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View Full Version : Movie feats [Not so serious, 3.5E]

2008-11-01, 07:31 PM
So, I wrote some feats based on cliches in movies. I don't know how balanced they are, but then again, they aren't meant to be used unless you run some weird games.:smallwink:


Nooooooo... [Heroic]
With a sudden, excessive force, you leap towards one of your allies, taking the blow that was meant for them.
Prerequisites: You must be a hero to take this feat.
Benefits: If one of your allies within 15 feet is going to take damage and he is below a quarter of his maximum life (without modifiers), you may make a jump check as a free action to leap in front of your ally. If you succeed on your jump check, your ally don't take any damage, but you take as much damage as what would have been dealt to him.
You can't ignore this damage in any way.

Who reloads? [Heroic]
You can keep on shootin' all day!
Prerequisites: You must be a hero to take this feat.
Benefits: You don't have to reload weapons that needs to be reloaded, such as crossbows and guns. In addition, you never have to waste ammunition for your weapons.

Heroic Infiltration [Heroic]
[Insert James Bond theme here].
Prerequisites: You must be a hero to take this feat.
Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus on Move Silently and Hide checks when you're within 40 feet of a minion of the BBEG.

Villainous Speech [Villain]
As you speak, you strike fear into your enemies but gives them a chance of getting away.
Prerequisites: You must be a BBEG to take this feat.
Benefits: If there are enemies within 20 feet of you,you may perform a villainous speech. While doing so, you may take no actions but to speak in exchange for making an intimidate check every round as a free action with a +4 modifier.

You may have won this time... [Villain]
...But I'll be back!
Prerequisites: You must be a BBEG to take this feat.
Benefits: The first time the heroes encounter you, they can't reduce you to below 0 hp.

So we meet again, mister... [Villain]
Not like you'd have won anyway...
Prerequisites: You must be a BBEG to take this feat, You may have won this time... .
Benefits: If you encounter the heroes and it isn't your first encounter, you gain a +2 to attack rolls and damage rolls. In exchange for this, you'll die no matter what in this encounter.

Explosive Death [Minion]
Your vehicle explode in a really stupid way when you die.
Prerequisites: You must be a minion of a BBEG to take this feat.
Benefits: Whenever you're inside a vehicle and you die, the vehicle explode in a flaming conflagration, dealing everything within 20 feet 3d6 fire damage. Heroes only take 1d6 fire damage.

Brute Minion [Minion]
You are the BBEG's minion, making you stronger but dumber.
Prerequisites: You must be a minion of a BBEG to take this feat.
Benefits: You gain a +2 increase to strength, but a -2 penalty to wisdom and intelligence.

2008-11-01, 08:11 PM
Oh man, these are amazing :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-01, 08:22 PM
As a fun note, in the 1st edition campaign I play in, a superhero was recently created! He's quite awesome. But the way he fights is that he gets 5 actions: 3 punches (with super strength), one energy blast, and movement.

Speech counts as his movement. So, just like most superheroes, when somebody is doomed and he can't save them, instead of rushing at them, he just stands in one place and goes "NOOOOOOO!"

2008-11-01, 08:25 PM
These are pretty funny. Thanks I needed giggle, its been a sucky week.

Sir Conkey
2008-11-01, 10:49 PM
How about

Explosive exit [Heroic]
Prerequisites: Must be a hero
Benefits: You take absolutely no damage from explosions as long as it looks really, really cool. Like jumping out of an exploding building cool.

PS: Awesome cliches

2008-11-01, 10:49 PM
I love these! You may enjoy the acid classes if you like this type of thing.

2008-11-01, 11:35 PM
From Fudge factor, for fudge, modern games. Could easily be converted to feats.


Characters in action stories sometimes have abilities that are beyond those of normal men and women, yet not quite on the level of their bullet-bouncing, single-bounding colleagues in spandex. In other words, the heroes and villains of action stories will often have abilities that fall somewhere between Gifts and Superpowers, a kind of advantage which will be called Knacks.

Simply put, Knacks are "Super-Gifts" with effects that are typically centered on unrealistic combat abilities, common to the action movie genre, but nearly impossible or highly improbable in real life. Such abilities as using two handguns at once, reloading with lightning speed, and smashing through plate glass windows with guns blazing, are common Knacks, and personify the genre.

