch to a different type of lens.

2008-11-08, 09:29 PM
Run, run, run away, like some psycho killer...

2008-11-08, 09:59 PM
Fight! The nerds shall fall!

2008-11-09, 12:01 AM
Use your knowledge of the town to facilitate a hasty retreat

Also, steal some new clothes and ditch these far too conspicuous ones!

2008-11-09, 12:12 AM
Logic. Probably having to do with asking them to recite the number Pi to prove their knowledge.

2008-11-09, 12:36 AM
Mechafox, could you start putting clarifications with your actions? I don't want to misinterpret one. :smallwink:

Also, just as an update, stealing the glasses from everyone in the mob is nearly an official option, with a support of four (I took Catseye's earlier suggestion as an unofficial endorsement.)

Very pleased with the discussion so far this round. Carry on!

Thoughts I'd like to interject (since I'm not playing and dearly want to be participating):

The option wasn't necessarily to fight the nerds. The option was to intimidate them with a show of force. That could range anywhere from said atomic wedgie to snapping a board over your knee, and looking menacing. Tera DOES have a lot of charisma...

Also, don't believe that their massive intelligence makes them invulnerable to logic. If anything, it forces them to pay more heed to it.

That is all.

2008-11-09, 12:44 AM
Also, steal some new clothes and ditch these far too conspicuous ones!


2008-11-09, 01:53 AM
Honestly, you can interpret my insane ravings however you want.

2008-11-09, 10:39 AM
Support the glasses stealing action! We need your help.

edit: @v Yes!

Uncle Festy
2008-11-09, 01:38 PM
im in ur cyoa game, stealin ur glasses!

Lizard Lord
2008-11-09, 04:58 PM
He bravely ran away

2008-11-09, 10:34 PM
stealing there glasses wont do anything kill them KILL

Jontom Xire
2008-11-10, 03:19 AM
Well I did say duck down the alleyway. It was obvious the mob would turn out to be after us. But who listens to me?

I don't suppose anyone will listen to me now either, when I say Run away!!!.

2008-11-10, 03:26 AM
Hey, I said duck down the alley, too.

But all of a sudden everyone listened to me when I suggested seriously stealing spectacles swiftly. :smalleek:

I have yet to figure out why...

2008-11-10, 03:28 AM
Blind them not only with science, but reason (By taking away their glasses?)

Bolded for emphesis... Before your post :smalltongue:

2008-11-12, 02:17 PM
Tera stared back at the mob, the streetlight glinting off of their glasses maliciously. He gulped, realizing that his strength wasn't enough to overcome this many people, even if they were pasty and malnourished.

"Now listen guys, I'm sure we can all settle this in a calm and friendly fashion..." he started, his eyes searching out the crowd. Thankfully, he managed to see the flying missle just a moment before it struck him on the forehead, giving him the second needed to duck out of the way of the flying pager that had been hurled from the back of the mob.

To hell with this... Tera thought to himself, slowly putting one foot behind the other. "LOOK! Behind you on that building! A complex mathematical equation with phrase mechanics and unrelated unknown integers!" As one, the mob turned quickly to examime what promised to be a most complex conundrum, but by the time they realized he could have just as easily screamed that gullible was written on the building behind them, he was off and running. Using his intimate knowledge of the town alleys and back streets, he dashed well ahead of his brainy pursuers, eventually using the deep shadows by City Hall to lose the wheezing, snorting mob.

Chuckling to himself, he stepped back into the street, watching the mob depart. Tera took in his surroundings, nothing that he was in the area of town he had originally hoped to end up in, and none the worse for wear. All that running had left him parched. Of course, he was also near the local "house of ill repute" that had been his original target. There were always a few good games on this end of town as well... Maybe a chance to earn a bit more money before the night was over. What to do?

Get your freak on
Stop for a tall, cool one
Look for yet another crowd to fleece out of cash

((Glasses lost by one vote. I was looking forward to that one. :smallbiggrin:))

Lizard Lord
2008-11-12, 02:33 PM
Buy this man a drink!

2008-11-12, 02:33 PM
Get your freak on

2008-11-12, 02:40 PM

*sigh* Get your freak on, whatever that means. Though I'm willing to change for a more interesting option should one come up.

Must... think... creatively...

((P.S. I write down the page number for mob incident so when I finish going through this line and reach the end I can flip back and choose the glasses path instead.))

2008-11-12, 02:44 PM
Pay for love? With this snazzy outfit? I think not!

We'll go have some beers and charm the pants (or other vestments of choice) off some ladies.

Tempest Fennac
2008-11-12, 02:49 PM
Look for yet another crowd to fleece out of cash.

2008-11-12, 02:49 PM
Get that man a beer!

