View Full Version : Baldur's Gate

2008-10-28, 05:25 PM
How many of you guys still play Baldur's Gate? This can include Baldur's Gate II as well.

IMO it has to be one of the best games ever made.

Does anyone else have thoughts on this epic game?

Mr. Mud
2008-10-28, 05:28 PM
Yup it is a very good game... although i just stop palyed BGII because my wizard could solo anything... This:

Finger of Death

Was sort of how every battle went...

Icewind Dale, and IWD2 are also great games by black isle... less interaction, more stabbing things. In the end it all evens out I'd say :smallbiggrin:.

2008-10-28, 05:37 PM
dude, nice.

I got impatient with my Baldur's Gate 1 character cause they take so long to level up, so I got Baldur's Gate 2, and Throne of Bhaal

2008-10-28, 05:39 PM
Sarevock was easy if you just conjured monsters repeatedly.

Inhuman Bot
2008-10-28, 05:45 PM
Just bought baldurs gate II.

At bestbuy.

Oddest thing I've seen in awhile O.o

2008-10-28, 05:51 PM
Sarevock was easy if you just conjured monsters repeatedly.

It was all quite complicated and very cheesy.
I sent my boots-of-speed wearing wizard to the throne, moving and saving game each step until the ogre saw me in his line of sight. I ran back to the rest of my party, summoned a couple of monsters and he died.
I went outside, rested and saved. Couldn't take the other three solo so I just had my conjurer (max level) use up his wands of summoning and his spells. Branwen had a couple of skeletons.
He killed the summoned creatures easily so I had to shoot magic missiles at Sarevok from a distance, two of my party members were insta-killed but it was the end of the game so who cares?

And in BG2, my 15th level monk had to face the red dragon whose name I can't rememeber. I used the move that can kill an opponent in one hit if he fails his save. Didn't work the first time but I reloaded... :smalltongue:

Fun times.

EDIT: Fierkrag. Just remembered.

2008-10-28, 06:00 PM
There is a mod which allows you play Baldur's Gate I with the graphics and rules of the second game, which greatly improves the leveling speed and survivability and alllwog my favorite tactics - using traps and lure your enemies into them. Magic is for cowards.
I have forgotten the name, but that mod is highly recommendable. Actually, there are many well-made fan mods for Baldur's Gate, even more so for the second game.

2008-10-28, 06:34 PM
Nothing can beat Fallout series. But good crpg all-around.

2008-10-28, 06:34 PM
There is a mod which allows you play Baldur's Gate I with the graphics and rules of the second game, which greatly improves the leveling speed and survivability and alllwog my favorite tactics - using traps and lure your enemies into them. Magic is for cowards.
I have forgotten the name, but that mod is highly recommendable. Actually, there are many well-made fan mods for Baldur's Gate, even more so for the second game.

That mod is called BGTutu (don't ask :smallamused:) and it's great! I have always preferred BG I and being able to replay it with better graphics and character kits only makes it better.

I have played BG I and II dozens upon dozens of times and it never gets old, especially with all the cool mods out there. Try googling for Sorcerers, Pocket Plane Group and Gibberlings Three. Sorcerers has the best BG board and the other 2 websites are the largest mod distributers.

2008-10-28, 07:20 PM
I love BGII! I'm playing it right now and vastly prefer it to BG because BGII is more compact and deep than BG. In my opinion its the only RPG that has ever gotten it all right, besides Planescape of course.

2008-10-28, 07:28 PM
Arg, trying to find a copy of it somewhere to buy! But nowhere has it anymore...sorrow.

2008-10-28, 08:44 PM
And in BG2, my 15th level monk had to face the red dragon whose name I can't rememeber. I used the move that can kill an opponent in one hit if he fails his save. Didn't work the first time but I reloaded... :smalltongue:

Fun times.

Always a giggle when that happens. My own Moment of Unlikely Success is along a similar route, as someone accidentally cast Disintegrate on the Blue Half-Dragon/Half-Human Bhaalspawn in ToB.

Still not sure how it happened - I think it was just coincidentally the highest spell available to the caster and I accidentally left their AI on when I started the fight - but I wasted all those buffs and potions on a fight that lasted precisely 4 rounds. My fighters didn't even have time to close the gap and take a swing at it! :smallyuk:

Baldur's Gate 2 and the Throne of Bhaal ending is easily my most favourite game of all time - I've played it to death and I still keep going back for more every so often.
I just wish they'd hurry up and finish the Mod. that starts a romance between the Protagonist and Mazzy Fentan. All the other girls have them, and I'd love to see how hers would work out.

2008-10-28, 09:13 PM
Monks in BGII are ridiculously overpowered, but that's why we love 'em. I remember my monk pulled off many similar feats. It's like they're a high level mage armed with death spells and a fighter combined.

2008-10-28, 09:33 PM
I just wish they'd hurry up and finish the Mod. that starts a romance between the Protagonist and Mazzy Fentan. All the other girls have them, and I'd love to see how hers would work out.

They even have an Imoen mod. Think about that for a while.

2008-10-28, 10:19 PM
Monks in BGII are ridiculously overpowered, but that's why we love 'em. I remember my monk pulled off many similar feats. It's like they're a high level mage armed with death spells and a fighter combined.

Eh. I prefer Fighter/Mage or Cleric/Ranger. Either one has access to some of the most powerful weapons in the game (only way to keep 25 Strength without fear of dispels) and plenty of spells to handle all your other problems.

I managed to solo all of SoA and part of ToB with a Fighter/Mage (including Watcher's Keep). Beholders were the death of me, really, caused more reloads than anything if there was an Elder Orb in the area (and there usually was).

The final fight with Demogorgon in WK was a bit of a letdown for me. Wearing the Robe of Vecna, that necklace that reduces cast times, some things I can't remember at this point, wielding Crom Faeyr in the off-hand and the maxxed out Flail of Ages in the main hand. Here's basically how it went for my solo character:

Pre-Battle Prep:
Cast Chain Contingency, have it cast Pierce Shield three times on the nearest enemy when an enemy appears.
Cast Spell Trigger, store three Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting.
Drop a bunch of Skull Traps where Demogorgon spawns. Hope to get lucky.
Sleep. Memorize different spells in place of Chain Contingency and the Pierce Shields.
Standard plethora of buffs. Mirror Image, Blur, Stoneskin, Fireshiled (Red/Blue), Protection from Evil, Improved Haste, and True Sight. Probably some more I'm forgetting.
Drop More Skull Traps.

Battle Begins:
Demogorgon pops up.
Skull traps go off in a glorious, laggy eruption. Accomplish nothing except looking badass.
Chain Contingency nails him and drops his Magic Resistance to 0.
Drop the Spell Trigger on him. Get him to about half health.
Cast Spell Trigger again. Store three more Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting in it.
Cast second Spell Trigger on him.
Stand amazed that I finished him off in two rounds. Get annoyed by the Mariliths and their stupid Protection from Magical Weapons.

It was actually even less climactic for my earlier runs with parties. Jan had Spike Traps, and since I knew where Demogorgon popped up, I littered the ground with traps. Bastard spawns and immediately dies to the 100d10 damage.

