View Full Version : fallout mmog

Inhuman Bot
2008-10-31, 05:53 PM
I heard from wikipedia that this game was coming into existance, but no other details on it.

would anyone be able to provide more details on the fallout mmo?

Crispy Dave
2008-11-04, 02:24 PM
that would kick major ass and Im kindov mad how all the cool mmo's are coming out how can they expect me to pick just one.

2008-11-04, 03:06 PM
When Interplay sold the licensing rights of Fallout to Bethesda they keep the rights to make an MMO of the series. They have something like 10 years from the license sale to get some groundwork done on the project, otherwise the MMO rights will go to Bethesda as well.

As far as I've heard there still isn't any more then a few of Interplay's founders left and they don't have the people or funding to do much of anything. As far as I've heard they haven't done anything with it. (I'm sure as game designers they've had ideas, but in terms of coding, I doubt anything has been done)

The only real chance of seeing this game is if Fallout 3 does really well and gets someone with money (EA or Vivendi for example) interested enough to finance Interplay enough to get started again and work on the game. Or if the license defaults to Bethesda and they start working on it.

Given, none of what I said is offical, but its the general idea I've got from looking into it myself a while ago.

2008-11-04, 03:11 PM
I shudder at the very thought of the ruination of a good franchise with another MMO.

2008-11-04, 04:00 PM
Ye gods, do we need more stinkin' MMOs? Every month I see a new MMO announced. I mean, most MMOs are so largely "populated" the gamers alone could create a new country. Are people expecting someone would like to waste his life grinding on three different MMOs or what? Plus there are thousands of free MMOs in the web as well. How on Earth there can be such a market for playing it? Especially if it involves crappy graphics (No. I'm not into graphics. But if you want me to choose between low-poly WoW with it's freakish creatures and beautiful, hand-coloured maps on Baldur's Gate, then of course I will choose the latter) and crazily repetitive gameplay? Oh, and no storyline at all, no real motivation to do this !#@%, except really lame excuses.

Example: Tibia. The first town, Rookgaard, bases it's economy on rats. For every rat you kill you get possibly more cash than a farmer for working all day on his farm. Oh, and those rats form a zerg-like colony that you can't ever get rid of them. Oh, and the fact that those rats can also easily kill you and you can't simply squash them with your boot (in the starting town you can't die on PvP, but still - there are a lot of players who think that putting a farting pillow on someone's chair is the top 1 nominee for an intelligent joke, and will block you to send you to your doom... by a RAT.)

Seriously, it's laughable, and an idea of a MMO in Fallout world makes me want to cry. So what? You start in some generic postapocaliptic village or vault, kill endless ghouls or geckos on the plains... or run around your vault and scream: "PLXPLXPLXPLX GIEV ME 50000 CAPS I NEED GAUSS RIFLE!!!!!!!". And let's say you go on a run to kill some Generic Supermutant (or Maybe Someone Really Cool In Previous Games But Now Made Into A Boss You Just Go On To Kill Him And Take His Stuff - like Lieutenant... or Harry, heheh. [Hi, Illidan!]), he dies, and... WOW! Some Gauss Rifle with manufactured goodies! You take it to the vault for identification, and guess what? It's a Wonderful Gauss Rifle of Awesomeness +12! When I think of such a scenario, I'm torned between laughing and crying.

Stop this monstrosity please. Just don't buy the MMOs, so maybe the producers will finally find out that public needs some more ambitious game for a change. (Electronic Arts, though, will probably be capable of selling a radio to the deaf guy, if the deaf guy is a Moronic LOTR Fan and the radio has LOTR written all over it)

2008-11-04, 05:48 PM
I can't imagine the special system in mmo.... but....

Perks are cool
Using drugs as buffs is cool
Crits are cool.

How would you make grouping viable? hmmm ok, maybe I can see it now....