2008-11-12, 02:51 PM
Look for yet another crowd to fleece out of cash.
We didn't even fleece this one... :smallannoyed:

Tempest Fennac
2008-11-12, 02:51 PM
(I know. I just don't like the sound of the other options, and I'm assuming Tara needs money.)

2008-11-12, 02:52 PM
A few beers seem to be in order.

2008-11-12, 02:57 PM
I just got an idea. How about we head to the house of ill repute and get paid to have a good time?

We've got high charisma, that should work.

2008-11-12, 04:09 PM
Look for yet another crowd to fleece out of cash

2008-11-12, 06:53 PM
Go get some Beer.

2008-11-12, 07:10 PM
I just got an idea. How about we head to the house of ill repute and get paid to have a good time?

We've got high charisma, that should work.

Would there be "negative consequences"?

2008-11-12, 07:14 PM
Would there be "negative consequences"?

I can think of some... Like certain diseases.

2008-11-12, 07:30 PM
Would there be "negative consequences"?
No more than getting our freak on would. Less, probably.

Uncle Festy
2008-11-12, 07:31 PM
Look for another crowd

2008-11-12, 10:24 PM
Beers for all my new friends!

Whilst I quietly nurse a single drink over the course of it.

2008-11-12, 10:45 PM
Make Money by Selling Your Body at the House of Ill Repute.

((Actually, I might change my action if no one supports it. **** that. It's going to get support, I know it.))

2008-11-12, 10:55 PM
check out the town hall bulletin boards for wanted people

2008-11-13, 12:17 AM
Grab a cold one! (Who doesn't like a good drink?)

2008-11-13, 02:23 AM
No more than getting our freak on would. Less, probably.

Depends (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=get+your+freak+on).

What would be the in-game consequence of such "negative consequences", anyway?

2008-11-13, 02:40 AM
How about start telling a long story for money and or suckers help, as well as give them beers, I guess.

2008-11-13, 03:55 AM
i vote for BEER and a slice of pie

Jontom Xire
2008-11-13, 03:57 AM
Need I say more?

2008-11-13, 06:05 AM
Make Money by Selling Your Body at the House of Ill Repute.

((Actually, I might change my action if no one supports it.)
I support this.

2008-11-13, 08:27 AM
Make Money by Selling Your Body at the House of Ill Repute.

((Actually, I might change my action if no one supports it.)

As do I.Gah! Damn text requirements.

2008-11-13, 09:48 AM
Make Money by Selling Your Body at the House of Ill Repute.

2008-11-13, 09:51 AM
Beer since I just disagree with the "selling your body option", don't you know all the wierd diseases you can get? And there are plenty of other ways of making money without that kind of risks.

Edit: Spelling Errors.

2008-11-13, 09:58 AM
Beer since U just disagree with the "selling yout body option", don't you know all the wierd diseases you can get? And there are plenty of other ways of making money without that kind of risks.
Sometimes, you have to take risks to get ahead in life. And, don't deny it, we do need the money; I'm sure that someone as ...skilled as Tara would be very well received and, consequently, well-paid.

He is trained in ventriloquism, right?

2008-11-13, 10:06 AM
*sigh* Upon reading other's posts I think I figured it out (unfortunately). Why couldn't it have meant go gambling like I thought it did...

Stop for a tall, cool one instead.

2008-11-13, 02:56 PM
Buy this guy a cool one.

2008-11-13, 03:08 PM
Reinholdt gets his freak on

2008-11-13, 06:33 PM
Look for another crowd to fleece more money.

2008-11-14, 03:04 AM
Get our freak on.

2008-11-16, 08:48 PM
Tara glanced about, until his sights finally settled on what he was looking for: A small, out of the way pub stashed in the corner of the square. Whistling to himself, he set a quick pace for the door, the sweet brew already imagined on his tongue.

When he walked through the door, however, an entirely different scene greeted him. A man pushed past him as he stepped through the door, falling to his knees and wretching in the nearby gutter. Shaking his head, he stepped more fully into the room, taking in the scene. Directly in the center of the bar sat a massive mound of a man, his cheeks red from drink, laughing uncontrollably at the man's obvious discomfort. Shot glasses were piled before him, as well as a stack of money at least four inches high. Tara couldn't help but lick his lips at that sight. He attempted to push past the crowd around the mammoth, headed towards the bar as he rolled around a plan to get that money from the giant when a loud, fairly unpleasant voice blasted from behind him.

"No one steps to my bar without paying me the toll!" the behemoth called over his shoulder, pouring himself another shot of whiskey and downing it in one solid gulp. He issued a blech, and then turned to stare Tara down, eyeing his purple pants. "At least, not a pretty fairy like yourself..." he muttered, before roaring in laughter again, his friends slowly catching on, the drink having dulled their wits far more than their companion. Tara turned back, slightly miffed at the giant's remarks, his eyes unintentionally flickering to the pile of money on the table.