The fight with the 6 evil jerks to get into on the floor above is more epic than that. I went to town with Mordenkainen's Swords and Skull Traps and excessive amounts of planning to just get lucky in the end and win. It's the same premise as Demogorgon; I know where they spawn, so I know how I should set up for the fight, but most of it with them was getting lucky with spells not being resisted, the damn Beholder dying in the first or second round and Mordy's Swords not getting dispelled.

Cleric/Ranger was my favorite though. More melee dependent than the F/M, but you had some incredibly handy backup spells (Creeping Doom comes to mind, but most of them were melee buffs).

2008-10-29, 03:56 AM
Any character is soloed nowadays, fighter/mages and ranger/clerics can be as overpowered as you want them to be.

I once soloed the game with a beasthunter, Tutu through to the end of BG II (didn't even want to try ToB though). It was fairly easy once you get all of the überequipment.

Avilan the Grey
2008-10-29, 04:34 AM
Must. Install. BGII. Need Viconia Fix.


Yes yes, she's the one character I ALWAYS have in my team... Too bad we can't get her in say WAR graphics...

Yes, sometimes I am unforgivingly pathetic.

2008-10-29, 04:42 AM
They even have an Imoen mod. Think about that for a while.

There was work on an Edwin mod. Talk about misaimed fandom...

As for my soloing, it was an assasin on insane from Candlekeep (he was thief at that time) all the way to the Throne of Bhaal. Vanilla game is too easy, mods are required to make it challenging for a soloing thief type. However Ascension, the king of all mods, becomes impossible on insane (Irenicus, Bodhi and TWO fallen solars for the first stage). So I had to play the final on normal to finish it.

2008-10-29, 04:44 AM
A series I am ashamed to say I've never finished. Took a Paladin through BG1 (my younger brother took a Druid), then they both got lost through a computer mishap. Have started BG2 several times, with Monks, Fighters, Paladins and Mages, but never got further then Spellhold with any of them. Personally hated Mind Flayers. They stun, and drain 5 Int from whoever they hit, killing them when they get below 0 Int. So annoying.

2008-10-29, 07:51 AM
I love this series. The first one is tons of fun, but I was never able to finish the final boss without loosing my main character. Overpowered-vok would always mow through my summons and then through my party. (You know there's a problem when your highest HP frontliner goes down on a single successful blow.) Eventually I cheated to keep him alive so I could see the ending.

Two was not so hard. After a while the sorceror is simply such a machine of violent death that nothing at all survives the onslaught.

You forgot Spellhold Studio's. All sorts of awesome mods. There's also BGT, designed for 1,2, and TOB. I've never used either, since I could never get Tutu to recognize that I had both installed.

I need a new Copy of the original Saga. My disc two is scratched right where High Hedge is kept. And I can't even play with a nearly full install, because I get an assertion error when I try and load.

So I'll keep obsessively playing 2.

2008-10-29, 08:31 AM
Beholders were the death of me, really, caused more reloads than anything if there was an Elder Orb in the area (and there usually was).

Once you get through Sahaguin City and pick up the Cloak of Reflecting, Beholders are just target practice. Admittedly that means leaving the Cult of the Eyeless quest until after you get out of the Underdark, which isn't really worth it except to get to the Demilich Tombs at a reasonably overpowered level.

Still, there's a lot to be said for watching an unarmed Sorcerer solo an Elder Orb in close combat.... :smallbiggrin:

They even have an Imoen mod. Think about that for a while.

She's Bi-Curious as well, just in case you hadn't got your daily Squick allowance.

There was work on an Edwin mod. Talk about misaimed fandom...

It's actually finished and playable now (http://www.spellholdstudios.net/ie/edwin), and to be fair, Edwin was at least funny. Anomen annoyed the heck out of me, and had I not needed a second Cleric I would probably have sent him for a long walk into the Underdark and gone on my merry way.

Comparatively, the Nalia Romance isn't badly written but I particularly dislike her and never use it while the Imoen Romance is... unnerving, to say the least.

I'm truly amazed that no one has attempted a Minsc Romance. The Big Guy is adorable, and his 'looking for a new Witch' banter would be perfect for such a Mod.

2008-10-29, 08:43 AM
Once you get through Sahaguin City and pick up the Cloak of Reflecting, Beholders are just target practice. Admittedly that means leaving the Cult of the Eyeless quest until after you get out of the Underdark, which isn't really worth it except to get to the Demilich Tombs at a reasonably overpowered level.

Still, there's a lot to be said for watching an unarmed Sorcerer solo an Elder Orb in close combat.... :smallbiggrin:

I had two things which really should have helped make Elder Orbs not death on floating gas clouds. I had the Cloak of Reflection and the Shield of the Balduran that reflected beholder rays. I don't think they ever really worked properly, or at least they didn't reflect the anti-magic ray before it dispelled all my buffs. Once the EO was dead though, the rest of the group was a snap (Shield of the Balduran and stand still, they'll kill themselves).

The Evil Thing
2008-10-29, 08:53 AM
Arg, trying to find a copy of it somewhere to buy! But nowhere has it anymore...sorrow.
Amazon stock it. (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Baldurs-Gate-Compilation-PC-DVD/dp/B000FGA1US/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1225288174&sr=8-1)

Texas Jedi
2008-10-29, 09:27 AM
My favorite playthrough in BG2 was with a Archer ranger. I had Minsc, The old Paladin, Imoen, Aerie, and Myself. I had the best bow in the game and the infinite +2 arrow quiver. I Killed the black dragon myself before my melee attackers got to him. I had my casters cast the normal debuffs on him and I think I had like 6 or so attacks a round. I dropped him faster than a boxer drops a toddler in the ring.

I had another playthrough with a fighter/cleric. I liked that because I mainly a melee figher and didn't cast to many spells. I had the flail of ages on myself and I could hit harder than other frontliners (meat shields) in my group.

I do have a question? What race does it take for Viconia to start a romance with you? I was playing as a neutral evil elf wizard and she never was interested. I haven't tried a human yet though.

2008-10-29, 09:40 AM
Viconia will only start a Romance with Humans and Half-Elves. Anythign else, and she'll consider you scum like all the others.

Strangely your Class and Alignment don't seem to matter - she'll quite happily (if that is the right word to describe Viconia...) go for a Lawful Good Priest of Lathander, so long as it's human. :smallamused:

2008-10-29, 09:41 AM
My favorite playthrough in BG2 was with a Archer ranger. I had Minsc, The old Paladin, Imoen, Aerie, and Myself. I had the best bow in the game and the infinite +2 arrow quiver. I Killed the black dragon myself before my melee attackers got to him. I had my casters cast the normal debuffs on him and I think I had like 6 or so attacks a round. I dropped him faster than a boxer drops a toddler in the ring.

I had another playthrough with a fighter/cleric. I liked that because I mainly a melee figher and didn't cast to many spells. I had the flail of ages on myself and I could hit harder than other frontliners (meat shields) in my group.

I do have a question? What race does it take for Viconia to start a romance with you? I was playing as a neutral evil elf wizard and she never was interested. I haven't tried a human yet though.