2008-11-04, 06:20 PM
Ye gods, do we need more stinkin' MMOs? Every month I see a new MMO announced. I mean, most MMOs are so largely "populated" the gamers alone could create a new country. Are people expecting someone would like to waste his life grinding on three different MMOs or what? Plus there are thousands of free MMOs in the web as well. How on Earth there can be such a market for playing it? Especially if it involves crappy graphics (No. I'm not into graphics. But if you want me to choose between low-poly WoW with it's freakish creatures and beautiful, hand-coloured maps on Baldur's Gate, then of course I will choose the latter) and crazily repetitive gameplay? Oh, and no storyline at all, no real motivation to do this !#@%, except really lame excuses.

Example: Tibia. The first town, Rookgaard, bases it's economy on rats. For every rat you kill you get possibly more cash than a farmer for working all day on his farm. Oh, and those rats form a zerg-like colony that you can't ever get rid of them. Oh, and the fact that those rats can also easily kill you and you can't simply squash them with your boot (in the starting town you can't die on PvP, but still - there are a lot of players who think that putting a farting pillow on someone's chair is the top 1 nominee for an intelligent joke, and will block you to send you to your doom... by a RAT.)

Seriously, it's laughable, and an idea of a MMO in Fallout world makes me want to cry. So what? You start in some generic postapocaliptic village or vault, kill endless ghouls or geckos on the plains... or run around your vault and scream: "PLXPLXPLXPLX GIEV ME 50000 CAPS I NEED GAUSS RIFLE!!!!!!!". And let's say you go on a run to kill some Generic Supermutant (or Maybe Someone Really Cool In Previous Games But Now Made Into A Boss You Just Go On To Kill Him And Take His Stuff - like Lieutenant... or Harry, heheh. [Hi, Illidan!]), he dies, and... WOW! Some Gauss Rifle with manufactured goodies! You take it to the vault for identification, and guess what? It's a Wonderful Gauss Rifle of Awesomeness +12! When I think of such a scenario, I'm torned between laughing and crying.

Stop this monstrosity please. Just don't buy the MMOs, so maybe the producers will finally find out that public needs some more ambitious game for a change. (Electronic Arts, though, will probably be capable of selling a radio to the deaf guy, if the deaf guy is a Moronic LOTR Fan and the radio has LOTR written all over it)

I came into this thread about to say something along the lines of "oh, if only the internet had a decent way of me vomiting bile onto it, for that is what the notion of a Fallout MMOG makes me want to do", but I see you have beaten me to the punch. Hats off to you!

Crispy Dave
2008-11-05, 02:20 AM
ok I have to say that there is a right way and a wrong way to do a mmo of a popular franchise.

Wrong way: Set the game directly at the same time everything else people have experienced with the same characters and story.

right way: set it at a different time period then the other games with different characters.

2008-11-05, 10:09 AM
The fact that you picked rats as your ludicrious example is somewhat ironic considering both of the first fallouts had a lot of mutant rats running around, and at least one case where they controlled half of a city.

The reason for MMOs is very simple though, its the same reason those "social networking" sites have taken off and everyone and their dog has pages up on them. Everything is about other players now. There are fewer and fewer games being released for any system that doesn't include multiplayer.

There are so many games that are released where the single player aspect of it takes up maybe 10% or less of most people's playtime of the game and the multiplayer makes up all the rest. The demand from players right now is almost entirely focused on multiplayer.

Then there is piracy, which has a big psychological effect on producers even if it doesn't have a bit finicial impact on them. (a topic completely up for debate) It is common on every platform, and the only real way around it is tieing the game to an account controlled by the developers. The possibility of long term income from them is also much greater then any single player game can hope for. Online MMO accounts are just about the only form of DRM that gamers seem to accept, and that is because it doesn't come across as DRM, especially not in the way something like SecureROM does.

So in short, people are asking for multiplayer content primarily and developers see MMOs as the best way to focus on multiplayer content as well as protecting their investments in the project.

I think the biggest thing that is going to change in MMOs in the near future is that they are going to be designed more for a shorter lifecycle. I think both players and developers are going to stop seeing MMOs as 3-5 year player retention cycles like we are seeing now, and move more to the normal gameplay lifecycle of maybe 2-3 months worth of playtime for most people and only a very few staying for much longer then that.

