View Full Version : Question Regarding Destroyed Gates

2008-10-28, 08:31 PM
With the RM and AC gates (plus SOD spoilers) destroyed, what does this mean exactly? Can new gates be built for these rifts, or are they forever corrupted now? AC's rift used to be smaller than a gemstone, but now it is the size of a football field -- and growing. What does this mean? And if new gates can be built, why can't Xykon and Redcloak research this instead of expending resources to conquer a new one?

Thanks to anyone who can answer these questions.

B. Dandelion
2008-10-28, 08:41 PM
When Lirian's Gate goes down Xykon asks if they can just repair it. Redcloak says "maybe," but even if he were sure, they'd both have to be epic level and it would require years, perhaps decades of study. Easier just to conquer one of the other ones... of course, every time another Gate goes down and isn't repaired, the chance of the Snarl escaping goes up, but it's pretty consistent both with Xykon's recklessness and Redcloak's fanaticism to just keep driving forward on the same path rather than to put down roots and go at it the long way.

As to what the current alarming size of the rifts means... dunno.

2008-10-28, 09:18 PM
in more then one occasion, its been mentioned that the gates could be repaired, in fact, just about everyone who has studied the gates ends up saying with a fair degree of confidence that yes, the gates can, with time, be repaired. i am inclined to think part of said repair will be weaving together the threads that have ripped apart in the fabric of the universe. optimally ending with a gate the same size as it was before the whole thing blew up. further, i DONT believe this would require an epic level caster, merely an extremely patient and skilled wizard of decent level willing to dedicate the rest of his life to the delicate task of reforming the gate and repairing the damage already caused

2008-10-28, 11:12 PM
so if wanted, a possible solution could be that V can help repair it?

David Argall
2008-10-28, 11:56 PM
Possibly V could help build a gate. He would also need a high level cleric. And she and Durkon would likely need to gain levels.

However Xykon needs only control a gate. That means he can't be stopped by building new gates. So building a new gate at this time is pretty much a useless activity.

Xykon and Redcloak are maybe able to build a gate, but this will likely take a lot of work. Much easier to grab one of the other gates.

B. Dandelion
2008-10-28, 11:58 PM
In many a console RPG the party hears tales of an ancient cosmic horror that was sealed away by the heroes of bygone days that is threatening to break loose. Usually they wind up having to destroy the thing, not simply repair its prison. Not that I think OOTS will necessarily go that route (as it is definitely a cliche -- rule 62 (http://project-apollo.net/text/rpg.html) to be precise), or if the Snarl even CAN be destroyed, although IMHO Shojo's line (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0274.html) about the gods being more vulnerable to the Snarl than a mortal of the same level is sorta... suggestive.

in more then one occasion, its been mentioned that the gates could be repaired, in fact, just about everyone who has studied the gates ends up saying with a fair degree of confidence that yes, the gates can, with time, be repaired. i am inclined to think part of said repair will be weaving together the threads that have ripped apart in the fabric of the universe. optimally ending with a gate the same size as it was before the whole thing blew up.
Going by the suggested timeline, the Order of the Scribble found out about the rifts and the Snarl just as holes began to appear in its prison. They were able to seal them, and then "lock" the seals. They don't mention anything about actually repairing the damage already done -- the whole point of the Gates is to prevent the rifts from getting any bigger in the first place. If they're somehow able to weave the threads of reality back together themselves, that would be unprecedented.

further, i DONT believe this would require an epic level caster, merely an extremely patient and skilled wizard of decent level willing to dedicate the rest of his life to the delicate task of reforming the gate and repairing the damage already caused
Redcloak may be wrong about both casters needing to be epic level. I'm just repeating what he said, which is one of the few definitive statements we've had on the subject.
so if wanted, a possible solution could be that V can help repair it?Yes. That "ultimate arcane power" she's slated to obtain could possibly be a huge asset in that regard.

2008-10-30, 08:28 AM
Lirian and Dorukan (oops, hope I didn't pull a Zycon there) are still around, if not exactly alive. They ought to have the knowledge required to rebuild the gates without years of study.

Warlord JK
2008-10-30, 06:50 PM
Pretty much it takes high level, if not epic level, casters to build a gate or even repair it, but they can't actually make the rift smaller. Only the gods can do that and that would involve unweaving the world and reweaving it anew.