She doesn't go for elves, I know that, I think she might go for half-orcs.

2008-10-29, 09:53 AM
Viconia likes humans and half-elves with high str scores (17+ iirc if you want a shot at her. And who doesn't?). Alternatively, there's a mod that allows you to have romances regardless of their requirements. It may even allow you to have multiple simultaneous romances. Been too long since I played.

My favorite mods are the Keepers. Some of the characters make a lot more sense with kits. For example - Jaheira, instead of a fighter/druid, becomes an avenger druid. Imoen's personality fits better with sorcerer than mage, but you lose her thief levels and have to bump up Nalia unless you have another thief in the party. :smallmad: Minsc = barbarian instead of ranger.

Avilan the Grey
2008-10-29, 10:09 AM
Viconia was my favourite playable NPC in BG1 too. Second favourite was the fireball-throwing chick. Dynaheir?

Vicky is both well written, sexy (if that can be said of a character in a game), and very useful.

2008-10-29, 10:14 AM
I absolutely love both bg1 and 2. I wonder if Dragon Age can capture some of the magic from those games..not holding my breath though :smallsigh:

2008-10-29, 10:37 AM
Eh. I prefer Fighter/Mage or Cleric/Ranger. Either one has access to some of the most powerful weapons in the game (only way to keep 25 Strength without fear of dispels) and plenty of spells to handle all your other problems.

I managed to solo all of SoA and part of ToB with a Fighter/Mage (including Watcher's Keep). Beholders were the death of me, really, caused more reloads than anything if there was an Elder Orb in the area (and there usually was).

The final fight with Demogorgon in WK was a bit of a letdown for me. Wearing the Robe of Vecna, that necklace that reduces cast times, some things I can't remember at this point, wielding Crom Faeyr in the off-hand and the maxxed out Flail of Ages in the main hand. Here's basically how it went for my solo character:

Pre-Battle Prep:
Cast Chain Contingency, have it cast Pierce Shield three times on the nearest enemy when an enemy appears.
Cast Spell Trigger, store three Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting.
Drop a bunch of Skull Traps where Demogorgon spawns. Hope to get lucky.
Sleep. Memorize different spells in place of Chain Contingency and the Pierce Shields.
Standard plethora of buffs. Mirror Image, Blur, Stoneskin, Fireshiled (Red/Blue), Protection from Evil, Improved Haste, and True Sight. Probably some more I'm forgetting.
Drop More Skull Traps.

Battle Begins:
Demogorgon pops up.
Skull traps go off in a glorious, laggy eruption. Accomplish nothing except looking badass.
Chain Contingency nails him and drops his Magic Resistance to 0.
Drop the Spell Trigger on him. Get him to about half health.
Cast Spell Trigger again. Store three more Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting in it.
Cast second Spell Trigger on him.
Stand amazed that I finished him off in two rounds. Get annoyed by the Mariliths and their stupid Protection from Magical Weapons.

It was actually even less climactic for my earlier runs with parties. Jan had Spike Traps, and since I knew where Demogorgon popped up, I littered the ground with traps. Bastard spawns and immediately dies to the 100d10 damage.

The fight with the 6 evil jerks to get into on the floor above is more epic than that. I went to town with Mordenkainen's Swords and Skull Traps and excessive amounts of planning to just get lucky in the end and win. It's the same premise as Demogorgon; I know where they spawn, so I know how I should set up for the fight, but most of it with them was getting lucky with spells not being resisted, the damn Beholder dying in the first or second round and Mordy's Swords not getting dispelled.

Cleric/Ranger was my favorite though. More melee dependent than the F/M, but you had some incredibly handy backup spells (Creeping Doom comes to mind, but most of them were melee buffs).

Bah, soloing mage/fighter or cleric/ranger is easy. You can solo BG II with almost any class anyway. I've done it with cavalier paladin, for heavens sake, and paladins are supposed to be weak :smalltongue: Granted, this particular paladin started the game with 19/19/19/11/15/19, but still, soloing with melee only type is oh so much more challengeling then with caster of any sort. I had fun with that game, I really did. By the end of the ToB, the guy had 21/19/20/12/16/21, or somewhere around that. A demigod in his own right :smallsmile:

I do love this game so much!

2008-10-29, 11:10 AM
Imoen's personality fits better with sorcerer than mage

Bard. Seriously. Heroic tales, pickpocketing, magic missile; it's Imoen.

2008-10-29, 11:34 AM
Bard. Seriously. Heroic tales, pickpocketing, magic missile; it's Imoen.

Yes, but bards suck even more than paladins. :smalltongue:

2008-10-29, 12:32 PM
They even have an Imoen mod. Think about that for a while.

Imoen's nothing. They have a Sarevok romance mod!

2008-10-29, 01:47 PM
Ah, the Baldur's Gate series. My personal favorite game. I've played, at last count, 300 some-odd complete games, from BG 1 all the way through ToB. I have solo'd every class/kit, including many custom kits I managed to snag online.

In the way of mods, the only real one I HAVE to suggest is The Longer Road mod. It allows you to redeem Irenicus at the end of ToB, and is really worth the effort to get right.

If anyone needs some advice about the game, let me know. I haven't played much recently, but I still remember some good play strategies, though my game is so modded that it's hardly the same game I bought anymore. :smallwink:

Good gaming!!


NOTE: yes, my avatar is Irenicus. BEST. VILLAIN. EVAR. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-29, 03:29 PM
ToB was great, specialy with a monk whos stats took about 2 hours to roll, and was soemthing like 18/18/18/16/10/18 :P.

That, and after taking him online and getting him pimped out, hes scary. Before, he hit for about 20'ish most of the time, and critted often at about 60-80. Pimped out, he hit for about 20-30, critted 80+, and of course had all the bonuses that super-gear like twin Rings of Gaxx deliver :smallsmile:

Avilan the Grey
2008-10-29, 04:41 PM
I never finished ToB for a reason starting with "V" :smalltongue:

2008-10-30, 06:02 PM

Let me guess... Vandals broke into your home, smashed your computer and stole your game discs? Vermin chewed through your PC's power cord? Villainous varlets kidnapped your loed ones and threatened them with death unless you stopped playing?

2008-10-30, 07:51 PM
No, he was out drinking with Vaarsuvius

Avilan the Grey
2008-10-31, 02:29 AM
No, he was out drinking with Vaarsuvius

No, it's because as soon as I figured out that if I finish, Viconia will die...
As I said, I am pathetic :smalleek:

2008-10-31, 07:20 AM
No, it's because as soon as I figured out that if I finish, Viconia will die...
As I said, I am pathetic :smalleek:

Get her petrified and cured, and you'll end up with the normal ending. I believe it involved a "never seen again", but they live. But, several people who joined you party in BG1 are killed in BG2. Granted, could be very annoying.

2008-10-31, 07:45 AM
That will, unfortunately, end the romance entirely so you will lose out on the last few scenes of dialogue.

And if you wait until the last few scenes are played out before trying it, the Romance will already be complete so there's nothing to lose and you'll still get the 'correct' ending.