The giant caught his unsubtle glance. "Oho... You think you can take it, can you? Well then have a seat! Let's see how well you hold your drink!" The man waved at the chair across from him, already busily lining up two shots, as if the contest was a foregone conclusion. Tara couldn't help but glance around and smile. He didn't want any trouble, and yet...


Challenge Big, Fat and Ugly to a drinking contest
Use your charm to bypass the table to the bar
Fork over a couple bucks, and enjoy a beer in peace

EDIT: @V Damn. That was fast, man.

2008-11-16, 08:51 PM
Use the charm

Uncle Festy
2008-11-16, 08:53 PM
Drinking contest, ahoy! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-16, 08:56 PM
(drinking contest)

2008-11-16, 08:57 PM
((@^: :smalleek:...:smallbiggrin: There's no appropriate laughing out loud face. That was hysterical, Mecha.))

2008-11-16, 08:59 PM
Challenge Big, Fat and Ugly to a drinking contest

2008-11-16, 09:03 PM
I'm soooo tempted to say grab the money and run. We can outrun fat drunks, right? But I don't want the cops on our case (unless they already are for some reason, then I say go for it.)

For now, though, Challenge Big, Fat and Ugly to a drinking contest.

Edit: Yeah, might as rig it while we're at it. Don't care how.

2008-11-16, 09:44 PM
Challenge Big, Fat and Ugly to a rigged drinking game.

2008-11-16, 09:49 PM
I agree;
Challenge Big, Fat and Ugly to a rigged drinking game.

2008-11-16, 09:57 PM
Challenge the BFU to a rigged drinking game.

2008-11-17, 12:17 AM
Lose a drinking contest like Indy will lose to me....

2008-11-17, 12:19 AM
Rig the drinking contest!

2008-11-17, 12:33 AM
Still hoping for him to tell a epic story of epic proportions

2008-11-17, 01:00 AM
Rig the contest with your LIVER OF THE GORGONS

2008-11-17, 03:11 AM
Rig the contest.

2008-11-17, 03:40 AM
Challenge BFU for the money. Charm the server into spiking BFU's rounds with something strong.

Jontom Xire
2008-11-17, 05:29 AM
Challenge BFU to a drinking contest and charm the server into spiking the drink with something that'll make him pass out!

Umm, how can you spike someone's drink with something strong when your doing shots of neat liquor? I'm thinking more drugs. If you slip an aspirin into spirits doesn't that cause an instant knock-out? Or am I thinking sleeping pills?

2008-11-17, 06:45 AM
Lose a drinking contest like Indy will lose to me....

You wish little man! Just you wait!!

2008-11-17, 08:05 AM
I don't think we actually have anything to spike the drinks with, so I say we should distract them with some storytelling (one of our skills, after all) and only pretend to knock back our drinks.

That is, rig the drinking contest.

2008-11-17, 08:12 AM
Rig the contest

or, if the jury prefers

Use ventriloquism and make the drink talk to the fat man. Then steal his money.

2008-11-17, 08:31 AM
Use ventriloquism and make the drink talk to the fat man. Then steal his money.
Off course! Why was I even suggesting storytelling when we have a skill that is much more usefull in this situation?

We could even make it look like the fat guy says he gives up!

2008-11-17, 09:08 AM
drinking contest

Uncle Festy
2008-11-17, 07:23 PM
Changing my vote to what Reinholdt said about ventriloquism.
Or, even better, we can have his drink tell him a story! :smalltongue:

2008-11-17, 07:34 PM
Use ventriloquism to rig the contest

2008-11-17, 08:13 PM
Or, even better, we can have his drink tell him a story! :smalltongue:

Yes! Yes, off course! This is the best plan ever, you guys!

2008-11-17, 08:14 PM
Changing my vote to what Reinholdt said about ventriloquism.
Or, even better, we can have his drink tell him a story! :smalltongue:

Reinholdt didn't say anything about ventriloquism...

Do you mean me, or Mr. Edward Nigma? :smalltongue:

2008-11-17, 08:16 PM
Reinholdt didn't say anything about ventriloquism...

Do you mean me, or Mr. Edward Nigma? :smalltongue:

Pssh. I said it. I just used ventriloquism to make it seem like I didn't.
Yeah. That's it.

2008-11-17, 08:21 PM

Internet ventriloquism!?

There's a meme in there...:smallwink:

And I'll let someone else claim rule 34 on it... >_>

Uncle Festy
2008-11-17, 08:21 PM
I knew that…
Still standing with my idea to have his drink tell him a story (and use that to win the contest!)

2008-11-18, 05:39 AM
rig the drinking contest by telling a story that adds a shot to his needed to drink count

ie first round tara drinks one shot BFU drinks 1, second round of the story tara drinks 1 BFU drinks two shots that round, etc

2008-11-18, 05:53 AM
have the fat mans drink tell him a story