Distribution of Knacks will vary from campaign to campaign. In one game, the gamemaster may declare that each character automatically receives one or two Knacks, which can be chosen by the players from the list provided below. In another game, Knacks could be earned through play, dependent primarily on if a character attempts a similar action enough times to merit that particular "skill." In still other games, a Knack could be temporarily "bought," allowing any character a chance to perform any of the following actions by spending 1 Fudge Point.

In one particular action game, I made a deck of Knack cards and allowed the players to draw three of them, keeping whichever two they best liked. Later, as their characters improved, I allowed the players to choose from the Knack cards again. Knacks which I felt would be more common to the setting had several duplicates in the deck with more rare or powerful Knacks having only one card available to be drawn.

Only major characters may have Knacks, such as the player-characters and major villains. Minor characters, such as thugs and goons, cannot have Knacks as they represent the zenith of combat ability.

Not all campaigns will benefit from the addition of Knacks. The tone of the campaign and the desired realism of the setting should determine whether or not Knacks are included in a game. There might also be situations where some Knacks are appropriate, but not others. Ultimately, like so many other things, this is left to the gamemaster to decide.

Several sample Knacks are provided below.

Clutter Chameleon: For some reason, perhaps even unknown to you, enemies tend to have a difficult time drawing a bead on you when you're in cluttered areas. It's not that you have a tendency to take cover. It's more that you find yourself covered by the normal chaos of combat.

Unsuccessful ranged attacks made against you throw debris into the air, making you even more difficult to hit. For every unsuccessful attack made against you, you receive one level of "cover" against other ranged attacks. Unlike most cover, however, you are not limited in the kinds of actions you can take. Act normally. Fight. Take a nap. It doesn't matter. You're harder to hit no matter what you do.

These bonuses will fade at a rate of one level of cover every three Combat Rounds and will be completely negated if your character moves to another room or area.

This Knack does require that there is the potential for flying debris. In a completely sterile environment you will be out of luck, but thankfully, the world tends to be a little more crowded than that.

Double-Barreled Bad-Ass: The fashionable ability to use two pistols simultaneously to unleash a hail of evil-destroying, hot-leaded violence. Characters who use the Double-Barreled Bad-Ass Knack while holding two pistols can fire as if they were using an automatic weapon. Not only are they allowed to perform Volley Attacks (either "bursts" or "fully automatic" fire), but they can also use their pistols for Suppression Fire.

An important advantage of the Double-Barreled Bad-Ass Knack is that the character is not required to count the extra Volley Dice for the purposes of ammunition usage or determining malfunction probability. Such chances will still be based on the character's initial 4dF roll.

Eye of the Storm: You are calm at the center of the fury, the quiet force in the middle of the mayhem. Once per combat you can force a Standoff which will halt everyone's actions within the immediate area. This Standoff will remain active until another major character forces an action, giving all of the characters a chance to trade dramatic lines or threats or even exchange information if they are willing.

Regardless of whether or not you started a Standoff, you automatically get a +2 bonus to your Initiative to determine who can act once a Standoff dissolves back into carnage.

At first glance the Eye of the Storm Knack may not seem like a useful ability, but it will give characters a chance to regroup and even plot out strategies through "meaningful glances," an ability not normally allowed during Standoffs.

Glass Dancer: You're a master of leaping through plate glass windows, guns blazing, grim determination spread across your face. Apparently the glass protects you by disorientating enemies, or maybe it deflects incoming bullets, but regardless of its actual function it makes you completely immune to incoming attacks while you smash through it.

Whenever you use the Glass Dancer Knack all minor characters within the immediate area are required to attack you and automatically miss. Major characters must roll a Intelligence/Tactics/Willpower/etc check against you to act normally, otherwise they must follow their companions in fruitless attacks.

Obviously, you require large pieces of glass to leap through to use this Knack, but with some creativity it shouldn't be too difficult to find the necessary props.

Hair-Trigger Reflexes (Weapon Group): You have unusual speed with a specific type of weapon and can dish out extra attacks without pushing your abilities when using that kind of weapon. For every Hair-Trigger Reflexes level taken (this Knack can be taken more than once), you are allowed to take two extra actions without suffering the usual Multiple Actions penalties.

You are, however, required to specialize in a specific weapon group. Listed below are a few sample groups. Feel free to create additional groups if you think of something not listed.