Sorry Avilan, but you might just have to brace yourself and let it happen. It is, after all, probably the best of the available romances and the tragedy just adds to the magic in the end.

2008-11-01, 12:49 AM
I played 1, beat 2, and never got ToB, but wish i did. Good games. Great games.

And yes, Jon the Shattered One is awesome. I place him beside Dagoth Ur and Andrew Ryan as being great villains.

2008-11-01, 08:25 AM
And yes, Jon the Shattered One is awesome. I place him beside Dagoth Ur and Andrew Ryan as being great villains.Meh. I always preferred Sarevok myself. Irenicus never really had the same air or menace or dramatic pull. But then I'm in the minority of preferring the original game to the sequel

2008-11-01, 08:29 AM
Meh. I always preferred Sarevok myself. Irenicus never really had the same air or menace or dramatic pull. But then I'm in the minority of preferring the original game to the sequel

Well, Sarevok managed to be a D&D villain without being a spellcaster. That's got to count for something, big bads in D&D, especially FR, tend to be wizards or clerics.

2008-11-01, 08:30 AM
Sarevok was scarier. And working our way up the food chain to him is more fun than chasing after Irenicus (who didn't really put up much of a fight when we got him).

2008-11-01, 10:25 AM
I beg to differ. Sure, for somebody who beat the game couple of times Irenicus isn't all that hard to beat. But for new player, he is more than a little challenging. I mean, he is pretty much on par with Elminster, as far as I can guess and as far as pure spellcasting power goes. Sure, the scripts cheat a little from time to time, but the fact is, Irenicus isn't all that easy to beat. Not at Tree of Life, not in Baator. Also, depends on how much cheese are you using. Various tricks on your part, such as Protection from Magic and similar help you greatly. Also, having installed ToB together with SoA will usually allow you to achieve greater level of experience than you could have if you only had SoA installed, giving you acces to more powerful spells. All this can contribute greatly to Irenicus's demise.

The point I'm trying to get across here, Irenicus is hard to beat, if you play by the rules.

2008-11-01, 11:25 AM
Meh. I always preferred Sarevok myself. Irenicus never really had the same air or menace or dramatic pull. But then I'm in the minority of preferring the original game to the sequel

Oh come on! Irenicus was voiced by David Warner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Warner_(actor))!

2008-11-01, 11:41 AM
I do admit Sarevok's lines and voicing in ToB were supperb. Kevin Michael Richardson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Michael_Richardson) did great job there. Still, it isn't comparable to David Warner's voicing. That was whole another level of awesomenes.

2008-11-01, 11:45 AM
The point I'm trying to get across here, Irenicus is hard to beat, if you play by the rules.

Since when have we done that? :smalltongue: Actually, the only Irenicus fight I found hard was Baator. I was a little over-leveled for the asylum, although it was still challenging. I must also admit I am guilty of spamming traps for an insta-kill on the tree of life. The Baator battle confused me though. I reloaded about four times after he teleported, assuming it was just a glitch.

2008-11-01, 11:47 AM
Oh come on! Irenicus was voiced by David Warner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Warner_(actor))!

Maybe it's because I'm used to it, but after listening to several Irenicus' lines in original, I'm convinced that the Polish actor did a much better job am I'm generally unimpressed by Irenicus' English voice. It just doesn't seem to fit him.

2008-11-01, 11:50 AM
To me, Sarevok is the greater. I was young when I first played and he was always so menacing, I could never progress beyond the Nashkel Mines. I stopped playing for a while but re-played a few years later and finished it, so Sarevok has sentimental villainy.

I've never completed Shadows (although I do plan to), maybe Irenicus'll become more intimidating later on.

2008-11-01, 12:32 PM
Sarevok was scarier. And working our way up the food chain to him is more fun than chasing after Irenicus (who didn't really put up much of a fight when we got him).That's probably the big difference. Sarevok starts off in badass mode before disappearing for a while and allowing you to track him down through his minions. In comparison Irenicus tends to flit in an out of the plot without ever seeming particularly menacing

The point I'm trying to get across here, Irenicus is hard to beat, if you play by the rules. Nah, compare to the final battle in the original. Now that was a tough fight. In comparison the battle at the Tree of Life is just another mage fight

Oh come on! Irenicus was voiced by David Warner! Irenicus wanted to become a god by tapping into the Tree of Life. Sarevok wanted to become a god by initiating a war of murder that would see millions die. No comparison :smallwink:

Tre of the Wood
2008-11-01, 12:46 PM
I really liked this game, but I quit towards the end. Why? The last disk was scratched, and I could not enter the city of Baldur's Gate. So unfair. So much time... wasted...:smallfrown:

2008-11-01, 03:08 PM
Irenicus wanted to become a god by tapping into the Tree of Life. Sarevok wanted to become a god by initiating a war of murder that would see millions die. No comparison :smallwink:

To be fair, Irenicus did plan, and was then critical in the implementation of, the war between the Elves and the Drow. Had the Protagonist not stepped in (just as they did against Sarevok), Irenicus essentially attempted too commit genocide against his own former family and friends just as a distraction while he went on to attempt the greatest feasible blasphemy and ultimately Deicide.


So yeah... He's hardly 'phoning it in. :smalltongue:

Having said that, I have yet to complete the original Baldur's Gate, so I can't really comment on how tough Sarevok actually was.

Inhuman Bot
2008-11-01, 03:28 PM
finally getting around to installing Baldur's gate II, but one question: does it work on vista?

2008-11-01, 03:30 PM
Let's see, Saravok was a slaughter-happy bastard, but his end plan was just to become a god.

Irenicus was a cold, calculating bastard, but his end plan was to commit complete elven genocide, ascend to godhood, and then commit deicide against the entire elven pantheon.

Personal opinion here, but Irenicus' sheer balls and audacity of his plot make me fear him all the more, especially since he, you know, RIPPED YOUR DIVINE SOUL OUT AND BOUND IT TO HIMSELF. He's playing with divine power, and actually winning for awhile. If that's not pants-wettingly terrifying, I don't know what is.


2008-11-01, 03:30 PM
finally getting around to installing Baldur's gate II, but one question: does it work on vista?

It does on my computer.

2008-11-01, 04:09 PM
Irenicus was a greater villain (more ambition, more intensity, more everything). Objectively he's much more powerful than Sarevok. And David Werner did awesomer (by a slim margin) voice acting than Kevin Michael Richardson.

BUT, Sarevok is ultimately a better villain. Starting with pathetic losers like Shank and Carbos (how the hell could those suckers get into Candlekeep anyway?), going on with various bounty hunters, mercenaries, IT guys and Sarevok's followers, we are much more commited to stopping Sarevok. Comparing it to the merry ride we go through in BG2, Irenicus and his plans aren't given that much spotlight and consequently aren't that interesting.

Also comparing the final battles, Sarevok is not a hard enemy like Irenicus. He's a horribly overpowering enemy. Irenicus may be hard to beat without cheesing, but Sarevok is next to impossible. Which only adds to his menace.

You know what I noticed? This is just like a Joker vs Ra's Al Ghul debate. Ra's is definitely more powerful, magnificient, grand, etc but Joker is still Batsy's number one enemy.

