View Full Version : Two fights in one... Doomsday vs...

Avilan the Grey
2008-10-29, 05:16 AM

Doomsday vs Juggernaut

Doomsday vs Hulk

2008-10-29, 11:14 AM

In both fights.

(He is the strongest one there is.)

Kris Strife
2008-10-29, 11:49 PM
Doomsday. Hes an unkillable, genetically enginnered super soldier that has killed Superman, torn apart the entire JLU, and kicked Darkseid around like a hackey sack. and did I mention that everytime he gets injured, he comes back even harder to hurt?

Avilan the Grey
2008-10-30, 02:28 AM
...So Hulk has to smash him harder next time. Not a problem. :smallbiggrin:

2008-10-30, 02:38 AM
The way both characters are set up there is no limit on how strong they can get. Doomsday is more broken however in that he never gets sick of trying to kill everything. They will fight and fight until the planet is torn asunder and or they are lost in space, flung apart by their blows.

Kris Strife
2008-10-30, 02:59 AM
Yeah, but again, advantage Doomsday: Hulk cant live in space, Doomsday can.

2008-10-30, 03:37 AM
He's also as strong from the start giving him an advantage from the start and meaning if hulk is to beat him he can't do it in skirmishes he has to beat him immediately and then get rid of him before he pops back to life. Very tarrasque if you ask me.

Kris Strife
2008-10-30, 05:06 AM
Yeah, but how do you get rid of the body?
Toss it into space: Nope
Incinerate it: With what? Supes heat vision, Bloodhawks beams, Booster Golds blasters and Guy Gardners GL ring put together barely slowed him down...

2008-10-30, 04:43 PM
Yeah, but how do you get rid of the body?
Toss it into space: Nope
Incinerate it: With what? Supes heat vision, Bloodhawks beams, Booster Golds blasters and Guy Gardners GL ring put together barely slowed him down...

Easy. Get so mad that his bones melt just from being near you.

Or Banner could build a doohicky of some kind.

2008-10-30, 10:13 PM
He's already immune to some super lethal energy weapons... guy, so it'd be no problem to become immune to the hulk's gamma radiation. The bone spurs aside I'm not sure doomsday relies on a skeleton to keep him together.
This fight comes down to writer/editor fiat.

Kris Strife
2008-10-30, 11:00 PM
I think he may already be immune to radiation from his origion. I could be mistaken though.

2008-10-31, 04:17 AM
Send Doomsday to the entropy death of the universe.

2008-10-31, 04:45 AM
No, have him fight the Sentry at Full power.
They are both over NINE THOUSAND!!!111!!!!11!!!!11!!!!1!!!
But, as stated the power of a million supernovas isn't exactly balanced... with ANYTHING.

Kris Strife
2008-10-31, 09:23 AM
Send Doomsday to the entropy death of the universe.

They actually tried that and long story short... It didnt work

2008-10-31, 10:44 PM
They actually tried that and long story short... It didnt work

But that was outside interference. If Brainiac hadn't gone to get him, it would have worked.

Kris Strife
2008-10-31, 10:53 PM
Its not like Hulk or Juggernaut would think to, besides, Doom or someone else would go get him eventually for some reason.

2008-11-01, 01:41 AM
Is this normal Hulk or OMFGPWN World War Hulk?

2008-11-01, 09:01 PM
No winner in either fight. Doomsday got beat to death by Superman in his first appearance, so the neither Hulk nor Juggernaut can beat him that way. Really, all three revolve around being unstoppable. I'm going to have to go with Weiser_Cain: they'll keep fighting until the world falls apart around them.

If I had to pick, I'd say Hulk wins, since he doesn't have to die to get stronger.

2008-11-01, 09:37 PM
Nitpick: Doomsday evolves even without dying.

Emperor Tippy
2008-11-02, 01:23 AM
Hulk strongest one there is.

The angrier hulk gets, the stronger hulk gets. The more punches something takes, the angrier hulk gets at it.

Whether or not doomsday can take the hits isn't something I'm willing to offer an opinion on but Hulk can reach strength levels where he each of his punches is more powerful than the death star's main laser (unlimited strength).

2008-11-02, 10:35 PM
You don't kill any of these opponents. They get srtonger as you fight them. So don't fight them. Contain them in something like the Phantom zone or such.

I remember Superman once put Doomsday in a transporter and kept it set on a loop. only 1/4 of Doomsady was ever fully materialized at a time.

2008-12-02, 07:54 PM

OK, Hulk gets mad, beats him, etc... but remember, Doomsday is a fast-evolving being. Next time Doomsday gets up, he'll have developed attacks and defenses against the all-brute attacks from the green guy.

2008-12-02, 08:05 PM
Yeah, but how do you get rid of the body?
Toss it into space: Nope
Incinerate it: With what? Supes heat vision, Bloodhawks beams, Booster Golds blasters and Guy Gardners GL ring put together barely slowed him down...

Matter eater lad. The ultimate waste disposal system.

Avilan the Grey
2008-12-03, 05:25 AM
Hey reminds me:
DC has a higher power level for characters in general, I think, but Marvel has a few that sticks out. Molecule man, for example. Thank god he is a nice timid guy who is happy to stay home with his flaming hot gf and watch tv.

He once re-created an entire galaxy in seconds...

2008-12-04, 08:28 AM
Doomsday is not a character, he is a plot device.

Avilan the Grey
2008-12-05, 01:44 AM
Like Belkar? ;)

You do have a point.

2008-12-05, 02:01 AM
Okay, brute force is getting no where.

Guys, who wins in a dance off?

For the first I have to say Juggernaut, because I just imagined him breakdancing and it's kind of awesome.
I can't really think of a clear winner for the second though.

2008-12-13, 03:01 AM
I think it depends on which hulk, I think grey hulk/ joe fixit might outdance doomsday but big green ain't doing it

oh and on the dance contest are we letting jugs have the helmet, because he can out break, pop and lock and drop down way too many headspins if he knows how to balance on that snow saucer he calls a skull protector I think it should be removed due to an unfair competative advantage, similar to steroids

2008-12-13, 03:57 PM
Well, considering how many personalities the Hulk is said to have these days, probably at least one is a great breakdancer.

2008-12-13, 08:37 PM
Here's a paradox for you: Doomsday vs. Squirrel Girl.

The former can evolve to defeat whatever beat him the last time ... but the latter's power is that she can defeat any enemy! So what happens during the rematch after SG beats DD the first time?

Finn Solomon
2008-12-13, 09:21 PM
The squirrels beat Doomsday in a different way each time.

2008-12-23, 06:12 PM
This problem was faced by the ancient Greeks. They handled it in a fairly predictable way.

"Procris had come into possession of a magical javelin, given by Diana that never missed its target, as well as a hunting hound (named Laelaps) that always caught its prey. The hound met its end chasing a fox (the Teumessian vixen) which could not be caught; both fox and the hound were turned into stone."


2008-12-25, 10:19 PM
the gods tend to handle all "divide by 0" style battles like that by smiting both combatants and declaring themselves the winner

2009-01-16, 05:52 AM
I agree with Matter Eating Lad.