* Blades: Any attack with an edged weapon, such as swords and knives, can be accomplished with blinding speed using this Knack. Use of "Hair-Trigger Reflexes" with this weapon group also covers thrown blades, such as knives, shuriken, and so on.
* Clubs: Attacks made with blunt melee weapons. Often, the blunt weapons used will be items of opportunity, such as baseball bats, pool cues, chairs, etc.
* Fists: Any attack using the body as a weapon, including punches, kicks, head-butts, elbow slams, etc.
* Trigger: Attacks that use firearms, such as pistols, assault rifles, submachine guns, and even shotguns.

Hollow-Point Heart: Your bravery knows no limits. At any time you can be counted on for overcoming your fears and doing whatever it takes. You can succeed at any Bravery/Grit/Spirit/etc contest or check, automatically, by using this Knack.

Houdini's Hold-Out: Your firearm is hidden beneath your sweater, tucked in your belt, and concealed by a flowing overcoat, but you can have it ready at a moment's notice. Regardless of how expertly you've hidden your weapon you are able to fast draw and have it ready instantly and with no penalty.

Also, your weapon cannot be lost or taken from you unless your character wishes it. This secondary ability only works when dealing with minor characters. Major characters can still take your weapons from you, but most forced attempts will require a Strength/Brawn/Muscle/etc contest to determine success.

Menace Incarnate: Basically, you're scary. It might be a wild look in your eye, a menacing scowl, or maybe you have a reputation that always seems to precede you, but when it comes down to it, people are frightened of you. At any time, you may forfeit your action and use the "Menace Incarnate" Knack, which causes any minor characters to roll their Bravery/Will/Grit/etc against yours to maintain their composure. Failure causes them to run away, cower, wet themselves, or all three.

You may use this Knack even in situations that are not normally conducive for intimidation attempts or during circumstances that appear to be completely serene or peaceful.

Particularly menacing actions, such as cocking a gun or drawing a sword may earn you a +1 bonus to your Grit contest. Outwardly violent actions, like punching someone, may earn you a bonus of +2 to your contest. And, grossly sadistic or surprising actions may even earn you a bonus of +3 when rolling a Bravery contest.

Reload Ballet: With graceful motions and effortless precision you are able to reload your empty firearm with a speed that few can match. Using this Knack will allow you to ignore one "empty" result per gaming session as well as reload any following "empty" results during the same Combat Round that they are rolled.

You are also allowed to reload your weapons whenever you like for the purposes of dramatic effect, having no effect on actual game play. This ability cannot be used to bypass a "empty" roll, but it can be used to show a foe that you really mean business.

Take It Like A Man: You won't be broken, even under torture. As a matter of fact, beatings just make you mad, and when you get mad, bones get broken.

Any time you take damage at the hands of another character, and you are unable to defend yourself (i.e. you're tied up, being held down, etc), you may use the Take It Like A Man Knack. This allows you to add your Grit/Willpower/Resolve/etc to your Damage Capacity, providing you with additional protection from injury, which will be unnoticeable to your attackers. Any wound result will appear to be the severity that it would normally be, not taking into account your added bonus. Plus, every time you are struck, you roll one Fudge Die. If the result of that single roll is positive, you receive a +1 bonus that can be used later. You can these bonuses to escape, dish out a little revenge, or whatever other use you find for them.

Well-Oiled Guns: You are either fanatical about gun maintenance or extremely lucky because you never experience a jam or other gun malfunction. Never. Even in special circumstances, such as environmental effects, your guns always stay in perfect working order. Ignore any "malfunction" roll and keep fighting.

As always, gamemasters should feel free to add new Knacks, as necessary. The effectiveness of new Knacks should be weighed carefully against existing Knacks, however, to avoid the potential problem of introducing extremely cost efficient, powerful Knacks. Knacks are, after all, advantages that a character has in certain situations or circumstances, not an automatic success method.

2008-11-02, 02:38 PM
Oh man, these are amazing :smallbiggrin:

What he said. Pretty awesome feats.

Nicely done. :smallbiggrin:

2008-11-02, 02:53 PM
Here is my attempt at one:

Seduce BBEG's lieutenant [Heroic]
Due to your superior morals, and superior talents in the sack you manage to convert the BBEG's trusted minion to your side.
Prerequisites: Must be a hero, must have landed in the sack with one of the BBEG's trusted servants, Cha of 14+
Benefits: If during the course of the adventure you have managed to do the horizontal tango with one of the BBEG's loyal minion, the next time you encounter her/him you may attempt a Diplomacy check to try to convince her/him to "switch to the side of good" and join your side.
Special: If the BBEG's plans are very close to nearing completion, and the lieutenant is having second thoughts on whether "this is right", you get a +4 modifier to this Diplomacy check.