Of course, this tangenting may have something to do with Werner's voicing of Ra's AND Richardson's voicing of Joker.

Mushroom Ninja
2008-11-01, 11:13 PM
How many of you guys still play Baldur's Gate? This can include Baldur's Gate II as well.

IMO it has to be one of the best games ever made.

Does anyone else have thoughts on this epic game?

Baldur's Gate, in addition to being one of the best video games of all time, will always have a special place in my heart as it is the game that introduced me to computer-based gaming.[/nostalgia]

2008-11-01, 11:47 PM
Baldur's Gate, in addition to being one of the best video games of all time, will always have a special place in my heart as it is the game that introduced me to computer-based gaming.[/nostalgia]

Me too, you and I should have a drink sometimes and reminisce about the good ole days.

2008-11-10, 07:24 PM
As long as this thread is here, I have some questions about Baldur's Gate 1 and the Sword Coast. I'm interested in actually trying to finish the game (I never got around to it back in the day, although I finished BG II) and have some questions about how ranged weapons work in the game since I know that it's a bit different than how it works in normal AD&D.

For one, how does specialization and mastery affect ranged weapons? I know that it's supposed to increase damage and attack rate with melee weapons, but do ranged weapons follow a different rule or are they affected in the same way?

Also, how does strength to damage affect ranged weapons, if at all? Do any of them gain a benefit from high strength?

Texas Jedi
2008-11-12, 09:18 AM
In 2E DnD strength give no bonuses to your bow. Ranged weapons use Dex as their bonus stat. They also only give you bonuses to hit only. The way you could strength effect your bow is to have the bow strung to a certain strength. That would require someone with that strength or above to pull the bow back. I don't remember if there are any bows like that in the game. I know that there are magical bows in the game though. They usually increase the chance to hit. The ammunition is usually what causes the extra damage.

Specialization allows you to get an extra damage and bonus to hit, and I think one extra attack a round that I think stacks with Mastery. They did this because only Fighters (and certain kits) could have weapon specialization in 2E DnD. Mastery gets you a bonus to hit only. I think it might get you an extra +1 to damage as well, but I could be wrong.

2008-11-12, 09:54 AM
Nah, compare to the final battle in the original. Now that was a tough fight. In comparison the battle at the Tree of Life is just another mage fight

Yea..I was like ten when I played this good game. Granted I took my time, didn't do any cheap tricks, and it took me forever trying to beat the darn game. I finally figured out the trick of winning the last battle (main character kept on getting killed and figured out how). I was eager to finish the battle, got home from school....and my mouse drivers quit working and my dad reinstalled windows...without keeping my save game file...as a ten year old who spent...who knows how many hours and reloads to finally get to the final battle and figureing it out...

I was not happy..

Great game though :smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin:

2008-11-12, 11:28 AM
I think composite long bows have a str requirement of 13 or 15 or something, that's the only way that stat affects bows.

2008-11-12, 01:34 PM
Composite bows indeed add an additional point of damage. Of course, when you realize that it's quite possible to shred all but a handful of enemies in the game with standard arrows, you understand the fundamental flaw in archery in BG. BG2 is not so bad, but it does have an infinite quiver and a three-shot per round short bow.

2008-11-12, 01:39 PM
Composite bows indeed add an additional point of damage. Of course, when you realize that it's quite possible to shred all but a handful of enemies in the game with standard arrows, you understand the fundamental flaw in archery in BG. BG2 is not so bad, but it does have an infinite quiver and a three-shot per round short bow.

In comparison, archery wasn't overpowered in BG2. Melee came into its own (ownage, that is) in that one.

2008-11-12, 01:46 PM
Bah, Archer is one of the most powerful kits in the whole game, that should tell you enough of power of archery in BG2.

Memo to self, solo BG2 with Archer.

Texas Jedi
2008-11-12, 01:48 PM
Bah, Archer is one of the most powerful kits in the whole game, that should tell you enough of power of archery in BG2.

Memo to self, solo BG2 with Archer.

It is hard against spell casters. One of the first spells they cast is either protection from normal weapons, or for higher levels protection from magical weapons. It makes waiting out the spell hard.

I played an Archer and it was amazing how much damage I could do to the meat shields. Most of the time I dropped them before my fighters got into melee range.

2008-11-12, 01:58 PM
Here's how you solo with an Archer: go elven Fighter/Mage. This way, you get the Fighter ability to deal massive damage at range with bows, and the Mage ability to dispel protective magics so you can deal massive damage at range with bows. That's a fun solo, actually (though I like my current Cleric dualed into Mage more).

Sadly you can't actually solo with a real Archer kit that well. Casters and other critters with Pro. Magic/Normal Weapons will destroy you (oh, and beholders aren't much fun either).

2008-11-12, 02:03 PM
baldur's gate is my number 1 game series

Texas Jedi
2008-11-12, 02:03 PM
Oh as a Fighter/Mage using a Bow is easy to solo. Heck have a few potions of magic immunity and rain death upon them.

I thought Mordokai meant an Archer Kit. That would be impossible to solo because you couldn't do any damage to spell casters.

2008-11-12, 02:06 PM
Exactly. Now, I have managed to do an Archer run with one other character (a Mage), but never really a solo Archer. That's.... painful and depressing.

Also, favorite solo character ever go! Mine might have to be the Berserker dualed into Mage I did once. That was damned fun. "Rawr, Gork smash! Wait... immune to axes? THEN GORK DISINTEGRATE!!!" Heh, good times.

2008-11-12, 02:07 PM
It is hard against spell casters. One of the first spells they cast is either protection from normal weapons, or for higher levels protection from magical weapons. It makes waiting out the spell hard.

I played an Archer and it was amazing how much damage I could do to the meat shields. Most of the time I dropped them before my fighters got into melee range.

Soloing is all about cheesy tactics anyway :smalltongue: One of most efficient being, run, wait, strike. It's not fair fighting, but then again, when fighting high level mages, you have to fight dirty often. And Protection spells have short duration anyway, you can out last them quite easily. For one or two fights that you're actually going to need help, there's always the Ultimate Cheese Combo, in form of Vhailor's helm and Protection from Magic scroll. You can kill pretty much anything with this.

Here's how you solo with an Archer: go elven Fighter/Mage. This way, you get the Fighter ability to deal massive damage at range with bows, and the Mage ability to dispel protective magics so you can deal massive damage at range with bows. That's a fun solo, actually (though I like my current Cleric dualed into Mage more).

Sadly you can't actually solo with a real Archer kit that well. Casters and other critters with Pro. Magic/Normal Weapons will destroy you (oh, and beholders aren't much fun either).

Read the above lines. As for beholders, Cloak of mirroring does the tick. More cheese, yes. But when you go solo, you learn to love the cheese or die.

2008-11-12, 02:13 PM
Even then, with Vhailor's Helm/Protection from Magic, using an Archer to solo tough mage encounters just isn't going to happen. Pro. Magic doesn't last long enough (shorter than Pro. Magic. Weap. that's for sure) to save you from powerful mages of doooooooooooom.