Its already not uncommon for players to be playing MMOs while playing other games and a decent portion of MMO players have open accounts to multiple games at the same time.

I'm not all that interested in that many MMOs, and I'm never playing more then one at a time. But I don't really see it as any worse and really not that much different then the fact that almost every game seems to be going to an FPS design as well. The transition of everything from action/adventure, to platformers, to survival horror, to RPGs have all been transitioning to FPSs as well. Personally I find that more annoying then them being changed into MMOs.

2008-11-05, 05:22 PM
I've heard Chris Taylor is back onboard with Interplay for the MMO, so it should be good if they can get good gameplay to work with an MMO.

2008-11-05, 06:58 PM
RE: Why so many MMOG's? Erloas nailed 66% of it -- the piracy issues. The other 34% is the potential for a continuing revenue stream to allow the game-makers to work on the games they *really* want to do.

RE: How to make it work. This came up in our gaming group once, and we settled on the idea of 'Vault Wars'. Spoilered because it involves a major plot point of the Fallout universe.

It's established that the purpose of the vaults wasn't to protect citizens, but rather to engage on a massive social experiment. Your vault was one of several planned to come into rivalry with each other -- your GECKs were faulty and scheduled for a moderately early release (before Fallout 1 but after the vault that became the Necropolis). As a player your goal is to step out into the Wasteland(tm) and find the things your vault needs to establish itself, but you're in competition with other vaults.

Now while that concept lends itself to PvP, it could be done PvE if the "other vaults" were developer-run. You'd also have to have considerable distance between the vaults to prevent too much "newbie ganking".

The main flaw is the issue of death. The Fallout Universe does not lend itself to a "you come back from the dead" mechanic (the biotech of the universe does not appear to have reached cloning).

2008-11-06, 05:05 AM
Don't think it would be too bad with a respawn/cloning vat, you'd just need to wait and hope they don't start issuing deathclaw mounts etc.

Having different vault bases would be a good idea, hell they don't even need to be in the US.

2008-11-06, 03:07 PM
Read here:

"In late September 2008, On G4TV's Attack of the show it has been revealed that the game is currently starting up pre-production stages a developer has not been named."

2008-11-06, 03:12 PM
Don't think it would be too bad with a respawn/cloning vat, you'd just need to wait and hope they don't start issuing deathclaw mounts etc.

Having different vault bases would be a good idea, hell they don't even need to be in the US.

I can't really see cloning fitting in to the Fallout atmosphere. Nothing kills the 'survival in a post-apocalyptic wasteland' quite like having an endless supply of clones waiting in line behind you.

Actually, nothing kills it quite like turning it into a MMOG but, as Erloas unfortunately pointed out, that is the way the industry seems to be going at the moment.

2008-11-06, 03:26 PM
About cloning in fallout (this is a pretty large spoiler from fallout 3 btw. You have been warned!)

There's a vault in fallout 3 full of insane people that seem to all be clones. They are all named Gary X, where X is a number, apparently chosen from the order they were cloned. Vault-Tec at least seems to have had cloning tech, but it may be impossible to do without a hi-tech pre-war laboratory. The enclave and the brotherhood, and possibly a vault with the correct installations should be able to do this at least.

I don't think a fallout mmo would be that good. It could be done well though, but you'd have to deviate a bit from the classic mmo.

2008-11-06, 03:48 PM
About cloning in fallout (this is a pretty large spoiler btw. You have been warned!)

There's a vault in fallout 3 full of insane people that seem to all be clones. They are all named Gary X, where X is a number, apparently chosen from the order they were cloned. Vault-Tec at least seems to have had cloning tech, but it may be impossible to do without a hi-tech pre-war laboratory. The enclave and the brotherhood, and possibly a vault with the correct installations should be able to do this at least.

I don't think a fallout mmo would be that good. It could be done well though, but you'd have to deviate a bit from the classic mmo.

One quick point - it would've been nice to know that that spoiler was for Fallout 3.

2008-11-06, 04:01 PM
One quick point - it would've been nice to know that that spoiler was for Fallout 3.

Fixed it. Sorry for any inconvenience.