2008-11-02, 03:02 PM
Here is my attempt at one:

Seduce BBEG's lieutenant [Heroic]
Due to your superior morals, and superior talents in the sack you manage to convert the BBEG's trusted minion to your side.
Prerequisites: Must be a hero, must have landed in the sack with one of the BBEG's trusted servants, Cha of 14+
Benefits: If during the course of the adventure you have managed to do the horizontal tango with one of the BBEG's loyal minion, the next time you encounter her/him you may attempt a Diplomacy check to try to convince her/him to "switch to the side of good" and join your side.
Special: If the BBEG's plans are very close to nearing completion, and the lieutenant is having second thoughts on whether "this is right", you get a +4 modifier to this Diplomacy check.

Hehe, I like that one.:smallsmile:

2008-11-02, 03:07 PM
Hehe, I like that one.:smallsmile:

Thanks. :smallbiggrin:

Zeta Kai
2008-11-02, 03:34 PM
Alright, I got one:

Outrun the Fireball [General, Fighter]
You can outrun explosions. Seriously. I mean it.
Benefit: You take absolutely no damage from an explosion as long as you meet the following requirements.

You are moving at your top speed when the explosion occurs. You must be running (4x, or 5x with the Run feat), & your speed cannot be reduced by encumbrance.
You must be moving directly away from the explosion, No lateral movement is allowed.

Nothing on your person will be harmed, nor will anything that you are carrying.

2008-11-02, 05:13 PM
Alright, I got one:

Outrun the Fireball [General, Fighter]
You can outrun explosions. Seriously. I mean it.
Benefit: You take absolutely no damage from an explosion as long as you meet the following requirements.

You are moving at your top speed when the explosion occurs. You must be running (4x, or 5x with the Run feat), & your speed cannot be reduced by encumbrance.
You must be moving directly away from the explosion, No lateral movement is allowed.

Nothing on your person will be harmed, nor will anything that you are carrying.

Maybe some singe marks, though. Only cosmetic, and they add to your awesome level.

Pie Guy
2008-11-02, 08:42 PM
Alright, I got one:

Outrun the Fireball [General, Fighter]
You can outrun explosions. Seriously. I mean it.
Benefit: You take absolutely no damage from an explosion as long as you meet the following requirements.

You are moving at your top speed when the explosion occurs. You must be running (4x, or 5x with the Run feat), & your speed cannot be reduced by encumbrance.
You must be moving directly away from the explosion, No lateral movement is allowed.

Nothing on your person will be harmed, nor will anything that you are carrying.

Ok, I need to take this on the offchance that my dm decides to murder us all with locate city.

2008-11-03, 01:16 AM
...You Haven't Seen the Last of Me...[Villain]
Prerequisite You must be a BBEG to take this feat, You may have won this time... . and So we meet again, mister...
Did you Miss Me?
Benefits: You return from being dead. You need not be undead, you simply managed not to die. It doesn't need to be explained, how you survived, but you did. You still maintain your +2 bonus vs. the heroes, however they now gain a +5 circumstance bonus in any checks involving recognizing your work. At the end of your next encounter with the heroes you die again, no matter what.
Special: You may take this feat several times. Each time you take it, you come back from the dead for one more encounter. The Heroes never gain more than a +5 bonus on recognition from this feat.

2008-11-03, 05:35 PM
Retroactive Gambit [Heroic or Villainous]
You're so smart that you lure opponents into traps you haven't even thought of yet.
Prerequisite: Int 13
Benefit: Once per day as a move action, you may declare an opponent has fallen into your trap. The opponent takes damage equal to 1d6 times your Int bonus as you unleash your trap, and until the end of your next turn you and all allies gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls against him equal to your Int bonus.

It EXPLODES! [Heroic]
Things tend to blow up whenever you're around, regardless of whether it makes sense or not
If an object is reduced to 0 or less hit points, roll a 1d6. On a four or higher, the object explodes violently, dealing 1d6 damage per point of hardness to everything within 20 feet. If this damage causes another object to be reduced to 0 or less hit points, that object automatically explodes.