At least, I've never managed to solo an Archer successfully w/o some Mage support. *shrug* I don't typically do solo runs these days though, so I could well be out of practice.

About the Cloak of Mirroring... you should feel bad for being a cheeseball. :smalltongue:

2008-11-12, 02:18 PM
Or you could slowly creep up to the mages, stay for a bit for them to cast their protective spells and then leave. Wait for the duration to end and go back.

2008-11-12, 02:25 PM
Even then, with Vhailor's Helm/Protection from Magic, using an Archer to solo tough mage encounters just isn't going to happen. Pro. Magic doesn't last long enough (shorter than Pro. Magic. Weap. that's for sure) to save you from powerful mages of doooooooooooom.

At least, I've never managed to solo an Archer successfully w/o some Mage support. *shrug* I don't typically do solo runs these days though, so I could well be out of practice.

About the Cloak of Mirroring... you should feel bad for being a cheeseball. :smalltongue:

Give me a random mage encounter and I'll proove you wrong.

And for a record, I try not to cheese. But sometimes, it's unavoidable.

2008-11-12, 02:57 PM
Archer kit gets stealth, right? So the enemy mages cast their protective spells, you run out of sight and go into hiding, their protective spells wear off, you turn them into pincushions. Piece of cake. I soloed the entire Illithid stronghold with an assassin by using similar tactics. Especially easy to do if you have the mod that allows you to combine the different magical boots. Celeritous Stealth FTW!

2008-11-12, 03:40 PM
Give me a random mage encounter and I'll proove you wrong.

And for a record, I try not to cheese. But sometimes, it's unavoidable.
The Twisted Rune. Let's see how you deal with that as a solo Archer. :smalltongue:

Really though, I am far out of practice for solo runs, so I don't doubt you can school me at it. :smallwink:

Texas Jedi
2008-11-12, 04:00 PM
The Twisted Rune. Let's see how you deal with that as a solo Archer. :smalltongue:

Really though, I am far out of practice for solo runs, so I don't doubt you can school me at it. :smallwink:

How about the Demi-Lich, With its character destroying scream. I don't think negative energy protection works, and I don't think it is a magical affect so the potion of magic immunity might not work.

2008-11-12, 04:12 PM
How about the Demi-Lich, With its character destroying scream. I don't think negative energy protection works, and I don't think it is a magical affect so the potion of magic immunity might not work.

Spell Immunity: Abjuration. Prot Magic scrolls should also work. Or cheesiest of all cheeses: Prot Undead.

And cheese is unavoidable when soloing.

2008-11-12, 04:20 PM
The Twisted Rune. Let's see how you deal with that as a solo Archer. :smalltongue:

Really though, I am far out of practice for solo runs, so I don't doubt you can school me at it. :smallwink:

Ooooooh, I like it! :smallbiggrin: Gimme some time(approximately a day or so) to calculate the theoretical experience level I should be at when I'm supposed to be facing The Rune and which equipment I can have by then and I'll give you your answer :smallsmile: Who knows, I may actually simulate this by creating a new archer and SKing him to required level to actually pull this off. Should be fun :smallsmile:

Texas Jedi
2008-11-12, 04:21 PM
Spell Immunity: Abjuration. Prot Magic scrolls should also work. Or cheesiest of all cheeses: Prot Undead.

And cheese is unavoidable when soloing.

Interesting I might have to try it.

2008-11-12, 04:27 PM
Ooooooh, I like it! Gimme some time(approximately a day or so) to calculate the theoretical experience level I should be at when I'm supposed to be facing The Rune and which equipment I can have by then and I'll give you your answer Who knows, I may actually simulate this by creating a new archer and SKing him to required level to actually pull this off. Should be fun
If it helps, recall that the Rune can only be done during Chapter 6 (after the Underdark), so that should be helpful.

Also, do you have a program or somesuch to determine what gear (like scrolls and whatnot) is available by X point in the game? I know that most magical items are placed, but scrolls/potions are random drops in some places I think.

2008-11-12, 04:32 PM
Spell Immunity: Abjuration. Prot Magic scrolls should also work. Or cheesiest of all cheeses: Prot Undead.

And cheese is unavoidable when soloing.

Also unavoidable if you don't want to spend several hours reloading because your main character got imprisoned.

2008-11-12, 05:14 PM
If it helps, recall that the Rune can only be done during Chapter 6 (after the Underdark), so that should be helpful.

Also, do you have a program or somesuch to determine what gear (like scrolls and whatnot) is available by X point in the game? I know that most magical items are placed, but scrolls/potions are random drops in some places I think.

I'll simply assume I'm facing The Rune by the end of SoA part, which would give me somewhat around level 17 experience or so. I need to check the tables for classes, but I have a general idea already set up. If things get too rough, I might add few HLAs, just to make it a wee bit easier on myself :smallbiggrin: GWW or Critical Strike can't hurt, right? :smalltongue:

I have Shadow Keeper (http://www.mud-master.com/shadowkeeper/index.html). Useful stuff, for cheating and alike :smallsmile: Mind you, I don't use it for cheating, but I will use it to buff my character to the said experience level, so I don't have to beat the entire game before coming to facing The Rune. Also, you can export pretty much any item that you can find in game to your character. I intend to use this so I can make it a little easier on me.

I already created my archer for this, you can look at him here (http://img440.imageshack.us/my.php?image=clipboard01gg2.jpg) :smallbiggrin:

Yeah, I know, I could do better, but I was in a hurry :smalltongue:

2008-11-12, 05:19 PM
Oh, I know ShadowKeeper (I have it, DaleKeeper 1 and 2, and GateKeeper). I was curious is there is a program that will figure out how many of scroll X have been dropped by Y point in the game, stuff like that.

Anyways, what gear are you going to have? Namely, what potions/scrolls will you have? Also, do you have a way to take a video of the actual event, so we can all see your solo awesome?

/learnsfromsolomaster :smallwink:

2008-11-12, 05:24 PM
Do I feel sarcasm there? :smallbiggrin:

I know of Fraps, but am not sure if it will suffice. I'll see what else I can dig up, it would probably be nice to see this. And I have to leave something for posteriority after all :smalltongue:

As for equipment... the said combo of Vhailor's Helm/Protection from Magic, the best armor I can afford, the best long/short bow I can get my hands on(which probably means Heartseeker/Gessen bow), about gazillion of healing potions, boots of speed... the lot! :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-12, 05:30 PM
Do I feel sarcasm there? :smallbiggrin:

I know of Fraps, but am not sure if it will suffice. I'll see what else I can dig up, it would probably be nice to see this. And I have to leave something for posteriority after all :smalltongue:

As for equipment... the said combo of Vhailor's Helm/Protection from Magic, the best armor I can afford, the best long/short bow I can get my hands on(which probably means Heartseeker/Gessen bow), about gazillion of healing potions, boots of speed... the lot! :smallbiggrin:
Sarcasm? On teh intarwebs? NEVAR! /notsarcasm :smallwink:

To be serious, no, I wasn't being sarcastic at all. I really never was THAT good at solos (I ended up skipping most fights I couldn't win, yay Invisibility) and only tweaked for battles I had to fight (and damnit, Jon was HAAARD the first time I tried solo'ing him).

I know that you've got Heartseeker/Gesen by then. I also think the Mana Bow is floating around by then, but I'm not sure you'll want it. If you want to be silly, Watcher's Keep can be defeated by then, so you could, in theory, have some of that gear (read: Superior Healing Potions, Helm of the Rock [think this works for Rangers, but I forget], Darkfire Bow [I think]).

2008-11-12, 06:02 PM
Theory is what I'm working on here :smallsmile: Before I set for Rune, I'm planning on beating Koji and company into dust. If I can't beat those suckers, I don't really stand a chance against Shangalar and his cronies :smalltongue: Though to be fair, Koji is hard sonofagun, harder then Rune in certain aspects.

Thinking more about this, I now see what I set before myself :smalltongue: But hey, I don't back down easily. It might take a few retries, but I plan on winning this one.

2008-11-12, 06:07 PM
Koji? Damn... I'm slipping, cause I don't recall him. Who was he again?

(Then again, I have SO many mods installed, I may have removed Koji on accident and never noticed...)

2008-11-12, 06:08 PM
The Celestial Fury wielder? The fighter guy in Slaver's compound, upper floor? The one you get a rogue stone from, the one that enables you to enter the Rune HQ?

Ring any bells?

2008-11-12, 06:11 PM
Oh, yeah, the Slavers. Sure do (forgot his name, lol) remember them!

Yeah, they are pretty bad, but I never had that much trouble with them (the Rune is harder, IMO). Of course, solo=10x difficulty, so... yeaaaaaaah. Good luck with that one.

2008-11-12, 06:33 PM
*cracks fingers* :smallbiggrin:

Yeah, luck... I'll need it :smallsmile: But like I said, I have confidence. I beat them on solo once before, I can do it again.

Of course, at the time I was playing heavy armored paladin, with AC of -11 or so and wielding Carsomyr... buuuut, those are details :smalltongue:

Thanks anyway :smallsmile:

2008-11-12, 06:41 PM
Didn't realize I'd start this kind of thing. Anyway, the best bit about BG 2 is that one of your first stops has to be the first level of Watcher's. It's there that you locate the Infinite Quiver and Ammo Belt. Equip one, and pack the other full of normal arrows. Protection from normal weapons? Magic Arrows. Protection from Magic Weapons? Normal Arrows. Tuigan Bow is the best weapon for pure damage. Anyone keep two types of launchers? I usually hold both a Crossbow and a Shortbow.

2008-11-12, 06:42 PM
Well, you can eat Rasmussan and the other fighter guy for lunch w/o too much issue.

Ketta (the thief) is going to be tough, but if you can get an item that lowers backstab chances and/or be invisible, you should avoid her long enough to kill everyone else.

Sion (the mage) will be hard, since he tosses veeery powerful spells around. But, if you're gearing to beat the Rune, he shouldn't be that bad.

Staman (the cleric) will also be hard. He's a bitch, so good luck with that one.

Koshi... yeah, well, I have no idea. He dies to enough firepower, but I don't know if you deal enough fast enough.

Good luck man!

2008-11-12, 07:06 PM
If it helps, recall that the Rune can only be done during Chapter 6 (after the Underdark), so that should be helpful.

Are you sure about that? Granted that it's been a while, since I've played, but I think I've gone through there before leaving for Spellhold. I don't recall any requirement for finding the place other than getting the Rogue Stone from the Slaver House, is that not right?

2008-11-12, 07:27 PM
Slavers was more fun than Rune though. Probably the funnest battle for solo aside from Drizzt and cronies (which is fun for a purely different reason).

I remember playing tag with Ketta as a solo assasin. She can follow you even if you're invisible and will infact stay on your tail no matter where you run. If at any point you become visible she'll gut you. The trick is to outrun (boots+potion of speed FTW), outmanuever (read: get out of her invisible line of sight) and spike her. Two spikes (reinvisibiling [is that even a word?] in between is vital) should kill her and then the rest of goons are geography.

Assasins (actually all thieves) are brutal.

2008-11-12, 08:04 PM
Oh, yeah, the Slavers. Sure do (forgot his name, lol) remember them!

Yeah, they are pretty bad, but I never had that much trouble with them (the Rune is harder, IMO). Of course, solo=10x difficulty, so... yeaaaaaaah. Good luck with that one.

Picky, but the difficulty of the solo depends on where you are in the game. At the beginning, it's certainly harder. By the time you hit the mid-game, it starts to get loads easier.

2008-11-12, 09:30 PM
I have never made it more than a little way into the game... I want to try again (it's on gametap, so yeah..) but currently my OS is set to Japanese to be able to play certain games (Fate/Stay Night, for example) and this apparantly prevents me from playing Baldur's Gate...

Ah well. I'll just finish those games first...

2008-11-13, 12:05 AM
Are you sure about that? Granted that it's been a while, since I've played, but I think I've gone through there before leaving for Spellhold. I don't recall any requirement for finding the place other than getting the Rogue Stone from the Slaver House, is that not right?
I believe that in the fully patched up game, yes, you are only meant to be able to do the Twisted Rune during Chapter 6. Of course, I have managed to do it earlier, but it seems to be a bug of some sort. At least, I can't do it reliably until Chap. 6. If you can... good luck! :smallwink:

2008-11-13, 04:49 AM
My game is being silly :( it wants me to insert Disk 6 to play it, but I don't have 6 disks.I only have the 1, and TotSC :(

2008-11-13, 05:15 AM
I have the original set of disks, Yuuki_Jagger, which comprised of 5 for Baldur's Gate and one more for Tales of the Sword Coast. It sounds as though you're using a DVD but your computer thinks it wants CDs or something :smallconfused:

Assuming that you have tried reinserting both disks when prompted (TotSC being the figurative Disk 6), it sounds quite familiar to a problem I had with BG2 asking for "Disk 5".
As I recall, the solution is something to do with an error that occurs during installation. The BioWare Forum seems to deal with it quite often (http://forums.bioware.com/viewtopic.html?topic=488438&forum=11), though the solution I undertook seems to be different from the ones suggested there for some unsettling reason.

No worries - either way, your issue can be solved fairly quickly :smallsmile:

Frog Dragon
2008-11-13, 05:26 AM
My game is being silly :( it wants me to insert Disk 6 to play it, but I don't have 6 disks.I only have the 1, and TotSC :(
The disk 6 pretty much means the disk for Tales of the sword Coast

2008-11-13, 06:34 AM
SOA/TOB did the same thing to me, and required a reinstall. It kept asking for Disc 3, then couldn't detect it.

2008-11-13, 08:54 AM
Well, it decided to fix itself, so its all good.

Now I'm back to running around as my Ranger, Shinon. I never knew that Archers were so overpowerd xD

I can't wait to get Xan back. He was my fav NPC from BG 1.

I've got Shinon, Imoen, Minsc, Dynaheir and Viconia for the minute. I ditched Khalid and Jaheira at the Gnoll Stronghold :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-13, 09:03 AM
Well, most of BG2 kits are overpowered, if exported to BG1. Cavalier immunity to poison and fear, better to hit and damage bonuses of archer and kensai... BG1 wasn't created to be played with BG2 kits, that's why they are so powerful in comparison to plain classes.

2008-11-13, 10:49 AM
He's not modded though, he's just stock standard Ranger :smallbiggrin:

And he still beats the crud out of everything :smallwink:

2008-11-13, 05:24 PM
Heh, funny I only just noticed this thread as today I was finally able to get Tutu up and running. It's been years since my last playthrough, and it'll be nice to get into the swing of things. The only problem now is deciding what type of character to use (and no, I'm not going solo). I'm leaning towards human or half-elf (just because the other races don't really make sense age-wise) but I'm rather stumped for a class.

2008-11-14, 12:31 PM
Found an amazing source of scrolls right at the start for anyone soloing with arcane spells.

Enter a building.

Cast metamorphosis.

Get out, cast an armor spell.

Turn into ooze quickly.

Whack mages.

Whack them to death.



2008-11-15, 09:52 AM
Found an amazing source of scrolls right at the start for anyone soloing with arcane spells.

Enter a building.

Cast metamorphosis.

Get out, cast an armor spell.

Turn into ooze quickly.

Whack mages.

Whack them to death.



If it's screwing with the Cowled Wizards you're after (and really, who wouldn't want to?), a solo Mage/Thief can pretty much lay down seven traps, cast, then watch every mage get slaughtered. Works right up to Kholymnus Paac and Zallanora. It wasn't much when I thought of it the time I tried it, but doing it straight out of Chez Irenicus should net you all the gold you need and a level or four.

Damn, now I want to play again ...

2008-11-15, 10:58 AM
Ok, this is awesome.

I just got the Cloak of the Wolf from under the lighthouse in BG 1, and promptly gave it to Minsc.

I transformed him into a wolf, mauled a few hobgoblins, then decided to change him back.

Only problem is, his sprite is that of a wolf, but he has his sword and bow to attack with.

So now, I have a wolf that sneezes arrows at his foes :smallbiggrin:

Mushroom Ninja
2008-11-15, 04:36 PM
Ok, this is awesome.

I just got the Cloak of the Wolf from under the lighthouse in BG 1, and promptly gave it to Minsc.

I transformed him into a wolf, mauled a few hobgoblins, then decided to change him back.

Only problem is, his sprite is that of a wolf, but he has his sword and bow to attack with.

So now, I have a wolf that sneezes arrows at his foes :smallbiggrin:

Epic Win. Pure Epic Win.

2008-11-24, 11:56 PM
Question; to defeat the giant Beholder not-actually-a-god...you need both parts of the staff/rod/thingie. However, upon getting both parts, as soon as I have both in my inventory, the message pops up (you feel fury rising, you know why it was buried, equip it in your quick slot now, etc.), but when I open my inventory, neither of the parts are there, nor is the complete rod. I'm assuming this is a glitch, and all I've been able to do is cast haste, and run (but this doesn't complete the quest...grr). Any way around that? I tried fighting the bastard without it, but he just power word killed my entire party (currently myself (Sorcerer), Jahera, Minsc, Aerie, Yoshimo and Keldorn) one by one. Damn, I hate no-save-just-die spells! But anyway, any way around this?

2008-11-25, 10:58 AM
Damn, I hate no-save-just-die spells! But anyway, any way around this?

I sometimes kill the Unseeing Eye not using the device, just for kicks. You might be too low level, though.

You could spawn it using the console. CLUAConsole:CreateItem "MISC05".

An interesting note about the Rift Device: it's actually a single-use wand of Harm. Also, you normally can't leave the sewers with it in your inventory, but if you give it to a party member and then tell them to wait in the Copper Coronet, you can retrieve them and the wand, use it and then (I think) return it to the temple. Never tried it myself.

2008-11-25, 11:17 AM
No matter who picks it up, no matter the position of the PC in the party, it appears in their inventory. If the inventory is full, it might have dropped on the ground.

You can't. As soon as you enter the sewers with it on you, the game kills your character. I learned the hard way.

2008-11-25, 11:23 AM
I've installed BG yesterday, but my video card is apparently to advanced to run it. :smallfrown: Every time something moves, it is replaced by a black square.

2008-11-25, 11:36 AM
You can't. As soon as you enter the sewers with it on you, the game kills your character. I learned the hard way.

Even the depleted wand?

2008-11-25, 11:39 AM
I've installed BG yesterday, but my video card is apparently to advanced to run it. :smallfrown: Every time something moves, it is replaced by a black square.

Hard to say with little infomation, but you can try..

right click
run as windows...98? 2000 works I know

Or give us more information and we can help ;)

2008-11-25, 05:23 PM
Hard to say with little infomation, but you can try..

right click
run as windows...98? 2000 works I know

Or give us more information and we can help ;)

No, it didn't worked. My currently video card is a GeForce 8600 GTS. Here is a screenshot of what happens, I'm not very good at giving descriptions.


2008-11-25, 05:39 PM
I had this same issue before, but I don't remember exactly how I fixed it. Have you got 3D acceleration on?

Texas Jedi
2008-11-25, 07:31 PM
No, it didn't worked. My currently video card is a GeForce 8600 GTS. Here is a screenshot of what happens, I'm not very good at giving descriptions.


I know it is a little ahead of the technology but have you tried DosBox?

It can play many dos based games and even though BG might be a little more advanced for the emulator it is worth a shot.

2008-11-25, 10:16 PM
Even the depleted wand. I found out when I teleported out to the Planar Sphere using the mod, then tried to walk back. I had to drop the wand, walk in then teleport back out and pick up the wand again. Annoying to say the least.

Lord Zentei
2008-11-25, 10:29 PM
How many of you guys still play Baldur's Gate? This can include Baldur's Gate II as well.

IMO it has to be one of the best games ever made.

Does anyone else have thoughts on this epic game?

Baldur's Gate is made of awesome and win.

That is all.

2008-11-26, 08:24 AM
I had this same issue before, but I don't remember exactly how I fixed it. Have you got 3D acceleration on?

Yes, and I cannot disable it. I will try running a virtual machine.

2008-11-26, 08:33 AM
I had the same problem Austran, with my GeForce 8500's. I didn't manage to fix it- I thought it was my save file which was corrupted, but in light of this it might not be.

2008-11-26, 09:47 AM
Have you tried the forceware?

While we're on the subject of problems, does anyone know how to solve the assertion errors that occur when I try and load my save games in BG1? I'm on a Windows XP x64 rig that shouldn't have any kind of problem with the game.

2008-11-26, 10:18 PM
BG came out in 1998, and AFAIK never ran under DOS - so DOSBOX is probably not the thing. :smallamused:

Have you tried changing the settings to render in software mode? I had some odd graphical glitches running Torment on an 8800 GTS card, which were (mostly) resolved by doing that.

2008-11-27, 06:05 AM
If you have graphic problems:
Start -> Run -> dxdiag

In there under the "Display" tab you can turn off DirectDraw and and 3D Acceleration. Do it.